Northampton Mercury - Saturday 01 January 1870
A Black RETRIEVER BITCHThe owner requested to apply to Edward Gates, Cosgrove.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 05 February 1870
COSGROVE. SOCIAL GATHERING. On Thursday there was social gathering in the School-room, Cosgrove, which was kindly lent for the occasion by the Rev. G. Jenkins, when upwards of 50 persons, including the tradespeople, their friends and acquaintances, met to spend a few hours socially. At six o’clock the company sat down to a well-provided tea, after which dancing, interspersed with songs and recitations was carried on with great spirit until nearly two o’clock on Friday morning, when the party broke up pleased with their evening’s entertainment. The Misses Branson and Breese deserve great credit for the manner in which every arrangement was made and carried out.
Northampton Mercury 26 February 1870
CHANGES AT COSGROVE. Great changes have taken place at the village of Cosgrove during the past year, which have considerably affected the trade of that place and surrounding towns. No less than 108 persons, inclusive of children, have been obliged to leave; this is principally owing to the removal of the Locomotive Works from Wolverton to Crewe, as 53 persons have been sent there, 20 have gone to America, and 35 have moved to various parts on account of loss of work at Wolverton. In addition to this, it is supposed that five or six other families will shortly be obliged elsewhere to seek for a livelihood. Of course this removal will be greatly felt in a village whose population is not very large, and, consequently an unusual depression of trade is manifest. We can only hope that as Wolverton gets more settled, and the carriage works fully established, things will look up, and not only Cosgrove, but all the towns and villages around, will experience a return of the "good old times."
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 26 February 1870
WANTED, a GARDENER, who thoroughly understands his work, and can have a good character from his last place.Apply at Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 26 March 1870
On Friday evening last a white petticoat was stolen from the garden of Mr. Wm. Branson, at Cosgrove. It is supposed the thief must have gone into Mr. Warren's field and reached it off the hedge; there were other articles of clothing hanging about, but that was the only thing taken.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 09 April 1870
RECTORY FARM, COSGROVE, near Stony Stratford
Are instructed TO SELL BY AUCTION
ABOUT 240 ASH and ELM TIMBER TREES, with part of the Lop and Top, now lying felled on the Farm. The Timber is of large dimensions and excellent quality.
The company is requested to meet the Auctioneers at the Barley Mow Inn, Cosgrove, at Ten o'clock, business to commence at 10.30 punctually.
A dinner will be provided after the Sale for purchasers to the amount of £10 and upwards.
All transactions will be for Cash.
Catalogues are in course of preparation, and may be had at the Inns in the Neighbourhood, and of the Auctioneers, High Street, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 30 April 1870
COSGROVE, near Stony Stratford.
55 ACRES of GRASS for MOWING (the Hay to go off), and GRASS KEEPING, on fine old Pasture and rich Meadow Land,
On Monday, May the 2nd, 1870, direction of Mr. L. Osborn, in the following Lots:
Lot |
1. |
Home Close, to be mown, and the hay to go off |
2. |
New Piece, |
ditto |
ditto |
3. |
The Whales, |
ditto |
ditto |
4. |
Trunk Meadow, to be grazed up to 31st Dec, 1870 |
5. |
Ford Meadow, |
ditto |
ditto |
6. |
New Meadow, |
ditto |
ditto |
The Lattermath Keeping as under, up to the 31st Dec, 1870. |
7. |
Home Close |
8. |
New Piece |
9. |
The Whales |
Credit on the usual terms. The Company is requested to meet the Auctioneer at The Plough Inn, Cosgrove, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, and proceed to Sale.
These fields are well Fenced and Watered, and are known to produce great Crops of Grass.
N.B.The comfortable and convenient RESIDENCE, with Garden, Stable, and Coach-house, detached and pleasantly situate in the fields, near Cosgrove Village, TO LET with immediate possession.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 14 May 1870
Thomas Bignall, seven days, for drunkenness, and 14 days, hard labour, for an assault, at Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 14 May 1870
STONY STRATFORD PETTY SESSIONS, May 6th.Before the Rev. H. J. Barton, chairman. Lord Penrhyn, and Rev. R. N. Russell. Loughton.
George Hurst, labourer, of Cosgrove, was summoned for allowing a horse and cart, of which he was the driver, outside the George Inn, Stony Stratford, on the 21th April.Inspector Webb deposed to watching the horse and cart for about 20 minutes; there appeared to be no one in charge.
As defendant had not been before the Bench till now, the fine was mitigated, which, with costs, amounted to 11s. 6d. Paid.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 28 May 1870
STONY STRATFORD Sessions, Friday, May 20thPresent : Rev. H. J. Barton, chairman J. C. Mansel, Esq., R. R. Walpole, Esq., and C. G. Percival, Esq. Stony Stratford
Cosgrove. Elizabeth Bignell, of Cosgrove, was committed to prison for a week, for being drunk, and using indecent language, at Cosgrove, on the 9th of May.
William Jarvis, parish constable, proved the case.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 23 July 1870
Wesleyan Festival.On Saturday, public tea meeting was held in connection with Wesleyan friends at Cosgrove. After 110 friends had partaken of excellent tea, the Great Linford choir sang some first-rate pieces, during which time some of the friends were having a few innocent games, in the field called “The Green,” kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Gates. In the evening a public meeting was held in the air. W. Grimes, Esq presided. After singing and prayer, Mr. Swindon addressed the meeting at some length. Another hymn was then sung, after which Mr. Irons gave an address, showing the people present what sort of doctrine was preached in chapels in their connection and stating that it was the gospel of Christ, which the power of God unto salvation to them that believe. After the singing of another hymn Mr. E. Wooton gave an address showing the people what they were likely to gain by going to places where incense was flying about the temple. He also spoke of the Pope of Rome being called infallible, at the same time knowing that it is God alone that is infallible. Vote of thanks was given to Mr. Gates for his kindness in lending his field for the meeting. After singing and prayer the Great Linford and Wolverton friends set sail along the smooth water of the canal to their homes.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 13 August 1870
WANTED, in the Country, a HOUSEMAID who thoroughly understands her work and is a good Needlewoman. Apply (by letter) at Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 27 August 1870
COSGROVE PRIORY, near Stony Stratford.
Have been honoured with instructions from C. G. Boulton, Esq., who is leaving Cosgrove,
THE former comprises a half Alderney cow, barren ditto, two sturks, one steer, in-pig sow, nine store pigs, three prime fat ditto, and a quantity of poultry; also iron pigtroughs, hay rakes and drags, sheep trough, sheep hurdles, cow troughs and ties, turnip cutter, cow crib, 18-round ladder, five hen coops, two wheelbarrows, tubs, two 300-gallon galvanized iron TANKS, nearly new; carpenter's bench, two apiaries, each containing three of Neighbour's hives, two large cucumber-frames and lights, three hand-glasses, a quantity of hard wood and faggots, several thousand flower pots, dozen kale pots, &c, &c.; also, about 10 tons of prime old HAY.
The FURNITURE comprises handsome mahogany sideboard, dining-room, easy, hall, bedchamber, and American chairs; mahogany occasional and other tables, several pier glasses, pair of cabinets, Canterbury, mahogany bookstands and shelves, bureau, with side wings and sandal-wood fittings : hall bench, cupboards, cases of birds and insects, bedsteads, washing stands, toilette tables, fenders and fire irons, small mahogany wardrobe, carpeting, cocoa matting, about 250 volumes of well-bound books, a photographic portrait camera, by Ross, with all the appliances for photography; and many other articles.
Sale to Commence punctually at Ten o'clock. Catalogues are being printed, and may be had of the Auctioneers, Stony Stratford, and at the principal Inns in the neighbourhood. Persons applying for Catalogues by post, must send a stamp for postage.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 15 October 1870
Cosgrove. Mary Lane, of Stony Stratford, was charged with stealing one peck of potatoes, and quantity of turnips, growing in field at Cosgrove, on the 10th September last, the property of Mr. Richard Slade, farmer.Fined £1 and 13s. 6d.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 03 December 1870
John Wilson 21 days Hard Labour, for begging, at Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 10 December 1870
Oct 27th, at Chicago, America, of typhoid fever, John Cane, late of Mare Fair, Northampton, eldest son of Thomas Cane, late of Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, aged 27, deeply lamented.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 18 February 1871
Thomas Amos, Cosgrove was charged with having a scale and weights deficient.He pleaded not guilty.
Inspector Packer stated On Monday, the 5th of February, went into the malthouse at Cosgrove, found a number of weights unstamped, and took them away; the weights and scales were produced in court and appeared nearly new.
The defendant stated that he only used the scales for weighing barley when brought in; he did not sell by weight but by the quarter measure, therefore if they were incorrect the loss was to himself not to the public, and as he had not long since purchased them he thought the makers to blame in not having the weight stamped.
The Bench took the same view of the case, and said they did not believe there was any dishonest intention, but the act must be complied with, they had therefore alternative but to inflict a fine which would be a nominal one of 1s. and costs 17s. 6d. Paid. The weights forfeited.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 11 March 1871
On Lease or Yearly Tenancy,
"The PRIORY" COSGROVE, near Stony Stratford,
IT contains Drawing, Dining, and Breakfast Rooms, Study, and 10 Bed-rooms; with Stabling for 10 horses, Coach house, &c.
For particulars, apply to W. J. Peirce, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, Derngate, Northampton.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 13 May 1871
With Immediate Possession,
NINE ROOMS, W. C, Brewhouse, Coach house. Stable, &c, Flower Garden front, large detached Kitchen Garden. Apply to G. Bennett. Buckingham.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 10 June 1871
MARRIAGES: June 7, at Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, by the Rev. Lancelot L. Sharpe, of St. Barnabas, Pimlico, assisted by the Rev. George Jenkins, rector of Cosgrove, John Ashdown, of Craven House, Pimlico, Esq., to Charlotte, younger daughter of the late John Durham Esq., of Stony Stratford.
Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 15 July 1871
July 16. Saltby, Saxby, Wymondham, Denton, King's Sutton, Clapton, Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 05 August 1871
The Very Rev. Henry Longueville Mansel, D.D, Dean St. Paul's Cathedral, died on Sunday night, suddenly, at the seat of his cousin, Jno. Chr. Mansel, Esq., Cosgrove Hall, near Stony Stratford, Northamptonshire, where he had been staying for some days.
The Dean retired to bed in his usual health, intending to proceed to town in the morning, but was shortly afterwards seized with what was supposed at first to be a fainting fit. Dr. Daniel, of Stony Stratford, was immediately sent for, but he arrived too late to render any assistance, death having supervened from rupture of a blood vessel in the head.
The sad event was not known in London until after the usual morning service at the Cathedral on Monday, when the organist commenced playing the "Dead March" in Saul a proceeding which surprised not only the congregation, but those of the officials who were unaware of the melancholy intelligence which had been received. This was followed by the tolling of the great bell, an event which only happens on the death of a member of the Royal family, or of the bishop of the diocese, or of the dean of the cathedral, or of a Lord Mayor of London.
The deceased was appointed to the Deanery in 1868 by Mr. Disraeli, after the death of Dean Milman. He was born at Cosgrove (where he died) on the 6th October, 1820, his father being then rector of the parish. After a course of training at Merchant Taylors' School he was elected to a scholarship of St. Johns College, Oxford, whither he proceeded in 1839. He was elected a fellow in 1842, and graduated B.A, at Easter of the following year, being first in classics and mathematics. In 1844 he was ordained deacon, and priest in 1845. Ten years afterwards the late dean received the appointment of reader moral and metaphysical philosophy at Magdalen College, and in 1859 that of Waynflete Professor of the same sciences. At the beginning of 1867 he took the chair as Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History.
He married, in 1855, Charlotte Augusta, daughter of the late Daniel Taylor, Esq., of Clapham, but there is no issue of the marriage.
