Furtho Newpaper Reports 1796 - 1839

These newspaper articles come from public domain sources and have been compiled for easy reference in date order. They are by no means a comprehensive collection.
The Northampton Mercury the UK’s oldest newspaper with a proven record of continuous publication, was first published in 1720, and printed articles of Northamptonshire and national interest, whereas the Wolverton Express specialised in detailed local “human interest” stories from Stony Stratford, Wolverton and nearby villages. We use these two sources to verify each other.
Articles between 1960 and 1980 are from a private collection by Mrs Dorothy Warren, whose family donated the album in which she pasted them each week, and they are her personal selection. For instance, she didn’t like sport! We believe she used mainly the Wolverton Express, but did not specify whether the articles were from there or from the Northampton Mercury and Herald, which she also read.
We have relied on microfiche transcription for the Wolverton Express early 20th century period, completed to 1925. The completion of this work between 1926 and 1956 continues.
Where photographs are included, these are taken from contemporaneous newsprint images and are therefore of poorer quality than we would like. However, they give an impression of the period that cannot be had otherwise.We have omitted several “crime” articles where the parties were acquitted or where the subject material may distress living descendants.
We have also not included every “hatches, matches and dispatches” report but may have transcriptions available if you contact us via the website.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 31 December 1796


ON Sunday Night or early on Monday Morning last, in a Field near Bear's Water, the Lordship of Furtho, in the County of Northampton,


the Property of Mr. John Pittams, Furtho aforesaid, the Whole of which was taken away, excepting the Skin, Head, and Entrails. Whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, to Mr. Edward Pearce, of Stony-Stratford, in the County of Bucks, Attorney at Law, will receive on his or their Conviction, from Mr. Oliver, (the Treasurer of the Stony-Stratford Association for prosecuting Felons) a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS. And also on his or their Conviction, receive from the said Mr. John Pittams a further Reward of TEN GUINEAS.

Stony Stratford 6th Dec. 1796.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 21 September 1799


On Saturday the 14th instant, Mr. Pittam, of Furtho, in this county a man beloved and esteemed, and whose loss will be long felt and regretted.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 03 September 1808


OUT of a Ground belonging to Mr. THOMAS PITTAM, of Furtho, near Stony-Stratford, on Friday Night last, or on Saturday Morning,


Fourteen Hands and a Half high, cut Tail, and long in the Back, a Star in the Forehead, rather wide, in the Ears, the Hair rubbed off below the off Knee and the far Hock behind.

Whoever will give Information of the said Mare, so that she may brought to Mr. Thomas aforesaid, or to William Watts, of Deanshanger, near Stony-Stratford, shall, stolen, receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders; and if strayed, shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble and have all reasonable Expenses paid, by applying above.

September 1st, 1808.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 11 February 1809

Yesterday another inquisition was taken at Furtho, this before the same coroner, on the body of Thomas Bavington servant to Mr. GREAVES, of Haversham, Bucks, who returning home with a load of malt, on the turnpike road in Furtho parish, fell across the rut, when the near wheel passed over his head and he was killed upon the spot. He had been drinking, and was supposed to be much intoxicated; it is therefore hoped that this will serve as a caution to servants in general who are entrusted with the care of a team, not to drink to any excess while from home, in order prevent the recurring of accidents, of so serious nature, which in this case seems to have been the principal cause.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 25 March 1809

Maiden Oak Timber.



On the Premises, on Thursday next the 30th Day of March, 1809,

ONE hundred and fifty-six OAK TREES, Lots, from two to five in a Lot, with the BARK, LOP, and TOPS to each Lot, now standing, blazed and numbered, on a Farm at FURTHO, near Stony Stratford, in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Pittams, adjoining the Road from Northampton to Stratford, and near the Grand Junction Canal.—The Timber is calculated to be fit for Carpenters, Builders, the Navy, &c. &c.

For a View of the Timber, apply to the said Mr. Thomas (on Monday and Tuesday next), of whom Catalogues may be had. 

Credit will given on all Bargains above £20 (on approved joint Security) the 2d Day of May, 1809.

The Sale to commence at Ten o Clock.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 21 January 1815

Capital Oak, Ash, and Elm Timber

To SOLD BY Auction



On Wednesday the 8th Day of February, 1815, the Premises, in the Parish at FURTHOE near to Old Stratford, in the County of Northampton

FIFTY fine large OAK TIMBER TREES, with Lop, Top, and Bark,



68 ELMS.

This Timber is well worth the Notice of Merchants, Builders, Carpenters. Wheelwrights, &c., a great Part is of large Dimensions and very fine, now Growing in the Parish of FURTHOE aforesaid, within less than one Mile of the Grand Junction Canal, the Turnpike. Road to Towcester adjoins the Parish on one Side, and the same to Northampton the other, which renders the moving of the Timber extremely convenient as to Carriage.
The Timber will be lotted and marked in a short Time, and may be viewed till the Sale.

