Wolverton Express 15 August, 1930

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Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 August 1930
Cosgrove Horticultural Show was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, in connection with the annual hospital fete. The show proved the most successful yet held both in the numbers exhibits and the quality. The arrangements were made by the following committee: Messrs. T. Lord, A. J. Childs, R. Ince, J. Hall, H. Gascoyne, G. Hooton, and G. Williams. The judges were Mr. W. Buckingham (Wicken Park) and Mr. J. Pitson (Wicken Rectory), whose awards were;
Vegetables.Collection, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams; Beans 1 G. Hooton 2 J. Ibell; Carrots A. J. Childs 2 G. Church. Cauliflower 1 J. Brown. Beet 1 H. Tapp 2 G. Ray. Peas 1 J. Swain 2 G. Church. Marrow 1 A. J. Childs 2 G. Hooton. Pickling Shallots 1 M. Whiting 2 G. Church. Spring sown Onions 1 J. Swain 2 H. Johnson. Autumn sown Onions 1 J. Swain 2 W. Stewart. Tomatoes 1 Mrs. Clark 2 Nash. Round potatoes 1 A. J. Childs 2 A. Ashby. Kidney potatoes 1 A. Ashby 2 A. Grace.
Fruit- Plums 1 J. Brown 2 H. Meakins. Cooking Apples 1 S. Williams 2 H. Johnson. Dessert Apples 1 S. Williams 2 A. J. Childs. Collection 1 - Townsend 2 J. Ibell. Gooseberries 1 A. J. Childs. Raspberries 1 J. Ibell.
Flowers Sweet Peas 1 A. Overton (New Bradwell) 2 L. Rainbow. Bunches 1 T. Payne 2 S. Williams. Gladioli 1 T. Payne 2 C Evans. Carnations 1 G. Hooton 2 R. Webster.
Special Prizes Collection of Vegetables 1 S. Williams, G. Hooton. Collection of Fruit 1 J. Ibell. Window Plant 1 H. Meakins 2 Mrs. Hooton. Bouquet of Flowers 1 G. Williams 2 S. Williams 3 J. Ibell. Roses 1 Nash 2 R. Webster. Potatoes 3 varieties from Cosgrove allotments 1 G. Williams 2 A. Childs. Hens’ eggs 1 H. Johnson. Bunch of cut flowers 1 T. Payne 2 E. Owen. Largest marrow 1 H. Herbert. Bouquet of wild flowers (children under 9) 1 Flora Ince 2 Margaret Brown. Over 9 1 Mary Whiting 2 Jim Holman. Heaviest potato 1 Phil Whiting.
The prizes in the special classes were given by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom (Cosgrove Hall), the Misses Atkinson Cosgrove Priory), Miss Balfour, Mrs A. F. Jelley, Mr. C. R. Whiting, Miss Wilkinson and Mr. S. Williams.
Wolverton Express 19th September, 1930
Fishing contest for hospital funds
A fishing contest took place on Saturday, 6 September in the Buckingham Arm, Cosgrove, by kind permission of Mr. Winterbottom, and the proceeds were on behalf of the Cosgrove Hospital Effort Funds. About 62 anglers took part and those successful in winning prizes were: 1 Mr W. Childs 1lb 4½ oz, 2 Mr. Bavington 14 3/4oz, 3 Mr. Hope 11 oz. All fish caught were allowed to be weighed in with the exception of pike and eels. The contest was superintended by Messrs. J. Clarke, T. Cummings, T Hall, and S. Williams.
Wolverton Express 20th February, 1931
Hospital dance. A most successful dance was held in the Council Schools on Friday evening last on behalf of the Cosgrove Hospital Week Fund. The Stony Stratford Melody Maker’s Mouth-Organ band provided an excellent programme of dance music. Refreshments were served by the Ladies’ Committee and the arrangements were made by the Committee, with Mr. T C Payne as hon secretary.
Wolverton Express 8th May, 1931
A dance was held in the Memorial Hall, Old Stratford, on Saturday evening, by the Cosgrove ex-Scholars Association. There was a large company present and the function was very enjoyable. Music was supplied by Mr. D Green and his Sylvians Dance Band of Stony Stratford. Mr. E Prothers, of Yardley Gobion, acted as MC, whilst the duties of steward were carried out by Mr. Higgins. Refreshments were served during the interval by Mrs. Thacker, Mrs Bushell, Miss Slaymaker, and Miss D. Giles. The proceeds, which were in the neighbourhood of £3, were in aid of a summer outing for members of the association.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 August 1931
Show and Sports at
Cosgrove Hall
The annual fete at Cosgrove on behalf of the Northampton General Hospital, was held on Saturday, when Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom lent the grounds of Cosgrove Hall for the event which took place in fine weather. There was no formal opening but Afr. P. L. Battle, assistant secretary to the Northamptonshire Hospital Week Committee, visited the fete and thanked Cosgrove people for the work they are doing. He mentioned that in 1929 they raised £160, whilst last year, a wet day, the amount was £80 10s. In connection with the fete a flower show was held.
The exhibits were judged by Mr. J. Buckingham (Wicken Park) and Mr. J. Pitson (Wicken Rectory).
VEGETABLES. Collection, 1 T. Kightley. Old Stratford, 2 J. J. Longhurst, Yardley Gobion; runner beans, 1 J. Longhurst, 2 J. lbell, Stony Stratford; carrots, 1 G. Church, Yardley Gobion, 2 A. J. Childs; beet, T. Kightley, 2 Miss Whiting, Cosgrove; peas, 1 Church, 2 A. Kightley; marrows, 1 A. Tack, 2 E. Hall; eschalots, 1 A. Ashby, 2 F. Hall; spring onions, T. Kightley, 2 J. Longhurst; autumn onions, 1 J. Longhurst, 2 A. Owen; tomatoes, 1 J. F. Nash, Yardley Gobion, J. Clark; round potatoes, 1 T. Kightley, A. Kightley. kidney potatoes, 1 T. Kightley, 2 A. Pettifer, Potterspury; plums, 1 J. Ibell; cooking apples, 1 J. Longhurst; dessert apples, l .1, Longhurst.
FLOWERS.Collection, 1 J. Clark, 2 Slaymaker. Old Stratford - cut flowers, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. Twistleton, Stony Stratford; gladioli, 1 A. Pettifer, 2 John Payne; carnations, 1 Williams, 2 J. Longhurst. Special prizes. Vegetables (by Mr. Winterbottom), 1 G. Church, 2 S. Williams, fruit (by Mr. Winterbottom), J. Ibell; bouquet (by Capt. P. Y. Atkinson), 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. A. Pettifer; bowl sweet peas (by Miss Wills), 1 Longhurst, 2 S. Williams; cut flowers (by Mrs. C, K. Whiting), 1 G. Williams, 2 S Williams; potatoes, three varieties (by Miss Wills), I G. Williams, 2 S. Williams; potatoes, two varieties (by Mrs. A. F. Jelley), 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs; eggs (by Mr. C. R. Whiting), 1 A. E. Higgs, Stony Strafford ; wild flowers, Cosgrove children under 9 years (by Miss Wilkinson). 1 Irene Evans, 2 Margaret Brown; over 9 years, 1 Rosie Hooton, 2 Mary Whiting.
Collections of fruit and vegetables not for competition were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, Cosgrove Hall, and Afr. and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, of Horton Hall. All the exhibits were sold for the funds by Mr. H. Tebbutt, of Messrs. Woods and Co., auctioneers, Northampton.
SPORTS. Sports were arranged in the park under the direction of Messrs. A. Kightley (handicapper), Loughery (starter), A. Bushell and A. Noble (judges).
Results: Girls’ race (under 8), 1 Mary Brown, 2 Irene Evans; under 14, 1 Rosie Hooton, 2 Flora Ince; boys (under 10), 1 Norman Wright, 2 Phil Whiting; under 14. 1 Ronald Beasley, 2 Norman Castle; boys’ sack race, 1 Harry Cummings, 2 Eric Noble; youths’ sack race, 1 Alfred Crouch, 2 Arthur Noble; slow bicycle, 1 Victor Meakins, 2 Stanley Kightley; potato race, 1 Archie Bushell, 2 M. Whiting. Mrs. Winterbottom distributed the prizes.
Side-shows in the grounds were under the supervision of Mr. T. Cummings. They were: Silver mine. Miss E. Barby and Miss O. Eglesfield; ices, minerals and sweets, Mrs. A. Norman and Mrs. T. Lord; spinning wheel, Mr. I. Dunkley and Miss E. Nicholls; three arrows, Mr. E. Hillyer; bowling. Mr. C. Evans; dice bowling, Mr. H. Noble: table skittles. Mr. E. King; ground skittles, Mr. R. Brown; cheese skittles. Mr. G. Hickford; darts. Mr. M. Knight; coconuts, Messrs. S. Kightley and A. Bushell. Teas were served by Mesdames A. Smith, D. Andrews. G. Brown, A, Childs, G. Noble, A. Bushell, T. Cummings, F. Stewart, H. Gascoyne, and Miss Slaymaker (Old Stratford). A whist drive was held and a tennis tournament was under the charge of Miss Gune Atkinson. The Hanslope Excelsior Band rendered selections. The fete committee had as chairman Mr. S. Williams, and Mr. A. Tack as hon. secretary
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 November 1931
Fifty-six players took part in a whist drive in in aid of the Ex-Scholars’ Association. Mr. Scott was M.C., and was assisted by Mrs. Thacker and Miss W. Slaymaker. The winners were Mrs. M. E. Jelley, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. Page, Miss Tack (playing as a man). Mr. Foddy, and Mrs. Whyman (playing as a man). Refreshments were served by Mrs. Thacker, Mrs. Bushell, Miss J. Higgins, and Miss W. Slaymaker, and an enjoyable social followed the drive.
Wolverton Express 23rd March, 1932
For Hospital Funds
A successful and fancy dress dance was held by the Hospital Week Fund on Friday evening, when about 140 people were present, many in fancy dress, which were ably judged for awards by Mrs. W W Dickens, Mrs. J. Adams, Mrs. R C Whiting, Mr. Dickens, and Mr J. Adams Jr.. The prize winners were: Ladies, 1 Mrs. Norman (Seaforth Highlander), 2 Miss Jessie Gould (Nautch Girl); gentlemen, 1 Mr. C Hill (Charlie and his kid), 2 Mr W. Ratcliffe (the Hiker); Girls 1 Gwen Jelley (Bo Beep), 2 Eileen Evans (the coster), 3 Marion Freestone (Teddy bear); Boys1 Harry Cummings (the scarecrow), 2 Howard Smith (Harlequin), 3 Louis Hill (Charlie’s kid); Tiny Tots, 1 Cynthia Tompkins (Newspaper girl), 2 Gladys Loughrey (the House that Jack built), 3 Georgie Hill (the Jockey), 4 Billy Taylor (Lily of the Valley). The Melody Maker’s Band provided the dance music. Refreshments were served by Mesdames G Brown, A Bushell, G Noble, T. Cummings, and Gascoyne, whilst the duties of stewards were carried out by Messrs. S. Williams, T. Cummings, and F Hall. The sum of £6/14/0 was realized.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 August 1932
A flower show, fete and sports, in aid of the Northampton General Hospital, were held at Cosgrove on Saturday, in the delightful grounds of Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr. G. H. Winterbottom, jun.
The fete was declared open by Mrs. W. Holden, of Bromson Hall, Leamington, to whom thanks were expressed by Mr. S. Williams, chairman of the committee. It was stated during the speeches that since 1924 the village had raised £674 for the Hospital an average each year of £84. During that period there had been 30 in-patients and 95 out-patients.
