Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 15 January 1910
DEATHS: January 1, at Northampton Hospital, Edith Lovell, of Cosgrove, aged 20 years.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 March 1910
It was decided to purchase (subject to the Board of Education’s approval) 2 rood 39 poles 16 yards of land at Cosgrove from Mr. H. Grant Thorold for £75 for the site of a new Council school.
The Bucks Standard Saturday 02 April 1910
Death of Mr. Francis Desvaux Bull at Stony Stratford.
It is with deep regret, which will be shared by many of our readers in Newport Pagnell, Cosgrove and Stony Stratford, that we record the death of Mr. Francis Desvaux Bull, which occurred at his residence, Furtho House, Old Stratford, early Easter morning. The demised gentleman was the second son of the late Mr. William Bateman Bull, the former head and founder of Messrs. W. B. and W. R. Bull, the well known firm of Newport Pagnell solicitors. Born on December 26, 1837, at Cedar House, Newport Pagnell, he was educated at Mill Hill School.
At the age of 26 he became a member of the Newport Pagnell Volunteer Fire Brigade, and six years later took up the chief officership of that organisation. This post he held with marked ability up 1876, when to the regret of those serving under him, with all of whom he was highly popular, he resigned. To mark their appreciation of his services and as a recognition of the deep interest he took in the welfare and efficiency of the Brigade, he was publicly presented with very handsome sliver cup. In 1872 the late Mr. Ball was responsible for the organisation of the Great Fire Brigade Fete in the town. Several neighbouring brigades took part in this, and the day will be remembered by some of the older inhabitants as one of the most enjoyable holidays ever held in the district. Subsequently such displays were for some years annual moveable fixtures, the local brigade taking part is competitions at Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Winslow, Stony Stratford, Oxford, Dunstable, and other places.
In his younger days Mr. Bull served as a commissioned officer in the Newport Pagnell Company, the old 3rd Bucks Rifle Volunteers. This was a period when volunteering, though in its embryo state, was a more expensive undertaking to the rank and file than it is these days Parliament has come to realise the value and importance of such a force for home defence, and every facility is offered to make this branch of the service popular with our young men.
For some years the deceased gentleman was a member of Messrs. Rogers and Co.’s brewery undertaking at Newport Pagnell, a business now carried on under the name and style of the Newport Pagnell Brewery Company. Severing his connection with this firm in 1875 he became the owner of the Cosgrove Brewery, which subsequently passed into the hands of Messrs. Phipps and Co. Northampton, who now use the premises as a store.
During his residence at Cosgrove he entered wholeheartedly into the public life of the village, and anything organised for the welfare of those among whom he lived was always sure of his hearty support and active co-operation. For over 20 years he was churchwarden at the Parish Church, and was one of the earliest Foundation Trustees of the village school. Up to the time of his death he sat on the Board of Managers of the school, and was also a Trustee of Whalley's Apprentice Charity. For a long time he sat on the Parish Council and latterly was vice-chairman of that body. Even at the Parish Meeting held last month the late Mr. Bull was re-elected a member of the Council, although on account of advancing years and from the fact that he was living out of the village he had expressed a desire to resign.
Horticulture was the deceased’s chief hobby, and his happiest hours were spent among his flowers. He was vice-president of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society, and the service he rendered the committee of management was most valuable.
In many respects Mr. Bull's death will prove a distinct loss to Cosgrove, for though for a long period he had resided at Stony Stratford his interest and love for the village never deteriorated.
The esteemed gentleman had been a member from its inception of the Watling-street Lodge of Freemasons (Stony Stratford).
Mr. Bull married, in 1867, Miss Maria Turner Osborn, daughter of the late Mr. George Osborn, well known in his day in the Newport Pagnell neighbourhood. The deceased's widow, and three sons and two daughters survive him, and with them in their great bereavement, widespread sympathy has been expressed.
The mortal remains of the deceased gentlemen were conveyed from Furtho House for interment in the little cemetery at Cosgrove on Wednesday afternoon, March 30. A large concourse of people, including practically all the residents of Cosgrove, assembled to pay a last loving tribute to the memory of the deceased gentleman. As the cortege entered the ancient church, with which Mr. Bull had for so long been officially associated, Mr. J. D. Warren, the organist, played the beautiful music of "I will arise." The service both in the church and at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. L. L. Leader, rector of the parish. The hymns were: "O God our help in ages past " and "Jesus lives! no longer now " As the coffin was being removed from the church the organist played Chopin’s "Funeral March." The deceased was laid to rest in a plain earth grave lined with ivy and dotted with daffodils, primroses and violets. The coffin was of plain English oak, with brass fittings, the name-plate being engraved:
Died Easter Morn,
Aged 72 years.
The chief mourners were: Mr. T. P. Bull (son) and Miss F. M. Bull (daughter) ; Mr. R. F. Ball (son) and Miss A. D. Bull (daughter) ; Mrs. W. R. Bull (sister-in-law), Mr. F. W. Bull and Mr. E. R. Bull (nephews) ; Mr. W. J. Coales (nephew) and Miss A. M. Coales, and Miss G. L. Bull (niece.) ; and Mr. Bertram (nephew).
The Watling-street Lodge of Freemasons was represented by Dr. Cecil Powell, Mr. G. W. Bull, Mr. B. Hayes, Mr. W. H. Robinson, Mr. J. Rogers. Mr W. J. Elmes, Mr. W. Higgs, Mr. J. Hall, Mr. Ed. Green, Mr. S. P. Starsmore and Mr. J. Jones. The Cosgrove Parish Council was represented by Mr. H. Grant Thorold, Mr. J. J. Atkinson and Mr. Thomas Seymour (clerk) ; Mr. H. Patman was present to represent the School Managers, and Mr. R. Penson the Flower Show Committee. Among others noticed either in the church or at the graveside were: Mrs. J. J. Atkinson, Rev. Graham (son of a former Rector of Cosgrove), Mr. C. Baldwin (Cosgrove), Mr. W. H. Robinson (Stony Stratford), Mr. E. Swinfen Harris (Stony Stratford), and many others, including a number of ladies.
Some exquisite wreathes and other floral tributes were sent by relatives and friends as follows : Wreathln memory of my dear brother, from Ellen.
WreathIn loving memory from Mrs. Francis Coales and family, Beechwood, Newport Pagnell
Wreathln loving remembrance from Ouse Bank, Newport Pagnell.
Wreathln affectionate remembrance from Fred and Helen.
Wreathln loving remembrance from Ernest and Florence.
WreathFrom George and Ellen, with love.
WreathFrom Francis, Georgie and Reg, with deep sympathy.
Wreathln memory of an old, old friendMr. F. J. Taylor, Lovat Bank, Newport Pagnell.
WreathFrom the brethren of the Watling-street Lodge of Freemasons, with sincere sympathy.
WreathWith deepest sympathy from a few old Cosgrove friends.
Crossln remembrance from the Priory, Cosgrove.
WreathHis happiest Easter, though not ours, Leon Leader, Cosgrove.
WreathFrom H. Grant Thorold, Cosgrove Cottage.
WreathWith sincere sympathy from Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Powell, Calverton House, Stony Stratford.
WreathWith love from R. W. and M. W. Wylie.
CrossWith sincere sympathy from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedley.
WreathWith kindest regards and much sympathyMr. David G. Begg and the Misses Pegg, Belsize Park, S.W.
BunchMuch sympathy, from Elizabeth and L. Trasler.
Cross.ln loving memory, from Mrs. A. C. Bartrum and all the family, Hampstead , N.W.
A magnificent floral cross from the widow of the deceased gentleman rested on the coffin.
The coffin was made by Mr. Betts, Stony Stratford, and the funeral arrangements were in charge of Mr. W. Meadows, funeral furnisher, Stony Stratford. The Washington car and funeral coaches were provided by the management of the Bull Hotel at Stony Stratford.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 09 July 1910
A sale of work took place at Cosgrove on Thursday last, which had as its object the clearing off of the remaining debt of £25 on the Mission Hall, built in 1903 at a cost £410. The profit from the effort realised the pleasing sum of £18 6s. 10d. Mr. F. W. Woollard, J.P., Stony Stratford, kindly contributed the required amount of £6 13s. 2d., (which frees the building from debt. The result, therefore, was most gratifying to those who worked so willingly and earnestly with this end in view.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 30 July 1910
COSGROVE The Feast. The annual feast was celebrated in this sequestered village last week. The usual fair was located in a field, and patronised by the villagers and visitors from the adjacent towns. On Saturday a cricket match was played with Mr. W. Holes’ (Wolverton) XI., resulting in a win for the visitors by 15 runs.
The Bucks Standard Saturday 13 August 1910
Cosgrove flower show took place on Saturday, August 6, in the grounds of the Hall, kindly lent by Mr. A. E. Baker. Counter attractions in the district rather told on the attendance of the public, but the show itself was a really excellent one. The band of the Wolverton Territorial Detachment, under Mr. H. Brooks’ conductorship, provided music, whist Professor Hamylton, of Leicester, assisted by Miss Gladys Hamylton, of Leicester, gave some exhibitions of sleight-of-hand work.
There was also a baby show, which was judged by Dr. Moore, of Stony Stratford, and Mrs. Rickards, of Filgrave. Amongst those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baker (who took a great interest in the show, and distributed amongst all the children presents sweet and chocolates), Captain H. Grant-Thorold, J.P., Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., and Mrs. Atkinson, the Rev. L. L. Leader (the rector of Cosgrove and Furtho), &c. Mr. T. Seymour was the active and obliging secretary. Mr. Mason, the County Council lecturer on bee culture, gave some exhibitions in bee driving. [a bee keeper’s test of the ability to encourage a swarm into a new home dropped in 1933]. The prize awards are given:
Cottagers’ Class. Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1 G. Williams, 2 J. W. Williams, 3 J. Horne. Kidney beans, 1 G. Williams, 2 W. Wise, Cabbages, 1 W. Wise, 2 W. Swain, Long carrots 1 A. J. Childs 2 S. Williams. Short carrots, 1 G. Williams 2 S. Williams. Cauliflowers, 1 W. Hurst, 2 J. Horne. White Turnips, 1 J. Horn, 2 W. Wise. Vegetable marrows, 1 M. Beasley, 2 A. J. Childs. Long beet, 1 A. Swain. Lettuces, 1 W. Lane, 2 Robt Brown. Eschalots, cooking, 1 W. Lane, 2 Geo. Wilson. Eschalots, pickling, 1 J. W. Swain, 2 Robt Brown. Red cabbages, 1 J. Horn, 2 R. Pettifer. Broad beans, long pod, 1 J. Horn, 2 A. Swain. Broad beans (Green Winsor), 1 W. Lane, 2 J. Horn. Spring onions, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Wise, 3 W. Lack. Winter onions, 1 Robt Brown, 2 J. W. Swain, 3 J. Horn. Peas, 1 J. Swain, 2 A. Childs, 3 J. Horn. Potatoes, round white, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Lane, 3 W. Wise. Potatoes, round coloured, 1 J. Horn, 2 W. Wise, 3 W. Hurst. Kidney white, 1 W. Wise, 2 W. Lane, 3 W. Wise. Kidney coloured, 1 W. Lane, 2 G. Williams, 3 W. Wise. Flowers: Sweet peas, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 M. Beasley. Asters, 2 H. Willison. Stocks, 1 G. Williams, 2 W. Wise. Flowering plants, 1 G. Williams, 2. S. Williams. Bouquet, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams.
Amateurs. Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1 A. J. Childs, 2 S. Williams, 3 G. Williams. Potatoes, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Wise, 3 A. J. Childs 4 J. Horn. Peas, 1 T. Seymour, 2 E. Irons, 3 W. Wise. Cucumbers, 1 T. Seymour, 2 W. Clarke, Tomatoes, 2 E. Irons. Vegetable marrows, 1 A. Swain, 2 M. Beasley. Fruit: Plums, 1 A. E. Richardson, 2 W. Clarke. Apples, cooking, 1 W. Clarke, 2 Mrs. A. F. Jelley. Apples, dessert, 1 W. Clarke, 2 Mrs. A. F. Jelley. Gooseberries, 1 W. Clarke, 2 T. Seymour. Black currants, 1 J. W. Swain. Flowers: Sweet peas, 1 E. Irons, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 Mrs. Penson. Hardy flowers, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 W. H. Sampson. Carnations or picotees, 1 A. E. Richardson. Foliage plants, 1 T. Seymour, Ferns, 1 T. Seymour. Begonias, 1 W. H. Sampson, 2 T. Seymour. Cactus dahlias, 1 S. Williams.
Open class. Vegetables: Collection of vegetables, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. J. Atkinson, 3 A. E. Ward. Cucumbers, 1 A. E. Ward, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Celery, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 Thos. Bramley. Kidney beans, 1 G. W. White, 2 A. E. Baker. Peas, 1 T. Seymour, 2 Mrs. Wise, 3 J. J. Atkinson. Long beet, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 W. G. White. Round beets, 1 A. E. Ward, 2 W. G. White. Lettuces, 1 G. Lambert, 2 W. Wise. Spring onions, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 Thos. Bramley. Winter onions, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. J. Atkinson. White turnips, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 Mrs. Wise. Long carrots, 1 Mrs. Wise, 2 W. Clarke. Short carrots, 1 Mrs. Wise, 2 W. Clarke.
Fruit: Collection of fruit, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Plums, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. Richardson. Cooking apples, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Dessert apples, 1 A. E. Ward, 2 A. E. Baker. Gooseberries, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 T. Seymour.
Flowers: Roses, 1 Mrs. Watts, Carnations, 1 A. E. Richardson, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Table plants, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 T. Seymour. Stove or greenhouse plants, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 T. Seymour. Coleus, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Cactus dahlias, 1 A. E. Baker, Begonias, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. J. Atkinson. Ferns, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 W. G. White. Bouquet, 1 J. J. Atkinson, 2 A. E. Ward. Cut blooms, 1 A. E. Baker, 2 J. J. Atkinson, 3 A. E. Ward. Sweet peas, 1 Miss Wage, 2 A. E. Ward, 3 H. Grant-Thorold.
Special prizes (given by Miss Atkinson) Honey (open) 1 Mrs. Penson. Eggs (prizes given by Miss Muir), 1 J. Atkinson. Six brown, 1 Mrs. Seymour, 2 Mrs. Patman. Six white, 1 Mrs. Penson, 2 Miss Atkinson. Wild flowers (by Mrs. Baker). Bouquet (children under 10 years), 1 Gladys Wise, 2 F. K. Childs, 3 Gertie Jelley. Bouquet (children over 10 years), 1 Stanley Low, 2 H. Eglesfield, 3 Dot Eglesfield.
Special prizes, 1 (the Toogood silver championship shield, with certificate) T. Lord, gardener to Mr. J. J. Atkinson C. C.; 2 (the Toogood bronze shield and certificate) J. E. Lord, gardener to Mr A. E. Baker; 3 (the Toogood certificate) S. Williams.
Baby Show. Cosgrove (prizes given by Mrs. Atkinson.) Under one year, 1 Freda Brown, 2 Phyllis Gascoyne. Over one and under two years, 1 Claude Meakins, 2 Noel Cutler. Eight miles radius: Under one year, 1 Arthur Drage, 2 Will H. Tapp. Over one and under two, 1 Kenneth Holloway, 2 Alfred Key and Elsie Adkins.
The Bucks Standard Saturday 24 September 1910
After a remarkable series of adventures a valuable necklace has just been recovered by its owner. Its loss had been freely advertised as follows: “£50 reward. Lost, on Tuesday, Aug. 30, a pearl necklace of seventy-seven pearls, diamond clasp, with small safety chain attached. Above reward will be paid to finder. Information to be given to local police.”
The jewel was the property of Mr. A. C. Baker, of Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford, and was lost on a motor journey in the neighbourhood of Stamford. It was picked up by a man, who gave it to another man, who sold it to his landlady for a pint and a half of beer and three halfpence. Eventually it came into the possession of a local pawnbroker, who notified the police. On hearing of its recovery, the owner journeyed to Stamford and identified the property, which was insured at Lloyd's, by whom the reward was offered.
The value of the necklace is about £500. When recovered it was found that one pearl had been smashed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 October 1910
Florence Temple (26), laundress, was charged with stealing £2 from Ruth Bennett, at Cosgrove, on August 7, 1910, and further with obtaining food the value of 3s. 6d., by false pretences, from Frederick Bennett, August 6 and 7. Prisoner pleaded guilty. Mr. W. Metcalfe prosecuted.
Inspector Bailey produced a warrant which had been issued in respect to charge case of false pretences at Luton.Three previous connections were put in.Sentenced Eight Months' Hard Labour.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 October 1910
STONY STRATFORD DIVISIONAL PETTY SESSIONS. Friday. Before Mr. Watts, Mr. Grant Thorold, and Mr Grounds.
Dismissed. Ernest Thomas Jelley, labourer. Cosgrove, was summoned by Walter J. Willison. Cosgrove, for assault, on September 26.
The complainant spoke to being on the allotments when the defendant came and said. “Now, what about those ferrets?" and struck him in the face several times and knocked him down.
The defendant said that the complainant accused him of stealing ferrets.
When spoke to him he put his hands as though to strike him, so defendant hit him once. The case was dismissed.
Buckingham Express Saturday 17 December 1910
EARLY last Saturday morning the inhabitants of Cosgrove were thrown into a feeling of consternation by the distressing death of Mrs. [Martha Ellen aged 34] Hillyard, wife of Mr. Hillyard, an old and respected inhabitant of the village, who was found drowned in the Grand Junction Canal near to Messrs. Phipps' Wharf. The circumstances are peculiarly sad, as the deceased only lost a little crippled daughter [Mary Elizabeth aged 10] a day or so ago, and it is said this preyed upon her mind. She leaves a husband and a large family, the youngest nine months old. [They were both buried on December 13th]
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 December 1910
With regard to the building of a new Council School at Cosgrove, the Elementary School Buildings Sub-Committee recommended the taking of the necessary steps for raising a loan of more than £1900 Carried.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 January 1911
The Education Committee asked the Council to sanction the raising of a loan of £1.900 to defray the cost of a new school accommodate 112 scholars at Cosgrove.
Mr. Monckton, the chairman of the committee, remarked that the cost worked out at £16 6s 9d. per head. Mr. Nunneley protested against the expenditure. If the schools were properly planned they could be built at less cost. He could not conceive why the total cost should amount over £16 per scholar. He believed the architects of the county, if they knew that the Council would not pass any plan which involved so large an expenditure, find some means of planning the schools at less cost. Mr. Henson said the committee were anxious to keep the cost down. Perhaps there might few pounds saved, but if the committee did many of the Councillors would be the first to complain that they were putting up wretched buildings. Mr Wicksteed pointed out that for some of the schools the extra cost was due to the price of the sites. The committee no more liked spending the money than Mr. Nunneley did. Mr. Adkins remarked that they often heard those complaints from Mr. Nunnely and they admired the spirit in which he made them. (Laughter.) He assured them that no member of the committee would be party to spending a sovereign more than was necessary. The demands of the Board of Education was far too hard and much too pedantic. Mr. Adkins promised give notice to ask the Building Committee to consider whether they could arrive at a general rule for deciding the expenditure on schools.
Buckingham Express Saturday 22 April 1911
Stony Stratford Petty Sessions, Thursday, April 13th 1911
George Panter, pig dealer, Passenham, was summoned for cruelty to a horse by working the same in an unfit state, at Cosgrove, on April 4th, and William Panter, farmer, Cosgrove, was summoned for causing the horse to be worked. Both defendants pleaded that the horse was not unfit.
Inspector Comber, R S.P.C.A., Northampton, appeared to prosecute.
Police-constable Davey said he was in company with Police-sergeant Clark, when he saw the defendant George driving the horse, which was drawing 10 cwt. of mangels. Witness stopped him. The collar was raised from the shoulder, and defendant admitted that it was bad. There were two raw wounds on the shoulder. The mare was in good condition.
Police-serge and Clark corroborated.
Defendants were ordered to pay the costs, and His Grace remarked that defendants must take it as a warning as to their future conduct
Wolverton Express June 23rd 1911
The celebrations at this quiet little village were of a hearty character. The service at church at 2 o’clock was taken by the Rev M.R. Graham. Afterwards the rest of the day was spent in the Home Close lent by Mr. H. Grant-Thorold J.P. where sports and other amusements were provided. The children were presented with mugs by the Committee who were as follows:
Mr. Grant-Thorold (Chairman), Messrs S. Williams, W. Clarke, F. Jelley, H. Smith, R. Morgan and E. Irons.
A meat tea was given to all the inhabitants, the ladies presiding being:
Mesdames V/Y/J? Jelley, T. Jelley, W. Hurst, W. Lambert, Wilson, Mayes, W. Wise and Miss Clarke, with a large body of other helpers.
At dusk there was a pyrotechnic display, the fireworks being given by Colonel and Mrs Broadwood, who are staying at Cosgrove Hall.
