The following at taken from the Cleley Hundred Slips by Philip Riden
30 May 1578. Deed of partition between Thomas Furtho of Furtho gent. and Hugh Emerson of Cosgrove husbandman. Emerson shall hold farm and lands in Cosgrove and Furtho in ten. Thomas French tog. with farm called Marsyes now or late in ten. Richard Marsy and rent fo £10 out of house of John Meo tog. with all arable land etc. bel. to farm. Furtho shall hold farm in Cosgrove and Furtho in ten. Thomas Bignell tog. with the other farm in Cosgrove and Furtho in ten. John Rushed tog. with lands except as excepted in terrier; attached is terrier of lands allotted to Emerson.
NRO, YZ 4366
Parchment roll. Headed:
A terrier or tenor of such messuages, tenements, houses, arable lands, leys, meadows and pasture which are the freehold and inheritance of John Maywood of Cosgrove yeoman, and which are descended unto him the said John from Thomas Maywood deceased, father of said John. The which land, tens. etc. are in town [sing.], parishes [plural] and fields [plural] of Cosgrove and Furtho, made 20 May 1595, 37 Eliz.
Mess. or ten. in Cosgrove in which John now inhabits, barn of four bays, barn of three bays, one 'kylhouse' cont. two bays.
Detailed description of lands in the Middle Field, with full abuttals etc. Mentions the highway extending to Cob Bush east and the Queenes high way leading to the Oak west in one case. Also the queen's highway. Another parcel abuts on Cuttle Flg north and Mill post way south. Also the high way leading to Furtho gate. Northampton way and Barnwell Way the west and east abuttals of one plot.
Then similar for lands in Quarry Field. Mentions Quarry Way, the ridge way leading to the Quarry, the common green way, the highway to the quarry, the quarry brook, parsonage grounds of Perry mentioned on one occasion (those of Cosgrove and Furtho more often), poles river, Shelsden ridgeway.
Then to Mores Field. Perry parsonage ground mentioned again several times. Queen's highway, the high river, mentioned in abuttals.
The Leys in the More Field.
The Leys in the Quarry Field. Mentions Lytford Hale Brook, Quarry Bridge, the queen's highway, the Quarry book, the Quarry pits.
The Meadow ground. Mentions the South Meadow, Steyning Meadow and Hisworth Meadow. The high river appears as an abuttal in several plots in all three meadows.
Church Glebe Terriers 1633
NRO, Glebe Terriers Bundle starts with two skins of parchment, one of them, damaged at top, which are a terrier of 1633. Next one is a copy, listed as being early 18th-century, of the 1633 terrier, which is in much better condition and easier to read. Note the copy and check back to original. Copy of terrier given in to the bishop by Mr John Whaley. rector of Cosgrove, 16 Dec. 1633. Terrier of all lands etc belonging the parishes, fields and hamlets of East Pury, now in ten. John Whaley, 1633.
Terrier of all lands etc. belonging to Cosgrove rectory in the parishes , fields and hamlets of Cosgrove, Furtho and East Pury, now in tenure of John Whaley, rector, made 10 Dec.
Dwelling house, two barns, stable, kill house, orchard, two gardens, two closes whereof one is the churchyard, one little pightle which is the tithing man's pound yearly at the first day of August until the harvest be ended (abuttals).
Middle Field. Mentions Acre Furlong, Washing Trough Furlong, the Mortar Pits, Hanslope Way, Barnwells Way, Woolland Furlong.
Lays in Middle Field. 11 leys lying together on Overstreet Furlong within Furtho new pasture. And some other leys.
Moores Field. Land on Batley Hill, Bidwell Furlong, Hillmore Furlong, Steaning Meadow, Longland Furlong, Nether Pebley Furlong, Moorsgutter, Over Pebley Furlong, Gosty Furlong, High Hisworth Furlong, Hanging Goales, Nether Blackland Furlong, Colesmooremill Furlong.
Leys in Moores Field. Names Bidwell Hill, Lantherne Furlong, Blackland Slade, Steaning Meadow.
Quarry Field. Names Middle Furlong, Stony Furlong, Lynces Furlong, furlong shooting on Old Stratford, Water Furrow Furlong, Hartwell Furlong, Over Prest Hill, Nether Prest Hill, Mortar Pits, Shrobfurlong, Path Furlong, footway leading to Furtho church, Nether Heydon Furlong or Cuttles.
Leys in Quarry Field. Names South Mead lays.
Meadow Ground. Names Bidwell Meadow, Steaning Meadow, Ellsworth Meadow.
Tithes in Foreign Fields:
NB There are also tithes to be kept in remembrance which are in three fields which are all in the occupation of strangers of other parishes, which said three fields are thus named: Scratchers Herne, Kimsons Field and Poocksley Field lying between Temple Lane and the Stockings.
There be also tithes of divers pasture grounds in the hands of foreigners lying towards Potters Pury and Byards Watering.
