Thomas Robyson 1550

In the name of god amen the yere off our lord god 1550 ye yere off our …. Lorde kyng Edwarde the vj off england and Ireland the third yere illeg the vth day of marche I Thomas Robynson of covysgrave in the countye of northampton hole off mynd and memorye make my last wyll and testament after this manner folowyng ffirst I bequeath mye soule to almighty god and mye bodye to be buryd in the churche yarde of [Cosgrave] illeg bequeath to ye pore mens box half A bushel of barley illeg cuthbutt mye sone a hox bullock of ij [2] yers olde Item illeg mye son a hox bullock of on yere olde Item I bequeath illeg Doughter a hecfore of ij [2] yere olde Item I bequeath to agnes mye daughter a hecfore of on yere olde The resydew of All mye goodes not bequethyd I bequeath to agnes my wyff whom I make my executryx to dypos for mye soule and All christen soulless witnesses to this mye testament Sir mathye danson cuatt Robert archer thomas  archer emerson water Renes supervisors to this mye testament

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