Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 March 1892
COSGROVE Allotment Ground.
A general meeting was held in the National Schoolroom Wednesday. The balance sheet as read by the secretary, Mr. Branch, proved that the whole expenses since the starting of the allotments, now nearly four years, amounted 17s. 9d., and the income, sale of grass and five penny levies, amounted to 17s leaving a deficiency of one penny. The accounts were audited by Mr. T. Seymour and passed by the meeting.
The election of the committee took place as follows : Messrs. E. Skeatts, E. Gee, W.Clark (re-elected), G. Gaskins, C. Baker, R. Brown, D. Merriden (elected). Mr. Branch having intimated his intention of resigning, Mr Geo proposed that he be asked to reconsider his decision, which the meeting at once agreed to. Mr. Branch thanked the meeting for their confidence in him. He agreed to his re-election, and announced his willingness to continue to fill the post of secretary to the best of his ability.Mr. Baker proposed that the work of the secretary should in future be paid for.This was agreed to unanimously, and the meeting closed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 30 August 1901
The first annual exhibition of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr. A. Grant-Thorold, J.P., on Saturday afternoon. It was a decidedly encouraging commencement for the society, as the exhibition was really admirable. The weather of past year has not been all that gardeners could desire, but the quality of the exhibits was capital and the cottagers’ classes contained entries which few shows in the district could equal. The entries numbered about 150. Some excellent exhibits not for competition were lent by Mr. B. Wentworth Vernon, J.P. (Stoke Bruerne), Mr. A. Grant J.P. Mr. J. J. Atkinson and Mr. J. D. Bull.
The judges were Mr. F. Loveless (gardener to the Rev. G. Trevelyan, Stony Stratford) and Mr. Johnston (gardener the Duke of Grafton, Wakefield Lawn).
Their awards
COTTAGERS' CLASS.Open to cottagers in Cosgrove and Old Stratford.
Collection of vegetables. 1 S. Williams. 2 A. Childs. Kidney beans. 1 J. Adams. 2 A. Childs. W. Clarke. Cabbage. 1 W. Clarke, 2 A. Childs Carrots, 1 J. Adams. 2A. Childs. Celery, 1 J. Horn. 2 Williams. Spring onions, 1 D. Merriden. 2 R. Johnson. Winter onions. 1 J. Adams, 2 J. Knight, Cauliflowers, 1 H. Lambert. 2 J Adams. Peas. 1 J. Adams. 2 S. Williams. Parsnips, 1 J. Adams, 2 D. Merriden. White round potatoes. 1 K. Johnson, 2 A. Childs, S. Williams. Coloured round potatoes, 1 J. Horn, 2W. Atkins. White kidney potatoes, IA. Swain. 2 W. Clarke. Coloured kidney potatoes. 1 A. Swain. 2 W. Clarke. 3 J. Horn. Marrows. 1 D. Merriden, 2 J. Brown, 3 A. Swain. Plums. 1 W. Clarke. M. Beasley. Cooking apples, 1 G. Valentine, 2 W. Clarke. Asters. 1 E. Gee. 2 W, Clarke. Stocks. 1 S. Williams. 2 W. Clarke. Dahlias. 1 W. Clarke. 2 J. Adams. Bouquet. 1 A. Knight. 2 W. Clarke. Window plants. 1 Mrs. Faulkner. 2 S. Williams.
OPEN CLASS.Open to residents within three miles Cosgrove.Collection of vegetables, 1 Wingfield. 2 J. Morton. Cucumbers. 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 Mrs. Willison. Tomatoes, 1 Mrs. Wingfield, 2 J. Atkinson. Marrows, 1 J. Morton. 2 J. J. Atkinson. Collection of potatoes. 1 S. Williams. 2 A. Childs. Celery. 1 J. Adams. 2S. Williams. Kidney beans. 1 Mrs. Wingfield, 2 J. Morton. Collection of fruit. 1 A. Grant-Thorold, Mrs. Wingfield. Cooking apples. 1 A. Grant-Thorold, 2 G. Valentine. Plume. 1 Mrs. Wingfield. 2 A. Grant-Thorold. Roses, 1 J. J. Atkinson. 2 T. Seymour. Carnations. 2 J. J. Atkinson. Foliage plants. 1 J. J. Atkinson. Bouquet. 1 J. J. Atkinson. Collection cut blooms. 1 J. J. Atkinson. Rev. W. Plant.
ModeI gardens. 1 Edith Glenn, 2 Bert Toombs. 3 Alice Moore. Fred Toombs. 5 Annie Bugby. Wild flowers (boys under 10). Bertie Childs. 2 Ernest Swain. Wild flowers (girls under 10). 1 Nellie Swain. 2 Johnson. Wild flowers (girls over 10). 1 Fanny Bugby. 2 Nellie Childs. Wild flowers (boys over 10). 1 F. Toombs. 2 B. Toombs.
The show was opened the Hon. Mrs. E. A. Fitzroy, wife of the member for South Northamptonshire. Mrs. Fitzroy, who was introduced by Mr. J. J. Atkinson, declared the show open in few appropriate words. A vote of thanks to her was moved by Colonel Gordon, seconded by the Secretary (Mr. Seymour). In addition to the flower show proper, cricket, croquet, tennis, and miniature golf were arranged on the lawn or near it. The Cosgrove Choral Society, conducted by Mr. Keen of Wolverton, sang glees and other selections, and the Hanslope Excelsior Prize Band, under Mr. Westley, played selections throughout the afternoon and for dancing in the evening.
The arrangements were made by the officers of the society, with Mr. T. Seymour as hon. secretary and Mr. T. D. Ball as treasurer. Among the visitors during the day were: Mr. A. Grant-Thorold, Mr. F. Grant-Thorold and Miss F. Grant-Thorold, Rev. J. B. Harrison, Colonel Gordon, C.B., D.S.O., and party, Mr. J. J. Atkinson and party, Rev. A. Wake, Mrs. George Fitzroy, Rev. W. Plant, Mr. Byam Grounds. JP., and Mrs. Grounds, Colonel Keith, Miss Capell, Mr. and Mrs. Eykyn, Rev. W. and Mrs. Rickards, Mrs. and Miss Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Polehampton, Miss Sams, Mr. H. Conant, Rev. R. F. Bevan, Mrs. McCallum, and M. Emile Renet.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 02 January 1903
During the month of December a course of lectures on “Gardening” have been given by Mr. J. H. Walker FRHS, FZS etc, Lecturer to the Northamptonshire County Council, in Cosgrove School.
The first lecture treated on soils and manures, their nature, composition, and adaptability. The second was taken up with discussing hardy fruit culture, budding, grafting, layering, etc. The third lecture covered the subject of injurious farm and garden insects (their life, history, when and how to attack them), insectivorous birds and animals. The last lecture was on flower and vegetable culture, mushroom growing in field and garden. The second and third lectures were illustrated by lantern slides, many of which had been prepared by the late Miss Ormerod.
The lectures were well attended by the allotment holders, and the audiences were deeply interested. At the close of each lecture questions were asked and answered. A second course lectures will shortly commence, and it hoped an even larger attendance will avail themselves of the opportunity to profit the instruction of so able a lecturer as Mr. Walker.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 September 1902
By kind permission of the President, Mr. A. Grant-Thorold, J.P., the second annual exhibition of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall. The show was a decided advance on the initial effort last year, and the quality of the exhibits was very high. Some splendid not for competition exhibits were sent by Mr. B. Wentworth Vernon, of Stoke Park, his Grace the Duke of Grafton, and Miss Bull. Notwithstanding the threatening weather there was a good attendance of visitors the afternoon.
Amongst those present were: Mr. A. Grant-Thorold, J.P., Miss Thorold, Mrs. George Fitzroy (Yardley House), Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fitzroy, Mr. F. Grant-Thorold, Colonel and Mrs. Gordon, Mr. C. Powell, Mr. Angus Powell, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Dauncey, Mrs. St. John Mildmay, Mrs. W. H. Bull (Stony Stratford), Mr. H. J. Conant, Mr. Conant, jun., Miss Williamson, Miss Littlejohn, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bull, Mr. Osborne, etc.
The Yardley Gobion Britannia Prize Band was in attendance and contributed selections at intervals and played for dancing in the evening. Under the conductorship of Mr. T. Keen, of Wolverton, the Junior Choir gave some Nursery Rhymes and Action Songs, which were much appreciated. The exhibits were judged Mr. Johnston, gardener to his Grace the Duke of Grafton, Wakefield Lodge, and Mr. F. Loveless, of Stony Stratford. The arrangements were admirably carried out by the courteous hon. secretary, Mr. T. Seymour, and the following committee: Messrs. F. D. Bull, R. Penson, G. Clifton, S. Williams, W. Clarke, A. Swain, A. Childs, D. Merriden, M. Beasley, T Lord, Cooke, J. Knight, T. Jelley, and Norton.
The prize awards were as follow:
Cottagers' Class.
