Furtho - Catalogue of records of Arnold Charity - FIV/1-21

Original documents lodged in Northants Records Office. The original transcriber has anglicised words and modernised punctuation. They use ' to indicate uncertain spelling. There may be typing errors. A subsequent researcher has corrected in parts. [ ] are used to clarify this transcription.

Late C17

"A list of the writings in this Box marked E" (i.i. of the documents now IV/2 - end)

Paper. English.


1 Feb. 13 Eliz. I. (1571)

Deedpoll. Feoffment.

(1) William Hughes of Inner Temple London
(2) Thomas Spencer of Cosgrave husbandman

4 selions of arable at Furtho &c (all listed) Total 1 acre 3 roods late of Thos. Furtho

Tag. Seal. sig. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 13 Eliz. I. (1571)
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

(1) Robert Emerson of Cosgrave husbandman to
(2) Thomas Furtho of Furtho Esq.,

½ acre in Furthoo, Lyttlehill furlong.

Mark. Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 1571
Bond attached to IV/3

Robert Emerson

Bond in 4 marks to secure delivery of seisin for feoffement of IV/3.

Tag and seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 13 Eliz. I (1571)
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

Endorced delivery of seisin.

(1) Henry Rygbie of Cosegrave husbandman
(2) Thomas Furtho Esq.,

1 acre 1 rood in Furtho

(1 acre called Tybbtt's Acre, 1 rood on the Furtho Way)

Mark. Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.


Henry Rygbie
bond in 5 marks to Thomas Furtho 

Condition: To secure delivery of IV/5

attached to IV/5)

Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

Deedpoll. Feoffment.

With delivery of seisin.

(1) Hugh Emerson of Cosegrave, husbandman to
(2) Thomas Furthoo of Furthoo, esq.,

Mark. Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 1571

Hugh Emerson

Bond in 5 marks to Thomas Furtho

Condition to secure delivery (attached to IV/7)

Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

25 March 13 Eliz. I (1571)
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

With delivery of seisin.

(1) John Mayhoo of Cosegrave husbandman to
(2) Thomas Furtho 

of 3 roods in Furtho listed

Mark. Tag and seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 13 Eliz. 1571

John Mayhoo

bound in 5 marks

to Thomas Furtho 

Attached to IV/9

Condition to secure delivery.

Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

25 March 13 Eliz. 1571
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

With delivery of seisin.

(1) Richard Browne of Yerdlye Gobion husbandman to

(2) Thomas Furtho

1½ and ½ acre land in Furtho, listed.

Mark. Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 13 Eliz. 1571


Bond in 5 Marks

to Thomas Furtho, attached to IV/11.

Condition to secure delivery.

Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

25 March 13 Eliz. (1571)
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

With delivery of seisin.

(1) John Boughton of Yerdlye Gobion husbandman to

(2) Thomas Furthoo.

1½ acres in Furtho, listed.

Mark. Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 1571

John Boughton

bond in £4

to Thomas Furtho

condition: To secure delivery. (Attached to IV/13.

Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

25 March 13 Eliz. (1571)
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

(1) John Beacham of Cosgrave husbandman to

(2) Thos.Furtho,

2 acres arable in Furtho, (strips listed)

Mark. Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 March 13 Eliz. (1571)

John Beacham

bound in 10 Marks

to Thos. Furtho

Condition: to secure delivery .

Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

25 May (March ?) 13 Eliz. 1571
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

with delivery of seisin.

(1) Anne Earle of Yerdlye Gobion widow of Thos Earle to

(2) Thomas Furtho

¼ acre in Furtho. Place described.

Mark. Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.

25 May (March ?) 1571

Anne Earle of Yardley Gobion

bond in 5 Marks

to Thomas Furtho (attached to IV/17)

Condition, to secure delivery.

Tag and seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

14 July 15? Eliz. I. (1571)
Deedpoll. Feoffment.

No delivery.

(1) Thos. Spenser of Cosegrave husbandman to

(2) Thos. Furthoo

1½ acres in Furtho, described. Not executed.

No. Sig. Tag and Seal only Parchment. Latin.

14 July 15? Eliz. I. (1571)
Deedpoll. Feoffment. No delivery. Not executed.

(1) Hugh Emerson of Cosegrave husbandman,

(2) Thos. Furthoo,

½ acre & ½ acre as described in Furtho

Not executed.

No. Sig. But Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin.

24 Feb. 18 Eliz. I. (1576)
Indenture. Bargain & sale. Enrolled.
John Duddeley Esq.,
John Ayscoughe Esq.,
Thos Furthoo of Furthoo, gent.

for a certain sum.
Wood and underwood called Barnefield or Bromes' or Brownes' wood of 8 acres in Cosegrave
for use of (2)

2 Sigs. Tags and Seals. Parchment. Latin.

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