Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 03 January 1950
BROWN JELLEY On Dec. 23 1949 in London. Arthur Leslie Brown, B.Sc., of Belvedere, Kent, to Gwendoline Mary Jelley, B.A., only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. E. Jelley, of Cosgrove, Northants.
Wolverton Express 6th January 1950
Deanshanger Mothers Union Visits Cosgrove
Members of Deanshanger mothers union were invited to Cosgrove for their Christmas party, making the journey by special bus. About 20 members attended, several were unable to go on account of illness. A service was held in Cosgrove church and afterwards the Rector the Rev. J S Benson pointed out many interesting features in the beautiful ancient church. A most enjoyable tea was partaken at the Rectory when Mrs. Benson and her helpers, with Mrs. Beasley, made everyone welcome. A visit was paid by Mrs. Hillyer, who was remembered by many members for her able reciting at Deanshanger, and she gave two new recitations - one sentimental and the other too amusing for description. The Rector entertained the members with radiograms and actions from the “Messiah”.
Mrs. James Roberts proposed thanks to the Rector and to Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Hillyer, and Robin Baker, on behalf of the members, presented Mrs. Benson with choice chrysanthemums. Mrs. Brewer made the arrangements for the journey.
Wolverton Express 6th January 1950
Water Supply Progress Slow
On the subject of water supply, the main scheme is, of course, the regional scheme based on the bulk supply from the Bucks Water Board. Actual material progress has, of course, been slow and we had hoped that water would be available from the Board by the end of 1950, but it now seems that this hope will not be fulfilled this year. However the south eastern end of the district is nothing like as badly off the water as other parts of the district, an during 1949 a 4 inch bypass main has been completed at Deanshanger, which has resulted in a greatly improved supply for Old Stratford and Cosgrove.
Wolverton Express 27th January 1950
Cosgrove Housing Site Deadlock
Reporting to the Public Health Committee at Towcester Rural District Council on 2nd January on the question of the Cosgrove Housing site, Mr. A E Crisp, Deputy Clerk, stated that although the Provincial Land Commissioner was now prepared to clear the site originally selected by the Council for housing purposes in Yardley Road, Cosgrove, after a further recent meeting on the site with a Sub-committee of this Committee, on condition that an exchange of tenancies be accepted between the tenant of this field and the tenant of the surplus back land of the adjoining allotment field, agreement could not be reached with the owner of the land nor with the occupier of the allotment land. The owner, Mr F. Hewson, who owned both the land which the Council desired to acquire and the allotment field, was unwilling to sell the Yardley road side to the Council and so sever it from his farm (Manor Farm), and the occupier of the surplus of allotment land, Mr. G W Ruff, was unwilling to agree to an exchange of tenancies with the occupier of Manor Farm.
Mr. Crisp further explained that even although the owner was unwilling to sell, the Council could still consider making a Compulsory Purchase Order provided formal clearance could be obtained to the site from the Provincial Land Commissioner and he suggested that no further progress was likely to be made unless the Committee’s recommendation of 3 October, 1949 was implemented, namely to refer the matter to the Ministry of Health for deemed planning permission under section 36 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1947.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 07 February 1950
On Feb 5. at 23. Bridge-road. Cosgrove, John Thomas, beloved husband of Margaret, dear father of all his children. Peace. perfect peace.
BROWN.On Feb 5. at 23. Bridge-road, Cosgrove. John, dear father of Beatrice, father-in-law of Reg. dearest grandpap of Jill (23. Broad-street, Northampton). We would not wake you to suffer again Night night God bless, grandpap
Wolverton Express 10th February 1950
Fancy Dress Dance at Cosgrove
Several in fancy dress were at the most successful dance held on Saturday evening last in the new Victory Hall, Cosgrove, under the auspices of Cosgrove branch of the British Legion. The effort was on behalf of the Benevolent Fund of the Branch. The Sentimentalist Band played music for old time and modern dances, and an enjoyable programme was carried through.
During an interval, fancy dress was judged for awards by Captain and Mrs. P Y Atkinson, the Hon. Mrs. Fermor-Hesketh, Mrs M E Jelley, Mrs. C R Whiting, Mrs. B Heap, and Mr W. Hurry, whose choice was announced as follows:
Ladies (bottle of port wine) Mrs. J. Johnson and Mrs. R. Longman (The Bisto Kids); 2 (hair brush) Mrs J Burrows (Spanish lady). Gentlemen 1 (bottle of Sherry) Mrs. F. Franklin (The Departing Spirit a ghost); 2 (scarf) Mr J. Johnson (Santa Claus), girls under 12, 1 (box of chocolates) R Hebson( British Legion Poppy girl), 2 (box of handkerchiefs) Brenda Goodridge (prince with a glass slipper). Boys under 12, 1 (box of chocolates and fountain pen), M. Gascoyne (a cat), 2 (box of chocolates) Miss J Hebson (wounded soldier).
Refreshments were served by Mesdames W. Brockway, P. Lyman, H. Atkinson, and E. Stewart.
The committee responsible for the arrangements were Messrs. W Castle, R. Longman, S. Welch, A C Noble, J Pollard, A T Noble, and E R Brown, who had the very helpful assistance of Mr H. Atkinson, a Legion member.
The branch officials express their sincere thanks to all who assisted in the success of the effort, those kind people who gave prizes, and the ladies who provided such a fine selection of refreshments, and length who in any way gave their help and support.
Wolverton Express 17th February 1950
Death of Cosgrove Oldest Lady - Mrs. Elizabeth Brown - Resident for 70 Years
The death took place of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, on 9 February, at her home, 35 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, at the great age of 90 years. She had been in failing health for some weeks. She was the oldest lady of the village, having had lived there for nearly 70 years. Holdenby, Northants was her birthplace.
The funeral service on Saturday, 11 February, at Cosgrove Parish Church, was conducted by the Rector the Rev. J S Benson. Mrs. Field was at the organ to accompany the singing of the hymn “Abide with me”, and she also rendered Handel’s Largo.
The family mourners were Mr. and Mrs. R Brown (son and daughter-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tooley (son-in-law and daughter), Mr. I Dunkley, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Brassett, Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Meakins (grandchildren), Mrs. J Knight, and Mrs. H Smith (niece), and Mrs. Jolly. There were many friends in church.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Betts and Faulkner Ltd. High Street Stony Stratford.
Wolverton Express 17th February 1950
Cosgrove Death of Mr. J T Brown
The death took place at his home at 23 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, on 5 February, of Mr. John and Thomas Brown, at the age of 82 years. He had been ill for two years, but prior to his illness was well known as a hawker of greengrocery, rabbits, eggs etc. During both World Wars he had seven sons serving in the armed forces. In him
The funeral service at SS Peter and Paul Church in the village on 8 February was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. J S Benson. The mourners included nine sons, a stepson and six daughters of the deceased.
Family mourners present were: Mrs. J Brown (widow), Mr. and Mrs. J Brown, Mr. and Mrs. G Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F R Brown, Mr. and Mrs. R Brown, Mr. W A Brown, Mr. E R Brown, Mr. D Brown, and Mr. P G Brown (sons and daughters in law), Mr. and Mrs. D V Giddings, Mr. and Mrs. F C Hill, Mr. and Mrs. R Warren, Mr. and Mrs. D. Holden, Mr. and Mrs. L. Reynolds, and Miss M Brown (sons in law and daughters), Mr. and Mrs. C Whitehead (stepson and daughter in law).
Messrs. Betts and Faulkner Ltd. Stony Stratford, made the funeral arrangements.
Wolverton Express 24th February 1950
Cake Icing Demonstrated at Cosgrove
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove women’s institute held in the village hall on 7 February, Mrs. W. Brockway presided, supported by Mrs. M Jelley, Secretary. A delegate and to visitors were chosen for the meeting in Northampton Town hall next month, and it was announced that a concert is to be held in aid of the Northampton Blind, given by Mr. Jackson, Secretary, Northamptonshire Blind, and friends. Further details will be announced.
After the conclusion of the business, Mr. Eric Norman demonstrated on cake icing and quickly iced two cakes, showing what a mere man could do - when a confectioner too. He was thanked by Mrs. Jones. The competition, judged by Mr. Norman, was for six jam tarts and was won by Mrs. W. Brockway and Mrs. Beasley. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Harris, Mrs. A Noble and Miss Kitson.
Wolverton Express 17th March 1950
Cosgrove Victory Hall Dinner
“Foster Friendship and Goodwill” - Major Hesketh
Committee “Had Really Done Things” - Mr. Macwhirter
Cosgrove Victory Hall Committee celebrated the first year of the erection of its spacious building with a dinner and smoking concert, and a distinguished company supported the function. Mr. G S Macwhirter, who did great things for the provision of the Hall, is retiring from the responsible post of Secretary of the Northamptonshire Rural Community Council, and he was heartily thanked for his good offices. Major Fermor-Hesketh, president, spoke of the advantage of such a hall and hoped the committee would go on doing their best to foster friendship and goodwill.
Supporting the president were Mrs Fermor Hesketh, Mr. F Hillyer, chairman of committee, Mr. and Mrs. R Whiting, Colonel and Mrs. P Y Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. M E Jelley, Mr. and Mrs. W Crowder, the Rev. J S Benson (trustees), Mr. and Mrs. G S Macwhirter, and Mr. J Hebson, hon. Secretary. The toast of “The President” was given by Col. Atkinson, who said they were fortunate in having such a good friend in the village. Major Hesketh acknowledged with the remarks stated above.
The Secretary was called upon to give a resume of the social life of the village, and Mr. Hebson said it was 14 years ago that he had his first experience of Cosgrove and he wished to thank Mr. Malcolm Jelley for the opportunity he then gave him. Since that time he had had several red letter days which culminated with the opening of the village hall last year.
“I have heard some people say”, said Mr. Hebson,” We’ve got the village hall, why bother to raise more funds?” Well in the first place we have to find at least £3 a week to meet the upkeep, secondly, to give satisfaction to all organisations, we require another building. I should like to see - and I hope the committee are of the same mind - a building where young people can learn and play billiards and games, and a reading room for the older folk.”
Giving an indication of the full use that is being made of the hall, the Secretary said that at present the committee was restricted to one Tuesday a month for a meeting. The British Legion, Women’s Institute and Pig Club, were forced to hold their committee meetings elsewhere, and they could not supply dates for a show required by the talented producer, Mr. L Feil. Since the opening, eight months ago, the hall had become an essential part of Cosgrove, said Mr. Hebson. It had fostered friendship, not only in the village but in the adjacent villages of Castlethorpe, Hanslope, and Yardley Gobion, whose organisations had availed themselves of the use of the hall.
“Trying to satisfy the needs and wishes of the village is a big task and there have been some misunderstandings on several occasions as to dates, otherwise everything has run smoothly,” said Mr. Hebson, who added thanks to the committee for their good work and cooperation.
Cosgrove “Indeed Fortunate” - Mr. Macwhirter
Referring to the loss Cosgrove Victory Hall committee would sustain by the retirement of Mr. Macwhirter, Secretary said they would be losing a very good friend. He had helped them considerably and must have a soft spot for Cosgrove, because his advice and help during the early days was valuable and appreciated by them all. He was sure they all wished him, his wife, and children every happiness in the future, and they hoped he would not forget where Cosgrove was on the map. In submitting the toast of “The Victory Club and Hall”, the Secretary hoped it would be the means of making many new friends and keeping the old.
In reply, Mr. Macwhirter said that function was his last public engagement as Secretary of the organisation. Cosgrove, he said, was indeed fortunate in having the first hall in Northamptonshire under the Rural Council Community Scheme, and only one more hall was to be erected in the County before the scheme was closed by the Government. Cosgrove had a committee which had really done things; if every village had been so energetic, then his task would have been easier. He would carry with him many happy memories of Cosgrove and hoped to visit them again. He was more than pleased in the manner they were sharing their good fortune with other villages, and he had heard good reports of the advice they had given to other similar committees. The most gratifying thing was that the hall was fulfilling a need for the social life of their village and others.
Thanks to the visitors were voiced by Mr. W Crowder and Mrs. M E Jelley. An excellent concert programme was contributed to by Mr. Fred Dunleavy (baritone), Mr. Tommy Claridge, and party.
Wolverton Express 24th March 1950
Cosgrove Arrange “Over Seventies” Party
Cosgrove Women’s Institute met on 7 March in the Village Hall, with Mrs. W. Brockway presiding. The monthly letter was read, and after business arising had been dealt with, the Over Seventies party was discussed, and members with spare points were asked to let either Mrs. Brockway or Mrs Jelley have them, so they could be lodged in the same manner as last year. The party was arranged for 18 April.
Miss Makepeace was asked to give a talk on the County Library, of which she is librarian, and she gave an interesting account on how the Library is run. She was thanked by Mrs. Proudfoot. Miss Makepeace then judged the competition for not less than four lines of original verses on Cosgrove WI. There were six entries, and each were awarded an equal number of points.
A beetle drive, run by Mrs. F W Castle, for the social half hour, at the following winners: Miss C. Tompkins and Mrs. N Crowder. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Johnson, and Miss Williams.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 March 1950
HOUSEMAID reqd. two in fam: wages and outings. Apply Mrs. Atkinson, Cosgrove Priory, Stony Stratford.
Wolverton Express 31st March 1950
Cosgrove Land Purchase
The council is to purchase 313 square yards of land for housing purposes at Cosgrove from Mr. C R Whiting for a sum of £16.
Wolverton Express 31st March 1950
Deanshanger and Surrounding Villages Sewerage Scheme Not Yet in Sight
The proposed sewerage scheme to serve villages in South Northants has been further postponed, and the starting date is not yet in sight. It was stated at the monthly meeting of Towcester Rural District Council on 21 March that the Public Health Committee had the following correspondence before them recently from the Ministry of Health.
“I am directed by the Minister of Health to state that the appropriate Regional Building Committee have reconsidered the starting date for the Wolverton Sewage Works Scheme, but it is regretted that, because local labour is very scarce, April 1951 is the earliest date that can be awarded.
“The minister will raise no objection to the Council completing the purchase of the site of the proposed pumping station at Old Stratford at a price within the District Valuer’s valuation. With regard, however, to the Council’s proposal to revise the provisionally accepted tender of Messrs Bosworth and Wakeford Ltd I am to state that the Minister can give no promise as to when he will be able to authorise the carrying out of the works, and he suggests that in the circumstances the Council withdraw their provisional acceptance of the tender with a view to re-advertising the work when it is certain that the scheme can be proceeded with. For the same reason, the Minister does not consider that the Council should commit themselves to expenditure by ordering materials now.”
…. After discussion the Committee were of the opinion that no useful purpose would be served at the present time by requesting the Ministry of Health to receive a deputation, that it was agreed that the matter be left in abeyance for the time being but the Clerk do proceed with the purchase of the necessary land at Old Stratford for the site of the proposed pumping station.
Wolverton Express 7th April 1950
Cosgrove’s New Burial Ground Part Purchase Money to be Raised Voluntarily
Cosgrove parish meeting, held recently, produced interesting discussions, and the one that provoked most debate was the raising of money to erase the outstanding sum due in connection with the purchase of, and work on, the new burial ground. Miss Joan Wake presided, supported by Mr. A Tack, clerk, and a company of 51 parishioners. The Whalley’s Apprentice Charity account was read by the chairman and was satisfactory.
The main topic - the burial ground - was open for discussion and the parishioners were told that the money could be raised either by voluntary subscriptions, or loan and levy on rates. The new ground as the old orchard adjoining the Rectory and near the present cemetery.
The chairman explained that work of clearing and cultivating had commenced and the next step was defence in the ground, and estimate for which work was £162. The approximate cost of the whole ground was about £275. Donations amounting to £100 had already been received which left £85 to be raised. Miss Wake said that if a loan from the Council was obtained and payable over 40 years it would be very costly in the long run. Several ways of raising the money were suggested, and ultimately the proposition of Mrs. J. Johnson and Mr. C Hill that the money being raised by voluntary subscriptions was carried, and the motion by Mrs. Brockway and Mr. H. Lambert that house to house collections be made was agreed to.
Mr. Walker asked if lighting could be installed on the road near the Quarries, and it was decided to ask the Parish Council to consider the matter. Owing to the absence of electric mains it was pointed out that it was not possible, owing to high costs to accede to requests for lights near the canal bridge.
Mr. Walker also asked if it was possible to give attention to the footpath between the woods and the Dog’s Mouth as it was dangerous to pedestrians and this was referred to a higher authority. A resolution by Mr. Walker and Mr. E Norman pressing for traffic lights at the old Stratford crossroads is to be forwarded to the proper authorities.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Saturday 08 April 1950
HILLWEBBThe engagement Is announced between Lou, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill, Cosgrove. and Audrey, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb. Yardley Gobion
Wolverton Express 14th April 1950
Death of Well-known Cosgrove Baker
Mr. Alfred W. Norman, a well-known Cosgrove baker and Sub-Postmaster, died at his home on Saturday last following a short illness, at the age of 71 years. His wife predeceased him three years ago. The funeral took place yesterday, Thursday. Mr. Eric Norman, the only son carries on the business.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Thursday 20 April 1950

John Thomas Bell and his wife. Mrs. Kate Bell [nee Kate Eliza Meadows], of 51, Milton-street, Northampton, in their own words “just an ordinary couple." celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary to-day. Mr Bell is 85, and his wife 80, but, both of them are very active. Mr. Bell was born in Stanton, leaving the village to come to Northampton in 1880. Mrs. Bell was born at Cosgrove.
A Wood machinist until his retirement in 1938. Mr Bell is still fond of doing woodwork, and has quite a reputation as a handyman. He also enjoys cycling around Northampton. The couple were married in Cosgrove village church and have a son and daughter living, and three grandchildren.
Wolverton Express 12th May 1950
From Cosgrove to Old Wolverton
Mr. C R Whiting, of Cosgrove, who farmed and also owned the gravel pits on his land bordering the River Ouse and Broad Waters, is shortly removing his residence to the Manor House, Old Wolverton. 31 years ago Mr. Whiting took over Lodge Farm, Cosgrove, and later commenced in a small way to work gravel from his land, following a request from the Canal Company for gravel. A successful gravel business resulted.
The farmland of about 110 acres and the well-built farm house, together with the gravel pits, have been disposed of to a company and in future will trade under the title “The Cosgrove Sand and Gravel Company”. Mr. Whiting, assisted by his son Philip, will continue to farm the over 300 acres at Old Wolverton Manor.
Wolverton Express 19th May 1950
Coming of Age Party of Miss Cynthia Tompkins, Cosgrove
A party to celebrate the coming of age of their daughter, Cynthia, was given by Mr. and Mrs. A. Tompkins, of 10 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, in the Victory Hall, on 6 May. A company numbering 70 was welcomed by Mr. Tompkins, and among the guests were Colonel and Mrs. Hedley, Grafton Regis, Major and Mrs. Salter, Wicken, Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnham, Stony Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. H F Keller, Wolverton, Mr. and Mrs. A H. Jones, New Bradwell, and Mr. A Smith. Mrs. Tompkins is employed by “Donnies” Mr. and Mrs. Burnham, confectioners, and in charge of their Wolverton branch shop.
An excellent spread was served. Mr. Tomkins was the recipient of nearly 40 presents, which included a handbag from Captain P Y and Mrs Atkinson, of Cosgrove Priory, her former employers, a gold wristlet watch from her parents, and a pink nylon mesh nightdress from Mr. and Mrs. Burnham. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and games organized by Mr H. Jones and Mr J. Burnham. Music was rendered by Ted Warren and his Alfresco Band.
Wolverton Express 19th May 1950
NCU Championships for Cosgrove Rider
R H Herbert, of Cosgrove, won the Northants Centre NCU Open and Centre championship on Sunday over 25 mile course, commencing at Wootton Barracks. There was an entry of 83 and the winner returned a very fine time, considering the conditions, beating the best of two visiting teams - Westerly and Middlesex R C. Westerly won the team award.
Herbert completed the course in 1 hour 5 minutes 16 seconds, having 12 seconds to spare over the second rider.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 May 1950
Cosgrove rider wins N.C.U. championships.
The Northants Centre N.C.U. Open and Centre championship was held on Sunday over 25 miles on a local course starting at Wootton Barracks. Out of an entry of 83, R. H. Herbert, of Cosgrove, won the whole event with a very fine time, despite difficult conditions, beating the best of two visiting teams, Westerley and Middlesex.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 May 1950
Under the temporary halls scheme, it was stated, Cosgrove and Naseby projects had been completed, and the hut at Moreton Pinkney was nearing completion. At Old the work had not yet started.
Wolverton Express 9th June 1950
Over £300 Subscribed to Cosgrove’s New Burial Ground Fund
The large sum of £310 8s 3d has been subscribed to the fund launched by Cosgrove Parish Council for the purchase and fencing of a new burial ground in the village. This encouraging information was disclosed by Mrs. M E Jelley at the annual Parish Council meeting presided over by Miss Joan Wake. A house-to-house collection for the fund had taken place since the annual Parish Meeting on 21 March, from which £200 was subscribed, which reflects on the generosity of the inhabitants.
The question of forming a new parish of old Stratford was discussed, and it was decided to hold a Parish Meeting at Cosgrove on 14 June at 8pm to consider the proposals, and to advise the Parish Councillors on the course to adopt at the public inquiry being held at Old Stratford on 19 June.
Wolverton Express 7th July 1950
Hedge Dispute at Cosgrove Settled
A dispute did exist as to the ownership of the hedge bounding the Council’s property in Yardley Road, Cosgrove, and the land owned by Mr. R H Maycock, and upon investigation by the surveyor it was found to be that of the Council. The hedge was in a badly overgrown condition and the tenant of no 1 Yardley Road, Mr. J H Pollard, had given instructions for it to be cut, and the work was partly done when the surveyor made the inspection. The tenant claimed £3 for the work done, and after discussion £2 was allowed for the claim.
Wolverton Express 14th July 1950
Wolf Cubs’ Day in Camp
Five packs took part in the annual Wolf Cub Totem Pole competition of the Stony Stratford, Wolverton, and District Boy Scouts Association at the Quarries, Old Stratford, on Saturday last. Newton Longville Cubs were unfortunately prevented by an outbreak of scarlet fever in their village.
The competition was set and judged on “A Day in Camp” by Mrs. Preston, of Maidenhead, who is the County Cub leader for Berkshire. All the boys were keen and the result showed: 1, 1st Bradwell, 54 points, 2, 1st Wolverton, 53, 3 1st Bletchley, 47½.
The arrangements for the afternoon were made by District Commissioner R. Saunders with ADC Cub T. Jones assisting.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 July 1950
Following a public inquiry last month, the General Purposes Committee of Northamptonshire County Council are recommending the creation of a new parish at Old Stratford. Composed of parts of the existing parishes of Cosgrove, Deanshanger and Furtho, the new parish will have council of nine members and will also send a representative to Towcester Rural Council, thus increasing that authority’s membership from 40 to 41. Under the proposed changes, the parish of Furtho will be abolished. The parts not transferred to the new parish will be embodied in the parishes of Cosgrove and Potterspury. The new parish will be in the Potterspury county electoral division and will come into being from next April, although the new boundaries will be used before this date for electoral or valuation purposes if this is necessary.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 August 1950
Victory Club & Hall, Cosgrove.
To be held in the above Hall on
Commencing 6.30 a.m.
FERMOR HESKETH CUP and 15 Guineas in Prizes.
Cup be presented by Major The Hon. John Fermor-Hesketh. Team of Four Players. Entrance Fee 10s. per Team. Closing Date Wednesday, August 9. Send Entries to J Hebson, 7, Yardley-road. Cosgrove. Wolverton, Bucks Rules sent on request.
Wolverton Express 4th August 1950
Call for Luck - But not this Piece - Cosgrove Man Struck by Flying Coal from Express Train
While standing on No 2 platform of Wolverton Railway Station on Saturday morning, Mr. Arthur Loughrey, 47, of Bridge Row, Cosgrove, was struck on the right leg by a piece of coal weighing about 4ib, which came flying off the tender of an express train. The below par shall east and Mr. Loughrey, who told a reporter the next day, “I thought my leg had suddenly become paralysed”. He did not see the coal coming. Several persons had narrow escapes.
After medical attention by Dr. W E Fildes, the injured man was conveyed home by motor ambulance. His injury consisted of a badly bruised leg from the knee downwards, and Mr. Loughrey was confined to bed for a time. He was due to start his annual holiday from Wolverton Railway Works tomorrow, Saturday.
At the time of the incident he was awaiting the arrival of the 9.12am train, and was standing with Mrs. Pauline Stimpson, of Hanslope. They intended visiting Mr. John Loughrey, serving in the Irish Guards and stationed at Caterham. Mrs. Loughrey and Miss Stimpson journeyed to Caterham later in the day.
Wolverton Express 11th August 1950
48 years at Cosgrove - Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pettifer
A well-known South Northants family united on Saturday last on the occasion of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pettifer, who have resided in the village of Cosgrove for no fewer than 48 years. Their present address is 5 Yardley Road. They are 73 and 72 years of age respectively and enjoy good health. Their seven children were all present at the gathering on 5 August, coming from London, Cobham, and Stony Stratford; and also the majority of their ten grandchildren. There are also three great grandchildren.
For many years Mr. Pettifer has been a gardener, first with Captain Grant-Thorold and now at Cosgrove Hall and the Lodge, Cosgrove.
Wolverton Express 18th August 1950

