This transcription is from - Northamptonshire Record Office Arnold Edmund Will FXIII 22
In the name of God Amen I Edmund Arnold of Doctors Comons London Esqr. being of the providence of my good God in reasonable health of body and of sound and perfect minde and memory praysed bee his holy name therefore taking into consideration the Frailty and uncertainty of this life (after Sixty Seaven yeares of age compleate and that I shall ere long finish my Cause therein willing to provide for the Disposall of my Estate whilst I am vigorous in minde and memory and in soe good health doe this First day of may 1675 make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say First and before all things I commend and Committ my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave itt mee beseeching him of his infinite mercy to forgive mee my sins and to purge me from all unrighteousness in and by the merritts of the precious blood shed of my blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and Sanctification of the holy Spritt and of the infinite goodness to receive my body and Soule into everlasting life in the hour of death and in the day of Judgement good Lord delivers me My body I commend to decent and unpompous burial on the Southside of the upper part of the Chancell of Furthoe towards the East Wall with one Ensize grave Stone over me having this Inscription Hic jacet Edmundus Arnold Arimer quondam Dominus (sub Deo) hujus Manerii, qui obit there to Expect a ioyfull resurrection att the last day to eternall Bliss And touching the Worldly Estate which God of his bountifull goodness hath bestowed upon mee I give and dispose the same as followeth Imprimis to the poore of Nether Hayford in the County of Northampton where I was borne I give the summe of tenn pounds I say to the Generall poore of that Towne which is in Severall parishes To the poore of the parish of St. Giles Northampton I give five pounds To the poore of Stony Stratford ten pounds To the poore of the parish of St Bennett Paul’s Wharf London five pounds And to the poore of the parish of Furtho (which are few) Fifty shillings these severall Legacyes to bee payd within Six moneths after my decease And to bee distributed att Hayford by four or more of the principall Inhabitants And at St Giles Northampton Stratford St. Bennetts and Furtho by the Ministers and Churchwardens with Assistance of some of the principall Inhabitance Item I give to my sister Carr if shee survivies mee ten pounds …? And during her life after my death The same to bee payd to her use into the hands of my Cosin Edward Buncher the Elder or John Bouncher the younger and thenne to bee delivered to her hands To my faithfull Servant John Buncher the younger I give fifty pounds And my Sister Bunchers other Children tenn pounds a peece to my Sister Langtons Children that shall bee living at the tyme of my decease Ten pounds a peece to my Cozen Richard Carr I give Twenty pounds to being a towardly young man like as is brother Edward to whome I give Fifteene pounds To his untoward brother Robert I give Ten pounds and to his sister Ann and brother Edmund Ten pounds a peece Item I give to my brother Buncher Five pounds to my brother Langton five pounds To my brother Carrs daughter Anne I give five pounds insteed of giving it to him to bee spent I meane Five pounds besides her former Ten [in the margin this razure made by mee those Legacyes being after inserted E: Arnold] soe in all shee is to have Fifteene pounds To my God daughter Rawlins five pounds and to my Kinswoman and Goddaughter Mary the daughter of my sister Langton I give five pounds more then her afore sayd Ten to my kinsman Thomas Arnold of Hayford Forthy Shillings and to his brother Richard Five pounds and to Edmond Langton Ten pounds more then his Former Ten given him as one of my Sister Langtons Children those respective Legarcies to bee payable within Twelve months after my decease and to my Godson James Mervin I give five Markes to bee payd within the same space For my wife I have already well provided by setting the Mannor of Furthoe (Savinge the Rectory and wood) upon her dureing her life with the Rents and profits thereof And have moreover given her Six hundred pounds in money And I doe more over hereby give unto her all my plate and household stuffe Item I give and bequeath unto my Sister May five pounds and to my Neece her daughter the like summe of Five pounds To my Neece Anne Buncher wife of Cozen Edward Buncher Five pounds And to her husbands sonne and Two Daughters Forty shillings a peece To the Hospital of Bridewell I give Ten pounds xxxxxxx [in the margin] Stot 3:l to my Cozen Steere E Arnold - and to his wife Forty shillings To my Cozen William Birtwishell als Burd in Covent Garden Three pounds and to his wife Thirty Shillings and to theire youngest sonne Twenty shillings To my Cozen Dyer wife of my foresaid Kinsman William Dyer Esqr Forty shillings to buy her a Ring to my Cozen Mervin and his wife Forty shillings a peece to buy them Rings and to theire sonne James my Godson Five pounds To Sir Georg Courthope Knt and my Lady his wife Forty shillings a peece to buy them Rings And to my Cozen Mrs Mary Courthope theire Daughter Three pounds to buy her