Vegetables: Collection of vegetables. 1. Merriden, 2. Williams. 3 A Childs Kidney Beans 1 J. Nichols. 2 D. Merriden. Cabbages. 1 S. Williams. 2A. Childe. Carrots. 1 A Childs 2 D. Merriden. Celery 1 Swain. 2 S. Williams; Spring sown onions, 1 D. Merriden, 2 J. Brown; Winter onions, 1 W. Adkins. 2 A. Childs. 3 S. Williams; Cauliflowers, 1 Merriden, 2 T. Luck. Peas, 1 Merriden, 2 A. Childe. Parsnips, 1 A. Swain. 2 S Williams. White round potatoes. 1 A. Childs, 2 R. Johnson. Coloured round potatoes, 1 Mrs. Hurst, 2 R Brown. White kidney potatoes. 1 S. Williams, 2 S. Beasley. Coloured kidney potatoes, 1 S. Beasley, 2 S. Williams. White turnips, 1 R. Johnson, 2 D. Merriden Vegetable marrows, 1 G. Wilson, 2 D. Merriden. Beet 1 A. Swain 2 J. Brown. Lettuce. A. Childs, 2 D. Merriden. Eschalots. 1 J. Nichols. 2 S. Williams
Fruit : Plums. W. Adkins. 2 R. Brown.
Flowers: Asters 1 S. Williams, 2 A. Childs. Stocks, 1 S. Williams 2 A. Childs. Dahlias. 1 H. Wilson. Hardy flowers 1 S. Williams 2 F. Ager. Sweet peas. 1 S. Williams 2 A. ChiIds. Pansies, 2 G. Clifton. Bouquet of flowers. 1 S Williams. 2 F. Agar. Window plants, 1 W. Adkins 2 S. Beasley.
Open Class.
Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1 J. Adams, 2 Wingfield. 3 Atkinson. Cucumbers, H. Willison. 2 Atkinson. Marrows, 1 Colonel Gordon, 2 J. Adams. Potatoes. 1 S. Williams, 2 A. Childs. Celery. 1 J. Adams. 2 Colonel Gordon. Peas. 1 Colonel Gordon, 2 Wingfield. Beet. 1 Wingfleld 2 J. Adams. Lettuce. 1 Wingfleld, 2 Colonel Gordon. Spring onions. 1 J. Adams. 2 Atkinson. White turnips. 1 Colonel Gordon. 2 J. Adams.
Fruit : Collection of fruit, 1 Wingfield. Plums. 1 Wingfield. 2 R. Brown. Cooking apples. T. Seymour. 2 Colonel Gordon. Dessert apples, 1 W. Clarke. 2 Colonel Gordon.
Flowers: Roses, 1 W. Clarke. 2 Mrs. Seymour. Carnations,1 Atkinson, 2 R. Lambert. Stove or greenhouse plants, 1 Atkinson. Begonias. 1 and 2 Mrs. Seymour. Ferns. 1 H. Willison. 2 Mrs. Seymour. Ferns 1 H. Willison. 2 Mrs. Seymour. Sweet peas. 1 Miss Gordon, 2 Mrs. Seymour. Bouquet of flowers, 1 Miss Gordon, 2 W. Clarke. Collection of cut blooms, 1 Atkinson, 2 Mrs. Seymour.
Special Prizes.By Messrs. Daniels Bros., Norwich: Collection of vegetables. 2 S. Williams.
Wolverton Express 27th February 1903
The annual meeting of the Society was held on Saturday evening, Mr F Bull presiding. The balance sheet was presented and it is pleasing to state that there was a profit on last year’s show of £7, making a balance in hand of £10 4s. The gardening classes closed on Monday, but there is to be a practical demonstration and lecture on Saturday next.
Wolverton Express 9th September 1903
On Saturday the third annual exhibition of flowers, fruit and vegetables in connection with the Cosgrove Horticultural Society was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, by kind permission of Mr A Grant-Thorold, JP. The show was quite equal to its two predecessors, and attracted a good number of entries. In all departments the display was very creditable, especially in the classes for flowers. There were several not-for-competition exhibits, chief among which was a much admired collection of foliage and flowering plants, cut flowers, fruit and vegetables, sent by Mr B Wentworth Vernon, of Stoke Bruerne Park, and effectively staged by Mr W Batchelor. His Grace the Duke of Grafton also sent a good collection of flowers and vegetables and Mr A Grant-Thorold showed two lovely bunches of grapes etc. The fine afternoon attracted a good number of visitors. Amongst those present were:
Mr A Grant-Thorold J.P. (president), Colonel Gordon, C.B., D.S.O., Mr J J Atkinson, C.C., Mr A Grant-Thorold, J.P., Mr F D Bull (vice-presidents), Miss Grant-Thorold, Mr Frank Grant-Thorold, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Fraser, Miss Atkinson, Sir Christopher and Lady Baines and the Misses Baines (Stoke Bruerne), Mr E H Watts, J.P., and Mrs Watts (Hanslope Park), Mrs Poore, Mr J M Knapp J.P., and Mrs Knapp (Linford Hall), the Rev Walter Plant (Potterspury), the Rev Kightly Baily, Mr J Baily (Linford), Captain Wilson and Mrs Wilson (Preston Deanery), the Rev A W Annand and Captain Annand (Grafton Regis), the Rev A G St John Mildmay (Old Wolverton), the Rev G M Capell (Passenham), Mrs Andrews and the Misses Andrews (Wicken), Mr S R Rooke C.A. (Stony Stratford), Mr Angus Powell (Old Stratford), Mr G Roberts (Deanshanger) etc.
The Stony Stratford Town Prize Band, under the conductorship of Bandmaster T. Sharpe, was in attendance, and contributed excellent selections of music at intervals during the afternoon and played for dancing in the evening.
The judges were Mr R Johnson (gardener to the Duke of Grafton, Wakefield Lodge) and Mr W Batchelor (gardener to Mr B Wentworth Vernon, Stoke Bruerne Park). Their awards were as follows:
Cottagers Class Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1. D Merriden, 2. S Williams, 3. A Childs. Kidney beans, 1. F Merriden, 2. F Tack. Cabbages, 1. W Atkins, 2. D Merriden. Carrots, 1. S Williams, 2. A Childs. Celery, T. Luck, 2. F Toombs. Spring Onions, 1. J Horn, 2. D Merriden, 3. F Tack. Winter onions, 1. F Tack, 2. D Merriden, 3. J Horn. Cauliflowers, 1. T Luck. Peas, 1. J Horn, 2. D Merriden. Parsnips, 1. J Horn, 2. M Beasley. White round potatoes, 1. A Childs, 2. R Johnson. Coloured round potatoes, 1. A Childs, 2. J T Nicholls. White kidney potatoes, 1. J Horn, 2. A Childs. Coloured kidney potatoes, 1. D Merriden. White turnips, 1. R Johnson, 2. D Merriden. Vegetable Marrows, 1. S Williams, 2. F Toombs. Long Beet, 1. F Tack, 2. D Merriden. Round Beet, 2. D Merriden. Lettuce, 1. D Merriden. Shalots, 1. D Merriden, 2. J T Nicholls. Fruit Plums, 1. G Faulkner, 2. M Beasley. Cooking apples, 1. G Wilson, 2. Mrs Burnell. Flowers Asters, 1. S Williams, 2. A Childs. Stocks, 1. Miss Knight, 2. A Childs. Adhlias, 1. S Williams. Hardy Flowers, 1. S Williams, 2. Miss Knight. Sweet peas, 1. A Childs, 2. S Williams. Pansies, 1 G Clifton, 2. G Wilson. Bouquet of Flowers, 1. S Williams, 2. Miss Knight. Window plants, 1. W Atkins, 2. Mrs Faulkner.
Open Class Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. J J Atkinson, 3. Wingfield, Wolverton House. Cucumbers, 1. J Atkinson, 2. H. Willison. Tomatoes, 1. J J Atkinson, 2. G Roberts. Marrows, 1. F Toombs, 2. H. Willison. Collection of potatoes, 1. A Childs, 2. D Merriden, 3. S Williams. Celery, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. Colonel Gordon. Kidney beans, 1. Wingfield, 2. J J Atkinson, 3. Colonel Gordon. Peas, 1. T Seymour, 2. W H Williams, Wolverton. Long beet, 1. Wingfield, 2. J J Atkinson. Round beet, 1. J Ibell, Stony Stratford, 2. A Grant-Thorold. Lettuce, 1. Wingfield, 2. Colonel Gordon.
Fruit Collection of fruit, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. Wingfield. Plums, 1. Wingfield, 2. Colonel Gordon. Cooking apples, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2 T Seymour. Dessert apples, 1. Colonel Gordon, 2. A Grant-Thorold. Flowers Roses, 1. W H Williams, 2. Rev H Last, Stony Stratford. Carnations, 1. J J Atkinson. Foliage plants, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. J J Atkinson. Dahlias, 1. Colonel Gordon. Begonias, 1. Mrs Seymour, 2. T Seymour. Ferns, 1. H Willison, 2. Mrs Seymour. Collection of cut blooms, 1. Miss Grant-Thorold, 2. Mrs Seymour. 3. Wingfield. Wild flowers, 1. F Briggs, 2. W Briggs, 3. B Toombs.
Special Prizes (by Messrs Daniels Bros) 1. A Childs, 2. S Williams.
Cycle Parade During the afternoon a cycle parade took place, and though not so many entries were attracted for the competitions as could have been desired, the parade proved most interesting. The judges were Miss Atkinson, Miss St John Mildmay, Mrs Fraser and Colonel Gordon. They gave their decisions as follows:
For best decorated cycle (natural flowers or foliage) 1. T Keen, 2. C Mackerness, 3. J Jarvis. For most effective costume (lady), 1. Miss Bull, 2. Mrs Lane. For most effective costume (gentleman), 1. J Jarvis, 2. C Johnson.