Several stalls and side-shows were well patronised and were in the charge of the following helpers: Jumble stall, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Bushell; sweets, Mrs. Norman; ices, Mrs. Lord; bran tub, Mrs. G. Noble and Master Arthur Noble; teas, Mesdames G. Brown, H. Gascoyne, G. Noble, T. Cummings, H. Herbert, and Mr. C. Mills; shooting gallery, Mr. A. Teagle; bowling, Mr. R. Brown; bottle fishing, Miss Childs; darts and candlelighting, Mr. C. Knight; ground skittles, Mr. C. E. King; bowling rings, Mr. E Kingston; coconuts, Mr. A. Loughrey; table skittles, Mr. S. Eglesfield; racehorse, Mr. W. Holden, jun.; fortune telling, Mrs. B. Sharpe, Towcester; motor car rides, Mr. W. J. Peabody; hidden treasure, Mrs. A. Andrews; and competition for cake, Miss Ivy Hopcraft and Miss Ada Humphries.
Mr. T. Cummings superintended the side-shows organisation, and Mr. A. Loughrey and Mr. A. Tompkins had charge of the children’s sports. The committee responsible for the general arrangements comprised Messrs. G. H. Winterbottom (president), S. Williams (chairman), A. Tack (hon. sec.), F. Hall, T. Cummings. R. Brown, E. King, W. Swain, Ince Higgins, H. Gascoyne, Mesdames G. Brown, G. Noble, T. Cummings, H. Herbert, A. E. Norman, F. Holman, A. Bushell, T. Lord, and Gascoigne.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 January 1933
THE EX-SCHOLARS’ ASSOCIATION held a successful party in the Council School. The rooms had been gaily decorated, and after tea dancing and games were indulged in. Music was supplied by the Ex-Scholars’ Band and Mrs. Andrews at the piano. Messrs. R. Davis, W. Gascoyne, K Lord and R. Toombs acted as M.C.s. The excellent arrangements were made by Mrs. Thacker (president) and the committee.
A WHIST DRIVE and dance arranged by the Hospital Committee and held at the school attracted a good company. Prizes given by Mr. Wilcox, Mr. Greeves, Messrs. York Bros., Mr. R. Seal, Mr. Lever, Mr. Tyrell, Miss Lees, and Mr. Hughes, were presented Mrs. Wilcox to Mrs. N. Dawkes, Miss Duke, Miss M, Lyman, Mr. Mulholland, Mr. A. Dove, Mr. F. Dunkley, Miss Lucy, Mr. A. Tipler, Mr. Hollowell, and Mrs. Abram. Mr. Tyrell was the M.C., and Air. G. Higgs gave assistance.
Wolverton Express 6th January, 1933
The Ex-Scholars association held a most successful party in the Council Schools on Boxing Day when about seventy young people sat down to an enjoyable repast. The rooms were gaily decorated and dancing and games were indulged in until one o’clock. Music was supplied by the Ex-Scholars Band, and Mrs Andrews at the piano. Mrs. Thacker, the president, and the Committee were responsible for the excellently carried out arrangements, while Mrs. R. Davis, K Lord, W Gascoyne, and R Toombs made very able M C.s. Messrs. Bebow and Son, of Stony Stratford, were the caterers.
Wolverton Express 3rd February, 1933
North Bucks Enjoys the Ice
Four happy, yet all too short, days, was a lot of local skaters to enjoy the pleasures of the ice. During the whole of last week the thermometer stood at about, or below, freezing point, and the keen east and north east winds help to freeze every sheet of water in the neighbourhood, including the Grand Union Canal and River Ouse. Skaters in the Wolverton district had their first “try out” on the ice on Wednesday, when quite a number of people had an enjoyable afternoon of pleasure on the pond at the Old Wolverton Manor Farm. On Thursday and the three subsequent days, the Broad Waters at Cosgrove was the centre of attraction, and each day crowds of skaters practised their art on this extensive sheet of water in skating and ice sports. There is no doubt that the Broad Waters provided one of the best sheets of ice that had been in the neighbourhood for many years, and a remark of a skater that “it looks too good to skate upon” was very true. From the heights of the canal bank the ice was so clear as to make people wonder whether there was ice actually there at all, but any fears of the skaters in this direction were rapidly dispelled for the “Broads” were literally crowded, especially on Saturday and Sunday. Local football clubs on Saturday bemoaned the fact of poor support, but many of the usual frequenters of the football grounds were intent upon enjoying the pleasure of the ice before a thaw set in.
On Sunday the “Broads” were visited by thousands of people, the majority although not being themselves skaters, finding enjoyment in the pleasures of others. Especially in the afternoon, when the weather was so favourable for walking, the canal footpath between Old Wolverton and Cosgrove was so crowded with a continuing stream of people that it much resembled a promenade at some favoured seaside resort in the summer months.
Fortunately ice accidents were few. One Wolverton lady, Mrs. Walton, of Windsor Street, had the misfortune to fall on the Broad Waters on Thursday and fractured her arm. This was the most serious of the accidents reported, others being quite minor affairs.
The thaw began on Sunday. A steadily changing barometer prepared the way for it. Sunday night brought rain which, falling on the frozen earth, made the transport and travel conditions early on Monday most difficult. Railwaymen living several miles from their work suffered from the fact that the omnibuses in which they usually travel were unable to climb the gradients of the road and that morning the men were forced to walk to their work, with the result that there were many late arrivals in Wolverton. One omnibus skidded the whole width of the road near the Railway Works, and another mounted the pavement, whilst one bus was unable to climb even the slight gradient near the Science and Art institute.
Wolverton Express 31st March 1933
A fancy dress dance was held on Friday in aid of hospital funds and of about 90 people present, there were many in fancy costumes. A parade of these competitors was judged by Mrs. Atkinson, of Cosgrove Priory and Misses M. Atkinson and G. Atkinson, of Paulerspury house. By skilful discrimination they gave their awards as follows:
Tiny Tots, Gladys Loughrey (Goodnight); girls, Rita Meakins (Nippy), Dorothy Markham (Golliwog), Marjory Brown (Italian gipsy); boys, Harry Cummings (scarecrow); ladies, Mrs. E. King (guardsman), Mrs F. Hillyer, Jr., (Scarecrow); gentleman, Jack Eglesfield (Spring cleaning), Mr. P. Swain (one o’clock in the morning). The prizes were distributed by Miss M. Atkinson. Mr S. Williams, on behalf of the Hospital Week Committee, thanked the ladies for their invaluable assistance and all others for their support, without which the work of the hospital could not be carried on. Miss M. Atkinson replied and spoke of the difficulties experienced in awarding the prizes in view of the splendid makeups. She felt sure that many hours of labour must have been spent in their design, and hoped that too much disappointment was not felt by the other competitors who did not receive awards. Mesdames Brown, Noble, Cummings, Gascoyne, and Herbert were at the buffet, and duties of door stewards were carried out by Messrs. T. Cummings, F. Hall, and S. Williams. The amount cleared was £2 14s 2d. This ended the dance season and brought the total raised for the year to £40.
Left to right: Roslyn Jolly & Margery Brown (Italian gipsy)
Wolverton Express 31st March 1933
A fancy dress dance was held on Friday in aid of hospital funds and of about 90 people present, there were many in fancy costumes. A parade of these competitors was judged by Mrs. Atkinson, of Cosgrove Priory and Misses M. Atkinson and G. Atkinson, of Paulerspury house. By skilful discrimination they gave their awards as follows:
Tiny Tots, Gladys Loughrey (Goodnight); girls, Rita Meakins (Nippy), Dorothy Markham (Golliwog), Marjory Brown (Italian gipsy); boys, Harry Cummings (scarecrow); ladies, Mrs. E King (guardsman), Mrs F Hillyer, Jr., (Scarecrow); gentleman, Jack Eglesfield (Spring cleaning), Mr. P Swain (one o’clock in the morning). The prizes were distributed by Miss M. Atkinson. Mr S. Williams, on behalf of the Hospital Week Committee, thanked the ladies for their invaluable assistance and all others for their support, without which the work of the hospital could not be carried on. Miss M. Atkinson replied and spoke of the difficulties experienced in awarding the prizes in view of the splendid makeups. She felt sure that many hours of labour must have been spent in their design, and hoped that too much disappointment was not felt by the other competitors who did not receive awards. Mesdames Brown, Noble, Cummings, Gascoyne, and Herbert were at the buffet, and duties of door stewards were carried out by Messrs. T. Cummings, F Hall, and S. Williams. The amount cleared was £2 14s 2d. This ended the dance season and brought the total raised for the year to £40.
Wolverton Express 28th April, 1933
Social evening
The Cosgrove Ex-Scholars Association held a party and dance in the Schools to conclude their successful series of winter socials. There were about seventy present and a very pleasant time was spent. Mr R. Davies was the MC for games and dancing, the music being supplied by the Black and Blue Rhythm Boys Dance Band, with Mrs Andrews at the pianoforte. An Easter egg was given as a prize for a competition managed by Miss D. Giles and Mr. K Lord, and this was won by Mr. Billy Jones and company. Excellent arrangements for the gathering were made by the Committee of the Association, assisted by Mrs. Thack
Wolverton Express 12th May, 1933
New Hospital Scheme at Cosgrove
In recent years the Cosgrove Hospital committee, through its inhabitants, have raised for the Northampton general hospital about £40 annually by the holding of concerts, dances, flower shows, fetes, fishing competitions, etc., all of which have entailed a considerable amount of hard work. At their annual meeting on 4th May the Committee unanimously decided to put into operation the voluntary contributory scheme, which is already working with smoothness in about 25 Northants villages. As a result of the scheme all the functions previously held will be discontinued, and the inhabitants will be asked to make a weekly voluntary contribution. Already no fewer than one hundred and fifty persons have signified their willingness to subscribe in this way, and it is confidently expected by the Committee that no difficulty will be experienced in raising by this means, together with the usual donations, the £40 that has hitherto been raised.
The new scheme does not require much expense being incurred, if any at all, and thus the Committee will not have to raise £10 to £20 to meet their usual annual liabilities.
Last year’s committee of sixteen members was re-elected, and a number of them will act as collectors. Mr S. Williams (chairman) and Mr. A Tack (Hon Secretary) were also re-elected.
It was reported at this meeting that as the result of the annual egg collection held the previous week for the fourth year, a total of 638 eggs were sent to the institution, and those responsible for this collection were Miss Joan Higgins, Mrs. G Noble, and Mrs. A Tack.
Wolverton Express 19th May, 1933
Women’s Outing
Members of the Cosgrove and Old Stratford Women’s Conservative Association, numbering twenty five, visited Bournville for their annual outing on Monday last. The journey was made by motor saloon, leaving Cosgrove at 10.30 am, with a halt at Leamington for lunch. At Bourneville an interesting and instructive visit was made to Messrs. Cadbury’s famous works and the picturesque village. Upon the return journey a short stay was allowed for shopping purposes at Coventry, and Cosgrove was reached at about 930. Mrs. R Whiting, hon. Secretary, made very able arrangements for the comfort and convenience of the party.
Wolverton Express 9th June 1933
A whist drive was held by the Cosgrove Ex-Scholars’ Association on Thursday last in the Old Schools. About forty persons took part with Mr. A Toombs as MC. The winners were: Ladies, 1 Mrs. W Limbrey (Castlethorpe), 2 Mrs. Loughrey; Gentlemen, 1 Mr R. Davis, 2 Mr. H Whitehead.
