Plough Inn, Cosgrove
Details from Plan c.1881
Farm Fields &c. in the occupation of Thomas Amos
105 |
The Malking Close Cottage &c. |
100 |
The Stocking |
101 |
Home Close |
102 |
The "Plough Inn" &c. |
85 |
The Mill Top Meadow |
86 |
Mill Holme |
87 |
Bottom Meadow |
88 |
Homestead |
89 |
Gibraltar Meadow |
1843 map showing 102 The Plough Inn - same number used on both plans 1843 and c.1881
1884 O. S. map showing the Plough Inn
The Knight family outside the Plough Inn
Canvin's the Stony Stratford butcher, delivering meat to the Plough Inn
Next to the pub are old farm buildings on Castle's field, where Park Close now stands.
This is where the fierce goose lived that terrorised the children.
The Plough closed in about 1954.
Ref: |
Date |
Occupant |
Northamptonshire Licensed Victuallers 1822 |
1822 |
John Jelley |
Kelly's Directory |
1847 |
John Jelly |
Whellan History of Northamptonshire |
1849 |
John Jelly |
Kelly’s Directory |
1854 |
John Jelly |
Electoral Roll |
1867 |
John Adams |
Kelly’s Directory |
1869 |
John Adams |
Census |
1871 |
John Sharpe |
Electoral Roll |
1889 |
John Sharpe |
Kelly's Directory |
1890 |
Mrs. Elizabeth Sharp |
Census |
1891 |
James Cowley |
Newspaper report |
1893 |
James Knight |
Kelly’s Directory |
1894 |
James Knight |
Kelly's Directory |
1898 |
James Knight |
Census |
1901 |
James G Knight |
Census |
1911 |
James George Kinght |
Kelly's Directory |
1920 |
James G Knight |
Kelly’s Directory |
1924 |
Mrs Caroline Knight |
Kelly's Directory |
1936 |
Mrs Caroline Knight |
Kelly's Directory |
1940 |
Chas. Monk |
Newspaper Report |
1943 |
C. E. Monk |
Electoral Roll |
1944 |
James Burrows |
Newspaper Report |
1946 |
James Ernest Burrows |
Electoral Roll |
1953 |
James & Hetty Burrows |
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 26 May 1821
NOTICE is hereby given. That the Court Leet and Court Baron of John Christopher Mansel, Lord of the Manor of Cosgrove cum Furtho, in the County of Northampton, will held at the Plough, in Cosgrove aforesaid, on Thursday the 31st Day of May instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, when and where all Tenants of, and Residents within the said Manor, and other Persons owing Suit and Service to the said Court, are required to attend.
And Notice hereby also given.
That the Minister Churchwardens and other Inhabitants of the Parish aforesaid, will meet at the Parish Church there, the said 31st May instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, and from thence proceed to perambulate the Boundaries of the said Parish.
Steward of the said Court.
Northampton, May 20th, 1821.
Bucks Herald - Saturday 25 November 1854
Death from Drowning at Cosgrove.On the inst. an inquest was held at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, before R. Weston, Esq., view of the body Edward Wilson, whose death occurred under the melancholy circumstances detailed in the following evidence :
Zilpha Wilson - I am the wife of Edward Wilson, now lying dead in this house. We lived at Yardley Gobion, two three miles from Cosgrove. He was a labourer, and is 36 years of age. We have six children. Between five and six o'clock on Tuesday evening, the 14th inst., he left home to go Cosgrove, to pay Mr. Warren for some beer. He was then quite well and sober. He did not return at night. About the middle of the next heard he was drowned.
Josiah Lowel am 15 years old. I work for the Grand Junction Canal Company, at Cosgrove. About 11 o'clock yesterday morning, I was going over the trunk of the canal about half-a-mile from Cosgrove. I saw the body of a man in the water. He was taken along by the side of a boat to Cosgrove lock, and then taken out the water and brought to this house. He was dead. He did not appear to have received any violence. The trunk passes over the river Ouse, and there is a fence between the towing path over it and the canal. He would have pass over the trunk from the Locomotive to Yardley.
Daniel Warren- I am a brewer at Cosgrove. A little after six o'clock, on Tuesday evening, the deceased called at my house and paid me three beer bills, amounting to 16s. 10½d. He gave a me sovereign, and I gave him the change. I did not see any more money.
George Masters - I keep the Barley Mow Inn, at Cosgrove. The deceased came to my house about 7 o'clock on Tuesday, he left a little before 5 o'clock with a person to direct him the way to the Locomotive at Wolverton. He was perfectly sober. It was a very dark night.
Joseph Foster - I am one of the constables of Cosgrove. I have seen the deceased pockets searched by his wife. She found his purse with a shilling in it, and three of Mr. Warren's bills for beer. From the Locomotive at Wolverton, he would have to pass the trunk.
