2nd of September 1667
A perfect Terrier of the House Homestall and Arable Lands Ley and Meadow ground belonging to the Farme of Thomas Scrivener Ju: late the Land of his brother Richard Scrivener decsd and now bargained for by Edmond Arnold Esq lying in the parishes of Potterspury & Cosgrave in the Countie of Northampton
Imprimis The Farme House with the barnes, stables dovehouse and other Outhouses thereunto belonging, And all gardens, Orchards, yardes, Backsides being too Closes [The Kings high way]d One Cottage house with the appurts thereto adjoining [missing] the Occupation of James Woolman, the Kings high way called [missing] lying on the West, the Kings Land in the possession of the said Th[omas] being in the East and the Street of Potterspury on the North. One severall Pightle of sward ground cont. about One Roode lying [missing] other side the street over against the said Farme House, The Land of Joane J[ ] widow on the East, and shooting upon a Close in the Occupation of Robert Cull on the North
One other Close called Culver Close lying in Blackwell End cont. four Acres or thereabouts, the said Watling Street way in the West and the free ground of Edward Addington on the South part thereof.
One other Close in Blackwell End aforesaid called SewSwells Close cont. by estimation 4 acres Mrs Marthana Wilsons Close called Woodcroft [north?] and a Close of Leonard Bentons on the South.
Meadow ground
One parcell of Meadow at Bayards Watering, cont by est. two acres, the said Watling streete way on the East, and butting [missing] Kempsons Close on the North extending to the Brooke running [missing] Watering aforesaid towards the south.
One parcell of Meadow ground called Cookes Moore cont. by est. three acres, the Land of Thomas Hearne on the East, and [missing] of William Peake on the West.
One parcell of Meadow more on Cookes Mooore aforesaid cont [missing] acres, the Meadow of Willaim Peake on the East & Thom [missing] Freeland on the West
In Kempton’s Field 25 acres
In Scratchers Hearne Field 24 acres
In Puxley & Hardley Field 23 acres 1 rood
Inclosure 13 1
Meadow 07 0
Arable & Leys 72 1
Total 92 2
After terrier there is in effect an abstract of title
We find that by deed 17 Jan 4&5 Ph & Mary, Richards West and Alice his wife … to son Thomas West premises in general words, viz. all his two mess, lands , tens etc