Cosgrove Events 1941 - 1949

A street party in Cosgrove celebrating V. E. Day May 8th 1945

Wolverton Express 10th January 1941

Mrs. Winterbottom’s Concert Party Entertains Troops

A variety entertainment was presented to troops on Thursday, 2nd of January by Mrs. G H Winterbottom of Cosgrove Hall, and her talented concert party, in the Science and Art institute, Wolverton.  There were also a number of members of the general public present.  The artists were: the Rhythm Aces band, under the conductorship of Mr. Douglas Dytham, which gave selections and accompanied the performers; Miss Eileen Brickwood (songs and dances); Captain S L Trevor (songs); “The Three Geners”, Mr F. Nicholls, Mr L. Nichols, and Master Carl Nicholls (instrumentalists); Mrs. Winterbottom and Mr. Eric Kitchener ARCO in song scenes.  Mr. E W Butler, of Wolverton, compered the show.  Judging by the applause of “Tommy Atkins” an enjoyable evening was spent.  Thanks to Mrs. Winterbottom and artists were voiced by the Officer Commanding.

Wolverton Express 17th January 1941

Cosgrove WI Parties

New Year parties for members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute and children of the village were held on successive days in the Old Schools.

On the first day the members’ party took place when an enjoyable time was spent.  A competition for the best disguise was judged by Mrs. G Brown, whose placings were: 1 Mrs. P Y Atkinson (parachutist), 2 Mrs. Lord (Victorian lady).  A prize for the same was generously given by Mrs. J. Clarke.

Tea was partaken, followed by games and dancing, with misses Andrews as accompanist.  About 50 children were entertained the next day, when prizes were presented four winners of games, etc., the donors of prizes being Mrs. A Bushell, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. Brockway, and Mrs. B Kightley.

Responsible for arranging an enjoyable programme of singing, dancing, and games were Mrs. Lovesey, Mrs. Loughrey, and Mrs. Gallop.  Recitations were given by Mrs. Hillyer and her little granddaughter.

After five years as Hon Secretary, Miss Higgins has resigned, during which time she has performed a valuable work for the Institute, and the vacancy has been filled by Mrs. B Kightley.

Wolverton Express 7th March 1941

Home Guard Whist Drive

The Home Guard held a whist drive in the Old School on 27 February.  There was a good attendance and during the interval refreshments kindly provided by Mr. R King, were served by members of the Home Guard with the assistance of Miss Marlow.  Platoon Commander Prisley was MC and the prize winners were Mrs. Denyer, G Hill, Mrs. S. Williams, Miss E Prisley, Mr. Prisley, Master J Smith, Mr. C Hill and Mr F. Lambert.

Children’s parties

A children’s party was held in the Old School on Wednesday, 26 February.  The evacuees were entertained by the billeting officers, Mr. and Mrs. Prisley, through the medium of the grant from the LCC and the residents children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Jelley.  The party began when six the little ones sat down to tea at 3.30 and there were games and songs until eighty more guests arrived including 20 boys from Holloway Secondary School.

Mr. Mrs. Whiting greatly amuse the children with his conjuring tricks.  The little ones left at 630 and the older ones had settled down to enjoy a programme including some piano accordion solos by Master Frank Hughes accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Elsie Prisley, and songs by Master Vincent Lovesey.  There were games and dancing with Mrs Andrews at the piano.

The high spot of the evening was a performance by “The Three Geners” which was greatly enjoyed by all.  Refreshments were served by the following members of the WVS: Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. Lovesey, Mrs. Chown, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Kightley, Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. Jelley, Mrs. Prisley and Miss Marlow.

Towards the close of the evening Mr R. King, master in charge of the Holloway boys, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Prisley, Mr. and Mrs. Jelly, and the members of the WVS for making the parties such a success.  Mr. King also expressed his thanks to the Foster mothers for taking and caring for the evacuee children.  Mrs. Prisley, in reply, thanked Mr. King for his great help with the billeting of the Holloway boys; Mr. and Mrs. Jelley for amalgamating the two parties, and the WVS for their help so readily given.  The party closed with the singing of the National Anthem.

Wolverton Express 30th January 1942

Cosgrove Red Cross Effort

An example of what even a village can do in a good cause when it makes up its mind was provided on Friday week, when the Old School at Cosgrove was filled to capacity.  The occasion was a social evening arranged in aid of the British Red Cross fund, and as a result a substantial sum will be handed over to that worthy organisation.

The room was gaily decorated, and a large company spent a thoroughly enjoyable evening.  A great attraction was provided by a number of Service men who had come over to entertain the audience.  They were accompanied by their officer, and they gave excerpts from their Christmas pantomime (now widely known) “Aladdin”.  They also gave some particularly clever conjuring tricks.

A concept followed, given by some 50 village children, the youngest of whom was but for years old, the children making a pleasing picture in their fancy dresses and red white and blue forage caps.  Their chief item was a rendering of the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party” which they carried through without a hitch.  They had evidently been well trained by Mrs. Malcolm Jelley.

Mr. Edgar Foale of Wolverton, contributed three monologues, which were much appreciated, while several members of the Wolverton Secondary School band, with their violins and drums, accompanied the pianist, Mrs Andrews.

Hot pies direct from Mr. Newman’s bake house was served during an interval, and commanded a ready sale.

Gifts in money and in kind had previously been received from many donors.  From the Hall and the Rectory down to the humblest cottage home, residents had given generously in aid of the cause, whilst several friends outside the village also contributed to the success of the effort.

An iced Christmas cake was given by Mrs. Alfred Smith, a pork pie by Messrs.  Canvin, butchers; soap, etc. by Cox and Robinson, and coal by Mr. Willingham of Hanslope.  Mrs. Winterbottom gave 50 sausage rolls and a large slab of cake as refreshments for the children who took part in the concert.  During the evening the gifts received for the fund were auctioned by Mr. Malcolm Jelley.  Included in the auction was the beautifully made model of a galleon, the work of Louis Hill.  This fine piece of workmanship realise the sum of 12s 6d.