Catalogues will ready for delivery due Time, and may be had of Mr. Pittam, at Furthoe; the Rein Deer, Potterspury; Barley Mow, Cosgrove ; Pack Horse, Yardley ; and the Auctioneers in Stony Stratford.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 12 December 1818

And on the following Wednesday, another inquisition was taken at Furtho, before the same coroner, on View of the body of John Lovell, who, being seized with a fit of coughing, broke a blood vessel, and died in half an hour. Verdict accordingly.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 01 April 1820

To Timber Merchants, Builders, Coopers, &c


By John Day & Son

On Monday the 3d Day April, 1820, at the Sign of the Pack Horse, in Yardley Gobion, near Stony Stratford, Bucks, in Lots,

FlFTY MAIDEN OAK TIMBER TREES with Lop, Top, and Bark included, growing on a Farm in the Occupation of Mr. ROBERT PITTAM, FURTHOE, near Yardley, within a short Distance of the Grand Junction Canal.
Catalogues describing each Lot may be had of Mr PITTAM, Furtho; Place Sale; and of the Auctioneers, Stony Stratford.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 27 January 1827

Commitment to the County Gaol. —By J. Mansel, Esq.

Joseph Hunt, charged with robbing Wm. Church of a sovereign, half-sovereign, and 15s. on the king's highway, in the parish of Furtho.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 10 March 1827

Robert Marlow alias Joseph Hunt was charged with having violently assaulted Wm. Church on the King's Highway the 10th August last, in the parish of Furtho, and forcibly taking from him one sovereign, one half-sovereign, and silver.—Wm. Church lives at Potterspury. On the 15th of August he went to auction at Stony Stratford, where he also saw the prisoner. During the sale he had occasion take his purse from his pocket, the prisoner at the same time standing near him. Between nine and ten o'clock at night he set out for home, and having proceeded about a mile on the road, he perceived the prisoner and another man coming up to him. They immediately threw him down on his back, and rifled his pockets of the sum before mentioned. Witness called the prisoner by his name, whom he well knew, but they spoke not a word. The witness being asked in what state he was in the time, said, he "was middling, had had little beer, and was about half and half." —Robert Thornton, another witness, saw Church at the auction take his money from his pocket. Prisoner, who stood near him, said "Church is a fool for pulling out his money” and afterwards he added, "if he does not mind I'll have his money before he gets home."—A female witness appeared in favour of the prisoner, by the tenor of whose testimony there was doubt but that she had been suborned to perjure herself.—The Judge, summing up, observed, that where a person has committed a capital crime he may be  taken up without warrant. Verdict —Guilty. Transportation for Life.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 01 September 1832

ROBT. PITTAM, FURTHO, NEAR STONY STRATFORD. TAKES this opportunity of informing his friends and the public, that he has several superior, WELL-BRED BULLS, both Durham and Hereford, to LET or SELL. N.B. R. P.'s charge in future for Cows will be 10s. each- Money to be paid at the time.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 29 September 1832

TO BE LET, with immediate possession, A Genteel COTTAGE, two miles from STONY STRATFORD, Bucks; containing a good parlour, hall, and kitchen, with five sleeping rooms; stable and wood barn, also, a fruitful garden. Rates low; the premises are in good repair, and will let at a moderate rent. Apply (post paid), to No. 818, Mercury Office, Northampton or Mr Robert Pittam, Furtho.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 18 February 1837

To the House of Correction:

George Butlin, for two months, for absenting himself from the service of his master, Robt. Pittam, Furtho.

Northampton Mercury - Saturday 13 October 1838


NOTICE is hereby given, That the View of Frank Pledge, or COURT LEET and COURT BARON Thomas Reeve Thornton, Esquire, The Reverend John Lloyd Crawley the Elder, The Reverend George Butler, D.D. The Reverend Philip Thornton, The Reverend James Harwood Harrison, The Reverend William Henry Clark, The Reverend Walter John Kerrich, The Reverend William Thornton. The Reverend John Lloyd Crawley the Younger, and The Reverend Henry Crawley, Clerks, Lords of the Manor of Furthoe, in the County of Northampton, will be held the MANOR HOUSE, in Furthoe aforesaid, on Wednesday the TWENTY-FOURTH day of OCTOBER instant, Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when and where all such persons as are resiants or free suitors are to make their appearance, and to such suit and service as the law requires, and to pay all such chief-rents or quit-rents as are due to the Lords of the said Manor.— Dated the eleventh day of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.


Northampton Mercury - Saturday 23 February 1839

FURTHO, Northamptonshire


With Lop, Top, and Bark.



On Thursday the day of February instant, at the Saracen's Head Inn. OLD STRATFORD, in the County of Northampton,

46 Large and valuable OAK TREES,

45 Maiden & Dottard ASH.
17 Very large and superior ELMS,

And about two Acres of good ASH POLES, in lots.

The Ash and Elm Timber is now felled, and maybe viewed, in numbered lots, on the farm in the occupation of Mr. Pittam, at Furtho.
It is very conveniently situated for delivery, part of it adjoining the Stony Stratford Turnpike Road, within a very short distance the Grand Junction Canal; and part it nearly adjoining the Great West Chester or Holyhead Road.

The Timber will be found of large dimensions (some of the Trees measuring 100 feet), is first-rate quality, sound and healthy, and equal any purpose for which superior Timber may be required.

Catalogues will be prepared in due time, and may be had of Mr. Pittam, at Furtho; at the Pomfret Arms Inn, Towcester; the Saracen's Head Inn, Old Stratford; the Rein Deer, Potterspury ; the Inns at Grafton and Yardley the New Inn, Roade; and of the Auctioneer, Market-square, Northampton.
The Sale will commence at Two o'clock in the afternoon and the Money to be paid immediately after the Sale.