Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 May 1914
POTTERSPURY, BOARD OF GUARDIANS. The fortnightly meeting of the Potterspury Board of Guardians was held at the Workhouse Yardley Gobion, on Thursday.
The Clerk said that all the overseers had been appointed with the exception of those for Furtho. The Guardians appointed the same two last yearMr. Hobbs and Mr. Dickins.
Wolverton Express 12th June 1914
On Trinity Sunday, the Rector, the Rev R. S. Mylne, BCL, preached a special sermon on behalf of the Welsh Church, and also used special prayers recommended by the Archbishop of Canterbury on this occasion. The collection taken for the Welsh Church amounted to £2.
Wolverton Express 11th September 1914
Special services of Intercession have been held in this ancient church on behalf of the troops engaged in the war, and the Rector, Rev R S Mylne BCT preached special sermons on this all important subject. The lessons were read by the Churchwarden, Arthur ___________, the music was excellent, and Mr Warren presided at the harmonium. The Rector has been able to send £3 3s to Buckingham Palace for the Prince of Wales Fund.
Wolverton Express 16th October 1914
The Harvest festival for this parish was held on Oct 10 and 11, and the services were well attended, especially on Sunday afternoon, when thirty people were compelled to stand all through the time of the service in the churchyard owing to the crowded state of the church. The choir of St Mary Wolverton sang very well, rendering valuable help under the direction of Mr H. E. Smith. The anthem was “Sing unto the Lord”, written by the Rev Dr Mansell. The church was very tastefully decorated by Miss Hobbs, Miss Smith and Mrs and Miss Rook. The Rector preached an eloquent sermon, making allusion to the harvest and also to the war. Mr Warren played the harmonium and the hymns were heartily sung. The collection came to £4 14s. Mr Arthur Smith read the lessons.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 February 1915
FURTHO, Northamptonshire.
About Two Miles from Stony Stratford and Two Miles from Castlethorpe Station
With Lop and Top, comprising: 28 ASH. 64 ELM, 12 OAK, and 151 LARCH,
Now standing blazed and numbered on the Farm at Furtho, in the occupation of Mr. W. J. Hobbs, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION,
By WOODS and CO.
On THURSDAY, FEB. 18th, 1915,
By order the Trustees Arnold’s Charity.
The Auctioneers desire to call attention to this important sale. Many of the trees are of splendid quality, large dimensions, and stand well for removal, the farm joining the Watling-street Road.
Luncheon will be provided at One o'clock, and the sale will take place immediately after.
Full particulars in Catalogues, to be obtained of the Auctioneers, 2, Derngate, Northampton, and Park-street, Towcester.
Northampton Mercury Friday 09 July 1915
The committee appointed to hold inquiry into an application from the Potterspury Board Guardians and Rural District Council for order for the alteration of the boundaries of the parishes of Cosgrove, Furtho, Passenham, and Potterspury, reported that they could not recommend the scheme as put forward, but they thought the difficulty that had arisen would be met to some extent by alteration of the boundaries of the parishes of Cosgrove and Potterspury, whereby the isolated and detached portion of Potterspury, area of 1 acre 2 roods 3 poles, situate at Old Stratford, will be added to Cosgrove. Mr. J. H. Smith, in moving the report, said the parties affected had still the right of appeal to the Local Government Board. The report was adopted.
Wolverton Express 5th May 1916
Mr Arthur Smith, of Yardley, and Mt William James Hobbs, of the Manor Farm, Furtho, were elected Churchwardens. The receipts for the year came to £16 1s 6d, and the expenditure was the same. The sum of £4 10s had been sent to the relief of the wounded soldiers. The Rector presided.
Wolverton Express 13th October 1916
At the Harvest Festival there was the usual large congregation at the 3 pm service on Sunday, when the choir of St Mary, Wolverton, kindly rendered the musical portion of the service in a very efficient manner. The Rector preached from II Chron, 36, 21, and spoke of the lessons of the harvest and the war; how the land was now desolate in many places. The church was very beautifully decorated with fruit and flowers, and a huge loaf in the form of five little loaves and two small fishes. Mrs Hobbs and Mrs Kirk, Miss Hilda Smith, Misses Kathleen Powell, Hobbs and Kirk executed the work. The Churchwarden Arthur Smith read the lessons in a clear and distinct voice. The collections came to £5. There was a celebration of the Holy Communion at the morning service at 11 am. The rector of Furtho was appointed to preach in the Cathedral church of St David in South Wales at the morning service on Sunday September 3rd.