Altogether the Red Cross fund will benefit to the extent of about £21, and it may be mentioned by way of postscript that this highly satisfactory result is due in no small measure to Mrs. Feil and her daughter, who planned and carried through the effort with enterprise and enthusiasm.

Wolverton Express 20th February 1942

A whist drive was organized by Cosgrove Women’s Institute on 12th of February in aid of the Royal Alfred Merchant Seamen’s Institution, whereby £2 12 0d was raised.  The prize winners were: ladies, 1 Mrs. Prisley, 2 Mrs. Denyer, highest half Mrs. M. Clarke; men, 1 Mr. King, 2 Mr. Horne, highest half David Brown.  Several donations were received from the players.  The MC was Mr. Ben Kightley.

Wolverton Express 3rd April 1942

Cosgrove Women’s Institute

A whist drive on behalf of the village Comforts Fund was organized by the Cosgrove Women’s Institute, and held on 12 March in the Old School.  40 persons took part, with Mrs. A Loughrey as M C and she had the good luck to win both gents first prize and lucky score card prize.  Other winners were: gents 2 Mr. Brockway, highest half Joan Whittaker; ladies 1 Miss Marlow, 2 Mrs. Whittaker, highest half Miss Anne.  A competition for a cake generously given by Mrs. A Smith was won by Mrs. Sid Bushell.  Tickets were sold by Mrs. Loughrey.  As a result of the effort the sum of £1 4s was realized.

Wolverton Express 31st July 1942

A whist drive held in the grounds of the Barge Inn, Cosgrove, in aid of the Comforts fund, by permission of Mrs. G Brown, produced a sum of £2 12s 0d.  Mrs. Brown also gave the refreshments and a ladies “nightie” for a draw, Miss Joan Whittaker being the lucky winner.  The whist drive winners were: Ladies: 1 Mrs. H Castle 2 Miss Brooks; high half, Mrs. Williams.  Gentlemen: 1 Mr. Crowder 2 Mr. Hill; high half Mr. G Hill.  Scorecard Miss J. Whittaker.  Mrs. Gallop was MC.  Mrs. Hill gave a cake for competition and this was won by Mrs. J Brown.

Wolverton Express 27th November 1942

For Comforts Fund.

Over £7 was raised at a social held by Cosgrove Women’s Institute in the Old School in aid of the Comforts Fund.  A pair of curtains given as a prize by Mrs. J Smith was won by Mrs. Giles, and a pair of slippers given by Mrs. Williams went to Miss Marjorie Brown.  A pair of silk hose given by Mrs. Dench was won by Mr T. Atkinson, Old Bradwell.  Mrs Andrews was pianist for dancing and Mrs. Brockway was MC.

Wolverton Express 22nd January 1943

A whist drive was held in the Old School, Cosgrove, in aid of the Comforts Fund.  The prize winners were: women, 1 Mrs. Chown, 2 Mrs. F. Williams, highest half Mrs. Gallop; Men, 1 Mr. Ron Williams, 2 Mrs. T Kightley, highest half Mr. David Brown; lucky score card Mrs. Prisley.  A parcel of grocery given by Mrs. Freestone was used in competition and won by Mrs. Whiting.

A dance was held in the Old School on Friday by the committee and members of the Youth Service Squad and after all expenses had been met a balance of £5 5s was available for Mrs. Churchill’s Aid to Russia Fund.  The company of about 60 persons spent an enjoyable evening and contributed to the success of the function.  Mrs Andrews played the pianoforte and Mrs. M Jelley was MC.  Refreshments were given by the Squad and their friends.  There was a competition for nine eggs which were kindly given and other gifts were sold by Mrs. Jelley.

Wolverton Express 5th May 1943

Russian Red Cross.

A splendid effort on behalf of Mrs. Churchill’s “Aid to Russia” fund has again been made at Cosgrove by an evacuee from London, Mrs. Mac.  With the assistance of two or three others she gave an entertainment at the Plough Inn, by kind permission of Mr. C A monk, the licensee, and also made the collection through the village.  As a result of her hard work £10 was realized and she thanks all who contributed.  The money is being forwarded to Mrs. Churchill this week.

A whist drive in the Old School, Cosgrove, in aid of the village Comforts Fund was a successful function.  The prize winners were: Men, 1 Mr. G Horn, 2 Mrs. J Brown; women, 1 Miss D Brown, 2 Mrs T Kightley; highest half, Mrs. Whittaker; score card, Mrs. M. Clarke.  A parcel of grocery given by the committee was won by Mrs. W. Stewart.

Wolverton Express 4th June 1943

A whist drive in aid of the Cosgrove Nursing Association was held in the grounds of the Barge.  The prize winners were: ladies, 1 Mrs. F. Williams, 2 Mrs. J Brown; high half, Mrs. Brown.  Men, 1 Mr R. Williams, 2 Mr. R Gallop; high half, Mr. W Castle.  Score card, Mrs. Hebson.  A cake given by Mrs. G Brown was won by Mrs. Hill, and a bunch of flowers by Mrs. Whittaker went to Mrs. Gallop.

Wolverton Express 4th June 1943

Cosgrove Wings for Victory

A social and whist drive was held in the old school, Cosgrove, arranged by the Women’s Institute committee.  Winners were: women, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Clarke (sharing first and second prize), Miss Marlow highest score first half; men, Miss J. Whitaker, M G Horn, Mrs. Gallop, and Miss C. Tompkins (sharing highest score first half); Mr. Valentine special score card.  Refreshments were provided, all having been given.  Also a Ministry of Information film show was held in the old school.  All were in aid of Wings for Victory and proceeds realized £18 15s, which included competitions run by Mrs. Gascoygne and Mrs. Chown.  Another competition organized by Mr. Whittaker and Mr J. Whittaker realised the selling of £10 16s of six penny saving stamps and £2 4s for the funds.