Galleon Darts Team Win Hesketh Cup at Cosgrove Tournament
The Galleon Inn darts team, Old Wolverton won the Hesketh silver trophy at the first Darts tournament to be organised at Cosgrove by the Hall committee. Nearly 100 spectators witnessed keen and sportingly contested games taken part in by 31 teams that hailed from Cosgrove, Stony Stratford, Silverstone, New Bradwell, Deanshanger, Potterspury, Yardley Gobion, Castlethorpe, Leckhamstead, Old Wolverton, and Stowmarket, near Ipswich! The team from the last named place were not recompensed for their long journey by losing in the first round.
In the early rounds the games were for a straight 701 score, with semifinals the best of three 701 games, and the final 1001 best of three.
The Galleon reached the final by defeating the Four Aces, a Castlethorpe Carrington Arms team, by two straight legs, while their final opponents, Silverstone B defeated their own A team. The old Wolverton team carried off the cup and 10 guineas by accounting for Silverstone by two legs to nil. Losing finalists received a cash prize of four guineas. The winning team, comprised Messrs. Vic Old, captain, Joe Brightman, Les Markham, and Frank Cross.
A prize of one guinea was offered to the highest individual score in one game and two players tied, and in the play-off Mr. W Savage, “Case is Altered”, Stony Stratford, scoring 172, beat Mr. B Bruce of Silverstone A.
Major the Hon. John Fermor-Hesketh and his wife witnessed some of the games, and the cup donor and made the presentations after being introduced and thanked by Mr. Jones, hon treasurer. Major Hesketh thanked all competitors and spectators for their contribution in making the event a success and hoped more teams would enter next year. He thanked the officials for their excellent organisation.
Mr. Jack Hebson, Hon Secretary, expressed thanks to all concerned, especially Major and Mrs. Hesketh for their generosity, which had enabled Cosgrove to make many more friends.
Wolverton Express 18th August 1950
North Buckinghamshire Federation
The third eliminating contest, held at Cosgrove Pits 6 August - 1 C Salmons Towcester, 4lb 10oz 8dr, 2 A E Crow Towcester 4lb 8oz 12dr, 3 S Sutton, Galleon, 3lb 3oz 12dr.
Wolverton Express 8th September 1950
Bishop Visits Cosgrove for First Time in Twenty Years For Consecration Ceremony
The new burial ground at Cosgrove which has been purchased by the parishioners was consecrated by the Bishop of Peterborough, making his first visit to the village on Sunday afternoon. Not only was it a historic occasion, for the consecration of the land, but it was the first time the Bishop has been to the village for more than twenty years.
The Parish Council and the Parochial Church Council were entertained at Cosgrove Hall by Major the Hon. J B Fermor-Hesketh and Mrs. Fermor-Hesketh, where they met the Bishop. The evening service in the Parish Church of St Peter and St. Paul was conducted by the Rev. J S Benson, assisted by the Rev. P. Hoskins (Wicken) and the Rev. D Wyngate (Hanslope), with lay reader Mr. Wootton.
After the service, the Bishop and clergy, followed by the large congregation, proceeded to the new burial ground, where the Parish Council were waiting to receive the Bishop. The Chairman, Miss Joan Wake, presented the petition of consecration to the Bishop, who asked her to read it. This done, the Bishop, clergy and congregation walked in procession round the burial ground singing psalms.
The sentence of consecration having been read by the Rector, the Bishop declared the ground “ever to be set apart from or profane and common uses, to be the receiving place of the dead until the glorious resurrection on the last day.”
After some prayers the procession went back to the church, singing the hymn “Through the night of doubt and sorrow”, and the Bishop preached a sermon. Many friends of the parish were present among the large congregation.
The land was given by Captain P Y Atkinson, but the money to prepare it was raised by public contributions amounting to £262. The first burial ground was consecrated 55 years ago by Bishop Creighton. When the service was over Bishop Leeson stood at the west door of the church and shook hands with all the congregation as they left. Mr C. Compton (Wolverton) was organist for the service.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 09 September 1950
Cosgrove have a very useful association in their Village Produce Society and last Saturday a good climax came to their activities of the staging of their flower show in the Victory Hall. That it has been a good season with them was in evidence by the wonderful exhibits on view. The show was opened by Mrs. J. Fermor-Hesketh. To terminate the day’s effort a dance was held in the evening, when the Night Riders Dance Band provided the music. The arrangements for the show were ably made Mr. G. F. Tustain and the committee. Mr. T. Gibbons was M.C.
Wolverton Express 20th October 1950

A Cosgrove Bride
The charming group of three tiny bridesmaids and a page and one elder bridesmaid attended miss Ivy Mary Williams at her marriage on Saturday, 7 October to Mr. Gerald John Bloxham. The service at the Parish Church of SS Peter and Paul was conducted by the Rector the Rev. J S Benson, the hymn “Lead us heavenly Father” being sung. Mr C. Compton was the organist.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, of 11 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, and the bridegroom the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Bloxham, of the Plough Inn, Whilton.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of figured silk with a headdress of stephanotis and an ornament of a single row of pearls. Her bouquet was of dark red roses. Bridal attendants were Miss Nancy Martin, a niece of the bride (chief bridesmaid) Gillian Anstead (niece of the bridegroom), Wendy Jones and Bridget Cummings (friends of the bride), and Robert Tompkins (nephew of the bridegroom). Miss Martin are wore a dress of pale blue marocain and net, and the younger bridesmaid blue and pink dresses with velvet leaved headdresses. The elder attendant wore a headdress of blue velvet flowers and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums, and the younger maid posies of mixed flowers. The page was dressed in a white satin suit. Mr. Harold Haynes, a friend of the bridegroom, was best man.
Gifts to the bride as she left the church included seven horseshoes, a black cat and a pair of silver slippers. A reception held at the Cosgrove Victory Hall was attended by 86 guests. Among the wedding gifts was a carving set from former colleagues of the bride in the polishing room of Wolverton railway works, and a cheque from the bridegroom is employed at Wakefield Gardens, Potterspury. The bride’s gift to the bridegroom was a dressing case, and the reciprocal gift a coat. From the bridegroom at the chief bridesmaid received a signet ring, the page a watch, and a small bridesmaids silver locket and chains. Mr. and Mrs. Bloxham spent the honeymoon at Blackpool.
Wolverton Express 27th October 1950
In regard to the condemned cottage and the land comprised in the clearance order owned by Mr. Hedley J. Clarke, the District Valuer had been unable to reach agreement with him or his agent has to compensation. The District Valuer reported that as there is no prospect of a settlement being reached by negotiation, it is desirable that this case should be submitted to the Land Tribunal simultaneously with the case of Mr. George Horn. Before application is made to the tribunal it was decided to offer Mr. Clarke £80 for his freehold interest.
Wolverton Express 3rd November 1950
Mr. A F Herbert, of New Bradwell, took a fine perch of 3lb 4oz on 22 October while fishing in the Calverton brick works waters.
NBA Federation Notes
Results of contest held in Gravel Pits, Cosgrove on Sunday last: 1 V Old 3lb 6oz, 2 F Osborne 13oz 2dr.
Wolverton Express 3rd November 1950
Death of Veteran Bellringer - Mr. E C Lambert, of Cosgrove
The death recently took place at Mr. EC Lambert of church cottages, Cosgrove, who for 57 years was a church bellringer and was well known in the towns of a wide area. His passing, which occurred at Hanslope, followed an illness of about a week.
A native of Horsmonden, Kent, he took up bellringing at the age of 15 years and for many years was foreman of Cosgrove Tower. He rang at almost every church in the district and was an experienced conductor.
For many years he had been employed as a gardener at Cosgrove Hall and was a member of the Cosgrove Village Produce Association. 72 years of age, he is survived by his widow and two sons.
There was a short service at Milton on Wednesday, 25 October and cremation followed. In addition to members of the bereaved family, representatives from the Cosgrove, Stony Stratford and Old Bradwell ringing towers were present.
Wolverton Express 22nd September 1950
Harvest at Cosgrove
A beautiful array of dahlias from the Rectory gardens were amongst the flowers that adorned SS Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, for the harvest services on Sunday last, when the Rev. R D Guiness, Rector of St John’s Bedford officiated and preached. The sale of gifts was on Monday evening in the Old School, Mr. Jack Johnson conducting in his usual able and happy manner. Collections and sale proceeds were equally divided between the Farmers Benevolent Fund and the Northamptonshire Association for the Blind.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 October 1950
FARMER AMOS of Quarry Farm. Cosgrove, made his first appearance before Stony Stratford Magistrates to answer a summons for not having his name and address on a dog’s collar. Neatly dressed in a jacket, riding breeches, gaiters and heavy farming boots, he pleaded not guilty.
P.C. N. Shaw said he seized a stray Welsh collie dog in the Market-square, Stony Stratford, and took it to the kennels at Newport Pagnell. It wore a collar, but there was no name or address.
Amos told the court he had been farming for 65 years and had bred Welsh collies for 50 years, and had never had one stray before. “I’m an old hand,’’ he said. He explained that a lot of people went into the quarries and must have let it out. “It was only a few months old,” he said.
The chairman, Dr. D. Bull, told Amos he would have to pay a fine of 5s as he had already paid for the keep of the dog at the kennels.
“Thank you, sir,” said the farmer. Taking a little cloth bag from his pocket, he counted out the money and handed it to the clerk.
Then, with a whimsical smile, he donned his black bowler hat and left the court room, and as the magistrates continued with their task of administering justice, the metallic clink of the farmer’s boots could be heard as he went down the steps to collect his little pony and trap with the “L” plate at the rear, which is a familiar sight in the town.
Wolverton Express 17th November 1950
Cosgrove Remembrance
Members of the village branch of the British Legion, led by Colonel P Y Atkinson, marched to the church and laid a wreath on the war memorial. The Rector, the Rev. J S Benson, conducted the remembrance service and the address was given by Mr. H G Howell, who is a member of the King’s personal bodyguard. There was a large congregation. A collection of £3 14s is being donated to the Earl Haig fund.
Wolverton Express 8th December 1950
Two Duckings for a Cosgrove Cyclist - Skidded into Canal - Went Back for Cycle
While cycling to work along the tow path between Cosgrove and Old Wolverton on a recent frosty morning, 19 year old David Lyman, of Cosgrove, skidded and fell in the water. After swimming out to the towpath he had to take the plunge again to retrieve his cycle. After returning home and changing, he set out for work at Wolverton Railway Works and was present in the electric repair shop by 8am. Later in the day he had to receive attention for a knee injury, which became swollen, and he was conveyed home by ambulance.
Wolverton Express 15th December 1950
Cosgrove Audience Delighted with Programme by Mursley Singers
“If they come again at the hall will be packed” was the remark heard at Cosgrove following an excellent musical programme given by the Mursley Choral Society for the funds of Cosgrove Parish Church. As it was, an audience numbering 100 in the Victory Hall enjoyed the choir, who sang under the able baton of Miss Wright, who was at one time under Sir Henry Wood at the Queen’s Hall.
The programme included well-known works, and one member of the choir was also a skilled musician and rendered saw and harmonica solos. Cynthia Saward was outstanding with soprano solos, especially in the Oxfordshire folk songs “Termut Hoeing”. The men’s choir literally brought the house down with the pieces “Sigh more ladies” and “Rolling down Rio”. In the “Holy City” Miss Eaward was heard to advantage in the solo parts.
The Rev. J S Benson, Rector, voiced warm thanks of the audience, and his young son David presented Miss Wright with a bouquet. The party afterwards partook of supper in the Rectory. After expenses the church funds benefited by the sum of £7 5s.
Wolverton Express 22nd December 1950
Cosgrove United Sunday School - Scholars Organize Open and Conduct Bazaar
Cosgrove has a united Sunday School of scholars from the Parish Church and Mission Hall which is attached to Stony Stratford Baptist church. On Tuesday, 12 December, the scholars organised the school’s first sale of work and the helpful sum of £18 was raised for a fund for providing badly needed new hymn books, also for Christmas prizes and party expenses.
Organisers were Miss Mary Stewart and Mr. John Wootton, while Miss Pauline Pollard, the eldest girl, performed the opening ceremony, with Mr. Wootton as the chairman. There were a number of stalls for flowers, Christmas greenery, rummage, miscellaneous, fancy goods, and books, and those in charge were: Pauline Pollard, Tony Pollard, Brenda Goodridge, Pat Bushell, Rodney Hickford, Keith Stubbs, Trevor and Philip Tustain, and June Smith.
A film programme followed, by Mr. Harold Wright of Mr. Fegan’s Home at Stony Stratford and this was most interesting, comprising scenes from the Jubilee and Coronation, the Royal Wedding and concluding with Mickey Mouse strips.
Wolverton Express 29th December 1950
Whist Drive and Dance at Cosgrove
A fur and feather whist drive in the Victory Hall, Cosgrove on Thursday, 21 December, was taken part in by 120 persons, and after expenses were paid the Hall committee raised £14. The top school for both lady and gent carried with it a goose, and Mrs. Stebbings, Hanslope and Mr S. Welch, Castlethorpe were the winners. Mr. P Swain was the MC assisted by Mr. and Mrs. A Loughrey and others. Mrs. J. Johnson was the organiser. On Saturday a successful and enjoyable old time dance was held in the Victory Hall by the British Legion. The Lovesey Orchestra provided the music.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 April 1951
Three Reception Rooms, four Principal and two Secondary Bedrooms, usual Domestic Offices, Large Garden and Orchards, Garage, Stables and GARDENER’S COTTAGE.
Which MR. P. C. GAMBELL Is Instructed by the Executors of the late Miss E. C. Wells to Sell by Auction at THE SWAN HOTEL. NEWPORT PAGNELL, on WEDNESDAY. MAY 1951. 3 p.m. exact time (unless previously disposed of by private treaty). Vacant Possession will be given on completion of purchase. Further particulars and Orders to View may be obtained of the Solicitors; Messrs. Western and Sons, 35 Essex-street. Strand. London, or of the Auctioneer.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 02 June 1951
Mr. and Mrs. W. Overton, of 15. Furze Way, Wolverton, celebrated their golden wedding on Sunday and were the recipients of many messages of congratulation. For years they resided and brought their family at Canal Cottage, New Bradwell, where Mr. Overton was employed as a lengthsman, his area being from Cosgrove to Great Linford. Mr. Overton is still working, although over 70, and is employed by the local Urban Council. A happy family re-union was held to celebrate the occasion.
[The term Lengthsman, coined in the 1700s, originally referred to someone who kept a "length" of road neat and tidy, but lengthsmen were used on canals and railways from the beginnings of both.]
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 07 July 1951
At Cosgrove, Northants: 8 Cottages.
Bucks Herald Friday 13 July 1951
Important Executors' Sale.
Messrs. W. S. JOHNSON & CO. F.R.I.C.S.. F.A.I., BLETCHLEY, BUCKS (Tel. 53/54)
will sell by Auction in 21 Lots at the CONSERVATIVE CLUB, BLETCHLEY
On TUESDAY, JULY 1951 at 2.30 p.m.
In all totalling about 700 Acres and producing an actual and estimated income of £1.500 per annum.
With Vacant Possession. At Little Brickhill, near Bletchley: Battlehills Farm of 39 acres; George Farm of 21 acres and 4 parcels of Accommodation Land totalling 30 acres. Shop at Newport Pagnell.
Investments: At Newton Bromswold. Northants: Manor Farm (369 acres).
At Little Brickhill. Bucks; Model Farm (98 acres). Glebe Farm (40 acres); Fox Farm (37 acres). 3 Lots of Accommodation Land totalling 30 acres. A Modern Small Country House.
At Aspley Guise: Accommodation Land of 4½ acres.
At Newport Pagnell: 2 Dwelling Houses.
At Cosgrove, Northants:8 Cottages.
At Bletchley :4 Cottages.
At Aldbury, Herts:4 Cottages.
Solicitors: Messrs. R. Hobourn and Co.. Woburn, Beds.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 August 1951
The Old School House.
Charming Detached Cottage Residence in lovely gdn; 3 rec. kchn scullery (h. and c.), 3 bdrms. bathrm (h. and c.); heated linen cupboard dual hot water system; perfect cond, gd garage STONE-BUILT and Thatched Farmhouse type House. 6 miles N’pton, on excellent bus route. Oak timbering, leaded windows, ingle nook: hall, cloakrm, 3 rec. kchn (h. and c.), 4 bdrms, bathrm (h. and c.). 2 w.c.s; main drainage, water, gas. electric light and power ail laid on; garage 15 x 20; outbuildings; and kchn gdn. £4.500.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 September 1951
25-years-old agricultural worker, John Eric Gayton, of 2. Yardley-road, Cosgrove, was fined 30s. by Towcester Magistrates for driving a tractor without Identification markings and without a licence attached, at Old Stratford, on August 13.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 September 1951
Blind Darts team at Cosgrove.
Yesterday the blind darts team 26 workers from the Northamptonshire Town and County Association factory in Parade, Gray-street, Northampton, and Wardington Court visited the Barley Mow Inn, Cosgrove, by the invitation of Mrs. Bushell. “She is very interested in our work,” Mr. S. Jackson, association secretary - superintendent, tells me, “and has been a grand helper for many years.”
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 October 1951
Those who travel throughout Britain cannot to notice the number of dead and dying trees, mature and Immature, in our hedgerows, and to those in whose interest it is to observe more carefully, it would appear that number of diseased trees increasing steadily. The diseases vary according to the timber infected and they spread by various methods, but one uniform fact must be obvious, that an infected tree is a source of danger to sound ones. Trees cut soon after their infection becomes apparent will still yield useful timber, possibly prevent still further the spread of disease, remove the source of ultimately unsightly skeletons and at the same time assist the supply of home grown timber, of which there is such a shortage at the present time. Every landowner, large or small, should be appealed to watch his trees more critically with these points in mind.
F. W. Hurry. Little Manor. Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 02 November 1951
AUSTIN 16 hp for sale, not yet three years-old; one owner: excellent cond; black; disc wheels, wireless, heater, fog lamp. Price £ 1.000. No offers. Little Manor. Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 January 1952
Towcester R.D.C. to join in protest
Towcester Rural Council are to join with Wolverton Urban Council in protesting against the Government’s refusal to allow work on the outfall works part of their £154,000 joint sewerage scheme to proceed. At Monday’s meeting of Towcester Rural Council, the chairman (Mr W. H. Marlow) and Mr W. T. Groom were appointed to serve on a joint deputation with Wolverton representatives which is to seek an interview with the Minister of Local Government. Deep concern at the Ministry’s decision was expressed when Wolverton Urban Council were Informed last week. It was stated that the Council regarded it as a decision which must be reversed as soon as possible. Work on other parts of the scheme which will provide sewerage for a large part of South Northamptonshire including Wicken, Deanshanger, Potterspury, Cosgrove and Yardley Gobion, has been proceeding for some time.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 09 February 1952
Car And Motor Cycle
Wolverton Summons Dismissed
Two summonses against a Wolverton public house manager alleging dangerous driving and that failed to slop after an accident was dismissed by Stony Stratford Magistrates on Friday.
Defendant was Reginald Howe, of the Royal Engineer public house, Stratford Road. Wolverton. He pleaded not guilty to the summonses and was represented Mr. G. F. Trunchion (Messrs. Williams & Kingston. Northampton).
Walking into Court with the aid of sticks. Albert Whitehouse, New Buildings, Cosgrove, a milk roundsman, said that on September 29th. 1951 at about 11 p.m. he was riding his motor cycle from Bletchley along the Watling Street Stony Stratford, with friend on the pillion seat.
When he was about a mile from Stony Stratford he had taken a left and right-hand bend about 25-30 m.p.h. and was on his correct side of the road. He saw a car come over a hill with three headlights on. Witness dipped his headlamp and pulled into the left as it was foggy. The car did not dip its lights, but came straight at him all the time. The front of the car went past, but the back hit the witness on the right leg. Whitehouse said he pulled up about 25 yards further on, but the car carried on. Witness had a lacerated leg and his foot was fractured in two places. His shoe was torn off. Questioned by Mr. Trunchion, who expressed his client’s sorrow at the injuries, witness said he was dazzled the lights.
“Came At Them”
Peter Gordon Brown, 23, Bridge Road, Cosgrove, the pillion passenger Whitehouse's motor cycle, said they were following the kerb and the car “came at them ". “I heard a bang and Albert say “My foot's gone”, said witness. He turned round, but could not see the car. He estimated visibility at about 100 yards.
Sergt. Heaps said he received telephone message from Howe at about 12.30 a.m. He found a shoe on the road.
P.C. Darlington, who said that he went to the scene of the accident near Brick Kiln Farm, stated that at 6.30 p.m. he saw defendant, who said, after caution. “I will see my solicitor, but we did stop.” Witness examined the car and saw the two offside hub-caps and the front and rear wings were dented and the panels on the door were scratched. Defendant, in evidence oath, stated that he was going to Bletchley Station. He was driving his near side. He saw bright light approaching, concealed by a bend, and he found the light was on a motor cycle which was being driven fairly fast. It seemed to be coming straight at him and thought it was going through the windscreen, so braked and pulled into the kerb, thus avoiding what might have been a major accident. The motor cyclist hit the car in a series of bumps along the side and defendant then had pulled up.
“Much Too Fast”
In answer to Mr. Trunchion, defendant said his speed was between 30 and 35 m.p.h. and he had his side-lights and spot-lamp on. Unfortunately, his side-lamps and head-lamps were combined and they might appear to be two head-lamps, although they are not so bright as head-lamps. He thought the motor cyclist was going much too fast to take the bend. Defendant estimated the speed at 50-60 m.p.h.
Howe said that after the accident he pulled up in a matter of yards. He attempted to get out, but the door was stuck. His passenger had got out and said “There he goes over the top of the hill.” Defendant got out of the nearside door. He saw the cycle disappear.
He telephoned the Stratford Police when he got home.
Joseph Henry Girrard, of London, a passenger in Howe’s car. Said he saw the motor cycle come towards them and afterwards it disappeared in the distance.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 June 1952
A verdict of death by drowning while the balance of mind was disturbed was recorded by the Coroner for South Northamptonshire (Mr. J. S. Budge) at an inquest held on Tuesday at the Barley Mow, Cosgrove, on Percy Swain, of The Green, Cosgrove.
Ernest Swain said he lived with his brother, who was 55. They were both leather dressers. For the past two weeks his brother had been very depressed. Last Tuesday night when witness went to bed his brother was reading the paper. The next morning he found his brother was missing. Witness made a search, but could not find him, so notified the police. He found a note among some papers which stated that his brother intended to take his life. In it his brother said that his nerves had given out.
Dr W. M. M, Douglass said he saw the body on Tuesday and thought death had occurred four to six days previously. The cause of death was drowning. Swain had been to see him, had said he was worried, but was not very communicative. Witness could find nothing wrong with him physically.
Richard Longman, 6, Bridge-street. Cosgrove, gave evidence of seeing the body in the river about 50 yards from the mill basin. Mr Budge said the note Swain had left showed his mind was unbalanced.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 September 1952
Thirty-four bellringers, with their wives and friends, from Cosgrove, Stony Stratford, and neighbourhood, visited the Irthlingborough district on Saturday for their annual outing. The first call was Irchester, and then to Higham Ferrers, Raunds, Irthlingborough, and Finedon. Tea was taken at Raunds. The visitors were full of praise for the lovely old churches visited. During their stay they rang various methods at the churches.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 September 1952
Representatives from 10 branches of the British Legion Joined Cosgrove branch in parade to the village church where the new Cosgrove standard was dedicated by the Archdeacon of Northampton. Dr. C. J. Grimes He was assisted in the service by the Rev. J. Benson. The representatives were entertained to tea in the Victory Hall by Major the Hon. John Fermor Hesketh. Towcester Studio Band led the parade. Branches represented were Stony Stratford, Paulerspury, Potterspury, Hanslope, Bletchley, Whaddon, Roade, Greens Norton, Brackley and Syresham.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 21 February 1953
Bletchley Furniture Sale
W. S. Johnson & Co. conducted a successful sale of household furniture and effects at their Oliver Road sale rooms. Some 300 lots were cleared. The main portion the furniture was consigned by Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Bridge House, Cosgrove, who are leaving the district.
The trade for all good class furniture was very good. Some of the prices realized were: Davenport .£7 10s., kitchen cabinet £12 10s.. pair of twin beds £25 grandmother clock £5, small inlaid bureau £6 5s., modern oak dresser £11. small antique gate-leg table set of four dining chairs £8 15s., oak chest £6, small combustion stove £8, fire-proof safe £18, table mangle £3 17s. 6d., bell tent £1, extension ladder £6 5s., carpets £10 to , £25 10s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 April 1953
Mr. John G Collyear, Grey-Stones. Astcote, near Towcester, was married at Cosgrove Church to Miss Catherine Barbara Newman, of Furtho House, Old Stratford. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Collyear, and the bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J Newman. The bridegroom was educated at Towcester Grammar School and was commissioned In the Royal Engineers. He obtained his B.Sc. at Leeds University. The bride previously lived at West Farm, Astcote. The best man was Mr L. J. Williams (cousin of the bridegroom) and the bride was given away by her father. The bridesmaids were Mrs D. James, Miss M. Cooper (bride’s cousins) and Miss P Robinson (fiancée of the bride’s brother). The service was conducted by the Rev J. S. Benson.
Preston Deanery Monthly Magazine May 1953
Rector Rev J S Benson
Services every Sunday 11 am and 6 pm
Holy Communion 1st Sunday at 8 am 3rd Sunday after Morning Prayer
The Parish Register
Baptism March 28th Linda Christine Meakins
Weddings March 20th - Jeffrey Ernest Atkinson to May Stewart
April 4th John Gowen Collyear to Catherine Barbara Newman
Annual Church Meeting
On April 13th at the Rectory
We are very grateful to Mrs and Miss Feil for the very clear and efficient statement of last year’s accounts, and for the great amount of painstaking work that this always involves, also to the kindness of Mr Ratcliffe who acted as auditor.
Mrs Feil (People’s) and Mr Higgins (Rector’s) are again installed as Wardens, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Beasley as Ruri-decanal Representatives and Captain Purser to represent the Parish at Diocesan Conferences. We are very grateful to all the above and to the other members of the Council for their help and co-operation during the past year, which has apparently been the most successful one financially in the memory of anyone.
Already some £10 has been spent on repairs to the Church gutters and drains; the organ is now dismantled and in process of repair and restoration (this will cost over £50); fifty new prayer books were in use on Easter Day and twenty five new hymn books are coming shortly.
The other major item is, of course, the repair of the Church Clock. As far as can be ascertained at present the clock mechanism is not at fault, but the whole face has slipped downwards, which causes the hands to jam. A local firm has given an estimate for approximately £50, to erect scaffolding, refix the clock in its proper position, paint the face with three coats and regild it with best gold leaf.
We are awaiting and inspection and an estimate by an expert firm (Smiths of Derby) before putting any work in hand. As all Cosgrove people will, we feel, be interested and concerned in having the clock going once more, and hearing its familiar chimes again, the Church Council have decided to make an envelope collection throughout the village to appeal for donations, as we cannot afford to pay for this out of Church funds. This will be launched immediately we have decided to put the work in hand and know what the cost is likely to be. We appeal to all in the village to contribute as generously as they can. It will be a fitting memento of the Coronation and it will be very nice if the repairs can be completed before that great event takes place. We hope to have a new flagpole erected for June 2nd, if not too expensive.
Coronation Day Service
There will be a special service at 11 am on Trinity Sunday (May 31st); and also on the morning of the Coronation (June 2nd) at 8 am when all are invited and urged to attend for half an hour to pray for our young Queen as she comes to her hallowing.
Churchyard Improvements
We are greatly indebted to the kindness of Major Fermor Hesketh who has, at his own expense, employed two of his men with a tractor. They have transformed the old churchyard on the south side of the Church by clearing out the large thicket of snowberries, numbers of unsightly elders, etc, taken all the ivy off the walls, and transferred a number of old untidy tombstones to make a neat row along the wall. This is a public benefaction which merits our appreciation.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 06 June 1953
Towcester Rural District Council
Parish of BLISWORTH 22 houses
Parish of COSGROVE. 34 houses
TENDERS are invited for the erection of the following houses and site works:
Contract No. 1 Blisworth.
3 pairs 2 bedroom bungalows
4 pairs 2 bedroom non-parlour houses.
3 pairs 3 bedroom non-parlour houses
1 pair 3 bedroom parlour houses
650 ft. 1in. 6in. G.S.W. sewer with inspection chambers.
620 yards super 2 in. artificial stone paving.
700 yards super grass verge.
240 yards 1in. 4ft. 0in. chainlink fencing.
Contract No. 2 Cosgrove
4 pairs 2 bedroom bungalows.
7 pairs 2 bedroom houses.
6 pairs 3 bedroom non-parlour house.
900ft 1in. 6in. G.S.W. Sewer with 11 No. Inspection Chambers.
700 yards super 2in. artificial stone paving.
1.100 yards super grass verge.
350 yards 1in. 4ft. 0 in. chainlink. fencing.
Tender documents are obtainable from the Council’s Surveyor, Mr. G. Berridge. M.lnst.. R.A.. A.I.A.A., at 163. Watling Street West, Towcester. on payment of a deposit of £1 1s. in respect of each contract which will be returned on receipt of valid lender.
Tenders, accompanied by all documents (including priced Bills of Quantities), enclosed in a plain sealed envelope endorsed “Housing Contract, Blisworth” or “Housing Contract, Cosgrove,” as the case may be, must reach the undersigned not later than noon on Tuesday, the 23rd June, 1953.
The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.
F. J. HERBERT. Clerk of the Council.
Town Hall, TOWCESTER. Northants. 28th May, 1953.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 June 1953
Photographs of the Women's Institute's annual conference at the Royal Albert Hall, London. The top picture shows some of the Northamptonshire delegates having snack-lunch on the steps of the Albert Memorial. In the centre of this group in Mrs. Joyce Griffiths, and on her left, Mrs. V. V. Adkins, both of Greatworth. The three delegates nearest the camera in the centre picture are (left to right): Mrs. T. Bamford (Old), Mrs. E. I. M. Fairey (Holcot) and Mrs, A. Ellis (president of Holcot W. 1.), On the left of the picture is Mrs, L. A. Clark, of Cosgrove, who took her “tatting” to the Royal Albert Hall, where she “did quite a lot in the lunch interval."

Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 August 1953
Towcester R.D.C.
Tenders for the erection of 22 houses at Blisworth and 34 at Cosgrove have been approved by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. But. Towcester Rural Council has been informed that the approval was subject to only half the houses being started before January 1. 1954.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 05 December 1953
Their Nurse For 28 Years

For 28 years District Nurse in the Wicken neighbourhood, Nurse Johnson who was, on Saturday, presented with a cheque for £12, the gift of parishioners in appreciation of her services, is seen in our picture with the Hon. Mrs. Mansfield- Clarke, who made the presentation, at the opening of a bazaar.
Nurse Johnson was appointed District Nurse for Wicken and Deanshanger, but for the past years she has also served Cosgrove and Old Stratford. Until 1938, when her area was extended, she cycled through the countryside in all weathers to fulfil her duties. In more recent years she has been provided with motor transport. Speaking at the bazaar, she told the Buckingham Advertiser : “I have seen most of the children here come into the world and some of their parents, too.” She has given 32 years to District Nursing service. She was born at Gayton, Northamptonshire, and her birthplace her place is to be her place of retirement.
The Hon. Mrs. Mansfield-Clarke and Nurse Johnson (right) after the presentation ceremony.
“Forgotten Herself”
The Rector of Wicken (the Rev. H. P. Hoskins), in opening the proceedings, said: “For 28 years she has given unstinted service. She has completely forgotten herself in looking after you.”
Mrs. Mansfield-Clarke, in making the presentation, said that she recalled Nurse Johnson’s arrival in the district and that they knew, from the start, that she was the right person to come there. She asked her to accept their thanks for her long and faithful service.
Nurse Johnson briefly and feelingly replied.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 01 January 1954
A North Bucks representative in the honours list is Miss Marie Josephine Feil, The Green, Cosgrove, who has been awarded the M.B.E. Employed at the Foreign Office (London) she has held her present position for several years. Her family moved from London to North Bucks the beginning of the war. Her mother has been people’s warden at the parish church for 13 years, and has taken an active interest in village affairs. She has two daughters and two sons. The younger son is studying the London School Economics.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 January 1954
BECAUSE he needed money to pay the debts of a woman, and furnish his Cosgrove cottage, Horst Schubert broke into a neighbouring house on two occasions and stole £67. At Northamptonshire Quarter Sessions yesterday Schubert (34), a German farm worker, of New Buildings, Cosgrove, was placed on probation for two years after pleaded guilty to the charges.
Probation officer for Towcester, Mr G. Lampard, said Schubert formed an association with a German woman, married to an Englishman, while was working in Cheshire. Due to this the marriage was broken up, [and he needed money] to aid the woman in her battle for the child’s custody.
“These offences were a result of the financial burdens they had brought upon themselves,” said Mr. Lampard.
The offences were outlined by Geoffrey Lane (prosecuting), who said Mr. and Mrs. William Betts lived in a house about 100 yards from Schubert’s cottage. On October 18 Schubert climbed into the house through the window and stole £18 belonging to Mr. Betts. He climbed into the house a second time on November 8 and stole £40 belonging to Mr. Betts and £9 belonging to Mrs. Betts.
P.C. F. Wells said Schubert was a baker in Leipzig until he was called up to serve in the German Army in 1939. He served in the 10th Cavalry Regiment in France and Russia, and was taken prisoner at Cassino, Italy. He was released in 1947 and became a farm worker in this country. Schubert told the court he stole the money to help gain custody of the child. He had made arrangements to get a job where could earn more money so that he could pay it back.
Last February, Schubert came to Cosgrove, and the woman followed in April. Since then she had been trying to obtain the custody of her child, and this had resulted in legal expenses. Even though earned only £5 14s. a week, Schubert had taken on the responsibility and had burdened himself with buying furniture to make a comfortable home.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 January 1954
Due to an accident on what the prosecution described as the notorious shady corner the road from Old- Stratford to Deanshanger, a Cosgrove farmer appeared at Towcester Magistrates’ Court. Michael Roger Maycock (25), Manor Farm, Cosgrove, was summoned for driving a car without due care and attention at Deanshanger on December 15.
Maycock, who was represented by Mr. D. A, Wood (Messrs. E. T. Ray and Co., Stony Stratford), was fined £1 with £6 15s. costs and his licence was endorsed. He pleaded not guilty.
Supt. J. Lee said that on the “notorious shady corner” on the road between Old Stratford and Deanshanger, a car driven by Maycock collided with a motor unit driven by Mr. Cambell. William Henry Cambell, of Elmswell, Suffolk, said that the defendant’s car was travelling at 30-35 m.p.h. when it was 60 yards from the bend. He considered the car was over the centre line of the bend when the collision occurred and that the speed of the car was the cause of the accident.
On oath, Maycock said it was very foggy at the time. His speed was 20 m.p.h. on the bend and he stopped two yards after the impact. During eight years of driving motor vehicles he had never before had an accident.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 April 1954
A Cosgrove delegate said they had a stove which heated six radiators in the village hall. The original cost was approximately £250. The average weekly bill for coke throughout the year was about 11s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 30 April 1954
A MINISTRY inquiry into the Deanshanger sewerage and regional schemes was called for by Mr. R. C. Ridgway at Tuesday's meeting of Towcester Rural Council when the words scandal and incompetence were used in a lengthy debate.
……the committee were perturbed that the temporary arrangements made at Paulerspury to supply water to Deanshanger. Old Stratford and Cosgrove, under the instalment of the water scheme, had proved inadequate. The consultant engineer* had pointed out that the arrangements were only makeshift, these parishes were not Intended, when the scheme was designed, to take a supply until the second instalment had been completed. It had been directed that the inadequacy the temporary arrangements should be notified to the Ministry of Housing to emphasise the need for an early starting-date for the second instalment
J. Roberts said there was considerable disappointment in because they were not going to receive a very appreciable amount of water under the scheme. They had got to continue with what the medical officer had described a most unsatisfactory supply……
This state of affairs was likely continue for at least two years. He said that their own supply ran short last year for four months. In one part of the village they were receiving water for about four hours a day for four months. In addition they had a sewerage schemes nearing completion and that was going lead to at least a doubling of the consumption water. Deanshanger, Old Stratford and Cosgrove were affected by this.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 05 June 1954
Death of Cosgrove Agriculturalist
The death has occurred of Mr. C. Reginald Whiting, for many years resident at the Lodge, Cosgrove, a well-known agriculturalist and owner of the sand and gravel pits. His sudden death, which took place on Sunday, May 23rd, at his home at the Manor, Old Wolverton, where he has lived since leaving Cosgrove, was heard with regret by his many friends.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 June 1954
Bit of a spurious article but records the demolition of the plaster ceiling in the church “20 years ago” and revealing the oak ceiling, which would have been around 1934.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 June 1954
By Order of the Rev. J. S. Benson.
COSGROVE. 2½ miles to Stony Stratford. 4 miles to Wolverton. 10 miles to Bletchley.
Pleasantly situated forming the walled-in kitchen garden and part of the grounds of The Rectory,” three with frontage to the village main street and four with frontage the road leading to the Old Brewery.
Also A SET OF BUILDINGS and yard let to Mr. R. W. Hills on a quarterly tenancy at a rental of £30 per annum, tenant paying rates. Which Messrs.
Will sell by auction in Lots at the Cock Hotel Stony Stratford on Wednesday July 14th 1954 at 7pm (if not previously disposed of).
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 10 July 1954
DEATHS: KING. On Wednesday, 7th July, 1954, at Knotwood Farm, Old Stratford, Albert King passed peacefully away, aged 58 years.
Service and interment at Cosgrove Church, Saturday, 11 a.m.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 24 July 1954
New Landlord of Cosgrove Inn
At the Towcester Bench of Magistrates, the licence of the Navigation Inn Cosgrove was temporarily transferred to Mr. Bernard Bennett, of Station Road, Castlethorpe, from Dorothy Ashby the present licensee. This hostelry is still the popular venue for the Sunday evening walk from the Canal Bridge at Old Wolverton along the towing path.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 30 July 1954
The funeral service for Mr. Malcolm Jelley, well-known in North Bucks and South Northamptonshire as a pioneer bus proprietor, was held in Cosgrove parish church on Wednesday. The service was conducted by the vicar, the Rev. J. S. Benson, and the church was filled with friends, fellow Freemasons and business associates. Mr. Jelley, who had recently attained his 65th birthday, had been ill since Whitsun, but his death in the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, was very sudden Mr. Jelley was known to many as a bus-driver in his early years, but more recently had been associated with the London-road garage. Stony Stratford. The family mourners were: The widow: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown (son-in-law and daughter); Mr. C. Jelley (brother); Mr. and Mrs. P. Jelley (brother and sister-in-law): Mrs. J. Low (niece); Mr, S. Popham (nephew) and Mrs. Popham; Mr. H. May (brother-in-law); Mr. K. Jarvis (nephew): Mr. G. Ruff (cousin) and Mrs. Ruff; Mr. and Miss Sephton.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 31 July 1954
Bus Pioneer Dies
North Bucks has lost well-known personality the death at the age of 65 of Mr. Michael E. Jelley, of the Old Brewery House, Cosgrove. Starting life in the bakery and grocery trade and later becoming a licensee, had been one of the bus service pioneers in his area, later disposing of his business to United Counties Company and becoming director of the London Road Garage Company at Stony Stratford. He was for many years a member of the Walling Street (Stony Stratford) of Freemasons. Many friends, including Freemasons and those in the motoring industry, attended the funeral at Cosgrove Tuesday.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 01 October 1954
THE action of the surveyor (Mr. G. Berridge) in reprimanding some boys who were alleged to have smashed windows in condemned cottages at Cosgrove, was criticised by a member at Tuesday’s meeting of Towcester Rural Council. Major H. C. R. Luddington thought it was wrong for an official to have taken the initiative in the matter before it had been discussed by the council. “I think his conduct was reprehensible," he said.
The chairman, Mr. W. T. Groom, said: “I think he was justified in taking this action." And Mr. W. H. Marlow commented: "Does Major Luddington mean that if in future the surveyor sees boys breaking windows he will have to tell them 'Carry on until I have reported to the council’?”
[following a long discussion no action was taken beyond writing a letter to the boys’ parents.]
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 October 1954
A Deanery Missionary Festival was held at Cosgrove. Tea was provided in the Victory Hall; and a film show, Flower of Tibet was given. The preacher was the Right Rev. F Houghton, a former Bishop in West China.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 31 December 1954
THE name Jimmy Knight is well-known to Stony Stratford’s older cycling fans. In the 1920’s, it was on everybody’s lipsand rightly so for this daring rider won national and international honours. Nowadays. Mr. Knight travels by more sober means bus and car. He owns a corn merchant’s business in Stony Stratford, but still retains close contact with the club to whom he brought much credit Wolverton A.A.C.
A native of nearby Cosgrove, he served throughout the first world war and did not take on cycle racing until 1921. He soon soared to championship heights and was selected for the British Olympic team that raced in Paris in 1924.
Among his many notable successes were: Berks. Bucks and Oxon champion 1923; London Polytechnic champion 1925; railway champion 1926; Rudge- Whitworth and Lassoo cups for five miles; Polytechnic Remembrance trophy (twice); three firsts and three thirds in 50- kilometres races, when he had other great cyclists like Harry Grant, Syd Cozens, and E. Higgins as partners; and Northants Centre champion many times at all distances.
Mr. Knight raced for 14 years. Then he had to retire owing to an injury received at work. He considers his greatest race was winning the Danish Cup against representatives of four European countries. His key to success: “Hard work and plenty of training.”
Besides his sporting activities, he has held many offices in the district. He has been chairman of Wolverton branch of the Salonika Re-union since the first war. In the last war, he was a major in command in the Stratford Home Guard.
Wolverton Express 21st January 1955
Drew Services Pension for 73 years - Mr. Thomas Jelley Dies aged 99
Only eight months short of his century of years, Mr. Thomas Jelley, formerly of Cosgrove, died in Renny Lodge hospital on Monday, aged 99. Until a few weeks ago he appeared to be in good health and likely to become the first male centenarian in the district for some years.
Mr. Jelley could also claim national fame by having drawn a services disability pension for more than 73 years, a record believed unsurpassed by anyone in the world.
Invalided out
It was while fighting at Majuba Hill in the first Boer War in 1881 that Mr. Jelley received a wound in the arm, which caused him to be invalided out of the 58th Regiment of Foot, the Northamptonshires. He was the oldest ex member of the Northamptonshire regiment.
From South Africa, Mr. Jelly returned to his native village of Cosgrove, and was employed in the gases shot by of Wolverton railway works are until he was 63, when he was forced to retire through ill health. His wife died 30 years ago, and until he was 98 Mr. Jelley lived by himself in Cosgrove. He leaves five sons and five daughters. The funeral service took place at Cosgrove parish church yesterday, Thursday.
Wolverton Express 28th January 1955
Cosgrove Funeral of Mr. T Jelley
The funeral service for Mr. Thomas Jelley took place at Cosgrove Parish Church on Thursday, 20 January, conducted by the Rector, the Rev. J S Benson.
Mr. Jelley was only eight months short of his century of years, and was believed to be the last survivor from the Zulu war in 1869. Two years later he was wounded at Majuba Hill during the First Boer War, and had drawn a disability pension for 73 years.
The family mourners were Mr. C Jelley, Mr. H Jelley, Mr. G Jelley, Mr. and Mrs. W Jelley(sons and daughter in law), Mr. and Mrs. A Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. Whitlock, Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R Coulton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lucas (sons and in law and daughters), Mr. and Mrs. W Luck, Mr. Howard Smith and Vera (grandchildren). Mr. T Jelley son was unable to attend owing to illness.
Wolverton Express 18th March 1955
Work on Cosgrove Church
The ancient parish church at Cosgrove, part of which dates back to the 12th century, needs rather more than £1600 spending on it according to the report of an architect, which the Rector, the Rev. J S Benson, has kindly let me see.
The eastern end of the church is the original work, built in about the year 1180. There is evidence of further work to the church 100 years later, and the south parapet of the nave bears the date 1586, when the roof was probably reconstructed after a fire which is said to have occurred at about that time. There are traces of medieval painting above the chancel arch. In an oval frame above the doorway in the blocked Tower arch of the church is a Royal Arms of George III.
Work of restoration has been carried out throughout the years, and a board in the vestry bears a painted message that the church was substantially repaired in the year 1770 to 1774 when the Rector was Pulter Forester DD. There are six bells in the tower, three of which are dated 1624, 1631, and 1632, and the tenor bell 1707. A small bell in a separate frame is believed to be early 18th century and is inscribed “Covington Stony Stratford”.
Nearly half of the renovations that are now required concern repointing of water. The lead on the Tower roof and the tiles on the chancel roof require relaying.
Wolverton Express 1st April 1955
Cosgrove have £100 Towards Recreation Ground
Cosgrove parish council have £100 towards the £300 target for the fund from which equipment is to be purchased for the recreation ground, the land for which has been presented to them by Mr. Hewson, son of a former Rector of Cosgrove.
This information was forthcoming at the annual parish meeting held last week. Mrs M E Jelley, chairman, presided with Mr. A Tack, clerk. Mr W. Betts said donations would be gratefully accepted. Only nine persons were present including councillors, the chairman commenting that the small attendance must be a sign of confidence in councillors’ ability to run parish affairs.
Footpath Objections
In her resume of the year, the chairman said that two footpaths had been included in the schedule, although objections were lodged by the Transport Commission, namely, the canal towpath from Cosgrove to Old Wolverton, and from Cosgrove to Yardley Gobion. Three additional street lamps had been installed; and a drain had been laid in the burial ground. Two representatives, Mr A. Rickaby and the Clerk, attended the National Jubilee conference of Parish Councils last year.
The meeting approved precept as follows: street lighting £62; burial ground maintenance £5; and parish council expenses £30. A penny rate in the parish brings in about £6 9s. Whalley’s Apprentice Charity had a balance of over £500; several grants for tools were made. Complaints were received of the dangerous road near the church, due to subsidence.
Mrs. Jelley thanked councillors for assistance during her three years chairmanship.
Wolverton Express 15th April 1955
Cosgrove New Headmistress
For several years an assistant at Cosgrove County Junior School, Mrs. Course, of Towcester, has been appointed headmistress at Cosgrove, succeeding Miss Maxey, who has become the headmistress at Moulsoe, near Newport Pagnell. Before the break ip for the Easter holidays, Roger Pollard, on behalf of the school, handed Miss Maxey a gift of a case of fruit spoons and forks.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 16 April 1955
FOR SALE £20, SINGER 8, good appearance. Luck, Thrupp Wharf, Cosgrove.
Wolverton Express 6th May 1955
Did Not Want Driving Test - Cosgrove Man Altered Date of Licence
Because he had not renewed his driving licence since 1951 and did not wish to take the driving test, a Cosgrove man altered the expiry date of his 1951 licence, Towcester magistrates were told on Tuesday. Michael Fitzgibbon, Bridge Road, Cosgrove, was fined £1 on each summons of altering a driving licence with intent to defraud, and knowingly making a false statement for the purpose of obtaining a driving licence.
In a written statement defendant said “Some weeks ago I decided to renew the licence, and when I realise that had expired in 1951 I thought I should have to take another driving test. I did not want to do that, so I altered the date.” He had not driven any vehicles during that time. The statement added “I realized it was foolish to alter the licence”. He only renewed the licence in order to keep it valid.
Wolverton Express 10th June 1955
Cosgrove Funeral of Mrs. Harriet Heap
Resident at the Little Manor, Cosgrove for 20 years, Mrs. Harriet E B Heap died on May 28 with unexpected suddenness in Northampton Hospital. Her late husband, a well-known builder and contractor in Northampton, died 20 years ago. Deceased lady was born at Wellingborough and had lived in Northamptonshire all her life. She was held in esteem by all with whom she came into contact.
The funeral was on June 2 at Cosgrove, the service in the Parish Church being conducted by the Rev. J S Benson, Rector; Mrs. Feil, organist, played for the hymns “The church’s one foundation” and “Abide with me”, also the 23rd psalm and the Nunc Dimittis. Interment was in the churchyard beside deceased husband’s grave.
Immediate mourners were: Mr. and Mrs. W R Elder, Harrogate (son in law and daughter); Miss Susan Elder and Miss Felicity Elder (granddaughters); Miss C McManee and Mr. W Hurry (friends); Mrs. M K Heap, Northampton (sister-in-law); Mr. and Mrs. P B Heap, Northampton (nephew and niece); Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elder, Berkhamstead, and Mr. and Mrs. A F Wells, and Mrs. Pocock, Northampton (friends).
Friends in Church included: Mrs. Hurry, Miss Peet, Mr. and Mrs. John Hurry, Mr. A A. Jackson-Stops representing Jackson-Stops and staff and Mr. and Mrs. K T McHugh, Mrs. J. Barrett representing Mr. and Mrs. W L Claridge, Captain and Mrs. P Y Atkinson, Mrs. J E Whiting representing Mrs. St John, Mrs. R Whiting, Mrs. P C Philpott representing Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ward and Mr. Peter Philpotts, Mr. and Mrs. W Crowder representing Mrs. Houghton., Mrs. FJ Alsop, Mrs M E Jelley, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Swan, Mrs. B Parkinson, Mrs. Harrison, Major A N Harris, Mr. A Preedy, Mr. F S SWoolard, Mrs. A. Rickaby, Mrs. N Goodridge, Mrs. A Smith, Mrs Henson, Mrs. Cummings, Mrs. A Tack, Miss Marlow, Miss Hillyer, Mrs. Brockway, Mrs. J Hebson, and Mrs. Clarke.
Wolverton Express 3rd July 1955