Dr. Mansel's earliest literary effort was a volume of poems, entitled "Demons of the Winds, and other Poems," which was issued in his eighteenth year. This was followed, eleven years afterwards, by "Aldridge's Logic, with Notes." In 1851 he published his "Prolegomena Logica," and followed it with "Philosophy of Kant," 1856;" Metaphysics " (in the " Encyclopaedia Britannica ") 1857; and Limits of Religious Thought," 1858. In that year his celebrated "Bampton Lecture" was published, which provoked the criticism of Professor Maurice, and led to the publication next year of the "Examination of Maurice's Strictures," of which three editions were speedily exhausted, and large numbers of copies were sold in America and elsewhere. His succeeding works were" Metaphysics; or, the Philosophy of Consciousness," 1860; "Two Lectures on Smith's Lectures on History," 1861-62; " Witness of the Church to the Promise of Christ's Coming," 1864 ; and " Philosophy of the Conditioned," 1866; the latter work arousing a controversy with Mr. John Stuart Mill, with whom, as well as with Mr. Goldwin Smith, the late dean has held disputations. Dean Mansel was also co-editor, with Professor Veitch, ot the late Sir W. Hamilton's works on logic and metaphysical science. Lately the deceased has been working for "The Speaker's Commentary on the Gospels according to St. Matthew and St. Mark."
It is understood that the deceased will, probably, be interred at Cosgrove, and not at the cathedral.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 12 August 1871
The funeral of the Very Rev. Henry Longueville Mansel, D.D., late Dean of St. Paul's, took place on Saturday morning, Cosgrove (near Stony Stratford,) a picturesque village in Northamptonshire, of which place his father was rector for many years.
In accordance with the wishes of the widow the funeral was a very private and unpretending one; the only persons present in addition to the members of the family being the Right Rev. Bishop Claughton, Archdeacon of London, the Rev. Canon Gregory, the Rev. Canon Liddon. Mr. Chandler and Mr. Barrick, old friends of the family, the Rev. J. A. Jenkins, rector of Cosgrove, and Mr. Daniels, medical attendant.
Mr. Robert Mansel, brother of the late dean, was chief mourner, and the other members and connections of the family present were Mr. H. P. Gates, Mr. A. Taylor, Mr. D. Taylor, Mr. Swarm, and Mr. Waters. The service, which was a plain one without choral accompaniments, was said by the Rev. Canon Gregory, the lesson being read by the Rev. Canon Liddon. At the conclusion of the service in the church the hymn "Jesu, Lover of my soul," was sung by the congregation, which was a large one, the church being full.
The mother, widow, two sisters, and other ladies connected with the family were present during the service in the church. The vault in which the late dean is laid is at the east end of the north chancel, immediately adjoining that of his father.
The Sunday morning service in the Metropolitan Cathedral was attended by an unusually large congregation, consequent, no doubt, upon the recent and sudden death of Dr. Mansel. Most of the dignitaries of the Cathedral, with the Bishop of the diocese at their head, were present on the occasion, and the services were conducted with much solemnity. The vacant stall of the departed Dean was draped with black velvet, embroidered with his armorial bearings and the insignia of his office.
The sermon was preached by the Bishop of London, who took for his text the 14th verse of the third chapter of the Second Epistle of St. Peter, Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless. It was hardly a funeral sermon in the ordinary sense; but rather solemn and urgent appeal on the imperative duty imposed on every member of the human family to prepare for eternity, while the period of probation lasted. Twice during its delivery did the Bishop refer in touching terms to the sudden sorrow which had fallen on the whole of the Cathedral Chapter, commenting on the keen and subtle intellect which has been quenched in its full vigour, and the healthy play of the late Dean's warm affections and his kind and gentle heart. On the previous Sunday, he said, the voice of the Dean was heard in the sanctuary, and his prayers went up with the incense of the Church's services. On the morrow he was no more. Often had he spoken from that place in the Cathedral, and well and faithfully, but never, surely, so solemnly as now, when," being dead he yet speaketh."
Towards the close of the discourse the right rev. prelate pointed to the vacant stall of the deceased Dean, hung with the emblems of mourning, and dwelt on the loss which had so suddenly fallen on the Cathedral, the diocese, and the whole Church, It was no ordinary loss, he said, but of one who was a practical and able man of business, anxious for the improvement of the fabric and the services of the Cathedral ; most exemplary and kind in the discharge of the duties pertaining to his high office; with a mind endowed with singular power and subtlety, capable of grasping the most abstruse and intricate subjects, and of recreating itself at times, in the exuberance of its strength, with the play of ready wit which was so exercised to inflict no pain. The Bishop added to the effect that their departed friend had sounded the depths of almost every ancient and modern system of theology and philosophy without having had his intellect dazed in the process, and had thus been enabled to lay down buoys and set up beacons in the currents of thought which had carried many onward to the haven of his own faith. With all that, the characteristic quality of his mind and heart was humility. Though a bold and ardent inquirer, he remained a humble and sincere Christian, and was destined, had he lived, to fight in the van of the nearing contest between faith and infidelity.
The sermon, of which this is necessarily but an outline, so far as it refers to the deceased Dean, was listened to with profound attention, and at its conclusion the Sacrament was administered to such of the congregation as remained to partake of it.
At the afternoon service the Rev. Dr. Liddon, the canon in residence, preached an eloquent funeral sermon before an immense congregation under the dome of the Cathedral. The text was the 4th verse of the 9th chapter of St. John's Gospel: "I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day; the night cometh when no man can work." After dwelling upon the lesson of the text he remarked that every one of his hearers must like himself be thinking of the premature close, within the last few days, of a great career. That career, which he advisedly called "great," might not, however, exactly have been of an order to attract popular recognition or sympathy. He believed that now, as in the olden time, the Holy Ghost " gave to some, apostles.; some, prophets and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ," and that God might be equally served by the laborious student who snatched time from the usual hours of rest, and by the missionary who laboured in the dark corners of ignorance in that great city.
The late Dean of that Cathedral had left behind him a great example viz., that he made the most of the time given him by God, and that when the call came it found him ready and prepared. He was a man of exceptionally strong intellect and power, dealing with abstruse subjects and with the science of metaphysics which in the general run was thought to be only another name for the unintelligible.
Dr. Mansel, while at Oxford, was one of the foremost men of his time, and his lectures on the subjects upon which he was pre-eminently qualified to treat were attended by large numbers of students, some ef whom had since taken very high places in the Legislature and elsewhere. He (Canon Liddon) could bear testimony to the benefit which he and his fellow students derived from those lectures. Dr. Mansel might be regarded as the English representative, exponent, in fact continuator of the mind of that distinguished Scotchman, Sir W. Hamilton. But where Hamilton had left mere hints and fragment-, Mansel supplied illustrations, chains of argument, and system. Where Hamilton had drawn but a skeleton, Mansel had clothed it with flesh and blood. Nay, in some respects he had rectified the work of his great master, and since Hamilton's death he commanded, till now an altogether unique position in the science. In speaking of the vast amount of labour by which such a position must have been attained, Dr Liddon emphatically vindicated the dignity of mental labour, its arduous character, which there was a tendency in some quarters to underrate and deny. The aching of the hands and muscles, he would venture to affirm, was less severe than the aching of the overworked brain.
Many of those about Dr Mansel, and who came in contact with him day by day, did not know the man; for, like all really great men, he was so humble, simple, so unpresuming, that few had any idea that they had been so close to almost the only man in England to whom all the heights and all the depths of the most recent speculations or the highest truths that could be grasped by the human mind were perfectly familiar. He had conferred, in his time, the greatest benefits by the exercise of his high mental gifts. But, above all things, it should be noticed that he consecrated his gifts and endowments to the work of his Creator.
His Bampton Lectures "On the limits of religious thought," would be considered the most celebrated work of the age in regard to English philosophy, and they were characterised the exercise of the most vigorous analysis. Dean Mansel died in harness having up to the very time of his death been engaged in the interpretation of Scripture in connection with the Speaker’s Commentary. The part allotted to him was St. John's Gospel, and he believed he had been able to answer conclusively many the adverse statements made with regard to it by critics.
The Dean most warmly took part in the efforts to make that great Cathedral worthy of its noble work and of the city in which was placed, and in all his conduct he was known as the most unassuming of men. The night in which no man could work came suddenly to the Dean, for it was only a week ago that he took part in the morning and evening service of the Church, being then to all appearance in perfect health. He retired to rest having intended to return to his work in London next morning. But during the night a blood vessel at the base of the brain burst, and all was over. A death so sudden should show people the terms upon which they held their earthly existence, they being merely "tenants at will," and their Master being able to dispossess them any moment. The death of Dr. Mansel could not have taken him by surprise, for he was continually dwelling on the thought of separation from earth, and only last month, after reading the burial service in that Cathedral over the body of Mrs. Milman, he wondered whose turn it would be next, adding that they were all in God's care. On another occasion he expressed an opinion that sudden death was a merciful and blessed manner of passing away, and he invariably regarded death calmly, earnestly, and contently. Whereas as an intellectual giant he was always ready to combat the strongest forms of modern infidelity, yet he was content to kneel before his Master in the most perfect and child-like trust and faith. The lesson of his life was that he made the most of his work in the time that God allowed to him, and that when night camealthough suddenlyhe was found prepared to meet his Saviour.
After the sermon, during the delivery of which the Canon was at times visibly affected, the hymn commencing “A few more years shall roll," was sung by the congregation. The Dead March in Saul was played by Mr. Goss upon the organ afterwards. The late Dean, it will be remembered, was one cf the chaplains to the late Bishop of Peterborough (the Right Rev. Dr. Jenne), and on the occasion of his lordship's death preached one the funeral sermons. His discourse was fully reported in our columns at the time. The Observer has reason to believe that the vacant deanery of St. Paul's has been offered to Dr. Farquhar Hook. As the Dean of Chichester, however, has refused more than one offer of preferment, his acceptance of the office is doubtful.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 02 September 1871
Presentation.On Friday evening week, Aug. 25th, a meeting was held at the Plough Inn, Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, by a number of the friends of Mr. Harding Talbot and workmen employed by the Grand Junction Canal company (in the district of which he had charge, as overseer, for upwards of 32 years), to present him with a very handsome silver lever watch and chain, &c, as a token of their respect and esteem, and for his great kindness during the time he was among them.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 14 October 1871
Will of the very Rev. Henry L. Mansel, D.D.-The will of the above, late Dean of St. Paul’s, formerly of St. John’s College, Oxford, was proved in London, on September 4, under £7,000 penalty, his widow, Charlotte Augusta Mansel, the sole executrix. The will bears date July 11, 1860, and is contained in a few words to this effect: I devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate to my wife absolutely.” The Dean died on July 20 last, at Cosgrove, Stony Stratford, aged 50 years.
Croydon's Weekly Standard Saturday 04 November 1871
Newport Pagnell Petty Sessions.
Wednesday, November 1st
Hannah Harris, a married woman, applied under the Married Women’s Property Act, for an order for her wages and earnings to be protected as if she was a single woman. She stated that she lived with her husband up till June, 1867, when he left in search of work, and she had not since heard of him. Application granted.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 23 December 1871
COMMITMENTS TO THE NORTHAMPTON COUNTY GAOL. Richard Tombs, 21 days' hard labour, for begging, at Cosgrove.
Buckingham Express Saturday 30 December 1871
RUNAWAY HUNTERS. On the morning of Wednesday, December 20, when a groom in charge of hunters belonging to Captain Benyon, visiting at Cosgrove Priory, and whose horses are at the Cock Hotel, Stony Stratford, was taking three of them out for exercise, they suddenly took fright at a miller's waggon passing and became very restive, so that the groom could not hold all three. Two of them broke loose and ran away up Old Stratford. On approaching the turnpike the groom shouted out to the toll-keeper to close the gates He had only time to close half when the two loose horses dashed through. The gate was quite closed before the horse the groom was riding on came up, but he seeing his companions cantering on in good style towards Potterspury, and apparently not wishing to be left behind, cleared the toll-gate and followed after. The groom having no saddle on the horse was thrown off and severely shaken, and had a cut near the eye. The runaway steeds were captured near Mr. Chettle's at Potterspury.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 17 February 1872
Cosgrove John Cockerill, Cosgrove, was charged with having received, knowing them to have been stolen, two rods of iron, value 1s, the property of James Read.