Mrs. Parker distributed prizes, which were given by members of the Ex-Scholars Committee, who made the arrangements,
Wolverton Express 21st July, 1933
Sunday concert
The Wolverton town silver band visited the village on Sunday and, under the conductorship of Mr. A Frocks, entertained a large crowd with an enjoyable programme of music. The concert took place in the centre of the village.
Wolverton Express 21st July, 1933
Thirty members of the Cosgrove Ex-scholars Association went for their annual outing on Saturday last to Margate, making the journey by saloon coach, leaving Cosgrove in the early hours of the morning, the party arriving at the seaside at 10.30. About eight hours were spent by the sea and the weather, which was ideal, made for an enjoyable day. Cosgrove was reached at 2.00 am on Sunday. The arrangements for the outing were capably made by Miss D. Giles (Hon Secretary) and Mrs. Thacker (President).
Wolverton Express 9th March, 1934
Hospital Week Fund
The annual general meeting of the Cosgrove Hospital Week Fund was held in the Mission Hall on Wednesday, with Mr S. Williams as chairman. It was reported that the contributory scheme of a minimum of one penny per week had been much more satisfactory in raising money for the hospital and from its inauguration in April to 31st December, 1933 a greater net receipt was shown than for the previous year. With donations the amount raised was £45. The result is a tribute to the work of the ladies of the Committee, who collect the contributions weekly.
And a letter received from Mr. Charles H Battle, Secretary of the Northamptonshire Hospital Week Fund, expressed appreciation to the Committee and all who had given support during the year for the Northampton General Hospital. The officers and Committee were elected for the ensuing year.
Wolverton Express 10th May, 1935
Old English Sports at Cosgrove
For days previous and early on Monday residents were busily occupied in the decoration of their houses for the Jubilee celebrations. Prizes were awarded for the best decorated houses and this proved an added incentive to the residents, who had decorated the village from one end to the other. There were some especially fine individual displays, showing that much care and attention had been given.
The judging of the houses was the first item of the day’s programme and the judges, Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of the Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Heap, of Little Manor, found a very difficult task ahead of them. They eventually announced their awards as follows: 1 Mrs. A Eglesfield (Bridge Row), 2 Mrs. Walter Clarke (New Buildings), 3 Mrs. George Noble (Bridge Row). A special and extra prize kindly given by Mrs Winterbottom went to Mrs W. Atkins (Bridge Row).
The Union Jack in the school grounds was unfurled by the schoolchildren in the presence of the following school managers: Captain P Y Atkinson, Mr. R Whiting, Mr S. Williams, Mr C. Evans, Mr. A J Childs, and Mr J. Higgins.
A service in the Parish Church was well attended and was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. H N C Hewson.
The children were celebrating King George V's Silver Jubilee at The Priory, Cosgrove, 6 May 1935.

1 Miss Keverin, 2 Terry Lovesey, 3 ------, 4 Mrs Atkinson, 5 Mary Brown, 6 Eileen Evans, 7 Mrs Thacker
8 ------, 9 Marjorie Brown, 10 Edie Clarke, 11 ------, 12 ------, 13 Betty Whittaker, 14 Norah Crowder, 15 Sheila Markham
16 ------, 17 ------, 18 ------, 19 ------, 20 Ray Meakins, 21 Eric Meakins 22 ------, 23 Chris Whittaker, 24 Vince Lovesey,
25 ------, 26 Audrey Smith, 27 ------, 28 ------,
29 ------, 30 ------, 31 ------, 32 ------,
33 ------, 34 ------, 35 ------, 36 ------, 37 ------, 38 ------,
39 June Gallop, 40 Beryl Tompkins, 41 May Stewart, 42 -----, 43 Betty Hillyer, 44 Nancy Martin, 44 Mabel Castle, 46 Dennis Tompkins, 47 Bob Gallop, 48 Doug Hillyer, 50 Georgie Hill
Bridge Row decorated for the Silver Jubilee of King George V
Bridge Row decorated for the Silver Jubilee of King George V
Parade for the Silver Jubilee of King George V, in Main Street
The parade turning into Bridge Road
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 May 1935

Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 August 1935
will be held at
Cosgrove Hall
(by kind permission of G. H. Winterbottom, Esq.)
In aid of a Jubilee Bell for the Church.
To be Opened at 3 o’clock by
Their Highnesses The
Prince & Princess Gilitizine
Gates will be open 2-30.
Fishing Contest
Side Shows
Whist Drive
Country Dancing
Fortune Teller
Boy Scout
Lucky Dip
Races for Children and Adults
Entries to sent to MR. KNIGHT,
Old Stratford, before Aug. 15th
Balloon Races
Fancy Dress
Parade Stalls
Fire Display
RAFFLE FOR LIVE GOATS, also other Animals,
Birds, etc. RAFFLE for LIVE PIG
Dancing on the Lawn.
LANDER’S BAND will be in attendance
The Grounds will be Illuminated and Dancing
will proceed until 12 o'clock.
TEAS and Light Refreshments
The Fete will be organised and arranged
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 August 1935
A Gift from a Russian Prince and Princess is to be presented to a boy hero at a Cosgrove fete tomorrow. The boy is Arthur Noble, and some time ago he pluckily rescued a child from drowning. A little boy named Peter Whittaker, aged five, slipped while playing on the bank of the Grand Union Canal, near Cosgrove Locks, and fell into the water. He was carried away and on the point of drowning when Noble dived in the canal and brought him to the bank. He began artificial respiration, but his rescue efforts had exhausted him.
Fortunately, villager had by this time arrived on the scene, and he was able to restore the child. The plucky act was brought to the notice of Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, Cosgrove Hall, and the Royal Humane Society was communicated with. The Society has sent a certificate and a medallion, and the presentation of these is to be made at a fete on Saturday by Prince and Princess Nicholas Galitzin, members of an old order of Russian nobility, who are friends of Mrs. Winterbottom. Their only son, Prince Yurka, is at Stowe School. As an appreciation of the schoolboys’ act, the Prince and Princess are presenting him with a watch, and Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom have given a chain for the medallion.
It is anticipated that about 2000 people will be present at the fete, and many county families in Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire will be represented. Mrs. Winterbottom has made herself responsible for supervising the arrangements, and it is intended to use the funds to provide a Jubilee bell for the Parish Church, which has a pretty peal of six. Mrs. Winterbottom informed a Mercury and Herald reporter that if there is any surplus after the provision of the bell she would like to see it used towards the erection in the village of a building where the young people could meet. At the present time the nearest facilities are at neighbouring halls in Stony Stratford and Wolverton.
Wolverton Express 23rd August, 1935
Prince and Princess to Open Cosgrove Fete
To raise funds for a Jubilee commemoration bell for the Cosgrove Parish Church Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, has organized a fete which is to be held in the Hall grounds tomorrow (Saturday).
Special interest will be centred in the visit of Prince and Princess Galitzine, members of an old order of Russian nobility, who are friends of Mrs Winterbottom, who will perform the opening ceremony. The only son of Prince and Princess Galitzine (Prince Yurka) is a pupil at Stowe School.
It is anticipated that about 2000 people will be present and many county families in Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire will be represented.
Many amusements will be staged, including side-shows of the latest type.
A cup is being offered for a fire brigade competition for which Captain A Yates, of the Stony Stratford Brigade, is making arrangements. The stony Stratford boy scouts are to give the engine mastic display, there will be races for children, a fancy dress parade, balloon races, country dancing, a whist drive, and dancing on the lawn to music by a specially engaged band. At dusk the grounds will be illuminated and the lawn and the house will be floodlit.
Royal Humane Society Award
Official notification has been received at the Wolverton Express office of the award of a Parchment by the Royal Humane Society, of York House, Strand, London, WC2, to Arthur Noble, of Cosgrove, for lifesaving.
The intimation reads:
“To Arthur Noble (16), an apprentice fitter on the LMS at Wolverton, Bucks, for saving Peter Whittaker (5), of Cosgrove, Stony Stratford, when he fell into the Grand Union Canal on 6th July”.
The plucky act was brought to the notice of the Society by Mrs. G H Winterbottom and the parchment, together with a medallion, will be presented to the recipient at the fete on Saturday by the Prince and Princess.
As an appreciation of the deed the Prince and Princess are presenting him with a watch and Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom have given a chain for the medallion.
The Northampton Independent Friday August 30th 1935:
A boy hero of Northamptonshire was honoured at a garden fete opened by Princess Galitzine at Cosgrove Hall. He was Arthur Noble, of Cosgrove, who rescued a five year old child from the Grand Union Canal, the Princess is seen handing Noble a presentation watch and chain. Also in the group are (left to right): Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, who organised the fete to raise funds for the purchase of a Jubilee Bell, Mr. Winterbottom, Mrs. J. Daubeny, and the Rev H N C Hewson.
The Northampton Independent Friday August 30th 1935: A boy hero of Northamptonshire was honoured at a garden fete opened by Princess Galitzine at Cosgrove Hall. He was Arthur Noble, of Cosgrove, who rescued a five year old child from the Grand Union Canal, the Princess is seen handing Noble a presentation watch and chain. Also in the group are (left to right): Mrs G H Winterbottom, who organised the fete to raise funds for the purchase of a Jubilee Bell, Mr Winterbottom, Mrs J Daubeny, and the Rev H N C Hewson. |
Prince Galitzine is seen displaying his skills at darts.
Miss Bouverie (right) and Mrs C Alexander with Monica Clifton
and Mabel Castle who presented bouquets.
The “Zulus” are Stony Stratford Scouts giving a war dance.
Wolverton Express 30th August, 1935
Prince and Princess at Cosgrove Fete
A Successful Day - Many Attractions
Country dances, gymnastic displays, boxing exhibitions, fire brigade competitions, and dancing by floodlighting were a few of the many attractions at Cosgrove Hall (the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom) on Saturday last, when probably the most successful village fete held in this district took place.
To Mrs Winterbottom, under whose supervision the function was organized, every possible credit is due for arranging such a varied programme, which over 1000 visitors to the well-appointed grounds had the privilege of enjoying. Mrs Winterbottom’s endeavour was to raise money for the purchase of a Jubilee bell for the village church and such money in excess to be devoted to a fund for the erection of a village hall. That the village church will receive the gift of the bell as the result of Saturday’s effort is certain, for when expenses have been met close upon £100 will be the net proceeds.
With a dull Saturday morning following the heavy rain of the previous day and night it was doubtful right up to mid-day whether it would be possible for the holding of an outdoor function, but the sun made its way through thick clouds and by two o’clock a cloudless sky came to the delight of the organizer and her many helpers, and to the large number of persons who had intended visiting Cosgrove for the spending of that afternoon and evening.
Chief interest in connection with the fete centred upon the presence of Prince Nicholas Galitzine and Princess Galitzine, members of an old Russian family. Many helpers took a share in the management of sideshows and these included Prince Yurka Galitzine who is at school at Stowe; Mrs Dan Benny, daughter of the Prince and Princess; Dr. and Mrs. A Habgood and Dr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence, Stony Stratford; Miss Bouverie of Delapre Park, Northampton; Mrs. Alexander of Grafton Regis; Mr. and Mrs. G. Rogers, of London; and Mr. and Mrs. B. Sykes.
Mrs Winterbottom, as a Venetian lady in a Crinoline gown of salmon pink shade, trimmed with gold lace with two large rosettes at the hem, and wearing a three cornered black velvet hat and veil, came in for considerable admiration.
It was surprising how quickly visitors to the fete assembled. Half an hour before the opening ceremony the attendance was a meagre one, but people arrived from Stony Stratford, Wolverton, and the surrounding villages, and when Princess Galitzine declared the proceedings at open there were fully 500 people present.