Wolverton Express July 21st 1911
Cosgrove Feast
Sunday last was observed in this Northants village as Feast Sunday. Special services were held in the Parish Church which was well attended, likewise the services at the Mission Chapel which were as usual bright and hearty.
In the evening the Band of the Bucks and Oxon Light Infantry (Territorials) gave a special programme of music under the baton of Mr. H. Brooks in the presence of a very large crowd and which was greatly appreciated.
On Monday evening a large number of people gathered in Mr. Bushell’s “Barley Mow” field where billings roundabouts and shows were located.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 August 1911
PISCATORIAL. The stewards of the two Working-men’s Clubs had a good half-day’s fishing on the Tove, near Cosgrove, last week. Altogether 32 fish were landed, the total weight of the catch being 65 lb., mostly bream. The last fish brought to bank was a splendid tench, scaling about 3lb.
The Bucks Standard Saturday 19 August 1911
There were many pleasing and interesting attractions at the annual show of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society held in a field kindly lent by Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., on Saturday August 12. In addition to the fine display of flowers and vegetables which one can always find at this popular exhibition, his Majesty the baby was given a place in the programme, and a number of chubby and nicely dressed infants were brought into competition, the judging being followed with considerable interest by the ladies. The Stony Stratford A.A.C. gave a clever display of gymnastics, and there was music by the Bradwell United Prize Band. Quite a unique competition, for which Mr. J. J. Atkinson was responsible, was that for which a prize was given for the most neatly attired young lady. This was won by Miss Meakins, of Stony Stratford, who wore a white dress with green belt and a mushroom shaped pale blue hat. Considering the excellent manner in which the committee had catered for the public taste it was to be regretted that the attendance was so small. The show was of a character which certainly deserved a more liberal patronage. The secretarial duties were again in the capable hands of Mr. T. Seymour, and as in past years be worked most energetically for the show's success. The committee, assisting him was as follows: Messrs. S. Williams, A Childs, G Williams, W. Clarke, T. Lord, A. Swain, R. Penson, W. Hurst, W. Willison, E. Bird, H. Williams, W. H. Sampson, J. Clarke, G. Horne, M. Beasley, W. Wise and W. Lane.
The babies were judged by Dr. A. W. Moors, of Stony Stratford, who made his awards as follows: Under one year: 1 Charles Amos, 6 months weight 12lbs; 2 Annie French, 10, 14; 3 Mrs. Willison, 9 12. One year and under two: 1 Doay Willison, 23, 17; 2 A. Deagia, 18 16. Under one year (open to a radius of eight miles): 1 Edith Nichols, 5, 10; 2 Fred G. Hale, 6, 9. Under two years(ditto): 1 Nancy Hillyer, 1 year 1 week; 2 Rich Hillyer, 1 year 7 months.
The judges of the flower show were: Messrs. R. Johnson (gardener to His Grace the Duke of Grafton, KG. Wakefield Lawn), W. Lane (gardener to Mr. Claude Borritt, Hanslope), and W. Buckingham (gardener to Lord Penrhyn, Wicken Park).
In the open classes Captain H. Grant-Thorold, J.P., was first for a collection of vegetables, celery, spring onions, collection of fruit, cooking apples, apricots, foliage plants, coleus, dahlias, begonias, and ferns; and second for kidney beans, long beet, lettuce, short carrots, plums and cut blooms. Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., secured first for cucumber, kidney beans, long beet, lettuce, turnips, long and short carrots, gooseberries, bouquet, cut blooms and sweet peas; and seconds for celery, round beet, collection of fruit, cooking and dessert apples, apricots, foliage, and stove or greenhouse plants, coleus, begonias and ferns. Mr. W. T. Clarke (Castlethorpe Nurseries) was first for tomatoes and peas and second for cucumbers; T. Bramley, second for bouquet, tomatoes and spring onions; W. G. White first for round beet and stove or greenhouse plant; A. E. Richardson first for plums and carnations; T. Seymour second for gooseberries and third for cut blooms; H. Foddy first for roses; and J. G. Knighton first for dessert apples.
Other awards are given: Cottagers. Collection vegetables, 1 G. Williams, 2 J. Horn, 3 S. Williams/ Kidney beans, 1 G. Williams, 2 J. Swann. White cabbages, 1 M. Beasley, 2 W. Lane, 3 S. Williams. Long carrots, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Lane. Short carrots, 1 G. Williams, 2 W. Lane. Celery, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. Turnips, 1 J. Horn, 2 W. Wise. Vegetable marrows, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. Long beet, 1 W. Lane, 2 S. Williams. Round beet, 1 A. Swan, 2 H. Williams. Lettuce, 1 W. Lane, 2 A. Childs. Cooking shallots, 1 W. Lane, 2 S. Williams. Pickling shallots, 1 W. Hurst, 3 R. Brown. Red cabbage, 1 W. Lane, 2 H. Willison. Windsor beans, 2 R. Brown. Spring onions, 1 J. Horn, 2 S. Williams, 3 G. Williams. Winter onions, 1 R. Brown, 2 M. Beasley, 3 W. Wise. Peas, 1 S. Williams, 2 R. Brown. White potatoes, 1 G. Williams, 2 J. Swain, 3 A. J. Childs. Coloured potatoes, 1 W. Wise, 2 S. Williams, 3 R. Brown. Coloured kidney potatoes, 1 S. Williams, 2 W. Lane, 3 W. Wise. Sweet peas, 1 G. Williams. Asters, 1 G. Williams, 2 J. Horn. Stocks, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs. Flowering plant, 1 S. Williams, 2 G. Williams. bouquet, 1 J. Williams, 2 S. Williams. Amateurs. Vegetables: collection, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 W. Lane. Potatoes (six kinds), 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs, 3 W. Lane. 4 R. Penson. Peas, 1 W. Clarke, 2 S. Williams. Cucumbers, 1 T. Seymour. Tomatoes, 1 E. Irons, 2 T. Seymour. Marrows, S. Williams, 2 G. Williams. Kidney beans, 1 E. Irons, 2 J. Knight. Plums, 1 A. E. Richardson, 2 W. Clarke. Cooking apples, 1 W. Clarke, 2 Seymour. Dessert apples, 1 Miss E. Rainbow, 2 J. G. Knighton. Gooseberries, 1 J. Ibell, 2 J. Horn. Cut flowers, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. Carnations, 1 A. E. Richardson. Roses, 1 H. Foddy, 2 J. Ibell. Foliage plants, 1 T. Seymour. Ferns, 1 T. Seymour, 2 H. Williams. Begonias, 1 T. Seymour. Dahlia, 1 S. Williams.
Honey (prizes by Miss Atkinson. 1 Mrs. W. Jelley, 2 Mrs. Eves, 3 Miss Rainbow. White eggs, 1 T. Amos, 2 Mrs. Penson, 3 J. Swain. Brown ditto, (by Miss Atkinson), 1 C. Pettifer, 2 S. W. Williams, 3 R. Brown.
Needlework. Garment (over 10 years), 1 M. Burrell, 2 Georgina Willison, 3 Eleanor White. Darning, 1 Gladys Wise, 2 Daisy Pettifer. Hemming and darning (under 10), 1 Edith Castle, 2 Beatrice Tack. Darning, 1 Louise Tack. Knitting, 1 Agnes Baldwin.
The Bucks Standard Saturday 02 September 1911
Have received instructions to sell by Auction,
Upon the Premises,
On TUESDAY, September 19,
At 12 o’clock prompt,
A QUANTITY of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Also a smart bay cob, chestnut pony, pedigree shorthorn cow in milk, pedigree down calving heifer. “CADILLAC” MOTOR CAR, etc. etc.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 09 September 1911
SUDDEN DEATH. Mrs. Brown, of the Black Horse, Old Stratford, was seized with a stroke on Monday morning shortly after partaking of a fairly hearty breakfast and expired. She leaves a husband and seven children. The funeral took place on Tuesday at Cosgrove.
The Bucks Standard Saturday 09 September 1911
Two Miles from Stony Stratford.
Having received instructions from Mrs. Stanley Bird
(who is leaving), to Sell by Auction,
On the Premises,
At 12 o’clock prompt,
A QUANTITY of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising pile and other carpets, bearskin rugs, hearthrugs, armchairs, occasional chairs, 6 heavy mahogany frame dining chairs with stuffed seats and backs in Morocco, cabinets, loo table, occasional tables, handsome pier glass, 4ft. carved walnut hall stand, Bijou PIANO by H. Bord, pictures and engravings, screens, ornaments, Moorish inlaid table, standard and table lamps, oak long case clock with brass dial, by William Shortland, Stony Stratford. BEDROOM APPOINTMENTS including 4ft. and single enamelled and wood bedsteads, mattresses, bolsters, pillows, 4tf. Wardrobe, marble top washstands, duchesse dressing tables, cretonne and lace curtains, cork lino and underfelt; HOUSEHOLD LINEN; kitchen tables, dish covers, dinner ware, kitchen utensils, sewing machines; OUTDOOR EFFECTS, including lawn mowers, punt, tennis net, croquet set, 36-round ladder, 2 sets of cob harness, child’s riding saddle, stump of old hay, dog cart, governess cart, chestnut pony, pedigree down calving heifer, “CADILLAC” MOTOR CAR, 8, 10, four-seater, with Cape hood and accessories.
On view day prior to and morning of sale.
Catalogues may be obtained from the Auctioneers, 41, High Street, Newport Pagnell, and at Olney, Bletchley and Woburn Sands.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 22 September 1911
COSGROVE. Northamptonshire
Two-and-a-half miles from Stony Stratford and
two miles from Castlethorpe Station (L and
N.-W. R. Main Line).
known as “COSGROVE LODGE”,
Have received instructions from the Owner.
On MONDAY OCTOBER 2nd. 1911.
at Four o’clock precisely (unless previously
disposed of by Private Treaty), the following
and in Lots described;
In the Parish of COSGROVE, in the County of Northampton and containing: spacious Entrance Porch, largo Square Hall, Drawing-room leading into Conservatory. Dining-room, Morning-room. Kitchens, and the usual Domestic Offices, capital Bedrooms, Bathroom and Lavatories.
There is large and well-built Dairy.
The excellent Stable Accommodation is well built and conveniently arranged, it having accommodation for 12 horses and could extended if required; large Coach-house, Motor Garage, Harness room and Lofts.
The FARM BUILDINGS, which are newly built and compactly arranged, comprise two capital Yards, Bullock Hovels, Cart Shed, and Piggeries.
The Gardens, which are inexpensive to keep up, comprise well-stocked Kitchen Garden with two Greenhouses and a Tennis Lawn.
Also about 55 Acres of rich PASTURE and MEADOW LAND in eight convenient enclosures.
The House and Home Field are in the occupation of Mrs. Bird, on a lease expiring on September 29th at a yearly rental of £130 and the remaining Land is occupied by Mr Clarke, as yearly tenant, at an apportioned rental of £110.
The Residence stands on gravel soil, most substantially built of Bath stone, and has a southern aspect, and no expense has been spared in its building and decoration. It approached by a Carriage Drive, and there is ample land for the erection of a Lodge at the entrance. Hunting can be obtained with the Grafton, Bicester, and Whaddon Chase Hunts.
The Property stands within easy reach of two good Stations, and London can be reached in 1½ hours. The Farm Buildings are well built and arranged so as to make them suitable tor the maintenance of small herd and stud. The Land is of exceptional quality, well timbered and watered.
There is a Land Tax of about f£10 19s. 3d. on the Property and also an annual Fee Farm Rent of 3s 5d. The Timber and Tenants fixtures are included the sale.
Lot 2. All that Enclosure of Rich
PASTURE LAND, known as “Well Close”, containing 3a. 3r. 32p. or thereabouts and situate at the rear of Cosgrove Lodge, having considerable frontage to the road, and on which stands the well-known and never-failing Chalybeate Spring, known as “St. Vincent’s Well”. The Field is in the occupation of Mr. W. Clarke at an apportioned rent of £9 and there is a small land tax of about 16s thereon, in right of footway across the field.
Lot 3. The Close of Accommodation
PASTURE LAND, known “The Green.’ containing 8a. 1r. 12p or thereabouts in the occupation of Mr. Clarke, at an apportioned rent of £16; land tax about 17s. 6d. There is a right of footway and carting when necessary over this lot from and to the public highway.
Lot 4. Three Stone-built and thatched
with Gardens in the occupation of Messrs. Moore and Valentine, at a gross rental of £16 18s
There is a land tax of about 13s. 9d on this Lot.
Lot 5.A Stone-built and Slated
containing Four Rooms, with Garden, in the occupation of Mr. Gascoine at a gross rental of £17 16s; also the Land adjoining. There is a land tax of about on 6s on this lot.
To view Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 apply to the Tenants,- and for Lot 1 apply to Mrs D Luck, Cosgrove.
Plan and Conditions of Sale and full particulars can be had of the Auctioneers. 2. Derngate, Northampton, and Park-street, Towcester or of
2 Pancras Lane, Queen-street, London EC
Northampton Mercury 06 October 1911
An important sale of property was conducted Messrs. Woods and Co., Stony Stratford, on Monday, when they put for auction Cosgrove Lodge and about 55 acres of pasture and meadow land in one lot, also several other lots of posture and some cottages.
Cosgrove Lodge is a modern house built of Bath stone. The estate eminently suitable for anyone to enjoy the pastoral pursuits of dairying, shorthorn or horse breeding. The bidding reached £5,000, but the reserve was not reached, and the lot withdrawn. The second lot, nearly four acres meadow land, known Well Close was withdrawn at £340, and over eight acres of similar land, known the Green, was withdrawn £650. £170 was offered for three stone-built cottages, but refused. The fifth lot, a stone-built cottage in the occupation Mr. Gascoine rental £7 16s, was sold for £80. Negotiations are it is understood, proceeding for the sale all the unsold lots. Mr. T. C. Woods conducted the sale, the solicitors being Messrs. Batchelor and Cousins.
Buckingham Express Saturday 14 October 1911
A MARRIAGE is arranged, and will take place in December, between Harry Grant-Thorold, of Cosgrove Hall, Northamptonshire, and Faith Monica, youngest daughter of Colonel Arthur Broadwood, C.V.O., late Scots Guards.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 11 November 1911
The wedding solemnised at St. Peter’s, Eaton. Square, London, on Tuesday, of Mr. Harry Grant Thorold. J.P., of Cosgrove, Northants, son of the late Mr. A. W. T. Grant Thorold. and member of a family well known and highly esteemed throughout the county and Miss Faith Monica Broodwood, youngest daughter of Colonel Arthur Broadwood, C.V.O. (late Scots Guards) of 54, Eaton Place, London. The altar of the famous church was beautifully decorated with lovely white blooms. The officiating clergy were the Rev. Canon John Shearman, Vicar of Oakwood, Surrey, and cousin of the bride, and the Rev. M. Graham. The bride was handsomely gowned in white satin, completely covered with draping of fine Brussels lace, the gift of her two sisters. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Cooper, while her veil was Brussels lace, present from her mother. She was followed up the aisle by two charmingly dressed childrenMaster Ronald Balfour and Miss Margaret Balfour (her nephew and niece), who were attired in the picturesque style of 1820. The lad was in a short blue coat with brass buttons and long nankeen trousers, and had a lawn frill full at the neck, while the little maid was in long short-waisted muslin dress with blue sash, and a large Leghorn hat tied under the chin with blue ribbons. The bride was given away her father. Captain Hereward Wake, D.S.O., of the Kings Royal Rifles, supported the bridegroom. The hymns used were “The King of Love my shepherd is,” “Oh perfect, love,” and ‘'Our blest Redeemer.” There was large gathering of relatives and friends at the subsequent reception, following which Mr. and Mrs, H. Grant Thorold left, amid many good wishes, for the honeymoon in Hampshire. Mrs. Grant Thorold’s travelling gown was of blue satin trimmed with embroidery, the bodice having an insertion of filet lace veiled with blue chiffon, while her hat was of black velvet trimmed with feather in a becoming shade of blue.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 02 December 1911
WINSLOW PETTY SESSIONS. Wednesday, Nov. 29th. Before the Hon. Cecil Fremantle, C. M. Prior Esq., and J. Hughes, Esq LICENSING. A temporary transfer was granted of the Swan, Great Harwood, from the representatives of the late Francis Middleton to William Herbert Sampson, of Cosgrove.
Buckingham Express Saturday 10 February 1912
Cecil Meakins, baker of Cosgrove, was summoned for driving a horse and trap without a light at Cosgrove, on January 17th.
Police-sergeant Clarke proved the case.
Defendant, who said there was oil in the lamp, and that it was a stormy night, was fined 2s 6d. and costs.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 June 1912
An aged Cosgrove resident, Mrs. David Smith (75), widow, met her death under somewhat sudden circumstances on Saturday. It appears that the old lady, who lives alone, became very seriously ill whilst following her household duties on Friday evening, which illness forced her take to her bed. Mrs. Lambert, a near neighbour, undertook to nurse the old lady, and she remained with her until she died in the early hours of Saturday morning. At the inquest, conducted Mr. K. Whitton, held at the Barley Mow Inn, Cosgrove, on Saturday evening, Dr. Brawn, Stony Stratford, gave evidence of a post-mortem examination which had revealed the fact that deceased had suffered from acute indigestion, and that death was due to heart failure. Thomas Smith, 23, Osborne-street, Wolverton, identified the body as that of his mother, and a verdict of Death from heart failure was returned.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 July 1912
Mrs. Grant-Thorold WANTS HOUSEMAID; three servants kept; two in family. Country only. Cosgrove, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Monday 12 August 1912
No flower show committee could have suffered more from the interfering presence of continued heavy showers during the past week or so than that which governs the fortunes of the Cosgrove show.
This was held on Saturday on the rich, sloping, tree-flanked lawn which boarders Cosgrove Hall, the stately residence of General and Mrs. Broadwood, but which, despite its natural beauties only presented a forlorn and dripping appearance, when seen after the depressing downpours. Theses cost the society “a tidy penny,” for the attendance of visitors was down by hundreds. There were practically no visitors from any of the outlying districts, those who did attend being chiefly from Cosgrove, with perhaps a few from Yardley Gobion.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 13 August 1912
Visitors to the Cosgrove flower show on Saturday had a dismal time. Rain came down practically the whole afternoon and evening, and there was very little of the happy revelry of a village fete about the rich sloping lawns of Cosgrove Hallthe home of General [Arthur] and Mrs. [Mary Frances nee Meade] Broadwood, which was the venue of the show. Even the trees were in tears, and hung their branches low, as though in sympathy with the promotors, who could be forgiven under the circumstances for bemoaning the smallness of the attendance. The only notes of gladness that were to be heard were in the exhibition tents. Here carefully screened from the drenching showers, were wonderful collections of richly coloured plants and flowers, for in all varieties some fine specimens, of every shade and hue, lent glowing hues of colour to a scene that was painfully drab. The quantity of the exhibits as well as the quality was a improvement on last year. Particularly was in the ease with vegetables, both is the classes devoted to cottage and amateurs. Peas and potatoes were predominant, and the splendid size and shape of certain exhibits in these classes reflected great credit on the producers.
There was also a show of Bucks babies, the prizes for which attracted some sturdy little "pieces of humanity." Competition amongst these infants was very keen indeed, and the Judge (Dr. Moore) had a very stiff task.
It will be remembered that recently Captain Grant-Thorold was married and to celebrate the happy event with the villagers the genial Captain gave a tea, which was partaken in a large tent by all who visited the show.
During the afternoon and evening the members of the Stony Stratford Amateur Athletic Club, a group of straight, clean limbed gymnasts, gave very agile gymnastic displays on the vaulting horse, horizontal bars, the mat, and in well-grouped pyramids. The Yardley Gobion Prize Band discoursed sweet selections of music on the lawn and accompanied a merry group of revellers, who defied the rain, and under a huge tent well on towards midnight.
Captain Grant-Thorold is the president; and the vice-presidents include Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., the Rev. Malcolm R. Graham, Mr. W. M. Atkinson, M.A., LL.B and Henry Patman. The committee responsible for the arrangements were Mr. S. Williams, Mr. T. Lord, Mr. A. Swain, Mr. William Clark, Mr. G. Williams, Mr. R. Penson, Mr. H. Willison, Mr. H. Hurst, Mr. A. Childs, Mr. E. Lord, and Mr. Joseph Clark.
Mr. T. Seymour was the hon. secretary. The judges were: Horticulture. Mr. W. Batchelor. F.R.H.S., Stoke Bruerne Park. and Mr. W. Cameron, Shenley Rectory; . babies. Dr. Moore; honey, eggs, and wild flowers. Miss J. Wake, Mrs. Broadwood, and Mrs. Atkinson; needlework. Miss Neville and Mrs. G. Brown.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 30 August 1912
The Amazing Floods. Reports from all Quarters
The story the weather of the past week is unparalleled in the last fifty years. Friday, Saturday, and Monday heavy rains fell over the greater part England. From all quarters came distressing stories of floods, irreparable damage to the harvest, of broken bridges and ruined houses, of railways stopped and towns isolated.