a Ring And to my Neece Mrs Elizabeth May widdow Forty shillings to buy her a Ring Those respective Legacyes to bee payd within a yeare and a halfe next after my decease beinge Determined by the assistance of God to settle for the future my Mannor of Furtho withall the Lands woods members and appurtenances thereof after the decease of mee and my wife to Charitable uses in which Case bee beholding to friends to bee my Feeffees and having had good Experience of ye Justues and prudence of the Right Worshipful Lyonell Jenkins Knt Doctor of Lawes Judge of the Admiralty and Prerogative Courts in such Case and of his and titular Kyndnes to my selfe I beg of him to bee one of them And I doe hereby give bequeath and devise my sayd Mannor of Furtho in the County of Northampton And all Lands grounds Closes woods members and appurtenances thereunto belonging and all other my Lands Tenements and Hereditament whatsoever in Furtho saving the advowsion of the Rectory there) And else where in the sayd County of Northampton or Bucks unto the sayd Sir Lyonell Jenkins my Kinsman William Dyer of Tottenahm hig & cross Esqr Mathew Johnson of the Middle Temple London Esqr Thomas Bedford of Doctors Comons gent and, [left blank] and to theire heirs and assignes for Ever upon trust and to the Intent that they or theire heires or the Survivor or Survivors of them or the heires of such Survivor after the death of me and of my wife shall by with and out of the Rents Revenues and profitts of the premisses pay and deliver yearly and every yeare for Ever to the uses hereafter following that is to say Ten pounds per Annum for and towards puttinge out poore Children Apprentice to some honest trade out of and from the Towne of nether Heiford aforesaid I meane Children of poore persons there and towards settinge them upp as they come out of theire tyme and five pounds per child towards releife of the poore people of the sayd Towne of Neither Haiford Twenty pounds per Annum for and towards puttinge out poore Children Apprentice out and from the Towne of Stony Stratford in the County of Bucks and towards settinge them upp as they come out of theire tymes And five pounds per Annum for and towards the releife of the poore of the sayd Towne of Stony Stratford Ten pounds per Annum for and towards puttinge out poore Children Apprentice out of and from the Parish of St. Gyles Northampton where I began my Clarkeshipp and towards settinge them upp when they come out of theire tymes and five pounds And towards the releife of the poore of that parish of St Gyles Five pounds per annum towards puttinge out a poore Child or Children apprentice out and from upper Hayford in the Sayd County of Northampton and towards settinge them upp Five Pounds per Annum towards puttinge a poore Child or Children Apprentice out and from Stowe vizt greate Stowe or Little Stowe in the County of Northampton and towards settinge them upp and Five pounds per Annum for and towards puttinge a poore Child or Children apprentice out and from the Towne of Weedonbect in the sayd County of Northampton where I went to schoole Item Twenty pounds per Annum for and towards Mayntenance of poore schoollers in Merton Colledge Executor to which I am a tenant for some ground in London to be distributed at the discretion of ye Warden Item further to yssue out of ye sayd Rents revenues and profitts I give and bequeath Twenty pounds per Annum for ever after ye deceases of me and my wife for and towards ye support and Mayntenance of an orthodox Minister who shall bee Licenced by and answereable to his ordinary in point of Conformity to reale Divine service at Least on Sundays forenoone and afternoon and perfume the other Divine offices in one of the Churches or Chappells in the Sayd Towne of Stony Stratford the sayd Minister to bee from tyme to tyme Ellected by Twelve of the Substantiallest Inhabitants housekeepers there with the assistance and advise of the Rectors or Ministers of Furtho Cosgrave Passenham and Calverton and more to have voice in the sayd Ellection but such as are Conformable to the orders of the Church and frequenters of the same and I will that such poore as shall participate of my foresaid bequest bee alsoe Conformable and frequenters of theire Church unlesse they bee Impotent and unable soe to doe And I doe wish that the parents of the poore Children aforesayd bee alsoe orderly and Conformorable Item to yssue more over out of the sayd rents and profits of Furthoe I give Ten pounds per Annum for ever to bee paid after the death of me and of my wife to the vicar or Curat of Pottersperry in the sayd County towards the increase of his poore stipend or meanes hopeinge that the Impropriator there will take into Consideration how farr hee is Concerned with the Curse of the Soules there and Augment that pittifull Stipend such Curat or viccar to bee orthodox and Conformable and of good life and Co..fersation Item I will that the Charges of my trustees from tyme to tyme in theire Actinge aboute this trust and of such as shall be imployed by them bee defrayed from tyme to tyme out of the premises and I doe recommend my Kinsman and faithfull Servant John Buncher unto my sayd trustees to bee Imployed by them in oversightinge the