Mr. Read, agent to Wm. Mannsell Esq., proved that the rods once helped to keep together a house which had since fallen. The rods were then placed in a garden occupied by Edward Hollis, from which they were stolen.
Wm. Jarvis, parish constable, asked the accused if he had not some 5/8-inch iron to dispose of. The accused said he had, and produced the rods in question, which he said he bought of Thos. Bignall. Jarvis told him he had been on the lookout for them, and that he must have known Bignall did not come by them honestly. Bignall was called in, and being charged with stealing them, he said he had them of his sister, who got them from a barn she bought of person named Holloway, and that he sold them to Cockerill.
Mr. Becke submitted that there was no case whatever against the prisoner, who was not in a position to know how Bignall became possessed of the rods.Prisoner was discharged.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 24 February 1872
John Brandon, four calendar months hard labour, for an assault at Cosgrove
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 30 March 1872
Thomas Bignall, one calendar month, hard labour, for stealing iron, at Cosgrove
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 18 May 1872
Patrick Bryan, 14 days, hard labour, for begging, at Cosgrove.
Buckingham Express Saturday 22 June 1872
MARRIAGES: 12 June, at Cosgrove Church, by the Rev. W. T. Sankey, Mr. Henry Plumb, son of Mr. Plumb of Stony Stratford, to Miss M. L. Warren, daughter of Mr. Daniel Warren, of Cosgrove.
Bucks Herald Saturday 27 July 1872
will sell by auction, on MONDAY, the 5th of AUGUST, 1872,
At 12 for 1 o'Clock punctually,
Upon the Premises of the Farm in the occupation of
Mr. M. Willison, and by his direction,
The whole of the capital Live and Dead Farming Stock,
COMPRISING 4 Horses, 25 in-calf COWS and HEIFERS, and Steers and Calves. 20 Sheep, wagon, carts, ploughs, harrows, scarifier, roll, REAPING MACHINE, Samuelson; Hay-making other Machines; Sheep-troughs, hurdles, barn tackle, tools of husbandry, every other requisite necessary for the mode and good cultivation of a farm of 300 acres; also the whole of the DAIRY & BREWING UTENSILS, Including 10 milk leads, cream cistern, all the small utensils and the usual brewing items; and the whole of the famous GROWING CROPS of CORN, containing , altogether, and comprising 31 acres 3 of wheat, 21 of barley, and 11 of beans, and also about 2½ acres of potatoes.
Credit will be given on the Corn.
The Crops must be seen before the Sale, as they will be sold at the Homestead.
Bucks Herald Saturday 26 October 1872
DRUNK AND DISORDERLY AGAIN. William Bevan, of Wolverton, was charged with disorderly conduct and being drunk on Saturday night the 12th inst. He pleaded guilty. The defendant having been convicted of the same offence a short time since at Cosgrove Feast, he was sentenced to twenty-one days’ imprisonment without the option of a fine.
Buckingham Express Saturday 16 November 1872
DEATHS: November 6, at Buxlow Farm, Swanbourne, the residence of her daughter Mrs. Sharp, Susannah, widow of the late Mr. Thomas Welch, Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, aged 83 Years.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 23 November 1872
CHURCH RESTORATION. For the restoration of Cosgrove church tower, Stony Stratford, which was damaged by lightning, a subscription is in progress, which has reached nearly £70.
Bucks Herald Saturday 07 December 1872
ODD FELLOWS’ FUNERAL AT COSGROVE. On Sunday, December 1st, the remains of George Emmerton, of Old Stratford, were consigned to their last resting place in Cosgrove churchyard. He was a member of the Duke of Buckingham Lodge of Odd Fellows of the Manchester Unity, and upwards of forty of his fellow members followed the corpse to the grave, showing their last tribute of respect to their deceased brother, and wearing white gloves, white aprons, and scarves. Nothing could be witnessed of a more orderly character than that observed by the many spectators who followed the funeral procession from Old Stratford to Cosgrove. Emmerton was 21 years of age, and was highly respected by his fellow members.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 18 January 1873
COMMITMENTS THE NORTHAMPTON COUNTY GAOL. George Smith, for 42 days, hard labour, for an assault, at Cosgrove.
Bucks Herald Saturday 19 April 1873
Johnson v. Clarke. At the Towcester County Court, on the 7th inst., before Richard Harrington, Esq., judge, was heard the cause, John George Ventris Field Johnson, miller, Wolverton Mills, v. William Wilson Clarke, farmer, Cosgrove. The claim was for £19 19s. damage done by defendant's cattle to plaintiff's lands, closes, yards, and spinneys during the years 1870, 1871, and 1872. The case was heard before a jury. Mr. C. C. Becke was for plaintiff and Mr. Small for defendant. £3 had been paid into court by the defendant. It appeared that the lands occupied by the parties to the suit are situate on either side of the river Ouse, which in the summer time is only about a foot deep at this spot. The defendant's cattle strayed on the plaintiff's lands, in consequence of which a beast was impounded by Mr. Johnson, and whilst so impounded broke its neck. In October Mr. Clarke sued Mr. Johnson, in the Newport Pagnell County Court, for the value of the beast, and the jury awarded £15. Mr. Johnson now sought compensation for damage done defendant's cattle. The jury gave a verdict for £5, in addition to the £3 paid into court.
Bucks Herald Saturday 19 April 1873
PETTY SESSIONS, Friday, April 4. PresentJ. C. Mansel, Esq. (chairman), and Walpole, Esq. The chief business was the appointing Overseers and Surveyors, and passing the accounts. Stealing Firewood. Catharine Smith, aged 12 years, was summoned for this offence.James Read, of Cosgrove, proved the charge. Defendant pleaded guilty.She said she had six brothers and sisters; she did not go to any day school, but went to the chapel school on Sundays.The mother of the child was called. She pleaded in defence that she had seven children, and her husband had been out of work for two months, and that they had not had a spark of fire for four days, she told the child to go and see if she could pick a bit of wood a few sticks. Sentence deferred.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 26 April 1873
WHEREAS the Education Department, in pursuance of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, have received the Returns in the said Act mentioned, and made such inquiry as they think necessary with respect to the School accommodation the District hereinafter mentioned; Now, therefore, the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have decided, and
I. The School District is the Parish of COSGROVE.
II. The School named in the first Schedule to this Notice is considered to be available for such District.
III. Additional Public School accommodation of the amount and description mentioned in the second Schedule to this Notice appears to be required for the District.
No. of Children accommodated 74
Amount and Description of Accommodation required 26
If the National School is enlarged so as to accommodate about 30 additional children, no further accommodation will be required.
F. R. SANDFORD, Secretary. Education Department, 9th day of April, 1873.
Notice No. 6,304
Union of Potterspury
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 24 May 1873
William Gates v. John Wadsworth.
Claim for £3 5s brought by the plaintiff, a butcher of Cosgrove, against the defendant, for the loss of a pig.
Plaintiff deposed that he left the pig in the defendant's charge in Newport Pagnell market, and went away. On his return the defendant offered him another pig (and a worse one) its place.
Defendant said that the pig he gave plaintiff his return was the same he received from him.
William Martin deposed to seeing Wadsworth mark the pig on the back of the neck and offer it to Gates, who refused to take it alleging that it was not his pig.
George Leeds deposed to seeing Gates sell Mr. Litchfield one of two pigs (the better of the two).
His Honour was of opinion that Gates's pig had been sold instead of another one, and therefore that the plaintiff was entitled to recover the value the pig (£3 5s as sought) and expenses.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 31 May 1873
A HOUSE and BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, with which a good trade is connected, situate at Cosgrove, near Stony Stratford.
To view, apply to Mr. James Reed, Cosgrove Hall; and for further particulars, to Messrs. Fisher & Son, Land Agents, Market Harborough.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 05 July 1873
Stony Stratford Petty Sessions Friday June 27
George Bignell, Cosgrove, was summoned by Mr. Bonser for refusing to contribute towards the support of his father. Ordered to pay 2s. 6d. per week.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 02 August 1873
AN INQUEST was held on Monday before A. Weston Esq., district coroner, on view of the body of Frederick Baker, son of Eli Baker, a labourer employed at the Wolverton Station, who was drowned in Mr. Dawson's mill stream at Cosgrove.
From the evidence it appeared that deceased went on the previous Friday evening to the mill stream with a lad named George Lovesay, aged six years. Deceased got into the Mill "tail" and the little boy saw him as he expressed it "Go up-and-down two or three times." The child, taking deceased's clothes with him, went home, and on his way was met boy named George Hillier, nine years of age, who noticed him crying and asked what was the matter. He said "Walter Baker was sunk in the mill dam." upon which Hillier went to the mill and gave information to Joseph Hall, the miller, and they went together to the mill stream and found the body of deceased in the mill tail. Deceased was lying flat on his face at the bottom of the water which was not more than three feet deep. The body was pulled out and taken to the mill house, but not before life was extinct deceased having been in the water about half an hour. In the spot where the body was found the water was not deep enough to have drowned him, and it is supposed he must have been seized with the cramp, and no assistance being procurable was unable to get out of the water. The jury returned a verdict "Accidentally drowned."
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 15 November 1873
CONCERT. On Wednesday, November 5th, the Wolverton Senior Band of Hope gave a concert in the Wesleyan Chapel in aid of the funds of a new harmonium. The proceedings commenced with prayer. Mr. Mead occupied the chair, and in the course of his remarks, said he was once at a Crystal Palace Concert, where he heard some of the finest singing that the world has produced, and the singing was accompanied by musical instruments. That was how he liked to hear music, but he felt convinced there was no instrument made by the ingenuity of man equal to the music of the human voice. Local preachers often felt the benefit of musical instruments in assisting the singing; sometimes they had to lead the singing themselves, and were, in consequence, almost floored. He thought he had caught some of the blessed influence that connected with good singing, and he was thankful to say there would be a decided improvement in the singing at the chapel.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 20 December 1873
DEATHS: December 11, at Cosgrove, aged 62, Mr. William Wilson Clarke.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 07 February 1874
County Court, Monday. Twenty original plaints and one adjourned summons were entered for hearing. Only two cases were set down to come before the Judge. Several undefended cases were decided by the Registrar.
Mr. John Ayres, of Castle Thorpe Wharf, sued three parties for different amounts for coal he had supplied them with, each bearing the same surname, viz., David Henson, labourer, Cosgrove; Benjamin Henson, labourer, Cosgrove and Geo. Henson, labourer Stony Stratford.
Croydon's Weekly Standard - Saturday 14 February 1874
Present : J. C. Mansel. Esq., and the Rev. R. N. Russell.
Thomas Bland. of Yardley Gobion, was summoned for trespassing in search of game, on the estate of J. C. Mansel, Esq., at Cosgrove. The defendant did not appear, and being an old offender was fined 40s. and 13s. 6d. costs, or one month's imprisonment.
J. C. Mansel withdrew from the bench during the hearing of this case.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 07 March 1874
ABOUT SIXTY ASH TREES, and a few ELM, now lying Felled and Numbered on the above Farm
the BARLEY MOW INN, COSGROVE, at Five o'clock, p.m.
Credit will be given.
Lying in Cuttles. Lot.
1. Five Ash Trees
2. One Fine Elm
3. Four Elm and Two Ash
4. Five Ash
5. Three ditto
6. Ditto
7. Three Ash
Lying Stutch Furlong.
8. Five Ash By Farm Buildings.
9. Three ditto
10. Three Ash
11. Ditto
12. Ditto
13. Ditto
14. Ditto
15. Ditto
16. Four ditto
17. Four Pollard ditto
18. Five Elm
The Timber is well worth the attention of Wheelwrights, and lies close to the Road.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 18 April 1874
COSGROVE.WESLEYAN CHAPEL. A miscellaneous concert of instrumental and vocal music was given by members of the choir and a few friends from Wolverton, in aid of the fund for liquidating the debt upon the new harmonium, which passed off in a very creditable manner and gave general satisfaction.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 09 May 1874
TOWCESTER. Petty Sessions, 5th May.Before B. E. Oliver, Esq in the chair; Lord Charles Fitzroy, and Colonel the Honourable Douglas Pennant.