It was shown that the deceased left Wolverton alone. The jury returned verdict of “Found Drowned.”
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 17 March 1855
On the 6th instant, at the Plough, Cosgrove, on view of the body of Ann Hurst, aged five years, who, the 16th of February, was so injured on her clothes taking fire that death ensued on the evening the 3rd instant. It appeared that the child was left by her sister at Mrs. Jelley's, a neighbour, to be taken care of while she went to Stratford. Mrs. Jelly went into her neighbour Atterbury's on an errand, leaving her two children and the deceased in the house. During her absence a stick fell from the grate and set the child's clothes on fire, whereby her neck, arms, face, and back, were severely burnt. Mr. Back, surgeon, of Stony Stratford, attended the deceased up to the time of her death. A verdict of accidental death was returned.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 11 April 1868
COSGROVE, near Stony Stratford.
55 ACRES of luxuriant GRASS for Mowing (the Hay to go off), and the GRASS KEEPING up to the 31st of December, 1868,
On MONDAY, April 20,1868, direction of Mr. L. Osborn.
Credit given on the usual terms.
The Mowings are well known to produce heavy crops, and the Grazings are of first-rate quality. The company is requested to meet the Auctioneer, at the
Plough Inn, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon.
September 3rd 1868
Letter to E. K. Fisher Esqr (land agents for Mr Mansel)
Cosgrove Hall
I am very sorry to inform you, that the Plough Inn, is burnt down this morning, and as Mr Mansel is from home, I should be very much obliged to you if you could come up tomorrow Friday, the Fire Insurance Agent is from home, but they have written to him, to come home tomorrow, and I thought if you could possibly come up to meet him it would be much better as I do not know what steps to take in the matter, Mrs Mansel is coming home this evening, but I don’t expect Mr Mansel before Monday
Hoping Sir; that you will forgive the liberty I have taken in writing to you
I remain
your most obt servant
James Reed
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 05 September 1868
Fire Cosgrove.
On the morning of Thursday, August 27th, the Stony Stratford Fire Brigade was aroused early to a fire on the premises of Mr. Adams, at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove. They were soon on the spot. Happily there was a plentiful supply of water, and after a few hours hard work the fire was extinguished, and all left safe. We hear that the premises were insured, and that the Fire Brigade met with great kindness from the inhabitants, especially from Mr. D. Warren. Unfortunately it was the day appointed for the brigade's annual holiday, which took place in Stowe Park. Although delayed and prevented by the fire in the morning from appearing in uniform with their engine, they played a friendly game of cricket with the Stowe House Fire Brigade, which ended in favour of the Stowe Brigade. Mr. Blackwell, of Buckingham, provided a good substantial dinner, which all appeared to enjoy. By the Duke of Buckingham's permission, the brigade visited His Grace's fire engine and appliances, and found all in first-rate working order. They were then shown through the different gardens, greenhouses, aviary, &c, and took a pleasant walk round the mansion. On returning they found the Duke had ordered coffee for them. They gave three hearty cheers on leaving the mansion. Mr. E. Revill, captain of the brigade, supplied them with postilions, four horses, &c.
Croydon's Weekly Standard September 5th 1868
FIRE.- On the morning of Thursday, August 27, the Stony Stratford Fire Brigade was aroused early to a fire, on the premises of Mr. Adams, at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove. They were soon on the spot. Happily there was a plentiful supply of water, and all left safe. We hear that the sufferer was insured, and that the brigade met with great kindness from the inhabitants, especially from Mr. D. Warren.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 06 February 1869
Cosgrove. John Adams, landlord of the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, was summoned by Edmund Smith, of Hanslope, for assaulting him at Cosgrove, on the 22nd of January.
Edmund Smith, who appeared with his hands and face bound up, deposed: I went into the Plough Inn about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and remained there till about nine o'clock, when Adams came into the tap-room, struck me out of the chair, and dragged me into the street. He did not say anything to me, but struck me without any provocation on my part.
By Mr. Adams : You did not say to me, " Smith, you must leave my house."
Jonathan Stone was at the Plough Inn on the evening in question. Saw Adams come into the tap-room and strike Smith. He then dragged him into the street. He did not say anything to him before he struck him.
By Mr. Adams : You did not order Smith , out before you hit him.
John Adams deposed : I had occasion to go to Hanslope on the 22nd of January; I came home about nine o'clock in the evening. Wife complained that Stone had been using very bad language in the tap- , room. I went and accused him of it, when he told me to go to the ___. I ordered Smith out, and he made use of bad language. Told him he would have to go, upon which he offered to fight. I then pushed him out of the room, when he turned round upon me. I knocked him down with his face on the door-step, which caused the wounds now on his face and hands. He was not drunk at the time, but he was not sober he had been drinking with other men.
