Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 June 1906
NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 (1) of the Education 2, that the County Council of the County of Northampton, being the Local Education Authority for the purposes of Part 111. of that Act propose to provide a New PUBLIC ELEMENTAFRY SCHOOL for about 120 Children, at COSGROVE, in the Parish of Cosgrove. The School will be available for the following area
The Parish of COSGROVE.
H. A. MILLINGTON, Solicitor to the Local Education Authority. County Hall, Northampton, 3rd April 1906.
Wolverton Express 30th November 1906
A meeting of the Northamptonshire Education Committee was held at the County Hall, Northampton, on Saturday, dealing with Cosgrove New School. The report intimated that negotiations had been conducted for a site upon the road between Cosgrove and Old Stratford upon which a school to accommodate the children of the two places could be built. It was necessary that the joint school, if there w to be one, should be built upon this road, but the owner of the only site which appeared to be suitable had finally declined to sell it to the Council.
The Committee recommended that the necessary steps be taken for the compulsory acquirement of a site of half an acre at the north east end of the filed commonly known as the “Hilly Field”, lying upon the north west side of the road between Cosgrove and Old Stratford.
The report was received, as was also the Finance and School Attendance Committee’s reports.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 March 1907
COSGROVE SCHOOL. A memorial from the parents of children attending Cosgrove School, objecting to the site proposed for the new schools, was read. The grounds objection were the distance small children would have to travel to the schools over roads through spinneys, which, owing to overhanging trees, were muddy in winter. The memorial was referred to the Education Committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 31 May 1907
General Purposes Committee.
The General Purposes Sub-Committee reported that they had considered the memorial of parents of children attending Cosgrove School, and the resolution of the Cosgrove Parish Meeting, objecting to the site (midway between Cosgrove and Old Stratford) of the proposed Council School; but were unable to alter their decision as to the site. The Sub-Committee, acquiescing in the desire of the Bucks local authority, recommended that the method of payment in respect of Northamptonshire children attending schools in Bucks, and of children from that county attending schools in Northamptonshire, be at the rate of £1 9s. per head per annum, instead of the present maintenance charge. The Sub-Committee had deferred the appointment of the Special Sub-Committee re rural school accommodation and the question of the attendance of children under five years of age until the views of the Board of Education on the latter subject were promulgated.
Mr. Atkinson protested against the action of the committee with reference to the site selected for the proposed new school at Cosgrove, and termed it a "typical case of persecution of a non-provided school." He was proceeding speak of the history of the school, when the Chairman pointed out that the position was not on© of past history, but the actual state of the school at the present time. The buildings had been condemned by the Authority's own inspector and by the Board of Education’s inspector, and there was the further question of whether they should pay something Bucks to provide sufficient accommodation for the border children. Mr. Atkinson said he had a petition signed by every soul in the village against the proposal. The whole of the parents were most anxious that the school should be preserved.Mr. Dickson said the matter had been thoroughly well thrashed out, and the committee at the last meeting came to the conclusion that their decision was the only one they could come to. The Chairman spoke briefly about the circumstances, and said that as the children would not have far to come from either place the committee thought the course they bad recommended was the best one to adopt.The report was passed with the recommendations included in it.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 September 1907
A meeting of the Cosgrove Parish Council was held in the School last week. The notice issued by the Local Education Authority re proposed new school in Cosgrove Parish was read, and the Chairman pointed out that the proposed site was situated on the Quarry Hill. The member, present were unanimous in condemning the proposed site for the following reasons: The long distance the children of from five to eight year, of age would be compelled to walk, particularly in winter and during wet weather, part the road is bordered by plantations; the school would of no use as a Continuation School for any purposes of recreation owing to the long distance from villages; the motor traffic very great, being the London and Northampton main road; the wishes of the parents concerned are unanimously against the proposed site. It was thought desirable that there should be a public inquiry before the matter was finally settled, and alternative scheme was suggested. It was thought that an infant school be built at Old Stratford, and that the elder children from that place could attend a school at Cosgrove. It was proposed by Mr. J. A. Reeve and seconded the Rev. H. W. C. Hewson, that the Parish Council write to the Board Education making strong protest against the proposed site for new schools, and that a copy be sent to the Local Education Committee Northampton. Carried nem. con.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 November 1907
NOTICE hereby given that the Northamptonshire County Council, in pursuance and exercise of the powers given them by the Education Acts, 1870 to 1902 (in which first mentioned Act the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and the Acts amending the same are, with certain exceptions, incorporated), and of every other power enabling them this behalf, propose to APPLY to the Board of Education for a PROVISIONAL ORDER empowering the said Northamptonshire County Council to TAKE THE PIECE OF LAND with the buildings thereon (if any) and the fee simple thereof, the situation, quantity and description whereof are stated the schedule hereto for the PURPOSE OF PROVIDING on such piece of land NEW PUBLIC Elementary school. And NOTICE hereby further given that a PLAN of the said piece of land may be seen all reasonable hours at the office of the Clerk the County Council, County Hall, Northampton.
THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON PARISH OF COSGROVE. A TRIANGULAR PIECE OF LAND, situate in the Parish of Cosgrove, in the County of Northampton, and the Eastern End of field called or known by the name of Hilly Field, now or formerly belonging to and in the occupation of Harry Grant Thorold, Esquire, which said piece of land contains half an acre or thereabouts and is bounded on the North and the East by a field called or known by the name Thickthorn, now or formerly belonging to and in the occupation of Harry Grant Thorold, Esquire, and having a frontage thereto of 252 feet or thereabouts, on the South and South-east a district road leading (at a point near the County Bridge called Quarry Bridge) from the Hardingstone and Old Stratford main road to the village of Cosgrove, and having a frontage to such district road of 265 feet or thereabouts, the West by the residue of the said field called Hilly Field, and having a frontage thereto of 173 feet or thereabouts, which said field called “Hilly Field,” is more particularly delineated and described and numbered 117 on Sheet Ixi. 6 of the Ordnance Survey Map, 1900, Scale 25.341 inches to a statute mile.
Dated this 7th day of November, 1907. H. A. MILLINGTON, Solicitor to the Local Education Authority. County Hall, Northampton.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 November 1907
With regard to the proposed new school at Cosgrove, the General Purposes Sub-Committee reported the receipt of a letter, dated October 19, 1907, from Mr. H. Grant-Thorold. of Cosgrove Hall, offering a site in Cosgrove village for the proposed new school, and stating further that if the local authority did not feel justified in building two schools (one at Cosgrove and one at Old Stratford), he would call a meeting of ratepayers and others interested, with a view, if possible, to the cost of a new school at Cosgrove being defrayed privately, such school then to be leased to the local authority. The letter was referred to the School Buildings Sub-Committee to consider the offer of Mr. Thorold as an alternative to the proposal erect a school midway between the villages of Cosgrove and Old Stratford, and in connection therewith, the possibility of arranging for the conveyance to school at Cosgrove of the Old Stratford children. The School Buildings Sub-Committee reported that as the cost of conveying the Old Stratford children to and from school at Cosgrove would at a minimum estimate amount to about £160 per annum, the adoption of that course could not be recommended, and the subcommittee was also unable to recommend the provision of two separate schools at the expense of the Local Education Authority.ln supporting this report, Mr. Dickson said Mr. Grant-Thorold told them the local people would build school their own expense, but would expect to receive some interest on the outlay. It was matter of principle whether school buildings should be erected by private people and interest paid upon them by the committee. The report was adopted.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 December 1907
On Thursday evening a public meeting was held in Trinity School (kindly lent Mrs. Powell) to consider the present position of the question of the proposed new school for Cosgrove and Old Stratford. Mr. H. Grant-Thorold, J.P., was voted to the chair. He explained that the County Council proposed to build a school for children half-way between Old Stratford and Cosgrove in the Quarry Field at the top of the hill. Cosgrove had always had a school in the village, and naturally they objected to the children having to walk a mile to school in all weathers. The County Council say they have to provide for Old Stratford as well, and decline to build two schools. A school at the site proposed would be no use to Cosgrove for evening classes or a secondary school. The committee would not meet them in any way. He had interviewed the Education Department, but had heard nothing from them. The Old Stratford children attended Stony Stratford Schools, and he thought some arrangement should be made to continue at present in regard to the Old Stratford children. He (the Chairman) offered them a site in Cosgrove village, and had also inquired if they voluntarily built a school at Cosgrove would the County Council pay rent for it. Of course it was a big undertaking to build a school and keep it in repair. He wanted the views of Old Stratford people on the subject. The Education Department would probably hold an inquiry, and they must make their protest as strong as possible. It was proposed to get up a petition setting forth the reasons of their objections and obtain signatures both of Old Stratford and Cosgrove. It was stated that the Bucks and Northants authorities could not agree as to terms for continuing the present arrangement of the Old Stratford children attending the Stony Stratford Schools.
Mr. Webb said it was much better for the Old Stratford children to go Stony Stratford. It was a better road. As regards the distance for Old Stratford children there was not much in that, but it was a safer road to Stony Stratford.
A parent said he personally protested strongly forcing little children to along the Cosgrove road, which was tramp infested, to school.
A question was asked as to whether the authorities were au fait with the case, and the Chairman replied that he did not think they were.
Mr J. A. Reeve said it would much better if some arrangement was made for the Old Stratford children to continue attending Stony Stratford Schools. The Chairman said he asked for sub-committee to meet them, but they refused to meet them in any way. If the school was ultimately built at Quarry Hill the Old Stratford children would be forced to attend there. He thought if the Old Stratford children had to be provided for they should be provided for at Old Stratford.