Curious enough the greatest rainfall was the Fens of East Anglia, usually the most free from heavy rains. Northamptonshire suffered, but not severely as Norfolk, while the further west the less serious reports that came in hour by hour last Saturday and in the early part of this week.
Friday and Saturday were very wet, and by Saturday the floods were out and had already brought untold losses to thousands of farmers, Sunday was fine, and it was hoped that the worst had been passed. Early on Monday morning, however, the weather again changed, and for twelve hours a leaden sky poured heavy rains on the sodden harvest fields where stood the co.. or ready for cutting. [Part of a much larger article]
WOLVERTON DISTRICT. [Floods on Monday night]
A gentleman from Cosgrove told a Mercury representative that district was the same. All around Cosgrove was flooded and the water stretched away right up to Wolverton.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 January 1913
Road Matters
The Roads and Bridges Committee recommended a general approval of the scheme for the widening and reconstruction of the Watling-street road from Old Stratford, through Towcester and in the Daventry and Crick Districts, the approval to lie upon the basis that the Council will not be involved in expenditure for maintenance in excess of the present cost…………………………..
The improvement at Cosgrove would save the Council 2½d. per ton on the materialsome hundreds of tons in year delivered at that point. The Council was indebted to Mr. Morris, the County Surveyor, for securing the land for the Council. The estimates showed an increase of about £1000 due to a rise the price of material, and £200 for night watching. Mr. Atkinson said was prepared to give the Council for the surplus land and buildings at Cosgrove a considerable advance on the amount the Council had spent…………………….
The report was adopted.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 29 April 1913
COOK WANTED, single-handed, May 20th; country only; four servants, three in family; man for boots; £22-24. Apply, stating full particulars, Mrs. Grant-Thorold, The Cottage, Cosgrove, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Saturday May 24 1913
Stony Stratford Sessions
Sunday Damage. - James Whitehead, grocer's assistant; William Martin, Reginald Church, and Walter Alderman, rag and bone collectors; Edward Thomas carpenter's apprentice; William Baldwin, carter; Henry Chapman. houseboy; Enos Bull, hawker; Richard Ball, labourer; Edward H. Gallop, fish hawker; William Langley. schoolboy, all of Stony Stratford; and Oliver Clarke, painter, Old Stratford, were summoned for damaging growing ash poles, to the amount of 1s., the property of Mr. Grant-Thorold, at Cosgrove, on May 11; whilst the following parents were also summoned: Thomas Church, Eli Alderman. George Bull, William Henry Gallop, and Frederick Langley. --Nearly all the defendants pleaded guilty. - Robert Person, farm bailiff, proved the amount of the damage. P.S. Clarke said that on Sunday afternoon just after three o'clock he saw the defendants in the plantation. They were shouting and using filthy language. On going towards them he saw them do damage to the saplings. He rushed at them and caught Whitehead. The others ran to a boat on the canal, and he was unable to follow them. Whitehead had his knife in his hand, and said they wanted saplings to push the boat along the canal. On being told that the matter would he reported Whitehead said: “Give me a thrashing and let me go.” Witness added that the amount of the damage done in this plantation and elsewhere was "cruel," and it needed a man about the whole of the day to keep an eye on the mischief that was being done. The five elder defendants: Whitehead (18), Martin (18), Gosling (17), Baldwin (16), and Clarke (16), were each fined 10s., and the younger ones were ordered to appear again in two months time.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Thursday 07 August 1913
The 13th annual exhibition of the Cosgrove Horticultural Society was held on Wednesday in a paddock adjoining the Priory, kindly lent by Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C. There was an excellent entry, and the Countess Temple was a was a successful exhibitor. The judges were Mr. W. Batchelor, F.R.H.S. (gardener to Mr. Wentworth Vernon, Stoke Park), Mr. W. Buckingham (gardener to Lord Penrhyn, Wicken Park, and Miss Capell Passenham (needlework). The committee carrying out the arrangements comprised Messrs. S. Williams, A. Childs, E. Lord, R. Penson, M. E. Jelley, William Clarke, A. Swain, G. Williams, T. Lord, E. Butcher, W. Dicks, Joseph Clarke, with T. Seymour as the capable hon. secretary.
Amongst the attractions were a baby show, the usual paraphernalia of fair ground and the Bradwell United Band, who played selections, and for the evening dancing. Mr. Mrs., and Miss Atkinson were generous contributors to the prize fund. T
The Awards
Cottagers. - Collection vegetables, 1 S. Williams, 2 G. Williams. 3 W. Wise. Kidney beans 1 G. Williams. 2 H. Cutler. Cabbages. 1 H. Gascoyne, 2 W. Clarke. Carrots (long). 1 G. Williams 2 H. Gascoyne. carrots (short) 1 G.. Williams, 2 H. Gascoyne. Celery. 1 G. William. 2 H. Gascoyne. Turnips 1 H. Cutler. 2 H. Willison. Marrows. 1 H. Gascoyne, 2 W. Wise. Long beet, 1 A. Lane, 2 A Swan. Lettuces, 1 W. Wise, 2 A. Lane. Shallots, 1 W. Lane. 2 H. Willison. Spring onions. 1 W. Wise. 2 R. Brown. 3 W. Lane. Winter onions 1 H. Cutler. 2 R. Pettifer, 3 W. wise. Peas, 1 W. Wise. 2 S. Williams, 3 A. J. Childs. Potatoes (round white), 1 R. Brown, 2 G. Williams. 3 H. Gascoyne Ditto (coloured). 1 R. Pettifier, 2 W. Wise, 3 R. Brown. Kidney white, 1 W. Wise. 2 S. Williams, 3 H. William. Sweet peas. 1 S. Williams. 2 G. Williams. Cut flowers, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. 3 A. J. Childs. Asters. 2 S. Williams. Stocks, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. Flowering plants, 1 S. Williams 2 T. Seymour. Bouquet 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. Cooking and dessert apples, 1 W. Clarke, 2 G. Tapp.
Open. The Countess Temple (Cosgrove Hall) took first prizes for collection vegetables, tomatoes, long beet, spring and winter onions, collection of fruit, plum cooking apples, foliage, and stove or greenhouse plants, coleus ferns and collection of cut flowers; second prizes for long and short carrots, peas, dessert apples, gooseberries, and bouquet, and third for vases of sweet peas. Mr. J. J. Atkinson. C.C., was first for cucumbers, long and short carrots, dessert apples, gooseberries, and bouquet, and second for collection of vegetables, beet, kidney beans, winter onions, collection of fruit, foliage plants, coleus, ferus, and cut flowers, and third for peas.
Other prize-winners were T. Bramley (Stony Stratford), S. Williams (first celery), W. Lane, W. Wise, J. T. Smith (Whittlebury), Austin Meadows (Stony Stratford), W. Clarke, W. Chitttock, J. Ibell, Mrs. Powell, T. C. Pratt Richardson, Seymour, and W. G. White (Old Stratford).
Honey (three sections), 1 Miss Hobbs, 2 Miss Cam (Paulerspury Rectory). Eggs, 1 Mrs. Penson, 2 Miss Woods. Wild Flowers (children over 10), 1 Winnie Childs, 2 Flo Eglesfield. Ditto (under 10), 1 Lottie Jelley, 2 Doris Hurst. Needlework: Darning, 1 Louie Tack, 2 Winnie Childs. Needlework (7 to 10 years old), 1 Ida Beasley, 2 Doris Hurst. Ditto (over 10), 1 Gertie Swain, 2 Agnes Baldwin. Knitting (girls), 1 Kitty Herbert, 2 Lottie Jelley. Ditto (infants), 1 Ronald W. Pedley, 2 Alf Meakins.
The Baby Show
There was a capital entry for the bay show, the judges for which were DR. A. W. Moore (Stony Stratford) and Mrs. Lombe (Grafton Regis). Their awards were:-
Local. Under one year, 1 Fred Keys (four months), 2 Gladys Gascoyne (six weeks).
Over one year, 1 Edna Meakins, 2 Louie Gascoyne.
Open. Under one year, 1 Irene Mary and Gladys Maud Roy, twins (December 18,1912, 2 Sidney Ratledge (January 10, 1913).
Under two years, 1 Stanley Cockerill, Stony Stratford (January 7, 1912), 2 Lily Poole March 9, 1912
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 16 August 1913
Notes by the Way. The Countess Temple has rented Cosgrove Hall for two years, and been in residence three weeks. Her ladyship is the widow of the fourth Earl Temple Stowe, whom she married in 1879, and who died 1902. She is a daughter of Sir G. Graham-Montgomery, and sister of the Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos. She has been living with her son, the fifth Earl, whose country seats are at Wotton House, Aylesbury, and Newton Park, Bristol. The Countess has eight children living, including twin girls.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 22 August 1913
Mischievous Boys.
Enos Bull and Richard Bull, labourers, were summoned by Robert Penson, a farm bailiff, of Cosgrove, for doing malicious damage to ash poles to the value of 1s, the property of Captain Grant Thorold, on May 11.
No evidence of the lads’ offence was given, but Inspector Andrews said he had received a letter from the schoolmaster at the school where the boys attended, who said that the boys were doing exceedingly well, and that they had been extremely well behaved since the date of the offence.
The Chairman (to the boys): You can go now, boys; see that you keep out of mischief.
The boys: Thank you, sir; good morning, sir.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 August 1913
The Rev. W. A, Mandall, curate of St. Mary's, Peterborough, will be leaving Peterborough at the end of September to take over the curacy-in-charge of Cosgrove. From 1905 to 1906 Mr. Mandall was at Raunds, and afterwards went to Peterborough.
Bucks Herald Saturday 25 October 1913
Mr. Henry Grant-Thorold, of Cosgrove Hall, took the necessary oath to qualify as a magistrate.
Wolverton Express 9th January 1914
At the Towcester Police Court this week, Henry Key, drover, Cosgrove, was summoned for stealing brussel sprouts, value 2s, the property of John Thos Brown, at Cosgrove on Dec 23rd. Defendant wired to the effect that he was ill in bed, and asked for an adjournment of the case for a fortnight.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 24 January 1914
Henry Key, drover Cosgrove, was charged with stealing a quantity of Brussel sprouts, value 2s., the property of John Thos. Brown, at Cosgrove, on December 23rd.
Evidence was given by the prosecutor and P.C. Robinson, who said he saw defendant come from prosecutor’s garden with the sprouts in a bag.
Defendant pleaded not guilty, saying prosecutor had told him to sell the sprout.
Fined 2s. 6d. and costs, £1 1s. 10d. in all.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Saturday 31 January 1914
Friday.-Before Mr. J. L. Knapp (in the chair) Captain M. R. Hall, Captain Grant-Thorold, Colonel W. H. Bull, K.H.S., V.D., Rev J. T. Athawes, Mr. F. W. Woollard, and Mr. W. Purslow.
First Offence. Joseph Brown, a labourer, of Cosgrove, was charged with using indecent language at Old Stratford on January 17. Defendant did not appear.
P.C. Williams proved the case, and said the defendant when spoken to said:” I am sorry." It was stated that the defendant had a good character, and that was his first offence. Ordered to pay the costs 6s.
A Dangerous Practice.--William Rogers, of Cosgrove, summoned tor obstructing the passage of a motor bus with horse and lorry. - Fred Harris, of Bedford, a motor omnibus driver, said he was driving an omnibus from Wolverton to Stony Stratford, and when near Jersey-road, Wolverton, he approached the defendant's dray. Witness sounded his hooter, and when he got quite close to the defendant's dray the latter pulled his dray right into the front of the 'bus. The 'bus swerved and collided with the dray. Mr. Fred Tilley gave corroborative evidence. Defendant said he was crossing this road to get into McCorquodale’s works. Mr. L and N.W.R. Company’s goods agent at Wolverton, said Rogers went to McCorquodale’s four or five times every day.The Chairman: Do you provide your drivers with a looking glass to see what is coming from behind?Witness: No, sir. The Chairman: Well, you ought to do then. Defendant was ordered to pay the costs 10s. 6d.
Wolverton Express 6th February 1914
Friday Before J. M. Knapp Esq CC (Chairman), Colonel W. H. Bull KHS VD, Captain M. R. Hall, Captain H. Grant-Thorold, Rev J. T. Athawes, Mr F. W. Woollard, and Mr W. Purslow, CC.
Obscene Language Joseph Brown, Labourer, Cosgrove, was summoned for using obscene language, at old Stratford on Jan 17th. PC Williams proved the case and the defendant, for whom his mother appeared, was stated to bear a good character. He was ordered to pay 6s costs.
William Rogers, drayman, Cosgrove, was summoned for obstructing with a horse and lorry, the free passage of a motor bus, on January 26th. Fred Harris, motor bus driver, Bedford, said he was driving the bus from Wolverton to Stratford. He was against Jersey Road, and upon nearing defendant’s lorry the latter was pulled straight across. The bus skidded and hit the lorry with some force. Had it been at one o’clock when workmen were leaving, a serious accident would have happened. Witness alleged that this was not the first time this had happened.
Fred K. Tilley, Wolverton, stated that he was a few yards away when he noticed the bus. The driver of the lorry drew across in front making it impossible for the bus to pass. He did not think the driver could have heard the hooter, and had the bus not pulled up short there would have been a serious collision.
Defendant said he could not see anything coming. He had to cross over in order to get into the entrance of Messrs McCorquodale’s Works.
Mr Williams, in charge of the goods department at Wolverton Station, said the man had worked for the Company for about six years.
By the Chairman they did not provide the men with looking glasses so that they could see behind.
The Chairman you ought to.
Mr Williams gave the man a good character.
The Chairman ordered the defendant to pay the costs, 10s 6d, and warned him that he ought to be more careful.
Wolverton Express 13th February 1914
The village club is making headway in the Northants Cup and Medal Competitions, and every endeavour is being made to capture at least, the trophies of one of the two competitions they are engaged in. In the Lower Junior Cup, they receive a visit tomorrow from Rushden C 1. The referee appointed to take charge of the game is Mr W. H. Sykes of Northampton. The other competition engaged in is the South Northants Village Medal Competition, and in this they have to meet Bugbrooke on March 21st. In this match they also have the good fortune to be drawn at home.
Wolverton Express 6th March 1914
Ratting or Rabbiting?
Alec Pass (83 Green Lane) and Frederick Letts (124 Cambridge Street Wolverton) were jointly summoned for game trespass on land belonging to Captain H. Grant- Thorold, JP, Cosgrove, on January 28. Mr J. C. Allinson defended. Mr H. Grant-Thorold did not adjudicate.
Robert Penson, a bailiff to Mr Thorold, said the defendants were walking with a dog alongside the brook in Mr Thorold’s field. They were rabbiting in the burrows. Cross examined, witness admitted that the dog was a small one, and also that he found no nets, or ferrets, or any poacher’s paraphernalia in their possession. They told him they were ratting.
Charles Butler, shepherd boy, said he saw the two boys hunting along the hedge with a white terrier dog. Cross examined by Mr Allinson, witness said he saw no sign of a rabbit.
Mr Allinson put in a letter of apology to Mr Grant-Thorold, in which they said they had only followed a rat which they saw against the canal bridge.
The Bench dismissed the case, but warned the defendants against trespassing.
Wolverton Express 6th March 1914
At the Stony Stratford Divisional Petty Sessions last Friday, Arthur Frederick Jelley, a farmer, of Cosgrove, was admonished for cruelly ill-treating a dog on February 4. Mr C. J. Allinson, defendant, and Inspector Comber, RSPCA, prescripted.
Charlotte Wilson, of Cosgrove, said that she was walking along the footpath at Cosgrove with a little terrier dog, and when near the defendant’s yard the dog ran at water fowls. She called to the dog and he stood by her side. Mr Jelley entered into conversation with the witness, and when a fowl went up the field the dog followed, but he came back at her call. The dog then ran into Mr Jelley, who threw a large stone at the animal, hitting him on the leg. When she picked the dog up, Mr Jelley said, “The dog’s leg is broken.” The bone wouldn’t set, and the dog had to be shot.
Cross examined, witness said this incident occurred on a public footpath in Mr Jelley’s field. She denied that the dog had a fowl in its mouth, or that Mr Jelley threw the stone only because he could not get the dog to drop the fowl.
P C Robinson said a good deal of violence must have been used to cause the injury. Inspector Comber described the nature of the dog’s injuries, and said that the defendant, when seen by witness, admitted that he had thrown a big stone at the dog.
Mr Allinson submitted that the case ought to have been put under the Malicious Damage to Animals Act and he contended that there had been no unnecessary cruelty.
The Bench dismissed the case.
Wolverton Express 13th March 1914
At the monthly meeting of the Northants Football Association, held on Thursday, the North Bucks League match, Cosgrove St Peter’s v. Stony Stratford, which was played at Stony Stratford on January 7th, ending with the score of 4-0 in favour of the home team, came under discussion, the matter arising from the referee’s reports. F. Lambert, of the Peter’s team, was reported for striking E. Morris, a player of the Stony Stratford Club, and for this assault Lambert was suspended for 7 days.
Wolverton Express 17th April 1914
At the Towcester Petty sessions on Tuesday, Ronald Bull, aged 11, and Gilbert Bull, aged 8, scholars, of Old Stratford, were summoned for stealing five hen’s eggs, value 5d., the property of Michael Holton, at Cosgrove on March 27th.
George Bull, labourer, of Old Stratford, was summoned as the father of the lads.
Louie Grace, wife of Joseph Grace, said she saw the younger defendant come from Mr Holton’s hen-house with five hen’s eggs. He gave two eggs to his brother, who was standing just outside the wire of the run, and he put two in his trousers pockets. She had seen the lads at the fowl-house twice before.
Mrs Hannah Holton, wife of Michael Holton, said they had missed a great many eggs, but she would not say that the two boys had had them. fly the Chairman: she had not missed any eggs since.
In reply to the father of the lads, witness said she took 3d from his wife in payment for the eggs as she begged so hard of her to do so.
Sergt Clarke said when he saw the boy’s mother she said she had paid 3d for them, but he told her it could not be settled like that. At first the lads denied having the eggs, but when their mother told them to tell the truth they admitted having two.
The smaller boy said his brother had told him to go into the fowlrun and get some eggs. He said they had two which they sucked.
Supt. Andrews said the parents had no control over the boys whatsoever, and he had been forced to bring them to the court in spite of their age. He had to caution the mother on numerous occasions with regard to petty thefts, but they were completely master of all. The Educational Authorities had had endless trouble with the lads as they never attended school.
Each boy was ordered to receive one stroke of the birch.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Wednesday 27 May 1914
Bad Pair of Cosgrove
At the Towcester Divisional Sessions (Children's Court), Ronald Bull, aged 11, and Gilbert Bull aged 9. Were charged with stealing eight hens eggs, value 1s 6d., the property of John Goodman, at Cosgrove, on May 13. George Bull, father of the boys, was summoned.
It was only a month previous that the boys were before the Court on a similar offence, and were then ordered one stroke of the birch each.
John Goodman, warehouseman, Old Stratford, said he kept fowl on an allotment at Old Stratford in a wired run. He had been missing eggs, and on three different occasions had found the pen had been broken into. On May 13 witness reported the matter to the police, and the same day defendants were brought to his house by the police. The boys at first denied taking the eggs, but the smaller boy afterwards said they had two. Later they admitted taking eight eggs. The fowls were prize birds, and witness had been selling the eggs, for setting.
Sergeant Clarke said that when he had first questioned the boys about the theft they both denied it and said they had been at school all day. They afterwards admitted they had not been to school. When shown the broken netting round Mr. Goodman's fowl run they at first denied breaking it, but afterwards Ronald said Gilbert went in and fetched four eggs out. He said, "He gave me two, kept one himself, and gave one to Dolly." That was his sister, aged seven. Gilbert denied having been in the fowl run. Witness later saw the father, who questioned the little girl. She said, “We went round the canal, and when got to the bend Ronald said to Gilbert. “Gil, go and fetch some eggs. They left me on the road and went in the field, and when they came back they had four eggs each. Gilbert gave me one of his. Ronald sucked four. Gilbert three; but I did not like mine so I threw it in the canal. The boys threw the empty shells in the water."
Father’s Admission
Asked if what their sister had stated was true both boys replied “Yes.” The father said he was very sorry, but he could do nothing with the boys.
Gilbert then admitted he had been to the fowl-run on two other occasions, and took two eggs each time.
The sergeant said the two lads had admitted taking other lots of eggs.
In reply to the Chairman, the father he was not satisfied to see his boys grow up as they were, but he could not do anything with them. They were the worst of the family.
Mr. Turner, Schools Attendance Officer, said the boys had been a lot of trouble to the education authorities. In a recent period, out of a possible 22 attendances. Ronald made only nine and Gilbert ten. He was convinced the parents had no control over the boys. The mother assured him she had thrashed them: had even thrashed them with nettles, but had no effect.