Capital arrangements were made by the Hon Secretary (Mr T Seymour) and the following committee Messrs D Merriden, S Williams, A Childs, G Clifton, T Jelley, T Lord, M Beasley, W Clarke etc.
Wolverton Express 27th February 1903
The annual meeting of the Society was held on Saturday evening, Mr F Bull presiding. The balance sheet was presented and it is pleasing to state that there was a profit on last year’s show of £7, making a balance in hand of £10 4s. The gardening classes closed on Monday, but there is to be a practical demonstration and lecture on Saturday next.
Wolverton Express 9th September 1903
On Saturday the third annual exhibition of flowers, fruit and vegetables in connection with the Cosgrove Horticultural Society was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, by kind permission of Mr A Grant-Thorold, JP. The show was quite equal to its two predecessors, and attracted a good number of entries. In all departments the display was very creditable, especially in the classes for flowers. There were several not-for-competition exhibits, chief among which was a much admired collection of foliage and flowering plants, cut flowers, fruit and vegetables, sent by Mr B Wentworth Vernon, of Stoke Bruerne Park, and effectively staged by Mr W Batchelor. His Grace the Duke of Grafton also sent a good collection of flowers and vegetables and Mr A Grant-Thorold showed two lovely bunches of grapes etc. The fine afternoon attracted a good number of visitors. Amongst those present were:
Mr A Grant-Thorold J.P. (president), Colonel Gordon, C.B., D.S.O., Mr J J Atkinson, C.C., Mr A Grant-Thorold, J.P., Mr F D Bull (vice-presidents), Miss Grant-Thorold, Mr Frank Grant-Thorold, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Fraser, Miss Atkinson, Sir Christopher and Lady Baines and the Misses Baines (Stoke Bruerne), Mr E H Watts, J.P., and Mrs Watts (Hanslope Park), Mrs Poore, Mr J M Knapp J.P., and Mrs Knapp (Linford Hall), the Rev walter Plant (Potterspury), the Rev Kightly Baily, Mr J Baily (Linford), Captain Wilson and Mrs Wilson (Preston Deanery), the Rev A W Annand and Captain Annand (Grafton Regis), the Rev A G St John Mildmay (Old Wolverton), the Rev G M Capell (Passenham), Mrs Andrews and the Misses Andrews (Wicken), Mr S R Rooke C.A. (Stony Stratford), Mr Angus Powell (Old Stratford), Mr G Roberts (Deanshanger) etc.
The Stony Stratford Town Prize Band, under the conductorship of Bandmaster T. Sharpe, was in attendance, and contributed excellent selections of music at intervals during the afternoon and played for dancing in the evening.
The judges were Mr R Johnson (gardener to the Duke of Grafton, Wakefield Lodge) and Mr W Batchelor (gardener to Mr B Wentworth Vernon, Stoke Bruerne Park). Their awards were as follows:
Cottagers Class Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1. D Merriden, 2. S Williams, 3. A Childs. Kidney beans, 1. F Merriden, 2. F Tack. Cabbages, 1. W Atkins, 2. D Merriden. Carrots, 1. S Williams, 2. A Childs. Celery, T. Luck, 2. F Toombs. Spring Onions, 1. J Horn, 2. D Merriden, 3. F Tack. Winter onions, 1. F Tack, 2. D Merriden, 3. J Horn. Cauliflowers, 1. T Luck. Peas, 1. J Horn, 2. D Merriden. Parsnips, 1. J Horn, 2. M Beasley. White round potatoes, 1. A Childs, 2. R Johnson. Coloured round potatoes, 1. A Childs, 2. J T Nicholls. White kidney potatoes, 1. J Horn, 2. A Childs. Coloured kidney potatoes, 1. D Merriden. White turnips, 1. R Johnson, 2. D Merriden. Vegetable Marrows, 1. S Williams, 2. F Toombs. Long Beet, 1. F Tack, 2. D Merriden. Round Beet, 2. D Merriden. Lettuce, 1. D Merriden. Shalots, 1. D Merriden, 2. J T Nicholls. Fruit Plums, 1. G Faulkner, 2. M Beasley. Cooking apples, 1. G Wilson, 2. Mrs Burnell. Flowers Asters, 1. S Williams, 2. A Childs. Stocks, 1. Miss Knight, 2. A Childs. Adhlias, 1. S Williams. Hardy Flowers, 1. S Williams, 2. Miss Knight. Sweet peas, 1. A Childs, 2. S Williams. Pansies, 1 G Clifton, 2. G Wilson. Bouquet of Flowers, 1. S Williams, 2. Miss Knight. Window plants, 1. W Atkins, 2. Mrs Faulkner.
Open Class Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. J J Atkinson, 3. Wingfield, Wolverton House. Cucumbers, 1. J Atkinson, 2. H. Willison. Tomatoes, 1. J J Atkinson, 2. G Roberts. Marrows, 1. F Toombs, 2. H. Willison. Collection of potatoes, 1. A Childs, 2. D Merriden, 3. S Williams. Celery, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. Colonel Gordon. Kidney beans, 1. Wingfield, 2. J J Atkinson, 3. Colonel Gordon. Peas, 1. T Seymour, 2. W H Williams, Wolverton. Long beet, 1. Wingfield, 2. J J Atkinson. Round beet, 1. J Ibell, Stony Stratford, 2. A Grant-Thorold. Lettuce, 1. Wingfield, 2. Colonel Gordon.
Fruit Collection of fruit, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. Wingfield. Plums, 1. Wingfield, 2. Colonel Gordon. Cooking apples, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2 T Seymour. Dessert apples, 1. Colonel Gordon, 2. A Grant-Thorold. Flowers Roses, 1. W H Williams, 2. Rev H Last, Stony Stratford. Carnations, 1. J J Atkinson. Foliage plants, 1. A Grant-Thorold, 2. J J Atkinson. Dahlias, 1. Colonel Gordon. Begonias, 1. Mrs Seymour, 2. T Seymour. Ferns, 1. H Willison, 2. Mrs Seymour. Collection of cut blooms, 1. Miss Grant-Thorold, 2. Mrs Seymour. 3. Wingfield. Wild flowers, 1. F Briggs, 2. W Briggs, 3. B Toombs.
Special Prizes (by Messrs Daniels Bros) 1. A Childs, 2. S Williams.
Cycle Parade During the afternoon a cycle parade took place, and though not so many entries were attracted for the competitions as could have been desired, the parade proved most interesting. The judges were Miss Atkinson, Miss St John Mildmay, Mrs Fraser and Colonel Gordon. They gave their decisions as follows:
For best decorated cycle (natural flowers or foliage) 1. T Keen, 2. C Mackerness, 3. J Jarvis. For most effective costume (lady), 1. Miss Bull, 2. Mrs Lane. For most effective costume (gentleman), 1. J Jarvis, 2. C Johnson.
Capital arrangements were made by the Hon Secretary (Mr T Seymour) and the following committee Messrs D Merriden, S Williams, A Childs, G Clifton, T Jelley, T Lord, M Beasley, W Clarke etc.
Wolverton Express September 2nd 1904
Cosgrove Flower Show
The annual show of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr A Grant-Thorold, JP, on Saturday afternoon, in lovely weather. The show was undoubtedly the best which the society has yet held. The vegetables were exceptionally good, the fruit was excellent, and the flowers were, on the whole, good.
The feature of the show was the handsome array of flowers, fruit and vegetables from the gardens of Mr B Wentworth Vernon, JP, of Stoke Bruerne Park. This collection, which was a veritable flower show in itself, was arranged by Mr W Batchelor, Mr Vernon’s head gardener, who acted as one of the judges, and of course, it was not for competition. The flowers, especially the dahlias and sweet peas, were extremely fine, and the collection of delicate marguerite carnations, a sweetly scented double carnation, was much admired. Some black potatoes were a curiosity to most visitors. The fruit which Mr Vernon sent to the show was beyond reproach, and the vegetables were extremely good. Other exhibits not for competition were sent by Miss Capell, Passenham Rectory; Mrs E Watts, Hanslope Park; Mr A Grant-Thorold, Cosgrove Hall; Mr F D Bull, Cosgrove; Mr J J Atkinson, Cosgrove Priory; Mr G F Branson, Cosgrove.
During the afternoon the show was fairly well attended. Among the visitors were Mr A Grant-Thorold (President of the Society), Captain Grant-Thorold, Rev Walter Plant, (Potterspury), Rev W L Harnett, Wolverton, Rev W J Harkness, Hanslope, Rev W B Rickards, Tiffield, Rev G M Capell, (Passenham), Rev A B Patten, (Whittlebury), Mrs Carlile, (Gayhurst), Miss Burrows, (Maids Moreton), Mrs and Miss Rumsey, (Calverton), Major Brougham, (Potterspury), Mr W Bairstow, JP, (Towcester), Mr T Byam Grounds JP, (Passenham), Mr W C Cooper, JP (Whittlebury), Mr E H Watts, JP and Mrs Watts (Hanslope), Mr J J Atkinson CC (Cosgrove), Mr F D Bull and Mrs Bull (Cosgrove), Mr K C Baily (Bradwell), Mr Fraser (Newport Pagnell). The Stony Stratford band played bright selections. The judges were :- Mr W Batchelor, gardener to Mr B Wentworth Vernon, JP, Stoke Bruerne, and Mr J Thomas, gardener to Lord Penrhyn, Wicken.