Opening ceremony
The opening ceremony was performed from the lawn at the front of the house and Prince Galitzine, before calling upon his wife, said he was delighted to be present on such an occasion to assist in the effort of acquiring a nice bell to commemorate the Jubilee, which was so fleetingly celebrated this year.
Princess Galitzine wish the effort every success and hoped that the Jubilee bell would not only bring happiness to Cosgrove but that they would also have the dance hall which Mrs Winterbottom wish to obtain for them.
Her Highness was handed a bouquet of carnations by Mabel Castle and a miniature silver bell by little Monica Clifton, who were handed in return the gifts of a gold and silver brooch respectively by the Princess.
Prince Galitzine announced the brave action of Arthur Noble (1) of Cosgrove, who saved from drowning in the canal on 6th July Peter Whittaker, aged five. Princess Galitzine handed to the rescuer a silver watch which bore the inscription “Presented to Arthur Thomas Noble by Princess Galitzine, in recognition of a noble deed, 24th August, 1935”. A silver chain, the gift of Mrs Winterbottom, accompanied the watch. The recipient in acknowledging, said “Thank you. I only did my duty”. A parchment awarded Noble by the Royal Humane Society was not at hand for presentation.
The prince initiated cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom for generously allowing the use of their grounds for the occasion and the interest they had taken in the effort.
Dancing Display
Country dances were charmingly given by Cosgrove children, under the guidance of Miss Rogers, of Stony Stratford. They had been trained by Mrs. Thacker, the school mistress. These performances delighted the many parents.
Stoney Stratford Win Fire Brigade Competitions
The members of the Stony Stratford Fire Brigade, which has been extensively reorganised during the past two years, were very proud to be the first winners of the “Winterbottom Jubilee Cup”, which trophy has been presented to the Brigade for it to arrange annual competitions. Stoney Stratford’S success was the more noteworthy by the fact that they defeated the other local brigade, Wolverton LMS Works.
Chief officer A A Yates was responsible for the competition arrangements. Four brigades completed and the cup was awarded for the best aggregate team.
The judges were Chief Officers H T Smith (Bicester) and J J Clarke (Leighton Buzzard). The results and times were:
Hose-cart: 1 Stony Stratford 29.6 seconds, 2 Wolverton 37.3 (including 5sec penalty), 3 Wendover 37.4 (1 sec), 4 Bicester 42.
Motor turnout: 1 Wolverton 34.3, 2 Bicester 40.2, 3 Stony Stratford 43 (4sec), 4 Wendover 45 (1sec).
Motor pump dry: 1 Stony Stratford 76.4, 2 Wolverton 94, 3 Wendover 101.5, 4 Bicester 122.3
Aggregate: 1 Stony Stratford 149, 2 Wolverton 165.6, 3 Wendover 184, 4 Bicester 205.5.
The first and second seconds team in each drill received a cash prize of £1 and 10/- respectively and a diploma, and the third team a diploma. Mrs Winterbottom handed the cup to Chief Officer A Yates and also distributed the prizes. Chief Officer Canvin received the Wolverton awards.
Boxing exhibitions
A new outdoor sport to this district was presented in the form of boxing matches. The arrangements were made by Mr. W Jakeman, the promoter of the “Plough” boxing club, Stony Stratford. Three fights were staged, the first resulting in a tie and was taken part in by two newcomers to the sport in R Homan (Stony Stratford) and R Frisby (Wolverton). The second bout saw “Ginger” Hawkins (Calverton) prove no match for W Jakeman (Stony Stratford). The final match proved very interesting, the contestants being Pat Cummings (Stony Stratford) and Fred Burgess (Buckingham) both bantam weights.
Gymnastic displays
About 30 stony Stratford Boy Scouts, under their instructor GSM T G Dicks, gave physical exercises and a gymnastic display in the early evening. Each of their turns were loudly applauded. They repeated some of the drills at eleven o’clock by the aid of the floodlighting.
Fancy dress parade
There were nearly 50 individuals in fancy costume and these were judged by Mrs Winterbottom, Princess Galitzine, and her daughter, who gave their awards as follows :
Children: 1 Peggy Ruff, Cosgrove (lady with a lantern); equal seconds Michael Smith, Yardley Gobion, and Bobby Gallop, Cosgrove both as soldiers; Mary Knight, Stony Stratford (Jubilee bell); 4 Douglas Hillyer, Cosgrove (executioner).
Adults: 1 Misses I Tyrell and Eileen Johnson, Stony Stratford (Princes in the tower); 2 King Kobo and his attendants, Messrs. V. Parker, F Eaton, and F. James, Stony Stratford; Mrs. T Smith, Yardley Gobion (Shell petrol); special prize, Mrs. F Hillyer, Cosgrove (Jubilee bell).
Stalls and amusements
The stalls and sideshows were supervised by; Mrs. G H Winterbottom, Princess Galitzine, Mrs Van der Byl, and the Misses Van der Byl (novelty and cake stall); Miss R Van der Bilt (ices); Mrs J Dan Benny and Mr. J R Case (Cosgrove stakes); Pamela Habgood (Bran tub); Madame Flamenco (fortune telling); Mrs. E D Lawrence and Mr J. Weston (spinning wheel); Mrs A H Habgood and Miss Crofts (Jubilee races); Messrs. A M W Chapman, Wolverton (dice bowling); Dr. A H Habgood and Mr M E Jelley (miniature dice bowling); Mrs. A H Habgood (clothesline); Mr. G H Winterbottom and Mr H. Parkinson, Stony Stratford (bowls); Rev. H N C Hewson and Mrs. J. Adams, Old Stratford (flowerpot stall); Mr B Sykes and Mr G. Rogers (darts); Mrs. G. Rogers (pony rides); Mr. and Mrs. P Gammage, Stony Stratford (housey housey; Mr J. Clarke (coconuts); Mr S. Bennett and Mr. E Longland (skittles); Prince Yurka had charge of a sideshow.
A. Hewson undertake the duties of treasurer to the fund. Pamphlets with poetry printed thereon referring to the Jubilee bell composed by the Rev. H N C Hewson, were on sale.
Floodlit grounds
Shortly before 9.00 the grounds were brilliantly illuminated by a number of large art lamps, whilst coloured lights hung around the building from where Lander’s Dance Band played selections for dancing, which was much enjoyed by the large number of young people. About ten o’clock a mystery lady appeared and caused considerable amusement. “Her” identity was later revealed to be Mr Henry Fermor, a Butler at the Hall, who is a well-known London and continental female impersonator. The dress worn was from Messrs Worth’s of Paris.
Before the close the company was given a skilful rendering of tunes and change ringing on handbells by Mr. Lambert, of Cosgrove, and his two sons, and Mr. J Green, Wicken.
Prince Galitzine again thanked Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom for what they had done and for working unceasingly throughout the day for the benefit of charity. Mr. Winterbottom returned thanks to the Prince and Princess for kindly taking their part and cheers were given. The house staff at Cosgrove Hall also took their share in the smooth working of the day in preparing lunch and dinner to the house party and also arranging meals for those who assisted in many ways. The arranging of the floodlighting was the work of Messrs. C H Cave and Co, electrical engineers, of Stony Stratford and Old Stratford, under the direction of Mr C. Durrant, and many expressed their appreciation of this side of the day, which was a notable feature. Thanks are due to Mr. C Compton, of Wolverton and Mr J. Higgins who remained at the gate from two o’clock until late in the evening when it was found that over £20 ha been realized from the nominal admission charges of sixpence for adults and threepence for children.
Wolverton Express 3rd January, 1936
Children entertained
Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, with her unfailing generosity, gave the village children a very happy time on Christmas Eve when she entertained no fewer than 120 young people at the Hall. The children were served with tea by members of the Hall Staff, and afterwards they were delighted with the entertainment provided by a London conjurer, and cabaret by the Stony Stratford Boy Scouts, some members of whom also gave a sketch “Taming a Lion”. There were games and dances for the children, crackers were distributed, and party hats worn added to the merriment. The centre of attraction for the children was a large Christmas tree laden with presents, one for each child. The presents were taken from the tree by Mrs Winterbottom, who handed them to Mr. George Barker, who in the role of Santa Claus, made the distribution. Assisting Mrs Winterbottom was her husband and the members of the house party included Baron Strebel (an Austrian General), Miss McGown, Mrs A H Habgood, Mrs. E D Lawrence, and Captain Grant Ives (Braddon). The parents of the children deeply appreciate the kind thought Mrs. Winterbottom has shown for the wellbeing of the young people of the village.
Wolverton Express 27th March, 1936
A whist drive was held in the old schools on Friday, 20th March, as a benefit for Mrs. C. Evans, and was well attended. With contributions and prizes given for the above, it resulted in a grand total of £18 and Mrs. C. Evans wishes to thank the organizers and all kind friends who contributed to such a handsome sum.
Wolverton Express 4th September, 1936

Wolverton Express 4th September, 1936
Monster fete at Cosgrove Hall
On behalf of the funds of the Women’s Section, Stony Stratford branch, British Legion, a monster fete is being held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall tomorrow (Saturday), through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom. The Legion officials, led by Mrs A H Habgood (Hon Secretary), with the ever ready help of Mrs Winterbottom, have arranged a host of attractive amusements which include a ladies’ football match between Stony Stratford and Wolverton; a two hour performance by Volpres world famous pony and dog circus; a concert by the Keynotes Concert Party, which includes the following artists: Olive Starmer, LRAM, (soprano), Vera Pettit (danseuse), Norton Wilward (BBC entertainer), Marion Brown (soubrette), Stewart Norman (baritone), John Cockle (solo pianist and accompanist), and Sidney Burdett (magician and ventriloquist); also an entertainment by a well-known London comedian.
A display will be given by Lady Penrhyn’s Scouts. The lawn will be fully illuminated by electric lights from dusk until midnight for dancing to the Frivolities Dance Orchestra. The United Counties Omnibus Company will run a special service of buses to Cosgrove, times of which can be found in our advertisement columns. All visitors to Cosgrove Hall can be assured of a very pleasurable time, especially if the weather continues as kind as it has been of recent weeks.
Wolverton Express 11th September 1936
British Legion Fete at Cosgrove Hall
Marred by Rain
Rain, although welcomed by many people last week, came as a great disappointment to those workers who had prepared for a monster fete on Saturday last at Cosgrove. Had the weather continued to be as it had been for the few weeks previous, one of the most successful fetes in the neighbourhood this year would certainly have resulted, for a very ambitious programme had been arranged to provide for an enjoyable afternoon and evening.
The extensive and well-appointed grounds of Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, had been generously placed at the disposal of the Women’s Section of the Stony Stratford branch of the British Legion, and both Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom gave wholehearted work to the effort that was to have benefited the Women’s Section funds. In spite of the showers of rain which fell at intervals, the programme was carried through and no fewer than 500 people attended, a number which it is anticipated would have been more than doubled had the weather been more favourable for outdoor functions. Those who did attend found much pleasure in the round of the entertainment that had been provided for them.
The opening ceremony
The opening ceremony, in the early afternoon, was performed from the entrance to the Conservatory. On the platform weere Mrs. D Knibbe, chairman of the Women’s Section of the Legion, who welcomed the gathering, Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, Mrs. A H Habgood (hon Secretary), Mrs S F Markham (section president), Captain Logan and Major Van Der Bye, of Wappenham. The latter, in declaring the fete opened paid tribute to the wonderful work carried out by the Legion.