Alleged Felony.Samuel Moreton, a labourer, of Yardley Gobion, was charged by John Murphy, of Cosgrove, with stealing three pounds of bacon belonging to him, on the 2nd of May of the value of two shillings.
Witness was going from Stony Stratford to Cosgrove, on Saturday night about eleven o'clock. He had three pounds of bacon and some shop things tied up in a handkerchief. Moreton came and asked what he had got. He said, some meat. Prisoner said he would have it. Of course he resisted, and in the scuffle lost his bacon. Was not sure he had not lost the other things before he got there.
ln reply to the Bench, witness admitted having had some beer.
P.C. Samuel Stirling, of Old Stratford, was on duty on the night in question, and heard someone talking as though disagreeing. Went forward, and found the prosecutor and the prisoner, the latter having in his possession the handkerchief and three pounds of bacon produced, which prosecutor swore were his. Witness had picked up the prosecutor a short time before, who was helplessly drunk. The prisoner was also the worse for drink. Charged the latter with stealing the bacon, and locked him up. Found another bundle on the road, containing a new slop, a cap, and other things, tied up, which belonged to the prisoner, and were of more value than the bacon alleged to have been stolen.
Prisoner pleaded he had no intention of stealing the bacon, but took it for his own parcel.
The Bench thought it very unlikely the prisoner would leave his own parcel to steal the other, which was of much less value. They therefore dismissed the case.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 25 July 1874
COSGROVE. Agricultural Labourers' Meeting.
The small village of Cosgrove was all astir on Saturday last. A tea meeting was held, to which upwards of two hundred labourers and their friends sat down, after which the company adjourned to a field, where several excellent addresses were delivered.
Mr. Robinson, boiler inspector, of Wolverton, was voted to the chair, and after complimenting them upon their success announced, song, entitled " Stand like the brave," in which all heartily joined.
Mr. Mothershead, a gentleman from London, then rose and said he was very glad to be there as substitute for Mr. Stuart Evans, who was engaged, he hoped, in doing better work for the funds of the Union. He was glad the agricultural labourers of Cosgrove had joined the National Labourers' Union. It is only by union government succeeds, only if the Radicals created the great Reform Bill, it the farmers oppressed them, and only by union could they (the labourers) stand beside with them. He was old enough to recollect the miners low, degraded, dejected, and forlorn, as the position of the labourer now is; they are now practical and skilled mechanics.
It was their absolute necessity to become members of the Union; it was a fact that there is no such a peasantry as that of England; he knew no nation so low a state as the English peasantry is. (Cries of. Shame. ) Mr. Arnold says there is no such state which exists in England as that where one man reigns and another tills the soil.
Now the reason why they must go into union is to stop that robbery of two hundred years ago, when the land was taken from them. I find there are now 2,600,000 acres of land ready to be put to arable and other purposes. Now, without going back to the two hundred years, when the aristocracy robbed the people of the land which belonged to them. These 2,600,000 acres are now ready to become the property of the labourers. At this time this land, that is not bringing a single blade of grass to the people of England, could be let out to the people. Lord Derby told us that the soil should produce as much again as it does. It is only by union they could lay hold of it, and the time is coming when, by union, they would demand this soil to be theirs. If they were only to take the 2,000,000 acres now ready, and out in ten acre allotments, which of them would not be glad of having the land? (Cries of "I should think we would.") It would take two hundred thousand of them off the land, and that includes the women.
The time had come. Their getting two shillings a week more was not what he came there for no, their wages must be settled on a firmer basis than that; The wages of his friend, the chairman, and of himself, could not be settled in any other way than by the money price in the market. He did not think the wages of the agricultural labourers could be settled in any other way than giving them fair share of the interests in the soil they tilled. Six years ago, after the war of liberation, the Prussians had no direct interest the soil. At that time two men, Stein and Ardenbourg, introduced to the then King a plan, which read that the land of Prussia should be let out to the peasantry, it was let out in a certain form, and what had been the result? From Prussia being a degraded nation, in fifty years it raised a tribe of men, who mowed the French army down as they, the labourers, would now acres of wheat, and why? Because Prussia had raised a race of men who knew they had a home and a fatherland.
It is all very well to talk about Von Bismark and Von Moltke as being the emancipation of Prussia, but the two men were Stein and Ardenbourg. Now there was something to be said with regard to their condition. He had often read that, while day by day the trading and middle classes had become enormously rich, while the wealth of the country had been growing, and he could give the statistics, and they had those of Mr. Baxter, he pointed out to them that the property of England had in 20 years trebled in value, while, in 1849, it was only worth two thousand of millions, in 1869 it was worth six thousand millions.
Now, while the property of England has trebled in value, it is remarkable that the labourers of England had sunk. He wanted them to understand, then, that they were becoming lower and lower, while the wealth of the country had increased. They knew that at one time it was the doctrine that the wages fund was also the settling fund. He was a man of peace himself, but he could not shut his eyes to the fact that there must come time for England when they would have to fight for their existence. He put to the landowners whether they considered that the serfs would stand by them.
In 1815, in our struggle with France, the soil of Sutherland kept a thousand men in arms and prepared to fight for England. A duke came into power, and was aided by the Government. During the 50 years that had passed, the whole of the labourers had been turned out of their dwellings and out of Sutherland. What is the result? Why, that the county did not send a soldier to defend the soil. He then referred to the county of Sutherland, comparing its present condition with that of 50 years back, and said, if the landowners wished to defend their country, they must provide men who felt that they had something to fight tor. They must be united; they must insist upon having the franchise, for, unless the labourers were properly represented in the House of Commons, they would never get their fair share of recognition the State.
If they had been properly represented, Mr. Bruce's Licensing Bill, and the Criminal Law Amendment Act, would not have passed so easily. The speaker concluded by exhorting them to use their utmost endeavours to obtain the franchise.Mr. Gregory then informed the audience that there would be a collection made on behalf of the Labourers' Union. The collections amounted to 26s.A vote of thanks to the Chairman and Mr. Mottershead brought the proceedings to a close.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 15 August 1874
On Tuesday afternoon, about half past one o clock, a fire broke out in the rick yard belonging to Mr Warren, brewer and maltster, which destroyed between 80 and 100 tons of valuable hay. The rick stood in close proximity to some thatched cottages, which were quickly ignited, and would in all probability have been burned down, had it not been for the active and willing help rendered by the villagers, especially the women, before and after the arrival of the Stony Stratford Volunteer Fire Brigade, who arrived in a very short space of time after the alarm was given, and got to work in excellent time.
Although a copious supply of water was close at hand, the firemen were unable to subdue the flames until after midnight, and the debris was still smouldering throughout Wednesday. Police-Sergeant Alexander rendered useful service in keeping order amongst the crowd which collected during the evening witness the conflagration. We understand that Mr. Warren was insured with the Royal Farmers' Insurance Company.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 31 October 1874
MARRIAGES: October 21, at Cosgrove Church, by the Rev. G. Jenkins, Mr. Henry Willison, third son of Mr. Matthew Willison, of Old Stratford, to Pamela Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. John Marks, of Cosgrove.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 14 November 1874
DEATHS: November 2, at Cosgrove, Mr. Daniel Warren, aged 73 years.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 23 January 1875
Valuable Freehold COAL WHARF, BREWERY,
And PREMISES, on the Grand Junction Canal
At COSGROVE, near Stony Stratford, and within a short distance of Wolverton Station, London and North-Western Railway main line.
Is favoured with instructions
At the Cock Hotel, Stony Stratford, Bucks, on Thursday, February 11th, 1875 at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, in one Lot, and subject to such conditions as will be then read,
THAT valuable and convenient PROPERTY, known as COSGROVE WHARF and BREWERY, admirably situate on the Grand Junction Canal, at Cosgrove, and having a spacious yard, surrounded by substantial brick and stone-built and slated Premises, viz., a comfortable Residence, having three sitting-rooms, office, four bed-rooms, kitchen, and detached wash-house; one other Dwelling-house, and two Cottages, twelve-quarter Malt House, with large Store Rooms over same; Weigh Bridge and Office, Stables, Cart Sheds, covered landing from Canal, with two ton swing lifting crane fixed; excellently arranged Brewery, in which are fixed a Horizontal Steam Engine, with Gearing to Pumps, and other Machinery; ten-quarter mash vat, coppers, coolers, squares, refrigerator, &c.
There are three large Store Cellars, and other Sheds and Buildings, and adjoining the yard is a nice Garden, the whole forming a most compact property, where for many years past the late Mr. Daniel Warren has carried on an extensive business as Brewer, Coal, Corn, and Hay Merchant.
The portion of the Brewery Plant, Steam Engine. &c, which are fixed to the Freehold, will be included in the Sale, and the purchaser will be required to take at valuation in the usual way, the stock of Ales, Beer, Malt, Hops, Coal, and other Stock-in-Trade, and Store Casks, Trade Casks, and other Articles in the Brewery; also, some Coal Weighing Machines, &c, list of which will be produced at the time of Sale.
Land Tax, 6s. 3d.; Quit Rent on inclosure from road, 1s.
For further particulars, apply to John Parrott, Esq., or W. Rose, Esq., Solicitors, Stony Stratford, or the Auctioneer, Buckingham. To view, apply to Mr. John Warren, on the premises.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 27 February 1875
Stony Stratford Petty Sessions February 19th.
Matthew Willison, of Cosgrove, Baker; was summoned for having unjust scales, and was fined 2s 6d with costs.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 13 March 1875
Cosgrove. Attempt to Murder.
JOHN BERRY, described as a boatman, of the age of 35, was put into the dock under the charge of having, on the 1st of March instant, at Cosgrove, near to Stony Stratford, discharged a loaded pistol, with intent to murder John Cashmere.
Mr. Sargeaunt appeared for the prosecution; Mr. Hensman and Mr. Hall for the defence.Earlier in the day Mr. Hensman had given notice that he intended to base his defence on the ground of insanity.
ln opening the case for the prosecution, Mr. Sargeaunt briefly stated the case as follows:
The prosecutor, who lives at Stony Stratford, was walking from Cosgrove, about two miles distant, about five or half-past in the evening of the 1st of March, by a footpath which leads across the Grand Junction Canal, and had gone into a spinney, just after crossing the canal, when he met the prisoner and a man named George Moore. The prosecutor had his hand in the breast of his coat, and the prisoner said to him, "Are you going to pull out?" He replied that he did not know what he meant, and the prisoner repeated his question, and took out a revolver, and fired at the prosecutor. Fortunately he was not hit, and subsequently gave information to the police, when the prisoner and Moore were taken into custody. The Grand Jury, however, had not found true bill against the latter, and he was discharged, but against the prisoner a true bill was found.
John Cashmere said he was a gasfitter, and resided at Stony Stratford. He was walking from Cosgrove to the latter place by the footpath on the evening in question, and on going into the spinney he saw prisoner and Moore there. One of them spoke to him, but he did not know which spoke first. The prisoner then asked him if he was "going to pull out." He then took a revolver out of his pocket, and pointed straight at him, and fired it off. He stood five or six feet from him. He (prosecutor) whistled and jumped on one side. He had never seen the prisoner before.
William Smith said he was in the employ of the agent of the Grand Junction Canal Company. On the day in question he was milking a cow in a hovel near to the spinney, when he heard the report of a pistol and a whistle. Two men then came to the hovel, and the prisoner said, "There's a boy milking here," and then, addressing the witness, said, " Have you seen a man go by? " He answered "No." Then the prisoner said, have just shot at one; did you hear me fire?” Witness said he did. The prisoner had a pistol in his hand.
P.I. Jabez Webb said he apprehended the prisoner in a boat, at Linford Wharf, when he said, "I hope you have got the vagabond locked up." He produced the revolver, which the prisoner had reached down from a nail in the cabin. Five of the chambers were loaded with ball cartridges, and the other was empty. Telling the prisoner on what charge he apprehended him, he said “I did shoot at him, but it was in self defence. I saw him take pistol out of his coat. I was not going to let him shoot me. I shot him first, or shot at him. I do not know whether I bit him or not."