Wolverton Express 25th June 1943

A whist drive held in the grounds of the Barge, Cosgrove, by kind permission of Mrs. G Brown, produced £3 for the Comforts Fund for men serving in H M Forces.  The prizewinners were: women 1 Mrs. J Brown, 2 Mrs. Gallop, highest half Mrs. Waine; men, 1 Mrs. Loughrey, 2 Mrs. Brockway, highest half Miss. Tomkins, scorecard Mrs. Waine; special Mrs. F Castle.

Wolverton Express 12th December 1943

Women’s Institute

A whist drive was held by members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute in aid of the village Forces Fund and prizes were won by: ladies - Mrs. Brown, 2 Mrs. W. Clarke, high half Miss Marlow; men - 1 Mrs. Loughrey, 2 Mr. Valentine, high half Mr. Horn.  Score card Mrs. H Castle.  A doll (dressed) given by Mrs. Eves, was won by Mrs. M Jelley.

The Women’s Institute Cosgrove, held its annual meeting on 7 December, Mrs. Atkinson presiding.  The ballot for next year’s officers and committee resulted as follows: Mrs. Atkinson (president): Mrs. Whiting (vice president): Mrs. W. Brockway, Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. R Brown, Mrs. F W Castle, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. Gascoyne, Miss Marlow, and Mrs. Whittaker (committee).

Reports were given by the president; Mrs. Kightley (Secretary), and Mrs. Whiting (treasurer).  A letter from Northampton General Hospital thanked Mrs. G Brown and the Women’s Institute members for 15 cwt of potatoes in November.  It was reported that the Cosgrove WI savings group had sold £263 15s 6d worth of stamps in the past year, the financial statement being given by Mrs. Chown, the Savings Group Secretary.

A gift stall was held with Mrs. J. Clarke in charge, and this realised over £3.  Mrs. Whiting provided refreshments.

Wolverton Express 7th January 1944

During the Christmas festivities at the Plough, Cosgrove, £5 was raised for Mrs. Churchill’s Aid to Russia Red Cross Fund as a result of collections and competitions.  During 1943 £26 was collected in such manner at this licenced house, and 10s each was distributed to the local lads, numbering 53, now in H M Forces.

Wolverton Express 21st July 1944

Cosgrove Fancy Dress Parade and Sports    [Salute the Soldier Week]

The village of Cosgrove exceeded its target of £2000 by raising £3288.

The main items of a social nature were the holding of a whist drive, fancy dress parade, and children’s sports.

On Sunday, 9 July, a picnic tea was arranged, but the venue had to be changed to the Old School, when about 100 children sat to an excellent tea provided by parents and friends.  Mr. Cake and Mister G. Williams, Sunday school teachers, led the children in hymn singing and prayers.  Misses Mary and Marjorie Brown were the pianists.  Upon leaving the school each child was handed a piece of iced cake made and given by Mrs. Johnson.  The T was served by Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Character, and Mrs. Kightley, assisted by the following members of the youth squad - Misses Mary Brown, Marjorie Brown, Cynthia Tompkins, Betty Hillyer, and Edith Clarke.

On the Monday evening an auction sale was held on Mrs. Brown’s lawn, the salesmen being the two Jacks - Hebson and Johnson - the good sum of £20 being realized.

A whist drive was held in the Old School on Thursday evening and was well attended.  Mr J. Hebson was MC with Mr H. Ratcliffe and Mr. R Brown as door stewards.  Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and helpers.  Prizes were all generously given by village residents.  The sum of £3 2s 6d was raised.  The prizewinners were: highest score, Mrs. B Kightley; ladies, 1 Mrs. W. Clarke, 2 Miss O Luker, 3 Mrs. Kentfield; men, 1 Mrs. J Kightley, 2 Mr J. Lambert, 3 Mrs. J Lovesey; high halves, Mrs. A. Whitaker and Miss A Watton; lowest scores Mrs. F Castle and Mr P. Valentine; mystery, Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. M Brown; scorecard, Mr. P Swain.  Mrs. Mitchell was winner of the competition for a card set.

A fancy dress parade was held on Saturday morning in a field kindly lent by Captain P Y Atkinson.  There was a large attendance and the judges were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, who gave the following awards:

Children under 7, 1 Rosemary Hebson (Dig for Victory), 2 Sheila Brown (Dig for Victory), 3 Frank Ratledge (Dick Whittington).

Under 10, 1 Marina Whittaker (Departed Spirits), 2 Sheila Cadd (gypsy), 3 Peter Goodridge (commando); consolation, Bryan Alcock (Winston Churchill).

Over 10, 1 Bob Brockway (squander bug), 2 Vera Stewart (scarecrow), 3 Mabel Castle (flower girl); consolations, Yvonne Russell, Nancy Martin, and Dennis Tompkins.

Adults 1 Norman Goodridge and Jack Hebson (on the road); 2 Mrs. J Kightley (salute the soldier), 3 Mrs. C. Tompkins (save more salvage); consolation, Mrs. R Hill (Red Cross nurse).

Wolverton Express 12th January 1945

Cosgrove Youth Club Provides Gifts for Serving Men

Cosgrove youth club organized a most successful sale of work, which was held in the Council School, and as a result over fifty serving men from the village received a Christmas cash gift of 22s 6d each.

Competition winners were Miss Philpotts (Wolverton) and Miss Ruff (Cosgrove).

The Youth Squad held its annual Christmas party in the Old Schoolroom, when invitations were accepted by members of Youth Squads at Old Stratford, Deanshanger and Yardley Gobion.  A most enjoyable time was spent, Mr S. Jones of Wolverton, being the pianist.

Concert for Children’s Hospital

A concert, presented on two evenings at Cosgrove, was attended by packed audiences.  The artists were school girls, all under 16 years of age, has also was the producer, Miss Margaret Ruff.  The proceeds were devoted to the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital in London.

Wolverton Express 25th May 1945


By kind permission of Wing Commander A J Briddon, Commanding Officer, members of the RAF presented their fourth edition of “72 Music Box”, a variety entertainment with an all Service cast, at Cosgrove Mission Hall on Wednesday, 16th May.  They came direct from Salcey Forest and were given a warm reception.  The applause was overwhelming and the concert voted a great success.  Every item was outstanding.  The entire proceeds were handed over to the Entertainments Officer of the section and amounted to £12 13s.  After expenses by the RAF Company have been met the balance will be handed over to the RAF Benevolent Fund.  The show was produced by C J Maltby.