A comprehensive vote of thanks to Major Van Der Bye, and to the host and hostess, was voiced by Mrs. Habgood, who after expressing thanks for the kind use of the beautiful grounds, referred to the activities of the Stony Stratford Women’s Section, which sent several donations last year to deserving objects. A posy of pink carnations was handed to Mrs Winterbottom by Madeleine Lawrence, the little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E D Lawrence, of Stony Stratford.
Ladies’ Football Match
Mrs SF Markham was in charge of the Stony Stratford lady footballers, who were given the name of “Canaries” by Mr. Winterbottom by reason of the coloured jerseys they wore. A Stony Stratford team was opposed to a Wolverton team and registered their first win. The result was the odd goal of five in their favour and their goals were scored by Eileen Evans, Doris Pacey, and Marion Freestone.
Those responsible for the football arrangements were: Mr. and Mrs. P Gammage, Messrs. R Brown, F Browning, G Hickford, A Tite, G Rollings. Mrs. A Smith and Mrs. G Freestone acted as trainers. After the match the girls of both teams were entertained to tea by Mrs Winterbottom, who was presented with two dolls dressed in the Legion colours of blue and gold by Peggy Pallett and Flora Atkins. The dolls were given by Mrs Bushell, of Cosgrove.
Pony and dog circus
A pony and dog circus of international repute gave a very entertaining two hours performance. The wonderful intelligence displayed by the animals amazed the audience. One member of the audience when asked to call the number gave 13, one of the ponies struck a board with its forelegs the correct number of times. The tricks performed by the animals were exceedingly clever but they were cute enough not to do too many tricks and less they received their full quota of nobs of sugar.
Sideshows and stalls
Between the showers the sideshows and stalls were well patronised and those in charge were: Mrs. Winterbottom (useful articles), Mr. A Tite and Mr. W Mackerness (spinning Jenny), Mrs. A Gamble and Mrs. R. Holden (fancy articles), Mr A. Nicholls and Mr. A Kightley (ringing the beer bottle), Mrs. E Downing and Mrs. P Russel (dice bowling), Mr. H D G Butler and Mr. P N D Butler (hoop la), Mrs. H. Parker and Mr. W R V Russell (race game), Mr A. Jackson and Mr. H J Clarke (darts). Ices were sold by Messrs. Clarke’s Stores, of Stony Stratford, who gave a donation towards the fund, Mrs. W Mackerness and Mr. G W Mackerness (cakes and sweets).
A Cake making Competition
A cake making competition was well supported, there being no fewer than 50 cakes entered, which were all given for sale after having been judged. Mrs. W Mackerness superintended this section and the judges were Mr T. Hazeltine, Stony Stratford, and Mr. Norman, Cosgrove, and made the following awards:
1 Mrs W Goodman (King Street), 2 Mrs. H C Kentish (Wolverton Road), 3 Mrs. F Smith (King Street). Ample provision was made so that no shortage would be experienced in catering for teas and the following ladies were responsible: Mesdames D Knibbs, F Young, and Phillips (convenors), A R Castle, E Downing, H. Parker, and Miss Maguire (Stony Stratford), Mesdames Williams, T. Cummings, Evans and Gascoyne (Cosgrove). In charge of the copper were Messrs. A Gamble, H Smith, and P Swain. Buttonholes, flowers for which were given by Mrs Bushell, were sold by Miss Rose Hooton and Miss Kath Bushell.
Fancy dress
A fancy dress competition was held, those in costume being judged by the popular vote of the audience. The cash prizes were generously given by Mrs Winterbottom.
Awards: young children, 1 Sam Rudd (Red Indian), 2 Shirley Oldham (Soldier), consolation Tony Bryant (Abyssinian).
Elder children 1 Sylvia Noble (Lavender girl), 2 Kathleen Parker (Legion poppy), consolation prizes were given to Mrs. Clarke (news vendor) and Mrs. Brown (Charlie Chaplin).
Scouts display and concert
Members of the Wicken (Lady Penrhyn’s own) Boy Scouts gave a gymnastic display on the lawn under the direction of the Rev. H P Hoskin. A programme by the Keynotes Concert party which included BBC artists was given from the platform erected near the Conservatory and the items were most enjoyable. A special number in the programme was the singing by Mrs Winterbottom of “Smiling Through” and who upon being heartily cheered gave “For you alone”. A performance was also given by a well-known London comedian.
Unfortunately the rain soaked and did not allow of dancing on the lawn in the evening hours. For this part of the programme the lawn had been floodlit by four large arc lamps. This work was carried out under the supervision of Mr. C G Durrant, of Messrs. Caves and Co, Stony Stratford, who was also responsible for floodlighting the drive. A number of young people did, however, dance in the field adjoining the lawn, the music being provided by the Frivolities Dance Orchestra.
The workers
The workers were many and were ably and enthusiastically led by Mrs A H Habgood, who was determined to make the best of the weather conditions. They were indeed grateful that they were able to carry on with the fete but it was somewhat disheartening that a full return was not possible after the many hours of work putting in preparation for the function. Mrs Winterbottom was very active in her help and was also responsible for the attendance of a number of visitors from a distance who were generous in their support. Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom were also responsible for the presence of the concert party and for the floodlighting of the grounds a dusk.
The majority of the workers have already been named in this report, but there were also Messrs. G J Turner (Stony Stratford), A Tack, G. Williams, F Hall, A. Childs, and T Jelley whose duties at gatekeepers were none the less responsible. Other helpers whose names may have inadvertently been omitted can be assured that their services were equally appreciated by the organizers.
Mrs. P Gammage realized 28s in an individual effort in connection with the football match. Mrs. Joan Davis and Betsy Young managed the sale of a basket of fruit.
Mr. W H Haslam of the Westminster Bank, Stony Stratford branch, was Treasurer for the day.
Mrs. Habgood wishes to thank all who gave assistance, with special thanks to the Cosgrove helpers.
Gross takings
The gross takings of the fete amounted to approximately £260 and some of the individual items of income were: takings on the gate and tickets sold before the day, 13/9/10; Mrs Winterbottom’s stall £71/11; teas £5; hoop la £1/0/7; circus £3/11/2½; collection at scout display 16/11; Fancy stall £2/1/10; darts £1/5/6; race game 19/-; ringing the beer bottles £1/19/6; cake stall £1/17/7½; sweets £1 2/11½; concert collection £1/8/5½; donations £310/0.
After expenses have been met it is anticipated that a sum in the vicinity of £25 will be the net proceeds.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 September 1936
Heavy showers interfered with enjoyment of a garden fete held at Cosgrove Hall on Saturday by the women’s branch of the Stony Stratford British Legion. Besides lending the beautiful grounds, which were illuminated at dusk, Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom presided at one of the chief stalls and also contributed to the concert programme.
The opening ceremony was performed by Major Van Der Byl. of Wappenham, and thanks to Mrs. Winterbottom were expressed by Mrs. A. H. Habgood of Calverton House, Stony Stratford, and a posy was presented to her by little Madeline Lawrence.
A women’s football match between Stony Stratford and Wolverton gave the former their first victory by three goals to two, the scorers being Eileen Evans, Doris Pacey and Marion Freestone. Mrs. S. F. Markham was in charge, assisted by Mr. G. Hickford.
A fancy dress competition for prizes given by Mrs. Winterbottom resulted:
Children, 1 Sam Ruff (Hanslope), 2 Shirley Oldham, consolation Tony Rudd (Stony Stratford): adults. 1 Sylvia Noble. 2 Kathleen Barker, consolation Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Brown
A cake competition, organised by Mrs. W. Mackerness and judged by Mr. T. Haseldine (Stony Stratford) and Mr. Norman (Cosgrove), attracted 50 entries, and resulted: 1 Mrs. W. Goodman, 2 Mrs. H. Kentish, 3 Mrs. F. Smith.
Stalls and sideshows were in the charge of the following; Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom. Mr. A. Tite, Mr. W. Mackerness. Mrs. A. Gamble, Mrs. R. Holden, Mr. A. Nicholls. Mr. A. Knightley, Mrs. E. Downing, Mrs. P. Russell, Messrs. H. D. G. and N. D. Butler, A. Jackson. H. J. Clarke, Mrs. H. Parker, and Mr. W. R. V. Russell; tea buffet, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. F. Young. Mrs. D. Knibbs. Mrs. R. Castle, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. T. Cummings, Mr. Evan, Mrs. Gascoyne, and Miss Maquire; buttonholes, Misses Ross, Hooton, and Kath Bushell.
A gymnastic display was given by the Wicken (Lady Penryhn’s Own) Scouts, entertainments by a concert party and a pony and dog show, and selections by a dance band. Owing to the wet state of the grass dancing on the lawn was abandoned. The gross takings amounted to about £60.
Wolverton Express 18th September, 1936
Legion Fete at Cosgrove Hall
Grants to Local Organisations
In spite of the rain, which interfered with the British Legion fete held on Saturday, 5th September, at Cosgrove Hall, the Stony Stratford Women’s Section are in the happy position of being able to report a profit therefrom of £28. At a meeting held last week at which the balance sheet was presented it was decided to make the following grants from this amount: £5.00 to the Men’s Section Stony Stratford British Legion; £4/4/0 to Mrs Winterbottom, in whose grounds the fete was held, towards entertaining the Cosgrove children to a Christmas party; 25s to the Stony Stratford Boy Scouts for the loan of tents etc; 5s to Mr. A Tack for the Cosgrove Hospital fund, and 10/6 to Wicken (Lady Penrhyn’s Own) Scouts. There remains a balance of about £18 for the funds of Stony Stratford Women’s Section. Since the donations were made £2/2/0 has generously been returned from Mrs Winterbottom to whom the section is very grateful.
Wolverton Express 25th December, 1936
A whist drive was held on Friday evening last by the Cosgrove Women’s Institute in the Old Schools, and the prize winners were: ladies, 1 Miss Nichols, 2 Miss Lord, 3 Mrs. H Smith; gentlemen, 1 Mr. Swain, 2 Mr. C Hill, 3 Mr. R Hillyer. Mr. R Toombs was the MC. Refreshments were served by Miss Hillyer and Miss Marlow.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 January 1937
The Women’s Institute held a whist drive in the Old School. The prizewinners were: Mrs. F. Williams, Miss Payne, and Miss Joan Higgins; Mr. C. Hill. Mr. H. Cummings, and Mr. G. Horne. Miss Marlow and Miss Hillyer served refreshments.
Wolverton Express 26th February, 1937
Fancy Dress Dance
A most successful fancy dress dance was held in the council schools on 19th February, organized by Mr. and Mrs. W Crowder for funds in aid of Northampton County Cricket Club. A good company enjoyed dancing from 8pm to 1am. Music was supplied by Bert Tompkins’s Metro Dance Band. During the evening the fancy dresses, which included many beautiful and original costumes, were judged by Mr. and Mrs. P Y Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams (Wicken), and Mrs. E. Thacker. The prizes, kindly provided by Mrs. P Y Atkinson, Mrs. H. Winterbottom, and Mrs M Whiting, F Canvin, and M Jelley, were awarded to the following successful competitors:
Mrs. Dowing, Miss E. Nicholls, Mr J. Higgins, and Mr. Ellis. Mrs. P Y Atkinson very gracefully presented the prizes. Mr. W Crowder, in his speech, heartily thanking her, referred to the ever ready help which Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson were always so willing to extend to the village. The school was tastefully decorated with cricket colours by Miss E. Nichols. The splendid sum of £4 4s 0d will be forwarded to the Cricket Club.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 March 1937
A FANCY DRESS DANCE, organised by Mr. and Mrs. W. Crowder, in aid of Northampton County Cricket Club, was held in Cosgrove Council Schools. The fancy dresses were judged by Mr. and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams (Wicken), and Mrs. E. M. Thacker, and prizes given by Mrs. P, Y. Atkinson, Mrs. H. Winterbottom, and Messrs. R. Whiting, F. Canvin and M. Jelley, were awarded to Mrs. Downing. Miss E. Nichols, Miss J. Higgins, and Mr. Ellis, and presented by Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson. The school was decorated with the cricket club colours by Miss £. Nichols. The sum of £4 4s will be forwarded to the cricket club.