John Harding was in Adams's house on the 22nd January; when he ordered Smith out he made use of bad language, and said he (Adams) could not put him out, nor any man in Cosgrove. Pulled off his coat and offered to fight. Adams then pushed him out. Did not see anything done that could produce the wounds on Smith's face.
William Garratt gave evidence to somewhat the same effect.
The Chairman, in summing up, said it was evident the house was in a very disorderly state, and as far as the evidence went it did not show why Adams turned Smith out. It appeared Mrs. Adams disapproved of Stones's language, but said nothing about Smith. He further said that Adams had done very wrong in taking the law into his own hands. The law made ample provision to suit a case of this kind, which ought to have been taken advantage of, therefore he should convict him for keeping a disorderly house in a penalty of £2 and costs 9s. 6d. Paid.
Joseph Cane was also summoned by Edmund Smith, the plaintiff in the above case, for violently kicking him on the leg, face, and hands, on the 22nd of January, at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, the time Adams was dragging him out of the house. Smith put in a surgeon's certificate showing that the wounds might have been the result of violent kicks. Several witnesses were called who proved that Cane was in the parlour during the whole of the evening, and did not leave it until after the affray was over.
Case dismissed.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 30 April 1870
COSGROVE, near Stony Stratford.
55 ACRES of GRASS for MOWING (the Hay to go off), and GRASS KEEPING, on fine old Pasture and rich Meadow Land,
On Monday, May the 2nd, 1870, direction of Mr. L. Osborn, in the following Lots:
Lot |
1. |
Home Close, to be mown, and the hay to go off |
2. |
New Piece, |
ditto |
ditto |
3. |
The Whales, |
ditto |
ditto |
4. |
Trunk Meadow, to be grazed up to 31st Dec, 1870 |
5. |
Ford Meadow, |
ditto |
ditto |
6. |
New Meadow, |
ditto |
ditto |
The Lattermath Keeping as under, up to the 31st Dec, 1870. |
7. |
Home Close |
8. |
New Piece |
9. |
The Whales |
Credit on the usual terms. The Company is requested to meet the Auctioneer at The Plough Inn, Cosgrove, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, and proceed to Sale.
These fields are well Fenced and Watered, and are known to produce great Crops of Grass.
N.B.The comfortable and convenient RESIDENCE, with Garden, Stable, and Coach-house, detached and pleasantly situate in the fields, near Cosgrove Village, TO LET with immediate possession.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 02 September 1871
Presentation.On Friday evening week, Aug. 25th, a meeting was held at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, by a number of the friends of Mr. Harding Talbot and workmen employed by the Grand Junction Canal company (in the district of which he had charge, as overseer, for upwards of 32 years), to present him with a very handsome silver lever watch and chain, &c, as a token of their respect and esteem, and for his great kindness during the time he was among them.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 14 May 1887
INQUEST. On Saturday afternoon last, Mr A Weston held inquest at the Plough Inn, touching the death of Gertrude Annie Holman, daughter of James and Maria Holman, of this village.
From the evidence, it appeared that the deceased had always been a healthy child. It slept with its mother on Friday evening, and when the latter awoke about a quarter past three the child appeared to be dead. There were no marks of violence on the body, and the jury returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes."
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 20 October 1888
Mr. A. J. Barnes (deputy-coroner for the Southern Division of Northamptonshire) held inquest at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, on 12th inst., touching the death of Ann Rebecca Marks, aged 65 (wife of John Marks, district superintendent of the Grand Junction Canal Company), who was drowned the canal the previous day.
The jury, of whom Mr. T. Seymour was foreman, having viewed the body, the following evidence was taken.
John Marks said that his wife was well when he left home in the morning about eight o'clock. He did not see her alive again.
Pamilla Ann Willison, daughter of deceased, said she took her mother a cup of tea the afternoon, about three o'clock, as she did not feel well. She thought her legs would drop from under her. She did not see her mother again till she saw her go by with a milk tin in her hand, to go to the canal to fetch some water. Shortly after witness went out and saw her mother in the water with her face downwards. She got a fire-rake out of the house, and dragged the body to the side, and held the deceased's head up above the water, and shouted for assistance. Some men who were going by in a lighter looked back on hearing witness shout, but took no notice. The body was got out of the water about ten minutes after it was dragged to the side. A doctor was sent for, who came once, and pronounced life to be extinct.
Mr. F. Dickens, farmer, of Cosgrove, said he was fetched by the previous witness's little girl about four o'clock on Thursday afternoon. He went at once and saw Mrs. Marks in the water. With the help of Mrs. Willison and Mr. L. Bird (Old Stratford) the deceased was pulled out of the water, and was, in witness’s opinion, quite dead.
The jury returned a verdict "Accidental Death."
A vote of censure was passed on Samul Phipkin for his conduct in not helping to pull the deceased out of the water when called. A vote of condolence was also accorded Mr Marks and family in their sad bereavement.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 September 1892
Mr. T. M. Percival, Coroner, held inquest on Monday, the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, on the body of Mrs. Mary Ann Holdom, wife of John Holdom, general labourer, of Cosgrove.