After a little more discussion the following resolution, proposed Mr. W. Page, and seconded by Mr. James, was passed unanimously: That this meeting promises to support the Chairman in his endeavour to keep the school in Cosgrove village and that Old Stratford children be allowed to attend at Stony Stratford as usual, and that they sign a petition to that effect.” Mr. T. Traeler and Mr, J. Bird promised to take the petition round for signature. A vote of thanks to the Chairman, proposed by Mr. Webb, and seconded Mr. Reeve, terminated the meeting.
At the meeting held at Cosgrove Mr. H. Grant- Thorold presiding, there was a good attendance, and the Chairman explained what had been done to keep the school in the village. Several parents made objection to the proposed site. The chief objections were:
(1) That school should be in the village and not mile outside
(2) that the place was not at all suitable owing to the proximity of the old limestone quarries and the present lime kiln;
(3) that children should not be compelled to walk long distance, particularly in the winter and during wet weather
(4) the dangers arising from children sitting for hours in wet clothes and with wet feet;
(5) the enormous increase in the rate which would follow, and naturally raise the rents of the cottages. In the event of the latter becoming an established fact many of the parents would remove and go to places where the rents would not be any higher, and where the school was in the place, not outside
(6) That a school built in such a locality would be useless for evening schools or technical classes.
(7) That as the ratepayers have to find the money they ought to be allowed some voice in the choice of the sites.
(8) Waste of public money to build the school in the proposed situation.
Mr. Knight proposed, and Mr. Clarke seconded the following proposition : That this meeting promises to support the chairman in his endeavour to keep the school in the village, and that a petition be signed for presentation the Northamptonshire County Council, by all parents and ratepayers.” This was carried, and Messrs. Bull and Linthwaite volunteered to obtain the necessary signatures.
A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 January 1908
The two chief discussions at the prolonged meeting of (he Northamptonshire County Council yesterday concerned the main roads and the proved new school at Cosgrove. In each instance the views of the committee were over-ridden by the Council. In regard to the main roads, which are referred to at length one of our leading articles, twelve month’s grace is given. Similar action was taken the Council in regard to Cosgrove School. The Education Committee desire to erect a school to serve two or three villages, and naturally the villages themselves object.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 January 1908
COSGROVE SCHOOL. Memorials were submitted to the Council from residents of Cosgrove and Old Stratford expressing strong objection the proposed erection of a public elementary school midway between the two villages for which the Council had given notice of their intention to obtain land by compulsory powers from Mr. H. Grant-Thorold. The memorial from Cosgrove wag signed by 95 householders and ratepayers, and specified eight reasons for objection, based mainly on the inconvenience of the distance the school would be from the village, the risks to the health of the children in wet and snowy weather, the unsuitability of the proposed site owing to the proximity of limestone quarries and the difficulty of obtaining water, and the great cost.
The Old Stratford petition was signed by householders and ratepayers. It represented the inconveniences the approach the proposed site from the village, and suggested an arrangement with the Bucks County Council for the reception of the children at Stony Stratford, failing which they submitted that the children ought to be accommodated at Old Stratford. Lord Penrhyn said this matter had greatly agitated the people of Cosgrove, and they felt they were being unfairly treated. Very possibly it was the fault of the people of Cosgrove for not moving sooner. They said they were being sacrificed to other parishes, and a school which they did not want was to be erected chiefly because of the inhabitants of Old Stratford. The parish of Old Stratford was constituted from Cosgrove. Passenham. Furtho, and Potterspury. and the greater number of’ the children came from Potterspury and not from Cosgrove, and Cosgrove people saw no more reason why the school should be put in this disused gravel pit between Old Stratford and Cosgrove than between Old Stratford and Potterspury. There was ample accommodation for the Old Stratford children in the Stony Stratford schools and moved that the matter be referred to the Education Committee, with the request that they should fall in much as possible with the feelings of the locality. Mr. Denney seconded, and emphasised the inconvenience and suffering the proposed school would entail upon the children and their parents. As for the question of the possibility of night schools being arranged in the proposed new school, he asked, “Is there a County Councillor who would believe young men and young women would walk a mile in the dark after school? Vote if you can!
Mr. Thornton: I should like to support it; I don’t believe the young men and women would ever get to the school. (Laughter.)
Mr. Denney : Then it is no good !
Mr Dickson, who is Chairman of the- School Buildings Sub-Committee of the Education Committee, answered the arguments of the previous speakers by showing that since the matter opened in August, 1905. Responsible people in the locality had been consulted, and been read a letter, dated June 30, 1906, written by the Rev. H. N. C. Hewson, Rector of Cosgrove, whose name headed the list of signatories to the petition. The letter said : “If good schools were erected half-way between the two parts of this parish (Cosgrove), the children would be retained in the county and the walk of about three-quarters of a mile would no hardship upon any children over five years of age. The infants could taught in the present school at Cosgrove, and a small infants’ school could be erected at Old Stratford. An excellent site for a good school building for both parishes might very well found near the limestone quarry and lime kiln, and near the junction of the road to Northampton and Old Stratford. I might ask what is the good of an expensive school unless you have an adequate, 'efficient, and well-equipped staff.”