The awards were:
Cottagers’ Class collection of vegetables: 1, D Merridan; 2, A Childs; 3, S Williams. Kidney Beans: 1, D Merridan; 2, G Wilson. Cabbages: 1, F Tack; 2, J Horn. Carrots: 1, J Nichols; 2, M Beasley. Celery: 1 S Williams; 2, T Luck. Spring Onions: 1, J Nichols; 2, D Merridan; 3, M Beasley. Winter onions: 1, D Merridan; 2, J Horn; 3, J Nichols. Cauliflower: 1, D Merridan; 2 J Nichols. Peas: 1, D Merridan; 2, S Williams. Parsnips: 1, J Nichols; 2, D Merridan. White round potatoes: 1, G Wilson; 2, D Merridan. Coloured round potatoes: 1 S Williams; 2, D Merridan. White turnips: 1, A Childs; 2, M Beasley. Marrows: 1, H Cutler, 2, D Merridan. Long beet: 1, J Nichols. Tomatoes: 2, T Luck. Lettuces: 2, D Merridan. Shallots: 1, D Merridan; 2, M Beasley. Plums: 1, W Atkins; 2, M Brown. Cooking apples: 1, W Clarke; 2, W Atkins. Asters: 1, G Wilson; 2, William Lovesey. Stocks: 1, A Childs; 2, S Williams. Dahlias: 1, A Chexfield; 2, M Clarke. Hardy flowers: 1, A Childs; 2, S Williams. 2, A Childs. Sweet peas: 1, A Childs; 2, S Williams. Pansies: 1, S Williams; 2, W Lovesey. Carnations: 1, S Williams. Bouquet: 1, S Williams; 2, A Childs.
Open Class: collection of vegetables: 1, J J Atkinson JP, Cosgrove Priory; 2, A Grant-Thorold JP, Cosgrove Hall; 3, Rev H Last, Stony Stratford. Cucumbers: 1, J J Atkinson. Tomatoes: 1 --- Clarke, Castlethorpe; 2, J J Atkinson. Marrows: 1, Rev Walter Plant, Potterspury; 2, Rev H Last. Collection of potatoes: 1, W H S Williams, Wolverton; 2, D Merridan, Cosgrove; 3, A Childs, Cosgrove. Celery: 1, A Grant-Thorold; 2, J Ibell, Stony Stratford; 3, Rev H Last. Kidney beans: 1, J Wingfield, Old Wolverton; 2, A Grant-Thorold. Peas: 1, A Grant-Thorold; 2, J Wingfield. Long beet: 1, J J Atkinson; 2, J Wingfield; 3, J Tyrell, Wolverton. Round beet: 1, J Tyrell; 2, A Grant-Thorold. Lettuce 1, J Wingfield; 2, A Grant-Thorold. Spring onions: 1, J J Atkinson; 2, A Grant-Thorold. White turnips: 2, J Ibell. Collection of fruit: 1, -- Clarke; 2, J Wingfield; 3, J J Atkinson. Plums: 1, -- Clarke; 2, W Atkins; 3, J Wingfield. Cooking apples: 1, W Bavington, Castlethorpe; 2, J J Atkinson; 3 Clarke. Dessert apples: 1, J J Atkinson; 2, -- Clarke. Roses: 1, W H S Williams; 2, F D Bull, Cosgrove; Carnations: 2, J J Atkinson. Foliage plant: 1, J J Atkinson; 2, T Seymour, Cosgrove. Dahlias: 1, Mrs E Watts, Hanslope Park; 2, J Ibell. Begonias: 1, T Seymour; 2, A Childs. Ferns: 1, T Seymour; 2, Miss Knight, Cosgrove. Sweet peas: 1, T Seymour; 2, J J Atkinson. Bouquet: 1, J J Atkinson; 2, F D Bull. Collection of cut blooms: 1, T Seymour; 2, A Grant-Thorold; 3, Rev W Plant. Group of flowering and foliage plants: 1, J J Atkinson; 2, A Grant-Thorold; 3, J Ibell.
Special prizes: - Lettuce: 1, D Merridan; 2, A Childs. King Edward VII potatoes: 1, S Williams; 2, A Childs. Vegetables (by Messrs T Perkins and Sons, Kingsthorpe Nurseries Northampton): 1, T Seymour. Wild Flowers (children): 1, G Badby; 2, Dorrie Atkins; 3, Edward Tack. Sweet peas (children): 1, B Childs; 2 Edward Tack. Window plant: 1,W Atkins; 2, Mrs Durrant. Shields for most points among the exhibitors: 1, D Merridan; 2, S Williams; 3, J J Atkinson (garden T Lord).
The Committee who arranged the show consisted of Mr A Grant-Thorold JP (president), Mr T Seymour (Hon Secretary), Mr A Childs, Mr S Williams, Mrs D Merriden, Mr J Brown, Mr A Swain, Mr G Clifton, Mr M Beasley and Mr R Penson.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 September 1905
The annual show of fruit, flowers, and vegetables promoted by the Cosgrove Horticultural Society, was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, by kind permission of the esteemed president, Mr. A. Grant-Thorold, J.P. From a horticultural point of view, the show was a distinct success. The entries were more numerous than the previous year, and the quality of the exhibits was excellent. The weather conditions were, however, most unfavourable, and consequently the attendance was more limited than has been customary. The not for competition exhibits included a pretty collection of foliage and flowering plants, sent by Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., and staged by Mr. T. Lord. Music was provided by the Stony Stratford Town Prize Band, under the conductorship of Mr. T. Sharpe. The arrangements for the show were carried out by a committee consisting of Mr. S. Williams, Mr. D. Merriden, Mr. A. J. Childs. Mr. Beasley, Mr. R. Penson, Mr. T. Lord, Mr. H. Willison, Mr H. Bushell, Mr. A. Swain, Mr. P. D. Bull, with Mr T. Seymour as the capable hon. secretary. The exhibits were judged by Mr. Kightley gardener to Sir Hereward Wake), Mr. Batchelor (gardener to Mr. B. Wentworth Vernon, Stoke Park), and Mr. Thomas (gardener to Lord Penrhyn, Wicken Park).
The awards were:
Cottagers.Collection of vegetables, 1 D. Merriden, 2 J. Nicholls. 3 A. Childs. Kidney beans, 1. D Merriden, J. Nicholls. Cabbages. 1 S. Williams, 2 A. Swain. Carrots, 1 D. Merriden, 2 T. Luck. Celery, 1 A. Swain, 2 P. Merriden. Spring onions, 1 J. Nicholls, 2 W Morton. 3 D Merriden. Winter onions, 1 D. Merriden, 2 R. Brown, A. Childs. Cauliflowers, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 D. Merriden. Peas, 1 A. J. Childs, D. Merriden. Round white potatoes, 1 A Childs, 2 D. Merriden. Coloured round potatoes, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Hurst. White kidney potatoes. 1 D Merriden, 2 A. J. Childs. Coloured kidney potatoes, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 S. Williams. White turnips, 1 D. Merriden, 2 M. Beasley. Marrows, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 A. Swain. Long beet. 1 A. J. Childs, 2 J. Nichols. Round beet, 1 A. J. Childs. 2 G. Wilson. Lettuces, 1 D. Merriden. 2 A. J. Childs. Shallots, 1 W. Hurst, D. Merriden. Plums. 1 C. Baldwin 2 R Brown. Cooking Apples 1 W Adkins, 2 C Baldwin.
Asters, 1 S Williams 2 G Wilson. Stocks, 1 Mrs W Pedley, 2 G Wilson. Dahlias, 1 S Williams, 2 A J Childs. Hardy Flowers 1 S Williams, 2 A J Childs. Sweet Peas 1 A J Childs 2 S Williams. Pansies 1 S Williams 2 G Wilson. Carnations or Picotees 1 S Williams, Bouquet of Flowers 1 S Williams 2 A J Nicholls.
Open Class : Collection of Vegetables 1 A Grant Thorold 2 J J Atkinson 3 H Ward. Cucumbers 1 J J Atkinson 2 T Seymour. Tomatoes 1 J J Atkinson 2 W H S Williams. Marrows 1 J Knight 2 Rev W Plant. Potatoes 1 D Merriden 2 A J Childs 3 S Williams. Celery 1 A Swain 2 W H S Williams. Kidney Beans 1 A Grant Thorold 2 J J Atkinson. Peas 1 A J Childs 2 T Seymour. Long Beet 1 A J Childs 2 J J Atkinson. Round Beet 1 Rev H Last 2 Rev St John Mildmay. Lettuces 1 A Grant Thorold 2 W H S Williams. Spring Onions 1 A Grant Thorold 2 S J Coles. Winter Onions 1 S J Coles 2 A Grant Thorold.
Collection of Fruit 1 A Grant Thorold 2 J J Atkinson 3 G Glenn. Plums 1 A Grant Thorold 2 H Robinson. Cooking Apples 1 A Bavington 2 H Robins. Dessert Apples 1 A Grant Thorold 2 Mrs Watts.
Roses 1 J Ibell 2 W H S Williams. Carnations 1 S Williams 2 J J Atkinson. Stove or Greenhouse Plants 1 J J Atkinson. Foliage Plants 1 J J Atkinson 2 T Seymour. Dahlias 1 T Seymour 2 H Robins. Begonias 1 J J Atkinson 2 T Seymour. Ferns 1 H Willison 2 T Seymour. Sweet Peas 1 S Coles 2 A J Childs 3 Miss Bull. Bouquet of Flowers 1 J J Atkinson 2 Miss Bull. Collection of Cut Blooms 1 T Seymour 2 A Grant Thorold 3 Miss Bull.