John Holdom stated that deceased was 65 years old. She got up on Saturday morning about seven o'clock, and went downstairs. Witness was in bed. He was called by William Henson, and he got out of bed and went downstairs, and found his wife lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Her head was nearest the house door, and her feet pointing upstairs. Her head bled very much. She never spoke at all, and lived for about an hour. Deceased had not been well for some time, and five or six years ago she had a stroke.
William Henson, of Bradwell, labourer, stated that he was staying at Cosgrove with the Holdoms on Saturday, and about a quarter to seven that morning he was downstairs in the living-room. The door was shut, and he heard a great noise. He went out immediately, and found deceased (who was his sister) lying on the floor, with her head against two pails of water at the foot of the stairs.
Thomas Stephen Maguire, of Stony Stratford, surgeon, stated he found the deceased woman dying. She was quite unconscious, and completely paralysed in all her limbs. They tried to rouse her, but she did not utter a sound, and seemed unable to speak. He believed she had an apoplectic seizure, and that was the cause of death, no doubt accelerated by the fall and loss of blood. There was a small cut the back of the head. He examined the head carefully, and there was fracture of the skull. She had, to witness's knowledge, a stroke a few years ago.
The Coroner briefly summed up, and the jury returned the following verdict:"That deceased died from apoplexy, accelerated by an accidental fall downstairs.”
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 September 1893
Bostock's v. Cosgrove.
This match was played on Saturday at Cosgrove, and ended victory for Bostock's. Scores: Bostock's, 93; Cosgrove, 38.
After the match, tea was partaken of at Mr. Knight's, the Plough Inn, and thoroughly enjoyed by all. In the evening a smoking concert was held, songs being sung by members of both teams, accompanied Mr. F. Johnson, and ended in a very pleasant outing.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 March 1900
An inquest was held at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, on Wednesday, before Mr. T. M. Percival. coroner, touching the death of Frederick Pittam.
William George Pittam, Cosgrove, labourer, stated that the deceased, Frederick Pittam, was his son, and was 13 years old last birthday. Deceased was a labourer and worked for Mr. Grant-Thorold. His son was in good health and witness believed deceased had never had a day's illness, and was a big, strong boy who never complained about his work.
Joseph Swain, Yardley Gobion, labourer, stated that he worked for Mr. Grant-Thorold. On Tuesday several of them were engaged carting manure. The deceased was with the horse and cart, drawing manure from, one yard to another. Witness was emptying the carts. It was about half-past twelve when deceased brought in load of manure. Witness tipped it straight out, and sent deceased back to fetch another load. There were two horses in the cart. Witness never saw deceased again alive. Deceased was perfectly well when witness last saw him, attending to his work and doing it properly and well, and had been at it all the morning. The deceased was a strong boy, and thoroughly understood horses and his work.
Frederick Keech, Cosgrove, labourer, stated that he worked for Mr. Grant-Thorold. On Tuesday, witness was looking after the cattle. At about mid-day witness was pumping some water in the farmyard, an empty cart, with two horses, was coming into the yard. It was in the gateway. Witness saw Frederick Pittam lying on the ground. Witness did not see him fall and did not know how he got on the ground. He was alone, no other person was near him. The near cart wheel was just passing over his body as witness saw him. Witness never heard deceased speak and never saw him move. Witness went to him; he was quite dead.
Trevor Halket Evans, assistant to Dr. Bull, of Stony Stratford, made examination of the body. Prior to removal, found the track of the wheel across the body, the muddy mark was clearly perceptible. There were bruises on both hands, left shoulder, both sides of the neck, and the left side of the face was very much bruised and cut about; and there was a bruise on the left hip, where the wheel, apparently, first touched the body. The ribs seemed to be pressed inwards by the wheel, but witness could not discover any actual fracture. The neck was fractured and dislocated just below the head, which alone was sufficient to cause death, which must have been instantaneous.
The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally Killed."
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 July 1901
A large number of people visited this athletic meeting on Saturday. The sports were held in held a field adjoining the Plough inn, the proprietor of which had a busy time to keep pace with the demands for refreshments, the weather being exceptionally hot. There were five open events, and the entries were numerous. The sports ware capitally managed the following officials Referee. Mr. W. Teagle; judges. Messrs. J. Faux. B. Bailey, and W. Reynolds; marksmen. Messrs. T. Tomkins, R. Benson, E. Brown. S. Williams, and J. Boyall; starter. Mr. G. Bailey; handicapper. Mr. O. Baldwin; sec. Mr. H. Brown. The Hanslope Excelsior Prize Brass Band was in attendance, and contributed selections of popular music at intervals and played for dancing after the sports.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 August 1902
An inquest was held on Friday, the 8th August, at the Plough Inn. Cosgrove before Mr. T. M. Percival, touching the death of George Phillpot, who was found drowned on Thursday, in the Broadwater, Cosgrove.