Mr. Monckton (Chairman of the Education Committee) said the Education Committee had done their best to ascertain what the wishes of the district were but the school had been condemned by the Board of Education on account of structural defects, and the committee could not therefore, help themselves. Sir Charles V. Knightley suggested, after the explanation, that Lord Penrhyn should withdraw the resolution.
Rev. E. W. Harrison considered that with this strong expression of local opinion, it would be the greatest mistake if they persisted in going absolutely against it.Dr. Knight thought there would soon be more accommodation at Stony Stratford through Wolverton making better provision for their own children.
Mr. Allebone spoke of the fairness of Mr. Monckton and Mr. Dickson to Cosgrove all through the matter, and pointed out that although the Education Committee a few months ago referred the matter back to Cosgrove, the village had done nothing to put before them as an alternative scheme.
The Chairman, without wishing to take sides either for or against Cosgrove, reminded the Council that certain steps had already been taken which would have to be rescinded if the resolution was carried.
Mr. Atkinson spoke in support of the resolution, informing the Council that the petitions included the name of almost every responsible person in the parishes. The Cosgrove School could be made to answer all the requirements, and the people were prepared to do that without cost to the ratepayers. Upon a vote being taken, 29 voted for the resolution and 32 against.
Dr Knight on a point of order, asked if the representatives had a right to vote. The Chairman said that Kettering Councillors had not. Nr Bradshaw, Mr. Bird, and Mr. Toller, representing Kettering, all said that they voted. The Chairman said they could not properly vote on elementary education.
The vote was taken again and this time the Chairman declared the resolution carried by thirty votes against twenty seven the previous decision being therefore reversed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 03 April 1908
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE EDUCATION COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Northamptonshire Education Committee was held at Northampton on Saturday.
The Cosgrove School Difficulty.
A letter was read from the Board of Education who said they fully appreciated the committee’s situation and their desire to secure efficiency and economy, but after a careful consideration all the circumstances they were of opinion that the proposal to build a joint school for Cosgrove and Old Stratford did not offer a satisfactory solution to the problem of the provision of accommodation in the district, and they were of the opinion that a school should be provided in Cosgrove itself. Board had considered the strongly-expressed wishes of the parents, and they thought the arrangement with the Bucks County Council for the attendance of Old Stratford children at Wolverton schools should continue. They accordingly intimated that they were not prepared to grant a provisional order for the acquirement of the proposed site between Cosgrove and Old Stratford. The Chairman remarked that they would now have to into the matter again and see what arrangements they could make.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 30 July 1909
The Board of Education had reminded the committee of a former warning to discontinue the recognition of Cosgrove C.E. School and of their opinion expressed in March, 1908, that the proposal to provide a joint school for Cosgrove and Old Stratford was not satisfactory, and a new school ought to be provided in Cosgrove itself. The Board further stated that they might withhold payment of a grant in respect of the Church of England School for the current school year unless they were satisfied by the end of that year that active steps were being taken to provide a new school at Cosgrove village to replace the condemned premises.
The Buildings Sub-Committee resolved to ask the managers whether they were prepared to take steps submit a scheme, to the Local Education Authority, and the Board of Education for the reconstruction of the present school premises. The action of the sub-committee was endorsed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 March 1910
It was decided to purchase (subject to the Board of Education’s approval) 2 rood 39 poles 16 yards of land at Cosgrove from Mr. H. Grant Thorold for £75 for the site of a new Council school.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 January 1911
The Education Committee asked the Council to sanction the raising of a loan of £1.900 to defray the cost of a new school accommodate 112 scholars at Cosgrove.
Mr. Monckton, the chairman of the committee, remarked that the cost worked out at £16 6s 9d. per head. Mr. Nunneley protested against the expenditure. If the schools were properly planned they could be built at less cost. He could not conceive why the total cost should amount over £16 per scholar. He believed the architects of the county, if they knew that the Council would not pass any plan which involved so large an expenditure, find some means of planning the schools at less cost. Mr. Henson said the committee were anxious to keep the cost down. Perhaps there might few pounds saved, but if the committee did many of the Councillors would be the first to complain that they were putting up wretched buildings. Mr Wicksteed pointed out that for some of the schools the extra cost was due to the price of the sites. The committee no more liked spending the money than Mr. Nunneley did. Mr. Adkins remarked that they often heard those complaints from Mr. Nunnely and they admired the spirit in which he made them. (Laughter.) He assured them that no member of the committee would be party to spending a sovereign more than was necessary. The demands of the Board of Education was far too hard and much too pedantic. Mr. Adkins promised give notice to ask the Building Committee to consider whether they could arrive at a general rule for deciding the expenditure on schools.