Wolverton Express 13th April 1917
[Old Stratford] On Saturday, the Rev H Symonds, Rector of Passenham, dedicated a war shrine to the memory of the boys who are fighting for King and country, together with those who have fallen. Although only a small hamlet, at the crossroads in Watling Street, Old Stratford has provided nearly half a hundred gallant defenders, of whom six have fallen, viz, G. Cripps, R. Panter, C. Whitehead, W. Grace, E. Frost and P. Frost. The shrine, which stands inside the north east, or Furtho corner, was given by Mr and Mrs W. W. Dickens, who have from the beginning of the war generously extended their practical sympathy towards everything calling for support, and not long since entertained a party of wounded soldiers from Northampton. The dedication service was attended by a representative gathering of parishioners and included the hymns “O God our help”, and “For Absent Friends”. The Rev Symonds also gave an address. The list of those serving numbers 38.
At Cosgrove a war shrine has been erected close to the porch of the Parish Church and contains the names of 43 from Cosgrove and 32 from Old Stratford, together with the fallen, as follows: Capt St Leger Atkinson, Dragoon Guards; Lance-corpl Wm Brown; Pte Jos Brown; Bombr Walter Moore RGA; Pte John Ratcliffe, Northants; Sergt Herbert Tuck, RWP; Pte Wm Whitehead, Northants; Pte Reginald Panter RBH; Pte Wm Grace, Northants; Pte George Cripps, Northants; and Charles Ashton ASC; Lieut Reason and Sergt S Reason are prisoners of war.
Wolverton Express 13th July 1917
The Lords of the Manor of Furtho have repaired the old dovecot tower, where an old bayonet was found, during the month of June. The tower was erected by Sir E. Furtho in 1620 and besieged by Oliver Cromwell during the great rebellion, when E. Arnold escaped and joined Charles I, and going to France, returned with Charles II and founded the charity so beneficial to so many local parishes. He erected the dovecot about 1670.
Wolverton Express 13th July 1917
On last Sunday there was a special war service at Furtho Church, attended by the choir of St Mary Wolverton. The singing was excellent, the boys taking great pains. Mr Smith, the organist, played extremely well. Mr Arthur Smith, of Yardley, read the lessons in an impressive manner. The Rev R. S. Mylne, BCL, Rector, preached from Rev xiii 5,”Forty-two months”, and showed how the duration of the war was in all likelihood foretold in these words of Holy Scripture. If this were so, we might look for the end soon after Christmas. The collection on behalf of the sick and wounded soldiers came to £2 15s.
Wolverton Express 19th October 1917
The harvest festival was held on October 14th. At 11 am and 3pm there were very good congregations and 16 communicants. About 140 attended at 3pm and about a dozen stood in the churchyard because there was no more accommodation in the church. The lessons were well read by Mr Churchwarden Arthur Smith, and Mr Warren played in the morning and Mr Smith in the afternoon, when the choir of St Mary Wolverton attended and sang remarkably well. The anthem was” Dwell in the Land” by Sir John Stainer.
The Church was tastefully decorated by Mrs Hobbs, of the Manor Farm, and Miss Hobbs and Mrs Kirk and Miss Kirk. There were three symbolical representations of the Cross of Christ, representing the Trinity, and a striking sickle wrought in flowers representing the harvest of the earth. The collection was £8 5s 8d.
The Rector (the Rev R Mylne, BCR, FSA) preached on “Christian Unity” from Neh viii 1. He said ”All the people as one man”. How unlike the religious ideas of the 20th century. How very little is heard in these latter days of godly union and concord. How very much is heard of ungodly hatred and discord. Yet just look at the picture here presented. An humble and repentant people, purified through affliction and reproach, turning to the Lord their God, listening to their esteemed priest Ezra showing the way that leadeth to everlasting life. We see a people obedient to the law of the Lord. What a wonderful contrast to the former state of things; to the confusion and distrust that prevailed during the last days of the Kings in Judah and Israel. With the Church we have to do today “All the people as one man”. When the war is over some solid re-construction must take place. There must be more unity amongst Christian people. The ordination of Wesleyan ministers, if they so desire, should be brought about without friction and without controversy. Religious acerbity should be a thing of the past. Hereafter earthly things must pass away. Christians must prepare for a new heaven and a new earth. In that land of promise all will be of one mind and one heart, united in one holy bond of peace and love, glorifying God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, set your affection on heavenly things. Seek those things which are above. Rest in the Lord.
The dovecote tower has lately been very well restored by the Lords of the Manor. An interesting bayonet was found which had been used in the wars of the Great Rebellion.
The Rector of Furtho was appointed to preach in St David’s Cathedral, South Wales, on the first Sunday in September last.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 February 1919
In the Matter of the Charity founded by the Will ARNOLD, dated in or about the year 1689.