Sarah Caroline Humphrey, 13, Silver-street. Stony Stratford, stated that deceased was her father, was a bricklayer by trade, and was 76 years of age. Deceased, who had been ill since Whitsuntide, left home Aug. 6th, and did not return.
Ellis Beckett. Old Wolverton, labourer, deposed to speaking to deceased, who was going towards the Broadwater, Wednesday. Deceased was strange in his manner.
William Thomas Gates, Stony Stratford, furnace man, stated that deceased was his father-in-law. Hearing that deceased was missing he searched the river, in company with Joseph Humphrey. They eventually found deceased lying in the Cosgrove Broadwater.
George Gaius Robinson, Potterspury, sergeant of police, gave evidence to searching deceased.
Thomas Stephen Maguire, medical practitioner, Stony Stratford, stated that had attended deceased, who was suffering from general paralysis and was very depressed at times. He might have had a fit and fallen in the water. He considered deceased was of unsound mind.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 May 1907
On Wednesday evening the body of woman was found in the canal at Cosgrove, and Thursday it was identified as that of Mrs. F. Swann, wife Mr. Frank Swann, manager of Smith’s Top Boot Factory, Henry-street, and residing at 78, Wellingborough-road, Northampton. Mrs Swann has recently had. severe illness, and for the past week her condition has caused some anxiety. She went away from home about half-past nine on Wednesday morning, leaving a message for her husband to the effect that she had gone to see her father at Stony Stratford. When night arrived and Mrs. Swann did not return her husband naturally became alarmed, and instituted inquiries. He wired his father-in-law, and asked whether his wife had been at Stony Stratford during the day. The reply was in the negative. Subsequently Mr. Swann reported the disappearance of his wife to the Northampton Borough Police. The announcement in the “Northampton Daily Reporter and Echo” that a body had been found, and the description given, raised a suspicion that the body was that the missing woman. Mr. Jack Swann cycled over to Cosgrove in the afternoon and there identified the body. The greatest sympathy is felt for Mr. Swann, as both and his wife were well known, especially in Good Templar and temperance circles.
This (Friday) morning an inquest was held at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove. Mr. W. Panter, of Old Stratford, was chosen foreman of the jury, and the inquiry was conducted by Mr. T. M. Percival, Coroner, of Towcester.
The first witness was the husband Hedley Frank Swann, 78, Wellingborough-road, Northampton, manager of a boot factory, who said the deceased was his wife, and was years of age, last saw her alive on the morning of May 15, about six o’clock. She was then in bed. He went out for walk before breakfast, returning at 7.15. His wife was not up, and did not see her, but went to business. Returning home to dinner between twelve and one, was informed that his wife had left the house, and was going to see her father at Stony Stratford, and would home again the same day. She didn’t return home. The witness’ brother came over to Cosgrove, and the husband wired to Stony Stratford to know if his wife bad been there. His wife had been in indifferent health for some time, and had been medically attended. She suffered from spinal complaint, and Dr. Hichens told her that he could not give her much hope of being better. The husband did not think this preyed on her mind, but she used to be low spirited at times. She had never threatened take her life, no letter was left, and nothing was found in her clothing.
Francis Crowley, of New Duston, said she had been with the deceased as companion for about eleven weeks, but did not sleep there. The witness got to Mrs. Swann’s about 9.30 on Wednesday morning and Mrs. Swann was then coming down stairs with her coat on her arm and her hat in her hand. She put on her coat and hat and gloves, and the witness inquired where she was going, and she said, I think I shall go and see dad to-day.” The witness told her she did not think she ought to go. She had not been well, and the witness was afraid she could not stand the journey. It was because of her health that the witness went, as companion. She said she thought she could manage the journey if she took the car to the station and also the car from Wolverton to Stony Stratford. She left but never returned. There was no doubt she suffered considerably at times, and made bit of trouble of it, but there were no signs of suicide. She seemed the last person to do that, and it seemed impossible belief that she had done so. The deceased was in bed for six weeks out of the eleven weeks the witness had been with her as companion. The deceased told the witness that she would be back before six o’clock on Wednesday evening. John Charles Martyr, of Wolverton, fitter, said he was walking along the towing path with a companion, and near the first bridge he noticed some clothing lying on the bank. The young woman and he walked along, and some distance further along saw a body floating face downwards in the water. The witness went to Wolverton and informed P.C. Sibbald, returning with him to the place. Witness saw the body got out. When he returned a young man was standing near the clothing, and said, looks if we have case here,” and witness replied "Yes.”