Special 1 D Merriden 2 T Seymour. Potatoes 1 T Seymour 2 Mrs Pedley. Collection of Vegetables 1 T Seymour. Messrs Dobbie & Co’s Medal for the most successful exhibitor was won by A J Childs who also gained Messrs Toogood & Sons Silver Challenge Shield. Toogood’s Bronze Shield was won by D Merriden and their certificate by S Williams.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 August 1906
On Saturday the sixth annual show of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society was held in the charming grounds of Cosgrove Hall, by kind permission of the President, Mr. A. Grant-Thorold, J.P. Fine weather favoured the gathering, and there was a good attendance of visitors. The entries showed a slight increase over those last year, and the quality in all departments was good, especially flowers and vegetables. The competition in flowers was excellent and the floral exhibits were much admired. Mr. A. Grant-Thorold showed, not for competition, a splendid display of pot plants (foliage and flowering) and cut flowers; also three fine melons (Sutton’s Scarlet, Ringleader, and Hero of Lockinge), and large bunches of luscious grapes. Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., of Cosgrove Priory, one of the vice-presidents of the society, had a pretty display of foliage and flowering plants, and Lord Penrhyn exhibited very choice collection of carnations and sweet peas. The judges were Mr. A. Thomas, gardener to Lord Penrhyn, Wicken Park, and Mr. Buckingham, gardener to the Hon. E. S. Douglas Pennant, Sholebrook Lodge.
Awards: Cottagers’ Class. Collection of vegetables, 1 J. Nicholls, A. Childs, 3 S. Williams. Kidney beans, 1 A. Cheafield, 2 S. Williams. Cabbages, 1 S. Williams, 2 J. Horn. Carrots (long), 1 J. Nicholls, S. Williams. Carrots (short), 1 S. Williams, 2 J. Nicholls. Celery, 1J. Nicholls, 2 A. Swain. Spring onions, 1 J. Nicholls, 2 W. Willison, 3 J. Horn. Winter onions, 1J. Nicholls, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 M. Beasley. Peas, 1 J. Nicholls, 2 J. Horn. Round white potatoes, 1 M. Beasley, 2 S. Williams. Round coloured potatoes, 1 W. Wise, 2 A. J. Childs. White kidney potatoes, 1 J. Wise, W, Hurst. Coloured kidney potatoes, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Hurst. White turnips, 1 S. Williams, 2 M. Beasley. Marrows, 1 J. Nicholls, 2 A. J. Childs. Beet (long), 1 A. J. Childs, 2 J. Nicholls. Beet (round), 1 C. Baldwin, 2 J. Nicholls. Lettuces, 1 M. Beasley, 2 A. J. Childs. Shallots (cooking), 1 W. Morton, 2 A. Swain. Shallots (pickling), 1 W. Hurst, J. Horn. Red cabbage, 1 W. Hurst. Plums, 2 W. Adkins. Cooking apples, 1 W. Adkins, 2 C. Baldwin. Gooseberries, 1 J. Beale. Currants, 1 Mrs. Stocks, 1 S. Williams, 2 Mrs. Redley. Dahlias, 1 S. Williams, Hardy flowers, 1 A. Childs, S. Williams, 2J. Nicholls. Sweet peas 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 W. Morton. Zinnias, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 S. Williams. Carnations or picotees, 1 S. Williams, 2 J. Nicholls. Bouquet of flowers, A. J. Childs, 2 S. Williams. Flowering plants, 1 J. Nicholls.
Open Class. Collection of vegetables, 1 A. Grant-Thorold, 2 J. J. Atkinson, 3 Mrs. Stanley Bird. Cucumbers, 1 Mrs. Stanley Bird, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Tomatoes, IJ. J. Atkinson, 2 W. H. S. Williams. Marrows, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 W. H. S. Williams. Collection of potatoes, 1 S. Williams, 2 J. J. Atkinson, 3 A. J. Childs. Celery, 1 W. H. S. Williams, 2 T. Seymour. Kidney beans, 1 S. J. Coles, H. Robbins. Peas, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. A. Jones, 3 H. Robbins. Beet (long), 1 A. J. Childs, Rev. W. Plant. Beet (round), 1 J. J. Atkinson. 2 A. Grant-Thorold. Lettuces, 1 Mrs. Stanley Bird, 2 A. Grant-Thorold. Spring onions, 1 W. H. S. Williams, 2 Mrs. Stanley Bird. Winter onions, 1 S. Coles. White turnips, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. Grant-Thorold. Carrots (long), 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. Grant-Thorold. Carrots (short), 1 S. Williams, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Collection of fruit, 1 J, J. Atkinson, 2 A. Grant-Thorold. Plume, 1 A. Grant-Thorold, 2 W. Adkins. Cooking apples, 1 A. Smith, 2 A. Grant-Thorold, 3 T. Seymour. Dessert apples, 1 H. Robbins, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Apricots, 1 T. Seymour. Gooseberries, 1 A. Grant-Thorold, 2 (equal) T. Seymour and J. J. Atkinson. Roses, 1 A. Grant-Thorold, 2 W. H. S. Williams, 3 A. A. Jones. Carnations, 1 A. Grant-Thorold, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Stove or greenhouse plants, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 T. Seymour, 3 (special) Miss Atkinson. Foliage plants, J. J. Atkinson. Coleus, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. Grant- Thorold. Dahlias, 1 H. Robbins, 2 S. Williams. Begonias, 1 T. Seymour, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Ferns, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 W. Willison. Sweet peas, 1 S. J. Coles, 2 W. H. S. Williams, 3 J. J. Atkinson, 4 Mrs. Stanley Bird. Bouquet, 1 J. J. Atkinson, S. Williams. Collection cut blooms, 1 A. Grant-Thorold, 2 S. J. Coles, 3 T. Seymour, and J. J. Atkinson (equal). Special prizes.Peas (Daniels), 1 T. Seymour, J. Childs. Peas (Perkins’), 1 W. H. S. Williams, A. J. Childs. 3 (equal) T. Seymour and J. Horn. Messrs. Toogood and Sons’ silver championship challenge shield and certificate were won by Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., the bronze shield and certificate Mr. S. Williams, and the Toogood certificate by Mr. J. Nicholls. The Yardley Gobion Britannia Prize Band was present, and contributed selections of music in the afternoon, and played for dancing in the evening.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 August 1907
COSGROVE. The yearly show of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society attracted a good number of people on Saturday into the beautiful grounds of Cosgrove Hall, kindly lent In accordance with custom by the president (Mr. A. Grant Thorold). Considering the weather, the entries are considered quite satisfactory, though in the cottagers’ class they showed a slight decrease compared with last year. Stock was excellent, the sweet peas and cut flowers being exceptionally attractive features. An active committee with the experienced help of the hon. secretary, Mr. T. Seymour, made admirable arrangements for the show, which was favoured with fine weather
The following acted as judges; Mr. W. Batchelor, F.R.H.S. (gardener to Mr. B. Wentworth Vernon), Mr. W. Buckingham (gardener Lord Penrhyn), Mr. Hugh Cameron (gardener to the Rev. J. R. Vincent), Appended is the prize list:
Cottagers' Class.Collection of vegetables, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. Childs. Cabbages, 1 W. Willison, S. Williams. Long Carrots, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Morton. Short carrots, 1 A. Swain, 2 S. Williams. Celery, 1 H. Cutler, 2 A. Swain. Spring onions, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Morton, 3 W. Willison. Winter onions, 1 R. Brown, J. Horn, 3 W. Morton. Cauliflowers, 2 H. Brown. Peas, 1 A. Swain, W. Wise. Round White potatoes, 1 W. Wise, 2 A, J. Childs. Round coloured potatoes, 1 W. Wise, 2 A. J. Childs. Kidney White potatoes, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 S. Williams. Kidney coloured potatoes, 1 S. Williams, 2 R. Pettifer. Turnips, 1 W. Lane, 2 A. Swain. Long beet, 1 J. Childs, 2 S. Williams. Round beet, 2 W. Willison. Cooking shallots, 1 W. Lane, S. Williams. Pickling shallots, 1 W. Hurst, 2 S. Williams. Lettuces, 1 W. Willison, H. Key. Red cabbage, 1 W. Hurst, 2 W Willison. Plums, 1 W. Adkins, 2 R. Brown. Apples, 1 W. Lane, 2 W. Adkins. Stocks, 1 S. Williams. Dahlias, 1 S. Williams. Hardy flowers, 1 S. Williams, A. J. Childs Sweet peas, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs. Carnations or picotees. 1 S. Williams. Bouquet, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs. Flowering plants, 1 A. J. Childs. Bouquet of wild flowers (for children under 10), 1 Frank Childs. 2 Alice Williams. Basket of wild flowers (for children from 10 to 14), 1 Cyril Beasley, 2 Edward Tack. Open Class.- Collection of vegetables, 1 A. Grant Thorold, 2 J. J. Atkinson, 3 Mrs. Stanley Bird. Cucumbers, 1 Mrs. Bird, 2J. J. Atkinson. Tomatoes, 1 Mrs. Bird, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Marrows, 1 C. W. Davess, 2 Mrs. Bird. Potatoes, 1 A. A. Jones, 2 S. Williams, 3 A. J. Childs. Celery, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 C. W. Davess. Kidney beans, 1 C. W. Davess. Peas, 1 A. Swain, A. Grant Thorold. Long beet, 1 A. Grant Thorold, A. Archer. Round beet, 1 W. Willison, Archer. Lettuces, 1 T. Seymour, 2 W. Willison. Spring onions, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. Grant Thorold. Winter onions, 1 A. Grant Thorold, A. A. Jones. Turnips, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. A. Jones. Carrots, 1 J. J. Atkinson, A. Grant Thorold. Short carrots, 1 A. Grant Thorold, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Collection of fruit, 1 A. Grant Thorold, 2 J. J. Atkinson, 3 C. Richardson. Plume, 1 C. Richardson, A. Grant Thorold. Cooking apples 1 A. Grant Thorold, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Dessert apples, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. Smith. Gooseberries, 1 A. Grant Thorold, 2 T. Seymour, 3 J. J. Atkinson. Roses, 1 A. J. Coles, 2 A. A. Jones. Carnations, 1 A. Grant Thorold, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Stove or greenhouse plants, 1 T. Seymour 2 J. J. Atkinson. Foliage plants, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 T. Seymour. Coleus, J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. Grant Thorold. Cactus dahlias, 1 T. Seymour, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Begonias. 1 T. Seymour, 2 J. Atkinson. Ferns, 1 J. Atkinson, 2 T. Seymour. Sweet peas. 1 S. J. Coles, 2 A. Archer, 3 Mrs. Bird, 4 A. J. Childs. Bouquet, 1 S. Williams, 2 Mrs. Bird. Cut blooms, 1 A. Grant Thorold, 2 T. Seymour, 3 Mrs. Bird. Special prizes: Messrs. Daniels Bros., Norwich, for peas, A. J. Childs. By Messrs. John Perkins and Son, Northampton, for peas, 1 A. Swain, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 T. Seymour. By Messrs. and Sous, Southampton, for highest marks, 1 S. Williams, 2 T. Lord, 3 J. Cook. Mr. A. Grant Thorold, through his gardener, Mr. Cook, sent a fine collection of flowers and flowering plants not for competition, and the hon. secretary sent some remarkable gooseberries for exhibition only. In the evening there was dancing on the lawn, the music being supplied fey the Yardley Gobion Band.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 03 September 1909
Favoured with magnificent weather the annual exhibition of flowers, fruit, and vegetables, held under the auspices of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society, Saturday, was unqualified success. By kind permission of Mr. J. J. Atkinson, the show was held in a field adjoining the Priory, the exhibits being admirably staged in large marquee, whilst other attractions were provided in the bran tub tent, the bee tent, in the charge of Mr. G. Mason, of the Northamptonshire Beekeepers' Association, and Aunt Sally. A special feature this year was the baby show, arranged by Mrs. Atkinson; and in addition Professor Hamylton was specially engaged by Mrs. Baker, Cosgrove Hall.