Wolverton Express 25th May 1945

Queen of Albania Visits Cosgrove Hall

“Victory Hall” Garden Party

Several thousand people visited the spacious grounds of Cosgrove Hall, the home of Mr and Mrs G H Winterbottom on Whit-Monday, when the attractive young Queen of Albania, Queen Geraldine, accompanied by Princess Teri and Princess Danush, opened a garden fête in aid of Cosgrove’s Victory Hall Fund. Had it not been for half-an-hour’s heavy rain just at the appointed opening time, the attendance would have been much greater. As it was the number present must have been a record for a similar function held in this immediate locality.

A fete in May 1945 to raise money for the rebuilding of the old village hall in Cosgrove was opened by Queen Geraldine of Albania, the beautiful young Hungarian who married King Zog. The six little children are dressed as bride and groom, and attendants. Robin Winterbottom presented a bouquet of dark red carnations bound with taffeta bows of black and red the Albanian colours.

Left to right: Lady-in-waiting, Mrs Penelope Winterbottom, Queen Geraldine, a Princess.
Children: Sylvia Wickham, Brenda Goodridge, Pat Bushell, Pauline Pollard, Robin Winterbottom, Frances, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Sweeney.

Much hard work was put into the arrangements, in which Mrs Winterbottom played a large share, and it is gratifying that the large sum of at least £200 will go towards the fund for the erection of a village hall.

Queen Geraldine, who was a Hungarian Countess in her own right before her marriage to King Zog, made a charming picture in a nigger brown costume and hat to match.

Mr and Mrs Winterbottom’s house party included, together with the Queen and Princesses, the princess Royal of Albania (lady-in-waiting), His Excellency Martini, Court Minister, Professor Nushi, Sir Orme Rowan Hamilton, former Governor of Bermuda, and a former Lord Chief Justice, Capt. R D Boulton, Chief Constable of Northamptonshire, and Mrs Boulton, Capt. G Hovdenak, Royal Norwegian Navy, Mrs Margaret Sweeney, famous society beauty, and Capt, Edgerton, RN.

Picturesque Opening Ceremony

It was a picturesque setting for the opening ceremony which took place at the far end of the large lawn. A happy party of six children representing a wedding-party, with bride (Miss Frances Sweeney) and bridegroom (Master Robin Winterbottom, the adopted son of Mr and Mrs G H Winterbottom), and retinue, Pauline Pollard, Brenda Goodridge, Sylvia Wickham, and Pat Bushell, all four being Cosgrove children. They were prettily attired in white frocks. Following the opening ceremony Frances Sweeney handed to Her Majesty a bouquet of choice crimson carnations whilst Robin Winterbottom presented the Queen with a silver time-piece suitably inscribed, from Mr and Mrs Winterbottom. The young “maids” each handed Queen Geraldine a floral bouquet which Capt. Boulton auctioned and made good prices.

Cosgrove Church Over 1100 Years Old

Sir Orme Rowan Hamilton made an able chairman and before calling upon Her Majesty spoke of the kindness of the Queen in coming to Cosgrove, and for Mr and Mrs Winterbottom’s ever-readiness to assist in good causes for the community. The village of Cosgrove was very old, he said, the church having been built 1100 years ago. Referring to Queen Geraldine, he said he hoped the time would soon come when she would be welcomed to her own country, from which she had been driven by brutality and inhumanity.

Cosgrove – “One of England’s Loveliest Villages”

“This is one of England’s loveliest villages, and I have seen many lovely places in this island of yours”, said Queen Geraldine.

She went on to refer to the purpose of the fête – to raise funds for a village hall – and said every village needed a happy communal life and a place in which people could enjoy all kinds of simple and healthy pleasures.

“When you have your hall” she said, “I hope you will remember all that you sacrificed in this war to get it, and I hope you will enjoy there pleasures with your loved ones, for these have been long years of separation.”

Fancy Dress Awards

Left: Tony Lavington as Louis XIV

The Queen and Princesses judged those in fancy costume and made the following awards: Ladies – 1 Eileen Tapp, Old Stratford (Coal Black Mammy); men – 1 Mrs N C Boreham, Stony Stratford (Scarecrow); girls – 1 Joyce Pack, Cosgrove (Britannia); boys – 1 Tony Lavington, Cosgrove (Louis XIV).


The stalls and sideshows were supervised as follows: L Hill, R Williams, Miss Gladys Loughrey, Miss Cynthia Tompkins, Mr G Beasley, Mrs W Giles, Mrs D Davies, A Loughrey, Mrs J Kightley, Miss M Brown, F Andrews, Mrs Bailey (Wolverton); pony rides, John Laughrey and Robin Winterbottom; marionettes, Ernest Elliott. Mrs Winterbottom had charge of the general stall.

The Committee were as follows: Mr N Goodridge (Chairman), Mr J Hebson (Secretary), Mr L Giles (Treasurer). Messrs A Loughrey, G Beasley, H Cummings, P Lyman, P Whiting, S Bushell, E Hillyer, F Tustain and C Harris.

The Rhythm Aces played selections during the afternoon under the conductorship of Mr Douglas Dytham.

Mr F Andrews, of Stony Stratford, handed in the large sum of over £28, raised from his three games.

Wolverton Express 8th June 1945

Over £300 Profit from Cosgrove Garden Fete

An estimated balance of £303 is reported as a result of the garden fete and dance held on Whit Monday at Cosgrove Hall, by kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, and it is interesting to record that of a total income of £343 15s a sum of no less than £142 10s was raised by Mrs. Winterbottom.

The proceeds of the fete were in aid of the Cosgrove Victory Hall, which fund now stands at £783, representing an average of over £100 per month raised since the inception of the fund.