P.C. Sibbald, stationed at Wolverton, said the last witness came to him about 9 p.m. Wednesday evening and said a woman was in the canal, near the Buckingham Arm, Cosgrove. Witness proceeded with him to the place. He showed witness where he had found the clothesa long jacket, white hat, umbrella, and a pair of kid gloves. They were adjoining the towing path on the bank farthest from the canal. They went a few yards further on, and procured the drags. It was very dark, and they could not see the body. The canal was very full, and the body had floated 150 yards from where the clothes were. At 10.15, in company with P.S. Lillywhite and P.C. Cooper, Stony Stratford, the body was recovered, and conveyed to Cosgrove Locks, where it was searched. In the pocket was a purse containing 3s. 4½d., some false teeth wrapped in a pocket hand kerchief, the latter being marked with a large S. P.C. Pollard took the rings off the hands of the deceased. There was nothing else in her pocket, no railway ticket nor anything of that kind. The three rings produced were on the deceased’s hands - two on the left hand and one the right. Sergeant Lillywhite afterwards sent information to P.C. Pollard, of Yardley Gobion. P.S. Bailey said the deceased had not been to her father’s, at Stony Stratford. The Coroner summed up, and pointed out that the clothing being on the bank pointed to it not being an accident. She was wearing the false teeth when she left home, and it was a peculiar fact that they were taken out. The question was, did she drown herself or did she fall in accidentally? There were marks on the body. It had been suggested that from loss of memory she might have thought she was going to bed. It might have been an accident. He thought, therefore, it would be the safest plan to return an open verdict. The jury all agreed, and a verdict “Found drowned” was returned.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 01 January 1909
Mr. T. M. Percival held an inquest at the Plough Inn Cosgrove, Thursday week on the body William Morton, labourer at the Wolverton Works, who found drowned in the canal at Cosgrove the previous day. Mr. Thomas Seymour was foreman of the jury.
Mrs. Lucy Morton said that her husband was a labourer employed at Wolverton Works, and was 36 years of age He got up at his usual hour on Wednesday morningsoon after five o’clock and went out at 5.30 to Wolverton. Before he went he said he did not feel well, and if he felt no better later would come home at breakfast time. She never again saw him alive. He had never threatened to take his life, but he had been very much troubled about his father, who met with an accident at Yardley whilst at work. The deceased made himself responsible for a great deal expense in connection with proceedings to claim damages for the accident, and also made himself responsible for the proceedings which took place at Towcester County Court. Her husband had spoken of the difficulty he had in meeting those expenses.
Robert Brown, labourer, of Cosgrove, employed at Wolverton Works, said that he accompanied the deceased part of the way on the road to work on the day named. He noticed nothing peculiar about his manner. They walked to work along the canal towing path. Later in the day the witness went to the canal towing path near the locks, where lot of people were searching. They found Morton’s basket just through the bridge and his hat close to it. The body was subsequently dragged out of the canal. There were no signs of a struggle. Where the body was found it was not on the way Morton would go to work. P.C. Heath, Yardley Gobion, deposed that searching the body found 1s.3d in a leather purse and a pipe. The food inside the basket was untouched.
The jury returned a verdict of "Suicide during temporary insanity.”
Wolverton Express 19th October 1917
The mystery of a Wolverton Works blacksmith’s striker, Alfred Swain, of Cosgrove, who had been reported missing for a week, was cleared up last weekend by the finding of his dead body in a ditch, which then contained two feet of water. But considerable rain had fallen during the intervening period. On the bank was deceased basket, full of food for the day, and on it was placed his cap. No note was left behind to indicate his intentions, and beyond the fact that he was depressed through having three sons at the war, he had betrayed no suicidal tendencies. During dry weather the ditch in question, which is close to the footpath to Castlethorpe, and just on the fringe of Cosgrove village, contains very little water.
The inquest was held at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, on Saturday afternoon, before Mr W. E. Whitton, Coroner for the Towcester district.
Clara Swain, wife of the deceased, stated that her husband was 48. He had been suffering from nervous debility, for which he had been on the club for about a fortnight before re-starting work on October 1. He had no other infirmity, but three of his sons in the Army, one of whom was in France, seemed to worry him, especially when one came home a fortnight ago.
Cosgrove Hall Estate Sale 1919
LOT 10

(Coloured Purple on Plan Inset).
A Valuable Freehold Fully-licensed Property
situate in the centre of the Village of Cosgrove, comprising
together with Outbuildings, Garden and Paddock, being Nos. 214 and Part 215 on Plan, and occupying
an area of about
1a. 2r. 38p.
THE PLOUGH INN is Stone Built and Slated, and contains ON THE GROUND FLOORSmoke
Room, Bar and Tap Room. ON THE UPPER FLOORThree Bedrooms. OUTSIDEOld Brew
House, fitted with large Copper, Beer Cellar and Loft, two E.C's. Three Horse Stable, Loose Box
and Two Pigsties.