P.C. Alexander deposed having gone with the Inspector to apprehend the prisoner, and testified to the accuracy of his statements. He searched the prisoner, and found a blank cartridge on him, which fitted the empty chambers.
Cashmere, recalled, said he did not know the prisoner, and had not a pistol, nor anything like one, about him.
Mr. Hensman, in introducing the case for the defence, said that there was no doubt the man was a mad man, as he should be able to show most clearly. He was under the delusion that he was being pursued by enemies, were continually lying wait for him to destroy his life by shooting or any other means. He then called as a witness James Hughes, agent for the Grand Junction Canal Company, in this town.
He said he had seen the prisoner at various times during the last 12 months. About the 18th of Feb. last the prisoner brought a cargo of casks from London. Two of the casks were missing, and on being interrogated as to them, he said they had been taken away without bands. He then went on say that he was bewitched. He knew who had done it; it was a relation of his. But he had got something now which would prevent them doing him any harm. Witness then went on to state that the prisoner had gone with his little boy into Fenny Simpson Churchyard, at twelve o'clock night. He took from the grave of the last unmarried female buried there a handful of earth, and instructed his little boy do the same. This earth prisoner showed to him in a canvas purse, saying this and the Prayer-book, which he also brought out his pocket, would protect him from the people who had bewitched him. He likewise told witness story about some burglars whom he had prevented in attempt to commit a robbery, and that ever since they had been plotting his life. His (prisoner's) master had told him that he was the best, most honest and hard working man he had.
Dr. Barr, surgeon to the gaol, said he had frequently seen the prisoner since he had been the prison. He had had long conversations with him, and the result of these conversations was that be considered the prisoner insane. He was suffering from a number of delusions.It should be said that the prisoner asked if he might put a question to the first witness, and as permission being granted, commenced a rigmarole about a minister.
Mr. Hensman said it was useless prolonging the matter by calling further witnesses, unless his Lordship desired.
His Lordship agreed with the learned counsel that it was unnecessary to produce further evidence as the case was quite clear. Then addressing the jury he briefly pointed out that if they thought the prisoner was a mad man, but with lucid intervals, &c, when he knew perfectly well what he was doing, and that the offence for which he was indicted was committed during one of these intervals, then it would be their duty to find him guilty. But if, on the other hand, they considered such was not the case, but that he was perfectly insane and incapable of judging between right and wrong, then it would be their duty to find an opposite verdict.
After a few minutes' conversation, the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty, on the ground of insanity, and the Judge sentenced the prisoner to be detained and kept in strict custody during her Majesty's pleasure.
The prisoner had a troubled and perplexed look which increased from the moment he was put in the dock until he was removed.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 27 March 1875
NOTICE. To the Parish Clerk, Churchwardens, and others of the Parish of Cosgrove, Northampton.
WHEREAS the Leaf from the 6th of November, in the year 1808, to September, 1809, containing, with others, the Baptism of Cornelius, the son of George Mansel, of Cosgrove, has been taken out of the parchment Register Book of Baptisms, in use until the year 1812.
Any person detaining the aforesaid Leaf after this notice shall be prosecuted.
THOMAS MANSEL, Son of Cornelius Mansel.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 10 April 1875
COSGROVE WHARF, near Stony Stratford.
FIVE capital working CART HORSES, a promising well-bred NAG FILLY, three years old ; good FARMING IMPLEMENTS, comprising waggons, cart, and reaping machines, winnowing machine, chaff cutter, iron ploughs and harrows, hay making machine (double action, by Smith and Ashby), iron roll, horse rake, steer drill, with turnip box, long and short ladders, rick and waggon cloths, strong coal cart, grist cart, on springs ; good thiller and trace HARNESS, SPRING CART, WEIGHING MACHINE, large ALE CASKS. TRADE CASKS. BARREL TRUCKS, &c. : several lots of seasoned PLANKS and BOARDS, some HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and variety of Effects.
Also 15 acres of GRASS KEEPING, on Passenham Farm, near old Stratford, to the 29th September, 1875
On Monday, April 19, 1875, on the Premises, at Cosgrove, by direction of the Executors of the late Mr. Daniel Warren, deceased.
Catalogues will be circulation, and may be had at the Place of Sale; and at the Offices of the Auctioneer, Buckingham and Stony Stratford. Business at 10.30 o'clock.
Buckingham Express Saturday 01 May 1875
BIRTHS: April 23, at Cosgrove, the wife of the Rev. S. Johnson, of a son.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 01 May 1875
20 Head of COW STOCK, 70 SHEEP and LAMBS,
And 50 ACRES of Excellent GRASS KEEPING.
Has received instructions from Mr. R. SLADE, of Hanslope Fields (who is leaving his Cosgrove Farm),
On the Premises, at Cosgrove, on Thursday next, May 6th, 1875,
20 STEERS and HEIFERS, 50 EWES and LAMBS, 20 Long-woolled TEGS; also, 50 ACRES of excellent GRASS KEEPING, to 28th September next, viz. :
Lot 1 Meadow 28A 2R 0P
Lot 2. Ditto 4A 0R 0P
Lot 3. Sandy Lands 9A 0R 0P
Lot 4. Washing Troughs 9A 0R 0P
The above Keeping is well watered and fenced. Sale to commence punctually at Two o'clock
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 07 August 1875
RECTORY FARM. COSGROVE near Stony Stratford.
Has received instructions from Mr. Richard Slade, of Hanslope Fields (who leaving his Cosgrove Farm),
On Friday next, August 13th, 1875,
44 Ditto BARLEY
18½ Ditto BEANS.
Conditions at time of Sale. The company will please to meet the Auctioneer on the Premises, the Rectory Farm, Cosgrove, at Two o'clock, to proceed to Sale.
Catalogues will be ready due time, and may be had the Place of Sale, or of the Auctioneer, 3, Elysium-terrace, Northampton.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 14 August 1875
Present : Rev. R. N. Russell, the Duke of Grafton, and W. G. Duncan, Esq.
William Davis, late in the employment of the London and North-Western Railway Company at Wolverton, was brought up in custody charged with stealing a quantity of brass metal and tools, the property of the Railway Company, his employers.
Inspector Copping, one of the company's detectives, proved apprehending the prisoner at Willesden Junction with 24lbs. of brass in his possession.
Inspector Webb proved searching prisoner's house at Cosgrove, and finding some more metal and a quantity of working tools belonging to the Railway Company.
The prisoner has been noticed to leave the Wolverton station very frequently by train, having something with him heavy. On this occasion the detective saw him at Wolverton, and also saw him take a ticket to Bletchley. He got into the adjoining carriage to the prisoner, and found he kept his seat till he reached Willesden Junction, when he was apprehended.
Committed for trial at the next quarter sessions at Aylesbury.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 11 September 1875
BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newport Pagnell that he intends keeping a Stock of the best Bright and Hard COAL, at Mr. KEMP’S, Linford Wharf.
All orders to be sent to the Brewery, or to the Wharf, where they will be promptly attended to.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 02 October 1875
BOAT RACES. On Saturday, September 25th, two races came off between the members of the Livonia and Galatea Rowing Clubs. The course was from the locks at Cosgrove to the bridge on the Old Wolverton Road. Owing to the favourable state of the weather a large number of spectators (estimated at 500 or 600) were present to witness the races which were well contended. (part of a larger article)
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 06 November 1875
COSGROVE. Concert On Wednesday evening last a vocal and instrumental concert, interspersed with readings, was given in the schoolroom, in aid of the poor of the parish. The attendance was very good, and an excellent programme was gone through, which gave general satisfaction.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 01 January 1876
CONCERT. A vocal and instrumental concert was held in the schoolroom, Cosgrove on Wednesday evening last.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 01 January 1876
THE BREWERY On the evening of the 23rd of December, Mr. F. D. Bull, the proprietor of the brewery at this place, gave a dinner to the workmen who have been engaged during the last few months in making extensive alterations and additions to the promises connected therewith, the said alterations and additions having been carried out by Mr. C. Aveline, builder, Wolverton, under the directions of Messrs. Pontifex and Sons, architects and engineers, of King's Cross Road, Loudon. The dinner, which was a very sumptuous one, consisting chiefly of the old English Christmas fare of roast beef, plum-puddings, &c., was laid out in the large malt store room, which had been previously very tastefully decorated with evergreens, mottoes, &c., for the occasion, and was done ample justice to by the workmen employed by Mr. Aveline, Messrs. Pontifex's men, and the employees of Mr. Bull, numbering altogether, inclusive of a few friends of the proprietor, about sixty. After the cloth was removed a few toasts were proposed and a few speeches made appropriate to the occasion, and altogether a most pleasant evening was spent, one and all expressing themselves highly pleased with the entertainment which had been provided for them.
Bucks Herald Saturday 26 February 1876
Stony Stratford Petty Sessions Monday February 14.
William Gates, of Cosgrove, butcher, for unjust scales. Penalty 2s. 6d. and costs.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 25 March 1876
Begs to inform the nobility, clergy, gentry, and inhabitants of the neighbourhood, that he intends carrying on in the above premises, from the 10th February, 1876, the Business of a
Brewer, Maltster, and Coal Merchant.
Mr. F. D. Bull, having secured the services of a Scientific Brewer, and having had himself many years' experience in the Brewing trade, trusts by constant personal attention to secure the kind and continued support of all who may favour him with their custom.
Ousebank, Stony Stratford,
March, 1876.
N.B. Orders addressed to Mr. F. D. Bull, Ousebank, Stony Stratford, or the Brewery, Cosgrove, will be promptly executed.
F. D. B. attends at his Office, High Street, Newport Pagnell, on Wednesdays, from Eleven to Six
A Depot for Coal at Great Linford Wharf.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 24 June 1876
BUCKINGHAM DIVISONAL PETTY SESSIONS. June 17. (Before L. R. Hall, Esq., (chairman), C. Higgins, Esq., and C. Pilgrim, Esq.)
ALLEGED DRUNKENNESS. William Gates, of Cosgrove, butcher, was summoned for being drunk while in charge of a horse and cart in the parish of Maidsmoreton, on the road leading from Buckingham to Stony Stratford, on May 27.Mr. Gates, not answering to his name, P.C. Wiles proved service of summons at defendant’s residence on June 13, giving the summons to defendant’s wife. He further saidl was on duty on the 27th of May in Maidsmoreton parish, when I saw the defendant along the Stony Stratford road, not far from Mrs. Osborne’s farm. He was driving very furiously, and kept on whipping the horse as he went. I called upon him to stop, but he kept right on through the toll gate without paying the toll. I feel quite certain he was very drunk. His wife told me he had been to Buckingham to the bank that day. There was a child in the cart with the defendant, and I expected every moment to see the child fall out of the cart. Defendant was sitting near the side of the cart, and was reeling about on the seat as he went. Mr. Gates now appeared in the Court, and was informed that the charge against him had been gone into in his absence, and was also asked whether he had anything to say. Defendant said: I was not drunk, gentlemen. I had been to Buckingham market, and was returning home when I saw the policeman. I had got a frisky young horse, which shied very much, and I own I whipped it and drove very fast, but I was not drunk. The Magistrates having consulted, the Chairman said to defendant : You have been convicted of a very serious offence. By driving as you did you not only endangered yourself and your child, but also other people. You will have to pay a fine £1, with 17s. costs. The defendant paid the money, remarking it was a hard case, and he hoped the police-officer would learn to tell the truth another time.
Croydon's Weekly Standard - Saturday 15 July 1876
Present: The Rev. K. N. Russell (chairman), and Lord Penrhyn.