Wolverton Express12th March, 1937
Variety Concert at Cosgrove
Residents of Cosgrove on Friday were afforded the opportunity of witnessing a first-class variety entertainment in the schools, and at the conclusion of the three hour programme many of the crowded audience expressed their delight.
The concert was generously organised by Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, on behalf of the Coronation Fund for the village, and she spared no effort in order to ensure a successful result for the fund and also an enjoyable evening for the village residents. While she herself defrayed all the expenses she was also instrumental in obtaining the support of many of her friends who attended. Visitors were also present from Stony Stratford.
Orchestral selections were provided by Billy Hames and his Band, a Northampton combination, whilst vocal solos were rendered in pleasing manner by Master Bernard Appleton, of Wolverton, Mrs. G H Winterbottom, and Captain S. Trevor, of Emberton. The last two named also appeared in a sketch, and Captain Trevor and Mr. Erich Kitchener provided much amusement in a musical dialogue. Stony Stratford friends contributed a humorous sketches, “Neighbours of Gooseberry Court”, those taking part being Mrs E Young, Mrs W Mackerness, and Miss E Young. Humorous numbers were given by Mr. Clarence Mann, of Olney, together with Mr. Eric Kitchener with songs at the piano. Eileen Brickwood, of Wolverton, gave much delight in a song and dance, whilst Miss Catherine Thompson, of Wolverton, and Miss Isabella Beattie cleverly executed ballet and toe dances. A musical sketch of a Wild West scene in which Mrs Winterbottom was assisted by Messrs. C Harmstone, W Gascoyne, E. Lambert, and G. Ellis was excellently received.
Captain Hyde Upward, of Sherington compered the programme.
Towards the close of the evening Mr. B Noble, Secretary of the Coronation Committee, voiced thanks to Mrs Winterbottom for her kindness.
A handsome bouquet of pink carnations, provided by Mrs. A H Habgood of Stony Stratford, was handed to Mrs Winterbottom by Miss Beattie.
Refreshments were served by Mrs. R Bushell and Miss R Hootton, and programmes were sold by Mrs. A Smith and Mrs. G Freestone, assisted by members of the Stony Stratford British Legion Women’s Section.
The piano was kindly lent by Mr. Ben Kightley, whilst chairs were loaned by Mrs. Bushell, Mrs. Monk, and Mr. G Brown.
Assisting in the preliminary arrangements were the following members of the village Coronation Festivities Committee, together with friends: Messrs. C R Whiting (chairman), F. Tustain, E Hillyer, R Brown, H. Ratcliffe, G Hickford, J. Clarke, A Kightley, and H. Herbert, Masters Howard Smith, D Freestone, and members of the staff at Cosgrove Hall.
The electric lighting effects were by the staff of Messrs. H H Lampitt, Stratford Road, Wolverton.
A further concert is being promoted by Mrs Winterbottom and will probably be held at Stony Stratford, and it is hoped by this that it will be possible to raise sufficient money so that it will not be necessary for our rate to be levied to assist in the Cosgrove Coronation festivities. Over £30 was raised by Friday’s concert.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 April 1937
In her costume as a woman of the early Victorian era. Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, was the central figure at what was described as a super-concert at the Regent Hall, Stony Stratford. She had arranged a programme full of colour and pleasing music which delighted a large audience. She also took part in a number of the items. The musical sketches were very popular. Included in them was a number of the latest songs and dances. Mrs. Winterbottom was supported in these by Mr. Ray Jones (Wolverton), Mr. Eric D. Kitchener (Olney), also in Victorian dress; Mr. L. Bushell, Mr. Glyn Ellis, Mr. C. Harmstone, Mr. E. Lambert and others. Bunny Rowlands appeared twice in song and dance, accompanied by his father, Mr. R. G. Austin (Newport Pagnell); dances were given by little Isobelle Beattie, and Mr. Kitchener also gave songs at the piano and with Mr. C. R. Mann, of Olney, entertained with character sketches. A local dance band supplied music. Prince Galitzine, in his role as compere, told some racy anecdotes between the turns, and presented Mrs. Winterbottom with a bouquet of red carnations. A bouquet of daffodils was also handed to her by a niece of the Rev. H. N. C. Hewson, rector of Cosgrove. Assistance was given Mrs. D. Freestone and Mrs. A. Smith as curtain attendants, and the stewards were Messrs. E. Hillyer, P. Tustain and B. Kightley. Chocolates were sold by Mrs. A. H. Habgood (Calverton House) and Mrs. E. D. Lawrence. The whole of the proceeds were for Cosgrove Coronation fund.
Wolverton Express 23rd April, 1937
A whist drive was held in the old schools by the Cosgrove Women’s Institute, Mr. Toombs being MC. The prize winners were: ladies, 1 Mrs Crowder, 2 Mrs. Priestley, highest half Mrs J. Clarke, lowest score Mrs. G Brown; gentleman, 1 Mr. Crowder, 2 Mrs. Nicholls, highest half Mr. Gallop, lowest score Mr. T Kightley. Refreshments were served by Miss Hillyer and Miss Marlow.
Wolverton Express 7th May, 1937
Women’s Institute Plant Coronation Tree
The monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson and a demonstration was given on “Milk cookery” by Miss Haslam. A competition for the best baked custard was won by Miss Payne. During the social half hour members planted a Coronation tree in the grounds of Captain and Mrs. Atkinson. The tree was given by Mrs. Whiting. Each member made a short speech while planting the tree, and finally the National Anthem was sung. Refreshments hostesses were Mrs. R Brown and Mrs. H Castle.
Wolverton Express May 21st 1937

Members of Cosgrove Women's Institute planting Coronation tree.
Cosgrove’s Happy Celebrations
The Coronation celebration was prefaced on 4th May by the planting of a sycamore tree in the Priory Park, the residence of Captain and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, by the members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs. R. Whiting presented the tree and each member of the Institute deposited a spadeful of soil during the planting ceremony.
The cost of the celebrations in this village were met by voluntary contributions, and the £75 raised included £25 received from Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, which was the result of two successful concerts she organised on behalf of the fund.
In the morning the judging for the best decorated houses in the village took place by Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, Mrs. R. Whiting, Mrs. Heap, Miss Wells and Miss Balfour, whose awards were :
1. Mrs. Noble, Bridge Row, 2. Mrs. Brown, 3. Mrs. Eglesfield, 4. Mrs. H. Barby, 5. Mrs. F. Williams, 6. Mrs. Herbert, 7. Mrs. Gallop.
A service in the Parish Church was preceded by the parishioners assembling in the school grounds where the Union Jack was hoisted by Mr. F. Tustain.
The service was conducted by the Rev H. N. C. Hewson (Rector) and was well attended.
The afternoon’s proceedings opened with a fancy dress and cycle parade which was under the charge of Mr. J. Clarke, and the judges of the house decorations undertook the judging of the parade. Their awards were :
Cycles, girls under fourteen, 1. Miss Prisley, 2. Miss Evans; under sevens, 1. Miss Noble, 2. Miss Stewart, 3. Miss Castle; ladies, 1. Miss D. Eglesfield, 2. M. Brown; men, 1. J. Lambert, 2. P. Whiting. Fancy Dress, girls under fourteen, 1. Miss M. Brown, 2. Miss Stewart, 3. Miss B. Hillyer; boys under fourteen, 1. Master Holman, 2. Master Bob Gallop; ladies, 1. Mrs. J. Clarke, 2. Mrs. F. Barby; men. 1. Mr. Brown, 2. Mr. N. Goodridge.
Master Holman 1st prize winner in the under 14 boys section
Children’s sports were carried through during the afternoon in a field kindly lent by Captain P Y Atkinson, and these were under the direction of Mr G Hickford, who had the assistance of many male helpers.
Results: Flat Events, girls under eight, 1. M Castle, 2. B Tompkins, 3. M Stewart; skipping race, 1. M. Brown, 2. E. Prisley, 3. E. Evans; three legged race, 1. M. Brown and E. Evans, 2. E. Prisley and H. Brown; boys under eight, 1. R. Williams, 2. J. Gayton, 3. J. Hill; three legged race, 1. J. Herbert and E. Meakins, 2. G. Hill and R. Meakins; sack race, 1. Bill Castle, 2. D. Brown, 3. J. Gayton; obstacle race, 1. D. Brown, 2. E. Meakins, 3. R. King; novelty race, 1. B. Hillyer, 2. S. Gallop, 3. E. Clarke; children’s race, under eight, 1. J. Loughrey, 2. D. Hillyer, 3. R. Williams.
In an “endless chain” race for children under eight there were twenty nine starters and each one received a sixpence.
Men’s races: slow bicycle, 1. M. Whiting, 2. G. Beasley; running backwards, 1. M. Whiting, 2. S. Welch; blindfold race, 1. A. Loughrey, 2. H. Smith; obstacle, 1. L. S. Welch, 2. H. Smith; 100 yards over forty, 1. Prisley, 2. Capt P.Y. Atkinson; mixed events, adults, three legged race, 1. H. Cummings and F. Ince, 2. Margaret Brown and E. Noble; wheelbarrow race, 1. Sheila _____ and H. Pay, 2. O. Eglesfield and C. Hill; 80 yards men over sixty, 1. Gascoyne, 2. W Castle.
In a tug of war married ladies beat single ladies.
Thread the needle race (single ladies), 1. F. Ince, 2. D. Eglesfield; egg and spoon race, 1. O. Eglesfield, 2. D. Eglesfield; novelty race, 1. F. ince, 2. J. Whittaker; Thread the needle race (married ladies), 1. Mrs. Harmston, 2. Mrs. Tompkins; egg and spoon, 1. Mrs. Noble, 2. Mrs. Tompkins; novelty race, 1. Mrs. Ealey, 2. Mrs. H Smith.
Sixty children of the village were entertained to tea at the Priory by Captain P Y and Mrs Atkinson, who also provided each child with a Coronation souvenir mug, which Captain Atkinson distributed. A very enjoyable time was spent by the young people.
Tea for adults was partaken in a large marquee and over two hundred sat down to well catered tables.
After tea the children each received a bag of sweets, a bar of chocolate and an orange, these gifts being purchased with surplus cash that had been allotted to the sports.
Dancing took place for a short while in the marquee, music being provided by Mr. F. Anstee, wireless and electrical engineer, of Church Street, Wolverton, but owing to the heavy rain this was brought to an early closure. A bonfire and firework display also had to be postponed through the same reason.
During the day beer and other refreshments was generously provided by Mr. R. Whiting and Mr. R. H. Winterbottom.
Miss Marlow was convenor for tea and was assisted by members of the Women’s Institute whilst the joint secretaries of the celebrations were Mr. J. Clarke and Mr. A. Noble.
The committee comprised Mr. C. R. Whiting (Chairman), Captain P. Y. Atkinson (Treasurer), Mesdames P. Y. Atkinson, R. Whiting, Heap, Misses Balfour, Wells, Marlow, Messrs G. Hickford, H. Ratcliffe, T. Eglesfield, E. Hillyer, A. Kightley, B. Stewart, H. Herbert, T. Payne, F. Hall, P. Swain, B. Brown and F. Tustain.