PRO ED 21/36734 Education 1920
13 Jan 1920. LEA to Board. A short time ago Cosgrove estate to put up for auction and sold in lots. Head informed LEA that his house, owned by canal company, would be needed for canal employees. LEA purchased house and land adjoining school for his house for £60.00 - do not intend to build at once but felt it imperative to buy since practically whole of Cosgrove were sold in sale and it would have been difficult to buy a plot later. Site is excellent. Will board authorise loan of £75.00 for site?
Min (HMI?) Have seen site, which is excellent. Head has been told to leave by Michaelmas. Should approve. 3.2.20.
12 March. Approved. £75.00 over 60 years. Ministry of Health actually authorises loan.
Wolverton Express 8th May, 1931
A dance was held in the Memorial Hall, Old Stratford, on Saturday evening, by the Cosgrove ex-Scholars Association. There was a large company present and the function was very enjoyable. Music was supplied by Mr. D Green and his Sylvians Dance Band of Stony Stratford. Mr. E Prothers, of Yardley Gobion, acted as MC, whilst the duties of steward were carried out by Mr. Higgins. Refreshments were served during the interval by Mrs. Thacker, Mrs Bushell, Miss Slaymaker, and Miss D. Giles. The proceeds, which were in the neighbourhood of £3, were in aid of a summer outing for members of the association.
Wolverton Express 25th December 1931
Bravery Recognized
An interesting presentation took place at Cosgrove Schools on Thursday afternoon last when a certificate of the Royal Humane Society was handed to Mrs. D Freestone by Miss Balfour. In August last Mrs Freestone, at great risk to herself, saved a young boy from drowning. This act of bravery was brought to the notice of the society by the Rev. Mr. Hewson.
Wolverton Express 8th January 1932
The ex-scholars of the Cosgrove Council School held their annual party in the Schools on Wednesday week. There was a company present numbering about 70, and the proceedings commenced with games and dancing, Mrs Andrews presiding at the pianoforte. Supper was served during the evening, the tables being waited on by Mrs. Thacker, Mrs. A Bushell, and Miss W Slaymaker, assisted by members of the Ex-scholars Association. Games and dancing were afterwards resumed, and a spot dance competition was won by Miss Lucy Scott and Mr. Eric Stevens, both of Old Stratford. An enjoyable evening concluded with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne”. Mrs Thacker (Head Mistress) was responsible for the arrangements.
Wolverton Express 1st July, 1932
The Cosgrove Ex-Scholars Association held their annual outing on Saturday last, when a party numbering about 40 made the journey by road to Southend-on-Sea. An early start was made and Southend was reached at about 10.30 am. The party then dispersed to find their own pleasures. The return journey was made in the evening and Cosgrove was reached in the early hours of Sunday morning. Mrs. Thacker made the successful arrangements.
Wolverton Express 5th August, 1932
Whist drive
A very successful whist drive was held in the Schools on Friday last in aid of the Cosgrove Ex-Scholars Dance Band. Winners of prizes were: Ladies, 1 (playing as lady) Master A Bushell, 2 Mrs. Parker, lowest score Mrs. Thacker; Gentlemen, 1 Mr. E R Side, 2 Mr. Noble, lowest score Mr. W Gascoyne. There were fifty players taking part. Refreshments were served by Messrs R. Giles (treasurer) and L Davis. A draw for a plate of cakes was run by Miss B Tack and for sandwiches was won by Mr R. Davis, and was put up for sale again. The Ex-Scholars wish to express their heartfelt thanks to those who have supported their whist drives.
Wolverton Express 2nd September, 1932
The ex-scholars is held a very successful dance in the Memorial Hall, Old Stratford, on Saturday last, attended by a record company of 120 dancers, who enjoyed an excellent evening’s programme. The music was ably provided by Douglas Dytham’s Dance Band. During the interval a draw for a cake, which had been managed by Mr E. Stevens, took place and the winner was Mr W. Jones, Stony Stratford. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. Giles, D. Giles, I. Williams, D Slaymaker, and E Ray. Messrs. R. Toombs and R. Giles carried out the duties of door stewards. The organizers of the dance thank all those who attended and made the dance such a great success.
Wolverton Express 6th January, 1933
The Ex-Scholars association held a most successful party in the Council Schools on Boxing Day when about seventy young people sat down to an enjoyable repast. The rooms were gaily decorated and dancing and games were indulged in until one o’clock. Music was supplied by the Ex-Scholars Band, and Mrs Andrews at the piano. Mrs. Thacker, the president, and the Committee were responsible for the excellently carried out arrangements, while Mrs. R. Davis, K Lord, W Gascoyne, and R Toombs made very able M C.s. Messrs. Bebow and Son, of Stony Stratford, were the caterers.