Trustees of this Charity give NOTICE that they will on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day MARCH NEXT, proceed TO LET the UNDERMENTIONED FARM, being the Estate of the Charity, as from the 29th day of September next, the Tenant having given notice to quit on that date.
Applications (stating the rent offered) from persons desirous to become tenants of this property must made in writing to the Trustees or their Clerk, at 2, St. Giles’-square, Northampton, or before the 7th day of May next. The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any tender.
A FREEHOLD FARM in the Parish of FURTHO, Northants, consisting of:
A Farmhouse, Yards and Outbuildings, Two Cottages, Gardens, etc., containing about...
Pasture Land
Arable Land
Plantations, etc
A Plan and Schedule can be seen on application.
Dated this 5th day of February 1919. E. Montague Browne. Clerk to the Trustees.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 May 1919
J Hobbs, a Furtho farmer, was charged with neglecting the carcase of a colt which had been dead for seven days. He pleaded guilty and added that he had placed it in a ditch and forgotten to bury it.
He was fined 10s.6d towards costs.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 December 1919
Before Colonel F. Douglas-Pennant (in the chair), Mr W. G. Stops, Mr. D. Lees, Mr. H. T. F. Weston, Mr. F. W. Sheppard, and Major the Hon. R. L Pomeroy.
THEFT FROM FARM. Herbert E. Millard, motor driver, Northampton, was summoned for stealing eleven cabbages, value 4s., the property of Mr. H. T. F. Weston, at Furtho, Nov. 13.
Defendant pleaded guilty.
Prosecutor said had missed a great many cabbages from the field, and had instituted the proceeding in order to stop the thefts. In one spot in the field there were 37 stems from which the cabbages had been cut.
Defendant’s employers wrote giving him a good character.
Fined 10s, and 5s. costs. Mr. Weston did not officiate in this case.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 October 1920
The harvest festival was held on Sunday. The Church was very crowded, and the choir boys of St. Mary’s Wolverton, sang extremely well. Mr. Smith presided at the organ. The Rector (Rev. R. S. Mylne B.C.L.) preached from Psalm 65, verse 10. Mr. Arthur Smith read the lessons. Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Stevenson, and others kindly decorated the Church in a beautiful manner. The collection was £5 4s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 03 December 1920
We regret to announce the death of the Rev Robert Scott Mylne, Rector of Furtho, Northants, which occurred at his residence, Great Anwell, near Ware, Hertfordshire, of which he was Lord of the Manor, last week, after a brief illness.
Mr Mylne was educated at Jesus College, Oxford, taking the degrees of M. A. and B. C. L. at an early age. He took a great interest in, and made a close study of architecture and antiquaries, having the honour of having been made a fellow of the Royal Society (Scots), Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Hon. Fellow of the Academy of St Luke, Rome, Hon. Member of the Academy of Fine Art at Bologna and Urbino and a member of the Athenian Club London. He was awarded the medal for research work in connection with antiquaries by the French Government.
He was an author of considerable ability, among his chief works being “The Master Masons to the Crown of Scotland”, “The Canon Law”, “Baveaux Cathedral”, “Five Sermons on the True Ground of Faith,” etc. His collection of antiquaries and coins would be a considerable asset to any museum.
His kindness and generosity will missed by many, his charity leading him to become a Governor of Bridewell, Bethlehem and other hospitals.
A memorial service was held at Furtho on Sunday, and was taken by the Rev. A. Stanham of Cosgrove. Mr. Arthur Smith, who for the past 12 years had been Mr. Mylne’s churchwarden, was asked to read the lessons. The service concluded with Mr. J. Warren, the organist, playing the “Dead March in Saul.”
Wolverton Express 1st April 1921
Are instructed by Mr W. W. Dickins to Sell by Auction on Tuesday April 5th 1921
75 Acres of Luxuriant GRASS KEEPING up to November 1st next, the whole of which is conveniently situated near to the town of Stony Stratford.
The fields are full of keep, not having been stocked since the autumn. The lots are well watered xxxx streams.
The Company will oblige by meeting the Auctioneer at the Farm buildings at 5 o’clock.
Credit till August 1st next on the conditions published.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 May 1922
The Parochial Church meeting last Week at Potterspury unanimously decided that Furtho Church should be closed except for services at Christmas, Easter, and Harvest.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 18 September 1925
STONY STRATFORD PETTY SESSIONS. Friday. Before: Messrs. S. F. Jones (in the chair), A. Gray, W. Purslow, A. Sharp H. Wheeldon, C. P. Woollard, and Lieut.-Col. L. C. Hawkins, C.C.