Rose Queen Crowned at Cosgrove
Cosgrove school’s first fete, held on Saturday last, was a great success. There was a crowning ceremony of their Rose Queen, Gillian Markham, who had as attendance Carol Praeter, Sylvia Meakins, Julia Longman, Susan Tustain, with trained bearers Wendy Markham and Janet Bailey. The fete was opened by Miss Atkinson of Paulerspury and formerly of Cosgrove Priory. A bouquet was handed to her by Roger Kightley.
Stalls and sideshows were manned by parents and friends as follows: refreshments were supervised by Mrs. Johnson, helpers Mrs. Longman, Mrs. Bushell, Mr. Brockway; sweets Mrs. Markham, Mrs. Pollard; grocery, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Kightley; fruit and vegetables, Mrs. Beasley and Mrs. Freestone; miscellaneous, Mrs. Ratledge and Mrs. Mapley; needlework and knitting, Mrs. Chown Sr. and Mrs. Chown Jr.; Books, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Mead; spinning Jenny, Mrs. Whittaker; Bran tub, Mrs. Fitzgibbon; hidden treasure, Mrs. W Castle; skittles, Mr. Hefford; darts, Mr. Hickford; sport for adults supervised by Mr. Tustain, helpers Mr. Longman and Mr. Tack; photography by Mr. V Lovesey. The doll given by Mrs. Atkinson and named Mabel was won by Mrs. F. Williams. The cricket bat given by and cricketers name chosen by Mrs. A Rickaby was won by Mr. Crowder who kindly gave it back to the school for the boys to use. A parcel containing a coconut and made up by Mrs. N Horton and a teacher at the school was won by Mrs. A. Wootton of New Bradwell. Wines presented by Major Fermor-Hesketh, were won by Mr. S Bushell, R Pollard, Mrs. Tack and Mr D. Tompkins. A cake made and presented by Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Stubbs was won by Mrs. A Castle of Leighton Buzzard, weight 5lb 12oz. The hidden treasure, prize a chicken given by Mrs. Mapley, was won by Mrs. C Hill. Mister A. Tompkins was gatekeeper and Mrs. M Castle collected with the doll. Mrs. Kightley collected with the bat.
The staff of Cosgrove School wish to extend grateful thanks to all kind helpers and to all who sent gifts to the school. The amount taken was £62 9s.
Wolverton Express 8th July 1955
Nurse a Bride at Cosgrove

Mrs. Nancy Martin was given away by her grandfather, Mr G. Williams, for her marriage with Mr. William Thomas Wootton at Cosgrove Parish Church on Saturday. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. W Meaks, of 1 The Stocks Cosgrove, and the bridegroom a son of Mrs. Tysoe, of 70 High Street Potterspury and the late Mr. Wootton.
The service was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. J S Benson, and Mr. W Smith was organist for hymns “Love divine” and “Lead us heavenly Father” and voluntaries.
Wearing white lace and net over taffeta with a headdress of orange blossom and diamante, the bride was attended by her friends Margaret Thompson and Elizabeth Smith. They wore turquoise figured taffeta dresses and carried white and pink rose sprays and ivory prayer books. The bride’s bouquet was of cream and pink roses. Mr. Gerald Wootton, bridegroom’s uncle, was best man.
Following the service the bride was handed wooden spoons by her brother John Martin. The reception in the village hall Cosgrove was attended by 84 guests. The honeymoon is at Hastings.
Gifts are exchanged between bride and bridegroom work travelling case and signet ring. The numerous gifts they received includes a set of covers from the Potterspury football club and sheets, pillow cases and table linen from the Reindeer Darts team. The bride is a nurse at Northampton General Hospital and the bridegroom a finisher in the Wolverton Railway Works.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 09 July 1955
Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson of Claremont Avenue. Stony Stratford, celebrated their golden wedding last Saturday. Before coming to Stony Stratford, they lived at Cosgrove for many years. They have lived in Stony Stratford for 27 years. Mr. Johnson, a retired railwayman, had a lengthy service in running the heating services, which he served in the maintenance department. Many congratulations from relatives and friends have been received.
Wolverton Express 15th July 1955
Cosgrove Bride at Stony Stratford
Mr. Clifford Brewer made his daughter’s wedding cake when she was married with Mr. Michael James Jones on Saturday at St James’s Church, Stony Stratford. The bride, Miss Iris Christina Brewer, is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, of 18 the Green, Cosgrove. The bridegroom is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones, of 74 Buckingham Street, Wolverton.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of white net over taffeta with lace motifs and embroidered with teardrop pearls and diamante. She had a Tudor headdress with half veil, and carried a bouquet of red roses and trailing fern.
The bridesmaids, Miss Pat Jones, chief (bridegroom’s sister) and Miss Beryl Smith (friend), wore full length dresses of turquoise taffeta, with pink feathered headdresses studied with diamante. They had matching long nylon gloves and carried bouquets of pink roses.

Mr. Brian Taylor bridegroom’s cousin was best man. The Rev. K W Wright (vicar of St Mary’s) conducted the service during which the hymns “O perfect love” and “Lead us heavenly father” were sung.
Three lucky horseshoes were handed to the bride by her brother Cliff, Marion Sanders (friend) and Marion Gasburn (cousin). 50 guests attended a reception in the Scouts Hall Stony Stratford, the bride and bridegroom later leaving for their honeymoon at Bournemouth. Many useful gifts were received, including a table lamp from the bride’s colleagues and china plates from the bridegroom’s workmates. Mr. and Mrs. Jones’s future home will be at Debbs Close, Stony Stratford.
Wolverton Express 19th August 1955
Holiday Tragedy in Canal Lock
A six year old boy fell into the canal at Cosgrove on Tuesday and was drowned. He was Derek Royston Church, whose parents lived at 39 Wiltshire avenue, Swindon, and was on holiday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Clarke, at 16 Bridge Road, Cosgrove. Several children from Wolverton were near the Lock and saw the boy fall and gave the alarm.
Rescue Attempt
Mr. Ron Spencer, of 25 Manor Close, Cosgrove, who was fishing about 300 yards away, ran to the scene. He swam around and searched the water, but without success. Two hours after the boy had fallen his body was recovered from the basin just outside the Lock.
At the inquest at Towcester yesterday, Mr. J S Budge (Coroner) returned a verdict of accidental death from drowning. A 12 year old Wolverton boy, William Arthur Sharman, of 2 Aylesbury Street, said he saw a little boy trailing a stroll round in the water. He was not looking where he was going.
“I was going to shout to him that he was near the age when he fell,” said William. The boy said he told a lady and also ran to the pits and shouted to the main it did not think they heard him. The lady told the men afterwards. PC Lett said it appeared that the boy fell over a recess 18 inches deep on the Lock wall.
Wolverton Express 9th September 1955
Manure on the Road - Farmer and Employees Fined
Complaints by some Cosgrove residents and also guests at a wedding about the dirty state of the road at Cosgrove led PC Fiddy to investigate. At Towcester Magistrates Court on Tuesday Philip David Luck, aged 23, Church View Castlethorpe, and Owen Spencer Bull, aged 25, Slated Row, Old Wolverton, both tractor drivers, were summoned for being in charge of a tractor and manures spreader, and allowing manure to drop on the highway.
The alleged offence took place at Cosgrove on August 11 and was brought under the County Bylaws. Richard Holt Maycock aged 58, a Farmer, Wolverton Mill, Wolverton, was summoned for aiding and abetting the offences.
The PC Fiddy said that on the road at Cosgrove he saw a considerable amount of earth manure and straw, and this continued for a distance. He saw Luck driving a tractor with the manure spreader attached and saw a quantity of manure fall from the sides and rear. Luck said “It is a bit of a mess but I’m just doing what the boss told me.”
Mud on shoes
For a distance of 270 yards there was manure of a slimy nature on the road. An affected portion of the road was by the church, and there was a wedding in progress and several women guests had to walk across the road, and their shoes were covered in mud.
Defendant Maycock told him “We have got to get the muck and we must go on the road”.
Boyle said “I drive a tractor and muck spreader along the road as many times as the boss tells me.” Each defendant was fined £1.
Wolverton Express 23rd September 1955
Youth (19) said “I cannot read”
A 19 year old youth residing at Cosgrove was said to have told a police constable that he was unable to read after no entry signs had been pointed out to him in a Wellingborough street. Henry Albert Joseph Wilson, a machine adjuster, of Lock House, Cosgrove, was fined £1 at Wellingborough Magistrates Court on Friday last for riding a motorcycle in the wrong direction in a one way street. Superintendent W A Roche said inquiries revealed that Wilson was unable to read, although to obtain a driving licence he had to declare that he could read a number plate at 25 yards.
Wolverton Express 7th October 1955
Cosgrove Baptist Church held their harvest festival services on Sunday, which were conducted by the Rev. R J Walker. There were good congregations at the afternoon and evening services.
The sale of produce was held on Monday, and proceeds from the sale and collections on Sunday were divided between church funds and the Northants Association for the Blind.
Wolverton Express 21st October 1955
Married at Cosgrove - Miss Beryl Tompkins : Mr. Jack Taylor
Married at SS Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, on Saturday, were Miss Beryl Margaret Tompkins and Mr. Jack Taylor. The bride who is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A Tompkins of 13, Bridge Road, Cosgrove, was given away by her father. She wore a full length dress of white net and lace over taffeta trimmed with dew drop pearls, and a headdress of orange blossom and full length veil lent by a friend. She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds and wore a string of pearls.
The bridegroom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor of 16 Eastlee Drive Tingley near Wakefield Yorkshire.
There were three bridesmaids, Miss Rosemary Hebson, chief (friend), Miss Irene Beasley (brides niece) and Miss Hilary Taylor (bridegroom’s niece). The elder maid wore a dress of blue net over taffeta with matching mittens and feathered headdress and carried a bouquet of cream rosebuds. The two small bridesmaids wore white net dresses over taffeta trimmed with red rosebuds and carried muffs.
Mr. Dennis Albert Tompkins (bride’s brother) was best man.
The marriage was officiated by the Rev. J W Benson, rector, Mr. W Smith, organist, played for the hymn “Lead us heavenly Father lead us” the 23rd psalm, a wedding march, and “I’ll walk beside you.”
And the church the bride was handed horse shoes by Miss I Goodger and Miss M. Taylor, a boot by Miss I. Beasley and a wooden spoon by Miss J Longman.
A reception was held in the Victory Hall, when 40 guests attended. The bride and bridegroom left for the honeymoon in London, the bride travelling in a beige coat and dress with tan accessories.
Many gifts were received, including a monetary gift from the bride’s workmates at Messrs. McCorquodale and Co Ltd Wolverton, and a canteen of cutlery from the staff and workmates of the bridegroom at High Precision Equipment Co Bletchley.
Eight congratulatory telegrams and two wedding cards were received. The bride’s bouquet was afterwards sent to her grandmother. The bridegroom’s gift to the bride was a dressing table set, and the reciprocal gift a dressing gown. The bridegroom gave the elder bridesmaid a diamante necklet and the smaller maids silver lockets and chains.
Wolverton Express 11th November 1955
This service in the afternoon at the Parish Church was very well attended. The British Legion branch paraded with their Standard. In the unavoidable absence of Captain P Y Atkinson, the wreath was laid by Major the Hon. J Fermor-Hesketh. The Rector, the Rev. J S Benson, conducted the service and the address was given by Mr. F C Lucas, an army scripture reader, who was in the 17th Lancers and for many years in India. The collection for the Earl Haig Fund amounted to £6 5s.
Wolverton Express 11th November 1955
Towcester RDC Call a Special Meeting
“I think we should decide to put sewerage schemes in every one of our villages, but I don’t think there is one member here who will say every scheme carried out”, declared and Mr R. Ridgway during a policy discussion on sewerage and sewage disposal schemes for the Towcester RDC.
Schemes are already installed at Silverstone, Cosgrove, Deanshanger, Old Stratford, Potterspury Wicken and Yardley Gobion.
Wolverton Express 11th November 1955
A display of Christmas decorations was given at the meeting of Cosgrove WI by Mrs. Batten (Rothersthorpe). She showed some lovely specimens taken from fields and hedgerows and changed after a little inexpensive treatment into decorations that word be called to many of the expensive kind. Mrs. L. Clarke thanked the speaker.
Mrs. Batten judged the competition for autumn leaves and berries, which drew ten entries. Winners were Mrs. Jelley, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. C. Brockway, who presided. Nominations were taken for the election of officers and committee at the next meeting. Tea was served by Mrs. Hillyer, Miss Marlow, Mrs Hebson and Mrs. F. Hillyer. Next month’s competition is for the best Christmas decoration for the home.
Wolverton Express 25th November 1955
The captain of the New Bradwell St Peter’s Football Club, Mr. Ronald Gray was married with Miss Betty Jean Hillyer at SS Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove on Saturday. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F R Hillyer, of 34 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, and the bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J Gray, of 151 Newport Road New Bradwell.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full skirted white net dress over taffeta, trimmed with silver beads and sequins, a pearl headdress and a diamante necklace and earrings. She carried a spray of deep pink roses, a lily of the valley and heather.
There were four bridesmaids, Peggy Hillyer (chief), the bride’s sister; Beryl Gray (bridegroom’s sister), Susan Childs (bride’s cousin) and Christine Driver (friend). The elder attendants wore full skirted dresses of rose pink lace and met with matching flowered headdress and elbow length mittens, and carried white carnations, roses and heather. The young maids wore yellow dresses and headdresses and carried muffs. Mr E. Aries, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, was best man.
The service was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. J S Benson, and the organist, Mr. W Smith, played for the hymns “Lead us heavenly Father” and “Love divine”.
Gifts to the bride after the ceremony were from Alvin Barby, Jenny Gray, Lavinia Hillyer, Susan Childs, Nigel Blackburn and the bride’s grandmother Mrs. A Hillyer. The reception at the Victory Hall was attended by 90 guests. The honeymoon is being spent in London, the bride’s going away dress being of dusty pink shade with a kingfisher blue hat and coat.
The numerous gifts included a monetary present from workmates at McCorquodales and a coffee percolator and mirror from the staff of Barclays Bank at Bletchley where the bridegroom is employed. The elder bridesmaids received nylons and the younger maids pearls from the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Gray’s future home is at 35 Cottingham Grove, Bletchley.
Wolverton Express 2nd December 1955
A Record Sum for Cosgrove Church
A record sum was raised when SS Peter and Paul Church Cosgrove held a sale in the Victory Hall on Friday evening. The £80 raised, which was £17 more than any previous total, will go to church funds, with special emphasis on the need for relaying the church tower roof.
The opener was Mrs. W M Douglass, of Stony Stratford, who was introduced by the Rector, the Rev. J S Benson. A vote of thanks was given by Captain E G Purser, and Judith Hefford presented Mrs. Douglass with a bouquet.
There was a wide variety of stalls with a good display other articles for sale. Stallholders and helpers were Mesdames D Feil, P Y Atkinson, Harris, Hebson, F. Hillyer, E. Lambert, C Brockway, G Beasley, W. Brockway, J S Benson, Brassington, Durant, Elder, J. Johnson, Stubbs, Barton, the Misses M Feil, Hickford, Marlow, Hillyer, Messrs. L Feil, E Lambert, J. Higgins and Keith Stubbs.
Wolverton Express 20th December 1955
Twins born on Christmas Eve
Formerly a resident in a caravan at Cosgrove, Mrs. Vera Williams gave birth to twins on Christmas Eve at Westbury Maternity Home. Her husband has now obtained a home at a farm cottage at Haversham. They have four children.
Wolverton Express 6th January 1956
Cosgrove Legion Fete Raised £100
COSGROVE Hall grounds were an ideal venue for the fete last Saturday organised by the village branch of the British Legion. The residents gave their full support with many visitors enjoying the amenities of the well-appointed grounds. There were numerous attractions and the day proved most enjoyable and financially successful, the sum of £100 being raised.
Commander D. Lawson of Passenham Manor was introduced by an American visitor to Cosgrove Hall. and also present were the Hon. Mrs D. Lawson, the Hon Major John Fermor Hesketh, Capt P. Y. Atkinson (Branch President), and vice-presidents Capt. F G. Purser and Major-General W. A Scott. CB. CBE. Commander Lawson in declaring the fete open said one felt very proud to be in the British Legion because it existed to foster fellowship and comradeship. Those who had been in battle knew just what those works meant, but most of them could not define the words other than to say that it drew people together. The Legion was doing a great work and all members of the community recognised that it was a great service to ex-Service men and their dependants.
Many Crack Shots
Many Crack shots competed for the cash prize of £7 7s in the clay pigeon contest and this eventually went to game-keeper Mr. C J. Spademan of Wicken. In charge were Mr. A Tompkins and Mr. D. Tompkins.
There were many competitors for the beauty contest for which a Silver cup valued at £25 became the proud possession of 15 year old Margaret Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Tom Smith of 11 Warren Road, Yardley Gobion. Mrs Steel was reputed to have the best shapely ankles for which the prize was a pair of nylons. Other prize-winners were: skittles Mr. D. Cannings (pin of beer): darts. Mr. R Hickford (bottle of port); stepping the chain, Mr. J. Martin (10s): treasure hunt, Mrs D. Hillyer (£1); bowling for pig (given by Mr. Maycock), winner Miss B Cummings Cosgrove: ladder contest. Mrs Hillyer (basket of fruit).
Mr W. Coles and Mr. P. Lyman (bowling for pig); Miss J Hefford (pony rides). A competition for giving the name to a doll was run by Mrs Horton on behalf of the Cosgrove Parent-Teachers' Association. A licensed bar was run by Mr. Den Horne of the Watts Inn, Hanslope, who was assisted by Mr. H Smith, Mr. Jones and Mr. J. Pollard. Music during the proceedings was arranged by Mr. J Boss of Hanslope Park. Gate stewards were Mr. F. W. Castle and Mr. O. Smith. The secretarial duties were ably discharged by Mr. E R Brown, with Mr. P. Long (chairman), Mr P. Lyman (vice-chairman), Mr. J. Pollard (treasurer) and Mr. R. Longman (Welfare Officer), assisted by the committee previously named, also Mr. A. T. Noble. Thanks of the committee are extended to all who generously supported the effort, the result of which will enable the Legion work to be carried silently in the village.
Wolverton Express 3rd February 1956
The Church of "Lost" Village May Go
THE ancient church of the “lost” village of Furtho, which thousands of people in the district have never even seen, may soon disappear. If Northamptonshire County Council agree, the building will be completely demolished, with no trace of what was once the central part of a village community. The mystery of what happened to Furtho village has for long intrigued the local historians. It was 'Forho' in the Domesday Book, and although there are traces of a sizeable village in the earth-works and banks, it was almost depopulated by the enclosures in the reign of James I. Then the road from Northampton to Stony Stratford, which ran through the village, was diverted and the village faded away. In the 1801 Census there were two houses and nine inhabitants.
Regular services
But the church continued to draw congregations from the neighbouring villages of Cosgrove, Potterspury and Yardley Gobion, and there are still residents who recall walking across the fields to the church for services each Sunday afternoon. The last divine service held here is believed to have been harvest festival just before the last war, when the service was conducted by the Rev. R. Beesley. During the war the church as used as a store for national archives and a rent paid to the trustees.
The church of St. Bartholomew, Furtho, has a quaint picturesque exterior, but dates only from 1620, when it was rebuilt by Edward Furtho.
Rectors for 700 years
It has a squat embattled tower, a nave measuring only 25 feet by 18 feet, and a chancel 24 feet by 14 feet. Only one monument is inside, taken from the older church (Anthony Furtho) from which brasses have been stripped. There is no description of the original building, but the list of rectors (which is kept in Potterspury church) goes back to the year 1226. "Aubrey of Pury" was the first and later, in 1329, William Gobioun, of Jerdele (Yardley) occurs, an interesting link with the name of that village. One of the late rectors, Nicholas Dobree, had, besides the living of Furtho, a benefice in the Isle of Guernsey. One wonders how he managed! It is understood that the late Bishop of Peterborough was very concerned that the building should not fall into ruin and requested that the County Council should accept it as a gift, so that they could demolish it at their convenience.
(We are indebted to Mr. C. H. Green, of Wolverton. for the historical data concerning the church).
Wolverton Express Spring 1956
Spring Fayre at Cosgrove for Hall Funds
Cosgrove resident rallied round the trustees and officers of the Victory Hall in an effort to raise funds to provide new curtains and the cost of decorating the hall when a Spring Fayre was held last Saturday. The helpful sum of £65 was raised.
Mrs P. Y. Atkinson of the Priory introduced and welcomed Lady Hesketh, who performed the opening ceremony. Lady Hesketh said as it was a good thing for a village to possess a nice hall like that at Cosgrove where the residents could meet for sociaI occasions. She was sure many villages would like to have such a hall. A bouquet was handed to Lady Hesketh by Wendy Markham and thanks were voiced by Mr. J. Hebson (Hall chairman)
The Helpers
Stalls and workers: Mr. J. Hefford (skittles). Mr. L Lynham and Mr. D. Cannings (darts). Mr. and Mrs A. Rickaby (Tombola). Mrs. M Jelley, Mrs. N. Castle. Mrs Longman, Mrs J. Brockway and Mrs. Beasley (Womens Institute stall), Mrs. K. Jones, Mrs. J. Hebson and Mrs. J. Hefford (Jumble). Mrs. Lavington. Mrs. G. Hickford andd Mrs Chown (refreshments), Julia Longman and Bridget Cummings (soaps and handkerchiefs). Hazel Lavington and Sue Tustain (spinning Jenny), Mrs. T. Kightley and Mrs. J. Hebson (produce) Mr. L. Priestley and Mr. Gallop (ground skittles). Mrs Whittaker and Mrs. W. Castle (boots and clothing). Mr. Hebson and Mrs. Beasley (hidden treasure). Mr. A Noble was door steward. There were competitions for champagne given by Mr Wheatley, Stony Stratford and Chocolates by Mrs. Jelley and port and sherry by Major Hesketh. Mrs. B. J Rudd, Stony Stratford gave the bouquet.
A whist drive was held in the evening. Mrs. J. Johnson took a large share in organising the effort. The Hall officers are Mr. J. Hebson (chairman). Mr. J. Hefford (secretary) and Mr Rickaby (treasurer).
Wolverton Express 27th April 1956
Furtho Church Not for Demolition
Because of objections by residents at the annual Potterspury Parish Church Council meeting, the ancient church of Furtho is not to be demolished. In February last we reported that the late Bishop of Peterborough offered Furtho Church to the Northamptonshire County Council for demolition and the Council accepted. We are now informed that the consent of the parishioners had to be sought before demolition could take place. The Rev. R. G. Richards. Vicar of Potterspury, informs us: " Potterspury Church Council was almost unanimous in the resentment of the fact of demolishing it and as a result of their opposition there is a probability that the structure of Furth° Church will remain as it is."
Wolverton Express 18th May 1956
Only twelve persons over the age of 65 attended the party arranged for them by Cosgrove Women's Institute and held in the Victory Hall recently. It was a combined party for the institute members, and the company numbered about fifty. An excellent meat tea was served by the officers and committee, Mesdames C. Brockway (President), who welcomed the gathering, especially the over 65's, W. Brockway (secretary), K. Jones (treasurer). J. John-son, J. Hebson, G. Beasley, Whittaker, J. Hefford, D. Chown (junior), W. H. Mackerness, and L. Clark. Prizes for games were generously given by Mrs. R. Whiting. Winners of card games were Mrs. C. Ratledge, Mrs. R. Castle, and Mr. J. Higgins. Mrs. M. Jelley was M.C.
Contributing to the social programme were Mrs. M. Jelley, Mrs. J. Johnson (humorous numbers) and Mrs. R. Whiting (songs). There was also dancing to complete a most enjoyable party.
Wolverton Express July 1956
Many Attractions At Cosgrove Fete
The large crowd at Cosgrove Conservative Association fete last Saturday, held in the well-appointed Cosgrove Hall grounds, the home of Major the Hon. John Fermor Hesketh and Mrs. Hesketh, had plenty in which to entertain themselves. Lady Markham, wife of the North Bucks Member, opened the proceedings, and during the afternoon Sir Reginald Manningham Buller, Member for South Northants, gave an address.
Lady Markham said that in North Bucks they thought they had a grimmer fight than in South Northants, and they were thankful for all the help they could get. She brought the best wishes of her husband and members of the Bucking-ham Conservative Association. She continued, "Your Conservative Government has done very well in the time they have been in, in keeping up your standard of living and in •helping in every way they can. But they have a very grim task before them, as we go forward into this nuclear age with nuclear problems".
The speaker went on to thank other villages and towns who were helping with the fete. A bouquet was handed to Lady Markham by Julia Elder. Lady Markham had been welcomed by Mrs. Fermor Hesketh, who said her husband sent his good wishes from America. There were numerous side-shows, and entertainment during the afternoon included clay pigeon shooting bowling for a pig walking the greasy pole, and a comic dog show.
Fancy-Dress Winners Winners of the fancy-dress competition, judged by Lady Markham and Mrs. Fermor Hesketh, were: under 8 years, 1 Linda Pollard (Hawaiian girl), 2 Roger Kightley (Do it yourself); over 8, 1 Rodney Whatton (robot), 2 Lesley Kightley (witch). During the late afternoon Sir Reginald Manningham-Buller, Q.C., Member for the Division, addressed the gathering on current affairs. Stallholders were : Mesdames G. Goodridge, M. Ratledge, P. Loughrey (white elephant); Miss J. S. Messinger, Mesdames A. A. Greaves, W. Hefford, D. ISmith (cakes); Mesdames D. Gascoyne. A. Tompkins, and W. Betts (vegetables and pro-duce); Mesdames A. Rickaby, P. Millward, E. F. Maltby, C. R. Whiting, M. Holmes, S. Hinch, Bridge, and H. Dickens (tombola); Mesdames W. Brockway, F. Chown. D. Chown, and Dunkley (needle-work); Mesdames A. G. Cold-well, Wincott, Guy Watson, and Bignall (lucky parcel): Mr. J. C. Barton (treasure hunt); Mesdames Taylor, F. Marchant. Freemantle, Rosemary Tompkins. Miss Celia Freemantle. and Mr. Arthur Townsend (bottle stall); Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson (See Yourself as Others See You); Mr. J. Hebson (skittles); H. J. Smith, D. Chown (darts); Mr. Tomp-kins, Mr. Goodridge (bowling for pig); Mesdames 0. Johnson. J. Hebson. J. Kightley, Miss Marlow, Miss Hillyer (re-freshments): Mr. Hickford (greasy pole). Mr. D. Tompkins was in charge of dancing in the evening. Gate stewards were Mr. W. Brockway and Mr. J. Higgins. Comic Dog Show The comic dog show proved an interesting diversion from sideshows and this section was organized by the Hon. Mrs. D. Lawson, of Passenham Manor, and Mrs. J. McNeil. Winners were : Dog with cleverest trick, Miss Wake: most handsome dog, Mrs. Richards: dog most like its owner, Mrs. Fermor Hesketh; largest dog with shortest tail, Miss K. McNeil; smallest dog with longest tail, Mrs. Fermor Hesketh; dog with the prettiest owner. Caroline Lawson; dog and owner race, Miss Kay McNeil.
Farmers and gun enthusiasts came from a wide area to compete for the cash prizes for clay pigeon shooting. There was a continual stream of contestants and it was after 8 p.m. when the competition closed. Winner of the £10 prize was Mr. C. J. Spademan of Wood-newton, near Peterborough, a brother of Mr. S. J. Spademan, keeper at Wicken. Mr. Miles was the runner-up. The shoot was organized by Capt. P. Y. Atkinson and Col. E. F Maltby, C.B.E., with Mr. Jack Glenfield, the trapper, and the Misses Atkinson (scorers). Winner of bowling for a pig was Mr. Preston; darts winner for a pin of ale was Mr. Sid Ratledge; and table skittles (10s.), Mr. J. Skevington. At the close Capt. Guy Watson (Divisional Agent) thanked helpers and supporters for making the fete most successful. The organization was fortunate in having the energetic services of Mr. C. F. Dunkley, who discharged the secretarial duties most efficiently.
Wolverton Express 20th July 1956
A Kindly Thought at Cosgrove
Sir,On Wednesday of last week Mr. Ron Hills, of Mounthill Avenue, Old Stratford, took a party of Cosgrove old age pensioners in his bus to Woburn Abbey. It was a glorious day and all enjoyed the visit to this historical abbey and its treasures and wonderful park, and when Mr. Hills bought everyone a cup of tea it was good to see the delight and hear the thanks of the old people, who will never as long as they live forget the kindly thought and care of this young man.
Wolverton Express 20th July 1956
For about three months the customers of the "Barley Mow", Cosgrove, will have to visit the Barge inn, for their drink. On Monday last the Barley Mow closed in order that internal structural alterations can be carried out to bring the house up to more modern requirements. When that work is carried out, Messrs. P. Phipps and Co. will close the Barge, which has served the village and bargees for over a century. Mrs. Bushell and her late husband have been licensees at the Barley Mow for 23 years. Mrs. Bushell is to live with her son, Archie, who is licensee of the Anchor inn, Potterspury. For many years there were three licensed houses in Cosgrove. The Plough was closed about two years ago. All three houses belonged to Phipps's.
Wolverton Express 17th August 1956
The August meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held at Dower House, Cosgrove, the home of Mrs. R. Rickaby, the president. An interesting talk was given by Mrs. Inchbold, who was thanked by Miss F. Sigwart and Ann Rickaby presented Mrs. Inchbold with a basket of fruit and flowers. On behalf of the members Francis Donavon presented Mrs. Rickaby with a bouquet in gratitude of her work for the league. On account of the weather tea was served in the house instead of in the garden as planned, members returning by coach after having spent a very enjoyable afternoon.
Wolverton Express 16th November 1956
Public House Closes After 100 Years
NOT very long ago, Cosgrove could boast of having three public houses in the village and a fourth on the way to Castlethorpe. Recent years have seen the closing of "The Plough", and at mid-day on Tuesday "The Barge" closed its doors for the last time as a public house. At Towcester Magistrates' Court on Tuesday Mr. Sidney Eglesfield, the licensee of The Barge for the past eleven years, was granted the permanent transfer of the licence of the "Barley Mow'' which has been closed for some time while it has been fully modernised.
80 years' History
The Barge has been a public house for about 100 years, and much of that history is known by Mrs. Florence Eglesfield who was born there 80 years ago. She is a daughter of Jonah Brown, who ran the inn as a free house before selling it to P. Phipps and Co. Ltd., about 1900. Mrs. Eglesfield was never the licensee, but her brother, Mr. George Brown, held the licence for about 50 years until his death early in the last war. Mrs. Eglesfield still lives in a house at the bottom of The Barge yard. From the time that the late Mr. Jonah Brown commenced the public house it was always in the hands of the family. As the name implied, it catered for many of the barge-folk that sailed past only a few yards away, as well as for the locals from the village. There was a party at The Barge on Monday night when the customers had the last drink in the house "on the house ".
Wolverton Express 4th January 1957
An attractive shelter has been erected at Cosgrove crossroads for the convenience of bus passengers. The design of the shelter is similar to a number which have been erected in rural areas to commemorate the Coronation of the Queen and follows a suggestion of design by the Rural Community Councils. It is constructed of weatherlap elm boards with rough edge, on oak posts and frame for sides and back, and colt cedar shingles roof, thus giving a rough finish which blends with the surroundings. The materials were prepared and given by Major the Hon John B Fermor-Hesketh of Cosgrove Hall, and was erected by voluntary labour.
A shelter has been needed a long while, especially to protect children waiting for transport, and during consideration of the question by the Parish Council Major Fermor-Hesketh generously offered to supply all the materials provided volunteers would build it.
The Parish Council is very grateful to Major Fermor-Hesketh and to the volunteers and hope that all who take shelter will try to preserve the building.
Wolverton Express 11th January 1957
Death of Mrs Amy Hillyer
Well known in the Cosgrove area for her monologues and recitations at social functions, Mrs Amy Hillyer died on January 1st at her home, 6 Yardley Road Cosgrove aged 79 years. Until less than a year ago Mrs. Hillyer had continued to recite from memory. She also did beautiful needlework from her own designs. A native of the City of London, being born in Rider Street, Mrs. Hillyer came to Cosgrove 53 years ago and resided in the South Northants village for the remainder of her life. She was held in esteem by a wide circle of friends. Her husband, Mr. Frank Hillyer, died several years ago.
The funeral was on January 3rd, the service in the Parish Church being conducted by the Rev. J. S. Benson (Rector). Interment was in the cemetery. Mourners were Mr. and Mrs. F. Hillyer, and Mr. K Hillyer (sons and daughter-in-a law). Mr. and Mrs. H. Child, 11 Marlow (son-in-law and daughter), Mr. D. Hillyer, Miss P. E Hillyer and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gray (grandchildren), Mr. E. Brockhouse, Old Stratford (brother-in-law), Mrs. T. Clewitt, Stony Stratford (niece), Miss M. Hillyer. Miss G. Marlow, and Mr. Royston Moseley, New Bradwell (friends). The Stony Stratford branch British Legion Women's Section, of which deceased lady was a member, was represented by Mrs. Swann (secretary) and Mrs. Lucas. Several friends were also present. Floral tributes were from Frank and Myrtle; Ern and Elsie: Nancy and Harry; Betty and Ron: Douglas, Doreen, and Nigel; Peggy and Roy: Tony and Susan; All, Aloise. and Joyce: Alice, Ernest. and family; May, Will and Edna (Calgary, Canada): Alice Tony, and family: Edie and Vi; Mary, Gertrude. and Lucy; Alvin: Mrs. Child and family (New Bradwell); May Norton; Joyce Martial; Auntie Ethel; le Mr. and Mrs. Gray; Grace and Philip Atkinson: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Hooton, and Win; ) Mrs. F. Eglesfield and family: Mr. and Mrs. F. Barby; Mr. id and Mrs. Eglesfield, and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. Neb.: son; Friends at the Mission Hall; British Legion Womens Section. Stony Stratford. Messrs. Betts and Faulkner Ltd, Stony Stratford were the funeral furnishers.
Wolverton Express 11th January 1957
She Ran Canal Side Clinic for 25 Years