The above is held with other Lands by Mr. J. G. Knight on a Yearly (Michaelmas) Tenancy at an
Apportioned Rental of £27 per annum.
Tithe Free.
Land Tax, £16s. 3d. on this and Lot 11.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 November 1919
Lot 10, the Plough Inn, 1a. 2r. 38p., was sold to Mr. Gamage for £675.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 22 February 1924
A strange story of how a boy of fourteen whose dog is said to have knocked a boy of seven into the canal Cosgrove Sunday afternoon, and who walked away while the unfortunate boy drowned, was told at the inquest on Thomas Hillyard Payne, at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, on Monday afternoon,
Mr. W. E. Whitten, the Coroner for South Northamptonshire, conducted the inquiry, and a jury of twelve was sworn.
Thomas C. Payne, the father, a coach maker at Wolverton Carriage Works, stated that he last saw his son alive at about a quarter to two on Sunday afternoon just before the boy left home for the Mission Hall Sunday School. Deceased was in the house again at three o’clock, and about three quarters of an hour later, a boy named Lovesay ran into the house and said that Tommy was in the canal, and he could not get him out. Witness went to the canal and when nearly opposite the overshot saw his son face downwards in the water at the outlet to the culvert. Lovesay told him the boy fell in the tunnel, and witness ran down the field to the outlet and waded into the river and got the boy out, but he appeared to be dead. Unfortunately witness did not know anything about artificial respiration, but some men who were following him took the lad in hand.
In reply to the Coroner, he said there was no grating to the entrance of the overshot. The tunnel would be about 30 inches high, and he considered about the most dangerous place possible to fall in. He had cautioned the boy, as had also his mother, against going near the water, but it seemed have had a fascination to him.
Thomas Lovesay, the boy’s companion, who gave his evidence in tears, said they walked across the fields to the canal and watched the water rushing through the sluice. They were looking at the water when a big boy came along with a dog and pushed against Tommy Payne, who lost his balance and fell in.
The Coroner; Accidentally?Yes.
Witness said he called to Payne, but he did not answer, he ran home and told Mr. Payne.
In reply to the Coroner, Lovesay said he did not know what the name of the other boy was. The other boy saw young Tommy go down and did not say a word, but went away. He would recognise the boy again.
Mrs. Lovesay, who was present the inquest, informed the Coroner that the boy, as far she could make out, was about 14 years of age. She had questioned her son in every way, but he stuck to the same story. Dr. E. G. Heffernan, assistant to Dr. D. W. A. Bull, Stony Stratford, said he arrived at about 4.25 and used artificial respiration until five o’clock without success.
Upon examining the boy he was of opinion that death was due more or less to shock. He might have banged his head against something, but there were no external marks. There were appearances of drowning.
The jury returned a verdict of “Death from misadventure by a fall into the sluice, partly from and partly from drowning.”
Upon the suggestion of the Coroner, it was decided to make representations to the Canal Company for the culvert to be protected with a grating The Coroner remarked it was a very mean and miserable thing for the other boy to go away. Sympathy was expressed with Mr. and Mrs. Payne.
Wolverton Express 9th January 1942
Aid to Russia
The sum of £3 was collected during Christmas time at the Plough Inn and will in due course be forwarded to Mrs. Churchill’s “Aid to Russia” fund. A pleasant time was spent at his local hostelry over the Christmas season, and entertainment was provided for the customers by Mrs. Mack, a lady who was bombed out of her home in London, who gave clever impersonations much to the delight of the audiences, who generously contributed to the collection taken.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 12 February 1943
Mrs. Mac, an evacuee from London, with the assistance of two or three friends, raised £10 for Mrs. Churchill’s Aid-to-Russia Fund by an entertainment given at the Plough inn, by permission of the licensee, Mr. C. E. Monk, and by collection in the village.
Wolverton Express 5th May 1943
Russian Red Cross.
A splendid effort on behalf of Mrs. Churchill’s “Aid to Russia” fund has again been made at Cosgrove by an evacuee from London, Mrs. Mac. With the assistance of two or three others she gave an entertainment at the Plough Inn, by kind permission of Mr. C A monk, the licensee, and also made the collection through the village. As a result of her hard work £10 was realized and she thanks all who contributed. The money is being forwarded to Mrs. Churchill this week.
Wolverton Express 7th January 1944
During the Christmas festivities at the Plough, Cosgrove, £5 was raised for Mrs. Churchill’s Aid to Russia Red Cross Fund as a result of collections and competitions. During 1943 £26 was collected in such manner at this licenced house, and 10s each was distributed to the local lads, numbering 53, now in H M Forces.
Wolverton Express 9th February 1945
Cosgrove Servicemen’s Gifts
During the past 12 months Mr. and Mrs. Monk of the Plough, Cosgrove, have collected £40 10s which has enabled them to send 15s each to 54 lads from the village serving in HM forces. They also collected during the Christmas holiday £4 for Mrs. Churchill’s fund for the Russian Red Cross. This latter sum is being forwarded this week.
