In the Name of god Amen this Instante ter.s daye beinge the nynthe daye of February in the xxvijth [27th] yere of the Reigne of oure Soveringne Ladye Elsabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande France and Irelande defrendr of the Faithe he I Henrye Rygbye of Cosgrave in the countye of Northampton husbandman beinge syck in bodyeBut perfect of memorye thanks be to god for ytt Doe make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme following Firste I bequeathe my soule to Allmyghtie god my Creator and Redemer, and my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard of Cosgrave aforesaid Item I geve towards the Reparacons of the said Churche iiijd [4d] Item I gyve to Alyce Rigbye my wife the full estate of my howse which I nowe dwell in with thappurtenances therewith belonging duringe her widowhood And if she marye nott Agayne that then she to have ytt duringe her natural lyffe Item I geve to Anthonye Rigbye my sonne the greateste brasse potte, and S Brasen mortorAnd the greateste spitte, and the Rackes in the hall Chymney The Quirne and the gardners as they stande whole and The hovelles and postes the payles and Rayles Abowte the yards Item I geve more to my sonne Anthonye, one horse And one mare, And A shodd Carte, to be Delyvad to hyme After the decease of Alyce my wife Item I gyve and Bequeath unto my said sonne Anthonye Rigbye, All my Free lands, and tenements withal and singular there Appurtenances Situate Lynge and beinge, within the townes and feeldes of Cosgrave and forthoe [Furtho]…. Where( Excepteions ys before Excepted) Item I gyve to Anthonye Rigbye my sonne his Three Children three sheepe Item I gyve to Rob Travell his five children five sheepe, Item I gyve unto Anthonye Cole his Children either of theyme A sheepe Item I gyve to my sister Jane Duringe her lyffe one strike of mylne Corne, And one stryke of maulte (yerelye) To be Delyved unto her the one sheepe att the Nativitie of our lorde and Savyoure Christe and thither sheep Att Easter Item I geve more to my said Syster Jane one sheepe Item I geve to Robarte Travell my sone in Lawe One Mare Colte of the greate Mare to be … to h…. After my decease Item I geve to Dorrothie travel my Doughter one Redd hancked heckfore Item I geve to my Doughter Issabell Digbye Fortie poundesto be payed to her as followeth that ys to saye att the Daye of her marriag thyrte poundes in money or goodes att the discretion of my oversears, And other tenne poundes in money or goodes att the byrthe of her first Childe Item I geve to George Rygbye my seconde sonne xxls [£10] to be payed To hym as followeth that ys to saye Tenn poundes in money or goodes two yeres after my decease And the other tenne poundes att the decease of Alyce my wife Item I geve unto George Rygbye my youngest sonneTwenty poundes to be payed unto hyme in the same manner and frome as my sonne Henrye shall receve his xxls [£10]as above mentioned The reste of my goodes and Chattles unbequeathed my Debts and funerals dischardged I geve unto Alyce my wife whome I make my sole Executrix of this my laste will and testament And I ordayne and constitute williame Clerk gent John Atturbery my brother In Law and my sonne Anthonye Rygbye oversers to see This my last will and testament well and trulye performed And I geve to eyther of theme for there paynes one eng[lish] Crowne* wyttnes hereof Willm Clark Thomas Saxbye Robb Travell parson Christopher Emerson Clarke in orders .. me John Atterbery
Probate 24th September 1585
*A crown was worth (60 pennis 5 shillings), and it was issued in both gold and silver. |