There be also tithes in a corner called Old Furtho Green and in Pusdole which Mr Whaley the rector of this parish received out of Mr Furtho's hands.
There be also tithes in three closes lying near unto Pooksley pasture which the rector hath peaceably received. And of two ancient closes within the said pasture, which are kept by perambulation every third year, for which were some moneys paid heretofore, but in the time of the present incumbent none hath been paid.
There be also tithes of Brownswood and Brownswood Green duly paid.
Lastly of those glebe lands mentioned in the terrier to be inclosed in Furtho new pasture, viz. 11 leys lying together and one acre on the same furlong. The parsonage of Cosgrove is spoiled of them, they were wrongfully exchanged in favour to the patron of Furtho by Christopher Emerson rector of Cosgrove, who was also rector of Furtho. And albeit the next successor Mr Bradshaw bachelor in divinity did continue suit to recover them during his lifetime yet he was deluded by the cunning of the foresaid Patron of Furtho, namely Mr Furtho, and the tenants of the said Furtho, so that the present rector Mr Whaley could never yet quietly enjoy them.
Memo. that instead of making the pightle mentioned in the terrier a pound for the tithing man during the time of harvest Mr Naylor last incumbent of this parish gave 40s. towards building a pound at the town's end for that purpose and to free the parsonage of the aforesaid charge and trouble of making the pightle a pound.
Signed John Mansell, Rector (i.e. early C18 rector).
The abuttals in the common field entries include Furtho and East Pury glebe as well as lord of Cosgrove and various private owners. Three lots of glebe evidently intermixed between three fields, which include land in both Cosgrove and Furtho.
Original is signed by John Whaley rector, George Emerson, John Beauchamp, Robert Emerson, and two churchwardens whose names are town away.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1726
Terrier of lands etc in parishes, fields and hamlets of Cosgrove and Furtho in ten. of John Mansel rector of Cosgrove, 15 Oct. 1726. One dwelling house, brewhouse, woodhouse, barn, stable, with a close adjoining, two gardens, one garden house. In More Fields. Lands in Bidwell Furlong, Barley Hill, Hills Moore, Longland, Blackland, Colesbury Hills, High Hisworth, Piblie. In Middle Field. Lands in Stanchells, Long Sheep Hooks, Woodland, Woolland & Co/brand, Ruffield, Hery Furlong, Cobb Bush.
In Quarry Fields. Lands in Nether Haden, Lower Thick Thorne, Midland Furlong, Shelsdon, Reslock, Water Furrows, Heartwell, Upper Pristle, Pristle Hole, Palk Furlong, Hermitage Meadow.
Meadows and Leys. Cadal Leys, Notwood Leys, South Meadow Leys, Church Leys, Middle Field Sandy Lane Slade, Crabtree Leys, Low Thorne, Laneing Leys, Hisworth Meadow, Steaning Meadow, Bidwell Meadow, South Meadow.
Signed by rector, two wardens and three 'inhabitants'.
NRO, 1730
Glebe Terriers Terrier of lands etc in Cosgrove and Furtho in ten. William Tomsun, rector, 29 June 1730.
One dwelling house, brewhouse, woodhouse, barn, stable, with a close adjoining, two gardens, one garden house. In More Fields. Lands in Bidwell Furlong, Barley Hill, Hills Moore, Longland, Blackland, Colsbure Mills, High Hisworth, Piblie. In Middle Field. Lands in Stanchells, Long Sheep Hooks, Woodland, Woolland & Gall Brad, Ruffield, Acry Furlong, Cobb Bush.
In Quarry Fields. Lands in Nether Haden, Lower Thick Thorne, Midland Furlong, Shelsdon, Reslock, Water Furrows, Heartwell, Upper Pristle, Pristle Hole, Palk Furlong, Hermitage Meadow.
Meadows and Leys. Cadwel Leys, Notwood Leys, South Meadow Leys, Church Leys, Middle Field Sandy Lane Slade, Crabtree Leys, Low Thorne, Laneing Leys, Hisworth Meadow, Steaning Meadow, Bidwell Meadow, South Meadow.
Signed by John Mackerness, curate, and two wardens.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1733
5 July 1733 William Thomson, rector.
Semi-tabular layout of lands in Moore Field, Middle Field and Quarry Field. Place names as before, incl. Colesbury Mills in Moore Field, and Hermitage Meadow in Quarry Field
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1739
Lands etc. belonging to Cosgrove Rectory in the parishes and open and common fields of Cosgrove, Furtho and Potterspury now in ten. Samuel Durrant of Cosgrove , (warden, not rector) 21 July 1739.
One messuage great barn, two stables, two gardens and one little close.
Arable in Quarry Field, Middle Field and Moores Field. Leys ground in each of the three fields. Meadow ground.
Colesury Mills still mentioned as a place-name in Moores Field but Hermitage Meadow not named.
Signed by Samuel Durrant and James Rand.