Pte. Archibald Miles, Potterspury, was summoned for game trespass in the daytime, at Furtho, on Sept. 1st, and Oliver Herbert Odell, sawyer, Potterspury, was summoned for aiding and abetting the offence. Miles pleaded guilty to carrying a gun, but not in pursuit of game, and Odell said “Quite correct”.
P.C. Willoughby stated that Miles was carrying a breech loader with cartridges. The boots of both men were wet but failed to find any game; Miles said it was not his gun and he had no licence. Odell said he should not tell who the gun belonged to, and that he was only out for old hare. The gun appeared to have been recently used, and eventually Odell asked for the gun back to take it to the man who lent it to him. Miles said they were fishing when they saw a hare. They asked for the gun and shot at a pigeon. A publican gave them permission to shoot on his ground.
The Chairman: Can you produce him as a witness? Miles: He has gone to Northampton. In reply to the Chairman. Miles elected he sworn, and repeated what he had said in statement. A Mr. Pickering lent him a gun to shoot the hare, but when he went back with it the hare had gone. Being used to a rifle in the Army, he did not think of having a licence.
Odell, sworn, corroborated, and said the constable picked the gun from the grass.
The Chairman said there was a little doubt in the minds of the Bench, and they would give defendant the benefit of it. They would have to pay the costs of 4s. each.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 February 1926
Edward Norman, farmer, Stacey Hill Farm, Wolverton, was summoned for allowing seven heifers to stray on the highway at Furtho on January 11.
Police-Sergeant Sharman, Potterspury, stated that one of the beasts dashed into a motor-car and damaged it so that it had to be towed to a garage.
Fined 10s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 April 1926
Samuel Arthur Berlairs Harris, Westbury, Newport Pagnell was summoned for driving a motor car without a licence at Furtho on March 14. The case was adjourned for a fortnight as it was reported that defendant was ill.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 December 1926
Henry Curtis, sailor, 9. Mill-lane, Stony Stratford, summoned for riding a bicycle without a light, Furtho, was fined 5s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 May 1927
STONY STRATFORD PETTY SESSIONS. Friday.Before Mr. S. F. Jones (in the chair). Dr. D. W. A. Bull, Mrs. Hickson, Messrs. S. H. Wheedon, Sharp, H. T. F. Weston, C, J.P. Woollard, and H. Cook.
Albert Titcombe, grocer, Stocks Hill, Silverstone, was summoned for riding a motor cycle not having two brakes in proper working order, at Furtho on April 15.
Defendant pleaded guilty, and had explained to Sergt. Sharman that part of the front brake had been taken away at a garage for repair, and he had to use his motor cycle in his business to deliver his goods.
The Chairman: You knew your front brake was not in order?
Defendant: Yes, but I had a thoroughly efficient rear brake.
The Chairman: You were making the machine more insecure by overloading with goods?
Defendant: Strictly speaking, it would be safer with goods in the sidecar than without.
The Chairman: You knew the brakes were out of condition and you must pay a fine of £l.
James Webb, labourer, The Bungalow, Kilsby, was summoned for failing to have a current Road Fund licence affixed to a motor cycle at Furtho, on April 15.
Defendant admitted the offence.
P.S. Sharman stated that he stopped defendant and found no Road Fund licence exhibited on the cycle.
Defendant told him the licence was fixed to the sidecar, which had been taken off that morning. He had forgotten about the licence. He was only going to St. Albans.
Police Supt. Butler said he communicated with the Daventry police and found that what defendant told the police witness was quite correct.
Defendant was ordered to pay costs.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 May 1927
Two young soldiers, Ernest Holt and Joseph Thomas Warburton, aged 19 and 17, who are on leave Northamptonshire from Milton Barracks, Gravesend, have got themselves into rather serious trouble at Towcester.
Complaints were received by the police from Mr. Henry Holland Downing, of Furtho, that his house had been broken into, and a suit of clothes, a pair of trousers, and other things stolen, and that a jacket had been stolen from a barn on May 15. Later the young men were found by P.S. Sharman wearing the stolen clothes. They were arrested, and appeared before Mr. W. Bairstow, on Monday, jointly charged with the house-breaking, with an additional charge against Holt of simple larceny, stealing the jacket from the barn. They were remanded till Tuesday, and were again remanded until the Petty Sessions next week.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 May 1927
Two soldiers caught wearing stolen clothes were charged at Towcester Police Court on Tuesday. 'They were Ernest Holt (19) and Joseph Thomas Warburton (17), Milton Barracks, Gravesend, and they were jointly charged on remand with breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Henry Holland Downing at Furtho, on Sunday. May 15, and stealing a cloth suit and a pair of trousers worth £2 1s., and Holt was further charged with stealing a cloth jacket worth 6d., belonging to Mr. Downing, from an outbuilding, on the same date. The Bench agreed to reduce the charges to simple larceny, and the prisoners elected to be dealt with summarily.