The boys were remanded for a fortnight in charge of their parents, the father being bound over to bring them before the court in order that inquires may be made as to sending the elder boy to an industrial school. The Chairman told the father that if the boys had not been neglected when they were younger they would not be so much trouble now.
Wolverton Express 12th June 1914
At the Towcester Divisional Sessions on Tuesday, Ronald Bull (11), and Gilbert Bull (8), Old Stratford, were summoned for stealing eight hens’ eggs, value 1/6, the property of John Goodman, at Cosgrove, on May 13th.
George Bull, labourer, Old Stratford, was summoned as the father of the lads. The case was before the court a fortnight ago.
Dr Turner, on behalf of the Education Authority, said the Committee agreed that the elder boy should be sent away to an industrial school. It was thought that if this were done the younger boy would behave better. The parents had absolutely no control over the boys.
George Bull, the father, said his wages were 12s a week, with a cottage. One daughter was out at service, one son earned 8s a week, and gave his parents 5/6. Another son had been working on a farm for 8s a week and he gave his father 6/6. He had three children earning nothing and there was the daughter’s baby in the house. The cottage was worth 1/6 a week. There were two rooms up and two down, one of the latter being used as a bedroom.
Ronald was sent to an industrial school for five years; Gilbert was discharged and the father was ordered to pay 1s a week towards the maintenance of the elder boy.
Wolverton Express 12th June 1914
The judging of the work done during the past session at the Woodwork Classes held in the County under the auspices of the Committee, took place on Thursday last at the Technical School, Abingdon Square, Northampton, the work having been collected from the various centres for the purpose. The judge was Mr R. Holmes, FBICC, Headmaster of the Building Trades and Manual Training Departments at Keighley Technical Institute, and in his awards Cosgrove was represented in Carpentry by H. K. Johnson (senior) and J. Kilburn (junior).
Wolverton Express 19th June 1914
We regret to record the death of Mr James Henson Pike, son of the late Mr William Pike, of Castlethorpe, which occurred at his residence, Castle Ashby, on Tuesday night. Mr Pike had been ill for the last six months, death being due to a clot of blood on the brain. He was 60 years of age.
Mr Pike was one of the oldest and most respected tenants on the Castle Ashby Estate, on which he had farmed for over 20 years. His father was one of the pioneers of the introduction in this country of steam cultivators. After being educated at Old Stratford and Eaton Socon, Mr Pike learned farming under his father, and then farmed on his own account in Wicken and Cosgrove. Whilst in that district he served on the Towcester Highway Board. At Castle Ashby he farmed close upon 500 acres around the Castle; 400 acres being grass and 100 arable. He went in for cattle shorthorn and Welsh runts and Oxdown sheep, whilst he was very proud of harness horses.
Although not caring for publicity, Mr Pike took his share of public work. He represented Castle Ashby on the Hardingstone Board of Guardians, and Rural District Council, and was a member of the Northants Agricultural Society, the Northants Chamber of Agriculture and the Northampton Branch of the Farmers’ Union. He had been one of the Chuchwardens of Castle Ashby for 20 years.
Mr Pike was held in high regard by the late Marquis of Northampton and in this connection it is interesting to note that he made the public presentation to the present Marquis at Castle Ashby at his coming of age. Mr Pike’s wife died about fourteen years ago, and there are no children.
During his last illness Mr Pike had been assisted in the management of the farm by his brother, Mr Thomas Pike.
The funeral will take place at Castle Ashby on Tuesday.
Wolverton Express 10th July 1914
A motor car funeral took place at Cosgrove on Tuesday, when Mrs Ann Bushell, widow of Mr William Bushell, of the Poplars, Holcot, was buried in the churchyard. Mrs Bushell was a sister-in-law of Mr Thomas Bushell, of Cosgrove, and many villagers attended to pay their last tribute of respect. The first part of the service was conducted at Holcot Parish Church, the Rector, the Rev J. B. Alexander officiating, and Miss Coen being at the organ during the singing of “Peace, Perfect Peace,” the only hymn. The coffin was conveyed from Holcot to Cosgrove in a motor hearse, the principal mourners following in motorcars.
The mourners were: Mr Henry Bushell, Mrs Bushell, Holcot (son and daughter-in-law), Mr and Mrs P. Richards, Brixworth (son-in-law and daughter); Mrs Edith Harriett Bushell, Holcot (daughter), Mr C. H. Bushell, Mr W. J. Bushell (grandsons); Miss Kate E. Bushell (granddaughter); Mr and Mrs Longdon, Derby (nephew and niece), Mr W. Flavell, Derby (nephew); Mrs Busby, Rugby (niece); Mr W. H. Longdon, Derby; Mrs Frost, Grendon (sister-in-law); Miss Houghton, Holcot (niece), Mrs Blunt, Pitsford, Mrs Wakefield, Brixworth (nieces); Mr John Baylay, Ansley; Mr H. Painter, Holcot; Mr T. Bushell, Cosgrove; Miss L. Bushell; Mr and Mrs Yorke, Long Buckby; and Mr F. Eales, Northampton. Amongst a large number of floral tributes was a wreath from Holcot Brass Band, inscribed, “With deep sympathy and regret at the loss of a good friend.”
Wolverton Express 17th July 1914
The time honoured feast day of the small Northants village of Cosgrove was observed on Sunday last. In the evening the Yardley Gobion Britannia Band gave a sacred programme of music in the main street of the village to a large audience.
Wolverton Express 24th July 1914
An enjoyable lawn tennis tournament was played at Cosgrove on Saturday between Cosgrove and Potterspury, the latter winning by 80 games to 74. Appended are the results :
Mr H. Jones and Miss E. Jones beat Mr J. McCulloch and Miss Hinds, 6-5. Mr Hinds and Miss Jeffcoate beat Mr Parsons and Miss Strange, 7-4. Mr Bliss and Miss McCulloch beat Mr H. Baker and Miss Popham, 8-3. Mr Pratt and Miss Smith beat Mr Westley and Miss Jelley, 9-2. Mr H. Jones and Miss E. Jones beat Mr Bliss and Miss McCulloch, 6-5. Mr J. McCulloch and Miss Hinds beat Mr Parsons and Miss Strange, 7-4. Mr Hinds and Miss Jeffcoate beat Mr H. Baker and Miss Popham, 7-4. Mr H. Jones and Miss E. Jones beat Mr Pratt and Miss Smith, 8-3. Mr J. McCulloch and Miss Hinds beat Mr Westley and Miss Jelley, 6-5. Mr H. Baker and Miss Popham beat Mr Pratt and Miss Smith, 6-3. Mr H. Jones and Miss E. Jones beat Mr Hinds and Miss Jeffcoate, 6-5. Mr J. McCulloch and Miss Hinds beat Mr Westley and Miss Jelley, 6-4. Mr Parsons and Miss Strange beat Mr Pratt and Miss Smith, 6-3. Mr Parsons and Miss Strange beat Mr Bliss and Miss McCulloch, 6-3. Mr Hinds and Miss Jeffcoate beat Mr Westley and Miss Jelley, 6-1. Mr J. McCulloch and Miss Hinds beat Mr H. Baker and Miss Popham, 6-3.
The return match is to be played on Saturday at Potterspury.
Wolverton Express 7th August 1914
Claude T. J. Marshall, Yardley Gobion, and Charles Francis Austin, fitter, Cosgrove, were summoned for keeping dogs without licences. Austin was fined 1s and 6s costs, and Marshall was ordered to pay 6s costs. PC Robinson proved the cases.
Wolverton Express 21st August 1914
Bucks Herald Saturday 26 September 1914
The thirty-four men in the village of Cosgrove who are eligible are, with only two exceptions, serving under the Coloursa unique record. Their names will be inscribed on brass plate which will placed in the Parish Church.
Wolverton Express 28th August 1914
The main party of the Bucks Territorials have had a varied experience since the order for mobilisation was issued. Since leaving the railway town, our local detachments after joining their regiments in August Bank Holiday week have been encamped or billeted at Aylesbury, Cosham, Swindon or Dunstable, and other places. The training which they are at present undergoing is calculated not only to fit the men to take their place in the field, but will also build up their bodies in such a manner as must prove of the greatest possible benefit to them when they return to civil life. Their training consists of physical drill, bayonet fighting, route marching and field work, but above all they are trained to discipline.
We are now in a position to outline the various movements of the Regiment since its mobilisation and this is given below.
On the Tuesday in August Week, two days after their short camp at Bovington Green, had been struck, the two detachments stationed at Wolverton were taken to Aylesbury, the County town, to mobilize with the other Bucks Companies, preparatory to being drafted to Portsmouth and Cosham, where they were ordered for garrison duty. Cosham near Portsmouth, where the Bucks men stayed, was entirely in the hands of the military. The men were billeted in public houses and in many cases private dwelling houses. To be billeted on the public is a most unusual proceedings and the restrictions put upon the men were more stringent than they were under canvas for ordinary training. Their work in Cosham was concluded on the following Sunday when the Regiment was moved to Swindon, where they were again billeted. Route marches and physical drills were the order of the parades for the few following days. On one of the days the men who had joined the regiment this year were taken to the ranges at Chisleton, near Swindon, and considering that it was the first time that many of the men had fired with ball ammunition, the scores made were very satisfactory. On another day the whole Bucks Battalion were seen in the GWR Park at Swindon going through various physical drill exercises. They were put through running, hopping, bending and stretching exercises, all of which helped to strengthen the muscles to endure the strain that every soldier must endure in everyday training. After a week at Swindon, the regiment was transferred nearer home, in the Leighton Buzzard district, where the whole South Midlands Brigade was billeted. The two Wolverton units were billeted at Dunstable having to march from Leighton Buzzard Railway Station, a distance of 8 miles. The whole of the Sunday was occupied in travelling, and in consequence the men were given a fairly easy day on Monday. A Battalion drill was held and the Army Act was read, which sets forth the pains and penalties to which they were now liable, and this constituted the day’s work. Tuesday was used for field operations and route march. On Thursday morning the Regiment again “moved off” for fresh territory further east. For nearly a week, the men, in long marches, have been making for ----------------.
In the first day’s march, they covered a distance of 16 miles, between Dunstable and Hitchin, where they were billeted on the public. At all stopping places on the route the men were billeted in private dwellings, public houses and other buildings. Friday’s march took a south eastern direction, 16 miles being covered between Hitchin and Ware. Ware to Harlow, in Essex, was covered on Saturday. The marches were very trying ordeals, the weight of the full service equipment which they had to carry by no means a light one, was making itself felt in more ways than one. Each man, in addition to 100 rounds of ball ammunition carries entrenching tools, spare socks, shirts etc, not to mention the greatcoat and rifle.
A local gentleman who frequently has correspondence with the “Wolverton Express” traced our “terriers” to Dunmow on Sunday, where he found the two detachments billeted in the schools. One detachment occupied the boys’ school and the other the girls’ school. In the schools, our correspondent found the men sleeping upon piles of straw, which were strewn about the floor, and they seemed very comfortable. He found many of them were suffering from sore feet and apart from this they were in the best of health. Leaving the school, he made his way to the centre of the ancient town, where is situated a large pond, or lake, if it may be so called. Encircling the water as a stone wall about two feet high, and upon this he found hundreds of “terriers” seated, having removed their boots and socks and dangling their feet in the cooling balms of the water.
Monday was practically a rest day for them, while on Tuesday they moved off again to Chelmsford. Here our information as to our regiments’ movements cease for the time being.
A chance remark was overheard from one of our “terriers” who said “We are getting quite accustomed now to changing our digs.” This caused quite a laugh among his companions, and his remark was quite justifiable when considering the number of towns they have been billeted in during the past three weeks.
Wolverton Express 4th September 1914
The generous attitude of the L. and N. W. Rly company may be noted from the following copy of the notice issued -
“It has been decided that the wives and families and other dependants of this Company’s men who are called up for service with the Regulars or Territorials or of the men who volunteer for service in the Army during the period of the War shall be given such an allowance by the Company, as will, with Government pay, be sufficient for their maintenance during the time the breadwinners are away from home.
“The same arrangement will be made for the wives and families or dependants of men who are called up to serve as Naval Reservists or Volunteers.
“It has also been decided that positions in the service shall be found for the men on their return, and that the salary or wages will then be paid according to the scale to which they would have been entitled had they not joined the Colours.
“Contributions to superannuation and certain other funds (these include Workman’s Pension and Provident Funds) will be paid by the Railway Company.”
Wolverton Express 11th September 1914
All young men of service age, residing in Cosgrove, have enlisted at the Wolverton Recruiting Office, and have left the village to join the Colours.
Wolverton Express 18th September 1914
Before Mr F. W. Woollard (in the chair), Mr T. Byam Grounds, Mr H. C. Weston, and Mr A. Sharp.
The conduct of two Stony Stratford men, who a few weeks ago discharged a rifle in the dead of night in Old Stratford to scare the civilian constables guarding a bridge over the River Ouse, was strongly condemned. They were sternly reminded that this was not the time for practical jokes at the expense of men who are voluntarily giving up their nights to safeguard the interests of their town.
The would be practical jokers were: Herbert George Norman, a miller and farmer, Old Wolverton Mill, and William Panter, cattle dealer, Old Stratford, who both pleaded guilty to “wantonly discharging a gun on the highway on August 19th.” The hearing of the case attracted a great deal of public interest and the court was crowded with farmers, tradesmen and others.
Superintendent Andrews remarked that he was very pleased to hear that defendants had pleaded guilty. He had two independent witnesses, but under the circumstances he would not call them. It appeared from the facts that the two defendants had fired off four shots at Stratford while driving through. There were some volunteer watchmen at the bridge who were rather alarmed, and one old gentleman at Stratford had felt the shock very much. He did not think defendants realised how serious a thing it was and had done it more for a lark. Under the circumstances therefore, he had taken a lenient view, although a summons could have been taken out under the Proclamation Order.
The defendant Panter, addressing the Bench, said he now thought their behaviour very silly. They thought they would have a bit of a lark, but it did not seem much of a lark now, when they came to think of it. He had himself joined the special constables, though he supposed he ought to have done it before.
In imposing the full penalty on each defendant of 40s and 11s 6d, the Chairman said they could consider themselves lucky to get off so lightly. Nothing was to be so much discredited as such an act which would cause a false alarm of that sort. If any other cases of that kind occurred a more serious view would be taken. They might have been sent to Northampton Gaol for trial without the option of a fine if a more serious charge had been preferred against them.
Wolverton Express 25th September 1914
In Monday’s “London Gazette” was announced
Special Reserve of Officers (Reserve Units). Infantry: 3rd Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment Captain H Grant Thorold to be Major (Sept 22nd).
Wolverton Express 9th October 1914
Harvest Festival services were held in the Parish Church of Cosgrove on Thursday and Sunday, October 1st and 4th. The Church was beautifully decorated by the usual band of willing helpers, who made the gifts of fruits and flowers from members of the congregation appear to the best advantage. Large congregations assembled on Thursday and Sunday evenings to hear the special preacher, Rev E. E. Law, Vicar of St Mary’s Peterborough, and the Rev E. D. Armand, Rector of Grafton Regis. Throughout the festival the services were bright and hearty, and there was evidence of the true spirit of thanksgiving in the way that the choir and the congregation sang the special harvest psalms and hymns. On Monday the offerings of fruit and vegetables were distributed among the old people in the village.
Wolverton Express October 1914
It is understood that the names of the 34 men of Cosgrave, who have joined the colours, will be inscribed on a brass plate which will be placed in the Parish Church.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Friday 04 December 1914
Cosgrove is said to hold the record for recruiting in this county.
Wolverton Express 4th December 1914
Private Charles Jelley, of the 1st Northants, son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Jelley, of Cosgrove, has been wounded in the leg, which wounds he received in action. He is now in hospital. He was on the Reserve, and when the war broke out was called up, He was then employed in the Gas Department, Wolverton. In some of his letters home to friends, he makes some interesting remarks.
In one he states that “there have been several fellows of our regiment killed who come from round about Cosgrove. We have had some close fighting, and have often used our bayonets, but it is a job to get near the Germans, as they do not like the bayonet. When they seem to mean business they run like rabbits. They try all sorts of fakes to try and surprise us. Sometimes they dress up as English and French soldiers, but it is generally a dear game for them as they do not catch us napping.”
“You would be surprised to see how interested the fellows are out here as regards football, and when they get the papers you can hear them shout along the trenches and ask how so and so got on, and they don’t seem to trouble much about shells and wounds.”
In another letter written in the Royal Southern Hospital quite recently, Pte Jelley explains that he was wounded in the shin at Ypres, and cheerfully adds that he is going on well. He also adds that “All the time I was out there I enjoyed the best of health considering the rough time we had, as we were in the think of the fighting, and at one place we were in the trenches for 33 days, and the first week we were in the battle of the Atane it rained day and night, but we had got our trenches so well made that it was like living in a house. It began to get cold the last week or two.”
Mr Thomas Jelley has three sons serving in the Army. Two have enlisted in the New Army. He himself is an Army pensioner and went through many campaigns with the old 38th Regiment (2nd Northants). He took part in the Zulu War of 1879 and in the Boer War of 1881 and was present at the battles of Laing’s Nek and Majuba Hill. In the Majuba affair he was wounded and taken prisoner.
Wolverton Express 4th December 1914
The habitation of the village of Cosgrove came under discussion at a meeting of the Potterspury Rural District Council held yesterday morning. In a report of the District Surveyor, Mr J. B. Fairchild, reported in his inspector’s report that there were 92 houses in the village, unfit for habitation 6, overcrowding 1, empty houses 3. Of the 92 houses, 35 were without a good water supply within the premises. The majority of the inhabitants obtain their water from two wells situated in the centre of the village. One of these supplied 22 houses and was used by about 70 people and it had a large volume of water. Unfortunately it was situated in the near vicinity of a sewer, and he was of the opinion that it would be as well to have the water analysed. The Surveyor reported that at one house he was refused admission, and the Council issued to him instructions. The case of over crowding was a very bad case indeed, no fewer than 10 people occupying 2 rooms. The Council decided to have the water analysed.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Saturday 05 December 1914
Arthur Frederick Jelley, farmer of Cosgrove was summoned for allowing 11 cows to stray on the highway at Cosgrove, on November 16. The defendant said that as soon as he knew the cows had got out of the field, because a gate had been left open, he sent his daughter to drive them back. Fined 10s. inclusive.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Friday 11 December 1914
A shocking case of overcrowding was reported by the Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector (Mr. J. B. Fairchild) at Cosgrove. Mr. Fairchild said that a small house with only two bedrooms was occupied by ten persons. There was no water to the house. In his opinion, it was a very bad case indeed. The woman admitted the overcrowding, but said that she could not get another house in the village. The Clerk: I expect we had better serve a notice to abate the nuisance. The Inspector, however, pointed out that the woman's husband was with the Forces at the front, and he thought they might be lenient with her. If they asked her to leave at once it might have a bad effect on her health. It was decided to adjourn the subject for a month.
Suspecting another case of overcrowding, Mr. Fairchild said that he had endeavoured to inspect another house in the village, but the occupier had refused him admission. It was the first time, he remarked, in thirteen years that be had ever been refused admission in this way. The woman had since told him that her landlord (a barrister) had informed her that he (the Inspector) could not force her to let him in. The Inspector was instructed to write informing the tenant that if she would not admit him be should secure a magistrate's order.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 January 1915
DISTRICT COUNCIL. Mr. H. Weston presided. The Local Government Board returned the Council's draft by-laws and recommended an alteration in a clause relating to drainage. The Board also wrote with regard to the Council's adoption the Notification of Births Act, and said it should come into force from January 1. Dr. T. S. Maguire (Deputy Medical Officer of Health) reported that with the exception of a case of tuberculosis, the district was free from notifiable infectious diseases. He said that he had made an analysis of a sample of water taken from a Cosgrove well, and in his opinion it might be regarded as satisfactory.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 09 January 1915
We have received a letter from Mr. John G. Small, of Stone, Staffordshire, suggesting that the village of Cosgrove should apply for the medallion offered by the "Weekly Despatch " as the most patriotic village in the British Isles. He says he noticed in the " Buckingham Advertiser" few weeks back that the village had sent 34 out of a possible 36 men to the army, and as a native of Buckingham he would be proud to know that a neighbouring village had secured the honour.
Wolverton Express February 12th 1915
More than ordinary interest attached to the launching of a stem tug, George Hill, at Old Stratford Wharf, on Saturday, from the fact that a little Belgian girl, Mdlle Renee Selbac Corstiaens, performed the Christening ceremony. The vessel has been built by Mr. E. Haynes C.F..., at his Watling Works, Stony Stratford, and it is destined for ___________ for the purpose of assisting in the loading up of _____________ troops for the front. About three months has been taken up in the work of construction. Similar tugs and launches have been built by the firm for the foreign Governments. One of the launches is now in use in the sea of Galilee for the conveyance of Mahommedan pilgrims on their journey to Mecca. In this case special attention was paid to its construction in view of the sudden storms met with on the Galilean Sea.