FOR about 25 years Sister Mary Ward, O.B.E., who lives by the canal-side at Stoke Bruerne, has been nurse to those who work the boats up and down the canal. For 15 years she did the work of tending to the sick barge-folk in a voluntary capacity and then became recognised with an appointment by the Ministry of Health. For her services to the boat people, Mrs. Ward was awarded the Order of the British Empire about five years ago.
Now Sister Mary, at the age of 72, has retired from nursing the barge-folk. But she did not do so until the British Waterways Commission had set up a surgery in place of the one that she conducted at Stoke Bruerne. The new surgery is at Bulls Bridge, Southall, with Sister Joy the nurse.
"The boat people don't like the surgery at Southall, be-cause they wanted it at a half-way point along the canal" said Mrs. Drage, a daughter of Sister Mary. Before going to Stoke Bruerne Sister Mary was a nurse at Earls Barton.
British Waterways gift
The last day of 1956 will always be remembered by Sister Mary, for she was then the guest in London at the British Waterways Commission Headquarters at Southall, where she was entertained to lunch and presented with a maritime eight day clock in appreciation of her services.
Later that same day Sister Mary went to the canteen at the Head Office of the Commission, where as many barge-folk as it was possible to assemble were present and she was handed gifts from them. They consisted of a silver salver and a Georgian silver tea-pot. The gifts were handed to Sister Mary by Mrs. Hanbridge, who was one of the babies she brought into the world, and now has a large family of her own. Sister Mary did a lot to improve the education of many children born in barges and also persuaded many mothers to attend clinics prior to babies being born. "The boat-people think the world of Mrs. Ward" a Stoke Bruerne resident told the "Express."
Wolverton Express 25th January 1957
Death of Mr. C. F. Dunkley The death took place in Northampton Hospital on Saturday of Mr. Cecil Frazer Dunkley, aged 72, of Ivy Cottage. Cosgrove. He was taken suddenly ill at home. Mr. Dunkley had resided in the village since 1948, following his retirement as assistant theatre controller for the Provincial Cinematograph Theatres Ltd. He was an authority on cinema management and a for-mer manager of the Gaumont Cinema, Northampton. At Cosgrove Mr. Dunkley was treasurer of the village Conservative Association and had given considerable assistance in many ways. He leaves a widow and two sons.
An Appreciation
Cosgrove has lost a sincere, friend in the sudden death of Mr. Cecil Dunkley. He will be greatly missed in the village by the many whom he so generously befriended by countless kind actions. His time was at everyone's disposal, always cheerful, and with a great sense of humour. His flair for organising and meticulous sense of detail resulted in the raising of thousands of pounds for his favourite charity, the Cinema Benevolent Society, of which he was one of the founders. He will long retain an affectionate place in our thoughts and memories. Our sympathy goes out in great measure to Mrs. Dunkley in her sad bereavement, and to his two sons.
Wolverton Express 15th February 1957
A resident in Cosgrove for about fifty years until seven years ago and affectionately known there as “Auntie Lotte” Mrs Charlotte Nightingale Lambert died in Renny Lodge Hospital on February 4th aged 84.
Mrs Lambert went to live at Cosgrove at the time of her marriage and lived in the cottage next to the Barley Mow. Her husband, Mr Joseph Lambert, who was a farm worker, died 30 years ago. She had such a joyful disposition that she endeared herself to the residents.
Seven years ago Mrs Lambert moved to live with her daughter, Mrs J Frost, at 22 Glyn Street New Bradwell. She had been in hospital at Newport Pagnell and Northampton for three months.
Methodist Church Service
The funeral service on Thursday of last week in the New Bradwell Methodist Church was conducted by the Rev W Tooley. Mrs Lambert’s favourite hymn, “Through all the changing scenes of life,” was sung, and “In heavenly love abiding.” Mrs Woodward was the organist.
Family mourners were: Mr and Mrs J Frost (son in law and daughter), Mr and Mrs F Lambert and Mr and Mrs W Lambert (sons and daughters in law), Mrs J Tapp (sister in law), Mrs E Bauld (niece),
Floral tributes were inscribed from: John and Lil “in heavenly love abiding”, Fred and Lil “gone but not forgotten”, Will and Dorothy “God bless you mother”, Dear sister, Liz and Albert; Dear gran, Ricky and Eric; Dear nana, Hilary Nigel and Eve; Kate and family; Fan, Stella and Jim; Jim Rose and family; Mr and Mrs Vye and girls; Doll, Eric and family; Mr and Mrs Brookes and family; Mr and Mrs Whitehead and Ken; Friends and neighbours of Spencer, High, Glyn and School Streets.
Messrs A W Gurney and Son conducted the funeral arrangements.
Wolverton Express 15th March 1957
An officer of Cosgrove Branch Conservative Association since its inception over 30 years ago, Mr. Herbert Gascoyne, aged 81, passed away on March 8 in Renny Lodge hospital. His home was at 18 Bridge Road. He had experienced indifferent health for some time. In April last Mr. and Mrs. Gascoyne celebrated their golden wedding. Deceased was employed as a wood machinist in Wolverton railway works for 36 years. He served with the Colours for nine years, and one task was to guard Boer Prisoners in Ceylon during the South African war. Of a quiet disposition Mr. Gascoyne was held in esteem by all with whom he came into contact. He leaves a widow and five children. The service in Cosgrove Parish Church on Wednesday was conducted by the Rev. J. S. Benson (Rector). Mr. L. Eales played for the hymn "Thine for ever." The 90th Psalm was said, Cremation was at Milton.
Mourners were : Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gascoyne, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gascoyne (sons and daughters-in--law); Mr. and Mrs. A. Loughrey, Mr. and Mrs. S. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. N. Goodridge (daughters and sons-in-law); Mr. S. Gascoyne (brother); Mrs. F. Walmsley (sister-in-law) ; Miss Gladys Loughrey, Mr. Peter Goodridge, Miss Brenda Goodridge, Mr. John Loughrey, Mrs. Cowan, and Mrs. A. W. Jelly (grand-children) ; Miss V. Walmsley (sister-in-law); Mrs. A. Holiday. Unable to attend were: Mrs. D Gascoyne (wife), through illness; Mrs. F. Kightley, Yardley Gobion (sister); Mr. A. Gascoyne, and Mr. B. Goodridge, and Mr. A. W. Jelly (grand-children). Also present in Church were Captain P. Y. and Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. B, Ratledge, Mrs. A. G. Jelly, Mr. B. Willet (former workmate) , Mr. J. Yates, also friends and neighbours.
Floral tributes were: From your ever-loving wife, Daisy; Eddie, Beat and Alan; Phyllis, Arthur and family; Louie, Sid and family; Glad, Norman and family; Bill, Ph liis and Michael; Jai., May and family; Viny Annie, Violet and Ron; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Jelly; Muriel, Syd and family; Mr. J. Yates; Jack and Lil ; Captain and Mrs. Atkinson; Mrs. F. Bushel ; Rita and George; Conservative Club, with grateful remembrance ; Mr. and Mrs. Rickaby ; the neighbours.
Messrs, J. C. Cowley and Son, were the funeral furnishers.
Wolverton Express 22nd March 1957
Mrs. D. Gascoyne, Cosgrove
One week after the passing of her husband, Mrs Daisy Gascoyne died at her home, 18 Bridge Road. Cosgrove on Saturday aged 68. She had been ill since Christmas, and was in Northampton hospital for seven weeks.
Mrs Gascoyne had taken an active part in village affairs, having been secretary of the Conservative Association branch for over 30 years, She did much work of a charitable nature, and organised bus trips for many years. Mrs Gascoyne was also the collector for the nursing association, the Red Cross and the cancer campaign. Of a happy disposition, she enjoyed innumerable friends. The funeral was on Tuesday, the service in the Parish Church being conducted by the Rev. J. S. Benson (Rector). Mr. L. Eales (organist) played for the hymn “Abide with me” and the 3rd Psalm. Cremation was at Milton.
Wolverton Express 5th April 1957
Mr. Tom Bushell Following an illness of less than a fortnight, Mr. Thomas Bushell, aged 49, a member of a well-known Cosgrove family, died in Aylesbury Hospital on Wednesday of last week. He resided in Overn Avenue, Buckingham, with his wife and two children, aged four years and 14 months. He was taken ill on March 18 and taken to hospital and had an operation. Mr. Bushell was employed as a coach driver by Mr. J. Payne, of Buckingham. Previously he had been a fitter with the United Counties Omnibus Co., and then at the London Road Garage. He married six years ago, his wife before marriage being housekeeper at York House School, Stony Stratford. Mr. Bushell was popular with the many schoolchildren who used his bus. He was the second son of Mrs. Bushell, formerly of the Barley Mow, Cosgrove, and' now living with her son at the Anchor inn, Potterspury. There were many friends at the funeral at Buckingham on Saturday. The interment was in the new cemetery at Cosgrove. Mourners were Mrs. Bushell (widow); Mr, and Mrs. G. Cherry, Oxford, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jones, Old Stratford (brothers-in-law and sis-ters); Mr. and Mrs. A. Bushell, Potterspury (brother and sister-in-law); Mrs. S. Bushell. Cosgrove (sister-in-law); the fathe-in-laws sister-in-law and two aunts; also Mrs. D. Freestone, Mrs.. C. Pallitt, and Peggy (friends). Mrs. Bushell (mother) was unable to attend. There were 52 floral tributes. Messrs. J. S. Cowley and Son were the funeral furnishers.
Wolverton Express 3rd May 1957
Because the occupiers of Nos 36 to 46 Main Street Cosgrove complained to Towcester RDC of the difficulty of disposing of night soil, the Public Health Inspector approached the owner, Mr W W Dickens with a view to the provision of sewerage facilities. In view of no action having been taken, the Council decided on Tuesday to serve a “time and place” notice on the owner.
Wolverton Express 7th July 1957
A MEMBER of the counter staff at Stony Stratford Post Office, Miss Peggy Hillyer was married at Cosgrove Parish Church last Saturday to Mr. Royston Moseley, who is the captain of Cosgrove St. Peter's Football Club. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hillyer, of 34 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, and the bridegroom is the youngest son of Mrs. N. Moseley, of 46 Thompson Street, New Bradwell, and the late Mr. Albert Moseley.
The service was conducted by the Rev. J. S. Benson, Rector, and Mr. W. Smith, organist, played for the hymn "Love divine" and the 23rd Psalm (Crimond). Given in marriage by her father, the bride was daintily attired in a white lace crinoline dress encrusted with pearl drops. Her orange-blossom headdress and veil were lent by her sister. She carried a bouquet of pink rose-buds, lilies of the valley, and stephanotis. The silver and pearl necklet she wore was a gift of the bridegroom, and she had matching ear-rings. Chief attendant was Mrs. B. Gary (bride's sister), with bridesmaids Miss Jennifer Moseley (bridegroom's sister), Miss P. Kettle (bridegroom's aunt), and Miss S. Child (bride's cousin), who were similarly attired in ballerina length nylon dresses in a cyclamen shade, with white shoes, gloves, and head-dresses. All carried bouquets of mixed sweet-peas with gypsophila. Mr. Ronald Gray (bride's brother-in-law) was best mans As the happy couple left the church the bride was handed gifts of five lucky horse-shoes, two black cats, and a wooden spoon.
At the reception in Cosgrove Victory Hall about 70 guests were present, and 12 messages of congratulation were read. The honeymoon is at Ramsgate. Over 70 gifts were received and included a set al saucepans from the postmen and counter staff at Wolverton Post office; set of carvers, set of table mats and a pair of scales from colleagues at Stony Stratford Post Office; and an oak biscuit barrel from the committee and members of Cosgrove F.C. The bridegroom gave silver pendants to each bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Moseley's future home is at 6 Russell Street, Stony Stratford. [They later returned to Cosgrove as their permanent home]
Wolverton Express 2nd August 1957
A full-grown bullock weighing about 10½ cwt was saved from drowning in a well at Cosgrove by six men digging against time on Monday morning. The bullock is owned by Messrs. C. E. Turney and Son, of Old Wolverton, and was being grazed with others in a field near the Lodge, Cosgrove. Mr. Ray Turney told the Express "The bullock's head was only just above the water, which was about six feet below the top of the well. Six of us dug a trench down to the beast and then managed to drag it out with ropes and a tractor."
Wolverton Express 9th August 1957
Three Golden Weddings
On August Bank Holiday fifty years ago three couples with Cosgrove associations were married. Last Monday the three couples celebrated their Golden weddings.
They are Mr and Mrs Harry Preater of 11 Clarence Road, Stony Stratford; Mr and Mrs George Williams of 12 Bridge Road, Cosgrove; and Mr and Mrs Walter Gee of 12 Peel Road Wolverton. Mr and Mrs Williams were married at Castlethorpe and the other two couples at Cosgrove.
Mrs Preater is well known as a maker of iced cakes for weddings and parties and her cake on this occasion bore the ornamental hand that was on her wedding cake. Mr Preater has been a master-man joiner for the past 25 years and has helped in the construction of many houses in Stony Stratford and Wolverton. They were married at Cosgrove Parish Church by the Rev R Rumsey, Rector of Calverton and for the last 46 years have lived in their present house.
Mr and Mrs Walter Gee are well known Wolverton residents, Mr Gee being a former chairman of Wolverton Town Football Club.
Mr and Mrs Williams have resided in Cosgrove for many years and Mr Williams takes a keen interest in the village horticultural society.
Wolverton Express 6th September 1957
Cosgrove Hold a Show Again
Mr. George Williams retained the "Hesketh" challenge cup with 29 points at Cosgrove Horticultural Society show on Saturday. The Society, which was formed in 1947 did not hold a show last year due to lack of entries. Entries were down this year, numbering 130. The cup for the ladies' section, given by Capt. and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, was won by Mrs. C. Harris, with 12 points, Prizes, given by Mr. R. White and Odell's Ltd. for the best exhibits, were won by Mr. L. Giles and Mr. G. Williams. Cups were presented by Mrs. Atkinson.
Judges were : - Mrs. M. Jelley, Mr. Farmer (Beachampton) and Mr. Bazely (Deanshanger). Arrangements were made by Mr. E Lambert (chairman), Mr. F. Tustain (secretary). Mr. A. Tack (treasurer), and committee, Messrs J. Higgins, H. Ratcliffe, P. Lyman, F. Hillyer, Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Tack, and helpers for refreshments.
DIVISION I (RADIUS 5 MILES) Collection vegetables, 1 J. B. Femora Hesketh; kidney beans, 1 G. Williams., 2 J. Lambert; tomatoes, 1 J. Lambert, 2 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh, 3 G. Williams; onions, 1 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh, 2 A. Tompkins; peas, 2 G. Williams; cooking apples. 1 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh, 2 Mrs. Atkinson, 3 J. Lambert; dessert, 1 Mrs. Atkinson. 2 J. B. Fermor-Hesketh; chrysanthemums. I J. B Fermor-Hesketh. 2 J. Lambert, 3 G. Williams; onions, transplanted, 1 Mrs. Gayton.
DIVISION 11 MEMBERS White round potatoes, 1 A. Kightley. 2 Mrs. Gayton. 3 J. Pollard; white kidney, 1 A. Tack, 2 Mrs. Dayton, 3 S. Eglesfleld: coloured kidney, 1 G. Williams, 2 A. Kightley, 3 Mrs. Gayton; short carrots. 2 G. Williams: long. 1 A. Kightley. 2 J Pollard; onions as grown. 1 A. Kightley, 2 A. Tack. 3 J. Pollard: cooking shallots. 1 G. Williams. 2 J. Pollard, 3 Mrs. Gayton: pickling, 1 J. Pollard. 2 Mrs. Gayton. 3 Mrs. Brockway; round beetroot, 1 Mrs. Clayton, 2 G. Williams, 3 A Tompkins; cauliflower. 3 F. Tustain, pair marrows, 1 E. Lambert, 2 L Giles, 3 J. Pollard ; harvest cabbage, 1 Mrs: Chown, 2 S. Eglesfield, 3 F. Tustain: peas. 1 R. Jones. 2 L, Reynolds, 3 S. Eglesfield: runner beans, 1 G. Williams. 2 L. Giles, 3 Mrs. Gayton; collection vegetables, 1 J. Pollard: cooking apples. 1 E. Stewart, 2 F. Tustain, 3 A. Tack: dessert, I A, Tack. 2 J. Pollard; plums, 1 Mrs. Atkinson; dahlias 1 L. Giles, 2 S. Eglesfield; gladioli, 1 L Giles. 2 E. Stewart: bowl flowers arranged for effect. 1 G. Williams 2 Mrs. Whittaker, 3 Mrs Brockway; chrysanthemums, G, Williams; vases cut flowers. 1 L. Giles. 2 Mrs. Whittaker; bunch cut flowers. 1 G. Williams, 2 L. Giles. 3 Mrs. Gayton: lemon curd 1 Mrs. Whittaker. 2 Mrs. C Harris. 3 Mrs. J. Brockway; chutney. 1 Mrs, C. Harris, 2 Mrs. E Lambert, 3 Mrs. Whittaker: soft fruit, 1 Mrs. C. Harris, 2 Mrs. J. Brockway, 3 Mrs. Gayton; jam soft fruit, 1 Mrs. J. Brockway, 2 Mrs. G. Beasley, 3 Mrs. Harris; M:ideira cake, 1 Mrs. C. Harris, 2 Mrs. Cummings, 3 Mrs. Beasley: nature drawing. 5-7 years, 1 Ian Lambert and Susan Eglesfield: wild flowers. children, Nigel Lintott, 2 Diane Stewart, 3 Roger Kightley: handicraft, boys 11-15 years, 1 Colin Bushell 2 Tony Lavington. 3 Ivor Hitchford: Elvis, 1 Hazel Lavington, 2 Julia Longman 3 Bridget Cummings.
Wolverton Express 6th September 1957
ROMAN FIND AT COSGROVE Remains of what is believed to be a Roman villa have been unearthed in a field near to the Buckingham arm of the canal at Cosgrove. Local archaeologists are of the opinion that the discovery may prove to be of greater interest than the recent excavations at Deanshanger.
Wolverton Express 13th September 1957
A RECORDING of their marriage service and an ivory Prayer Book were the gifts of Mr. Roy Rock to his bride, Miss Brenda Jeanette Goodridge when they were married at Cosgrove Parish Church on Saturday. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N, F. Goodridge, of 17 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, and the bridegroom the second son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rock, of 16 Gold Street, Hanslope.
Given away by her father, the bride wore a ballerina-length crinoline gown of nylon lace, encrusted with drop pearls, and a coronet head-dress of orange-blossom and pearls and embroidered veil She also wore pearls that were a gift from her mother, and carried a bouquet of red roses and white heather, that was later placed on her grandmother's grave. Attending the bride were Mrs. B. Goodridge (sister-in-law) and three friends, Mrs. L. King ( Hanslope), Miss Pat Taylor (Hanslope) and Miss Madeline Ratledge (Cosgrove). They wore ballerina-length dresses of figured poult, two in a peach shade, and two in turquoise, with head-dresses, gloves, and stoles in shades of blue and pink. Mrs. King and Miss Ratledge carried posies of freesias and pink roses, and Miss Taylor and Mrs. Goodridge blue scabious and sweet-peas. Michael Rock, of Roade (bridegroom's nephew), was page, wearing a white satin blouse and long blue trousers. He also wore the bridegroom's gift of a tie-pin. The attendants received diamante necklaces from the bridegroom. Mr. John Taylor (bride-groom's friend) was best man.
The Rector, the Rev. J. S. Benson, officiated, and the hymn "Lead us, Heavenly Father" and the 23rd Psalm were sung. Gifts for good luck were made to the bride by her brother, Graham Goodridge Tony Cowan (nephew), and Auntie Vine. The reception held in the Victory Hall was attended by 78 guests. The honeymoon is at Cromer, the bride wearing a turquoise tweed costume, with black accessories. The bride is employed by the Plessey Co. Ltd. at Towcester and the bridegroom at Tickford Ltd. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a wrist-watch.
Wolverton Express 13th September 1957
Roman Villa at Cosgrove is Unique Discovery