Prosecutor said he went out in the afternoon, and locked up his premises securely. On his return he found they had been broken into, and he missed the clothes from a drawer upstairs. The prisoners had twice called at his house that day had bought milk. He missed the jacket from the barn outside. Sergeant Sharman said he found the prisoners the same afternoon at Paulerspury and they were wearing the stolen clothes. They said that Warburton went in the house and stole the clothes whilst Holt stopped outside and kept the dog quiet. The prisoners’ characters in the Battalion were stated to be good. In the circumstances the Bench dismissed the cases under the Probation of Offenders’ Act, but ordered the prisoners to pay the costs.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 June 1927
Herbert Berry, boots, Bull Hotel, Stony Stratford, pleaded guilty to riding a motor cycle without a licence Furtho on May 7.
P.C. Collyer, Deanshanger, said that defendant informed him he was only trying the motor cycle before purchasing. Defendant was ordered to pay costs of 4s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 June 1930
Charles Neale, unemployed, Willowdene, Newport-road, New Bradwell, was summoned for riding a bicycle without proper light at Furtho, on May 2. Fined 5s.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 December 1932
Weather conditions once again were unfavourable for the Stony Stratford Fat Stock Show held on Friday. The number of show stock penned was smaller, and no prizes were offered for pigs. The judges were Messrs. H. Sargeant (Northampton) and W. J. Powell (Wolverton), and the show secretary and auctioneer, Mr. P. C. Gambell. Of Newport Pagnell and Olney.
The awards and chief prices were as follows: [only Mr. J. P. Barr results given here.]
Champion beast, silver cup by Mr. P. C. Gambell to Mr. J. P. Barr, Furtho, for a polled Angus, sold to the Wolverton Co-operative Society for £36
Shorthorn ox: 1 Mr. J. P. Barr (£26, Wolverton Co-op.)
Horned ox other than Shorthorn: 1 Mr. J. P. Barr
Horned maiden heifer: 2 Mr. J. P. Barr (£20 Mr. H. Sargeant)
Northampton Mercury - Friday 03 March 1933
Miss Joan Wake later brought the question of a circular dove-cote at Furthoe which she said needed repair. At Miss Wake’s suggestion, the Society decided to send a representation to the trustees.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 April 1933
The funeral of Miss Margaret E. Bird took place Stony Stratford on Wednesday following a full choral service in St. Giles’ Church on Tuesday evening, and Requiem Mass on Wednesday morning.
Miss Bird was the last surviving daughter of the late John Bird, of Furtho, died on Good Friday, closely following her sister, with whom she lived.
Miss Bird was very well-known in Stony Stratford, and acted as organist at St. Giles’ for many years. There was a large attendance at the funeral service, which was conducted by the Rev. W. Steer. The chief mourners were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Bird, Mr. P. L. K. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis, Miss Tessie Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dorman, Miss Clara Thomas, Mr. Alan Turnell, and Mrs. Bimson. Amongst those present were Dr. Bull. Mr. and Mrs. F. Read, Miss Steer, Miss Last, Miss Rogers, Miss West, and Miss Odell.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 July 1933
TO LET, from the 29th September next, by the Trustees of Arnolds Chanty, the above-named Farm, comprising a good and Modern Built Farmhouse, and about 225 Acres of Pasture Land and 60 Acres of Arable Land, with excellent Farm Buildings (with water laid on), and Two Cottages.
The above is a Good Dairy Farm with ample water supply, and is situated about two miles from a station on the main line to London.
Applications take the same should be sent by the 23rd August next, Mr. G. C Wells, 2, St. Giles’-square, Northampton, the Clerk to the said Trustees, from whom further particulars can obtained.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 August 1933
Mr. R. J. BARR
Mr. R. J. Barr, the Leicester and England International Rugby full back, was married at Great Bowden Church, on July 27, to Miss Jennie Millington. Mr Barr is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barr, Furtho Manor, Stony Stratford, and his bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Millington, of Uplands, Market Harborough.
The officiating clergy were the Rev. J. D. Day, of Stamford, and the Rev. E. E. Farquharson, Rector of Great Bowden. There was large congregation and the service was choral.