Wolverton Express 28th April, 1933
Social evening
The Cosgrove Ex-Scholars Association held a party and dance in the Schools to conclude their successful series of winter socials. There were about seventy present and a very pleasant time was spent. Mr R. Davies was the MC for games and dancing, the music being supplied by the Black and Blue Rhythm Boys Dance Band, with Mrs Andrews at the pianoforte. An Easter egg was given as a prize for a competition managed by Miss D. Giles and Mr. K Lord, and this was won by Mr. Billy Jones and company. Excellent arrangements for the gathering were made by the Committee of the Association, assisted by Mrs. Thacker.
Wolverton Express 9th June 1933
A whist drive was held by the Cosgrove Ex-Scholars’ Association on Thursday last in the Old Schools. About forty persons took part with Mr. A Toombs as MC. The winners were: Ladies, 1 Mrs. W Limbrey (Castlethorpe), 2 Mrs. Loughrey; Gentlemen, 1 Mr R. Davis, 2 Mr. H Whitehead.
Mrs. Parker distributed prizes, which were given by members of the Ex-Scholars Committee, who made the arrangements,
Wolverton Express 21st July, 1933
Thirty members of the Cosgrove Ex-scholars Association went for their annual outing on Saturday last to Margate, making the journey by saloon coach, leaving Cosgrove in the early hours of the morning, the party arriving at the seaside at 10.30. About eight hours were spent by the sea and the weather, which was ideal, made for an enjoyable day. Cosgrove was reached at 2.00 am on Sunday. The arrangements for the outing were capably made by Miss D. Giles (Hon Secretary) and Mrs. Thacker (President).
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 February 1948
ON the interim reorganisation of rural schools Northamptonshire Education Committee were informed that from the beginning of the Spring term, Cosgrove County School is to be reorganised as a junior mixed and infants’ school, and those children who were 11 and over on August 1, 1947, will attend Potterspury County School. It was stated that the senior scholars at Cosgrove would be provided with transport and also with an Oslo meal at Potterspury Village Institute, which was being hired for the purpose.
[The Oslo Meal was originally given as an EXPERIMENT to school children during WWII. This very nutritious but basic quick meal vastly improved the development and the health of the nation’s children. Many families began using it as a main meal on occasions because of its simplicity and this was very appealing to busy housewives. It vastly improved the development and health of the nation’s children.
The Oslo Meal
· 2 slices of wholewheat bread spread with a little margarine or butter
· small block of cheese grated and placed over salad if wished
· fresh lettuce leaves
· other salad items like carrot, cucumber or tomato
· glass of cold milk
Eyewitness memories Trevor Tustain
I went to Cosgrove School until I was 11, then we went over to Potterspury. We didn’t have school dinners, but I was in a group who had Oslo meals. They were supposed to be healthy, but mostly they were a bit of bread, some mashed potato and vegetables.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 July 1948
A new teacher has been appointed In place of Miss D. Maxey, who has left for Cosgrove where she will be headmistress.
Eight pupils are from Cosgrove and moved to Potterspury School for their secondary education.
L - R : Back Row - Sam Hickford, ?, Alan Tustain, Leslie Waite.
Front row, Maureen Spencer, Julia Longman, ?, Sylvia Meakins, Headteacher, Carol Prater, Hazel Canvin
Wolverton Express 18th July 1969

Mrs. M. Jelley presents a leaver's prize to 11-year-old Trudy Cowan.
School prizes at Cosgrove
At Open Day at Cosgrove School last Thursday week parents were able to view their children's work and have a verbal report from the class teachers. The children also entertained by singing songs to a percussion accompaniment. Mrs. .M. Jelley, chairman of the managers, presented the prizes and was introduced by Mrs. N. Horton. Leavers' prizes were awarded to: Teresa Cook. Edwina Brown, Jackie Hart, Julie Holman, Karen Tweedale, Trudy Cowan, Steven Wallington and Anthony Keele.
Juniors' prizes for good work: Teresa Cook, Trudy Cowan, Steven Wallington, Karen Tweedale, David Smith, Christopher Abbott, Shelley Hudson, Trevor Wallington, Amanda Gordon, and Virginia Hardy. Infants' prizes: Timothy Woods, Geraldine Hardy, Katherine Castle, Christopher Abbott, Edwina Brown, and Virginia Hardy (highly commended).
National Cycling Proficiency Certificates and Badges: Edwina Brown, Christopher Abbott, Denise Taylor, Jill Richardson, David Smith, and Anthony Keele.
The Leroy Hunt Cup was collected for the Green Team by Edwina Brown, and the Individual Cup was collected by Garry Maher.
Wolverton Express 9th January 1970

All the children at the Cosgrove Primary School 47 of them took part in a Christmas concert at the school on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The concert was to have been held before Christmas, but had to be postponed because so many children were away from school suffering from flu.