Wolverton Express 16th July, 1937
Outing to Windsor
No fewer than 300 schoolchildren from this part of the country took part on 10th June on one of the educational outings arranged by the LMS Railway. The party included 4 adults and 45 scholars from the Wolverton Boys School, under Mr H. Lunn; a party of boys and girls from New Bradwell, under Mr. J I Brooks and Miss Carey; as small party from Cosgrove under Mrs. Thacker; whilst 160 children from Aylesbury joined the special train at Bletchley. The journey was made via Oxford and Reading, with Windsor as the destination. From Windsor a river journey was made to the historical Runnymede and interest was considerably added to by the well prepared illustrated booklets which were provided the Wolverton boys, enabling them to make special note of historic and other sites. The outing, which was a very enjoyable one, enabled boys and girls to learn a little more about Bucks, Oxon, and Berks by journeying through the countryside. The train started from Wolverton at 10.50 am and the return journey from Windsor at 8 pm. The boys picniced for lunch at Windsor, and had tea at Runnymede.
Wolverton Express 20th August, 1937
Miniature “White City” at Cosgrove
Forthcoming Hospital Effort
Hospital day at Cosgrove on Saturday, 11th September, is to have a special and novel attraction in the presence of a miniature “White City”. Mrs. GH Winterbottom, of Cosgrove hall, is organising the effort on behalf of the Northampton General Hospital and the events are to be held in her grounds.
Amongst the paraphernalia of a pleasure fair, as at the White City, will be the helter-skelter, trapeze, horses, boats, etc., all of which will be electrically driven.
There are also to be fire brigade competitions.
An olde country village will transform the lawn, around which is to be erected shops with entrances from which useful articles can be purchased. There will be an entrance to the “village” and the whole setting, given a fine day, will be well worth the while of a visit. Those superintending the shops will be attired in costumes of the “old London cries” days.
In the afternoon music is to be rendered by the Rhythm Aces Band from Wolverton, and in the evening the lawn will be illuminated for dancing until midnight. A special service of the early and late buses will be arranged. A nominal admission charge of sixpence to the grounds is to be made.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 September 1937
The large lawn of Cosgrove Hall was transformed into a representation of an old English village for the annual fete in aid of funds of Northampton Hospital, on Saturday. A street entrance had been constructed, together with shops, where attendants were attired in costumes of the London cries days. A fully-licensed old village inn at the end of the street, was soon discovered, and largely patronised. The whole effort was a triumph of organisation for Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, who had spared neither time nor expense in providing attractions, and also manned the stalls with her house party and helpers. They included Captain Hyde Upwood, of Sherington, who declared the fete open. Captain and Mrs. Oscar Winterbottom, Miss Noel Winterbottom (Tarporley. Cheshire), Mr. E. Williams (Manchester), Colonel and Mrs. Alistair Bruce, Mr. R. Bewloe (London). Mr. Ashby Fisher (Roehampton), Captain and Mrs. Grey Sykes (Heston), assisted by Mrs. Ashby (Eastcote). Miss Heap (Cosgrove), Miss Barbara Farmiloe. Colonel and Mrs. Ferrers Loftus, Miss Ferrers Loftus, Miss Heather Loftus (Brackley), Mrs. A H. Habgood, and Mrs. E. D. Lawrence (Stony Stratford), Members of the local branch of the British Legion also rendered assistance.
Wolverton Express 17th September, 1937
An Old World Village
Novel Hospital effort at Cosgrove
A cold winter kept many people at home on Saturday last who had otherwise contemplated spending the afternoon and evening in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall where there was staged a Hospital effort of more than usual interest to residents of South Northants and North Bucks.
The effort was sponsored by Mrs. G H Winterbottom, who spared neither time nor effort, nor expense to make the event one of much originality and attraction. She had titled the effort “An old world village” and from what visitors to her picturesque grounds saw the name was very appropriately bestowed.
Bordering the large lawn fronting the house, “shops” were erected in old world design and from these, people attired in costumes of years long past, sold useful fancy and attractive wares. Close upon one thousand people visited the “shops” and before closing time the shelves were cleared.
The “village” was complete with Town Crier (Mr A. Jackson of Great Linfor)d in traditional costume, and on the previous day and on that same morning he had made his appearance in the streets of Wolverton, New Bradwell, and Stony Stratford, where he attracted much attention.
Other parts of the grounds were freely decorated, the approaches being gaily festooned with flags.
An old village cross occupied a prominent position in the centre of the “village” and from the steps of this the opening ceremony was performed by Captain Hyde Upward of Sherington, who instanced the excellent cause for which the effort was being made - the Northampton General Hospital. He said that that institution covered a wide range of activity in caring for the sick and suffering and to carry out its work it always required money. There was no better institution deserving of their support. In appreciation of the work of Mrs Winterbottom under whose leadership the fete was being held, and her band of loyal helpers and friends, he appealed for all to make it a huge success.
Many attractions
Many of the visitors took an early opportunity, following the opening, of visiting the shops. They obtained many bargains in toilet requisites, fancy ware, children’s clothing, market produce, confectionery, poultry, and cakes. The “shops” were superintendent by members of Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom as house party Captain and Mrs. Oscar Winterbottom, Mr. Noel Winterbottom (Tarpauley Cheshire), Captain Hyde Upward (Sherington), Mr E. Williams (Manchester), Colonel and Mrs. Alastair Bruce, Mr. Alistair Bruce, Mr. R Bewloe, Mr. Antony Fisher (London), Captain and Mrs. Grey Sykes (Heston), Mrs. A H Habgood and Mrs. E D Lawrence (Stony Stratford).
The “village” was replete with an inn which had its sign “The Ox and Gate”, this sign being several hundred years old. The inn was provided by Mr. J B Knight, of the Bull Hotel, Stony Stratford.
Teas were served in a large marquee by Medames T. Dicks, D Knibbs, P. Edwards, W Crossman (Stony Stratford), E. Lambert, A Bushell, C Harmstone, R Ealey, and G Freestone (Cosgrove), with Mr. E Lambert and Mr G Hooton providing a constant supply of hot water.
Scouts A Caudle and S. Berridge acted as tea cashiers.
In a field adjoining the grounds there were numerous attractions which gave much pleasure. Many new games were introduced and well patronised. There was a helter-skelter, boats, revolving horse, Bustem, pin balls, coconuts, rolling pennies, etc.. In addition to members of the house party there were assisting in the superintending of some of these amusements Messrs. R Ealey, Glynn Ellis, Master E Lambert, and Miss K Bushell.
During the afternoon and evening orchestra selections were rendered by the Rhythm Aces of Wolverton, and distributed through loudspeakers.
There was also a graceful dancing display by young people from Northampton.
Fire Brigade Competitions
Members of the Stony Stratford Group of Boy Scouts under GSM T. Dicks gave a display of physical exercises and gymnastics.
Fire brigade competitions took place in the adjoining field and seven brigades took part, these being Stony Stratford, Berkhamstead, Wendover, Market Harborough, Bushey, Winslow, and S Smit’sh (Cricklewood).
The judges were Chief Officers S. Culname (Acton) and H T Smith (Bicester), with Messrs. J Knight (Stony Stratford) and B Tapp (Wolverton), timekeepers.
The Stony Stratford Brigade had a field day by winning the Winterbottom Silver Cup for the motor pump dry drill and the Crowther Cup for the best aggregate of three drills. This Brigade was under the charge of Captain A Yates and members of the team were Fireman A Goodridge, W. James, G. Glenn, G. Crow, R Roberts, and F Whitehead. Their successors testified to the efficiency of the brigade and their training under their Captain, and also to the keenness of the individual members in the voluntary work they have undertaken.
Each first prize was of £1 cash and diploma, and second prize 10s and a diploma. These prizes were provided by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom.
Clay Pigeon Shoot
Clay pigeon shooting was keenly contested, continuing throughout the afternoon and evening and no fewer than 174 attempts were made. At the conclusion, five persons qualified for the final with maximum points. A shoot off took place, resulting: 1 Major Doyne Ditmas, Kempston, who was awarded a large silver cup given by Mrs Winterbottom, 2 Mr. G Clarke, Stony Stratford, who received a set of carvers given by Messrs. Odell, of Stony Stratford, 3 Mr. J W Vellacott, Wicken, whose prize was a case of tea knives.
A sweepstake shoot resulted: 1 Mr. J Smith (Deanshanger), 2 Mr J. Clarke (Stony Stratford).
This clay pigeon shoot was one of the most successful efforts of the day and was managed by Messrs. W Starsmore, J Smith, J Vellacott, S Pryke, P F Ridgway, W Ward, and Miss P. Capel (all of Deanshanger and Wicken).
Dancing on the Lawn
With the day’s programme drawing to a close, with dusk setting in, the grounds were prettily illuminated by between 300 and 400 electric fairy lights, together with many arc lamps, which gave a very pleasing effect when a large number of young people danced on the lawn until close upon midnight. Dance music was provided by Mr. H H Lampitt, of Wolverton, who was also responsible for the illuminations. The National Anthem was sung through a microphone by Mrs Winterbottom at the close of the day.
The stalls and amusements were supplied and erected by the well-known London arm of Messrs. Gammage’s Hire Department, Coles Green Road, Cricklewood, under the personal supervision of Mr A. Merrill, Hire Department foreman. The equipment was that supplied by this firm for society and charitable fetes in various parts of England.
In spite of the unseasonable cold weather, all who attended the fete spent a happy day and were generous in their praise of the self-sacrificing work of Mrs Winterbottom for helping worthy institutions. The staff of Cosgrove Hall, which was augmented for the occasion, gave many hours of their time in helping in the preparations to ensure the smooth working of the day’s programme.
In charge of admission to the grounds were Messrs E. Williams (Manchester), J. Clarke, F. Tustain, and J. Higgins. Between £19 and £20 was taken at the gate.
Wolverton Express 12th November, 1937
Benefit for Former Cosgrove Footballer
A benefit dance in the Memorial Hall, Old Stratford, on Friday was on behalf of Mr. C Bushell, of Cosgrove, who for many seasons donned the colours of his village football club.
Mr. Bushell who is a married man with one small daughter, has been unable to follow his employment at the Sandpits, at Cosgrove, for nine months owing to ill health. We are pleased to say his health is now improving.
Between 80 and 100 persons attended the dance, music for which was supplied by the Selmer Band from Hanslope. A spot competition was won by Miss Langley and Miss Hobson. Refreshments were served by Miss O Eglesfield, Mesdames C. Evans, A Smith, T. Cummings, and J Lovesey. The organizer was Mr. G Hickford, who was given much assistance from residents of the village, and his committee comprised Messrs. A. Tompkins, J Lovesey, B Brrown, E Eglesfield, and A Loughrey.
Generous help was given by Cosgrove residents and people from villages and towns in the neighbourhood. Gifts included refreshments, prizes, donations, and a large iced cake which was won in a competition by Miss R. Hooton. A box of chocolates was won by Mr. Geary the band’s pianist.
As a result of the effort the helpful sum of £16 2s 6d has been handed to Mr. Bushell, who wishes to thank all for the kindness shown to him.