Given away by her father, the bride wore a dress of heavy white lace. Her bridal veil was held with a spray of orange blossom, and her bouquet of orchids, lilies of the valley and white heather. The principal bridesmaid, Miss Ruth Hollingworth, wore frock of pale pink lace, over organdie, with a large picture hat of pink Bankok straw. Her bouquet was hollyhocks, delphiniums and scabious. There were two small bridesmaids, the Misses Ann Catto and Elizabeth Laverack. Their dainty little frocks were of pink sprigged organdie, and they wore bonnets and carried bunches of love-in-the mist. The pages. Master Charles Catto and Master David Spackman, wore suits of dull pink satin. Mr Vivian Crosby of Leicester was best man.
A reception was held at Uplands. When leaving for the south coast for the honeymoon, Mrs Barr wore an ensemble of a pale strawberry shade. Mr and Mrs Barr will reside at Oadby. Both were the recipients of many handsome presents.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 02 March 1934
YARDLEY GOBION FURTHO. Three miles only from Stony Stratford BE SOLD OR LET. Acres in Two Productive Enclosures Freehold near Badgers Farm, with frontages to the Northampton-Stony Stratford main road. Apply Paxton and Holiday, Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Bicester.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 September 1935
The parishioners of Potterspury cum Yardley Gobion cum Furtho have lately made it possible to reopen the beautiful little church at Furtho which has been closed for many years. The church stands in a field on the road between Yardley Gobion and Stony Stratford. Owing to the fact that there is now only one house near the church was closed some years ago. At the last annual church meeting Potterspury in January it was proposed that branch of workers from Potterspury and Yardley be asked to put the place into decent order. A splendid response to this proposal was made a band of about 20 men and women from Potterspury end Yardley visited the church and set to work with a will. The wall round the churchyard was repaired, the trees pruned, the dead trees felled, the paths weeded, and the nettles mown. Then the church was scrubbed and a bonfire made of ruined chairs, hassocks, and books.
Two afternoon services were held during this summer. The first attended by a large congregation, so large that it filled the church and overflowed into the churchyard. Last Sunday a harvest festival was held. The church was beautifully decorated by parishioners from Potterspury and Yardley Gobion. At 3.30 p.m., evensong was conducted by Canon Beasley, of Yardley Gobion, and sermon preached by the Rev. E. J. Payne, vicar of St. Mary’s, Stony Stratford. Mr. Payne is a nephew of a former rector of Furtho. The choir from Potterspury w in attendance and there was a good congregation, despite the heavy rain of Sunday morning which made the journey across the fields very unpleasant. A second service was held at 5.30 p.m., when the choir from Yardley Gobion attended. The preacher was the Rev. W. S. Bethway, vicar of St. Mary’s, Northampton. Mr. J. Warren, organist at Potterspury, presided at the harmonium in the afternoon, and Mrs. Green, organist at Gobion, in the evening. Mr. W. G. Warren, of Yardley Gobion, accompanied on the violin. Mr. Fanchild, Captain Prothero, and Mr. Drinkwater, wardens from the two churches, gave valuable assistance, and Mr. Pattisson, of Potterspury, and Mr. B. Atkins, of Yardley, were responsible for the transport of seats from the two parishes of Potterspury and Yardley. The church at night was filled, parishioners from Potterspury, Yardley Gobion, Old Stratford, Grafton Regis, and Cosgrove being present.
Northampton Mercury Friday 21 August 1936

THE old circular dovecote at Furtho near Yardley Gobion.
Furtho is a tiny hamlet in the fields and consists of a church, cottages and one or two farms.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 February 1938
A church and farmhouse in a field are the only buildings left to give the name to what was once the fairly important hamlet of Furtho, near Old Stratford. It is supposed to have been depopulated through land enclosure in the reign of James I, and also by the adoption of a new line for the road from Yardley Gobion to Stony Stratford which previously passed through it. It is now the happy hunting ground for sporting parties, particularly people hunting badgers. Four fine badgers, each weighing about 30 lbs., were recently killed on the farm at Furtho by Mr. W. Robinson (Deanshanger) and Mr. D. Robinson (Great Linford). Some idea of how hard the dogs had worked is obtained oy the fact that one of the holes from which a badger was taken was six feet deep.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 July 1939
WHEN James I, sat on the throne of England, and Shakespeare had some years to live, the inhabitants of the ancient village of Furtho, which lies in the fields some two miles from Stony Stratford, were wont of a summer evening to watch with interest the wheeling the pigeons about a round stone dovecote, which even then was of great age.