John Murphy was summoned for being drunk and refusing to quit the Barley Mow public-house, at Cosgrove, when requested to so by the landlord. Fined 10s. and 13s. 6d. costs, which he paid
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 22 July 1876
NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING.On Tuesday last, a man named Cluskey had a narrow escape from drowning. He had been drinking at Cosgrove Feast, and was returning home by the towing path, when he fell in a deep part of the canal, near the locks. He was fortunately seen by Mr. T. Calladine, boot manufacturer, of Stony Stratford, who happened to be passing at the time, and rescued from his perilous position. After a short time he was able to resume his journey, evidently a more sober if not a wiser man
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 19 August 1876
MR. F. D. BULL begs to thank the publics generally for the support he has received since his commencement in business, and to inform them that he has engaged Mr. WALTER (late of the Northampton Brewery Company) a Traveller, to whom orders may be given and accounts paid.
10th August, 1876.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 26 August 1876
COSGROVE. FIRE BRIGADE HOLIDAY.On Thursday, the 24th inst., the members of the Newport Pagnell paid and volunteer brigades, together with the Stony Stratford brigade, were, through the instrumentality of Captain Taylor, of the Newport Pagnell brigade, and Mr. F. D. Bull (late captain), liberally entertained at Cosgrove. Two large marquees were erected in a field adjoining Mr. Bull's brewery, in one of which a most excellent spread was prepared, reflecting considerable credit upon Mrs. F. Clarke, of the Cock Hotel, Stony Stratford, to whom was entrusted that most important feature, the success of which is always gratifying to Englishmenthe catering business. The brigade, with their engines, arrived in the field about 4 o'clock, and after dismounting, engaged in a variety of sports, embracing cricket, quoits, running and jumping, and the newly imported tug of war. The latter was apparently introduced to test the relative strength of the brigades, proving them to be of about equal merit, notwithstanding that Stratford succeeded in obtaining the best of three tugs, which was mainly due to their having obtained the vantage-ground. Considerable interest was manifested in the sport, each side receiving the hearty cheers of their supporters as they tugged their opponents gradually over the line. Upwards of seventy sat down to the repast, which they thoroughly enjoyed. After the removal of the cloth, the usual loyal end patriotic toasts were heartily drunk, followed by "Success to the Newport Pagnell and Stony Stratford Fire Brigades,” proposed by Mr. Bull, who coupled with it the name of Captain Revill, and expressed a hope that the good feeling which had hitherto existed between the two brigades would still continue. Captain Revill briefly responded, and fully coinciding with Mr. Bull's remarks, desired that musical honours should be given to that gentleman, and to Captain Taylor, whose absence he deplored, for their untiring efforts in contributing to the efficiency of the Newport Pagnell brigade, and the interest they have always manifested in that and the Stony Stratford brigade. A loud and continued huzzah was a forcible illustration that the request needed no repetition. Toasts and songs were then indulged in, until the rain, which had somewhat marred the outdoor pleasures and confined them to the tent, had ceased, when dancing, to the Strains of the North Bucks Military Brass Band, under the conductorship of Mr. Pinfold, became the order of the evening, and was evidently enjoyed. A flat race, about 200 yards, between the members of the two brigades, for a silver-mounted vase, given by the deputy - captain of the Newport Pagnell brigade, (Mr. S. Coales), was won by Mr. Downing, of the Stony Stratford brigade, the second prize, an album, being won by Mr. E. Thickpenny, of the Newport brigade. At dusk a few balloons were successfully despatched, to the delight of the juveniles who had assembled in anticipation of the treat, and about 9 o'clock a succession of cheers for Mr. Bull, and others concluded a pleasant, and not easily forgotten day's enjoyment.
Bucks Herald Saturday 04 November 1876
6 FAT THEAVES, excellent Bay CART MARE.
On MONDAY, the 13th day of NOVEMBER, 1876,
On the PREMISES, at COSGROVE, by direction of Mr. L. Osborn.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 11 November 1876
DEATHS: November 4, at Cosgrove, Owen, son of Mr. James Goodridge, blacksmith, aged 9 months.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 16 December 1876
BIRTHS: December 6, at Holmwood, Weybridge, the wife of Dr. Graham, formerly of Cosgrove, of a daughter.
Buckingham Express Saturday 30 December 1876
Towcester Petty Sessions, Dec. 26th 1876
The Licence to the Navigation Inn, Cosgrove, was transferred from Mr. John Ayres to Mr. John Panter.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 27 January 1877
Robert Brown and George Smith, lads, of Cosgrove, were summoned for throwing dirt on the door and windows of the National School, Cosgrove, on Sunday, the 7th inst.
P.C. George Wilson proved the case. Fined 5s, damages 1s., and costs 7s. 6d each.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 27 January 1877
FOR SALE, capital Brown CART MARE. A good worker, and sold for no fault whatever. Apply Mr. L. Osborn, Cosgrove, Stony Stratford.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 03 March 1877
GAZETTE NOTICES. John Ayres, innkeeper, &c. Castlethorpe Wharf, Cosgrove, Estate in liquidation. Claims to be made to Mr. William Noble, trustee, Derngate, Northampton.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 10 March 1877
DEATHS: March 5, at Cosgrove Mill, Mary Ann, wife of Mr. Thomas Theophilus Dawson, aged 71 years.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday March 24 1877
DEATHS: March 16, at Cosgrove, Ann, wife of Mr. George Allen, aged 50 years.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 21 April 1877
DEATHS: April 10, at Cosgrove, Maria Margaret, widow of the late Rev. Henry Longueville Mansel, rector of Cosgrove, aged 82 years.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 21 April 1877
ISWORTH FARM, near Cosgrove.
THE very useful DAIRY COWS, Home-bred HEIFERS, STEERS, Young BULL, EWES and LAMBS, Strong TEGS, Ten CART HORSES ; all the excellent FARMING IMPLEMENTS, and Acres GRASS KEEPING, to Michaelmas next,
By Messrs. HARRISON & SON,
On Tuesday, 1st May, 1877, by Order of the Administratrix of Mr. Edward Gates, deceased.
Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock.
Catalogues at the principal Inns in Stony Stratford, or at the Auctioneer's Offices, Buckingham.
Buckingham Express Saturday 28 April 1877
Is instructed by Mr. William Gates, who is leaving the Rectory Farm at Michaelmas next,
To Sell by Auction,
On Thursday, May 17th, 1877.
THE Valuable GRASS KEEPING< up to Michaelmas next.
Bucks Herald Saturday 05 May 1877
30 ACRES capital GRASS KEEPING, and 25 ACRES of valuable CLOVER and MEADOW GRASS,
to be Mown and the Hay taken off, 20 healthy Half-bred TEGS,
On THURSDAY, the 17th Day of MAY, 1877.
On the Premises at Cosgrove Green,
By direction of Mr. William Gates, who is leaving the Rectory Farm, at Michaelmas next.
The Fields are well supplied with Water, and full of Keep. A Shepherd will be provided. Credit will be given till August 1st, on the usual Conditions.
The Company will oblige by Viewing the Keeping previous to the Sale, and meeting the Auctioneer at the Farm House at Three o'Clock, where it will be Sold.
Catalogues may be had of Mr. Gates, and of the Auctioneer, Winslow.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 05 May 1877
DEATHS: April 27, at Malvern, the Rev. George Jenkins, rector of Cosgrove, and formerly seventeen years rector of Manaton, Devon, aged 57 years.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 05 May 1877

Rowing on the canal along by the Wolverton Works buildings. (early 1900s)
A Boat Race took place, on Saturday, at Old Wolverton, between the crews of the Galatea and Livonia Rowing Clubs. The race was from Cosgrove Locks to the Locomotive Inn, about seven furlongs. The event drew together great many persons, notwithstanding the weather being so cold.
Galatea won the toss, for choice of place, and chose the first. This will be better understood when we explain that the Canal not being wide enough to allow two crews to pass each other, the starting and finishing places were equal distances from each other. Both crews went off at swinging pace, although the Livonias were strongly the favourites, but an event occurred which almost decided the race. One of the Livonia crew caught a crab, which brought him nicely on his back, but the rest being rather heavy men the boat did not capsize, as it otherwise might have done. They pulled themselves together, but only in time to see the young Galateas win by a length and a half.
Rose, Esq., was umpire, and Mr. W. Panter starter.
The crews were follows :
Galatea : No. 1, J. King; A. Evans; 3, W. J. Bore; stroke, G. Graham : cox., K. T. Bore.
Livonia : No. 1, J. Williams ; 2, C. Howitt; 3, J. Duncan; stroke, E. Leake; cox., J. Green.
The Livonia crew were the favourites, 2 to 1 being freely offered.
Bucks Herald Saturday 19 May 1877
LOT 5 All that CLOSE of superior PASTURE LAND, called Bridge Field, situate in the Parishes of Potterspury and Cosgrove, and adjoining the Turnpike-road from Old Stratford to Northampton, and the Buckingham Branch of the Grand Junction Canal, on which there is a free Wharf, and containing by admeasurement 5a. 1r. 28p., or thereabouts. Land Tax, 10s.
Lots 4 and 5 are in the occupation of Mark Price, whose tenancy expires 11th October next. All that CLOSE superior PASTURE LAND, called the Basin Field, the Parish of Cosgrove, adjoining the above road, and containing by admeasurement 4a. 3r. 5p., or thereabouts, the occupation of Mr. John Wilford, whose tenancy expires 11th October next. Land Tax, £1 :8 11. The various Lots can be Viewed on application. Plan and Particulars and Conditions of Sale can be obtained at the principal Hotels in the Neighbourhood; Mr. J. Parrott and Mr. W. B. Parrott Solicitors, Stony Stratford.
Bucks Herald Saturday 26 May 1877
Wednesday 30th May. Second Day’s Sale of the valuable Contents of Cosgrove Rectory, near Stony Stratford, by Messrs., Durham, Son, and Thurgood.
Bucks Herald Saturday 09 June 1877
Lord Penrhyn purchased Basin Field, Cosgrove £575
Mr. William Webb, of Passenham, Bridge Field £795
Bucks Herald - Saturday 14 July 1877
COUNTY COURT, Friday, July 6.
(Before J. Whigham, Esq., Q.C., Judge).
John Christopher Mansell v. Wm. Patterson. In this case the plaintiff, who is chairman of the Stony Stratford Bench of magistrates, claimed the sum £4: 5s from the defendant, a butcher carrying on business at Stony Stratford, under the follow circumstances : Plaintiff's steward, James Reed, deposed that he sold a pig to the defendant, at Cosgrove on the 29th May last. He had had previous transactions with the defendant, and the pig was not paid for at the time. On the 9th of June witness called on defendant and asked if he could conveniently pay for the pig, when the latter positively affirmed that he paid for it on Whit-Tuesday, the 22nd May. Witness was equally positive that he had not seen the defendant between the 29th of May and the 9th of June, and could not therefore have been paid as alleged.Elizabeth Reed, daughter of the last witness, spoke decidedly to the fact of her father being home all day on Whit-Tuesday, the day on which it was alleged he received the money at Stony Stratford. Defendant being called, swore most emphatically that Reed called at hit his house on Whit-Tuesday, and he gave him four half sovereigns and 45s. in silver, the value of the pig. That was a week before he fetched the pig.Mary Patterson deposed to seeing her husband pay Reed for the pig. She moreover disclosed that Reed admitted to her afterwards that he got “tight on wine " upon that occasion. Mary Patterson, defendant's daughter, and Samuel Munday also gave confirmatory evidence, based principally upon a remark addressed to Mrs Patterson by Reed as he was leaving the house, viz., “I am all right now my girl; I've got both pig and money."Mr. Walter B. Bull, for the plaintiff, drew attention to the undoubted respectability and integrity of Reed, who had held his present situation for upwards of 30 years, and to the extraordinary and improbable style of dealing by paying in advance, also pointing out several discrepancies in the evidence. His Honour drew rather a favourable inference from the discrepancies as proving absence of collusion between the parties, and inclining to the belief that the memory of Reed (who is upwards of 70) had deceived him as to the transaction, gave a verdict for the defendant with the usual allowance of costs
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 21 July 1877
COSGROVE, near Stony Stratford.