A cricket match between Castlethorpe and Cosgrove provided an interesting contest, and the visitors were entertained by a delightful musical programme from the Yardley Gobion Britannia Prize Band (Mr. J. R. Lambert, conductor). The society was fortunate in possessing such an energetic executive of President, Captain H. Grant Thorold, J.P. vice-presidents, Mr. J. Jepson Atkinson, C.C., Mr. F. D. Bull, Mr. A, E. Baker, and Captain Hodgkinson; secretary, Mr. T. Seymour; committee, Messrs. S. Williams, T. Lord. W. Hurst, H. Willison, A. Childs, Swain, W. Willison, H. Sampson, G. Williams, R. Pension . E. lord. J. Clarke, and W. Clarke. The judges. Mr. P. Warr, head gardener to Sir William Cooper, Bart., Whittlebury; Mr. Dance, head gardener to Colonel Duncan. Shenley; and Mr. Lane, head gardener to Mr. C. A. Borrett, Hatton Court; commented upon the exceptional quality of the entries, particularly in the open class fruit section. The plums were par excellence, the apricots perfection, and cooking and dessert apples of a high class. The collections of vegetables were well above the average. Amongst the exhibits, not for competition, were some choice grapes from Mr. A. F. Baker, Cosgrove Hall, whilst one end the marquee was reserved for Messrs. Ramsbottom and Co., Bletchley, who showed a choice array of roses. The same firm also exhibited floral cross of chaste design, the foundation consisting of bridal robe chrysanthemums, and in relief stephanotis, tuber roses, and mauve asters. There was an increase in the fruit and vegetables, and a slight decrease in flowers.
The awards were:
Cottagers.Collection of vegetables, 1 G. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 William Wise. Kidney beans, 1 S. Williams, 2 J. Bull, 3 W. Lane. Cabbages, 1 J. Bull. 2 Bertram Adkins, 3 H. Willison - Carrots (longhorn), 1 J. W Swain, 2 J Bull; Carrots (shorthorn), 1 G Williams. 2 Alfred Swain, Celery, 1 S. Williams, George Williams. Spring onions 1 William Hurst, 2 William Luck, 3 W. Willison. Winter onions. 1 Robert Brown 2 A. J. Childs. Cauliflowers, 1 W Willison, 2 H. Willison. Peas, 1 Alfred Swain. 2 William Wise. Round white potatoes, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 W. Lane. Round coloured potatoes, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 S. Williams. Kidney white potatoes, 1 S. Williams. 2 J. Horn. Coloured kidney potatoes. 1 J. Lane, 2 A. J. Childs. Turnips. 1 W Wise, 2 J. Horn. Marrows, 1 G. Williams, 2 J. Horn. Long Beet. 1 J. W. Swain, 2 J. Horn. Round beet. 1 S. Williams. 2 W. Willison. Lettuce, 1 W. Willison, 2 H. Willison. Shallots (cooking), 1 J Lane, 2 G. Nichols. Shallots (pickling), 1 J. W. Swain, 2 Robert Brown. Red cabbage, 1 W. Hurst, 2 Alfred Swain. Plums, 1 Robert Brown, 2 W. Clarke. Cooking apples, 1 Clarke, G. Williams.
Asters, 1 J. Horn, W Willison. Stocks (whole plants), 1 G. Williams. 2 S. Williams. Dahlias, 1 S. Williams. 2 W Clarke Hardy flowers, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 S Williams. Sweet peas, 1 S. Williams. 2 A. J. Childs. .Carnations, 1 W. Lane. Bouquet, 1 S Williams 2 A J. Childs. Flowering plant, 2 A. J. Childs.
Open.Collection of vegetables, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 H Williams, 3 T. Seymour. Cucumbers, 1 Captain Hodgkinson. Tomatoes. 1 T. Bramley (Stony Stratford). 2 J. J. Atkinson. Marrows, 1 J Horn. 2 J. T. Brown. Potatoes (six varieties) S. Williams 2 A. J. Childs, 3 William Wise Celery, 1 T Bramley (Stony Stratford) 2 G Williams. Kidney beans. 1 G. Lambert 2 J Atkinson. Peas, 1 S. Coles (Wolverton) 2 J T Brown. Beet (long), 1 J. J. Atkinson. 2 W. Willison Round beet, 1 Captain H. Grant Thorold, 2 Captain Hodgkinson. Lettuce. 1 W. E Williams 2 J J Atkinson Spring-sown onions, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 J. T. Brown. Winter sown onions 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. E. Baker. Turnips 1 W Wise 2 J J Atkinson Carrots (longhorn) 1 J. J. Atkinson 2 J T Brown Carrots (shorthorn), 1 J J Atkinson 2 Alfred Swain Collection of Fruit 1 A E Baker 2 J J Atkinson 3 A E Richardson Plums 1 G Nicholls 2 A E Baker; Cooking Apples 1 A E Baker, 2 A Fessey (Wolverton) 3 T Bramley (Stony Stratford) Dessert Apples 1 J J Atkinson 2 A E Richardson; Apricots 1 A E Baker 2 Captain H Grant Thorold Gooseberries 1 J J Atkinson 2 T Seymour; Roses grown in the open 1 Mrs Taylor (Sherington Manor) 2 S Coles (Wolverton); Carnations 1 A E Richardson 2 A E Baker; Stove or Greenhouse Plants 1 J J Atkinson 2 T Seymour; Coleus 1 J J Atkinson 2 T Seymour; Dahlias (Cactus) 1 S Williams 2 A E Jackson (Stony Stratford) Begonias 1 A E Baker 2 W Clarke; Ferns 1 J J. Atkinson 2 Captain Hodgkinson. Sweet Peas 2 T Bramley (Stony Stratford). Bouquet of Flowers, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 S. Coles (Wolverton); Collection of cut blooms 1 S. Coles (Wolverton). 2 T. Bramley (Stony Stratford) 3 Captain Hodgkinson.