The juniors presented “Aladdin” a musical pantomime, and the infants a short play, “The Spell of the Wicked Witch,” and a nativity play. Last night (Thursday), the concert was followed by the Christmas party which should also have been held before the Christmas holiday. Proceeds from the concert will go to a charity, and a quarter to school funds.
Wolverton Express 17th July 1970
Open Evening at Cosgrove School
AN OPEN Evening at the Cosgrove County School included songs, poems and recitals by the pupils. Junior children gave a selection of poems and songs both as a class and in groups. Virginia Hardy played two French songs on the recorder and the infants sang and performed a dramatic poem. Prizes were presented by Mr. J. A. Taylor Brown, headmaster of Deanshanger Secondary School, who was welcomed by Mrs. N. Horton, head teacher at Cosgrove. Mr. Taylor Brown said he had had a long and happy association with Cosgrove School and advised the children that one of the first things they should learn was to be discerning and not believe everything they see on television or hear on the radio. Prizes went to school leavers David Smith. Bobby Brown, Denise Taylor and Jill Richardson. Prizes for good work: Alison Groom, Virginia Hardy, Geraldine Hardy, Kate Castle, Garry Maher, Elizabeth Woods and Adrian Hickford. Deborah Clark won a prize for a collection of wild flowers and Amanda and Andrew Gordon for observations made at London Zoo.
National Cycling proficiency test badges and certificates went to Bobby Brown, Amanda Gordon, Marion Howe and Virginia Hardy. Parents were later given an opportunity to view their children's work. Earlier in the week at the school sports day the individual cup was won by David Smith with Jill Richardson runner-up and green team won the Leroy Hart cup. Old Stratford junior school beat the juniors of Cosgrove School by one rounder in a match at Old Stratford. Afterwards the children enjoyed a swim in the school pool.
Mercury and Herald Thursday November 12 1970
Closure averted
Cosgrove County primary School, which opened in 1912, was in danger of closing four years ago, when the number of children on the register dropped to about 30. It was saved by the influx of couples with young children into the new estates and now the school, of which Mrs Horton is head, has some 45 pupils.

Wolverton Express 9th June 1972
Cosgrove children praised
THERE was praise for the children of Cosgrove Primary School from Miss P. Annis, lecturer in primary education at Leicester University, last week. Miss Annis was judging the art entries in the tidiest village competition and commented "I have not seen such good work by such young children for a long time" The awards were presented by chairman of Cosgrove Parish Council. Mr. E Lambert, who thanked head-mistress, Mrs. N. Horton and her staff for all their work.
Award Winners in the poster section were: 11 years: 1 Virginia Hardy 2 Shelley Hudson. 10 years: 1 Mandy Hitchcock equal 2 Deborah Clark and Andrew Gordon. 9 years 1 Juliet Bidgood 2 David Moore. 8 years 1 Keith Bastion 2 Hilary Groom. 7 years 1 Helen Collins 2 equal Timothy Hudson and Angela Alderman. 5-6 years 1 Nickey Stevens equal 2 Beverly Tustain and Shaun Meakin. 4-5 years 1 Alison Collins equal 2 Susan Beavis and Josephine Stevens.
Collage 10 years 1 Alison Groom: 9 years 1 Juliet Bidgood: 8 years 1 Hilary Groom 2 Geraldine Hardy: 7 years 1 Sharon Beavis 2 Jessica Clark.
Mrs J. Ford accepted the award for the playgroup’s frieze collage.
Wolverton Express 16th June 1972SOME of the posters made by the children of Cosgrove primary school for the recent poster and collage competitions for the Tidiest Village Competition are to go on show in the village. At the recent parish council meeting, members thanked the headmistress, staff and children for their work.
Wolverton Express 14th July 1972

AMONG work on show at Cosgrove Primary School's open day on Thursday was the survey of trees which won first prize in class one of the “Men of Trees" exhibition in Northampton. This survey, together with a collage in seashells by Karen Freestone, is to form part of an exhibition to be held at Leicester which Mr. Peter Walker, Environment Minister, will attend.
Chairman of the governors. Mrs. Rose Rickaby, presented prizes for progress and effort to Nicholas Stevens, Annette Bailey. Helen Collins, Adrian Moseley, Mandy Hitchcock, Russell Bailey, Charles Bastian, Neil Stephenson and Tony Robinson.
Mandy Hitchcock was presented with the Leroy Hart cup for the best individual performer at the school sports day and Russell Batley accepted the House cup on behalf of Red House. National cycling proficiency certificates were presented to Mandy Hitchcock, Andrew Gordon, Russell Bailey, Karen Freestone, Alison Groom, Deborah Clark, Adrian Moseley and Stuart Forrester.