The George Hill, before being shipped on a liner, will have to pass about 70 odd locks in its passage along the Grand Junction Canal to the Thames, where it will be put through its trials. The length of the tug is 51ft., width 11ft., depth at side amidships 5ft. 2ins. And draft 4ft. In the way of speed it is expected to make a little over 13 miles an hour.
A number of interested spectators gathered for the christening ceremony including Mr. E. Hayes C.F.., Mr Arthur Hayes, A.M.I.N.A., Mons Corstiaens,(ex-town clerk of Antwerp), Mme Corstiaens, and their grand-daughter, Renee Corstiaens, Mrs Hayes, Mr. A. R. Elmes, Mrs. And Miss Worley, Mrs G. Bull, Mrs Cecil Powell, Mr. C. Boden Brifton, Miss Whiting (Castlethorpe), Mrs. Brown, M. Marsait, M. Van Gastel, M. Van de Bruck.
About an hour was taken up in the work of preparing for the launching, and then amidst cheering, little Renee Selbac cut the string and a bottle of champagne burst against the bows. The vessel slid gracefully into the water, but the wash on the other side caused a few spectators to find safe quarters.
At the masthead was flown the Union Jack and then the ensigns of France, Belgium and Russia.
About 20 years ago the firm of Messrs Hayes built a number of fireboats for the Thames, used in conjunction with the Fire Brigade.
Wolverton Express March 5th 1915
Friday.-Before Mr. F. W. Woolard (in the chair) and Mr. T. Byam Grounds.
Arthur Fredrick Jelley, a Cosgrove farmer, was summoned for allowing his cattle to stray on February 18. Mr. C. J. Allinson, of Stony Stratford, defended. P.c. Robinson said that at 10.30 a.m. he saw twelve milch cows, which were the property of Jelley, straying on the road at the Castlethorpe turn in Cosgrove. He kept them under observation for fifteen minutes, during which time they were unattended. Later two boys ran a distance of two hundred yards towards the cattle, and eventually defendant came up from the direction of Castlethorpe and the cows were put in a field. Answering Superintendent Andrews, the witness said he had cautioned Jelley several times. Cross-examined by Mr. Allinson, the witness said he was 350 yards away from the animals. He did not see any traffic at all on the road. Mr Allinson contended that there had been no offence and that the cattle were not straying within the meaning of the Act. The Magistrates considered there was a prima facie case. The defendant said that he had over 200 animals, and that it was his custom to send his cows to the field for fodder. He was obliged to employ boys because he was unable to get men. One of his labourers had joined the Army. In six years he had never known of a motor car which had been obliged to pull up because of his stock. One of the boys employed by defendant, Thomas Hillyer (aged 12), said he had assisted the defendant since the schools were closed. He was not more than twenty or thirty yards away from the cows at any time. The other lad, Frank Brown (aged 11, corroborated. The Magistrates considered that the cows were longer on the road than they would have been if a man had driven them, and defendant was ordered to pay the costs and advised to be more careful in future.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 16 March 1915
The death occurred on Sunday at Cosgrove, near Stony Stratford, of Mrs. Mary Willison, one of the oldest inhabitants in the neighbourhood. Mrs. Willison was 96 years of age, and she had recently had a fall, from the effects of which she succumbed.
Mrs. Willison has one daughter living Miss Harriet Willison. Mr. D. Willison saddler, of Bridge Street, Northampton, is a grandson, and he is now serving as a saddler-sergeant. Another grandson is a solicitor in Birmingham.
Wolverton Express March 26th 1915
As briefly reported in our last issue, the funeral took place at Cosgrove on Thursday, of Mrs. Mary Willison, who died at the great age of 96. She was the widow of the late Mr. Matthew Willison, farmer and corn dealer, who pre-deceased her 27 years ago. A native of Cosgrove, the deceased’s maiden name was Dawson, a family which had associations with Cosgrove for centuries. She had nine children, but only one, Miss Harriet Willison, survives her. There are, however, twenty grandchildren, and fifteen great grandchildren. There was a good attendance in the Parish Church for the service, which was conducted by the curate-in-charge, the Rev. W. Mandel. The hymn, “Nearer my God, to Thee,” one of the deceased’s favourites, was sung, Mr. T. Spencer presiding at the organ. The mourners were as follows: Miss Willison (daughter), Mrs Willison, Northampton, and Mrs. H. Willison (daughter-in-law); Mr. and Mrs. Willison, Birmingham; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Willison, Cosgrove, and Mr. Amos Willison, London (grandchildren); Misses Dorothy and Marjorie Willison and Master Amos Willison (grandchildren); Mr. and Mrs. T. Roberts, Deanshanger; Mr. and Mrs. R. Penson, Mrs Atkinson, Mr. Patman, and Miss Knight. Wreaths were received from Mrs. M. Willison, Miss Willison, Mr. and Mrs. H. Willison, Mr. A. Willison, the Misses Knight etc. At the request of the deceased lady funeral arrangements were carried out by her grandson, Mr. H. W. Willison.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 27 April 1915
How South Northants
May be Changed
The thriving village of Old Stratford at the extreme south of Northants is almost in the same position as “no man’s land.”
It is at the fag end of four parishes, a circumstance which is a great barrier to the future progress of the village. Because of this, most of the inhabitants want to see bits cut off here and put on somewhere else until the whole of Old Stratford is merged into the parish of Furtho, which would then be a fair-sized parish.
A scheme for altering the various parish boundaries of Furtho, Potterspury, Passenham and Cosgrove in each of which bits of Old Stratford are now situated has been drawn up by the Potterspury Board of Guardians, and this was submitted at an inquiry conducted on behalf of the Northants County Council at the Old School House, Old Stratford, on Monday. The representatives of the County Council were Mr. J. H. Smith, CC (chairman), the Rev. E. W. Harrison, C.C. and Mr. Dickson, C.C., with Clerk to the Council, Mr. H. A. Millington. The inquiry drew a large gathering of representatives of the various parishes concerned, property owners and farmers, and although there was opposition from one parish that of Deanshanger and from one or two private interests, the bulk of those present seemed favourably disposed to the alteration of the map on the lines indicated.
Mr. Smith at the outset asked if there was any official opposition to the scheme, and whether any local authorities were represented which opposed the scheme.
IN reply, Mr. S. P. Starsmore, of Passenham, presented a petition against the scheme which he said was signed by something like 51 ratepayers.
The Chairman: Who organised the protest?
Mr. Starsmore: The Parish Council.
Mr. J. C. Goff, of College Farm, Wicken, complained that proper publicity had not been given to the inquiry. He did not know until Saturday night that the meeting was to be held. He thought it was hardly fair to those who might wish to oppose the scheme.
The Chairman’s reply was that the Act of Parliament had been fully complied with and that the County Council had done their best to make the inquiry known.
For the Applicants
Mr. W. S. Parrott (clerk to the Potterspury Board of Guardians and Rural District Council) opened the case for the applicants. He remarked that the question of altering the boundaries first arose when the District Council were considering a new water scheme, for the immediate area. There was now a detached portion of Potterspury in the Old Stratford area which led to the application being first mooted.
After producing a map of the neighbourhood, the Clerk said that this detached portion had been in Potterspury parish as far back as he could possible trace in the rate books. The District Council had been approached by some of the residents of Old Stratford, who said it would facilitate matters considerably if this immediate area of Old Stratford could be thrown into one parish. The District Council, in reply to this request, had formulated a plan for the taking away certain portions of three of the parishes and adding them to the fourth, a plan which had been approved by the Board of Guardians. This would mean that the Old Stratford area was borough into the parish of Furtho, which has its own church and so on. Of course the whole question as far as the applicants were concerned was that of rating. They proposed at some future date having a new water scheme in the area, which the Local Government Board had long been asking for, but because there were four parishes in the area there would be certain obvious difficulties which would be removed if the area was thrown into one parish. At the present time the parish of Furtho was small, it covered a big area, but the rateable value was low.
Gains and Losses
Mr. Parrott then enumerated the area, population, rateable and assessable values on each parish, and narrated what they proposed taking from each parish and tacking on to the adjacent parish, which showed that Furtho would gain in Cosgrove 148, Passenham 48, and Potterspury 80, making an estimated population in Furtho parish after the transfers 305. After altering the boundaries Furtho would have a net loss of 40 acres, leaving an area of 620 acres in the new parish. The rateable value was now £241, but after the transfers there would be a net gain to Furtho in rateable value of £812, making the estimated rateable value £1,053. The estimated assessable value was £425, and after the transfers Furtho would gain £775, which would leave an estimated assessable value of £1,200. Under such a new state of affairs, concluded the Clerk, the cost of the new water scheme would be thrown directly on the users, and on behalf of the applicants he asked the Council to grant the order asked for.
The Rev. E. W. Harrison asked if, after the population of Furtho was increased by 276, it would be necessary to provide a school in the parish.
Mr. Parrott replied that that was a matter for the County Council, not the District Council. At the present time the children of the parish went to school at Stony Stratford. He could not say whether any went to Cosgrove or not.
Mr. Dickens remarked that Stony Stratford was in Bucks, and he asked if there would be an objection raised if ever a school for the Old Stratford children built?
Mr. Parrott answered that he did not think so.
Mr. Smith wanted to know if there was sufficient accommodation in the Old Stratford area.
The Clerk replied that Old Stratford had been in four parishes for a long time but had missed everything. (Laughter.)
Mr. W. F. Read (as a Guardian) asked the Clerk when the scheme came up for discussion before the Board, and if the members had been informed that such an important matter was coming before them?
Mr. Parrott: It came up on March 19, 1914.
Passenham Protest
To the Chairman’s query as to whether there were any objections from the various parishes on behalf of Cosgrove, a resident shouted “No.” There was no reply from Furtho, but Mr. W. F. Read said there was neither Parish Council or District Council at Furtho.
Mr. Dickson suggested “that surely there was a parish meeting.”
On behalf of Passenham, Mr. Starsmore read the petition of 51 ratepayers against the scheme. The protest against interference with such natural boundaries as Watling street road, and went on to state that the parish would soon have to incur more expenditure on building new schools or making improvements to the present buildings, and they would suffer a great hardship if they last much of their rateable value.
The Chairman: What body do you represent:
Mr. Parrott: He is one of the applicants. (Loud laughter).;
Mr. Starsmore: I am a District Councillor for Passenham.
Continuing, Mr. Starsmore said there was another matter. For a long time Old Stratford people had been paying for a water supply at Deanshanger, and now in ail probability a water scheme would be drawn up for Old Stratford. He felt sure the ratepayers of Deanshanger and Passenham would not object to paying their little bit to this scheme if they were asked. (Ironical cries of hear, hear and laughter.) Besides, there were certain charities which the Old Stratford folk would lose if this alteration was made.
The Chairmant: Oh, no, we don't touch charities; they come under the ecclesiastical parishes.
Mr. Starsmore: They would lose the Deanshanger Charity.
The Chairman: No sir; don't think charities would be affected at all.
Mr. Starsmore again reiterated that the alteration in the boundary would be great hardship to Passenham.
The Chairman: You referred to the Deanshanger water supply.
Mr. Starsmore: The Old Stratford people have been paying to it.
A voice: We have got nothing from it.
There was no objection from the Potterspury parish.
Mr. T. Canvin as a native of Deanshanger, said he strongly objected to the scheme, as in the Watling-street road they had got of the finest boundaries to England. He, however, denied that Old Stratford had ever contributed to the Deanshanger water scheme.
Mr. E. T. Worley. as representing Captain Grant-Thorold, of Cosgrove who is on active service, said that Mr. Thorold had asked him to emphasise the fact that although what was being taken from Cosgrove was only about 30½ acres in extent, it was practically all covered by cottages and houses, beside wharves and large industries like Mr. Hamilton's motor works. The total rateable value was £3,165, and they proposed transferring from Furtho to Cosgrove 40 acres which was mainly agricultural land, and only equal to a rateable value of £140, which was only half of the portion in rateable value which they proposed taking away. He suggested that instead, they should declare Old Stratford as a special area for water purposes.
Mr. Wells, of Northampton, on behalf of Arnold’s Charity Trustees, who were lords of the manor at Furtho and owners of the Manor Farm, to which is attached about 300 acres, also made a formal objection. He remarked that the alteration would increase the true rate of Furtho without giving the people of the present parish and corresponding advantage, whereas Old Stratford would get the benefit of an increased rateable area and would not have any further burdens to bear. Why not, he suggested, make Old Stratford a parish to itself and leave Furtho as it is?
Answering the chairman, Mr. Parrott said it was possible there would be some building scheme commenced at Old Stratford if the scheme went through.
Mr. Verey, of Old Stratford, remarked that Old Stratford folk had assisted Deanshanger with their water and Cosgrove with their schools.
Imaginary Boundaries Defended.
Mr. O. Hamilton, sen., strongly supported the application, remarked they had plenty of churches and plenty of schools in the district, but they were far away. At one time if they wanted a drink of water they had to go a mile, or if they wanted a postage stamp they had to go two miles. Their children had to go to Stony Stratford schools, although there were well swerved. With regard to boundaries, he knew the roads and rivers were natural boundaries, the equator and the poles, were purely imaginary lines, and imaginary lines, in his opinion, were far better boundaries than winding roads and flowing rivers. With regard to Furtho, many people in Old Stratford had paid rates for which they had had no advantages. All they asked was that the rates paid were distributed and applied in a fairly even manner.
Answering the chairman, Mr. Hamilton, said they did not care whether the new parish carried the name of Old Stratford or not.
Mr. E. Haynes, C.C., said he had heard nothing of that inquiry until Saturday. He thought another meeting ought to be held.
Mr. Goff supported this suggestion.
Mr. W. Slaymaker asked if the new parish would be forced to build a school for their children, or whether they could please themselves.
The Chairman replied that that was not a question for that inquiry.
Mr. Hamilton said such matters as that the people of the parish would be content to leave in the expert hands of the county authorities.
Mr. Dickens of Old Stratford, remarked that children had walked to school three-quarters of a mile for a hundred years, and he could not see why they could not continue to do this.
After Mr. Parrott had answered the various objections, the Chairman informed the meeting that the committee would lay their report before the County Council and that Council’s decision would be made known subject to the consent of the Local Government Board in due course. He then closed the inquiry, and a vote of thanks to the committee ended the proceedings.
Wolverton Express April 30th 1915
A whist drive was held in the Old School Room, at Cosgrove, on Thursday, in aid of the Sunday School. It was arranged by Miss Penson, Miss Jelley, Mrs. Seymour, and Mrs. Buttrum. There was a good attendance and the prizes were won by the following ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies: 1st, Mrs. Coles (Wolverton); 2nd, Miss Duffett; Booby, Miss A. Knight.
Gents: 1st, Master Hillyer (Cosgrove); 2nd, Mr. E. J. Adkins (Yardley Gobion); Booby, Pte. J. J. Bues.
At the close of the drive the prizes were kindly presented by the Misses Atkinson, of Cosgrove Priory, and the Vicar proposed a vote of thanks to the Misses Atkinson for so kindly coming to present the prizes; to the ladies who had arranged the drive and also to the M.C. Mr. E. T. Cockerill, of Stony Stratford, who had managed this and also other drives held during the winter in the most able way. The whist drive was followed by dancing. Refreshments were provided by Mr Malcolm Jelley (Cosgrove), assisted by Mrs. Jelley, of Stony Stratford.
Wolverton Express May 21st 1915
PRIVATE S. PITTAM, 2nd Northants.
Son of Mr and Mrs Pittam, of Old Stratford. A letter from Private Wm. Grace to Old Stratford. The father, Mr. Samuel Pittam, has received news of his son’s death whilst fighting with the 2nd Northants at the front.
News was also received through a letter from Private Wm. Grace, who in writing to his parents at Old Stratford states that he went through the withering fire in the charges of the Northamptons on Sunday, May 10th, and saw Pittam fall, mortally wounded. Grace, who has been previously wounded in the thumb, says he managed to crawl back at night to the lines. It was a terrible experience.
The deceased was a married man and was a resident of Brighton. He leaves a wife and one child.
Eldest son of Mr. J. J. Atkinson, of Cosgrove Priory. A telegram was received on Saturday, stating that he was killed on Wednesday. He had been in the Army twelve years, in which eight years were spent in India, where he was A.D.C. to the Governor of Madras. He was in the final of the Kinder Cup. He was also A.D.C. to the General in the riots of Johannesburg. Captain Atkinson was Commander to the signalling troops at the Front. He was 32 years of age, and had been at the Front for six months, and fought in both battles of Ypres.
It is curious to note that he was in a regiment of which the Kaiser was Colonel-in-Chief. Since the war, Captain Atkinson came home for a short furlough and it was then remarked at Wolverton Station, how remarkably well he looked as he again left for the Front.
Much sympathy is to be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson and family in the loss of a son who had just embarked on such a … career.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 May 1915
MRS. GRANT THOROLD wants Singlehanded COOK, good plain. Good reference required. £22-£26. House-parlourmaid and between maid kept. Nursery. Small house. Cosgrove, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 July 1915
A QUESTION OF BOUNDARIES. The committee appointed to hold inquiry into an application from the Potterspury Board Guardians and Rural District Council for order for the alteration of the boundaries of the parishes of Cosgrove, Furtho, Passenham, and Potterspury, reported that they could not recommend the scheme as put forward, but they thought the difficulty that had arisen would be met to some extent by alteration of the boundaries of the parishes of Cosgrove and Potterspury, whereby the isolated and detached portion of Potterspury, area of 1 acre 2 roods 3 poles, situate at Old Stratford, will be added to Cosgrove. Mr. J. H. Smith, in moving the report, said the parties affected had still the right of appeal to the Local Government Board. The report was adopted.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Friday 23 July 1915
The Northamptonshire County Council have given their decision in reference to the proposed division of parish boundaries in the Potterspury district. At the inquiry into the merits of the proposition it was stated that the residents of Old Stratford desired such alterations in the "frontiers" as would ensure that the village was in one single parish rather than as at present, in two or three. The decision of the County Council because it does out provide for this is disappointing to the inhabitants of the parish.
It was stated at the fortnightly meeting of the Potterspury Board of Guardians held at the Workhouse. Yardley Gobion, on Thursday, that the County Council had issued an order providing for the detached portion of Potterspury to be taken out of Old Stratford and added to the parish of Cosgrove. No alteration, the Council notice said, would be made to the Cosgrove, Furtho and Passenham parish boundaries. The Order will come into operation on April 1. 1916.
Mr. Starsmore, remarked that the Order was very satisfactory to the Passenham parish, which had a natural boundary. Mr. Pratt: It’s very unsatisfactory to Old Stratford people. They wanted a parish of their own.
The Clerk: Well, no doubt the Old Stratford people will proceed further in the matter. When Mr. Paterson suggested in the first instance as to the removal of the detached portion has been granted.
Wolverton Express July 23rd 1915
In the first of a series of articles entitled “What the Country Gentleman had done for the War,” “Country Life” gives a brief but interesting sketch of the doings of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. After outlining the immortal history of the regiment in the past battles of the country, the writer has traced its distinguished career through the present war. At the conclusion of the article the writer adds: “It is satisfactory to know that recruiting in the two counties, which outside the city of Oxford are almost purely agricultural, has been excellent. Though many villages have done well, Cosgrove, in Buckinghamshire [Northamptonshire], is to the fore with its record, as early in September, of all its 34 eligible men with two exceptions serving with the Colours.” Although the writer has made a mistake in the location of Cosgrove, which is in the county of Northampton, his remarks are a high tribute to the manhood of the old world village.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 July 1915
The Deputy Medical Officer of Health (Dr. T. S. Maguire, J.P.) reported that with exception of a case of tuberculosis at Deanshanger the district was free from notifiable infectious disease. The outbreak of whooping cough at Cosgrove, for which he ordered the schools to be closed for three weeks had now subsided.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Monday 20 September 1915
The Bishop of Peterborough has presented the Rev. W. A. Mandell, curate-in-charge of Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, to the living of Langham, Rutland. The living is worth £195 a year.
Wolverton Express 15 October 1915
Trooper REG. PANTER, Royal Bucks Hussars. Mr. Panter, of Old Stratford, has just been informed that his son, Reg. Panter, of the Royal Bucks Hussars, is officially reported wounded and missing. He was with the Bucks Yeomanry at the Dardanelles.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 05 October 1915
BROWN. PTE. JOSEPH. Oxon and Bucks L.I. Private Brown was wounded in the thigh by a gas shell which set up gangrene, from which he died in a clearing hospital on September 28. He would have been 22 in November, and was the younger of two soldier sons of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Cosgrove. he was well known in local football circles, and was one of the cup team when the Cosgrove eleven won the North Bucks Football League. He also played on several occasions for Wolverton. Before the war Pte. Brown was employed at the Wolverton train factory, and was for some months under steward of the Social Working-men's Club.