Mr. G. Masom of Yardley Gobion, judged the honey. In the open class Mrs. W. Jelley was awarded first, but disqualified. Mrs. Hobbs (Furtho) took the first prize, and Mr. T. Dunkley (Haversham) was placed second. In the class for Cosgrove parishioners Mrs. Jelley was awarded first prize and Mrs. R. Penson second
The following were the awards in the baby show; Local: under twelve months (7 entries), 1 Elsie Adkins. 2 Noel Cutler. Under (two years (six entries), 1 Olive Eglesfield, 2 Violet J. Pettifer. Open: Under twelve months (ten entries) 1 Marjorie Knight, 2 Amy Ratcliffe. Under two years (five entries), 1 Thomas Amos, 2 Charles W Plumb.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 July 1920
HUTS FOR HOLDINGS. The Small Holdings and Allotments Committee reported the purchase for £179 18s. of an Army hut which would provide all the necessary outbuildings at Cold Higham and one set of out-buildings at Cosgrove small holdings. The Committee asked for authority to spend up to £5OO purchasing other hutments for the equipment of small holdings. The report was adopted.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 October 1920
On the recommendation of the Small Holdings Committee, the Council in July last sanctioned the purchase for £179 10s of an Army hut at Pattishall Prisoners of War Camp, used after alterations and additions as buildings small holdings at Cold Higham and Cosgrove. The committee recommended that a tender for the taking down and re-erection of the hut be accepted at £1,335. Four other huts had been purchased at a cost of £250 and the entire cost of taking down end re-erecting them, after adaptation, at Cosgrove was £1,800. The Committee recommended the Council to sanction this work.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 August 1930
Cosgrove Horticultural Show was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, in connection with the annual hospital fete. The show proved the most successful yet held both in the numbers exhibits and the quality. The arrangements were made by the following committee: Messrs. T. Lord, A. J. Childs, R. Ince, J. Hall, H. Gascoyne, G. Hooton, and G. Williams. The judges were Mr. W. Buckingham (Wicken Park) and Mr. J. Pitson (Wicken Rectory), whose awards were;
Vegetables.Collection, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams; Beans 1 G. Hooton 2 J. Ibell; Carrots A. J. Childs 2 G. Church. Cauliflower 1 J. Brown. Beet 1 H. Tapp 2 G. Ray. Peas 1 J. Swain 2 G. Church. Marrow 1 A. J. Childs 2 G. Hooton. Pickling Shallots 1 M. Whiting 2 G. Church. Spring sown Onions 1 J. Swain 2 H. Johnson. Autumn sown Onions 1 J. Swain 2 W. Stewart. Tomatoes 1 Mrs. Clark 2 Nash. Round potatoes 1 A. J. Childs 2 A. Ashby. Kidney potatoes 1 A. Ashby 2 A. Grace.
Fruit- Plums 1 J. Brown 2 H. Meakins. Cooking Apples 1 S. Williams 2 H. Johnson. Dessert Apples 1 S. Williams 2 A. J. Childs. Collection 1 - Townsend 2 J. Ibell. Gooseberries 1 A. J. Childs. Raspberries 1 J. Ibell.
Flowers Sweet Peas 1 A. Overton (New Bradwell) 2 L. Rainbow. Bunches 1 T. Payne 2 S. Williams. Gladioli 1 T. Payne 2 C Evans. Carnations 1 G. Hooton 2 R. Webster.
Special Prizes Collection of Vegetables 1 S. Williams, G. Hooton. Collection of Fruit 1 J. Ibell. Window Plant 1 H. Meakins 2 Mrs. Hooton. Bouquet of Flowers 1 G. Williams 2 S. Williams 3 J. Ibell. Roses 1 Nash 2 R. Webster. Potatoes 3 varieties from Cosgrove allotments 1 G. Williams 2 A. Childs. Hens’ eggs 1 H. Johnson. Bunch of cut flowers 1 T. Payne 2 E. Owen. Largest marrow 1 H. Herbert. Bouquet of wild flowers (children under 9) 1 Flora Ince 2 Margaret Brown. Over 9 1 Mary Whiting 2 Jim Holman. Heaviest potato 1 Phil Whiting.
The prizes in the special classes were given by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom (Cosgrove Hall), the Misses Atkinson Cosgrove Priory), Miss Balfour, Mrs A. F. Jelley, Mr. C. R. Whiting, Miss Wilkinson and Mr. S. Williams.
Wolverton Express 3rd September 1948
Cosgrove Produce Show
Mr G Williams Gains Highest Points : Mr J Brown’s Seven Firsts.
Cosgrove Produce Association staged its second annual show of vegetables, fruit, flowers, honey and preserves in the Schools on Saturday last, and the officials had their energies well rewarded by the extent of the support of the villagers and neighbouring residents, the exhibits numbering 190.
Although the special prize given by Mrs M E Jelley to the member of the Association gaining most points went to Mr G Williams (chairmen of the Association) with 25 points (5 firsts, 4 seconds, 2 thirds); Mr J Brown can justifiably be proud of his successes, for out of nine exhibits seven gained the premier award (21 points). Mr G H Winterbottom (16 points) was third highest. In the ladies’ section the special prize went to Mrs C Brockway, whose exhibits gained her ten points.
The show not only catered for the gardener and the housewife, but also for children, and classes encouraged nature study drawing and poster design, and thus every member of the household could be actively interested. Mr W Hughes, Stony Stratford, and Mr G Church, Yardley Gobion, judged the exhibits.
Those responsible for arranging the show were : Mr G Williams (chairman), Mr F Tustain (hon. Secretary), Mrs M E Jelley (hon. treasurer), Messrs J Higgins, E Lambert, E R Lambert, G Horn, F Lambert, P Lynburn, Mrs B Tack and Mrs A Whittaker (committee).
Exhibits that were left behind were sold for the benefit of the Association, and the committee was fortunate in having the services as auctioneer of Mr Bill Hurry, well-known member of the auctioneering firm of Messrs Jackson and Stops and Staff, Northampton.
Open Classes
Section A (open to a radius of five miles) : collection of Vegetables, 1 J Brown (Castlethorpe), 2 G H Winterbottom, 3 Robin Winterbottom; collection of potatoes, 1 G Williams, 2 J Brown (Castlethorpe), G H Winterbottom; kidney beans, 1 G H Winterbottom; tomatoes, 1 Mrs J Clarke, 2 Mrs P Y Atkinson; cauliflowers, 1 G Williams.
Members’ Classes
White round potatoes: 1 J Brown, 2 G Williams, 3 C Hill; white kidney, 1 J Brown, 2 C Hill, 3 F Williams; coloured kidney, 1 S Eglesfield, 2 C Brockway, 3 C Hill; coloured round, 1 J Brown, 2 C Hill, 3 G Williams; carrots, 1 J Brown, 2 C Brockway, 3 W Stewart; bed-sown onions, 1 G Williams, 2 Mrs H Smith, 3 W Gayton; cooking shallots, 1 J Brown, 2 C Hill, 3 F Lambert; pickling shallots, 1 G Hill, 2 G Williams, 3 Master Robin Winterbottom; beetroot, 1 C Hill, 2 G Williams, 3 Mrs H Smith; cauliflower, 1 G Williams; marrows, 1 W Gayton, 2 Mrs A Tack, 3 C Brockway; harvest cabbage, 1 C Brockway, 2 W Stewart, 3 W Gayton; runner beans, 1 J Brown, 2 Mrs J Clarke, 3 G Williams; collection of vegetables (1st prize given by Mr F Lambert), 1 J Brown, 2 Mrs J Clarke, 3 F Williams.
Fruit (open to radius of five miles): collection, 1 G H Winterbottom; dessert apples 1 G H Winterbottom, 2 A Tack; cooking apples (members only), 1 A Kightley, 2 Mrs P Y Atkinson, 3 G Horn; dessert apples, 1 Mrs A Tack, 2 G Horn; plums, 1 Mrs P Y Atkinson, 2 G H Winterbottom, G Horn,
Flowers (open), chrysanthemums, 1 C Brockway, 2 J Lambert, 3 Mrs Atkinson; cut flowers (members only), 1 G Williams, 2 J Lambert, 3 F Williams; chrysanthemums, 1 C Brockway, 2 G Williams, 3 J Lambert; vases cut flowers, 1 Miss Marlow, 2 J Lambert, 3 Mrs Joan Brockway.
Honey (open): dark (1st prize given by Mr F Lambert junior), 1 A Townsend; light, 1 A Townsend, 2 G H Winterbottom.
Preserves (members only) bottled soft fruit, 1 Mrs H Cummings, 2 Mrs H Smith, 3 Mrs Fry; hard fruit, 1 Mrs Joan Brockway, 2 Mrs F Williams, 3 Mrs W Brockway; jar hard fruit jam, 1 Mrs H Smith, 2 Mrs C Harris, 3 Mrs Joan Brockway; soft fruits jam, 1 Mrs Joan Brockway, 2 Mrs J Clarke, 3 Mrs F Williams; chutney, 1 Mrs C Harris, 2 Mrs F Williams, 3 Mrs W Clarke; cake (recipe given), 1 Mrs F Williams, 2 Mrs Joan Brockway, 3 Mrs A Tack.
Children’s Classes: nature study drawing; (under 7), 1 Alan Tustain; design suitable for flower show poster (7 to 10 years), 1 June Smith, 2 Jill Tustain; 10 to 14 years, 1 Iris Brewer, 2 Brian Goodridge, 3 Donald Kightley.
Wolverton Express 6th September 1957
Cosgrove Hold a Show Again
Mr. George Williams retained the "Hesketh" challenge cup with 29 points at Cosgrove Horticultural Society show on Saturday. The Society, which was formed in 1947 did not hold a show last year due to lack of entries. Entries were down this year, numbering 130. The cup for the ladies' section, given by Capt. and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, was won by Mrs. C. Harris, with 12 points, Prizes, given by Mr. R. White and Odell's Ltd. for the best exhibits, were won by Mr. L. Giles and Mr. G. Williams. Cups were presented by Mrs. Atkinson.