80 ACRES of capital GROWING CROPS of CORN, COMPRISING 30 Acres of WHEAT, 9 Acres of BARLEY, 6 Acres of OATS, 16 Acres of BEANS and PEAS, and 16 Acres of CLOVER ; also a Rick of well-secured CLOVER HAY, about Tons, to go off;
On Thursday, August 2nd, 1877, on the Farm, at Cosgrove, by direction of Mr. WILLIAM GATES, who is leaving the farm at Michaelmas. Two months' credit will be given on the usual conditions.
The company will oblige by meeting the Auctioneer at the Farm Buildings, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, and proceed to Sale.
Catalogues may be had at the "Cock" and "Bull" Hotels, Stony Stratford; and at the Offices of the Auctioneer, Winslow.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 28 July 1877
WOLVERTON.Bean Feasts.
On Saturday last the smiths, &c., the works had their bean feast. They proceeded in four vehicles (in one of which was a horn playing) to Buckingham, where excellent dinner was provided at the Three Cups Inn. The whole party, numbering about 80, returned about eleven p.m., having spent a very enjoyable afternoon and evening.
On the same day the workmen in the west-side paint shop had a cricket match and dinner at Cosgrove, where a first-class spread was provided by Mr. Smith, of the Barley Mow. Dancing, &c., was kept up with great spirit till ten p.m.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 11 August 1877
DEATHS: July 21, at Cosgrove, Frank, son of Henry Henson, brewer’s labourer, aged 5 years.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 20 October 1877
COSGROVE COTTAGE, near Stony Stratford.
THE CONTENTS of this HOUSE comprising the FURNITURE of entrance hall, dining-room, drawing-room, study, butler's pantry, two kitchens, larder, pantry, out offices, two staircases, six bed and dressing rooms, store and box rooms, three servants' rooms, about 1,000 volumes of BOOKS, china, &c., belonging to the late Mrs. H. L. Mansel,
On the Premises, on Thursday, October 25, 1877, at Ten o'clock a.m., by order of the Executors.
Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, Stony Stratford, and 123, Chancery-lane, London.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 10 November 1877
PRESENTATION TO MISS H. MANSEL. The parishioners of the above village were desirous that Miss H. Mansel, who has left the neighbourhood, should take with her some token of their appreciation of the kind interest she has evinced for many years past in the church choir. A sum was collected sufficient to procure a set of silver salt-cellars and spoons in morocco case, a case of silver gilt fruit spoons and sugar-sifter handsomely chased, and a pair of silver pickle-forks and a butter-knife (supplied by Messrs. Whitmore and Son, of Northampton), which were privately presented to Miss Mansel, who acknowledged the presentation as a token of kindly feeling and affectionate remembrance from the inhabitants of her native place.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 15 December 1877
COMMITMENTS TO NORTHAMPTON COUNTY GAOL. December 7th, Frederick Nichols, Frederick Lane, Jonah Lane, and Joseph Bull, seven days' hard labour each, for poaching, at Cosgrove.
Croydon's Weekly Standard - Saturday 15 December 1877
Before J. C. Mansel, Esq., the Rev. R. N. Russell. and R. Walpole, Esq.
Frederick Nichols, Frederick Lane, Jonah Lane, Joseph Bull, and William Gates, of Hanslope, were summoned for trespassing after game at Cosgrove. Gates did not appear, and a warrant was issued for his apprehension. The others were fined 2s. 6d. each, and were committed for seven days in default of payment.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 19 January 1878
William Jackson, 21 days, hard labour, stealing a piece of cake, Cosgrove
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 09 February 1878
DEATHS: January 29, at Cosgrove, Ada, daughter of Mr. John Sharp, aged 3.
DEATHS: January 29, at Cosgrove, Mr. John Gilpin, aged 82 years.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 23 February 1878
Feb 10, Henry Shepperd, 14 days' hard labour, for begging, at Cosgrove
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 30 March 1878
COSGROVE Felony. At the Northamptonshire Lent Assizes, Steward Rose (27), boatman, was indicted for stealing, or converting to his own use, the sum of £2 15s., the moneys of William Austin Robinson, his employer, Cosgrove, the 22nd of January,Mr, Ward prosecuted.Prosecutor, a coal merchant and farmer, living at Old Stratford, stated that he gave prisoner the money to pay dues on the Oxford canal, then being about to go on a journey to Whiting Colliery. Prisoner had not given him any account of the money, and had had to pay the dues over again. Prisoner’s father and another man were also in the boat. Subsequently he found that prisoner had paid two sums amounting to 11s, 6d., connected with other expenses of the journey. He advanced prisoner 10s. in wages before he started the journey.William Davis, driver of the boat on which prisoner was engaged, said they arrived at the colliery on the 26th of January. They coaled at Braunston, and prisoner paid for it. Witness wrote to prosecutor, telling him they had lent some money, and asking for a sovereign in order to bring the coal back. At Whiting Colliery, prisoner paid him 1s. 6d., and went away from the boat, and did not return. Inspector Wallis, of Towcester, apprehended the prisoner at the brickyard near to Crick railway station. At first he said was not the man mentioned in the warrant, but then went on to attach the blame to Davis, saying that he continually stopped to drink, for which he had to pay. When they got to Whiting Colliery, said he went to Coventry, got drinking whiskey in a public-house, and added that when he awoke in the morning after the carouse, he found he had no money,Prisoner was found guilty, and he was sentenced to two calendar months, with hard labour.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 04 May 1878
COSGROVE.AN ENTERTAINMENT was given by the Band of Hope, in the Wesleyan Chapel, on Saturday. Mr. J. Swannel presided. Mr. Swannel made a few remarks on total abstinence, and the following programme was then gone through
Hymn, "Ye men of Britain,"
The choir ; recitation, "The young hero,"
William Olney : trio, Messrs. Irons, Reynolds, and Brewer ;
Reading, Miss Risdale;
Song, " Merry Dick'
Mr. G. Goodendge ; reading, " I take what father takes,"
Mr. Franklin ; address by Mr. Weekes :
Song, “ Draught from the old crystal spring," the choir:
Dialogue, Messrs. G. and J. Gooderidge;
Song. Miss Lyddy;
Recitation, Mr. J. Olney
Song, "Joe Perkins," Mr. Brewer:
Dialogue, G. and H. Gooderidge ;
Trio. Misses Compton and Mr. George Nichols ;
Recitation, " The Publican's net," J. Simpson;
Song. Mr. J. Gooderidge :
Address, Mr. Irons ;
Duet, Mrs. Osborne and Mr. Irons;
Song, Mr. H. Cowley ;
Recitation, "The brewer's vat," Mr. G. Nichols;
Duet. Misses Compton.
Votes of thanks were proposed, seconded, and carried, which brought a very pleasant evening to a close.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 04 May 1878
DEATHS: April 25, at Cosgrove Mill, Mr. Thomas Theophilus Dawson, miller aged 84 years.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 11 May 1878
DEATHS: May 3, at Cosgrove, Ann, wife of Edwin Atkins, aged 54 years.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 22 June 1878
Has received instructions from Mr. Smith,
To Sell by Auction,
On FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1878,
In the above parish, occupied by Messrs. England and others.
Will sell by Auction, without reserve,
The following
The property of Mr. Smith:
QUANTITY of Sawn Timber, Household Furniture, Barren Cow, In-pig Sow, Rick of New Hay, Growing Crops of Corn &c. &c.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 22 June 1878
Has received instructions from Mr. Smith,
To Sell by Auction,
On FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1878,
In the above parish, occupied by Messrs. England and others.
Will sell by Auction, without reserve,
The following
The property of Mr. Smith:
QUANTITY of Sawn Timber, Household Furniture, Barren Cow, In-pig Sow, Rick of New Hay, Growing Crops of Corn &c. &c.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 29 June 1878
To be Sold by Auction,
On TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1878,
On the premises of Mr. J. Smith, Barley Mow Inn.
FIVE Stone-built FREEHOLD COTTAGES, in the occupation of Messrs. Lake, England, and others. The above Property is in a good state of repair, with good Gardens attached, let at an annual rental of £17 10s. Also a Piece of GROWING WHEAT (Spalding New Seed), about 1¼ Acres, Straw to go off; Rick of NEW HAY, got in excellent condition, about 9 Tons; NEW MILCH COW, IN-PIG SOW, ferret and box, rifle by Moore and Woodward, Carbine, 4 Arabian and other bedsteads, mahogany dining table, night commode, butcher's bench, thralls, ladders., sack barrow, skittle pins and ball, pig trough, set of rick poles, gates, doors, double-action chaff machine by Ashby and Jeffery, iron hone hoe, ten-hogshead barrel, six-hogshead ditto, 2 two-hogshead ditto, small barrels, 6 brown jars, pickaxes, dung fork, cart ropes, angle irons, grindstone with oak frame, 4 cast-iron wheels, flywheel, 2 wheelbarrows, quantity of slabs, several dozen hurdles, 30 dozen fagots, 8tons of cleft wood, 20 dozen elm paling, large quantity of elm and other boards, quantity of beech, 1000 feet of ash and willow fencing, quantity of scantlings wire fencing with iron pegs, rose supports, draining tools, 2 cross-cut saws, carpenters’ bench, beetle and wedges, 1 gross of bolt, and nuts, gate hooks and hinges, iron cow ties, chains and back bands, quantity of old iron, &c. &c.
Sale to commence at Twelve o’clock with the Stock, after which the Property will be sold, subject to such conditions of the sale as will be then and there produced.
Bucks Herald Saturday 29 June 1878
NARROW ESCAPE. On Monday last a man named Green, from Cosgrove, in the employ of the London and North Western Carriage Works, while at work in the boiler shop got crushed between the buffers of two carriages and severely bruised, rendering medical aid necessary.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 06 July 1878
Near Stony Stratford.
All the very useful
And Effects,
To be Sold by Auction,
On TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1878,
On the premises of the late Mr. Thomas Dawson, deceased.
COMPRISING dining, folding, and Pembroke tables, Windsor chairs, timepiece under glass shade, clocks, glass, china and earthenware, feather beds, bolsters and pillows, bedsteads, linen sheets, blankets, mahogany swing glasses, chests of drawers, washstands, toilet tables, all the kitchen requisites, barrels, wheelbarrows, thiller and trace harness, tilted wagons, carts, &c., &c.
For further particulars see catalogues in circulation.
Sale to commence at One o'clock.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 06 July 1878
ALL the very useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects, Wagons, Carts, Harness, &c.
On THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 1878, on the premises of the late Mr. T. Dawson, deceased.
Bucks Herald Saturday 06 July 1878
TEAL WILLIAM, Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, blacksmith. First meeting of creditors at the White Hart Hotel, Buckingham, July 13, at 11. Mr. W. L. Whitehorn, solicitor, Banbury.
Bucks Herald Saturday 13 July 1878
(Before J. WHIGHAM, Esq., JUDGE.)