Mrs. Winterbottom thanks to all who generously mad gifts and helped in connection with the fete; HM Queen Geraldine of Albania, Princess Royal of Albania, Princesses Teri and Danush, Mrs. Habgood, Mrs. Woollard, Mrs. Gowland, Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Sweeney, Captain Parratt, Mr. Davies, Mrs. Hepworth, Squadron Leader Davies, Major Davies, Mr. J Knight, Mr. E H Littledale, Mr. S Ratledge, Mr L. Markham, Lt. Col. P Y Atkinson and Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. R Whiting, Mrs. Brockway, Mr. Crowder and members of the Women’s Institute.

Wolverton Express 9th November 1945

Cosgrove Victory Show – Pamela James and pupils

A Victory Show was presented in Cosgrove Mission Hall on 20th October by Miss Pamela James and pupils of Deanshanger, and a large audience supported the effort, which was on behalf of the Northampton General Hospital War Memorial Appeal.  The helpful sum of £9 15s 6d was raised.  During the 2½ hour show many skilful dances were given by the children and the items were well costumed.

Mr. RST Dyer, Northampton, organiser of the appeal spoke during an interval.  When introducing Mr. Dyer, Mr. A Tack, Cosgrove Appeal Secretary, gave details which have already appeared in these columns of the raising by the village of £147 14s for the appeal.  Mr. Tack expressed the thanks of the committee to Mr. H Whiting, who had contributed fishing rents from anglers using his waters, to the extent of £52, 10s.  The Secretary also thanked Miss James, her pupils, and their mothers, for giving their services gratis to raising money for the Hospital.  Mr. Tack regretted the lack of accommodation available for such a fine concert.

Helpers in the effort were: Mrs. Gascoigne and Mrs. Tack, ticket sellers, who also sold tickets for a competition in which the prize was a duchess set given by Mrs. Tack.  This realised £1 19s 6d, the winner of the prize being Mrs. D Freestone; Mrs. A Noble sold programmes; Mrs. Feil loaned the piano; and Mr. Harris and Mr. Lambert were door stewards.

Efforts in Cosgrove during the past month were: dance organised by Mr J. Hebson, raised £6 12s 6d; concert by Mrs Feil, £6 10s; house to house collection, Mrs Brockway, £5; Mr. and Mrs. P Y Atkinson have given a bicycle for competition.

Wolverton Express 21st December 1945

Cosgrove Victory Club and Hall Fund reaches £1000: Bazaar and Auction

“We shall make our “thousand runs” tonight,” said Mr. G H Winterbottom at Cosgrove Hall on Friday last, when a bazaar and auction was held there for the funds to erect a Victory Club and Hall in the village.

Mrs. Winterbottom is well known over a wide area of North Bucks and South Northants for her willingness at all times to open functions in connection with charitable, religious bodies, and most especially the Northampton General Hospital; but when she opened this bazaar it was a unique ceremony, being the first occasion she had done so in her own home.

Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom’s kind gesture is to be commended, as they threw open the spacious drawing room and billiards room to all comers, and by 7.30 pm, the opening ceremony time, the rooms were packed, visitors coming from Stony Stratford, Wolverton, Hanslope, and many of the surrounding villages.

Already Raised £898 – First Anniversary of Fund

The opening ceremony was performed in the drawing room.  Mr. Jack Hebson, hon. Secretary of the Victory Club and Hall committee, told the audience that this Christmas was the first anniversary of the commencement to raise funds for a proposed village hall in Cosgrove.  On behalf of the committee he wished to thank the following generous donors:

Lieutenant Colonel P Y Atkinson, JP, for his gift of £100 and also the land on which to build the hall;

Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, £50 each;

Miss Wells £50

Miss Balfour £50;

Mrs. Heap £20;

Squadron Leader and Mrs. Davies $10;

Mr. and Mrs. C R Whiting, 20 guineas.

Their thanks were also due to the people of Cosgrove who had worked hard for all their efforts and given generously.

He wished to give special thanks to Mrs. Winterbottom for her outstanding effort in her grounds on Whit Monday, when Her Majesty the Queen of Albania opened the garden fete, from which the magnificent sum of £308 resulted.  They wished to thank Mrs. Winterbottom for her hard work, kindness, and generosity as well as personal discomfort in making the bazaar possible.  There total so far raised amounted to the large sum of £898.  The Secretary concluded with thanks to that evening’s stall holders, and Colonel L. Parratt, who was to conduct an auction of useful gifts.

Town Hall Idea Might Spread

Mr. F S Woollard, in welcoming the gathering, said that’s the idea to provide a village hall might spread, as neither Wolverton nor Stony Stratford had a town hall.  It looked as if Cosgrove was going to realise its ambition before its neighbouring towns; the idea might encourage those in the urban area.

Village Life Very Important

Mrs. Winterbottom, in declaring the bazaar open, said it was a great pleasure to have the unique honour of opening the function in her own house, and more pleasure because it was to raise funds for their village hall, which was a sadly needed want - a building where the people of Cosgrove could dance, hold concerts and wedding receptions, without having to make the long journey toStony Stratford and Wolverton.  “Village life is very important, and anything to bring the residents together should be encouraged and helped, and that is why I ask for your generous help tonight.  Make it your thanksgiving for all our blessings and a great victory,” appealed Mrs. Winterbottom.

Continuing, she said Xmas was near; it was the first Christmas so many children had really known, and there were many gifts on the stores which would make the children happy.  Mr. Hebson, the committee’s hard working Secretary, had told them of the large amount already raised, and she (Mrs. Winterbottom) hoped everyone presents that evening would be present when the hall was opened, when she promised them the best show in this neighbourhood for years.  She wished to thank her very kind friends for all the lovely gifts sent along, and the committee who had worked hard in order to make the bazar a success.

A gift from the committee, a flowering plant in basket, was handed Mrs Winterbottom by Master Robin Winterbottom.

In addition to the income previously given, the following psalms had been raised: Jumble sale by Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. H Harris, Mrs. J Hebson and Mrs. J Lovesey £36; Christmas draw run by the committee £20; village dances by the committee £34; bicycle draw £30; whist drives organized by Mrs. J. Johnson £42 16s 3d; Guides efforts Miss Luker and youth movement efforts (Mrs. M E Jelley) £24 9s; concert by the committee £13 10s; Women’s Institute £4 16s.