Judges were : - Mrs. M. Jelley, Mr. Farmer (Beachampton) and Mr. Bazely (Deanshanger). Arrangements were made by Mr. E Lambert (chairman), Mr. F. Tustain (secretary). Mr. A. Tack (treasurer), and committee, Messrs J. Higgins, H. Ratcliffe, P. Lyman, F. Hillyer, Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Tack, and helpers for refreshments.
DIVISION I (RADIUS 5 MILES) Collection vegetables, 1 J. B. Femora Hesketh; kidney beans, 1 G. Williams., 2 J. Lambert; tomatoes, 1 J. Lambert, 2 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh, 3 G. Williams; onions, 1 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh, 2 A. Tompkins; peas, 2 G. Williams; cooking apples. 1 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh, 2 Mrs. Atkinson, 3 J. Lambert; dessert, 1 Mrs. Atkinson. 2 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh; chrysanthemums. I J. B Fermor-Hesketh. 2 J. Lambert, 3 G. Williams; onions, transplanted, 1 Mrs. Gayton.
DIVISION 11 MEMBERS White round potatoes, 1 A. Kightley. 2 Mrs. Gayton. 3 J. Pollard; white kidney, 1 A. Tack, 2 Mrs. Dayton, 3 S. Eglesfleld: coloured kidney, 1 G. Williams, 2 A. Kightley, 3 Mrs. Gayton; short carrots. 2 G. Williams: long. 1 A. Kightley. 2 J Pollard; onions as grown. 1 A. Kightley, 2 A. Tack. 3 J. Pollard: cooking shallots. 1 G. Williams. 2 J. Pollard, 3 Mrs. Gayton: pickling, 1 J. Pollard. 2 Mrs. Gayton. 3 Mrs. Brockway; round beetroot, 1 Mrs. Clayton, 2 G. Williams, 3 A Tompkins; cauliflower. 3 F. Tustain, pair marrows, 1 E. Lambert, 2 L Giles, 3 J. Pollard ; harvest cabbage, 1 Mrs: Chown, 2 S. Eglesfield, 3 F. Tustain: peas. 1 R. Jones. 2 L, Reynolds, 3 S. Eglesfield: runner beans, 1 G. Williams. 2 L. Giles, 3 Mrs. Gayton; collection vegetables, 1 J. Pollard: cooking apples. 1 E. Stewart, 2 F. Tustain, 3 A. Tack: dessert, I A, Tack. 2 J. Pollard; plums, 1 Mrs. Atkinson; dahlias 1 L. Giles, 2 S. Eglesfield; gladioli, 1 L Giles. 2 E. Stewart: bowl flowers arranged for effect. 1 G. Williams 2 Mrs. Whittaker, 3 Mrs Brockway; chrysanthemums, G, Williams; vases cut flowers. 1 L. Giles. 2 Mrs. Whittaker; bunch cut flowers. 1 G. Williams, 2 L. Giles. 3 Mrs. Gayton: lemon curd 1 Mrs. Whittaker. 2 Mrs. C Harris. 3 Mrs. J. Brockway; chutney. 1 Mrs, C. Harris, 2 Mrs. E Lambert, 3 Mrs. Whittaker: soft fruit, 1 Mrs. C. Harris, 2 Mrs. J. Brockway, 3 Mrs. Gayton; jam soft fruit, 1 Mrs. J. Brockway, 2 Mrs. G. Beasley, 3 Mrs. Harris; M:ideira cake, 1 Mrs. C. Harris, 2 Mrs. Cummings, 3 Mrs. Beasley: nature drawing. 5-7 years, 1 Ian Lambert and Susan Eglesfield: wild flowers. children, Nigel Lintott, 2 Diane Stewart, 3 Roger Kightley: handicraft, boys 11-15 years, 1 Colin Bushell 2 Tony Lavington. 3 Ivor Hitchford: Elvis, 1 Hazel Lavington, 2 Julia Longman 3 Bridget Cummings.
Wolverton Express 4th September 1970
There were almost 100 entries on Saturday for the first Horticultural Show to be held in Cosgrove for about 15 years. This year the organisers were the local branch of the Conservative and Unionist Association, but it is hoped that in future years a local horticultural society will undertake to cater for the interest shown in this kind of event. Mrs. R. J. Fleming of Stony Stratford judged the flower classes, Mrs. Paton of Haversham the preserves, and Mr. Spetman of Hanslope the vegetables. The prizes were presented by Mrs. Jean Runacres wife of the chairman, to:
Collection of vegetables. Mr. Cattermole and Mr. Welch: lettuce, Mr. Pollard: runner beans. Mrs. Crossley and Mr. Welch: onions, Mr. Runacres: shallots. Mr. Welch and Mrs. Gayton; marrow. Mr. Lyman: root vegetable. Mr. Welch and Mr. Eglesfield; potatoes. Mr. Jelley and Mr. Loughrey; bowl of mixed roses. Mrs. Giles and Mrs. Groom; roses, one variety. Mr. Smith and Mr. McLean: dahlias. Mr. Welch; mixed flowers. Mrs. Runacres and Mrs. Groom: house plant. Mrs. Goodrich and Mrs. Johnson: succulent or cactus. Miss Eglesfield; floral arrangement. Mrs. Smith; the biggest and best weed. Miss Eglesfield: decorated cake. Mrs. Richards; scones. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Goodrich: fruit pie or flan. Mrs. Smith; preserves. Mrs. Gayton: bottled fruit. Mrs. Gayton; apples. Mr. Eglesfield. Children's classes were won by: wild flowers, Marion Cattermole. David Cattermole. Jason Hart and Rebecca Runacres: cake decorated by child under 16. Trudi Cowan. A large basket of fruit presented by Mrs. A. Crossley. and a decorated cake made and presented by Mrs. W. Harris were raffled. A cash donation was made by Mr. S. Eglesfield of The Barley Mow. The proceeds from the show and auction held afterwards will be used to finance a senior citizens' outing and tea on Saturday October 3.
Wolverton Express 3rd September 1971
Commenting on Cosgrove's Grand Horticultural Show on Saturday, Mr. G. Runacres said that the quality of the produce was high but he thought that a better effort could have been made to improve the number of entries. Competitors had made special efforts in the floral decoration classes even though the weather had "crucified the flowers". Mr. S. Pateman of Hanslope judged the vegetables, Mrs. Odell of Stony Stratford the flowers, and Mrs. Paton of Haversham the cakes and preserves. Mrs. Hickford of Cosgrove presented prizes to
Mr. Welch and Mrs. Giles for runner beans:- Mr. Lyman and Mr. Runacres. onions; Mr. Welch and Mrs. Gayton, pickling shallots; Mr. Welch and Mr. Cattermole, cooking shallots; Mrs. Giles, vegetable marrow; Mr. Welch, root vegetables: Mr. Lyman, potatoes; Mrs. Richards and Mr. Runacres, six roses: Mrs. Cattermole, three roses; Mrs. Beavis and Mrs. Giles, dahlias: Mr. Welch, cactus dahlias: Mrs. Pol-lard, house plant; Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. Cattermole, floral arrangement; Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Cattermole, decorated cake; Mrs. Oakley, scones; Mrs. Taylor, fruit pie, marmalade and jam; and Mrs. Gayton, bottled fruit.
Children's prizes
In the children's classes Denise Taylor. Rebecca Runacres and Jacqueline Gomez were awarded prizes for a decorated cake. First prize for an animal made entirely of vegetables and matchsticks went to Josephine Stevens, 2 Rebecca Runacres and David Cattermole and Nicky Stevens tied for third place. Special awards were made to Rosemary Groom, Debbie Stevens, Julie-Ann Gomez, Dawn Stibbens and Mandy Gordon. Raffle prizes were donated by Mrs. Crossley, Mr. Eglesfield and the White Swan, Stony Stratford, who contributed the proceeds of a skittle match to provide a large box of fruit, won by Mrs. Pollard. Mr. Collier won the sherry and biscuits and Mr. Davey the beer and sherry. Mrs. Cattermole guessed the weight of a cabbage and donated this prize to the auction. Other donations of produce for auction were made by Mrs Giles, Mrs. Holman, Rebecca Runacres, Mr. Hickford, Mr. Smith, Mr. Whitaker. Mr. Pateman and Mr. Lee. Cash donations were received from the Rector. Canon S. C. Woodward. Mr. John Pollard and Mr. John Cattermole. Tea was provided and served by the ladies and the Show raised in excess of £10 which will help to provide a film show and tea for the Senior Citizens sometime in early September.
Wolverton Express 1st September 1972

PROCEEDS from Cosgrove Flower and Produce show held at the Barley Mow on Saturday will provide a Christmas film show for the Senior Citizens Golden Hour Club. Net proceeds from the show, from the sale of exhibits and gifts, raffles and cash donations, and after deduction of prize money, was £19.30. Mr. Gerry Runacres who organised the show also runs the film show. Judges for the show were Mr. Bob Coulson of the White Swan, Stony Stratford for the vegetables, fruit and flowers, and Mrs. G. Beckett of the Barley Mow Cosgrove, for the domestic and children's classes.
Cash donations were received from Mr. E. Lambert, Mr. E. Brown and Mr. G. Runacres. Prizes for the raffle were given by Mr. George Beckett, landlord of the Barley Mow, and Mrs. Jean Runacres. Raffle winners were bottle of gin, Mr. P. Hickford, box of groceries, Mr. M. Hickford; cake. Mrs. Gayton; bottle of beer, Mr. P. Lyman.