Our photograph shows Mr. Charles Green and part of the excavations already made at Cosgrove
THE most substantial remains of a Roman villa to be unearthed in this country have been discovered recently by members of the Wolverton and District Archaeological Society in a field near to the Buckingham arm of the canal at Cosgrove.
Interviewed on the site by an "Express" representative this week. Mr. Alan Warhurst, Curator of the Northamptonshire Museum, said "The site reveals the most substantial remains of a Roman Villa that have been found in this country, although not extensive." The findings consist of walls nearly three feet wide, but mainly are of the hypocaust, which is the system of heating a room of the villa. Half an archway through which the heat, went into the hypocaust has been unearthed. Our picture clearly shows the pillars, like square pipes, which supported the floor above a cellar, into which the heat went for circulating into the rooms.
Careful Work
Paying tribute to the members of the Wolverton and District Archaeological Society, who have been engaged on the site, Mr. Warhurst said "They have done quite a nice job of work, having worked carefully and well." It is hoped to obtain the interest of persons of authority in Roman data to visit the site. Mr. Charles Green, who was introducing Mr. Warhurst to the site on the latter's return from holiday, said that the villa is of exceptional interest, as it is the first local Roman site in many years not disclosed by a destructive operation. It was found by members of the Wolverton and District Archaeological Society by a slight scatter of pottery and examination of the ground with the assistance of a probe. The ploughed field gives no indication of what is beneath and there are no records of Roman occupation in Cosgrove beyond coins discovered during the construction of the canal.
With the kind encouragement of the land-owner, Major J. Fermor Hesketh, and the good-will of the tenant farmer, Mr. Maycock, the digging team opened the ground on an area grid 20 feet square, and were fortunate in dropping directly on to the hypocaust unit, which is the hall-mark of a wealthy country villa. This is a chamber beneath the floors supported by brick columns, between which hot air was carried, provided by a furnace at one side. The heat was taken up the walls by box-tiles after the style of modern radiators and was the most efficient way of heating a house.
Sweating Bath
At Cosgrove is seen the low brick arch through which fuel was thrust to intensify the heat at certain points, with "baffle" controls for concentration. The Roman bath was a sweating bath, and the room above the excavation point (photographed) was the hottest chamber, from which the bather passed after perspiring to a cooler room, and then to a cold for a cold water wash. The fall of the house, whether by violence or decay, let the massive masonry and roofing through the floor. In these rooms the floor was of reddish concrete and the wails decorated with gaily painted plaster in varying shades and design.
Under The Canal?
There have been few small finds, pottery, metals, and silver ear-rings, but it is not a part of the house where finds would be expected. The extent of the villa is at present conjectural. Either buildings or a courtyard lie under the embanked canal, as walls are apparent in the fields the other side. The Society’s dig is limited in scope, as the area is too vast for a voluntary team to deal with. The future of the site is a matter for arrangement between Major J Fermor Hesketh and Mr Alan Warhurst, who has the oversight of all archaeological operations in Northamptonshire.
Wolverton Express 20th September 1957
160 Attend Dance at Cosgrove
The Cosgrove Parent-Teacher Association began their winter season entertainment with the first of a monthly series of Rock Roll dances on Friday last. Close on 160 danced from 8 pm. until 1 am. to the music of Terry Carroll land his Rockets. As the attendance was so great, and the dancers so obviously enjoying themselves, the committee made a snap decision to extend the time until 1 a.m.
Rock `n Roll enthusiasts were in attendance from the surrounding district, and among the dancers were girls who had cycled from as far afield as Tingewick, Finmere, Akeley and Leckhampstead, evidence indeed of the growing popularity of this modern method of dancing.
The committee, comprising Mesdames J. Hefford, G. Beesley, D. Chown, E. Lambert, N. Castle, N. Horton, Messrs. A. Course, L. Reynolds, J. Hefford, N. Castle, under the chairman-ship of Messrs. A. Course, put in much work in the organisation and sale of refreshments, and thanked everyone who attended and helped to make this first effort such a success.
Eyewitness memories Trevor Tustain
I remember Terry Carroll and his Rockets they used to play at the Coffee Pot in Yardley. He had had polio and had to wear a wrist support, but he could still play the keyboards.
Wolverton Express 20th September 1957

FOUR bridesmaids attended Miss Sylvia Wickam for her marriage with Mr. Gerald Freestone at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, on Saturday. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wickam of 25 Bridge Road, Cosgrove was given away by her father. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Freestone of 5 Bridge Road, Cosgrove. The bride wore a crinoline gown of white figured lace, with a head-dress of pearls and orange-blossom, and diamond ear-rings that were the gift of the bridegroom. She carried at a shower bouquet of red roses.
Bridesmaids were Miss Irene Beasley (bridegroom's niece). Stephanie Walding, Jennifer Hawkins, and Jane Green (bride's cousins). Two wore dresses of pink net over blue taffeta and the other two blue net over pink taffeta. Their gold and diamante necklaces were the gift of the bridegroom. Mr. Gerald Beasley (bride-groom's brother-in-law) was best man. The marriage was solemnised by the Rev. J. S. Benson and Mr. Jones of Wolverton (organist), played the 23rd Psalm and voluntaries. At the church the bride was handed silver horseshoes by the three tiny bridesmaids, Irene Beasley, Jane Green and Stephanie Hawkins.
A reception at the bride's home was attended by 30 guests. The honeymoon is being spent in Devon. Mr and Mrs. Freestone's future home is at "Longwood " The Green, Cosgrove. Numerous gifts were received, including one from the bride's colleagues at the Plessey Co., Ltd, Towcester, and from the bridegroom's colleagues at Messrs. Rigby Battcock. Stony Stratford. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was gold cuff-links and tie-pin.
Wolverton Express 11th October 1957
New Record Water Trip on Canal
A number of people lined the Grand Union Canal last Saturday morning to see the record-breaking boat the Maid Mary-Jennifer glide through North Bucks and South Northants. The 30ft cabin cruiser, with Capt. Lionel Munk, skipper of the crew of five, covered the trip of 141 miles from Birmingham to London in 41 hours 48 minutes, to set up a new record for this waterway. The time was nearly ten hours less than the previous trip took. The cruiser passed through no fewer than 135 locks.
Just before 11 a.m. on Saturday Major Ware, of the Navigation Inn, telephoned the Express to say that the boat had just passed by, and that the captain told him that the boat was three hours in front of schedule. Capt. Munk only snatched three hours sleep on the journey. He intends to overhaul the boat and refit it ready to show her at the National Boat Show in January. Capt. Munk organised the trip to demonstrate how commercial craft could make greater use of Britain's waterways. Miss Jean Munro, 23-year-old policewoman, of Staines, was cook for the crew. Her favourite canal boat recipe : "Soup and stewing steak - so easy for the saucepans". Television cameras followed the cruiser's course and shots were taken as it entered and left the lock at Cosgrove.
Wolverton Express 11th October 1957
Cosgrove Roman Villa to be preserved
Following a visit last Monday of Mr Simon from the Ministry of Works and Mr Wicks, the Ministry’s architect, Major the Hon Fermor-Hesketh, of Cosgrove Hall, has decided to preserve and keep open the Roman hypercaust chamber of the second century AD which a team of the Wolverton and District Archaeological Society have discovered and excavated.
Cosgrove will probably be a visiting centre for students of the Roman-British era and will be an important “red triangle” on the map of Roman Britain, for in the words of Mr Alan Warhurst, curator of the Northampton Museum, “it is the finest example of Roman structure to be seen between St Albans and Leicester.”
It is Major Hesketh’s intention to house the finds in the precincts of the Hall for viewing by visiting parties. When the team have finished digging they will be busy for some time classifying the finds, piecing together the large assortment of pottery, preparing records and drawing sectional plans both for Major Hesketh’s museum and for County records.
An extension of the dig within the wire enclosure is likely in the spring, when the dimensions of the cold bath formerly lined with lead will be ascertained and the direction the house takes from it will be no longer a matter of conjecture.
Wolverton Express 18th October 1957
Albert Hall Visit
Mr R Longman of Cosgrove, who acts as standard bearer for the Cosgrove branch of the British Legion, is to attend the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on November 9, with the standard of the Cosgrove branch.
Chronicle and Echo 29th October 1957
MAJOR J. B. Fermor-Hesketh, after consultation with the Ministry of Works, has agreed permanently to preserve part of a Roman villa discovered on his land at Cosgrove. The find is a bath-house complete with hypocaustthe under floor system of hot air heating used by the Romansand includes a cement-line plunge bath. The curator of Northampton Museums (Mr. Alan Warhurst), revealing this to the Chronicle and Echo to-day said the Cosgrove site promised to be one of the most important villa sites in Northamptonshire. `If the remainder of the villa is as well-preserved as the bath-house, it will be an outstanding find for the whole of the country," he added.
HOW IT BEGAN. As it is it means that anyone interested in Roman history will now be able to see a hypocaust at Cosgrove where previously they had to go to Leicester or St. Albans. The discovery of the villa concludes a story which began in 1801 when an urn containing 60 silver coins was found at Cosgrove. Earlier this year members of Wolverton Archaeological Society led by Mr. Robert Harris, of 57, Western-avenue, Wolverton, decided to look for the villa. Mr. Harris discovered the probable locality by means of pottery and tile fragments found in the fields at Cosgrove. As a result the exact position was discovered.
UNRELIABLE, BUT - For this a steel probe was used. Mr. Warhurst said: "This is a notoriously unreliable method which tin this case proved satisfactory." The original bath-house would compare with modern Turkish baths. There remain at Cosgrove now, remarkably intact, the floor-supports (pilae) made of square tiles, which stand to a height of two-and-a-half to three feet. The walls of the building also still stand to a similar height. It is divided into two rooms, which would have been maintained at different temperatures. The plunge bath adjoins these rooms and still has iron nails in the floor which probably held a lead lining. Work on the site has now finished for the season but it is hoped that excavations will be resumed next summer.
Wolverton Express 22nd November 1957
Work Commended by Professionals
LAST year was by far the most interesting, with many outstanding good finds for the Wolverton and District Archaeological Society it was reported at the annual general meeting in St. James's Church Hall, New Bradwell, on Thursday of last week.
Mr. C. W. Green (secretary) said they were in their third year and he thought it had been by far the most interesting because they had been given something to do. They had been fortunate to be able to help `fully blown" archaeologists. "It has done us a lot of good, working at a higher level,” he said, "During this year I think we can say our status has been raised." …..
.Regarding the Roman findings at Cosgrove, .Mr. Green said these were quite a bit of good luck. The field did not give much away but by an extraordinary piece of good luck they found the building in their first square of digging. "From then on it was just like scraping an egg out of its shell," he said. By careful digging they were able to make good progress. It was a very interesting find because the structural part they had uncovered was not usually found. Mr. Alan Warhurst, Curator of Northampton Mus-eum, said it was the finest piece of structure between St. Albans and Leicester. …….
The Cosgrove find had put them on the map as a Society and had knit them much more closely together. He hoped in the spring they would extend their membership and get more assistance.
They would have work for many years to come. Mr. Bellchambers told the meeting that the work done at Cosgrove had been commended by several professional archaeologists. The results they had achieved had been outstandingly good and had been accepted as as good work.
Wolverton Express 6th December 1957
Sale of Work Well Patronised
Although it is one of the smallest places in South Northants the village of Cosgrove gives good support to the annual Christmas sale to raise funds for the parish church. Last Friday evening there was the usual crowd buying presents, and as a result of the work of the helpers the sum of £92 12s, was raised. The Rector, the Rev. J. S. Benson, congratulated these who are collecting for the church in boxes at home, and announced that the amount for last quarter was £35 3s. 3d. This raised the possibility, he said, of disposing with such events as the sale, which caused a great deal of work to fall upon a few. Work on Tower Dealing with the need to raise money, the Rector said repairs were urgently required to the tower of the church.
People might wonder why fund raising was necessary when they read that the income of the Church Commissioners last year was £11 million, but £7 million of that went on stipends of clergy and the rest in grants, Their own church had been granted £1,000 for the renovation and modernisation of the Rectory, but they were still faced with the prospect of having to spend hundreds of pounds on the church in years to come.
The Hon. Mrs. D. Lawson, of Passenham, opened the sale and congratulated those who had worked towards the effort with enthusiasm and keenness. She was thanked by Capt. E. Go Purser and handed a bouquet by Susan Eglesfield. Helpers were : Mesdames J. S. Benson. Mapley, Beasley, E. Lambert, F. Hillyer, J. Hebson, Fell, Harris, C. Brockway, W. Brockway Hickford, Johnson, Miss Hillyer, Miss Marlow, Miss Fell ; Messrs. G. Feil, J. Higgins, and E. Lambert. Mr. E Lambert and Mr. J, Lambert gave a recital of handbell ringing during the evening.
Wolverton Express 31st January 1958
Sir, May I be permitted to write a few words in reply to the letter by the Rev. Wilfred Johnson in your columns last week. I have no wish to cross swords with a Roman Catholic priest, and if any of my remarks addressed to the Peterborough Proctors in Convocation which you were kind enough to publish, have grieved Mr. Johnson and any of his flock I wish to say that I am sorry about this, and would like to apologise; at the same time since Biblical truth is at stake, not for a moment being prepared to withdraw any of my statements. I can respect and appreciate a sincere Roman Catholic priest, faithfully preaching and teaching the doctrines of his Church. He is in his rightful place. His whole attitude is honest, logical, and consistent, and although in keeping with the teaching of my own Church, I disagree with some of those doctrines, I can understand and appreciate his point of view. What many of us who love our National Church, its doctrines, and its liturgy, cannot appreciate and understand is the position of those inside our Church who have made solemn vows of loyalty and obedience to believe and to use our Protestant forms of worship and Articles, and who make little or no attempt to keep them, who turn our Lord's Supper or Holy Communion into a Mass, and who by the weight of what is now a majority vote in the Convocations of our Church, seek to alter our Church of England worship to conform to that of Rome.
I would like to remind Mr. Johnson that the teaching to which he so strongly objects and the condemnation of the Mass which he naturally finds offensive, is not some personal view of mine, but is the doctrine of the National Church of this country as by law established (see Article vvviii and xxxi of the Church of England - the latter Article affirms that "the sacrifice of Masses, with which it was commonly said, that the Priest did offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, were blasphemous fables and dangerous deceits").
We in the Church of England owe it to our reformers in general, and to Bishop Nicholas Ridley in particular, that there was recovered for us 400 years ago the Eucharistic doctrine of the Early Church. Indeed, Eucharistic doctrine is fundamental both to faith and to worship. "It is the touchstone", said the Bishop of Rochester (in his sermon preached in the University Church, Oxford, on May 30, 1955) "that determines whether God is worshipped in spirit and in truth, or whether a Church is falling away into superstition and error. To worship the Blessed Sacrament as “He” instead of reverencing “It” to teach that the consecrated bread and wine contain a localised Christ, instead of conveying, to the worthy receiver a Presence that is already ‘in the midst ' Matthew xviii, 20); this, on Ridley's showing, is 'false doctrine ' and an ‘idolatrous use '. History, too, exposes such a conception as one that inevitably exchanges the Living Christ for a mediatory Church, and a Priesthood that creates the ‘Victim of the Altar '.
In his task of convincing his friends and confounding his enemies, Bishop Ridley was greatly confirmed in his views by an orthodox treatise "On the Body and Blood of Christ" from the pen of a French monk Ratramnus (or Bertram), the trusted councillor of Pope and Emperor. The importance of this work was the date, which showed conclusively that the consecrated elements were still regarded, as symbols only, late in the ninth century "This Bertram", Ridley tells us, "was the first that pulled me by the ear, and caused me to search both the Scriptures and the writings of the old ecclesiastical Fathers on this matter." Thus Dr. Ridley's "Brief Declaration of the Lord's Supper " represents the first exposition of what our Articles of Religion, and our Prayer Book liturgy, have subsequently set forth as the Anglican doctrine of Holy Communion. And this doctrine, firmly based on the New Testament ( and especially, e.g., on the Epistle to the Hebrews. which, as Dr Graham Scroggie has pointed out, forever deals the death blow to Sacerdotalism) I would respectfully point out both to Mr. Johnson and our Anglo-Catholic friends is the original Satholic doctrine of the Church.
JOHN S. BENSON. Cosgrove Rectory.
Wolverton Express 7th February 1958
Well known in South Northamptonshire, Mrs May Thacker passed away at Potterspury on Wednesday, aged 71. Mrs Thacker was for many years headmistress of Cosgrove School. She had been an active public worker, having been an RDC representative, a county councillor, and president of Potterspury Women’s Institute. Deceased was also a staunch supporter of the Labour Party.
Wolverton Express 28th February 1958
Mr. " Bob " Brown
A resident in Cosgrove practically all his life Mr. Robert Brown died at his home 36 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, on February 15, aged 58, after an illness of six months. He served in the Royal Air Force during part of the first world war. A body-maker by trade, he was employed in the railway works at Wolverton for over twenty years. For the last seven years he was engaged at the Cosgrove gravel pits. Mr. Brown took a keen interest in the welfare of the village football club for a number of years, and was also a member of the British Legion. Of a quiet disposition, he enjoyed many friendships. He leaves a widow and an only daughter.
The funeral was on Tuesday of last week, the service in the Parish Church being conducted by the Rev. J. S. Benson (Rec-tor). Mr. W. Smith (organist) played for the hymn "Abide with me." Interment was in the cemetery. Mourners were: Mrs. R. Brown (widow) ; Mr. and Mrs. D. Canning (son-in-law and daughter) ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Tooley (brother-in-law and sister) ; Mrs. L Dunkley, Mr. and Mrs. T. Brassett (nephew and nieces) ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Jolley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knight, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. Cockeral (cousins) ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Meakins, M r s . Cannings (friends).
Unable to attend: Mr. I. Dunkley.
Friends in church: Miss N. Tooley, Miss A. Wilkinson, Miss D. Newbold, Miss H. Newbold, Mrs. Jelley, Mrs. Castle, Mrs. S. Eglesfield, Mrs. Hebson, Mrs. Whitaker, Mrs. Tack, Mrs. Burrows, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Barton (representing the British Legion), Mr. Andrews (representing the Gravel Pit employees).
Floral tributes were from: To My beloved husband, from Stella; To dear Dad. from Marjorie and Derek: To Pappy, from John and Linda; To dear Bob, from Doll and Harry; Ivan, Jess, Alan, and Keith; Betty, Trevor, Michael, and John; Nell, Jack and family; Will, Rose, Alan, and Dorothy; Annie, Jim and family; Doris, Henry, Audrey, and June; Fan; Lottie and Walt; Percy and family; Mr. and Mrs. F. Meakins; Mrs. Cannings and family; Mr. Brassett (Southall); Mrs. Jelley, Gwen, and Edna; E. Tooley, and O. Wilkinson; Workmates at the Gravel Pits; The Barley Mow Customers; Mrs. Eglesfield and family; Olive and Jack Johnson ; Doll, Jack and family; Mr, and Mrs. Sid Eglesfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ray and James; British Legion; Cosgrove Football Club; Mrs. Hillyer, Mrs. Bushell, and Mrs. Loughrey; Cohn ; Betty and Ron (Bletchley); Peggy and Roy; Hilda and Dora; Florrie and Edgar; A.B.; Mrs. H. Allen. Messrs. Betts and Faulkner, Ltd., were the funeral furnishers.
Wolverton Express 14th March 1958
Four Yardley Gobion youths who went for a walk on Sunday, December 29, obtained access to an unoccupied cottage on Badger's Farm, Furtho, and damaged a door.
At Towcester Magistrates' Court on Tuesday, the youths pleaded Guilty to doing wilful damage to the door, the property of William Henry Weston, of Potterspury. Defendants were Leslie George Pittam Moorend Road (17); John Eric Harris, Moorend Road (18) ; Colin William Brown, Hesketh Road (19); and Richard William Lambert, Hesketh Road (16).
Mr. D. A. Wood (Messrs. E. T. Ray and Co.), who prosecuted, said that the cottage was used for storing grain. The door was forced, a mortice lock broken, and certain other damage done. Although the cost was only £2, Mr. Weston quite rightly decided to bring proceedings, otherwise damage might get out of hand.
P.C. Jones told of interviewing the youths, who all admitted being involved and said they were sorry. Harris told the magistrates that they got into the cottage more as a matter of curiosity, not to do damage, but the timbers were rotten and the door broke. They did not do any damage with intent. Brown said that they just "heaved" and the door broke. Ald. F. J. Snelson. (chairman) said the Bench took into consideration that the youths were sorry. Each was fined £1 with costs and court fees 21s, making £2 0s. 6d. each.
Wolverton Express 3rd April 1958

Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Slay-maker, who were married at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, by the Rector, the Rev. J. S. Benson, on Saturday, are spending their honeymoon touring Devon.
The bride, formerly Miss Coral Croxall, is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Croxall, of 54 Towcester Road, Old Stratford. The bridegroom is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Slaymaker, of 4 Towcester Road, Old Stratford. Given away by her father, the bride wore a full-length dress of lace with a silver thread over net and grosgrain. She had a pearl head-dress and short veil, and carried a spray of lilies of the valley and white fuchsia, The bridesmaids, Miss Molly Hudson, Miss Beryl Dolling (friends), Miss Hilary Croxall (bride's sister), and Miss Janet Chapman (bridegroom's cousin), all wore dresses of lemon brocade, the younger maids' dresses being trimmed with lilac coloured velvet. The elder maids wore white nylon stoles with a silver thread. Miss Dolling and Miss Hudson wore white petalled coronet head-dresses, white gloves, and carried sprays of lemon tulips, narcissi, and lilies of the valley. The younger maids had lemon flowered head-dresses and carried posies of mixed flowers. Mr. Robert Newman (bride-groom's friend) was best man.
Mr. R Smith (organist) played for the hymns "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden" and "Father, all creating". At the church the bride was handed gifts of horseshoes by Ian James Slaymaker, Kevin Slayrnaker, and Suzanne Parker. A reception in the Memorial Hall, Old Stratford, was attended by 80 guests, the catering being by Mr. K. East, Wolverton. The wedding cake was made by Mrs. S. Slaymaker (bridegroom's aunt). For the honeymoon the bride, who is a shop assistant, wore a black fitted suit, with blue blouse, blue coat and black accessories.
The bridegroom is employed on his father's farm at Old Stratford.
Wolverton Express 11th April 1958

Miss Audrey Smith and Mr. Robert Brockway
at SS. Peter and Paul Cosgrove
Wolverton Express 2nd May 1958
One would expect a man with the Christian name of Farmer to be connected with the land. and there are few who can recount more about former days in agriculture than Farmer Amos, of Dog's Mouth, Cosgrove. Born at the Malting Farm, Castlethorpe (which was built by his grandfather), 83 years ago. Farmer Amos has worked on the land all his life. For 51 years he lived at Malting Farm, and his father was well known over a wide area as a contractor with two sets of thrashing machinery. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer Amos were married at St. Pancras Church, Euston, 54 years ago, and the partnership remains unbroken. Mrs. Amos is 82. One of Mr. Amos's recollections is of the feast at Cosgrove when £10 was offered for a shave the goose contest. The winner was Mr. Fred Sykes the Wolverton barber. The donor of the £10 was Mr. George Frederick Branson who after winning a lottery prize in America, returned to rebuild Cosgrove Lodge. Mr. Sykes received £6 and gave his goose to the village constable at Yardley Gobion.
Wolverton Express 16th May 1958

A portion of bone of what must have been a huge animal living many hundreds of years ago was unearthed last week during excavations at the Cosgrove pits. The bone weighs about half a cwt and there is evidence of a joint at one end.
The excavators handed over the bone to local archaeologists and it is now in the possession of Mr R G Bellchambers, chairman of the local society, who is pictured with it here. It is anticipated that the bone will be taken to Kensington Museum for ascertaining its age and the animal it is part of. Local archaeologists think that it may be part of a prehistoric mammal. The size of the bone can be judged from the 2ft rule in the photograph.
Wolverton Express 6th June 1958
Towcester Council in Brief
A “time and place” notice is to be served on the occupier of 18 The Green, Cosgrove, as the council is satisfied that the house is unfit for human habitation and cannot be made fit at a reasonable cost.
Wolverton Express 20th June 1958
FOR the first time in thirty years, the annual camping competition of Boy Scouts in Buckinghamshire was held at the Cosgrove quarries last weekend, meaning that this was the first time that the competition had been held outside of the County.
Adequate compensation for the 60 Scouts in camp, how-ever, was the delightful weather and the pleasant situation. Most of the scouts had travelled from the south of the County, and of the nine teams competing the trophy went to Chesham, with last year's winners, Princes Risborough, in second place. The boys started the camp on Saturday afternoon, hiking the last three miles to Cosgrove carrying the equipment which they were to use. There was a camp fire that evening, and the tests for the competition included cooking (in which roasting with a biscuit tin oven was a test), first-aid and camping craft. On Sunday morning the camp was visited by the County Commissioner, Brig, E. G. Earle, and the Assistant County Commissioner for Senior Scouts, Mr. Frank Davies, of Chesham. Results of the competition were announced later in the day, when District Commissioner H. Saunders, of Wolverton, presented the cup to the Chesham patrol. Patrols competing (who had all previously won their district competitions) and results were : Chesham (130 points), 2 Princes Risborough (126), 3 Aylesbury 018), 4 High Wycombe (117), 5 (tie) Chalfont St. Giles and Towersey (114), Stokenchurch (102), 8 Wolverton (100). 9 Newport Pagnell (87). Mr. Saunders welcomed the scouts to the north of the County and gave them a hearty invitation to return to the local camping ground at any time. Thanks were expressed to the judges, Messrs. F. Deane (High Wycombe). Ralph Newman (Hemel Hempstead), and E. Cooper (Stony Stratford).
Wolverton Express 27th June 1958
Cows that Cross County Border - Last Resort Decision Amended by Council
Farmer Maycock’s cows and the bridge by which they cross over the river from the farm in Buckinghamshire to pastures in Northamptonshire became the most discussed topic at Tuesday’s meeting of the Wolverton Urban District Council. Because they have been unable to obtain an agreement with the farmer, the Highway Committee recommended that the bridge be close to cattle - a decision termed “bureaucratic” by one councillor - but this was amended by the Council, a sub-committee of which will now meet the farmer.
This is the bridge in the article, known locally as the White Bridge, marking the right of way between Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire
The report of the committee stated that the footbridge is vested in the council and was repaired in 1957 at a cost of £69. It forms part of the public footpath and in relatively recent times has been used for the passage of animals also. This practice, said the Highways Committee, had led to the setting up of obstructions and the fouling of the decking and handrails, causing many complaints and much public criticism.
The importance and value of the bridge to the tenant of Mill Farm was appreciated, the Committee stated, and attempts had been made to get to the agreement to regularise and regulate the use of the bridge for agricultural purposes, but unfortunately an agreement could not be reached. In the circumstances, the best alternative was to maintain the bridge as a footpath only. Moving the recommendation, Councillor W W Hilton said they did not want to do anything before the farmer had a chance to have his say, but they had heard nothing from him. This was the last resort.
Omission is the only Sin
Councillor R D Eyles termed the Committee’s action high handed. He went on “The only sin that the farmer has committed so far is the sin of omission. He has not replied to certain official letters, and that is the thing most of us are guilty of. This is the rather drastic action of slamming the door in the farmer’s face.
It was a very serious matter to the farmer in preventing him using pastures on both sides of the bridge, said Concillor Eyles, as he felt that the subcommittee could meet the farmer and thrash the matter out. He understood that the farmer had offered to pay a fee, which had not even been demanded for the use of this bridge. “Farmers are not good at writing letters”, added Councillor Eyles “It would be far better to meet him, which I’m sure would settle the matter”.
When Councillor Miss A. Button said that the wording of the committee’s decision seemed rather bureaucratic, Councillor D. Morgan replied that he thought that a rather unfair term because the Clerk had made every effort to get a reply from the farmer.
Using Bridge for 30 Years
At the Mill Farm, Old Wolverton, on Wednesday, farmer Mr. R H Maycock told the Express that about 200 acres - rather more than half of his land - lies on the Northamptonshire side of the river. He has been using the bridge for the movement of cattle on his own farm for 20 years, and for 10 years before that. “We do not send cattle over the bridge in summer after we have finished mowing,” said Mr. Maycock “I made an offer to the council and thought it best to leave it at that. The best way to get this settled is obviously for some of them to meet me.”
Wolverton Express 27th June 1958
Complaint over Cosgrove site
Mrs M E Jelley complained to Towcester RDC of the delay in clearing the building site in MIN Street Cosgrove.
Reporting to the Housing Committee, the Clerk (Mr F J Hulbert) said it appeared that the cottages had been demolished, but the Council appeared not to have any power to enforce the clearing of the site. This had already been taken up with the County Planning Officer, who had been in touch with the owners of the site, and hoped that satisfactory action would quickly be taken. If it was not done, he proposed to report the matter to the Planning Committee at their meeting in June.
Wolverton Express 27th June 1958

Wolverton Express 18th July 1958
Extracts only
At an inquiry lasting 7½ hours at Stony Stratford on July 8 it was stated by representative of Messrs. John Laing and Son Ltd, that unless permission is granted for the development at Old Wolverton and Castlethorpe for the extraction of hoggin, sand, and gravel, supplies at the Cosgrove gravel pits will be exhausted during the next six weeks, and materials for the London-Yorkshire motorway will have to come from as far as 60 miles away.
……………Cosgrove Pit geared for Tremendous Demand
The Planning Authorities had said there were 350 acres in the area yet to be excavated, but this was a misleading figure. If they were going to supply this demand it had got to be a coordinated supply. There had got to be tremendous organisation and plant, and the appellant company had set up an organisation in Cosgrove to deal with the demand. To put a similar plant in another area would take months. “If planning permission is given the Cosgrove pit is geared to satisfy this tremendous demand”, he said.
…………… Cross questioned by Mr. HJ Astley, senior assistant solicitor, Bucks County Council, Mr. Nash said they hoped to provide 75% of the motorways requirements from the Cosgrove pits.
…………… Mr. J Turner, representing the London Midland Region BR Euston said they were concerned about the possible disturbance to the railway viaduct and asked the Minister to impose conditions on any consent that he might give. They were that nothing should be done to deepen or divert the River Ouse from its course, or to lower the level of the river.
……………. Mr. J L Justice, commented that Dowsett’s had undertaken to build an access road direct from the pits to the motorway in order to relieve the village of Cosgrove. At the peak period one lorry every minute would be arriving or departing from the pit. Mr. Justice said his company would accept any form of agreement stating that they would only supply the motorway for the period it was under construction. He said they would agree to the conditions laid down by the Great use River Board.
On behalf of the tenant farmer at Manor Farm, Old Wolverton, Mr. P Whiting, Mr. H A G Durbridge, Newport Pagnell, said that from 46 of the 85 acres in question Mr. Whiting got two tons of hay per acre. The other 40 acres were used to graze cattle and sheep. They were all vital to the farm.
Mr. W M Houston, North Bucks Area planning officer, said the County Planning Authority were of the opinion that there was more than enough gravel in the Ouse Valley, and they did not want to waste any more.
Mr. A F Culley of the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, said Mr. Whiting’s land was of first class quality, and as a permanent pasture in ranked with the arable lands of the fens. He classed the farm as one of national importance, and the disturbance of the land would possibly spoil its inherent character.
Mr. Astley said the appellants were in effect attacking the Waters’ Report. It was asking a lot to ask them to assume that the people concerned with the Waters’ Report did not know pretty well that heavy demands for gravel were certain to follow. He continued “I do not think even the number of lorries Laing’s mention along the Watling Street would make any sort of impact on that road. The Minister would be quite mistaken to be panicked into a decision simply because of the motorway.”
Wolverton Express 25th July 1958
AN application for the extension of the gravel pit at Cosgrove in order to obtain large quantities of material for the new motorway has been refused by the County Planning Committee of Northamptonshire County Council, but they are prepared to reconsider this if the contractors (Dowsett, Ltd.) can provide an alternative route. It was stated at the County Council meeting last Thursday that the application was refused because the Committee are very much concerned about the consequential increase in the weight and volume of traffic through the village of Cosgrove. The report of the smallholdings committee stated that the contractors will erect a Bailey bridge over the canal which forms the boundary. The smallholdings committee added that the present means of access to the holding would be considerably improved if this field could be acquired, but they proposed that it should be bought only if the contractors proceed with their plan to by-pass the village and also undertake not to remove the Bailey bridge at the conclusion of their operations.
Nine Acres Purchase
Subject to the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Council agreed to purchase the field of approximately 9.8 acres from Mr. F. A. Hewson at the price recommended by the District Valuer, a condition being another route which crosses that the Bailey bridge to be erected over the canal shall not be moved at the conclusion of the contractor's operations.
Wolverton Express 25th July 1958
FARMED AT COSGROVE Death of Mr. Sidney Ratledge
For some years 'farming at Elm Farm. Thrupp Wharf, Cosgrove. Mr, Sidney. Ratledge, died in Northampton General Hospital on July 14. aged 71, after a short illness His home was at Shepperton " Station Road. Castlethorpe.. A keen gardener. Mr. Ratledge won the horticultural cup at the CastIethorpe Women's Institute show in three consecutive years, He retired from farming five years ago. He leaves a widow and two sons, one of whom, Sidney, also farms at Thrupp Wharf. The funeral was on Thursday of last week, the service in SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, being conducted by the Rev. J. S. Benson (Rector).
Mrs W. Smith (organist) played for hymns " Thine for ever " and Rock of ages "; also the 90th Psalm. Interment was in the Cosgrove Churchyard. Mourners were : Mrs. Ratledge ( wife): Mr. T. Ratledge (sow; Mr. and Mrs. S. Ratledge (son and daughter-in-law). Mr F. Ratledge (grandson); Mr. G. Faulkner (brother-in-law); Mrs. E. Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. S. Newman, Haversham. Mr. and Mrs. L Markham. Mr. J. Sawbridge (friends). Also present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, Mr. J. Gobey, Mr. Richardson, Mr. B. Evans, Mr. Pettifer
Many Floral Tributes Floral tributes were : In loving memory of my dear husband, from his loving wife, "At rest "; To Dad, from Tom. 'Floss. and Pam; In loving memory of dear Dad, from Muriel and Sid; With deepest sympathy, from Amy. Fred. and Nelly; In affectionate remembrance with love to Pappy. from Frank and Madeline: With deepest sympathy, from George; With deepest sympathy. from Louie. Syd, Dorothy, and Reg, With sincere sympathy and very kind remembrance. from Mr. and Mrs. J. E Whiting; With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Sawbridge, and the boys; With deepest sympathy, from Mrs. A. Mills, With deepest sympathy, from Min, Harold, and John; With deepest sympathy, from Mrs, Evans and Mr. and Mrs. B. Evans; With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. Pettifer; With deepest sympathy, from Mr. and Mrs. W. Purser; In loving memory of a great friend, from Jack and Lottie Brown; With deepest sympathy, from the officers and committee of !he Castlethorpe W.I. Horticultural Show; With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs, V, Harper: With deepest sympathy, from Mrs. Markham and family (Manor Farm); With deepest. Sympathy, from Leslie and Barbara Markham, and family; Kind remembrance and deepest sympathy. from Mr and Mrs. N. Goodridge: With deepest sympathy, from Emil: With deepest sympathy, from Mary. Messrs. Windsor and Glave, Wolverton,
Wolverton Express 5th September 1958
Six-Year-Old Had Gone
Down for Third Time
Retired railwayman Mr Fred Holman aged 65 of Bridge Cottage, Cosgrove, saved the life of a six year old boy in a gallant rescue from the canal last Friday afternoon. Called from his canal-side home, Mr Holman saw the boy, Stephen Thomas, go down and not re-appear. Partly wading and swimming across the canal he managed to recover the boy from the muddy bottom. Then with the aid of his daughter-in-law, Mrs J Holman [Phyllis Holman] artificial respiration was given, with the result that Stephen has made a full recovery.
The rescuers, Mrs Phyllis Holman, and her father-in-law Mr Fred Holman, with Stephen Thomas, fit and well again on Tuesday |
Stephen and his two-year-older brother Mark had gone to the canal for a few hours’ fishing. Mark told an Express reporter “We were just going to start fishing when Stephen slipped into the water. I ran shouting to Mr Holman and then ran home to tell mum that Stephen was in the water.”
Mrs Thomas said Stephen was all right the next morning.
“We realise that Mr Holman saved Stephen’s life, and of course, we are very grateful. I went and thanked Mr Holman and took him a bunch of flowers”, she said.
Mrs Thomas said her husband, who is a gardener at Cosgrove Hall, had always impressed upon the children that if they got into the water to float on their back, “But I expect Stephen got too scared to do that”, she added. “I expect his wellington boots kept him down.”
Mr Holman said, ”When I got to the bank, my daughter-in-law called out “There he is, Dad!” and I saw the boy just going down, as I understood, for the third time. He did not come up, and I kept my eye on the spot and waded and then swam to it. When I got to the other side of the canal I had to go under the water, which was up to my neck. I moved my foot and was lucky enough to touch the boy. I put my foot underneath him and lifted and he came up far enough for me to grab him with both hands. My daughter-in-law took the boy from me and helped me to get out.”
Mr Holman said the boy was stiff, but his daughter-in-law, who had experience in respiration while in the Girl Guides, weighed on the boy’s shoulder and water came out of his mouth. “He yelled, but I told her to keep on as it would clear his lungs”, he said.
Mrs Holman senior said: “Mark came running up shouting that his brother was in the water and we all three ran. I took a prop, as my husband had told me previously that if anyone is in the water they might grab at it”.
Her husband carried the boy to Bridge Cottage where he was dried and then put him into blankets. “I only hope that it will be a lesson to parents not to let their children go near the water alone until they can swim,” said Mrs Holman.
Mr Holman said it had been some years since he went into the water. “It was a funny sensation, as it was a cold day,” he added.
Lost his Voice
It is 36 years since Mr Holman was last “in the news”. Whilst serving in the 1914-18 war he was gassed in France. He was blind for four months and could not speak for years. Then one day he moved his lips to talk to his to his collie and his voice returned.
He worked in the millwright’s shop in Wolverton Works until retiring in June and was 65 last December.
Wolverton Express 10th October 1958
Salonika Men at Reunion
30 Wolverton members of the Salonika Reunion Association, with the local chairman, Mr. J G Knight, attended the 34th annual muster on Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall, on Sunday. By special arrangement with British Railways, the 7.40 am from Northampton halted at Wolverton to pick up the party to enable them to get to London in time for the parade, a concession which was much appreciated.
The muster from 50 for branches assembled to receive the message from Her Majesty the Queen. There was a short service conducted by Bishop Johnston, of Egypt and Libya, and led by the band of the Welsh Guards, they marched to the Cenotaph to pay homage to their comrades of 45 years ago.
Nice day tradition
Over many years there has been a remarkable record of good weather for the occasion - only once was a slight drizzle recorded - so that a nice day is taken for granted. This year the tradition was only just maintained, for an hour later during the Parade Lunch at Coventry Street Corner House, torrential rain fell, which persisted for the remainder of the afternoon.
The Wolverton branch consists largely of ex infantrymen of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry and the Wiltshire regiment, and these annual parades are an eagerly awaited opportunity to meet old pals of their units scattered over the respective counties, many of whom are approaching or have passed the age of retirement from work.
Wolverton Express 24th October 1958
Harvest Services at Cosgrove
There were fairly good attendances at the Harvest Festival services at Cosgrove Mission Hall on Sunday, October 11 when the preacher was Mr. R Richardson of Loughton and the organist Mrs. H. Cummings. The collections from both services amounted to £3 11s 0d. The harvest sale took place on Monday, Mrs. J. Johnson proving an able auctioneer, and realized £11 0s 6d making, with the collections a total of £14 11s 6d for the Mission Hall funds.
Wolverton Express 10th October 1958
YOUTH (19) EARNING £17 A WEEK Fined £20 for Stealing Radio from Car
19-YEAR-OLD quarry worker, who said he was earning £17 a week working at the gravel pits at Cosgrove, was fined £20 by Towcester magistrates on Tuesday for stealing a transistor radio, valued at £22 ls. Od.
He was Sidney Frank Ratledge, of Thrupp Wharf,Cosgrove, who pleaded " Guilty " to the offence, and was repre-sented by Mr. S. J. Vardon (Messrs Parrott and Son).
Supt. H. B. Copping said that on September 24, at 8.30 p.m., a Mr. Robert Harris, of Weston Favell, parked his car outside the Navigation Inn, Cosgrove. He locked all the doors and left a radio on the back seat. This could be seen from the outside. Mr. Harris returned at 9.30 p.m, and started to drive to Northampton. He stopped at Hanslope to switch the radio on, and then discovered it was missing. A search was made of the car, but the radio was not found. The rear door of the car was unlocked.
Went Back to Inn
Supt. Copping continued that Mr. Roberts went back to the Navigation Inn, where he reported the loss of his property by telephone to the Potterspury police. He valued the radio at £22 1s. Inquiries were made, and later the same night Ratledge was seen at Cosgrove. When told about the inquiries, he said : " No. What would I do with a thing like that He was then told that he fitted the description of a man seen to go to the car and open the door, and was alleged to have said, " No, I did not go anywhere near the place. I went straight out of the house to Deanshanger."
Afterwards, when on the way to Towcester Police Station, Ratledge was alleged to have said : "I might as well tell you I had the wireless set and it is at my girl's place. I did not really need it." P.C. Jones told the Court that he saw Ratledge at Towcester Police Station on September 28, when he made a statement that he walked across the road from his home and saw a car parked with a wireless set inside. He had a sudden urge to take the set, and just did not think. He opened the door and took the set, and then put it in his own car and took it to Deanshanger, where he left it at his girl's house. The alleged statement continued : " I didn't really want it for myself, and I am now sorry I took it."
Set recovered
PC Jones continued that the wireless set had been recovered from the girl’s home.
Mr. S J Barton: there is no suggestion that the people about housework in any way concerned?
Witness: no
Mr. Vardon said it was an inexplicable case. Ratledge was earning a good wage. He was prompted, perhaps, by vanity and the desire to show off to the young lady with whom he was keeping company. He wanted to show he was able to obtain a good bargain with some acumen as a businessman. Unfortunately his desire to show himself in a good light resulted in him displaying himself in a very adverse light.
The chairman, Alderman F. J Snelson, said they considered defendant’s conduct most undesirable. He must understand he could not go about taking anything out of other people’s cars. It was something for which he could be sent to prison for six months. “We are going to let you off lightly and you will be fined £20 and let that be a lesson to you”, the chairman added. Ratledge was allowed seven days in which to pay the fine.
Wolverton Express 10th October 1958
Salonika Men at Reunion
30 Wolverton members of the Salonika Reunion Association, with the local chairman, Mr. J G Knight, attended the 34th annual muster on Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall, on Sunday. By special arrangement with British Railways, the 7.40 am from Northampton halted at Wolverton to pick up the party to enable them to get to London in time for the parade, a concession which was much appreciated.
The muster from 50 for branches assembled to receive the message from Her Majesty the Queen. There was a short service conducted by Bishop Johnston, of Egypt and Libya, and led by the band of the Welsh Guards, they marched to the Cenotaph to pay homage to their comrades of 45 years ago.
Nice day tradition
Over many years there has been a remarkable record of good weather for the occasion - only once was a slight drizzle recorded - so that a nice day is taken for granted. This year the tradition was only just maintained, for an hour later during the Parade Lunch at Coventry Street Corner House, torrential rain fell, which persisted for the remainder of the afternoon.
The Wolverton branch consists largely of ex infantrymen of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry and the Wiltshire regiment, and these annual parades are an eagerly awaited opportunity to meet old pals of their units scattered over the respective counties, many of whom are approaching or have passed the age of retirement from work.
Wolverton Express 24th October 1958
There were fairly good attendances at the Harvest Festival services at Cosgrove Mission Hall on Sunday October 11 when the preacher was Mr R Richardson of Loughton and the organist was Mrs H Cummings. The collections from both services amounted to £3 11s 0d. The Harvest sale took place on Monday, Mrs J Johnson proving an able auctioneer and realised £11 0s 6d, making, with the collections, a total of £14 11s 6d for the Mission Hall Funds.
Wolverton Express 7th November 1958
Archaeological Society Report on Cosgrove Excavation
Most of the diggings carried out by the Wolverton and District Archaeological Society during the past season were confined to Cosgrove, reported the secretary, Mr. C. W. Green to about 30 members at the annual general meeting held in St. James' Church Hall New Bradwell.
"We were preoccupied absolutely with Cosgrove, which for a Society is not a very good thing," said Mr. Green, "But this was unavoidable because the opportunity was given us to take over this site by Major Hesketh who fixed us up with a hut, provided tools, and cleared and decorated a wing of the outhouses to start up a museum for anything that was found." After all this, said Mr. Green, they could do no more than put all their work into the Cosgrove site.
Work had started at Cosgrove at the end of April, and about eight tons of earth had been moved. Referring to the villa discovered at Cosgrove. Mr. Green said there did not seem to be much evidence that it had been deliberately destroyed like its neighbour at Potterspury, but seemed to have been abandoned.
"Possibly it was left hurriedly, and the occupants afterwards came back to clear everything out," he added. Among their finds at Cosgrove were plenty of pottery some of which was signed by a man who lived in the first century between 80 and 150 A.D.
All the officers were re-elected: Mr. E. Bailey (chairman). Mr. C. W. Green (secretary), Mr. R. G. Bellchambers (vice-chairman) with Sir Frank Markham (president). The committee was re-elected en bloc. Mr. Bailey expressed appreciation on behalf of the Society to Major Hesketh for all he had done to help at the Cosgrove site. The secretary read a letter from the curator of the Greek and Roman Art Section, Metropolitan Museum New York, congratulating the Wolverton Society on their workings. The Society ended their year with a balance of £35 7s. 10d compared with £15 5s. 9d. last year.
Wolverton Express 7th November 1958
Although the owner of 18 The Green, Cosgrove, gave an undertaking that the house would not be used for human habitation until it had been made fit for that purpose, Towcester Council was told last week that the house had been re-occupied, and upon investigation, it was revealed that the house had been sold without the owner having disclosed the fact that there was an undertaking in force. The purchaser was subsequently interviewed by the Public Health Inspector and was prepared to carry out the necessary works. If the works are carried out the Council will cancel the notices. The purchaser has vacated the property.
Wolverton Express 7th November 1958
Agreement has been reached between the Council and farmer Mr. R. H. Maycock about the use of the footbridge over the river at Old Wolverton Mill. The bridge is used by pedestrians on the right-of-way from the mill to Cosgrove, and for the farmer's stock, which crosses from the farm in Bucks to pastures over the river in Northants. Conditions are that the farmer shall keep the decking and handrails clean; provide a chain at one end of the bridge, which can be unhooked by pedestrians, and pay an annual acknowledgment of £2 10s.
Wolverton Express 14th November 1958
Canal Arm Called a "Death Trap" for Cattle
THE Buckingham Arm of the Grand Union Canal was described as a "death-trap for cattle" by Mr. Jack Smith, of Deanshanger, newly-appointed chairman of the Stony Stratford branch of the National Farmers' Union, at the annual meeting in the Cock Hotel last Friday.
Members stated that they had lost a number of animals, particularly sheep, which had been trapped in the silting up mud when attempting to drink. Mr. F. A. Yeomans (secretary) said the branch had been in touch with British Waterways about this matter, and was still trying to arrange a meeting with them. It was agreed to press the authority to take action.
Wolverton Express 14th November 1958
After, an illness lasting more than three years, Mrs. Jane Pettifer, of 18 Yardley Road, Cosgrove, died on November 4, aged 80. Although she had been ill for so long, Mrs. Pettifer was only confined to bed for a week before her death. She leaves three sons, three daughters, and an adopted daughter. Mrs. Pettifer had lived in Cosgrove for 50 years. Her husband died four years ago, after 54 years of marriage. The funeral service in SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, on Friday last, was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. J. S. Benson. Mr, W. Smith played for Mrs. Pettifer's favourite hymn, "Rock of Ages", and “Jesu, Lover of my Soul".
Mourners were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Mills, Cobham, Mr. and Mrs. W, King, Mr. and Mrs. F. Law, Deanshanger (sons-in-law and daughters); Mr, and Mrs. A. Pettifer, Stony Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. K. Pettifer, Welling, Mr E Pettifer (sons and daughters-in-law); Mrs. G Wittich, Clapham (adopted daugh-- ter); Mr. and Mrs. C Mallows (grandchildren); Mr E. Cooper, Mrs. P. Lyman, Mrs. W. Morris, Hackleton (friends). Messrs A. W. Gurney and Son conducted the funeral arrangements.
Wolverton Express 14th November 1958
Remembrance - COSGROVE
Major General W. A. Scott, the director of the Diplomatic Wireless Service at Hanslope Park, laid the wreath at the memorial in Cosgrove Church. Capt. P. Y. Atkinson was parade marshal. The Rev. J. S. Benson (Rector) conducted the service, and the address was given by Army Scripture Reader Mr. H. Stickings, a former boxer and bookmaker, who is now working in a religious capacity among the troops and in prisons. The collection for the Poppy Day Fund amounted to £6 10s. 0d.
Wolverton Express 21st November 1958
Michael Barry, of the Gravel Pits, Cosgrove, was fined £1 at Stony Stratford Magistrates Court last Friday for parking a lorry within the pedestrian crossing approach in the High street.
Inspector D Robbie said the wheels of the lorry were two feet from the pedestrian crossing. Defendant told a constable that he had only been in the ironmongers for a minute and a half. It was the first time that he had stopped in the town, except for traffic jams.
Wolverton Express 21st November 1958
Poppy Day collections
Collections at Cosgrove amounted to £19, to which is added 35s, the cost of the wreath. Mrs P Y Atkinson of the Priory was again the organiser. Collectors were Mrs Longman, Misses B Cummings, G Barnes, S Meakins and M Spencer.
.Wolverton Express 28th November 1958
The dismissal of a number of employees by Dowsett and Co. Ltd. from their Cosgrove depot has been caused by the curtailing of activities because of bad weather, it was stated this week. The firm is subcontracting for the main contractors, John Laing and Sons Ltd., for the construction of the new motorway. Dowsett's say that the number dismissed was less than 20 from a pay-roll of 500 administered from Cosgrove. A number of lorry drivers were transferred to another section. A director of Dowsett's, interviewed at Cosgrove on Tuesday, told the "Express" that excavation work at the Cosgrove pits had been curtailed for the present time because of bad weather conditions. Gravel from Cosgrove has been taken to points on the new motorway farther away than was first intended. It has now been decided to conserve the gravel at the Cosgrove and other pits in the vicinity for the points on the motorway near to the pits. "A full steam ahead” order will be given for excavations at Cosgrove and Castlethorpe in the early spring, but the precise date of recommencements of operations will be dependent on varying circumstances, particularly the weather,” he added.
Wolverton Express 28th November 1958
Letters to the Editor
Sir. May we make this appeal through your newspaper to the people of this district. Many know the piece of land along the Old Stratford-Cosgrove Road known as the Quarries, and the part owned by the Stony Stratford Wolverton, and District is private to the Scouts.
This is a registered camping ground and is often used by troops other than those of our districts. But we often get interference at the Quarries, which besides causing disappointments to us who try to help others, does tend to curb the keenness of the boys themselves. Some things are done by younger ones, but we do know that adults do their share of damage.
Please help us to help others by treating our part of the Quarries private for the Scouts
G. W. DICKS for the Executive Committee, Stony Stratford. Wolverton and District Boy Scouts Association.
Wolverton Express 26th December 1958
Mr. H. T. Stevens
Resident in Coventry at the home of his son at 98 Humber Road, for the past 15 months, Mr. Harry Turland Stevens, who lived in Old Stratford for 38 years, died in Keresley Hospital on December 13 at the age of 73 years. Before his retirement Mr. Stevens worked as a bodymaker in Wolverton Railway Works. He had been a widower for 20 months. The funeral service at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, was conducted by the Rector the Rev. J, S. Benson. Organist Mr. L. Eales played for the hymn "Abide with me." Family mourners were: Mr and Mrs. J. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Worth, Miss K. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens (sons, daughters and in-laws) ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Stevens (brother and sister-in-law): Mrs. Jeffery, and Mr. A. Giles (friends), Floral tributes were from: Jack, Gwen, and John; Doll, Walt, and boys; Eric, Ellen, and boys; Joan and Ron; Kathleen; Kathleen, Vivian, and children; Frank and Beat; Eric and , Molly: Mr. and Mrs. Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. R Holmes; Cis, Bert. Rita, and George. Funeral arrangements were by J. S. Cowley and Son, Stony Stratford.
Wolverton Express 27th March 1959