Wolverton Express 15 October 1915

Through the courtesy of the “Daily News” we are enabled to reproduce this picture of a resting place of our Territorial Regiments somewhere in France or Flanders. The two large crosses in the foreground mark, it is stated, the graves of two men of the Bucks. Battalion.

PTE. JOSEPH BROWN. Of Cosgrove, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. Died of his wounds in France.
Wolverton Express 15 October 1915
MEMORIAL SERVICE. The Parish Church was on Sunday evening crowded with a congregation who came to pay the last respects due to the dead, the occasion being a memorial service for Pte. Joseph Brown, Oxford & Bucks L. I., who died of wounds received “somewhere in France” on Sept 28. Villagers, footballers, railway artizans, all rubbed shoulders in the sacred edifice; in fact the seating accommodation was taxed to its uttermost, and people were turned away. The service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Mandel, and the lessons were most impressively read by Mr J. J. Atkinson, C.C., who has also lost a son in the war. Suitable hymns were sung, including “Peace perfect peace” and “Thy will be done.” In an appropriate sermon the preacher alluded to the patriotic part Cosgrove had played in this horrible war, and the price they had already paid by the loss of their dearest and best. With all these terrible losses still the Allies intended to pursue the course they had begun. The one they were mourning that evening should stand out as an example to those following in his footsteps as one who had done his duty for King and Country. The playing of the dead March in “Saul” was a very befitting end to a most impressive service. A beautiful wreath was placed in the church prior to the service as a token of respect from the Wolverton Social Working Men’s Club, where the deceased was employed.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Saturday 23 October 1915
Friday. Before Captain M. R. Hall (in the chair), Dr. T. R. Maguire, Mr. C. Byam-Grounds, Mr. W. Purslow, C.C., and Mr. F. W. Woollard.
Not Well Lately. Walter John Willison. labourer, Cosgrove, was summoned for keeping a dog without a licence. P.C. Robinson gave evidence, and said that the defendant told him that he had not secured a licence because his dog had not been well recently. The dog was quite nine months old defendant wrote admitting the offence. Fined 2s. 6d.
Wolverton Express 25 October 1915
MEMORIAL SERVICE. On Sunday evening a memorial service was conducted by the curate in charge at the Parish Church, to Pte. John Ratcliffe, of the 7th Northants Regiment, who was killed in action in France. A muffled peal was rung.
Wolverton Express 29 October 1915
Corporal J. Geary, “D” Company, 7th Oxford and Bucks, L. I., British Expeditionary Force, France, and late of High-street, Stony Stratford. Write: “May I make an appeal on behalf of the above Company, through your valuable paper, for a couple of footballs, of which we have none. As you are aware there are many of the Wolverton and Stratford boys in this Company and they approached me to make an appeal feeling sure that Wolverton and District will grant their request.”
Wolverton Express November 5th 1915
Trooper REG. PANTER, Royal Bucks Hussars.
Trooper Panter, whose parents live at Ivy House, Old Stratford, is reported to have been missing since August 21, when he was wounded. His parents would be glad to receive further news concerning him.
Wolverton Express November 19th 1915
You can hear the bullets pinging,
In the evening by the moonlight,
You can hear the Germans singing,
In the evening by the moonlight,
But the Bucks, boys they enjoy it,
They will sit all night and listen,
Like they used to for the
Wolverton whistle outside Pinfold’s.
In the evening by the moonlight,
When we’re out on listening post,
In the evening by the moonlight,
Keeping silent as a ghost,
If we spot young Fritz the sapper,
We will put one through his napper,
And put paid to his big swanking clapper,
In the moonlight.
In the evening when we are standing by our chums,
In the evening by the moonlight,
When the sergeant brings the rum,
My mates they call him Jimmy,
Says it warms his little Mary,
And we start and sing that song called Tipperary.
In the evening by the moonlight,
When we hear the Fritz out barb wiring,
In the evening by the moonlight,
Our chums will soon be firing,
Poor old Fritz he keeps us well scanned
And he murmurs Gott Straffe Eng-land,
And wishes he had kept on his own land,
In the moonlight.
In the evening by the moonlight,
When are heads are in a whirl,
In the evening by the moonlight,
When we’re thinking of our girl,
We’ll be glad when all is over,
So that we can get to Dover,
And take our sweethearts through the clover,
In the moonlight,
Wishing you all the best of luck,
Wolverton Express December 17th 1915
OBITUARY. The death is announced of Mr. Thomas Collier Spencer at the early age of 36 years, which took place on Dec. 10th after a very short illness, at the Navigation Inn, of which he was landlord. Deceased was a very much respected man, and as a result many of his friends attended to pay their last respects at the funeral, which took place on Tuesday at SS. Peter’s and Paul’s Church, the Rev. Mr. Mandell officiating. Besides the family mourners, the following were noticed in the church. Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., Mr. Arthur Masterman, Mr. Arthur Smith, Mr. Charles Roberts, Mr. Bywater, Mr. Penson, Mr. Patman, Mr. F. Jelley, Mr. Charles Wilson. The hymns sung during the service were “When I survey the Wondrous Cross” and “Rock of Ages,” and as the cortege left the church for the cemetery, Mr. Warren played the Dead March on “Saul.” There was a lovely profusion of flowers from the following: To our dear darling dad, from his broken hearted children and wife; Our dear son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Langley; In loving memory of our dear brother-in-law, Hilda and Frank; In loving memory and deepest sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Bywater; With deepest sympathy, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts; Deepest sympathy, Nell and Eric; With many regrets and sincere sympathy, Nellie and Fred; In loving memory of dear Tom, Auntie Annie; With deepest sympathy C. and L. Wilson; With sincere sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Pinfold; With deepest sympathy Poppie and Taylor; With sincere sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Bushell and family; With sincere sympathy, Mr. and Mrs. Dicks; With sincere sympathy, Ned Powell (Castlethorpe); With sincere sympathy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Knight; With sincere sympathy, Mr. and Mrs. Cook; With deepest sympathy, the Choir and Members of the congregation of Cosgrove Parish Church; With deepest sympathy, from the indoor and outdoor staff at Cosgrove Hall; With sincere sympathy, J. Compton (Castlethorpe); From sorrowing Uncle Will and Fred.
Wolverton Express December 31st 1915
Of all the villages in Northamptonshire, Cosgrove, by the side of water, has done its bit for King and Country. Every eligible man has donned khaki, and regrettable to say a few have sacrificed their lives on the altar of National duty. The inhabitants of this little South Northamptonshire village feel they cannot do enough for the boys, and Christmas this year has seen many parcels landed into the trenches. Twenty-three have received 5s. worth of cigarettes each, and through the energy of Mr. G. Brown, of “Barge” Inn, and several other equally interested friends, a mock auction was conducted of a log of wood, which realised 16s. Before the week is out they hope to add another 4s. to this sum. A ground ash stick fetched 3s. 6d. It is hoped to send a further supply of cigarettes and two pairs of socks to each, and a photo of the log of wood and walking stick
Northampton Mercury - Friday 31 December 1915
COSGROVE. A very successful whist drive was held in the Parish Church Schoolroom on Monday. There was a good assembly of villagers, besides a large contingent of visitors from Wolverton. The event was a financial success, and resulted in the accumulation of a substantial fund which is to provide chairs for the Parish Room. The arrangements were made by a ladies' committee, which had Mrs. Penson as secretary.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 January 1916
Three-quarters of a mile from Castlethorpe Station.
Are instructed by the representatives the late Mr. T. C. Spencer,
On the above Premises;
4 HORSES, viz.; Two Brown Cart Horses, both 9yrs. old and good workers; Brown Cart filly, rising 2yrs. old; and a Strong Chestnut Cob, quiet to ride and drive, and well-known.
19 PIGS, viz.; 10 Berkshire Stores and 9 Strong Store Ditto.
RICK OF EXCELLENT CLOVER (About 12 Tons), and a
Stump of Straw; about 2 Tons of Wheat Straw (all to go off); 6 Quarters Oats; aud a Quantity of Seed Potatoes.
60 HEAD OF POULTRY, mostly Pullets.
Include: Harness. Ploughs Cultivator, Root Pulper. Chaff Machine, Grass Mower, Harrows, Hornsby’s Self Binder,
Coal Scales, 70 Coal Bags, Double-Barrel Gun, Keg of Oil, Paraffin Tank, Salting Lead, Chum and Dairy Utensils.
Comprising: Brass and Iron Bedsteads and Bedding, Mahogany and other Chests Drawers, Dressing Table, Wardrobe, Dressing Glasses, Fenders and Irons.
Mahogany Tables, Engravings, Linoleum, and Kitchen Utensils, etc., etc.
The Sale will commence with the Furniture at one o'clock.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Wednesday 02 February 1916
Messrs. Merry and Co., Northampton, held a successful sale of live and dead farming stock and household furniture on the premises of the late Mr. T. C. Spencer, the Navigation Inn, Cosgrove, on Monday. The best prices realised were:implements: 40-round ladder, £1 8s.; sets thiller harness. £3 5s. and £1 7s.; set trace harness, £1 18s.; cultivator, £3 2s. 6d.; grass mower. £3 10s.; Hornsby self-binder, £7 10s.; iron-arm Scotch carts with gearing (Roberts), £10 5s. and £10; light four-wheel coal dray, £11; 22 coal bags, £3 11. 6d.; 21 ½ cwt coal bags, £4 7s. 9d.. Horses: Brown cart horses, 50gs. and 25gs.; brown cart filly, 33gs.; chestnut cob, 27½gs. Live stock: Yearling shorthorn heifer, £11 7s. 6d.; weaned stirk, £5 12s. 6d.; ten grass tegs, 42s. each; ten Berkshire store pigs, 13s. 6d each; nine ditto. 24s. 6d. each. Hay. etc.: Rick clover, about 12 tons, £42; stump mixed straw, £6 2s. 6d.; two tons trussed wheat straw, £4 5s.; also 60 head poultry, mostly pullets, at 3s. 5d. per head. The best prices for the furniture were: Inlaid walnut dining-room suite £4 15s; marble-top washstand, £2 17s. 6d.; feather bed, bolster and pillow. £1 8s.
Wolverton Express 17th March 1916
Patriotic Concert
In order to help the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Fund a grand patriotic concert was given in the Old Schoolroom on Saturday evening, under the directorship of Mr F. G. Bavey. The program, which was of a varied description, was in the capable hands of the Magpie Party, and they did justice to the sixteen items that appeared on the “bill of fare”. The room was packed with an appreciative audience, and the program was thoroughly enjoyed. A band of willing helpers was found in Messrs. H. W. Willison, M. Beasley, T. Jelley, R. Brown, S. Williams, W. Wise, G. Noble and Mr J. Cawthorne, of the Royal Naval Air Service, who helped in many ways towards the success of the concert.
During the interval a guessing competition of seeds in a vegetable marrow took place a sovereign being realised. The winner was Mr J Cawthorne, with 375, the number of seeds being 371. The winner kindly refunded the prize for the benefit of the cause. The room was beautifully decorate, a screen being lent by Miss H. Willison and the scenery round the platform was painted by Mr F. G. Bavey.
The following was the program:- Opening chorus, the Party; song, Miss L. Chapman; song, Peter Stevens; comic stories, Sammy Gordon; “A little bit of Heaven”, C. Benson; Territorials Song, Sammy and Peter; song, Miss M. Chapman; equilibrist, Sammy Gordon; sketch, “The Tale of a Shirt”, the Party; conjuring, Gus Norton; “Paper Bag Cookery”, Peter Stevens; “The Sunshine of your Smile”, C. Benson; “Old Folks at Home”, the Party; “Anchored”, Peter Stevens; patriotic song, the Party; sketch, “Wait and See”, the Party.
Wolverton Express 24th March 1916
Mr J. Jepson Atkinson, County Councillor for Cosgrove, speaking at the Northants County Council meeting, expressive of the belief that women can do anything a man can in agriculture, supported his remarks by giving instances of excellent farm work being performed by women in the district.
Wolverton Express 14th April 1916
Pte Frank Williams, of D Company, 7th Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry at Salonica, son of Mr W. H. W. Williams, Green-Lane, Wolverton, write to the Editor of the Wolverton Express;
“A very interesting football match took place last Friday, March 24th in the vicinity of Salonica between two Companies of the 7th Oxford and Bucks L I, who are now doing active service in Greece, the two Companies being D Company and the Headquarters Company. This match was played after the Tommies had had a hard day’s work with the pick and the shovel, kicking off at 5.30 with an Aegean breeze.
D Company won the toss, and the Headquarters Company kicked off before a fair crowd, consisting of British and French troops. After a little even play the Headquarters were having all the game in their favour, and with a little excitement Tolley, of the Headquarters only just missing scoring. The Headquarters, only the sea breeze in their favour, were well over their opponents. Sherwood, at centre half, was showing his Northants league form for the Headquarters, but was unable to find Lewis, the old Watford goalie, weak, and as the whistle blew half time it was no score.
During the next half play was very even. E. Bennett, of the Headquarters, was very consistent at left half, but as the crowd emerged from the ground A J Ross placed the ball well in the goal mouth, and after a very excitable time Laddie Brown scored the only goal of the match. Thus D Company won by one goal to nil.
Look out for further accounts of other matches later on. Hoping you are in the best of health, as it leaves me top hole. We are having extraordinary hot weather.”
Wolverton Express 2nd June 1916
The Trek at Salonica
On the morning of May 2nd, the 7th Oxford and Bucks LI started on their great march. The morning was not very promising, rain threatened at any moment. We left camp at 8 am and the boys soon set up singing a few of their old songs. A small village called Saina, which we had camped close to about three months ago, looked splendid with its fine orchards as we marched past. Immediately following were fields and fields of barley tinted here and there with poppies and other flowers. The sun was now beginning to shine on us, and we looked the true “British Boys” with our bugles shining and our boots thumping on the hard ground. It was a good hour’s march before we sighted Sangaza, another small village. Here there was an avenue of trees, which afforded us a little shade, and it was the best bit of scenery that we had seen in the country. In the marshes and in the swamps were storks hunting for food, an occasionally was heard the croak of the frog as it swam about in the watered places.
As we marched through Sangaza we noticed various nice buildings, and how clean the peasants were; quite different to those we had left behind. We arrived at a suitable camping place about 2 pm. The boys, though much strained with their heavy packs and the long march, went cheerfully to work, and soon erected their bivouacs to sleep in, and with the help of “Tommy’s Cooker” were soon well away, feeding on meat and onions.
At night all was quiet, except for the occasional footsteps of the military police, or a deep snore from Tommy, dreaming of home.
Wednesday The march continued this morning at 9.15 am, in splendid weather, but instead of keeping to the track we had to take to the hills and valleys. This proved a very sweating job, as the sun became very hot, and the boys were evry glad to throw their packs off at every halt.
Eventually after miles of plodding we reached our new camp, which was situated in a nice spot, but the Tommies were too tired to take much interest in it. At night they got very little rest, owing to the braying of the mules and the cold air.
The following morning the boys were aroused from their restless sleep by the voice of the sergeant-major, crying “Fall in with your water bottles”. Of course, every one of them was dying for a drop of water, and one by one, half asleep and half awake, they staggered out of their bivouac to get some of the much needed mineral nature’s best drink. We had a food fill of Mac and biscuits for breakfast and a supply of lemons and oranges from the hawkers to keep us fresh on the march.
About 9.15 am the Battalion left camp and after toiling for miles in the broiling hot sun we came in sight of the enemies’ positions, and the boys were eagerly waiting for the word charge so as to get the job over quick and have a rest before marching to the new camp, which was about three miles distant, and they were about done up when they arrived, mainly through the shortage of water. The bivouacs were then pitched, and after a scanty meal the boys were ready for their blankets.
Friday The Tommies were about early, getting ready for another wet start. As usual the Battalion started out late, the time being about 9.05 am, just when the rain was getting stronger. We were getting on well with the scheme, when we had the news that a Zepp. had been brought down at Salonica. The cheered the boys somewhat, but the continual climbing up hills knocked all the go out of them. It was only the good training that we have had that kept us from falling out.
Saturday We continued a rearguard action, but the boys did not take much interest in it for they were retiring towards our camp. The next morning we finished the rear action which brought us on the plain.
Monday came and the scheme was read out. The Oxfords, as usual, were on the right flank. That meant that we should take the hills again. There was a lot of grumbling about this, but we did it like lambs, and finished off with a six miles march towards Sangaza to our new camp.
The last day, Tuesday, the boys marched well and gained the distinction of being the best marchers of the brigade, and the camp was reached in fine style with the aid of a few songs.
With the 7th Battalion Oxford and Bucks, at Salonica. Sent home by Pte W Cresswell, D Company.
Wolverton Express 9th June 1916
All doubt has now been cast on one side that there will be no holidays at the Carriage Works this Whitsuntide, for a notice was issued before noon on Monday this week cancelling the previous announcement which appeared in this column. It was hardly expected in the face of the Government’s pronouncement that holidays would be allowed. Thus Wolverton will be without its Whitsun holiday for the first time for over fifty years.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 June 1916
A meeting of the Potterspury Military Tribunal was held at the Workhouse Yardley Gobion, on Thursday. Mr. H. F. Weston, J.P., presided, and there were present; Messrs. W. Paterson, S. P. Starsmore, P. F. J, S.Tapper. J. Bishop, Weston, and Major S. Brougham (military representatives), J. F. Bliss, Ashton (agricultural representative), and Mr. W. Snelgrove (clerk).
A Cosgrove landowner, on active service, applied through his estate agent, for four menhead gardener, head cattleman, stallion man, and farm carter. Applicant farms acres grassland 430 arable. Replying to Mr. Paterson, he said they employed no women. There were 35 milking cows, and they did not want the cattle to go wrong.
Five months each was granted to the cattleman and stallion man, two months to the gardener, and the claim for the carter, a single man, for renewal of exemption, was withdrawn.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Thursday 13 July 1916
WANTED, Good FLOAT, fit cob 14 hands; also good SET HARNESS. Jelley, Cosgrove
Wolverton Express 30th June 1916
A rumour went the round of the Railways Works at Wolverton Monday evening, just before the men were leaving work at 5.30, that the British had made a drive of 25 miles. What a pity the man who started such a lie could not have been laid by the heels and salutary punishment administered.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 July 1916
The circular of the Board of Education, with the letter of the Army Council, concerning the use, during the holidays, of schools as temporary hospitals, should the need arise, was before the Northamptonshire Education Committee at a meeting held at the County Buildings, Northampton, on Saturday. The Chairman (Mr. H. Manfield, M.P.) said the committee would desire to place every assistance in the way of the War Office, and he moved that the request for the use of schools be acceded to, Mr. Allebone, seconding, suggested that should it at any time become necessary to use schools during the working periods, the committee should endeavour to select schools in dual school areas. There were plenty of places where one school could closed and the whole of the children accommodated in the other school in the area. Mr. Shelmerdine reminded the meeting that the request for the holiday period only. Should the necessity arise the arrangements suggested by Mr. Allebone could be made.
Mr. Atkinson said in some places there were buildings more suitable than the schools which could be utilised. Such was the case at Cosgrove, where the old school would be much more convenient than the new, and the Cosgrove people would perfectly willing to place the old school at the disposal of the authorities. The Chairman said the present proposal only referred to schools in the immediate vicinity of hospitals. The resolution was adopted.
Wolverton Express 31st July 1916
OBITUARY Thomas Henson, for many years a resident of this village, died recently at Newport Pagnell at the age of 73 years. For over half a century he was employed in Wolverton Carriage Works, retiring some eight years ago. He was suffering from cancer and had been confined to his beds five weeks. The funeral took place in the Newport Pagnell cemetery, and was attended with many signs of sympathy and respect. The mourners were Mrs Henson (widow), Mr A. H. Judge (son-in-law), Mrs A. H. Judge and Mrs Frank Tomlinson (daughter), Mr Geo. Henson (brother), Mrs J. Baldwin, Mrs J. Harding (sisters), Mrs A. T. Henson (daughter-in-law), Mrs W. Gates (sister-in-law), and Mr H. Harding (brother-in-law). Beautiful floral tributes were sent.
Wolverton Express 18th August 1916
At the Northampton Appeal Tribunal on Friday, held at Northampton, Frederick Joseph Clarke, a dairy farmer, of Cosgrove, whose case had been adjourned to enable him to find work of national importance under the Friends’ Ambulance Unit, reported that he had met the Committee of the Unit, and was prepared to undertake service on a farm under the rules and regulations of the Unit Conditional Exemption was granted by the Tribunal.