Brisk business was transacted at the stalls, the good things on the homemade sweet stall being quickly sold out, also the ice cream served by Master Robin Winterbottom.  In the drawing room there was stalls containing made issues and gifts of all kinds, those superintending being: Mrs. H C Clarke Stony Stratford, Mrs. I. Reiner, Miss Pamela Haig, a member of that well-known family of that name, Mrs. G H Winterbottom, Mrs. F S Woollard, and Mrs. G. Davis, wife of Squadron Leader Davis.  In the billiards room or the articles were made by Cosgrove residents and friends, and comprised a wide variety of children’s gifts and useful presents.  In charge were Mrs. G. Beasley, Mrs. H. Cummings, Miss Luker, Mrs. A Loughrey, Mrs. T Kightley, Mrs. Brockway, Mrs. L. Giles, Mrs. R. Davis, Mrs. J Hebson, and Mrs. J Lovesey.

Refreshments were served from the conservatory by Mrs. A. Whittaker, Mrs. W Castle, and Mrs. W. Clarke.  General assistance was given by Messrs. L. Giles (hon treasurer), P Lyman, A Cummings, A Loughrey, P Whiting, R Williams, F. Tustain, and Mr. S Bushell (chairman).  Colonel L Parratt, of Beachampton, conducted a sale of gifts in humorous manner and good prizes were made for poultry, eggs, cakes, and other articles and over £30 was realized.  The whole effort brought in about £115.

Wolverton Express 28th December 1945

A dance was held in the New School had recently, when the sum of £7 4s 2d was raised by this effort organised by Mr. J Hebson in aid of Northampton General Hospital War Memorial Appeal.  Ladies who served refreshments were Mesdames Noble, Gascoigne and Jack.  A competition for a doll given by Mrs. Jack raised £2 16s 8d, the winner being Miss A Wharton.  The draw took place for the bicycle given by Lt Col and Mrs. P Y Atkinson.

A Bazaar was held by the Girl Guides in the Old School on Friday, 7 December, and the sum of £16 10s resulted for the same object.  Miss Olive Luker had charge of the arrangements.

The total of Cosgrove had effort to the Northampton Hospital wall memorial appeal is now £205 8s 2d.

Wolverton Express 25th January 1946

Gala Dance at Cosgrove Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, have for many years devoted their energies to raising money for charitable objects, particularly in Northampton General Hospital, and although their thoughts are still for the caring of the sick and suffering they are devoting a large amount of their enthusiasm towards the project of raising money for the erection of a village hall for the use of all Cosgrove residents.

In addition to a generous donation to the funds of £100, Mrs. Winterbottom has, by means of a garden fete at Whitsuntide in 1945, when the queen of Albania perform the opening ceremony, and a Christmas they are at her home, raised a further £500 towards the fund’s total of over £1000.

On Wednesday, 16 January Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom held a gala dance at their residence, when parties came from a wide area, and among those present were Lord and Lady Denham, Squadron Leader Hamilton Smith, Mr. Peter Fraser and Lady Fraser (Cambridgeshire), Captain J C Grant Ives (Greens Norton), Mr. and Mrs. Gowland (Wolverton Park), Dr. Douglas Bull JP and Mrs. Bull, Dr. and Mrs. A H Habgood, Dr. and Mrs. E D Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. F S Woollard, Mr. and Mrs. P. Philpotts, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Philpotts, Mr. and Mrs. C Arman, Captain and Mrs. Ferris Loftus (Tingewick), Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Case Tingewick, Lieutenant Colonel L. Parratt, Mrs. Cartwright, Captain Oscar Winterbottom, JP (Cheshire), Major and Mrs. Watts Tingewick, Dr. Orr Northampton Hospital, Captain Cresy, Colonel and Mrs. Byam Grounds, Captain Stephen Trevor, Mrs. B Grattan Holt (Potterspury), Mr. and Mrs. T H C Terry (Hanslope), Mr. Bernard Law (Brackley), Mr. and Mrs. H. Clarke, Mrs. Beveridge Smith, Captain R D Bolton (Chief Constable of Northamptonshire), and Lord Brassington.

Douglas J Dytham’s Rhythm Aces Band, always favourites at Cosgrove Hall, rendered a programme of dance music.  Mr. Peter Fraser expressed appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom for providing a delightful evening. The sum of £30 was raised which was exceedingly good.

Wolverton Express 21st June 1946

Cosgrove Celebrates V Day

Cosgrove had planned a holiday programme for the day, but like many other places in the country, outdoor proceedings had to be postponed due to the rain, and are still to be held.  The sports programme has now been arranged for August Bank Holiday Monday.

The events which did take place proved most enjoyable.  The whole arrangements were made by committee formed to from a public meeting, with Mr. G Hickford as chairman and Mr. J Hebson hon Secretary.  Residents were co-opted to carry through the various events.

A fancy dress parade was held in the early afternoon and proved to be one of the best of its kind yet held in the village.  The entrance assembled at the old school, and from there paraded to the new school.  There were between 30 and 40 in fancy dress, which showed much originality and skill, and they were judged by Miss Wells and Miss Balfour, whose awards, which were as follows, gave every satisfaction:

Girls under 7: 1 June Smith, 2 Diane and Pamela Williams, 3 Sheila Brown.  Special prizes, Hebson twins and Pat Bushell.

Boys under 7: 1 Pat Hickford, 2 Colin Bushell, 3 Tony Lavington.  Specials, Paul Davies, Tony Pollard, and J Pack.

Girls 7 to 14:  1 Pauline Pollard 2 Peter and Brenda Goodridge 3 Peggy Hillyer and Pauline Bushell.

Boys 7 to 14:  1 B Goodridge, 2 G. Williams, 3 Bob Brockway and Rodney Hickford.  Special Donald Kightley.

Adults:  1 Mrs. Castle and Mrs. Clarke, 2 Mrs. Davies, 3 Peggy and Audrey Ruff.