So old was the dovecote in, fact that the field in which it stood had become known by the building, and the account book of the last Furtho of Furtho reveals that in 1606 the sum of £7 was received from Jerome Evans, farmer, as rent of one of the demesne pastures called the Dovehouse Field. Since those days Furtho itself has decayed and the “village” now consists of a farmhouse, a cottage, a disused church, the ancient dovecote, old fishpond, and mounds where cottages once stood. The dovecote has withstood the centuries nobly, but at last time and the weather seem about to have their way with it.
The walls have cracked through settlement, and part of the ceiling has fallen away. Fortunately, however, the roof is in good repair, and if attention is given to the building this year it can be preserved. The Office of Works has scheduled the dovecote as an ancient monument, and the Northamptonshire Architectural and Archaeological Society has promised a grant of £10 towards the £30 required to repair it.
The £20 it is hoped will be forthcoming locally to save an ancient building of particular interest, as there are so few circular dovecote of approximate age in existence. Reconstruction has been made a simpler and cheaper task than it would otherwise have been by the offer of local limestone, free carting of the stone and the sympathy of a local builder.
The Furtho family were Lords of the Manor of Furtho from about 1240 to 1621 and the reference to the Dovehouse Field comes from a book of the family’s accounts dating from 1604 to 1619 which was “rescued” by a miller when a solicitor in a neighbouring county was having a “clear out” some years ago. The book was loaned by the miller to Miss Joan Wake on account of her Northamptonshire Record Society activities.
The book comprises farm, estate and personal accounts. Under the heading of “Liveries for Servants” we find that a black coat for Robert Bignell costs 14s.
The board and schooling of Anne Furtho costs £5 a quarter.
Thomas Gravestock, a servant, received a yearly wage of 15s. Elizabeth Catesby 30s.
Today the land on which the ancient dovecote stands belongs to Trustees of Arnold’s Charity, who have repaired the dovecote once and of course hold their stewardship for the benefit of designated people and not for the repair of ancient buildings, however desirable that may be in itself.
The Charity provides for apprenticeships in Upper and Lower Heyford, Stony Stratford, the parish of St Giles Northampton, Stowe Nine Churches and Weedon Beck, and also makes provision for poor students at Merton College Oxford.
It was founded by Edmund Arnold, a poor boy of Nether Heyford who “made good” by becoming a lawyer and purchased Furtho out of the fruits of his industry.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 October 1939
The centuries-old dovecote at Furtho near Stony Stratford, has been repaired, Miss Joan Wake, hon. secretary of Northamptonshire Record Society, told the ‘‘Mercury and Herald.” The walls had become cracked through settlement, but fortunately the roof was in good repair.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 March 1943
David and Anne Jones, Furtho Manor, Stony Stratford, have sent £1 for the fund. They arranged a competition and raised 17s 6d and their mummy gave the extra half crown. This was a nice surprise.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 October 1944
There was minor damage at Furtho, where a child was slightly injured.
Northampton Mercury Friday 26 March 1954
TOMBSTONES lean at crazy angles and contented cows chew stolidly - that is Furtho churchyard now.
Once, it is said, a farmer murdered his wife there. Her ghost is still the subject of many stories.

WHAT happened to the hamlet of Furtho? Apart from a disused church and a farm nothing remains of Furtho, which once stood Just across the fields from Potterspury.
Mr and W. J, Jones now live at Manor Farm, Furtho. But what happened to the inhabitants of the hamlet is a mystery.
Were they wiped out by plague or thrown out by an impatient landlord?
One story that an outbreak of diphtheria wiped out all the children and the hamlet slowly died. Whatever the reason, Furtho parish had to be amalgamated with Potterspury, whose vicar is also rector of Furtho. During the war, the church was used for storing documents. It is many years since it held a congregation.
The old church did not escape the attentions of Cromwell's soldiers. A stray cannon ball knocked a piece out of the structure and the repairs made in a different stone is still evident.
And the ghosts? Well they have not been seen for some time. One is known as Rosa Brown daughter of a one-time local squire whose husband left her.
She committed suicide and could not be buried in the churchyard. Instead, her grave is supposed to be at the crossroads between Cosgrove and Yardley Gobion.
Apparently, villagers used to see Mrs. Brown wandering in her shroud once a year. Just what she was looking for is not clear; but she may have found it- because she has not been seen in her favourite haunts for some years.
The other ghost is said to be a farmer’s wife. Her husband is said to have murdered her in the churchyard one dark night, because villagers, it is alleged, used to hear her screams on the same night every year.
Near the farm is an unusual dovecote, said to have housed fugitives during the Civil War.
Wolverton Express August 30th 1979
DIFFICULTY in obtaining adequate labour to run his 180-head milking herd prompted Mr. David Sansome to reduce his Furtho Manor Farm, Old Stratford.