Wolverton Express 24th December, 1937
Hospital Coronation Appeal
A house to house collection was made on 11 December by the Cosgrove Hospital Week Fund in response to the Northampton Hospital’s Coronation Appeal for £1000. The amount collected was £3 18s 6d, which was considered a good result seeing that nearly everyone in the village is helping the hospital through the weekly contributory scheme and through various societies. The Committee are grateful for the excellent response to this appeal. The collectors were Mr. R Brown and Mr. A Kightley. The village Hospital Committee Secretary is Mr. A Tack.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 January 1938
About 150 people were present at the Cosgrove W.I. party held on New Year’s Eve. A programme of dances, old and new, and games was much enjoyed. ‘‘Auld Lang Syne” was sung by the company at midnight. Miss Eglesfield and Miss Higgins were in charge of the programme. Refreshments were served by the committee under the supervision of Miss Marlow. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano. The monthly meeting, Mrs. Atkinson presiding, included an exhibition of films entitled “Life in Australia.” The mince-pie competition was won by Mrs. Prisley. The hostesses were Mrs. Prisley and Miss Higgins.
Wolverton Express 7th January, 1938
Cosgrove Hall Staff Ball
A Happy Function
All who were privileged to be present on Thursday at the annual staff ball in connection with Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, greatly appreciated the excellent provision that had been made for their pleasure. An innovation was the holding of the ball in the Regent Hall, Stony Stratford, instead of in the drawing room of Cosgrove Hall as in years past, but a much increased invitation list had made it necessary for the function to be transferred to a larger hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom generously allow members of their staff to extend invitations to friends to attend this gathering, which is held each year as soon after Christmas as possible, whilst invitations are also extended to assistants in business houses in Stony Stratford. On Thursday last the company must have numbered about 160, and Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom and several of their friends freely joined in the merry making which was kept up to one o’clock the following morning.
For the dancing the Rhythm Aces band of Wolverton, under the direction of Douglas Dytham, provided a splendid programme for the old time and modern dances, which were heartily taken part in. Among the more popular numbers were the “Roger de Coverley”, the “Palais Glide”, “Lancers”, and “Paul Jones”. A spot dance was won by Mr. H Cummings and partner.
Refreshments, which were plentiful, were provided through the generosity of the residents of Cosgrove Hall. Mrs Knight, of the Bull Hotel, was responsible for the excellent catering.
Midway through the proceedings Captain Hyde Upward of Sherington, introduced presentations, remarking that the staff were conscious of the generous manner in which they were treated at the Hall and the happy surroundings there, and were anxious to show their gratitude and affection.
Two members of the staff, Miss S. Hughes and Miss S Dormer, presented to Mrs Winterbottom a basket of growing tulips with electrical illumination a most novel gift and also a bouquet of red carnations, some of the blooms being placed in the buttonhole of the coach to Mr. Winterbottom. Both gifts were from members of the Hall staff and a few friends. The gifts came as a complete surprise to the recipients, and Mrs. Winterbottom suitably acknowledged. The work of arranging the gifts was artistically executed by Mr. and Mrs. B J Rudd, florists, of Stony Stratford. At the conclusion of the function cheers were heartily given.
The coloured lighting effects of the hall were undertaken by Mr. E W Butler, of Wolverton, and during the course of the evening a flashlight photograph of the company was taken by Mr. G W Thorneycroft.
Wolverton Express 4th February, 1938
Visit to Circus
Through the kindness and generosity of Mrs. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, the junior members of the Cosgrove Parish Church Choir, together with a few friends, visited Bertram Mills’s Circus, Olympia, for the second year in succession. The journey to London was made by one of Mr. Eglesfield’s Motor Coaches, Mr C. Compton, organist, being in charge of the party. They were met at the circus by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, and the afternoon performance was greatly enjoyed. Tea was afterwards partaken in the Pillar Hall Restaurant, and a round was also made of the Funfair and Wonder Zoo. The return journey from Olympia was commenced at 7.30, the thanks of the party going to Mrs Winterbottom for making such an enjoyable day possible.
Wolverton Express 11th March, 1938
Fancy Dress Dance
A successful dance, arranged by Mr. and Mrs. W Crowder and Mrs. Thacker, in aid of a radio set for the Cosgrove School, was held in the Council Schools on Friday. The Misses Tenant were the judges and prizes for the best costumes were awarded to Mrs. P Loughrey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs H Smith, Nancy Martin, Douglas Hillyer, Audrey Ruff, and May Stewart. The satisfactory sum of £6 4s 6d has been handed over to the radio fund. Music was supplied by the Metro Dance Band.
Wolverton Express 5th August, 1938
Garden Meeting at Cosgrove Priory - Nursing Association Effort
A successful evening garden meeting was held at Cosgrove Priory on Saturday at the kind invitation of Captain P Y and Mrs Atkinson, who are allowed the use of their grounds in support of the Nursing Association, which serves the villages of Cosgrove, Old Stratford, Deanshanger, and Wicken. Ideal weather favoured the function which had the support of residence of the villages benefiting by the services of the nurse.
Stalls and amusements were staged and received excellent patronage, whilst a dance was enjoyed by many young people on a floodlit lawn to amplified music supplied by Mr. H H Lampitt, of Wolverton, who was also responsible for the lighting effects.
A whist drive was held in the early evening with Mr. R D Carslake, of Deanshanger as MC, the prizewinners being: ladies 1 Mrs. Kightley, Old Stratford, 2 Mrs. Williams, Cosgrove, lowest Mrs. G Brown, Cosgrove; gentlemen, 1Mr. R Dixon, Wicken, 2 Mrs. Ashley, lowest Mrs. W Starsmore, Wicken. Mrs. PY Atkinson distributed the prizes. Annual attraction for many visitors was the beetle drive, organized by Mrs. S Tee, Old Stratford, the winners being 1 Mrs E. Douglas Pennant, 2 Mrs. Barby, mystery Mrs. Mayhew.
In charge of the stalls and sideshows were Miss Marlowe and Miss Hillyer (lemonade); Mrs J. Clarke, Mrs. Prisley, Mrs. Gascoyne, and Mrs. Herbert, all of Cosgrove (produce); Mrs. J Cooper, W Starsmore and Miss M Cooper of Wicken (bowling for Sunday dinner); Mr. G Cooper, Wicken (rolling pennies); Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, Deanshanger (darts); Mrs Henson, Cosgrove (spinning wheel); Miss J. Higgins, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Ruff, Cosgrove (silver mine); Miss J Eglesfield and Mr. C Kightley (tub and plates). The gate was attended by Messrs. S. Williams, A Tack, A Kightley and F Hall. Responsible for the organisation were the following officials: the Rev. H P Hoskin, Wicken (chairman), Mrs W N Montgomery and Mrs. R D Carslake, Deanshanger, (joint Secretaries), and members of the respective village committees, with Cosgrove members putting in the bulk of the work.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 August 1938
The annual children’s gala day arranged by Wolverton Co-operative Society was held in Wolverton Park on Saturday. About 2,000 children were entertained by the educational and management committees and Wolverton, Stony Stratford, and New Bradwell Women’s Guilds. Special buses brought children in from Yardley Gobion, Cosgrove, Potterspury, Deanshanger, Old Bradwell, Hanslope, Castlethorpe. Beachampton, Nash, Whaddon, Upper Weald (Calverton), Shenley, and Loughton. A procession of those taking part in the fancy dress competition was formed outside the Central Stores on the Square. Headed by Bradwell United Band, they marched to the Park and paraded round the oval. Boys’ and girls’ races, with humorous Interludes by Chasewater Charlie, were held until a picnic tea was served, followed by a Punch and Judy show.
Wolverton Express 30th December, 1938
Cosgrove Hall Staff Ball
Happy Gathering at Regent Hall, Stony Stratford
A company numbering of 130 people of varying ages were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom of Cosgrove Hall, on the occasion of the annual staff ball on Wednesday evening in the Regent Hall, Stony Stratford.
From 8.30 until nearly 2.30 am on Thursday a programme of dancing interspersed with a cabaret was entered into with a seasonal jollity and those privileged had to be present could not but have enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Dances by the Rhythm Aces Band included the now popular “Chestnut Tree”, “Lambeth Walk”, and the “Palais Glide”. A number of old time waltzes were also included.
A cabaret took the form of items from the programmes of Mrs Winterbottom’s concert party and the eastern dances by Mr. Eric D. Kitchener of Olney, and Mr C Dytham of Wolverton, proved the most amusing burlesque. There were also some scenes by Mrs. G H Winterbottom attired in picturesque Crinoline dress, and Mr. Eric Kitchener, which brought forth warm applause. Master Bernard Appleton also delighted with the song “Smiling through” and the high spot of the evening was the performances on the drums of Carl Nichols, a small boy with his father at the piano.
Captain Hyde Upward expressed regret at the absence of Mr. G H Winterbottom who is recovering in health and had asked him to convey wishes to all for the happiest of New Years.
Cheers were given for the host ana host and a popular refrain sung.
Mrs Winterbottom was handed a choice bouquet of pink carnations by Master Nicholls, the gift being from a few friends, whilst Miss Sybil Hughes made to Mrs Winterbottom the gift of a case of growing bulbs as a token of the esteem from members of Cosgrove Hall staff. A concluding presentation was that of a box of chocolates from members of the Rhythm Aces Band in appreciation of Mrs Winterbottom’s kindness to them.
During an interval of the programme refreshments were served at a buffet in a most able manner by Mrs. Knight and staff of the Bull Hotel. These refreshments were provided by the host and hostess.
The ball concluded with the singing of Auld Lang Syne followed by the National Anthem.
The Regent Hall was gaily decorated and special lighting was added by Mr. E W Butler of Wolverton.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 January 1939
Thirty villagers of 60 years of age and over sat down to a meat supper provided by Cosgrove Women’s Institute. The Rev. Henson attended. Songs and dances were accompanied by Mrs. Andrew. Mrs. C. R. Whiting sang and Mrs. M. Whiting gave an exhibition of conjuring tricks. Those taking part in two sketches were: Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. J. Johnson; Mrs. Lovesey and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Hobson was M.C. Captain and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson were present.
Wolverton Express 10th March 1939
A dance in the schoolroom on Friday was well attended and music was rendered by the Blue Aces Band, Stony Stratford. The dance was organized by the Cosgrove and Old Stratford Women’s Conservative association on behalf of their funds. A competition for a cake, given by Mrs W Slaymaker, of Old Stratford, was won by Mr. S Slaymaker. Eggs were given for another competition. Refreshments were served by Mesdames G Brown, Gascoigne, M Jelley, and D Green, Miss Marlow, and Miss S Slaymaker. The door stewards were Mrs Andrews and Mrs. Prisley. Captain and Mrs. P Y Atkinson kindly gave towards the refreshments.
Wolverton Express 9th June 1939
Thirty two members of the Women’s Institute visited London on Thursday last by motor coach for their annual outing. During the afternoon they dispersed for shopping, but they reassembled at the Victoria Palace for an evening performance of “Me and My Girl”. The party arrived home at midnight after spending an enjoyable day. The arrangements were made by Miss J. Higgins (Hon Secretary).
Wolverton Express 28th July 1939
Hospital effort Mrs. George Brown, an enthusiastic Cosgrove Hospital worker, organized two domino drives on Thursday and Tuesday and these took place on the lawn at the Barge Inn and were well attended. The sum of £3 was realized on behalf of the village effort for Lord Hesketh’s special appeal for Northampton Hospital.
Wolverton Express 8th December 1939
Forty players attended a whist drive held by the Women’s Institute in the old schools for the purpose of raising funds for the sending of cigarettes to soldiers in France. Mr. C Crowder undertook duties of M C and prizewinners were; ladies, 1 Mrs H Whitehead, 2 Mrs. Gallop, highest half, Mrs. Hill, booby prize Miss Denyer; men 1 Master William Wright, 2 Mr. Tack, highest half Mr. King, booby prize Dennis Gould.