Wolverton Express 18th August 1916
KILLED Private HERBERT TACK Resided at Cosgrove before the War and joined a Welsh Regiment. His friends received the news on Wednesday that he was killed.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Monday 21 August 1916
A meeting of the Potterspury District Military Tribunal was held at the Workhouse, Yardley Gobion, on Saturday evening. Mr. H. T. F. Weston, J.P., presided, and there were also present : Messrs. W. Paterson. S. P. Starsmore, P. F. Ridgway, J. S. Tapper, O. Harris, J Bishop, and A. Weston, with Mr. J. F. Bliss (agricultural representative), Major J. S. Brougham. (military representative), and the Clerk (Mr. W. Snelgrove).
Twenty cases, most of them renewals, were dealt with.
In the first, an Ashton man. unemployed through illness, the wife attended, and stated that he complained of his nerves, said they could not find out what was really the matter with him.A member: Is he fit to travel?The wife: If he does it knocks him up.It was elicited that the man was an out-patient of Northampton Hospital, and Major Brougham remarked that he seemed in a very bad way.The case was put back for two months.
It was claimed for the head gardener of a Cosgrove landowner, married, aged 36, that he was the only one on the promises who understood the acetylene gas plant.A member (to the estate agent supporting the claim): Is there no one else on the farm who can learn it?The agent: I asked one man over 60, but he would not touch it, as he was afraid he would get blown up. (Laughter.)Major Brougham: If he was silly enough to light his pipe near it; otherwise there's no danger.The Tribunal endorsed the military recommendation for exemption until September 30 (final).
Wolverton Express 25th August 1916
Sergeant Herbert Tack In our last week’s issue we referred to this gallant hero as Private. It is not so, as he held the position of Sergeant, and as such was a very smart N.C.O. in his Battalion. The wrong designation is to be regretted.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 August 1916
It was claimed for the head gardener of a Cosgrove landowner, married, aged 36, that he was the only one on the premises who understood the acetylene gas plant.
A member (to the estate agent supporting the claim): Is there no one else on the farm who can learn it? The agent: I asked one man over 60 but he would not touch it, was afraid he would get blown up. (laughter)
Major Brougham; If he was silly enough to light his pipe near it; otherwise there’s no danger.
Tribunal endorsed the military recommendation for exemption to September 30 (final).
Wolverton Express 1st September 1916
A pretty wedding was solemnized at the parish church, Cosgrove, on Tuesday, August 22nd at 2.30, when Miss Edith Mary Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilson, of Apricot Cottage, Cosgrove, was married to Private Tom C. Oglesby, third son of Mr and Mrs Oglesby, of Barrow-on-Humber, the Rev Mr Humbley officiating. The service was fully choral, Mrs Humbley kindly presiding at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a white silk dress with an embroidered veil and a wreath of orange blossom and carried a lovely bouquet of white flowers. She was accompanied by a little page, Master C. Blake, who wore a white sailor suit and a gold pin, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were Miss A. G. Wilson (sister of the bride), Miss Vera Glasby (niece of the bridegroom), the two little daughters of Maj. And Mrs Grant Thorold of Cosgrove Hall, Miss Iris and Gladys Lord. All wore white dresses and mob caps, with wreaths of forget-me-nots, also gold brooches, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried pretty crooks.
The bridegroom was attended by his brother (Mr C Oglesby) as best man. The reception was held at the new school, where the happy couple were the recipients of numerous congratulations. Later they motored to Northampton, en route for Grantham, where the honeymoon is being spent, the bride travelling in a pretty grey costume, and hat to match. The presents, over 70 in number, were on view in the school, and were both costly and useful.
Wolverton Express 16th September 1916
Private R. Childs, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, son of Mr Amos Childs, Cosgrove. He has been in the firing line in France for 12 months, and was home on leave at Cosgrove last February. Was shot in the head in the evening whilst on outpost duty. Worked prior to the War for Messrs Ebbs, builders, Wolverton.
Private William “Laddie” Brown, Oxford and Buck LI, son of Mr and Mrs W Brown, of Cosgrove. News was received on Tuesday morning that this soldier has been slightly wounded in the recent fighting in Greece. Before enlisting, Pte Brown was employed as a fitter in Wolverton Works, and was well known in North Bucks football circles. His brother Joseph was killed in action in France.
Private Thomas Jelley, Wilts Regiment, of Cosgrove, is in hospital suffering from wounds in the stomach received in the recent fighting at Salonica. He is a well known footballer and often played for the Cosgrove and Wolverton clubs. Four other brothers are serving. Charles Jelley has twice been wounded and is now at home.
Wolverton Express 22nd September 1916
On Sunday evening the service took the form of a memorial service for the late Pte R. A. Childs, who was recently killed in action. There was a large congregation. Next Sunday evening a memorial service will be held for the late Private William (“Laddie”) Brown, who was also killed in action.
Wolverton Express 29th September 1916
Following on our notice last week of the death in action of Private R. A. Childs, Capt. W. J. Littledale has sent a letter to Mr A. Childs as follows:
“I am afraid I have some very sad news about your son, Pte R. A. Childs, of C Company, Oxford and Bucks LI. He was killed in action early in the morning of the 8th September; he was hit by a bullet and died at once. I wish I could express the sympathy we feel for you; we shall miss him very much. He was a bomber, and was one of those who always did their very best at his work. He was buried in a cemetery which is very well looked after, and a cross is raised over his grave. I have requested the Graves Registration Committee to send you a photograph of the same. Would you kindly let me know if you receive it safely, or if you do not within six weeks. I intend to visit the grave myself as soon as I have time. Please let me know if there is anything I can do, as I am only too pleased to do anything I can to help the relatives of the brave men who have fallen for us.
Yours sincerely, W. J. Littledale; Captain.
Lance-Corporal William Brown (“Laddie”) Oxford and Bucks LI, killed in action on 18th August, son of Mr and Mrs W. Brown, aged 32 years. He was one of the most popular young men in the little Northants village, and was respected by a large number of friends around. The deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents, who lost another son at the battle of Hooge 12 months ago, a portrait of whom appeared in the columns of the Wolverton Express.
One of the best type of sportsmen, he (Laddie) had made a name for himself on the football field, and a few years ago played sterling games for the Cosgrove and Wolverton Clubs. The following letter has been received by the parents:
“Dear Mrs Brown It is with feelings of heartfelt sympathy and deepest regret that I write to tell you of the death of your ever brave and cheerful son “Laddie” (he was known as “Laddie” throughout the whole battalion and was immensely popular). On the night of the capture of Horseshoe Hill your son went with me and the rest of the left-half company through an intense barrage of shrapnel and high explosives, which the Bulgarian batteries were sending over. We were carrying tools so that we could get “dug in”. We managed to get there and had to dig in solid rock. Everything seemed hopeless, but Laddie and the boys stuck it, even though we were being shelled all the time and were without water or rations. On the afternoon of the 18th Captain Martin, Mr Steele and myself were discussing how we were going to hold the position in the event of a counter attack being made and your son was less than three yards away on our left. Suddenly an immense 8.4 shell burst about 15 yards to our left and your brave boy was hit in the abdomen and in the leg. He rolled over and fell at my feet and gasped “Oh, I am bleeding to death!” We tried our best, but, Mrs Brown, it was a hopeless case and your gallant boy died in twenty seconds. His death unnerved the rest of the platoon as he was such a favourite amongst us all, and took from me one of the best of good fellows. The Oxfords, who got through, have lived through absolute hell, as we were exposed to frontal fire, enfilade fire from both flanks and defilade fire from our left flank by the Bulgarian batteries, which were absolutely raining shrapnel and high explosives on to us. Some of the high explosive shells were 9.5 and never will I be able to realise how the fellows got through that barrage of fire, how they escaped casualties in repelling two counter attacks made by 600 Bulgars and how any of us got out of that hell-spot alive. I have other letters to write to the relatives of my wounded men, so I will conclude after once more expressing my deepest regret.
I am yours very sincerely, A P Boor, Lieut., OC 15th Platoon, D Co.
Wolverton Express 29th September 1916
At the Parish Church, Cosgrove, on Sunday evening last, a memorial service was held for the late Private William (Laddie) Brown, who fell in action at Salonica, on the 18th of Aug.
Besides a very large congregation of villagers, including the parents of the deceased, there were representatives from all the football clubs in the neighbourhood, for Laddie was a very popular playing member. Deposited in the chancel were wreaths from relatives of the deceased, the foremen and men of the Fitting Department, Wolverton Carriage Building Works, and a beautiful wreath in the shape of a football from the members of the Cosgrove Football Club. Special hymns were sung and an appropriate discourse was delivered by the Rev Mr Humbley. At the conclusion of the impressive service, the Dead March, Saul was played.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 October 1916
STONY STRATFORD PETTY SESSIONS. Friday. Before Mr. J. AI. Knapp (in the chair), Alderman R. AI. Wylie, Dr. T. S. Maguire, Mr. H. T. F. Weston, and Mr. S. F. Jones.
Frank Midgley, Potterspury; Walter Slaymaker, farmer. Old Stratford; Malcolm Jelley, baker, Cosgrove; and William Thomas Wills, labourer, Yardley Gobion, were summoned for failing to properly screen their respective shops or dwellings.
P.S. Lawrence and P.C. Robinson stated the facts. In the first three cases a fine of 10s. was imposed; Wills, a labourer with, six children, was fined 2s. 6d., and told that but for the fact that he was a poor man the fine would have been heavier.
Wolverton Express 20th October 1916
Held in the beautiful grounds of Cosgrove Priory, the seat of Mr and Mrs J Jepson Atkinson, the former popular County Councillor for Passenham Division of South Northants, and enjoyable and remunerative Red Cross Day was held. There was a very large attendance. Amongst those present were seen the Dowager Lady Temple, Miss Bayliss, Mrs Lucas, Miss Pouncefort Duncombe, Mr and Mrs Honston and Mrs H Honston (the latter was helping Miss Atkinson with her sweet stall), Mrs and Miss Guinness, Mrs Borrett, Miss V Maguire, Miss Capell, a large party from Towcester, including Mr and Mrs Linthwaite, Mrs Knight, Mrs Browning, Mrs Bywater (who kindly assisted with the arrangements), Miss Linnell and Mr Polman.
There was a good show of vegetables in the tent. The prizes of tobacco given by Mrs Atkinson were mostly returned by the winners as gifts to wounded soldiers. The exhibits were sent to the Northampton General Hospital. The prize winners were Messrs Seymour, Swain and Childs. Among other attractions were four excellent half hour entertainments, two given by the “Pom Poms”, a charming concert party from Wolverton. The other two concerts were of a varied character, showing a great deal of local talent. Mrs Grant-Thorold and Miss Capell performed a scene from “Northanger Abbey”, which was very well done. Mrs Atkinson gave a beautiful rendering of “Who is Sylvia” (Shubert) on the harp, accompanied by Miss Gune Atkinson, who also sang. Mr Garratt opened the concert with pianoforte solos, and also accompanied. Sapper J O’Connor, who has a fine baritone voice, sang; and Lance-Corpl Jackson, cheered everyone with his funny humorous sketches.
Tea was provided by the Committee Mrs Buttram, Mrs Jelley, Mrs Penson and Mrs Seymour. Much amusement was caused by the draw for a Leghorn hen, given and raffled for by Mrs Guinness and won by Mrs Atkinson. The proceeds amounted to £17 7s 3d.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 October 1916
STONY STRATFORD SESSIONS. TOO MUCH LIGHT FROM CLASSROOM. Friday.Before Mr. J. M. Knapp, C.C. (in the chair), Mr. R. Wylie, C.A., Mr. F. W. Woollard, Mr. H. Weston, Dr. T. S. Maguire, and Mr. S. F, Jones.
Thomas Seymour, schoolmaster, Cosgrove, was summoned for a breach of the Lighting Order. Mr. C. J. Allinson, Stony Stratford, appeared for defendant on behalf of the National Union of Teachers. Defendant was fined 5s. The Chairman said the Bench felt very strongly that a very great amount of responsibility rested upon the Northamptonshire Education Authority. Defendant was told it would not be a personal conviction.
Wolverton Express 10th November 1916
A jumble sale, arranged by Mrs J Knight, Mr M Jelley and others was held in the old school on Saturday November 4th for the benefit of the Village Soldiers. Contributions of flour, groceries, fruit, clothing etc., were forthcoming from most of the inhabitants. The sale was opened by the Rev W. Humbley, with a few very appropriate remarks. Mr M F Jelley acted as auctioneer for the grocery, fruit etc. and made an excellent salesman. He was assisted by Mr J Knight, who took the sale of clothing etc. and with his usual jocular remarks, succeeded in persuading all present that they were securing the best bargains of a life time with the result that the little effort from this very patriotic village realized the very handsome sum of nearly £5.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 November 1916
POTTERSPURY TRIBUNAL. Thursday. Present; Messrs. H. T. F. Weston, J.P. (chairman), W. Paterson, S. P. Starsmore, P. F. J. S. Tapper, J. Bishop, O. Harris, with Major J. B. Brougham (military representative), Mr. J. F. Bliss (agricultural representative), and Mr. W. Snelgrove (clerk).
A Cosgrove baker, grocer, etc., 28, married, appealed for himself and for his man, bread baker, 38, married. Both had passed for general service.
The employer said had got married recently to meet the case. (Laughter.) He had a round in Beachampton.Major Brougham pointed out that it was not a necessity he should deliver in Stony Stratford. The employer was given conditional exemption and his man to December 31 (final).
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 December 1916
STONY STRATFORD. PETTY SESSIONS. Friday.Before Mr. F. W. Woollard (the chair), Mr. W. Purslow, Dr. T. S. Maguire, Mr. A. Sharp, Mr. J. M. Knapp, C.C. and Mr. R. Wylie, O.A. Spencer Simmons
Henry Key, drover, Cosgrove, was summoned for stealing, on November 22, a postal order for 9s, the property of Arthur G. Brown, the Angel Inn, Stony Stratford.
It appeared that defendant, locally known as Towcester Toff, was in the public-house having a drink, when the landlord was giving his wife some money for shopping and the postal order to go in the Savings Bank for a rainy day. When defendant left the house the order was missing.
Defendant was arrested in Wolverton later the same morning with the order in his possession. He claimed that he picked the order (doubled up) off the floor, and was waiting for a reward. Previous convictions, one for theft, were put in; and defendant, whose age was taken into consideration, was fined 10s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 December 1916
POTTERSPURY, Thursday. Present; Messrs. H. T. F. Weston, (chairman), W Paterson, P. F. Ridgway, J. S. Tapper, J. Bishop, A. Weston, S. P. Starsmore, with Major- J. S. Brougham (military representative), Mr. J. F. Bliss (agriculture representative), and Mr. W . Snelgrove (clerk)
The agent of a Cosgrove farmer (away on active service), in appealing for a stallion man, 29, married, A1, said he now only had old men, and three boys that were more of a plague than one good man. He was exempted to May 14.
Wolverton Express 2nd January 1917
While skating was in progress on the Grand Junction Canal on Wednesday afternoon, two boys named Read, of the age of ten to twelve, returning from school at Stony Stratford to Cosgrove, got on to the ice for a slide and were immediately immersed in the water. Fortunately a soldier hailing from Cosgrove, named Jelley, was near at hand indulging in the winter pastime. He immediately divested himself of his tunic and laid on the ice to get the boys out of their perilous situation. Messrs A Byatt and C Ellery assisted, for by this time Jelley was also through the ice and up to his neck. The boys were handed out just in time, for they were nearly exhausted with the icy water. As both boys live in Cosgrove they were soon taken home, after endless thanks bestowed by the parents upon the rescuers of their children.
Bucks Herald Saturday 13 January 1917
DEATHS: Patman, At the Manor, Cosgrove, on Jan 8th, Rose Ellen Patman, the well-known mother of Harry Patman.
Wolverton Express 19th January 1917
The funeral of the late Mrs Patman, of the Manor, Cosgrove, who died on Jan 8th, at the ripe age of 87 years, took place on Thursday week. The deceased lady, with her son, came to Cosgrove about eight years ago from Long Buckby, where she took an active part in church work. The service in church, which was well filled by residents in Cosgrove and Stony Stratford, was fully choral, and was taken by the Rev W. M. Atkinson, (curate in charge), assisted by the Rev G. Crossley (Long Buckby). The hymns sung were “Lead Kindly Light” and “Fight the Good Fight”. Miss Gune Atkinson, who presided at the organ, also played the voluntaries “I know that my Redeemer liveth” and “Oh rest in the Lord”.
The mourners were Mr Harry Patman (son), Miss Patman (daughter), Mr and Mrs G. Patman and Mr and Mrs F. Patman (sons and daughters in law), the Rev P. H. Smith (brother), Mr and Mrs Penson, and the maids Mrs Curtis and Mrs Wise. The grave in the cemetery had been nicely lined with ivy, rosemary and white flowers, by Miss Wilson. The coffin, of polished elm, bore the inscription Ellen Rose Patman, died January 8th 1917, aged 87 years. Amongst those present were noticed the Misses Atkinson (Cosgrove Priory), Mrs Grant H Thorold, Mrs Bull, Mrs G. W. Bull (Stony Stratford), Mr Jenkinson (Towcester) etc.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 03 February 1917
Ice Accident.
An accident which might easily have had serious consequences happened on the Buckingham arm the canal at Cosgrove on Wednesday. Two schoolboys named Read, of Cosgrove, after leaving school at Stony Stratford, resolved to return by the frozen canal order to slide. Both fell in, and soldier named Jelley, home on furlough, in attempting to rescue them, also fell through the broken ice up to his neck. Fortunately two Wolverton specials, Messrs. A. Byatt and C. Ellery, were near the spot, and with their assistance the boys were first handed out and the soldier extricated from the frigid waters, all little the worse for their chilling experience.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 06 February 1917
Large number of skaters from Wolverton and Stony Stratford have been using a nice stretch of ice on the Buckingham canal between Old Stratford and Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 February 1917
LOSSES IN SOUTH NOTTHAMPTONSHIRE. Bad cases of sheep-worrying occurred last week in several villages in South Northants on the Bucks border. The flocks affected are those belonging to Major H. Thorold, A.P., at Cosgrove; Mr. N. Frost, of Passenham; and Mr. B. Bird, Potterspury, havoc being caused amongst in-lamb ewes at Cosgrove. One sheep had been so severely mauled that its jaw was bitten off. The damage was done on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is believed that four dogs are concerned.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Friday 16 March 1917
A Cosgrove baker, 28, A, married since registration said the only difference now was that he worked day and night where before he only worked in the daytime. The conditional certificate was altered to three months.
Wolverton Express 13th April 1917
The yearly Church Accounts, signed by the Warden (Major H Grant Thorold, JP) show a balance due to the bank of £6 8s 11d, as against a balance in hand at Easter 1916 of 11s 9¾d. This, however, is due to a less number of Sundays in the ecclesiastical year. The offertories amounted to £53 8s 6¾d.
Wolverton Express 13th April 1917
[Old Stratford] On Saturday, the Rev H Symonds, Rector of Passenham, dedicated a war shrine to the memory of the boys who are fighting for King and country, together with those who have fallen. Although only a small hamlet, at the crossroads in Watling Street, Old Stratford has provided nearly half a hundred gallant defenders, of whom six have fallen, viz, G. Cripps, R. Panter, C. Whitehead, W. Grace, E. Frost and P. Frost. The shrine, which stands inside the north east, or Furtho corner, was given by Mr and Mrs W. W. Dickens, who have from the beginning of the war generously extended their practical sympathy towards everything calling for support, and not long since entertained a party of wounded soldiers from Northampton. The dedication service was attended by a representative gathering of parishioners and included the hymns “O God our help”, and “For Absent Friends”. The Rev Symonds also gave an address. The list of those serving numbers 38.
At Cosgrove a war shrine has been erected close to the porch of the Parish Church and contains the names of 43 from Cosgrove and 32 from Old Stratford, together with the fallen, as follows: Capt St Leger Atkinson, Dragoon Guards; Lance-corpl Wm Brown; Pte Jos Brown; Bombr Walter Moore RGA; Pte John Ratcliffe, Northants; Sergt Herbert Tuck, RWP; Pte Wm Whitehead, Northants; Pte Reginald Panter RBH; Pte Wm Grace, Northants; Pte George Cripps,Northants; and Charles Ashton ASC; Lieut Reason and Sergt S Reason are prisoners of war.
Wolverton Express 4th May 1917
Major H. Grant Thorold JP, was warmly welcomed at the annual meeting of the Potterspury Board of Guardians when he was re-elected Chairman. It was one of the rare occasions when he was able to be present, for lately the direction of the Board’s business has devolved upon Mr Sharp, JP, who was re-elected vice chairman, Major Grant Thorold having War duties to perform.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 12 May 1917
Private CHARLES T. LAMBERT. Middlesex Regiment, aged 24, son Mr. Alfred Lambert, Church Lane, Potterspury. He joined July last, went to the Front in November, and was killed in action April 16th. Previous to enlistment was three years horse-keeper in the employ Major H. Grant-Thorold, J.P., of Cosgrove. He leaves a young widow, the daughter of Mr. Geo. Williams, gardener in the employ of the Duke of Grafton.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Saturday 19 May 1917
For not carrying a light whilst leading a cob, John Claydon, dealer, Cosgrove, was on the evidence of P.C. Robinson, ordered to pay costs.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 July 1917
POTTERSPURY TRIBUNAL. Thursday. Present: Messrs, H. T. F. Weston, JP. (chairman), W. Paterson, P. P. Ridgway, J. T. Bishop, A. Weston, S. P. Starsmore, J. S. Tapper, O. Harris; Major J. S. Brougham, J.P. (military representative).
