Furtho - Release of a highway leading through the Mannor of ffurtho from Covesgrave 1572

12 Eliz. I. [1539-70]
Deedpoll Quitclaim
(1) Thos. Furtho, citizen & grocer of London
Robt. Lee of Hanslappe, Bucks, gent.
Wm. Furthoo, ,
Hugh Emerson
Robert Emerson
Henry Rigby
John Beacham
John Mayhoo
Thos. Spencer
of Cosgrove, husbandmen

Rd. Browne
John Boughton
of Yardley Gobion, husbandmen
Anne Earle widow of Yardley Gobion - Widow
all Freeholders of Cosgrove,

(2) Thomas Furtho Esq.,
of all their titles to conveyance by horse and cart over land, So that (2) can close common road there.
10 seals.
8 Marks Parchment. English.

Northampton Record Office Furtho v/5 [Dated 1572]

The Release of a highway leading through the Mannor of ffurtho from Covesgrave

To all faithfull in christe to whom this present wrytynge shall come Willm ffurthoo cytyzen and grocer of London Hughe Emerson Robt Emerson Henry Rygby John Beacham John Mayhoo and Thomas Spencer of Cosgrave als Covesgrove in the countie of Northants husbandemen Rycharde Browne and John Bowghton of Yeadeley Gobyon in the saide countie of Northants husbandemen And Anne Earle of Yardeley Gobyon afforesaide wydowe sendynge greetynge in our Lorde god everlasting Knowe yee that wee the saide Willm ffurthoo Hughe Emerson Robt Emerson Henry Rygby John Beacham John Mayhoo Thomas Spencer Rycharde Browne John Bowghton and Anne Earle ffreeholders in Cosgrove als Covesgrave aforesaide for Dydes? And sundrye good lawfull and Reasonable causes and consyderacons us and any one of us specyallymovinge have remytted realesed and for our selves and every one of us our heires and assignes have utterly quyght claymed for ever by these presents unto Thomas ffurthoo of ffurthoo in the saide countie of Northants Es..yer All our estate ryhte tytle clayme Demande and intereste which wee the saide Wyllm ffurthoo Hughe Emerson Robt Emerson Henry Rygby John Beacham John Mayhoo Thomas Spencer Rycharde Browne John Bowghton and Anne Earle and every of us nowe have or herafter maye lawfully challenge clayme or Demande to have for any manner of carryage to be made by horse or carte or for  the Dryfle* of any manner of cattell in or to one b…yenta passage or waye leading from Cosgrave als Covesgrove aforesaide through the Mannor or Lordshippe of ffurthoo aforesaide to the Quennes hyhhewaye betweene Stonny stratforde and Towcester commonly called Wattelinge Streete So that neather we the saide Willm ffurthoo and other thabove named persons nor any one of us nor our heires or assaynes nor any of them shall or maye at any tyme hereafter lawfully challenge clayme or Demande to have any passage or waye through the saide Mannor for or with any manner of Carrywye by horse or carte or for the Dryfle* of any manner of Cattle in any wyse But that wee and any one of us our heires and assynes shalbe from hence forthemardes utterly barred and forclosed of every anoy righte tytle claymeDemandes and interest whatsoever for in or to the saide passage or waye for any manner of the carryage of Dryfles of cattell aforesaide for ever by these presents In Wytness whereof wee the saide Wyllm ffurthoo Hughe Emerson Robt Emerson Henry Rygbye John Beacham John Mayhoo Thomas Spencer Rycharde Browne John Bowghton and Anne Earle to theis presents have putte our Seales Dated the xxviijth Daye of September in the fourteenthe yeare of the Reigne of our Soveryne Ladye Elyzabeth by the grace of god Queene of Englande ffrance and Ireland Defender of the faythe etc.

*Oxford Dictionary British historical:
An act of driving cattle or sheep.
An act of herding cattle within a forest to a particular place on an appointed day in order to determine ownership or to levy fines.

Sept. 14 Eliz. I. (1572)
Deedpoll. Quitclaim.

(1) Thos. Furtho, citizen & grocer of London
Robt. Lee of Hanslappe, Bucks, gent.
Wm. Furthoo, ,
Hugh Emerson
Robert Emerson
Henry Rigby
John Beacham
John Mayhoo
Thos. Spencer
of Cosgrove, husbandmen

Rd. Browne
John Boughton
of Yardley Gobion, husbandmen
Anne Earle widow of Yardley Gobion - Widow
all Freeholders of Cosgrove,

(2) Thomas Furtho Esq.,
of all their titles to conveyance by horse and cart over land, So that (2) can close common road there.
10 seals.
8 Marks Parchment. English.

29 Sept. 14 Eliz. I. (1572)

John Mayhoo of Cosgrave husbandman

Bond in £10 to

Thos. Furtho,

Condition: Mayhoo is not to use road from Cosgrave through the lordship of Furtho to the Queen's highway, Watling Street.

Tag and Seal. Parchment. Latin & English.

29 Sept. 14 Eliz. I. (1572)

John Beacham of Cosgrave husbandman

bound in £10 ro

Thos. Furthoo Esq.,

Condition: Beacham is not to use his passage from Cosgrave to Furtho.

Tag only. Parchment. Latin & English