Best decorated tricycle (under 7): 1 Rosemary Hebson

Best decorated bicycle (over 7): 1 Jean Loughrey

Fifty children and about 100 adults were served tea in the Schools, the catering being excellent and a tribute to the ladies responsible.  Mrs M E Jelley had charge and had the assistance of members of the Women’s Institute and other helpers.

Those persons who were unable to attend the tea by reason of age or illness and particles of food send out to their homes.

The children were delighted by a surprise visit of a Punch and Judy show from the Northampton and they also enjoyed games.  Each child received a new three penny piece, the money being given by a generous donor.  There were many other generous donors whose gifts made the whole of the celebrations possible.  The parish council also made a grant of £10 towards the cost.

In the evening there was dancing for adults, Mr. J Hebson and Mr. G Hickford being the MCs.  Savings stamps constituted prizes.  The organizers wish to thank all helpers for their splendid co-operation.

Wolverton Express 23rd August 1946

Cosgrove V Day Sports

Cosgrove held its postponed V Day sports on August Saturday in a field kindly lent by Mr. W Crowder.  Officials were Mr. Kightley and Mr. A Loughrey (judges); Mr. G Hickford (announcer), Mr A. Tompkins (handicapper), and Mr J. Hebson (starter).  Mr. Jones distributed prizes, which were in the form of national savings stamps.  Mrs. Tompkins and Cynthia Tompkins served lemonade.  The committee wish to thank all helpers and donors who made the programme possible.  Winners were:

Flat race (children under five years), 1 J Tustain 2 M. Ratledge 2 B. Cummings; (girls 5 to 8) 1 R Epsom 2 B Goodridge 3 P Bushell; (boys 5 to 8) 1 P Tustain 2 F. Ratledge 3 R Hills; (girls 9 to 11) 1 P. Hillyer 2 D Tustain 3 P Bushell; (boys 9 to 11) 1 R. Giles 2 T Tustain 3 R Hickford and P Goodridge (girls 12 to 14) 1 J Loughrey 2 H Snelson; (boys 12 to 14) 1 D Kightley 2 P Brown 3 B Goodridge.

Eight and spoon race (under five years) 1 B Cummings 2 J Tustain 3 R Pollard (girls) 1 A Smith 2 H Snelson 3 D Tustain (boys) 1 D. Tompkins 2 G. Williams 3 B Goodridge (women) 1 R. Cummings 2 C. Tompkins 3 M Ratledge.

Sack race (under 8 years) 1 F Ratledge 2 P Goodridge 3 P Tustain; (14 years) 1 T Tustain 2 B Goodridge 3 P Brown; (over 14) 1 G. Williams 2 L Lyman 3 D. Lyman.

Obstacle race (children) 1 D. Tompkins 2 G. Williams 3 D Kightley (adults) 1 H Cummings 2 J Loughrey 3 B. Tompkins

Slow bicycle 1 D. Lyman 2 D Kightley 3 P Brown.

Flat race (women 14 to 18) 1 B. Tompkins 2 J Alcock 3 C. Tompkins; (women over 18) 1 R Hills 2 A Bushell 3 M Ratledge; (men 14 to 18) 1 P Brown 2 D. Tompkins 3 D. Lyman (men over 18)1 A Loughrey 2 M Fitzgibbons 3 H. Cummings; (women over 40) 1 Mrs. Perry 2 Mrs. Tompkins 3 Mrs. Castle; (men over 40) 1 Mr. Loughrey 2 Mr. Alderton 3 Mr. Williams.

Tug of war cup won by a team representing the Barge Inn.

Three legged race (girls under 11) 1 P. Bushell and D Tustain 2 P. Hillyer and S. Newman 3 P Bushell and R. Hebson; (under 14) 1 J Loughrey and H Snelson 2 A Smith and P. Hillyer; (boys under 11) 1 P Goodridge and R Hickford 2 R. Giles and T Tustain 3 P Hickford and K. Davies (boys under 14) 1 D Kightley and B Goodridge 2 P Brown and G. Williams; (boys or girls under 14) 1 D Kightley and B Goodridge 2 J Loughrey and H Snelson 3 P Goodridge and P Hickford; (open) 1 J Loughrey and L Lyman 2 D Kightley and B Goodridge 3 J Loughrey and H Snelson.

Wheelbarrow race (boys and girls) 1 J Loughrey and L Lyman 2 P. Hillyer and D Tustain 3 D. Tompkins and C Tompkins (under 10) 1 R. Giles and K. Davies 2 M. Whitaker and S Wickham 3 T Tustain and P Hickford (men and women) one J Loughrey and C. Tompkins 2 H. Cummings and R Cummings 3 S Ratledge and M Ratledge.

Wolverton Express 31st January 1947

Cosgrove Youth Squad Make a Presentation

At a New Year’s Party organized by Cosgrove Youth Squad, Mr. Ron Williams presented Mrs M E Jelley with a lemonade set in recognition of the help given to the club since its formation four years ago.  The company numbered about 90 members and friends, who spent an enjoyable time in dancing and games, Mrs. Andrew being the pianist, while duties of MC were carried out by Mr. K Garner, Mr. V Lovesey, and Mr R. Williams.  Refreshments were served by members of the Catering Committee.

Wolverton Express 2nd April 1948

Cosgrove WI entertain the over 70s

On Friday 19th March, at the Old School, Cosgrove, the over 70s who accepted the WI’s invitation, sat down to a meat tea, points for which were given by Institute members. The guests were waited on by the President (Mrs M Jelley) and the Committee members. Mrs P Y Atkinson (former President) was present by special invitation. Mrs Whiting kindly played incidental music while the guests were at tea and afterwards took part in the entertaining. She also contributed generously towards the good things provided to eat, and also gave three prizes for a competition, which were won by Mr R Pettifer, Mrs Childs and Mrs Castle. The President and Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Whiting for her kindness. As the entertainer engaged failed to arrive, songs were sung by Mrs Whiting, Mrs W Castle, and Mrs Davess and a sketch by Mrs C Buckway and Mrs Lovesey caused much amusement. Mr Jack Brown and Mr Bob Pettifer each sang a song, and Mrs F Hillyer told of the trials of “An Inventor’s Wife” in an amusing monologue, and the rest of the programme included games and dancing. Before the tables were cleared away Mrs Jelley and Mrs Whiting each spoke of the pleasure it had given to provide what they had just enjoyed, to which Mrs F Hillyer replied on behalf of the company present, and thanked all who had contributed towards the meal.