Wolverton Express 5th July 1974
IN FUTURE Cosgrove children will not be able to start school before they reach the age of five, said headmistress Mrs. Nora Horton last Friday. Mrs. Horton was speaking at the school's open day and prize-giving ceremony. She pointed to the increased primary school population and said that children can now only start school at the beginning of the term in which they are five, and no earlier, as had been the case in the past. Mr. Garner, headmaster of the Old Stratford primary school, who presented progress prizes, was handed a small gift by Geraldine Hardy. Mrs. Gloria Alderman, on behalf of the parish council, presented the school with a cheque as a token of appreciation for the school's recent efforts to promote tidiness in the village.
Prizes went to Matthew Crewe, Mervyn Alderman, David Cattermole, Sharon Davies and Susan Forrester. Leavers prizes were awarded to David Moore and Geraldine Hardy.
Wolverton Express 14th February 1975
School events at Cosgrove
The first committee meeting of the newly formed Cosgrove School Association held last week, discussed the aims of the association and a programme of events. The association open to all who are interested in the school was formed to foster the welfare of the children and to give parents an understanding of modern methods of education.
The committee of twelve hopes to arrange a mixture of social and educational functions throughout the year. The first event is a cheese and wine evening on March 12.
Wolverton Express 16th May 1975
Cosgrove Concert
Pupils of Cosgrove School joined with Wolverton and District Orchestral Society to perform a concert in Cosgrove Hall last week. The society presented a programme of classical and light music, while the children sang a wide variety of songs and a small group of them played a short selection of violin pieces. The evening raised £19 for the recently formed Cosgrove School Association.
Wolverton Express 23rd July 1975
The recent fete at Cosgrove Primary School organised by the Cosgrove School Association brought in over £100. The slightly chilly weather made sure the hot dog stand did a roaring trade. School children followed their procession round the village with displays of maypole, country and morris dancing.
Winners of the decorated cycle completion were: 1 Simon Harwood 2 Joanna Lumb 3 Dorothy Lumb. Funny face contest winners were : 1 Tania Moseley 2 Adrian Moseley 3 Andrew Gee.
Wolverton Express 23rd July 1976
Yellow was best!
Yellow team won the recent Cosgrove Primary School sports.
Class winners were: Track event: Jayne Mayo, Richard Saunders, Shaun Bushell, Symon Scott, Richard Clark, Philipa Bidgood, Glen Beavis, Robert Ford.
High Jump: Caedmon Oakley, Lisa Tustain, Paul Scott, Symon Scott, Richard Clark, Philipa Bidgood, Robert Ford.
Egg and Spoon: Caedmon Oakley, Richard Saunders, Paul Scott, Symon Scott, Richard Clark, Annette Bailey, David Cattermole, Paul Snelson.
Bean Bags in Bucket: Andrew Morton, Richard Saunders, Shaun Bushell, Symon Scott, Richard Clark, Mervyn Alderman, Glen Beavis, Neil Thompson.
Netball Shooting: Helen Tweedale and Sharon Beavis. Throwing cricket ball, Adrian Hickford. Dribbling football, Robert Ford. Bowling at Wickets, Helen Tweedale.
Sack Race: Louisa Barry, Richard Saunders, Shaun Bushell, Symon Scott, Richard Clark, Philipa Bidgood, Neil Thompson.
Personal Scores went to: Caedmon Oakley, Richard Saunders, Paul Scott, Symon Scott, Richard Clark, Glen Beavis, Philipa Bidgood, Robert Ford, Helen Tweedale.
Winner of the Leroy Hart cup for the best individual score went to Symon Scott.
Wolverton Express 10th June 1977
Happy Birthday

So sang Cosgrove children last week during a party to celebrate their school’s 65th birthday, as well as the Jubilee, of course. All the 55 pupils of the school took part in an entertainment for their guests. The younger children sang two songs with percussion accompaniment, and the older ones gave a dancing display and a number of short plays.
After the performance, the children gave out red white and blue flowers which they had made, and gingerbread men to the older people. While the infant class was being handed over to waiting mums, and the junior class was preparing tea for their guests, the school television was wheeled into the hall so that the visitors could watch the Derby!

Among the guest was Mrs Annie Georgina Augusta Castle (nee Wilson) who was one of the original pupils at the school when the old National School in the village closed. She is now 77 and was 12 when the school opened. She moved to Stony Stratford later, but now lives in Bridge Street [Road] Cosgrove.
Since 1912, 847 pupils have passed through the school, but its size has remained fairly constant with about 60 pupils each year.
Another guest at the party, Mrs Gladys Goodridge, a former pupil and “Cosgrove born and bred” works as a school dinner lady. “It certainly makes a change for me to be waited on for once,” she said.
When the school opened there were three full time teachers. Now there are two full time and two part time. The Head Teacher, Mrs Norah Horton, takes the Infants and the other full time teacher, Mrs H Hunt, takes the Junior Class. Mrs S Clark and Mrs J Ford teach part time.