There were 65 new plaints and 14 judgment summonses for hearing to-day, amongst them being the following : Lewis Osborn v. R. W. Slade.Mr. Walter B. Bull for the plaintiff .This was a claim for £2 : 7 for drapery goods supplied the plaintiff to the defendant, and which the defendant admitted, but pleaded a set-off of £2 :12 : 6 for a load and a half of straw, which the plaintiff said he had neither ordered nor received. The defendant said that the straw was ordered by Mr. Osborn, and called Edward Atkins, who deposed that he delivered the straw in November, 1872. Did not see Mr. Osborn there when he delivered it. A Mr. Robinson lived in the house. Emptied the straw in the rickyard, on Mr. Osborn's land. The straw was for thatching hay. Have never seen Mr. Osborn about it. Saw Mrs. Robinson when he took the straw. Did not know who the straw was for. In cross-examination the defendant stated that Lewis Osborn the elder ordered the straw of him. Believed he had the place in his own hands now, but did not know whether he had the place in his own hands then. Did not send a bill to him for the amount till recently, though the straw was sold to him in 1872.Mr. Bull stated that Mr. Osborn owns some property at Cosgrove, and now lives there. He has always sold the grass keeping. In 1875 defendant incurred a debt of £2:7 to the plaintiff, and then, for the first time, made a claim, as set-off, of £2 :12 : 6 for straw ; and for which he did not send in any bill till the summons was taken out for the £2 . 7.Lewis John Osborn deposed that Lewis Osborn the elder bought some property at Cosgrove in 1866, but did not take it into his own hands till 1875. He sold the grass keeping every year. Did not, to witness' knowledge, reside at Cosgrove in 1872. The letter from the defendant, received in November 1876, in which he claims £2:12:6 for straw, was answered by next post, and the claim repudiated. Mr. Osborn the elder never ordered any Straw of the defendant to witness' knowledge. A Mr. Robinson, who works at Wolverton, resided in the back part of the house in 1872, and the grasskeeping was let off.His Honour said that it was certain the straw was delivered, but there was some mistake. Mr. Osborn the elder should have attended the Court. He believed both parties were speaking what they believed to be the truth, but a long time having elapsed since 1872, some of the facts may have been forgotten. He gave a verdict for the defendant for the set-off claimed, but upon suggestion from Mr. Bull, altered the decision, and adjourned the case till the next Court for the attendance of Mr. Osborn the elder, upon the payment of the costs of the day by the plaintiff to the defendant.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 13 July 1878
LEWIS OSBOURNE v. RICHARD SLADE Mr. Walter B. Bull appeared for plaintiff.This was a claim for £2 7s., made by the plaintiff, a draper at Stony Stratford.It appeared from Lewis John Osborn's statement (son of the plaintiff) that the defendant, who is a farmer at Cosgrove, owed them this amount, and not until he was pressed, had they heard of the set off of £2 12s. 6d. for straw alleged to have been supplied by him at their farm at Cosgrove, for thatching purposes. Plaintiff denied any knowledge of the straw, stating that at the time the straw was alleged to have been supplied they had no use for it, as the hay crops were sold. Defendant deposed that Mr. Osborn sen., ordered the straw from him, remarking that the thatch had blown off his rick and he should require some straw to replenish it. Edward Atkins, a man for many years in the employ of Mr. Slade, remembered having taken the straw, which consisted of about 35 cwt., to Mr. Osborn's house. He did not know exactly for whom the straw was, but at the time of the delivery he saw a Mrs. Robinson who lived in the back part of the house, Mr. Osborne not having come to live there at that time. His Honour gave judgment for defendant, each party to pay their costs. Mr. Bull asked His Honour to consent to an adjournment if they defrayed defendant's costs, which was granted on the agreement of the latter.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 27 July 1878
In the County Court of Northamptonshire, holden at Northampton.
IN THE MATTER of a special resolution for Liquidation by arrangement of the affairs of WILLIAM TEAL, COSGROVE, in the county of Northampton, Blacksmith. Alfred Long Field, of Bedford, in the county of Bedford, Accountant, has been appointed Trustee of the property of the Debtor.
All persons having in their possession any of the effects of the Debtor must deliver them to the Trustee, and all debts due to the Debtor must be paid to the Trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their proofs of debt to the Trustee. Dated this Nineteenth day of July, 1878.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 24 August 1878
STONY STRATFORD.Petty Sessions: Before K. K. Walpole, Esq.
James Wilson was summoned by Mr. Atkins, gamekeeper for J. C. Mansel, Esq , of Cosgrove, for fishing in water belonging to him, the 5th inst.
Thomas Amos, farmer, Castlethorpe, said: About 8 a.m. I was going across my farm, and saw James Wilson fishing in the river, on land belonging to J. C. Mansel, Esq. He had just hooked a pike. I saw him land it. I asked him if he had permission of Mr. Mansel. He said he had. I did not know him at the time, and have not seen him since until now.
Mr. Atkins said: It was three or four years ago that defendant obtained permission; but when I informed Mr. Mansel who he was he said I was not to allow him, and if he came again summon him.
The defendant pleaded guilty, but said Mr. Mansel had given him permission, which he considered a general one.
Mr. Atkins said a general permission was never given.Fined 10s. and 12s. 6d. costs.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 19 October 1878
COSGROVE Sudden Death.
On Monday last George Curl, gardener, Cosgrove, was bringing a perambulator, containing two baskets of apples to Stony Stratford, and, when near to where the old toll gate used to stand, on the Cosgrove-road, fell down, and instantly expired.
The following day an inquest was held at the Barley Mow, Cosgrove, before A. Weston, Esq.
Ann Burnham said her father was 61 years of age. He lived by himself, and she attended his wants. On Sunday evening he complained of spasms in his left side, but otherwise appeared well as usual.
George Jeffcoat deposed to finding deceased. Dr. Bull, of Stony Stratford, was passing, and be examined him, and pronounced life extinct.
Dr. Maguire, surgeon at Stratford, knew he had bronchitis and heart disease, and cautioned him to be very careful if he went to work. He had not the least doubt he died from heart disease.Verdict accordingly.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 02 November 1878
STONY STRATFORD PETTY SESSIONS; October 25. Present: J. C. Mansel, Esq., (Chairman), Rev. R N. Russel, Spencer Harrison, Esq.
Assault. William Ingram of Cosgrove, was summoned for this offence, but did not appear. P. C. George Wilson proved service of summons. Mary Elizabeth Liddy said: I live at Cosgrove. William Ingram lives next door to me. On the 19th of this month, he scandalised me and afterwards struck me in the face with his flat hand. He came afterwards into my father’s house. He threatened me and picked up the fire tongs and struck at me but hit chair which I held up to defend myself with. He was the worse for drink.Mary Lake said: I saw Ingram strike Mary Liddy against her door, with his flat hand. Fine 10s, costs 13s. 6d. or a month. The bench wished it to be understood that the fine was heavier in consequence of non-attendance of defendant.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 09 November 1878
A BAND OF HOPE meeting was held on Friday the 6th inst., when a few friends from Wolverton assisted in the conducting of the same. Messrs. Hobbs, J & W. Franlow, J. Simpson, and S. Thomas, contributing to the interest of the meeting. Miss Osbourne presided at the Harmonium.
Bucks Herald Saturday 15 February 1879
A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT consisting of singing, readings, and recitations, in aid of the Church Restoration Fund. was given in the Schoolroom here on Wednesday last. The room was crowded to excess.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 05 April 1879
WANTED, a good GENERAL SERVANT one who understands plain cooking. Should be over 20, steady, and of good character. Apply by letter to Mrs. F. D. Bull, Cosgrove, near Stony Stratford.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 26 April 1879
MARRIAGES: April 15, at Cosgrove by the Rev. P. G. McDouall, Rector, Charles Alderton, of Hastings to Sarah Ann eldest daughter of the late William Wilson Clarke, of Cosgrove.
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 03 May 1879
Stony Stratford Petty Sessions Friday, April 26
John Holloway, of Cosgrove was summoned for damaging a fence. After the evidence of John Marks and William Jelley, the case was dismissed.
Croydon's Weekly Standard - Saturday 03 May 1879
At Cosgrove Priory a halt was made for luncheon, after which the course was continued up stream, but as the scent grew weaker, the master drew off his bounds, and returned along the canal to the " Iron Trunk." Starting the hounds on the Stratford side, they went up stream, until another halt was made at Trinity School, about four o'clock. Here the carriages lined the road for a long distance, almost covering the Stratford Bridges. The order to "go on " was once more given, but shortly after passing Passenham Mill, the master decided to return home, as the meadows were under water. Thus ended a capital day's sport. The noble owner expressed his intention of again visiting the neighbourhood, and it is hoped he will be supported by the landowners by the preservation of otters. The company included the following :Captain Thomas Selby-Lowndes, Hon. F. D. Drummond, Hon. G. Pennant, M. P., Hon. Col. Pennant, G. T. Drake, Esq., C. St. Quintin, Esq., M. G. S. Knapp, Esq , Major Sergeaunt, Miss and Miss A. Maul, Miss J. Selby- Lowndes, Mrs. Brownrigg, R. R. Walpole, Esq., W. Levi, Esq., Spencer Harrison, Esq., and Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Lloyd, J. Trower. Esq., Hatfeild Harter, Esq., H. E. Bull, Esq , C. W. Powell, Esq., W. Blencowe. Esq., Rev. K. C. Bally, J. Baily, Esq., Rev. S. Williams and Mrs. Williams, Miss Baily, C. C. Bally. Esq., A. Bally, Esq., A. Clode., Esq. F. Bartlett, Esq., W. Mitchell, Esq., A. Hannay, Esq., Cameron, Esq., St. Maur, Esq., Captain Douglas Loftus, S. B Grounds, Esq., &c., &c.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 28 June 1879
Cosgrove Brewery Stony Stratford
Buckingham |
Swan and Castle Hotel : Agent Mr W Betts |
Newport Pagnell |
George Inn : Agent Mr Thom Frost |
Waddesdon |
Agent Mr C Humphrey |
RESPECTFULLY informs his numerous customers and the public generally, that he is now prepared to supply WELL SEASONED ALES FOR HAY AND HARVEST PURPOSES, at prices varying from Eightpence to One Shilling and Fourpence per Gallon. He also confidently recommends his SPRING BREWINGS OF PALE ALES at One Shilling and One Shilling and Twopence per Gallon, as pure extracts of Malt and Hops, which for fineness flavour and wholesome qualities cannot be surpassed.
Buckingham Express Saturday 06 September 1879
Judge at Calverton Flower Show, Mr. Wheatly, gardener to J. C. Mansell Esq. of Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 27 September 1879
THIS DAY, Saturday, Sept. 27th, 1879, in the above Market, at Twelve o'clock, THE following HORSES,
The property of Mr. L. Osborne, Cosgrove. A Capital Black Cart Mare, eight years old, quiet, and a good worker, and believed to be sound.
Colt Foal, out of above, by Mr. Sander's black Horse, Active.
An excellent Bay Yearling Filly, by Active.
Bucks Herald 04 October 1879
Stony Stratford Petty Sessions, Friday, September 26.
Licensing. The licence of the Barley Mow Inn, Cosgrove, was transferred from Joseph Smith to Joseph Price.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 11 October 1879
FOR SALE a handsome Bay Yearling Cart FILLY, by Mr. Sanders' Black Horse Active, out of a good Mare. Active was highly commended at the Bedford Show.
Also, a useful Black Gelding Carriage HORSE, aged, quiet to ride and drive, and believed to be sound. For price and particulars, apply to Mr. Osborn, Cosgrove, near Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 1 November 1879
Lot 17. Cigarette, Bay mare aged well up to 12 stone; good fencer, well known with the Duke of Grafton’s Hounds, and sold for no fault.
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press Saturday 06 December 1879
On Thursday morning, Stony Stratford, Buckingham, and the neighbouring towns and villages were thrown into a state of considerable excitement owing to the report that whilst a number of persons were skating on the large piece of water, known as Broadwater, the ice gave way, precipitating about thirty, of whom no less than twelve were drowned. Those all acquainted with the water in, question knew the extreme difficulty there would be of saving immerged persons in deep waiter, and consequently this somewhat strengthened the especially as Broadwater is so frequented by lovers of the ice. Consequently the utmost anxiety was felt in, the neighbourhood, and scores of persons journeyed to Stony Stratford to ascertain whether the statement was true. We are most happy to state that the report was entirely false; in fact, it had not the slightest foundation, as will be seen from the following letter, which appeared yesterday in the North Bucks Advertiser:-
SIR, The above report having been circulated through the town, and it also having been stated the news was brought into the town by myself, I wish, through your columns, publicly to deny this latter statement. I have taken some trouble to ascertain how such a tale could have originated, and I have, I think, succeeded in doing so. It appears that on Wednesday afternoon a customer came into our shop, and was waited upon by my brother. I heard him in conversation make the following statement: “That already this year, in different parts of the country, there have been ten persons drowned whilst skating.” (vide the Daily News, Dec. 3.) From this, so far as I can ascertain, arose the tale that has alarmed our neighbourhood.
Yours truly
Charles P. Woollard
Croydon’s Weekly Standard Saturday 27 December 1879
Skating. The large sheet of water known as the “Broad Water,” is in a splendid condition for this exhilarating exercise, and on Christmas Day there were upwards of 400 persons disporting themselves on the surface of the ice, and should the frost continue, many more will be enabled to enjoy themselves during the holiday.