Wolverton Express 25th January 1946
A collection, organized by Mr. C E Monk, licensee of the Plough, from his customers, realized £28 for serving members of HM forces who previously resided in the village of Cosgrove. The sum of 13s was forwarded to each recipient as a Christmas gift. A further collection for Northampton General Hospital raised £5, which was forwarded to Mr. Tack, the local Hon Secretary.
Wolverton Express 22nd March 1946
Blind Appeal
A collection was organized at the Plough Cosgrove, for the Christmas appeal in aid of the National Institute for the Blind, Cambridge, and a sum of £5 5s which resulted was sent last week by Mr. C E Monk, the licensee of the house.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 October 1946
An application by P. Phipps and Co., Ltd., for the permanent transfer of the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, from Charles E. Monk to James Ernest Burrows, was granted.
Mercury & Herald December 31st 1954
The name Jimmy Knight is well-known to Stony Stratford’s older cycling fans. In the 1920’s, it was on everybody’s lips- and rightly so- for this daring rider won national and international honours.
Nowadays, Mr. Knight travels by more sober means-bus and car. He owns a corn merchant’s business in Stony Stratford, but still retains close contact with the club to whom he brought so much credit- Wolverton A.A.C.
A native of nearby Cosgrove, he served throughout the first world war and did not take up cycle racing until 1921.
He soon soared to championship heights and was selected for the British Olympic team that raced in Paris in 1924.
Amongst his many notable successes were: Berks , Bucks and Oxon champion 1923: London Polytechnic champion 1925: railway champion 1926: Rudge-Whitworth and Lassoo cups for five miles: Polytechnic Remembrance trophy (twice): three firsts and three thirds in 50-kilometres races, when he had other great cyclists like Harry Grant, Syd Cozens, and E. Higgins as partners: and Northants Centre champion many times at all distances.

The Plough was converted into a bungalow in 1961
Wolverton Express 29th January 1971
By direction of Mrs. E. Slaymaker
Auction Sale of
Antique Furniture and Decorative items at "The Old Plough", 15 Main Street
comprising: Good quality antique marquetry corner cupboard; 3 silver rose bowls; 2 grandfather clocks; Georgian card table: antique and other chairs; antique oak gate-leg table; 3 tea-caddies; large oak-framed open bookshelves; books: Victorian chaise-lounge; fitted travelling writing desk; brass pole screen: occasional tables; mirrors; rosewood what-not:
a considerable collection of copper and brass items including 4 warming pans; candlesticks; kettles; preserving pans; horse brasses; bits; trays; ornaments; pewter teapots and tankards; rail fender;
decorative china: Staffordshire figures and groups, Spode bowls; toby jugs; china mugs; blue and white willow pattern; old jugs. 2 large Victorian wardrobes, double bed; modern oak wardrobe; pair Edwardian inlaid bedroom chairs; antique candle box; Victorian dressing table; carved mahogany z tester bedstead; glasses; crockery; mats and rugs; carpets; electric food mixer; garden and outside effects; white painted seat; wheelbarrow; handcart; flower pots; slates; firewood, etc.
Jackson-Stops & Staff
will sell the above by public auction
AT THE PREMISES in a marquee on
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1971 commencing at 12 noon sharp.
On view morning of sale. No catalogues.
Wolverton Express 2 February 1973
Rode in 1924 Paris Olympics
‘Mr. Jimmy’ KNIGHT

Mr James Knight “Jimmy” Knight of Stony Stratford, who represented England as a pursuit cyclist in the 1924 Olympics, died in Northampton General Hospital on Saturday. He was 77.
A native of Cosgrove, where his father was a licensee. Mr Knight had lived at 20 Wolverton Road, Stony Stratford, for many years. He was employed as a fitter in the railway works at Wolverton until 1938 when he left to take over a corn and seed merchants’ business in Stony Stratford High Street. He retired seven years ago.
Mr, Knight enlisted in the Army in 1914 and with the 7th Wiltshire Regiment served in Salonika, being demobbed in 1919. He afterwards joined the local branch of the Salonika Reunion Association and was its chairman.
It was in 1921 that Jimmy Knight started on a sporting career that won him many trophies and a place in the England team in the Paris Olympics of 1924.
He became a track cyclist and was soon a firm favourite not only on his home circuit at Wolverton Park but at tracks throughout the country. His best performance was perhaps at Herne Hill where he beat the reigning English champion to collect the Danish cup.
He was still racing in 1936 but then had to give up the sport because of a knee-cap injury.
In the 1940s in partnership with his brother Charles he ran a bookmakers’ business in Stony Stratford for over twenty years.
Mr. Knight who had been ill for some time, leaves a widow, a son and a daughter.