An Act of Parliament made in the Eighth Year (1768) of the Reign of His present Majesty, intitled, An Act for repairing and widening the Road from the Way-Post in the Parish of Hardingstone, in the County of Northampton, to Old Stratford, in the said "County," several Tolls were granted, and Powers given to Trustees therein named, for amending and repairing the said Road:
At a meeting at the White Hart, Grafton Regis on 28th March 1811 it was ordered that a new small turnpike gate be erected at Quarry Bridge under the direction of John Christopher Mansell Esq. one of the Trustees of the said Road according to the estimate made of the expence by Mr William Jones amounting to three Pounds thirteen shillings and six pence.
At a meeting at the White Hart, Grafton Regis on 10th April 1812 Ordered that the said Treasurer do pay unto William Jones his Bill of one pound and one shilling and unto Paul Harris his Bill of one pound one shilling for erecting a small Turnpike Gate at Quarry Bridge.
At a meeting at the White Hart, Grafton Regis on 11th March 1813 Ordered that the Clerk immediately write to the Surveyor of the Highway of the Parish of Cosgrove desiring them forthwith to pay the Arrears of Composition in lieu of Tolls due from the said Parish.
At a meeting at the White Hart, Grafton Regis on 17th March 1814 Ordered that the Clerk do immediately proceed to recover the Arrears for the Composition in lieu of Tolls due from the Parish of Cosgrove and that he personally apply for that purpose-
Ordered that Joseph Price the present Collector of Tolls at Quarry Bridge be discharged on Monday 28th of March instant from his Office of Collector and at the same time deliver up the Possession of the Toll House with its Appurtenances now in his occupation.
In pursuance and by virtue of the Powers and Authority given to and vested in the Trustees appointed for putting in execution the before mentioned Act of Parliament or any five or more of them Do by this Writing under our Hands elect and appoint William Smith of Yardley Gobion the said County Laborer to be Collector of the Tolls payable at the Gate called Quarry Bridge Gate from the twenty eight day of March instant with a Salary or Allowance of nine shillings a Week during the time he shall continue in the said Office Given under our Hands at the Meeting of the said Trustees this 17th March 1814
William Wake, H Mansel, Wm Butlin, John Pittam, J: Warr, R. Sheppard, H. L. Mansel, Charles Wake.
At a meeting at the White Hart, Grafton Regis on 4th August 1814 The Trustees compounded with John Christopher Mansell Esquire of Cosgrove for and in lieu of payment of any of the Tolls payable at the gate at Quarry Bridge for the sum of one Guinea for one Year commencing on the first day of August instant which sum he paid down immediately
The Trustees also compounded with Revd Henry Longville Mansell Clerk for and in lieu of the Tolls payable at the gate at Quarry Bridge for the sum of ten shillings and six pence for one Year commencing on the first day of August instant which sum he paid down immediately
At a meeting at the White Hart, Grafton Regis on 10th August 1815 Ordered that the said Treasurer do pay to William Smith Keeper of the Quarry Bridge Gate three shillings and six pence for a new Book to enter the Tolls in
We do hereby in pursuance of the said Act elect and appoint James Smith of Grafton Regis in the said County Labourer to be Surveyor of that part the said Road which begins at the End of the Parish of Courteen Hall at or near New Inn and ends at the Way Post in the Parish of Old Stratford in the County aforesaid with a Salary or Allowance after the Rate of sixteen shillings a Week in future and we hereby order and direct that the said Treasurer shall pay and allow unto William Smith the Sum of one pound eleven shillings and six pence as a remuneration for surveying that part of the Road lately surveyed by Hezt Brown deceased
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 2nd May 1816
Ordered that the Treasurer do pay Wm Jones for Carpenters work at Quarry Bridge Gate £1 19s 3d
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 9th May 1817
Ordered that the Treasurer do pay unto Mr. W. S. Clarke a Bill for altering painting and repairing Tables of Tolls at the different Gates on the Road amounting to four pounds and six shillings
The Trustees compounded with Thomas Gillings of Stony Stratford in the County of Buckingham Butcher who rents a farm in Cosgrove for and in lieu of payment of any of the Tolls payable at the gate at Quarry Bridge for the sum of one Guinea for one Year commencing on the first day of January now last past
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 13th May 1818
The Trustees compounded with George Brooks of Stony Stratford in the County of Buckingham who rents a farm in Cosgrove for and in lieu of payment of any of the Tolls payable at Quarry Bridge Gate for the sum of one Guinea for one Year commencing on the first day of January last
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 5th February 1822
The Trustees compounded with William Green of Stony Stratford in the County of Buckingham Butcher and Joseph Finch of Cosgrove Farmer and in lieu of payment of any of the Tolls payable at Quarry Bridge Gate for the said William Green and half Guinea for the said Joseph Finch Sum of one Guinea for one Year commencing on the twenty fifth day of March next coming
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 16th October 1824
The Trustees compounded with Captain William Chase of Cosgrove for and lieu of payment of any of the Tolls payable at the Gate at Quarry Bridge for the sum of ten shillings and six pence for one year commencing on the first day of October instant
The Trustees compounded with Charles Brown Chamberlain of Cosgrove for and lieu of payment of any of the Tolls payable at the Gate at Quarry Bridge for the sum of three Guinea a year commencing on the first day of October instant
At a meeting at the New Inn in the Parish of Road Thursday 15th December 1825
That Wm Smith be allowed all sack Tolls for Overweight for his own Use that he may receive as a compensation for his services in taking care of the Weighing Engine and Weights
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 20th July 1827
Resolved That the Revd H. L. Mansel be requested to represent to the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace illeg holden for the County of Northampton the defective state of the repairs of the several Bridges on the Line of the Road which have been asually? Repaired by the Trustees and to request the Magistrates to direct the County Surveyor to view the state and Condition of the same
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 20th January 1831
The Clerk reported that he received a Letter from the solicitors to the Bill for forming Rail Road from Birmingham to London requesting the consent of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road to the said intended Bill, it appearing from the Plan of the said Rail Road that it would pass over some part of the said Turnpike Road Resolved That the said Trustees will not give their consent to the said Bill
Resolved That as the Trustees consider that the said Rail Road will be very detrimental to the Interest of the said Turnpike Road they will use their utmost exertions to oppose the said intended Rail Road by Petition to both Houses of Parliament
Resolved That the Chairman of the Meeting ( Sir Wm Wake Bar.t) be requested to write to the Solicitors to the Rail Road informing them of the determination of the Trustees
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 26th October 1831
Mr Seabrooke having proposed to compound for the Tolls payable by him at Quarry Bridge Gate Resolved that his application be adjourned until the nest Meeting
At a meeting at the White Hart Inn, Grafton Regis on 1st December 1831
The Trustees at this meeting having compounded with George Seabrook Esq of Grafton Regis for and in lieu of payment of any of the Tolls payable at the Gate at Quarry Bridge for the sum of half a guinea for a Year commencing on the first day of December instant
Codicil that the Treasurer do give notice to Jas Smith the Keeper of the said Gate of their determination