Nearly all the agricultural cases were given five months’ exemption. These included three men, a shepherd, a stockman, and a wagoner employed by an Alderton farmer; a wagoner and a stockman at Ashton; a Cosgrove baker; a ploughman and a stockman at Potterspury; and wheelwright and a wagoner on a neighbouring estate.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 July 1917
Mrs. Grant Thorold requires a NURSERYMAID early in August, about 15. £10-£20, according to capabilities; experience unnecessary. Country only.Cosgrove, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 September 1917
POTTERBPURY TRIBUNAL. Sept. 13. Present; Messrs. H. T, F. Weston, J.P. (chairman), W. Paterson, S. P. Starsmore, P. F. Ridgway, A. Weston, 5. Bishop, with Major J. S. Brougham (military representative), and Mr. W. Snelgrove (clerk).
Application was made by the military representative for the review of the certificate held by a Cosgrove blacksmith, 38, married, owing to the Government contract for making horseshoes having been withdrawn. He stated his work was chiefly with agricultural implements. Conditional.
Wolverton Express 28th September 1917
Private Albert Thomas Child[s] Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A J Child[s], Cosgrove. Reported missing since August 22. Aged 25.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 September 1917
SOLDIER COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. At a Special Court on Monday (before Mr. W. Bairstow),
Henry John Day, soldier, Kingsthorpe, was charged with stealing a bicycle, value £2 10s., the property of Charles Hill, gamekeeper, at Cosgrove, on Saturday last.
Evidence was given Inspector Robinson that the prisoner was arrested the same day at Fenny Stratford. Prisoner was again brought to-day before Mr. W. Bairstow, and after evidence by Inspector Robinson, was committed for trial, at the Quarter Sessions.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Monday 15 October 1917
Cosgrove Hall, where until recently the Dowager Countess Temple resided, is now the residence of the Marquis and Marchioness of Ely. The hall is situated on the right of the entrance from Stony Stratford to the village, and just below is the church of St. Peter and Paul, which has work of both Norman and Early English period. Cosgrove Priory, the residence of Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., and Mrs. Atkinson, half a mile to the north of the village, has never been the site of a religious house. The village has no road right through, and to get to Wolverton one has to use the canal bank or, if driving, make a circuit of three times the distance.
Wolverton Express 19th October 1917
The mystery of a Wolverton Works blacksmith’s striker, Alfred Swain, of Cosgrove, who had been reported missing for a week, was cleared up last weekend by the finding of his dead body in a ditch, which then contained two feet of water. But considerable rain had fallen during the intervening period. On the bank was deceased basket, full of food for the day, and on it was placed his cap. No note was left behind to indicate his intentions, and beyond the fact that he was depressed through having three sons at the war, he had betrayed no suicidal tendencies. During dry weather the ditch in question, which is close to the footpath to Castlethorpe, and just on the fringe of Cosgrove village, contains very little water.
The inquest was held at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, on Saturday afternoon, before Mr W. E. Whitton, Coroner for the Towcester district.
Clara Swain, wife of the deceased, stated that her husband was 48. He had been suffering from nervous debility, for which he had been on the club for about a fortnight before re-starting work on October 1. He had no other infirmity, but three of his sons in the Army, one of whom was in France, seemed to worry him, especially when one came home a fortnight ago.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 December 1917
A pike, weighing 13 lbs. 10 ozs, was caught in Cosgrove Broadwater last weekend by Mr. W. K. Liddle, of Wolverton.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 01 February 1918
A Cosgrove septuagenarian named Dunkley dropped dead while loading ashes on a cart at Wolverton Gas Works on Tuesday morning.
Wolverton Express April 26th 1918
Pte. Charles W. Butler, nephew of Mr. Michael Holton, 7 Cosgrove-road, Old Stratford. Shrapnel wound in the right thigh. He is aged 19.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 April 1918
At Stony Stratford Sessions on Friday the Marchioness Ely, who is in residence at Cosgrove Hall, was fined 10s for keeping a dog without a licence. It appears that after the first visit of the police sergeant a licence was taken out Ireland Lord Ely's gamekeeper, but the Bench insisted that English licence was necessary. Irish dog licences run from March 31 instead of January 1.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 31 May 1918
At Newport Pagnell Sessions on Wednesday, Henry Harris (29), jobbing gardener, Cosgrove, was charged with stealing by means of a trick, at Newport Pagnell, on May 22, 5s. in money, a packet of onion seed, and a pint of peas, the property of Mrs. Knott.
P.S. Govier (Stony Stratford) proved arrest.
Supt. Dibben stated that prisoner got off a mineral water van, having had a lift, and walking into Mrs. Knott’s shop, booked an order on the strength of which he was given the money and articles named in the charge. Remanded in custody for a week, bail being refused.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 June 1918
At a meeting of the Hanslope Branch of the National Union of General Workers on Saturday last, the following resolution was unanimously passed. That the branch, consisting of 99 per cent. Of the agricultural workers in the villages of Hanslope, Hartwell, Ashton, Stoke Goldington, Filgrave, Sherington, Haversham, Castlethorpe, and Cosgrove, strongly protest against the clause in the Corn Production Bill, whereby a man who is a discharged soldier with a pension, is not entitled to be classed an able-bodied man.
That we strongly protest against some of our members being - threatened with discharge, and being informed that German prisoners would be utilised in their place, the members so threatened having lost sons in the war, and have others still serving. It was intimated that strong action would be taken, should this threat be enforced.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 July 1918
Northamptonshire County Council
Mr. Atkinson said there was a surplus of potatoes in the Cosgrove district, and asked what allotment holders and others were to do with them. Mr. Whitworth advised that they should be held. Even if not required for human food potatoes were always worth a lot money as food for stock. They might be wanted for human consumption yet.
Wolverton Express July 26th 1918
Pte C. W. Butler, Beds Regt., aged 19, nephew of Mr. Michael Holton, of Old Stratford, is reported severely wounded in the back on June 30, and is now in the American Hospital at Rouen.
Wolverton Express August 16th 1918
The Roll of Honour
Pte. A. Webster, Royal West Surreys, son of Mr. Webster, Old Stratford, ill in France suffering from pneumonia and shell shock. Joined at outbreak of war.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 August 1918
At the meeting of the Stony Stratford Parish Council on Monday
The Clerk reported that the trustees of Whaley’s Charity proposed to effect the sale of their four cottages at Cosgrove for £250. The members present were: Mr. A. R. Elmes (chairman). Rev. S. Cheshire (vice-chairman), Messrs. W. J. Elmes, C,C., D. B. Cowley, J. Wickins. Bates, S. Holland, F, A. Hall, W. Yates. A. J. Negus, and C P Woollard.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 September 1918
The Rev. W. Cuff, of Shoreditch Tabernacle, was the day's preacher at the quarterly gathering of the Stony Stratford and District Free Church Council at Cosgrove on Thursday week.
Preaching in the afternoon from Isaiah xxxii., 17. Mr. Cuff said as one of the deputation the spokesman which was Mr. Goschenwhich visited Potsdam a few years before the war, he (the preacher) charged the Kaiser with deliberate hypocrisy. On that particular occasion the German Emperor used the term “brothers" in a eulogised peace, whilst all the time he was preparing for war. At the same time, the preacher felt that all was not well with England. What was really wanted was a spiritual revival, and for this many were praying.
The business meeting of the Council was held at Mr. B. Baker's residence on the Green, Mr. A. Gray, J.P., of Potterspury, the vice-president, presiding. Matters relating to the work of the Council were discussed. Owing to the prevailing conditions there was no public tea. Friends from a distance were asked to bring their own provisions and a collection was taken for the tea and milk which were provided.
The afternoon service and the evening lecture were held in the Mission-room. The Rev. W. Cuff’s lecture was on “C. H. Spurgeon as I knew him," and speaking for over an hour he moved the audience to tears and laughter. He declared that Spurgeon was really indescribable, and that adequate biography had been written of one of the most remarkable men of the last century, whose influence was still great. The thanks of the Council to Mr. Cuff and the Cosgrove friends were expressed by the Rev. W. Angel, of Potterspury, the loyal and energetic hon. sec.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 28 September 1918
Towcester Petty Sessions Tuesday, September 24th
The licence of the Barley Mow, Cosgrove, was transferred from the Exors. of the late Thomas Bushell to Henry P. Keech.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Saturday 19 October 1918
At the Stony Stratford Petty Sessions on Friday, before Captain Hall (chairman), Dr. T. S. Maguire, Major J. Brougham, and Mr. A. Gray.
Henry E. C. Hewson, Clerk in Holy Orders, the Rectory, Cosgrove was summoned far a common assault on Hetty Chisnall, married woman, at Cosgrove on October 1st
.Mr. H. W. Williams, (Messrs Williams and Kingston, Northampton), appeased for complainant, and Mr. W. Yorke Groves, Northampton, for defendant.
At the invitation of defendant's sister, who is mentally afflicted, and has since been removed to an asylum, complainant went to live at the Rectory. While there the sister, amongst other things, took complainant’s ring-paper (her husband being a soldier). [A ring paper was a document issued to soldiers’ wives allowing them to draw their allowance at the Post Office.] The Rector wrote complainant an indemnity paper. On October 1st she decided that things were so uncomfortable she would leave, and in an interview the Rector demanded the return of the paper he had written which she refused, whereupon, counsel alleged, defendant took hold of his client by the wrists and kicked three times on the leg, using considerable violence.
Complainant, pale looking, said that whilst she was at the Rectory she paid 10s. per week for her maintenance. On October 1st. she felt frightened at the way she was being treated. Defendant locked her up the room, and said be would force her to go to the bedroom to get him the indemnity paper. He took hold of her wrists and kicked her three times.
Cross-Examined Mrs. Dix was not at the bottom of the trouble, nor did she tell complainant to go back, have a row, and clear out.
Rosemary Dix, married woman, the Forge. Cosgrove, said complainant was upset and nervous. There were finger marks on her wrist, which were very red and bruised, and three bruises on and near the knee of the right leg.
Police-Sergt. Clarke, who saw complainant on October 3, also testified to the bruises.Defendant, sworn, gave an explanation, in which he said when Mrs. Chisnall was leaving, they parted good friends. He shook hands when he said "Goodbye." He was not aware for some time there was any suggestion of an assault and did not know he was going to be summoned. He did not touch her; he had no occasion to.
Mr. Williams: Wasn't a complaint made against you that you locked another lady in a room?--No. never.
In further cross-examination, defendant said he wrote the indemnity paper at complainant’s request. but although this stated, “I will pay her expenses until Mrs. Gardner (defendant's sister) gives up her ring-paper." he did not believe his sister had the paper. He could not suggest how complainant got the bruises.
Mr. Groves, for the defence, argued that the story was without corroboration, and that the defendant must give benefit of the doubt. It was question of how the bruise happened, not as to whether they existed.
The Bench upheld this view and dismissed the case.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 October 1918
An extraordinary story was told to the Stony Stratford Bench on Friday, when the Rev. H. E. C. Hewson, formerly rector of Cosgrove, but inhibited from the living some years ago, was summoned for assaulting a married woman by kicking her. There were only three persons in the rectory at the time, the third being defendant's sister, since removed to an asylum. After a long hearing the Magistrates dismissed the case as not proved.
Wolverton Express November 1918
The Roll of Honour
Pte. F. Webster, son of Mrs. S. Webster, Old Stratford, wounded in the face and leg in France; previously wounded in Salonica; now in hospital
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 December 1918
Mrs GRANT THOROLD REQUIRES COOK, now or shortly after Christmas; between-maid helps in kitchen. Wages £25- £30, or according to experience.Cosgrove, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 January 1919
COSGROVE. The funeral took place last week of one of the oldest inhabitants Mrs. Elizabeth Burnell, who died at the ripe old age of 82. She had been in service with Major H. Grant-Thorold, J.P., for nearly 40 years.
The service was conducted by the Rev. Stanham, curate-in-charge. The mourners were Mr. C. Burnell (son) Misses Pollie and Lizzie Burnell and Mrs. Wetherall (daughters), Mr. and Mrs. Hinton (son-in-law and daughter), Master C. and Miss Sally Burnell (grandchildren). Amongst those who followed were Major H. Grant-Thorold, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Penson, Mrs. Knight. Mrs. Lovell, etc. The bearers were Messrs. R. Pettifer. W. Hurst, J. Lambert and M. Beasley. There were several nice wreaths.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 February 1919
At a Special Session of Towcester Divisional Police Court on Monday, before Col. W. Bairstow and Mr. H. T. F. Weston, Rifleman Charles Horton, 53rd K.R.R.C., Northampton, aged 18, formerly Blackfriars, was charged with stealing a gentleman’s bicycle, value 50s., at Cosgrove, on January 29.
Alfred Holloway, insurance agent, Grafton Regis, said he left his bicycle outside a cottage while he went inside. Ten minutes later he found the bag he had left on the machine by the cottage gate, and the cycle gone. He followed the traces of the cycle in the snow to Stony Stratford, where he reported his loss to the police.
P.C. E. North, St. Albans, said that on the afternoon of Jan. 29 he saw prisoner riding by the driver of a motor lorry, going towards London. The bicycle was inside the van. On being charged prisoner denied stealing it, and said another soldier had given it to him.
Sergt. Marsh, Potterspury, said that when he was charged defendant said the bicycle was given him by a soldier at Stony Stratford. Later, defendant said, “I may as well tell you the truth: I’m sorry I have given you all this trouble. It is quite correct; I did steal the bicycle.”
Defendant, who now pleaded guilty, was sentenced to four months' hard labour.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 July 1919
PEACE DAY How the Festival was Kept
COSGROVE. A procession headed by the village band and the ex-Service men marched to the church for a short service. Sports in the afternoon were followed by a tea, and in the evening a whist drive and dance were held.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 November 1919
By order of Major Grant Thorold.
(On the Borders of Bucks).
1½miles from Castlethorpe Station. 4½ miles from Wolverton Station.
Hampton and Sons
On WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th NEXT, at 2 o'clock precisely.
In 24 Lots (if not Sold Privately)
Including a Charming OLD GEORGIAN HOUSE in Park, with capital FARM and 368 ACRES, with possession:
1000 ACRES.
Tithe Free. Vendors Solicitors; Messrs. MARKHAM, Northampton. Estate Agent; F. Higgins. Esq. Alford. Lincolnshire. Auctioneers; Hampton and Sons. 3, Cockspur-street. London S.W.I.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 November 1919
Cosgrove Hall estate, a freehold, residential, and agricultural property of over 1,200 acres, the property Major H. Grant-Thorold, was sold by auction at the Cock Hotel, Stony Stratford, Wednesday. The estate was disposed in 24 lots by Mr. H. 11. Robertson, of Hampton and Sons, auctioneers, 3, Cockspur - street, London.
Lot 1, Cosgrove Hall, an attractive old country residence, with a bungalow lodge, carriage drive, stabling, etc., was withdrawn at £1,500.
Lot 2, an accommodation holding, known as Oxhouse, comprising an area of 75a. 3r. 30p., was bought by Mr. Adams for £2.300.
Lot 3, an area of land, with sand and gravel pit, 27a. 0r. 4p., sold to Mr. Burrows for £950.
Lot 4, Elms Farm, corn-growing holding, with farm buildings, 233a. 2r. 33p., sold to Mr. George for £7,100.
Lot 5, a small farm, known Cobb's Bush, with farm buildings, 56a. 0r. 3p., bought by Mr. J. Franklin, Stony Stratford, for £2,270.
Lot 6, Isworth Farm and farm buildings, 190 a. 0r. 37p., was sold to Mr. W. Dickens, of Old Stratford, for £3.000.
Lot 7, a grass holding and two cottages, was withdrawn.
Lot 8, allotment gardens. 9a. 3r. 22p., bought by Mr. Jelley, of Cosgrove, for £340.
Lot 9, allotment gardens, 2a. 0r. 14p., sold to Mr. Holden for £125.
Lot 10, the Plough Inn, 1a. 2r. 38p., was sold to Mr. Gamage for £675.
Lot 11, an enclosure of grass land, 5a. 1r. 31p., bought by Mr. J. J. Atkinson for £290
Lot 12, the Barley Mow Inn, 3a. 1r. 0p., sold Mr. Phipps for £900.
Lot 13, a block of property comprising a blacksmith's shop and four cottages, 1r. 11p., bought by Mr. Phipps for £520.
Lot 14, a small property containing two stone-built cottages, 3r. 7p., sold to Mr. Gosling for £195.
Lot 15, An enclosure of grass land, 1a. 2r. 15p., sold for £75.
Lot 16, a piece grass land, 3r. 6p., sold for £65.
Lot 17, a pair of stone-built and slated cottages, with 15p. of land, was purchased by Mr. Clarke for £130.
Lot 18, Three cottages, 1r. 10p., sold to Mr. Oldham for £150.
Lot 19, An enclosure of grass land, 2a. 0r. 25p sold for £125.
Lot 20, piece garden ground, 11p, was withdrawn.
Lot 21, piece garden ground, 11p., bought by Mrs. Pyle for £15.
Lot 22, modern stone-built and gabled cottage, 24 perches, sold to Mr. Wentworth for £560.
Lot 23, A corner site used as garden ground, was also purchased Mr. Wentworth for £57.
Lot 24, A small country residence known as The Cottage, with stabling, outbuildings, garden, and a four-roomed cottage, was sold to Mr. Jackson Stops for £950.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 December 1919
FARM SALE. Messrs. H. Jackson Stops and Co., Towcester, have disposed by private treaty of a residence at Cosgrove and a farm at Blisworth.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 December 1919
STONY STRATFORD SESSIONS. Friday.Before Mr. J. M. Knapp (chairman), Major H, Grant-Thorold, Major Brougham, and Mr. W. J. Elmes.
Gladys Brooks, single woman, Thornborough, and Mrs. Ella Howard, Furtho, were, on the evidence of P.S. Marsh, fined 5s each for riding cycles without lights. Frederick Williams, body painter, Cosgrove, was fined 7s. 6d. for a similar offence.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 December 1919
Richard O. Bull (23). Gilbert Bull (14), Ralph Cook (14), of Old Wolverton, were summoned for stealing a live ferret, the property of Major H. Grant-Thorold, valued at £1, at Cosgrove, between Nov. 14 and 17. Ralph Cook was also summoned with Frank Robinson (15) for stealing another ferret at Cosgrove on Nov. 23, and Gilbert Bull was further summoned with John Henson (15) for stealing another ferret at Cosgrove, on Dec. 5. Richard Bull was also summoned for being in unlawful possession of two ferrets and Ronald Bull (17) for being in unlawful possession jointly with Richard of one of them. All defendants pleaded guilty.
P.S. Marsh gave evidence of finding two of the ferrets in the possession of the defendants, all of whom owned up to the thefts. Inspector Robinson said the defendants Bull had been a constant trouble to the police.
The magistrates retired for considerable time and on returning, the Chairman said they were of the opinion that the Bull family (and especially Richard Bull) was responsible for most of the other young fellows getting into trouble. There were previous convictions against Richard Bull who on the first charge would be sentenced to six week's imprisonment with hard labour, and fined 6s in each case of being in unlawful possession. There were other convictions against Gilbert Bull. In his case birching seemed to have no effect, and he would sent to a reformatory for three years. The magistrates considered that Ralph Cook had been led astray and dismissed his case with a caution. The case against Frank Robinson they also dismissed. John Henson, who had previously been discharged from a home for the uncontrollable, would be sent to a reformatory ship for three years, and Ronald Bull was fined £2.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 December 1919
William Meakins, labourer, Cosgrove, and Stephen Meakins, labourer, Potterspury were summoned for stealing a quantity of barley, value 15s, the property of Major H. Grant Thorold, on Dec 11th and 12th.
PC Williams said on Dec 12 he saw the defendant William Meakins on a cycle with a sack on his back. Witness found that the sack contained barley. Defendant told him that his brother, who worked for Major Grant Thorold, had given it to him. He did not know if his brother ought to have given it to him and he asked witness to say nothing about it. Witness accompanied the defendant back to his brother Stephen and both of them admitted stealing the barley. Witness discovered more barley in the possession of defendants and this they also admitted having stolen.
Defendants pleaded guilty.
Major H. Grant Thorold said that both defendants had worked for him satisfactorily and he did not wish to press the case.
The defendants were each fined £3.