Mr and Mrs Peter Newcombe who were married at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, on Saturday, are spending their honeymoon touring Devon and Cornwall. For her marriage, the bride, formerly Miss Brenda Tapp, wore a ballerina-length dress of white lace trimmed with diamante and pearls. Her short circular veil and diamante head-dress were lent by a friend, Mrs. K. Goodway. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations and white hyacinths. The bride is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tapp, of 54 Mount Hill Avenue, Old Stratford. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. W. Newcombe, of Manor Cottages, Quinton, Northants, and of the late Mr. W. Newcombe. The bride was given away by her father. Bridesmaids were Miss Linda Tapp, chief (bride's sister), Miss Jennifer Hamilton (bride's friend), Miss Janice Keen and Miss Sheila Bardell (bride's nieces). They wore dresses of pale blue nylon with pink flocking, white feathered coronet head-dresses, with matching gloves and shoes, and carried posies of pink hyacinths. Mr. Derek Frost (bride-groom's friend) was best man. The Rev. B. E. Mather, Rector of Haversham, officiated and the hymn "Lead, us Heavenly Father" and the 23rd Psalm were sung. At the church the bride was handed a brush and horse-shoes. A reception in the Memorial Hall, Old Stratford, was attended by over 120 guests. The two-tier wedding cake was made by the bridegroom's mother. For the honeymoon the bride travelled in a pink suit, navy coat, and navy and pink accessories. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a manicure set and the reciprocal gift a signet ring. Gifts to the bridesmaids were silver bracelets and a silver locket, and to the best man a silver pencil. The bridegroom is employed as a mechanic at Whatton's, of Hartwell, and the bride was. employed at the Plessey Co Ltd., Towcester.
Wolverton Express 10th April 1959
RDC want action over site
The site of demolished houses at Cosgrove was described as an eyesore in the village” at the Towcester RDC meeting.
Mr J K Soper (chairman of the Housing Committee) reported that a letter had been received from. the County Planning Officer, stating that repeated promises by the owner to tidy up this site had not been fulfilled. The Committee had been advised that any enforcement action taken by the County Council should be limited to the cutting down and removal or burning of the weeds and scrub leaving the removal of the remaining old walling and heaps of rubble from the demolished buildings to be dealt with by the RDC under the Public Health Act. The Housing Committee was of the opinion that the whole of the tidying up work required on the site could be enforced by the County Council under the Town and Country Planning Act and it was decided to defer consideration of the question for another month and to approach the Clerk of the County Council in the matter.
Not tidying-up
Mr, G. Fisher said the County Council was suggesting that action should be limited to the cutting down and removal or burning of the weeds and scrub leaving the heaps of rubble. “This does not seem to be tidying up the site at all - it seems to be an evasion of their responsibility", he said. He asked how long the County Council had been dealing with the matter.
The Clerk Mr F. J. Hulbert said that it was six to nine months ago when the matter was first brought before the County Planning Officer.
Mr Soper said they would try to hurry the matter up. “We think it has gone on far too long," he added.
Wolverton Express 10th April 1959
On instructions from Mrs. E. L. King, Messrs. Osborne and Son conducted the sale of Knotwood Farm, Old Stratford, at the Cock Hotel, Stony Stratford, on Friday last. The farm comprises 45 acres 2 roods 14 poles, and is situate on the main Watling Street. A good company attended the sale and after spirited bidding the farm was sold at £5,050, the purchaser being Mrs. J. Oliver, of Brackley. The solicitors acting for the vendors were Messrs, Athay and Lorimer of Buckingham.
Wolverton Express 17th April 1959
Millions of television viewers on Monday evening saw extracts from the noble life of Sister Mary Ward B.E.M. Some weeks ago she went from her canal-side home at Stoke Bruerne to the BBC studios on an invitation to see the British Waterways film "Painted Boats". It was, in fact, a pretext to ensure her attendance to be the central figure in "This is your life".
Sister Ward - now 74 - has been a life-long friend to the barge-folk. Interviewer Eamonn Andrews described the most important thing in her life as "the colourful people who live aboard the boats” and said that she meant as much to them as Florence Nightingale meant to the soldiers in the Crimea.
“This is a story of private enterprise in the markets of simple goodness,” said Eamonn Andrews, when describing Sister Ward transformed her simple cottage into a house of sympathy and understanding. The story of Sister Ward’s interest and compassion for the barge folk goes back to her childhood. Her father was the last hand rope-maker at the canal side. Even as a child she showed interest in nursing For some years she was a children's nurse. About 25 years ago she decided to start a canal side surgery for the boatpeople at Stoke Bruerne.
Guests were bargees and their wives, Sister Ward’s daughter, Mrs Olive Drage, Roy Peters, who Sister Ward cared for as a baby for 3½ years during World War 1, Miss Beatrice Woodward, who formerly lived at the Boat Inn, Eric Smith, a member of the Stoke Bruerne “Fire Brigade” during the last war, Mrs Hannah Ingram and her son Neil, whose life Sister Ward saved and the manager of a boat company
The final stage in the story 17 If a life well spent was when a bargeman's wife presented Sister Ward with a lavishly minted barge water can, containing lilies. And final comment from Eamonn Andrews: “May you be there for many years, standing on the towpath as a symbol of charity.”
Wolverton Express 24th April 1959
Attempt to Enter Village Post Office
An attempt to enter the sub-post office and village store at Cosgrove early on Wednesday was foiled when the wife of the proprietor was awakened by the sound of breaking glass.
Mrs L V Wood told the “Express”: “I awoke when there was a crash of glass and gave a loud squeal. It was exactly 2.20 am. My husband and I heard a car being driven away but we did not see anybody.”
The glass in the door of the shop was broken.
Wolverton Express 4th September 1959
PARISHIONERS from Deanshanger, Passenham, Cosgrove and Old Stratford collected £58 11s. 6d as a testimonial for the Rev. J. S. Benson, who has been Rector of the parishes for twelve years, and is leaving next week to take up an appointment in Islington, London. At a ceremony in the Memorial Hall, Old Stratford, on Monday evening, Mr. J. A. Taylor Brown (churchwarden), who presided, said they could not let the opportunity pass without expressing deep gratitude for all Mr. and Mrs. Benson had done.
Long remembered
They all knew the Rector as a sincere and devout man. His ministry had had a very great singleness of purpose, and they would long remember all he had striven to do. Pomp and circumstance had never appealed to the Rector, and such outward trappings counted for little or nothing. Mr. Brown continued that the feeling of everyone on receiving the news that Mr. Benson was leaving was that they should make some tangible recognition of his work, and a testimonial was begun. The response to the testimonial had been "really, really wonderful," and reflected the feelings, appreciation and regard of the parishioners. They had decided to buy the Rector a really good clock, which would be suitably inscribed, and they hoped that the Rector would use the rest of the money to purchase a typewriter. Presentation The presentation was made by Mr. R. D. Carslake, a former churchwarden, who worked with Mr. Benson for some years. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Benson were also expressed by Mr. E. R. Lambert (Cosgrove churchwarden). Mr. Taylor Brown explained that the clock had an alternating chime. of either Westrninster or Whittington.
Acknowledging the gift, Mr. Benson said that he and his wife were deeply moved by the occasion. Although he had no idea who would take over from him, he hoped it would be a younger man. The visiting was utterly inadequate due to the distance between the parishes.
Spiritual awakening
He went on: "I think Deanshanger is on the verge of a great spiritual awakening, and we shall see this go right through this country in a few years." Thanking the parishioners for the clock, Mr. Benson said that only once in 13 years had he been late for a service, so he did not need it for that reason, but they had nothing between a grandfather and an alarm clock, so it would come in very useful. He thought Deanshanger should do something about putting up a residence for the Rector.
"They have £3,000 from the sale of Passenham Rectory, and I think this is something urgent," he said. Passenham and Deanshanger was one of the biggest parishes in the Diocese, and they had no residence to offer an incumbent. Mrs. Benson also expressed thanks for the gifts. Refreshments were served by Mesdames C. S. Masters, Rose, Chance, Baker, Heppinstall, Chaplin (Deanshanger) and Miss Ann Masters.
Wolverton Express 11th September 1959
Cosgrove Parish Church stalwarts
At a recent meeting of Cosgrove Parish Church Council the services of two retired members were placed on record. Appreciation was expressed for the valuable work performed on behalf of the parish by Mr. J. Higgins, for 13 years Rector's Warden and many years a bellringer, and Mrs D. Feil, who during the past 15 years has filled offices of Peoples' Warden, secretary and treasurer. Their successors are Capt. E. Gt Purser, Old Stratford, Rector's Warden, Mr, E. Lambert. Peoples' Warden, Mr. J. Wootton, Potterspury, a lay reader, treasurer, and Mr. K. Stubbs, secretary.
Wolverton Express 18th September 1959
The Cosgrove Playing Field Committee, which commenced to function five years ago, is still without a ground. As the result of house to house collections and donations the fund has about £110 in hand.
At a recent committee meeting it was unanimously decided not to accept the proposed ground owing to the conditions which had arisen during negotiations.
Wolverton Express 18th September 1959
A dress of white brocade with orange blossom head-dress was worn by Miss Pauline Bushell for her marriage with Mr. Ralph Robinson at SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove on September 5. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. E. Spokes, of 32 Bridge Road, Cosgrove, and the late Mr. S. Bushell, and was given away by an uncle, Mr. A. Bushell. She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds, lily of the valley and white heather. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Robinson, of 5 New Road, Wootton, and is employed at a Hardingstone garage.
Bridal attendants were Miss Beryl Robinson (chief bridesmaid, bridegroom's sister), Miss Pat Bushell (bride's sister), Shirley Spokes (bride's step sister) and Wendy Jones (bride's cousin) They wore dresses of lilac brocade, with 4 white sashes and head-dresses, and carried bouquets of pink carnations and mauve stocks. Mr. James Rogers (bride-groom's .friend) was best man.
The Rector, the Rev. J. S. Benson officiated and Mr. W. Smith was organist for the hymn "Love divine" and the 23rd. Psalm. Gifts were handed to the bride outside the church by cousins Stella Taylor, Wendy Jones and Michael Chapman and friends. The reception held in the Victory Hall was attended by 100 guests. The wedding cake was made by Mrs. Whitlock, of Towcester, a friend of the bride. The honeymoon was at Yarmouth. Gifts included a pressure cooker from workmates of the bride at Plessey's and blankets from the bridegroom's employer.
Wolverton Express 2nd October 1959
The Rev D Temple, of the China Inland Mission on furlough from Malaya, was the special preacher at Harvest festival services at Cosgrove Parish Church last Sunday morning and afternoon.
In the evening the singing was led by the Deanshanger Holy Trinity Church choir, whose presence was very much appreciated by Cosgrove churchgoers. The children’s service in the afternoon was conducted by the Lay Reader, Mr J Wootton, who also conducted the other services.
The sale of gifts on Monday evening was conducted by Mrs J Johnson and good prices were realised. The collections and sale amounted to £22 and were equally divided between Northamptonshire Association for the Blind and Cosgrove Church expenses.
Wolverton Express 6th November 1959
"Shambles" at Cosgrove - COUNCILLOR
From one of the prettiest villages in Northamptonshire, Cosgrove had now become a shambles, declared Coun. Mrs. M. Jelley at the annual meeting of the Northamptonshire Association of Parish Councils at Northampton on Saturday. Mrs. Jelley said that the Towcester R.D.C., of which she is a member had gone as far as they could according to law. In February of last year the village had been honoured by a visit form the County Planning Officer.
She went on. “He saw where 20 houses had been pulled down and the site left in a deplorable state. The planning officer agreed that this was yet another example of the despoilation of amenities, and he thought he could do something for us. That was 18 months ago and we are just where we were. A site like this does not improve with keeping.”
Wolverton Express 13th November 1959
The Rev. Paul Hoskin, of Wicken, conducted the Remembrance Service at Cosgrove. An ex-Service men's parade marched from the cross-roads to the church, led by the British Legion standard-bearer, Mr. R W. Longman, and escorts, Mr. F Hillier and Mr. J. Hefford. During the service a wreath was placed on the memorial tablet by Capt. P. Y. Atkinson, the Legion branch president.
Wolverton Express 4th December 1959
The annual Christmas Bazaar of Cosgrove Church was held in the Victory Hall last Friday evening and raised £80 for Church funds. Mrs C R Whiting of Old Wolverton opened the bazaar and was thanked by Capt P Y Atkinson. Miss Diane Stewart presented flowers to Mrs Whiting, who was introduced by Mr P Lambert, people’s warden.
Stallholders and helpers were Mesdames P Y Atkinson, F Hillyer, Hickford, W Brodkway, C Brockway, D Chown, Beasley, E Lambert, Harris, Hebson, G Feil, Stubbs and Barton, Misses Marlow, Hillyer and M Feil, Mr G Feil, Mr E Lambert and Mr J Wootton (treasurer) and Mr K Stubbs (secretary).
Wolverton Express 11th December 1959
Late Mr. Bob Pettifer
A water fitter’s mate with Ithe Wolverton Urban District Council for the past eight years Mr. Ernest, Edgar (Bob) Pettifer of 18 Yardley Road, Cosgrove, died in Northampton Hospital on November 27. He was 57 and had been ill for nine weeks. A native of Potterspury, Mr Pettifer had lived in Cosgrove for about 50 years. For 25 years he worked for the late Mr Reg Whiting at the Cosgrove Gravel Pits. He was very well known in the district and had been a keen gardener. Mr Pettifer was not married. His mother died only 12 months ago.
Cosgrove funeral
The funeral service was on Thursday afternoon of Iast, week at Cosgrove Parish Church. The family mourners were: Mr, and Mrs. A. Pettifer, Stony Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. K. Pettifer, Welling, Kent (brothers and sisters-in-law); Mr, and Mrs. J. Mills, Cobham, Surrey, Mr. and Mrs W King, Northampton, Mr and Mrs. F. Law, Deanshanger (brothers-in-law and sisters); Mrs. G. Wittich, Clapham (cousin); Mr. C. Mallows, Old Stratford, Mrs. J. Macdavitt, Codham, Miss J. Law, Deanshanger, Mrs. A. Cooper, Stony Stratford (nephew and nieces): Mrs. P. Lyman (friend). There were several friends in church, including representatives of the Wolverton Urban District Council, Mr. D. Tucker (and representing Mr. J. B. Harwood, Clerk), Mr. S. Harrington (and representing Mr. G, L. Plastow, Engineer and Surveyor). Mr. F. Whitehead (water fitter), and Mr. L Freeman (Public Health Department), Also present was Mr Philip Whiting, also representing Mrs. R. C. Whiting. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. A W. Gurney and Son.