Lands grounds and apprutenances and gathering the Rents And I doe will and desire of my wife that in Case of her Over Liveing mee shee permitt and suffer the sayd John Buncher the younger to Live in and hold the house at Furthoe with the Dove house and out houseinge duringe his life as alsoe the house ground and house yard Meadow which hee now holdeth at Twenty pounds per Annum rent in which Consideration I give to her for her life her dwellinge in my house in Knight Rider streete London wherein I now dwell and the rent or benefit of the twoe houses thereunto adjoining she paying the Church and Colledge Rents from tyme to tyme vizt Forty Five shillings per Annum to Paules and Ten pounds Tenn shillings per Annum rent to Merton Colledge besides acquittance mony but if shee shall Exacte more and not suffer him to hold the sayd housing and grounds at that rate for his life then I give the benefit of my sayd houses and Leases to him to be by him entered upon and enjoyed and disposed of soe Long as she shall interrupt him in ye sayd possession at the aforesaid Rent hee defraying the rents and repaires soe Long as hee holdeth them and my wife besides the Rents to defray ye Repaires so Long as she holdeth them more over the sayd John Buncher after my wifes decease to have Ten pounds per Annum out of the Rents and profits of Furthoe for such his assistance of my Trustees in the Execution of ye foresaid trust and touching my sayd houses and grounds in Knightrider streete after the death of my wife I give the same and the Leases and profitts thereof to the parish of St Bennetts Paules wharf London to the end that the Comon Counsemen Church Wardens and overseers of the poore with Six or Eight of other the more substantiall parishioners doe yearly out of the profitts thereof distribute Ten pounds per Annum to and amongst the poore of that parish and Five pounds per Annum to the poore of St Mary Magdalens old Fish streete and with the remayneing profitts yearly doe put out soe many of poore Children of ye sayd parish of St Bennett apprentice and towards settinge them up as they come out of theire tymes saveinge and reserveing and I will that Five pounds per Annum for ever of the sayd profitts of the sayd houses and ground goe and bee payd to the Hospital of Bridewell to bee Imployed to the use of the poore boyes or other Children there at the discretion of ye Govenour and assistants and I will that the Comon Councell men Church wardens and overseers of the poore of St Bennett doe take Care and see that when the sayd houses and ground shall come to theire dispose as aforesaid the rent bee duly payd and due and fittinge repair (that is sufficient repairs bee made In my foresaid bequests amongst friends I have omitted that good Lady Elizabeth Bateman to whom I give five pounds to buy her a Ring Further to my wife I give my Coach and horses and harness All the rest and residue of my monyes and personall estate after my debts payd and funerals discharged I give and bequeath to and amonest my Kindred according to theire most need to bee distributed amongst them by my Executor or Executors with the assistance of my Cozen Edward Byncher John Steere and of the sayd John Buncher the younger saving such Legacyes as I shall by this will or by any Coddicell or Coddicells further dispose of Item I give will and devise the perpetuall advowson or patronage of the Rectory of Furthoe aforesayd unto ye principall Fellows and Schollers of Jesus Colledge in Oxford for Ever to be enjoyed and disposed of after the death of me and of the Rector whom I am now abonde to percent by ye sayd principall Fellows and Schoollers for the tyme beinge for Ever of this my Last will and Testament I Constitute and appoint my friend and Quondam Clerke Mr Thomas Bedford Executor assuring myself hee will bee faithfull and diligent in ye performance thereof and I give unto him for his paynes therein to bee taken Twenty Pounds over and besides ye afore mentioned Twenty pounds as a trustee and I doe request yr sayd Sir Lyonel Jenkins to be overseers of ye Execution of this my will as alsoe the sayd Mathew Johnson Esqr and my Cozen Dyer recomendinge with all the Service of the Sayd John Buncher the younger to my Executor praying my wife not to take it in Evill parte that I doe not name her Executrix that office beinge for burthensome and troublesome to her And I give unto her one hundred pounds more then as aforesaid praised bee my good God that hathgiven me tyme and a heart to sett my house in order and to make this my will that when my last houre Cometh I may have nothinge to doe but to dye and soe Good Lord have mercy upon my poore Soule
In wittnesse whereof I have to this my will Contayned in Two sheets of Royal paper sett my seale at the Topp having a third sheete which yet is blancke annexed and my hand and seale to this Second sheete this Sixth day of May in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy five Edm: Arnold, Sealed published and declared by ye sayd Edmund Arnold as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of Thomas Sheppard Tho: Brodericke Ford Bye Tho: Champante
The three witness were each asked the same questions as below. The will also being written out three times.