NB: Potterspury back in the heading for the first time for some years.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1744
Back to ‘Cosgrove and Furtho’ in heading. Rector still William Thomson, 28 July 1744.
Semi tabular layout of three fields in columns, with meadows and leys at foot of sheet. Coalsbury Mills still a place name in Moors Field. Hermitage Meadow has definitely disappeared.
Signed William Thomson rector and two wardens.
NRO. Glebe Terriers 1749
‘Cosgrove and Furtho’ heading. Wm. Thomson still rector. 25 July 1749.
House, brewhouse barn, two stables with a close adjoining, two gardens which join upon a close (next the street) called Stratford Charity late Newman’s north, Church Lane south, late Scot’s east, the churchyard west.
Three fields named as usual; Hermitage Meadow back as a landmark in Quarry Field. Leys and meadows as usual.
Signed by rector and two wardens.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1752
Land etc. in the parishes, fields and hamlets of Cosgrove cum Futho late in tenure William Thomson but now by his decease a sequestrator. 8 July 1752.
Same columns as before for the three fields, with leys and meadows at foot. Signed by Christopher Drake minister and two wardens.
Note at end (for first time) in all 27a 1r.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1758
17 July 1758. Revd Dr Pulter Forester rector. ‘Cosgrove cum Furtho’ heading as before.
House and lands described as before. Total now reckoned as 37a. 1r. 2p.
Signed Pulter Forest, rector, and two wardens.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1761
24 June 1761. Revd Pulter Forester DD rector. ‘Cosgrove cum Furtho’ heading as before.
House and lands described as before. Total again reckoned as 37a. 1r. 2p.
Signed by Pulter Forest, rector, and two wardens.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1771
Cosgrove Rector Lands and Tithes: By Act of 1767 all fields of Cosgrove were inclosed, and a more convenient allotment of lands was awarded in lieu of tithes great and small, and a more convenient glebe appointed, as follows:
Lands allotted as part of glebe and for a more convenient homestead, abut SW on John Mansel, SE on river Ouse, NE by John Williams and Gabriel Rand, NW on street and homestead of the rectory. 24.3.11.
Steany Meadow abuts E on river, S on Thrupp Road, W and N on John Biggin. 22.2.25.
Another parcel abuts N on Northampton road, NE on G. Mansel esq., SE on J. Biggin esq., S on John Rye now Mr Biggin. 40.1.32.
Another parcel abuts SW on lands of Mr Whaley, NW on Northampton road, NE on William Corbett and John Rye. 61.2.38.
Another parcel abuts NW, N and NE on old incl. of Furtho and a piece of Whalley's Charity land, W on rector of Furtho and Mr Whalley and S on Northampton road. 44.3.33.
NB: Under Act all lands above to be leased by rector to Matthew Knapp esq. for 15 years from Lady Day 1768 to enable subdivisions and fences to be completed.
Grounds which contain the mansion house, offices, stables, farmyards and barns contain 3.1.6.
In all: 197.3.25.
All the tithes of Kenson Fields, also of Browns Wood, and also the tithes of such closes at Cosgrove and Old Stratford for which no compensation was made by land in exchange, and Easter offerings and surplice fees belong to the rectory.
Buildings belonging to the rector are: mansion house, offices and stables, and other conveniences complete, tog. with two barns and other buildings for occ. of farm, and one new barns in new grounds. This is exact account taken 4 July 1771; signed rector and wardens.
NRO, Glebe Terriers 1852
Terrier of all land etc. belonging to rectory and parish church of Cosgrove, in possession of John Graham MA, rector, 10 May 1852.
Terrier taken from plan made in 1824:
Church and Churchyard
House, buildings, pleasure ground
Kitchen Garden
Grass field: Doctor’s Piece
Washing Troughs
Washing Troughs
Long Land
Shrub Furlong
Shrub Furlong
Lower Cresses (Grass)
Between Ways
Upper Haydon
Haydon Furlong
Cuttel Furlong
Cuttel Furlong
Black Furlong
Street Furlong
Long Wool Land
Sandy Land (Grass)
Upper Street Furlong
Upper Wool Land
Two Grass Fields (Steany Meadow) area not on plan, estimated
Farm buildings in No. 7: cottage, stable, barn and other outbuildings, rick and foldyards.
Grass field (Carr's Close) contiguous to village green, about 1a.
Cottage, garden and orchard adjoining above.
Small garden adjoining last.
Grass field (Bearswater) adjoining Great Chester Road, now in occ. Richard Scrivener, No 26 on plan taken in 1773. Area: 23.3.22
Rent charge in lieu of tithes which were commuted at £33 8s
Marriage fees and offerings at churchings.
All the sittings in the chancel and two pews in the church.
Easter offerings collected by the clerk and received by him for his support.
Belonging to the church one silver cup, one plated cup, one silver paten and one silver plate for the offerings.
Signed John Graham rector, Maria Margaret Mansel patron, two churchwardens (Thomas Dawson and William Clarke) and Daniel Warren.