Afterwards all members were welcomed to the social, and the singing of Auld Lang Syne, and cheers for the Cosgrove WI terminated a very pleasant evening.

Wolverton Express 19th November 1948

Cosgrove British Legion

A successful whist drive was held by the Cosgrove branch of the British Legion in the Old Schoolroom on Tuesday 9th November and the Committee thank all who attended and also prize donors for the enjoyable evening that resulted. Prizes, which comprised groceries, tea, cigarettes, eggs, a butter dish and vouchers, were generously given by Capt P Y Atkinson, Messrs P and A Ruff, Mrs E Stewart, Mrs C Brockway, Mr F Pack, Mr G Freestone, and Mrs E Norman, and were won by Miss M Hitchcock, Mr Meacham, Miss J Crowther, Mr J Pollard, Mrs T Lyman, Mr C Hill, Miss Kerr, Miss Loughrey, Mr Welsh and Mrs Feil. Mr E R Brown was hon secretary of the effort.

Wolverton Express 10th December 1948

Cosgrove Sale of Work – Father Christmas’s Identity Remains a Mystery

When Father Christmas entered the Old School, Cosgrove, on 26th November, the children were delighted because he carried a sack filled with gifts – but his identity still remains a mystery.

This happened at a sale of work which was the first effort to be organised at Cosgrove on behalf of SS Peter and Paul Parish Church, and the Working Party members, under the leadership of the Rector’s wife, were responsible.

There was a large company present when Miss Atkinson, of Paulerspury and formerly of Cosgrove Priory, opened the proceedings after being welcomed by the Rev J S Benson (Rector).

Miss Atkinson said her visit brought back many happy memories of her earlier life in Cosgrove, where her interests were bound up, and it was a great joy to be among the village folk with whom she lived for many years.

The stalls held a wonderful array of articles suitable for gifts, and at the conclusion of the sale only a few articles remained. In charge of the stalls were: Mesdames Davess, Lavington, Brassington, Beasley jun, Harris (and her niece from New Zealand), Feil, and J S Benson, Miss A Whatton, Miss Marlow and Mr L Feil. Mr Ted Lambert was door steward. Many gifts were received from parishioners.

The highlight of the evening, especially for the children, was the conjuring exhibition by Mr Eric Lewis of Northampton. Like Father Christmas, the young people were mystified by his tricks.

The sale realised the large sum of £35 and was for church funds.

Wolverton Express 28th January 1949

Whist drive – a successful whist drive, held by the Cosgrove branch of the British Legion in the Old Schoolroom on Tuesday, 18 January, was attended by 70 players who spent an enjoyable evening.  The prizewinners were women, 1 Mrs. P Loughrey, 2 Mrs. Oakenson, 3 Mrs. Bason, highest half H. Henson; men, 1 Mr. A Owens, 2 Mr F. Lyman, 3 Mrs. Pateman, highest half Mrs. Lawson; score card prize, Miss. M. Russell; competition prize, Mrs. W. Clarke.

Wolverton Express 25th March 1949

Cosgrove British Legion Holds First Dinner

A dinner held by the recently formed Cosgrove branch of the British Legion was a most successful function and should encourage the committee to make it an annual event.  It took place on Saturday, 19 March, under the presidency of Colonel P Y Atkinson, CC, who occupied the chair.  Visitors included Lord Hillingdon, Mr. W N Montgomery JP and Mr. H S Bartlett of the Northants County committee.  The last named gave an interesting talk on Legion work.

Entertainment was provided by Mr. F Friday, of Newport Pagnell, magician, and the Odd Spots Messrs. Jim Chaytor and Ron Green.

The committee responsible for the excellent arrangements for the evening was composed of the president, Messrs. A. Tompkins chairman, P Lyman vice chairman, A T Noble hon treasurer, E R Brown hon Secretary, J Pollard, D. Longman, D Lavington, T. Lyman, L Meakins, T Kightley, F Lavington and A C Noble.

Wolverton Express 8th April 1949

Cosgrove FC outing

Cosgrove FC combined with the Barley Mow for an outing on Saturday to the model farm at Combes, Suffolk, owned by a former well-known Cosgrove sportsman, Mr. Prisley.

A stop was made on Newmarket Downs and dinner was served at the village inn at Combes.  In the afternoon Cosgrove defeated the village side 2-0, scorers being J Nightingale and J Loughrey.  Combes last season won the Lillistone Hospital Shield.

Tea was taken at Stowmarket and in the evening the visitors won a darts match by 10-8 to conclude an enjoyable day.

Wolverton Express 25th November 1949

Father Christmas at Cosgrove Church Sale of Work

Their heartiest cheer at Cosgrove Parish Church sale of work in the Victory Hall on Saturday last was when Father Christmas (Mr. Jack Johnson) appeared, complete with a sack full of articles.

Earlier in the evening Mrs. Fermor-Hesketh, of Cosgrove Hall, had opened the proceedings and was handed a posy by four year old Esther Benson.  The Rev. J S Benson (Rector) welcomed Mrs. Hesketh, and expressed thanks to all who had worked hard in providing the stalls with such useful gifts.

Stallholders were: Miss Marlow, Mrs. G. Lambert, Mrs. Davess, Mrs. G. Beasley, Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. Feil, sons and daughter, Mrs. Lavington, Mrs. Harris and niece.  Mr. Ted Lambert was door steward.  Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. Johnson and Mrs. J Hebson.  The Rector is grateful to the hall committee for their cooperation.  After expenses have been made to the proceeds amounted to £40 5s - an increase by £5 on the result of a similar effort last year.