Tho: Champante of Doctors Comon London gent aged Five and twenty years and upwards beinge produced as a witness on the parte of ye Comptts in this Cause was on the Six and Twenty day of January in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Seaventy Seaven shewed in person to Mr Parker whose is the Clerke that deales for the Debts in this Cause by Mr Cottle one of ye sworne Clerks in my office whoe then alsoe left a note of the names by the and place of aboad of ye sayd Depont at the seate aforesaid and then afterwards on the same day and yeare the sayd Depont beinge sworne and Examined deposed and saith
(1) To the first Interr That he doth know all the partyes in the tytle of the Interr named for Couplts in this suite save only William Dyer but the Defendt Thomas Arnold this Depont saith that hee this Depont did know Edmund Arnold Esqr late of Doctors Comons aforesaid deceased when hee was Livinge to the (2) Interr this Dapont saith that hee this Depont hath beene aquitted with the Character and hand writing of the Sayd Edmund Arnold and this Depont doth verily believe that the will now produced and shewed unto him at the tyme of his Examination Conteyned in two sheets of Large paper with a wast sheete thereunto annexed and filed together on the Topp thereof with a Blacke Ribbone and seale thereon bearing date at the beginning the first day of May one thousand Seaventy five and at the End thereof the Sixth day of May aforesaid is of ye proper hand writing of the sayd Edmund Arnold and doth know that the name Edm: Arnold set or subscribed to the second sheete of the sayd produced will is of the proper hand writing of the sayd Edmund Arnold this Depont being present at and a wittnesse to the Subsiri beinge thereof (3) To the Third Interr this Depont sayth That this Depont was present and did see the sayd Edmund Arnold signe will or writing before mentioned for and as his last will and Testament and hee saith that there was alsoe present and witnesses to the sealing and publishing of ye sayd will Thomas Sheppard Thomas Brodericke and Ferdinando Bye whose names are Subscribed as witnesses to the Sealinge and publishing of the sayd will And hee saith that the sayd Edmund Arnold at the tyme of such his publishing and declareing his sayd Last will and Testament was of Reasonable health of body soe farr as this Depont could perceive and believe and of sound and perfect Mynde memory and understanding
Interrogtovirs to bee Adu..d to witnesses to be preduced and Exd for and on behalf of Sir Leonell Jenkins Knt Judge of Admiralty and Prerogative Courts Wm Dyer and Mathew Johnson Esqrs and Thomas Bedford gent Complts agt Thomas Arnold gent Defendants
Impropriator: - a person to whom a benefice is granted as their property.
Quondom :- that once was; former.
Knightrider Street is a street in the City of London, located a short distance to the south of St Paul's Cathedral. It was originally the site of the German Church built in 1666–5 and demolished in 1867 to make way for Queen Victoria Street and the District Line of the London Underground; the Doctors' Commons, also demolished in 1867 for the same reason. Much of the street was demolished when Queen Victoria Street was built in the 1860s. Until 1872, it consisted of three distinct streets: Old Fish Street in the eastern portion, Little Knightrider Street in the middle portion and Great Knightrider Street in the western portion. The Centre Page pub on the street dates back to the 1660s, when it was known as the Horn