The reduction sale was held on the farm by John Thornborrow and Co and 101 head, all young cows or served heifers, were offered.
Mr. Sansome started milk production at Church Farm, Olingbury, near Kettering in 1967, commencing with a "flying" herd of commercial Friesian cows which he bred to beef bulls.
In 1970, he moved to his present farm, bringing with him 90 cows of this type. Just prior to this he began to nominate particular proven Friesian sires, knowing that he was going to have the room to expand the herd. He chose Whitegrove Marksman, Coombevale Jan Dekol, Milton Marksmin, Terling Budget, Ringswood Leader and Glanrhos Treasured Sovereign four of which he knew to have Canadian blood.
Since 1973, only pure Holstein bulls have been used and at that time also, national milk recording replaced milk recording by statement.
The Holstein bulls initially selected for use in the herd were the Milk Marketing Board imported sires Oakridges Reflection and Freelea.
To follow these, Mr. Sansome chose Wenron Baron, Fairlea Happy Radar, MMB Wenrom and Dairywold Meadowbridge Empo.
He also began to think of registering his cattle and he joined the British Holstein Society in 1975. His present policy is to use Locus Lane Supreme, more of Baron and Radar, together with some Werrcroft Emperor and Griffland.
From the outset, only a few cows were purchased and the expansion to 180 milking cow achieved mostly by breeding from these foundation animals. The objective throughout was always commercial milk production, which inclined David towards the Holstein breed. No individual feeding has been practised for the past four years and ever since “complete diet” feeding was introduced two years ago, no compound ration has been used.
A system based on grass silage in winter and grazed grass in summer includes by-products such as brewers' grains, sugar beet pulp, molasses, dried lucerne nuts, ground straw, cereal and soya bean meal. This has resulted in a high level of production for such a large herd, the annual average for 175 cows and heifers combined in 1977/78 being 6069 Kg (13,380 lbs) at 3.80 per cent Butterfat.
The milking herd is housed in cubicles and milked through a herring-bone parlour. All the heifers in the sale will calve from now onwards, to either a Hereford or Devon bull.
The herd is now to be cut back to around 120 milkers. The 1976/77 calf crop produced a very high proportion of heifers and there are about 80 heifers left in the herd from the 1978 crop, which will be more than enough to provide herd replacement.
Top price of 1,050 gns was paid by W. Threlfell, of Plumpton Head, Penrith, for the 2½-year-old Furtho Baron Debra.
I. K. Osborne, Queens Oak, Potterspury Lodge, Towcester, bought Furtho Ivy for 500 gns. J. J. Wesley, Porterswood Farm, Whittlebury, Mary, 490 gns. I. K. Osborne, Reflection Iris, 600 gns and Happy, 450 gns. W. R. Osborne and Son, College Farm, Wood End, Freelea Beverley, 480 gns. J. J. Wesley, Reflection Kate, 600 gns.
W. Henson, North Farm, Little Preston, Orcades Dolly, 450 gns. R. H. Tandy, Rectory Farm, Cosgrove, Medalist Debora, 520 gns.J. J. Wesley, Medalist Penny, 490 gns. I. K. Osborne, Medal Lucy, 470 gns. and Medal Beryl, 570 gns. R. A. Garrett, Rectory Farm, Chapel Brampton, Samantha, 470 gns. R. A. Garrett, Lydia, 500 gns. J. J. Wesley, Baron Kate, 550 gns. R. A. Garrett, Empo Cherry, 610 gns, Empo Amy, 530 gns and Diplomat Sheila, 600 gns.
B. R. Osborne, School Farm, Maidford, Diplomat Jean, 460 gns. J. Bailey, Newlands Farm, Hardwick Lane, Hannington, Diplomat Heather, 540 gns. R. A. Garrett, Diplomat Yvonne, 550 gns and Diplomat Wendy, 550 gns. J. Bailey, Diplomat Molly, 500 gns and Wenron Maria, 430 gns. B. R. Osborne, Radar Lavinia, 420 gns.
R. Edmondson, Home Farm, Wicken, Radar Erica, 400 gns. R. H. Tandy, Radar Saphne, 480 gns. R. Edmondson, Radar Saphne II 420 gns. R. Edmondson, Baron Amy, 450 gns, Radar Greta, 480 gns Radar Gina 400 gns and Baron Charlotte, 380 gns. R. H. Tandy, Radar Jane, 520 gns.
Averages: 11 SR "A" Cows, £519.27, 3 SR "B" Cows, £598.50, 3 unregistered cows, £486.50, 61 SR "B" heifers, £574.83, 2 SR "C" heifers, £719.25, 10 unregistered heifers, £536.55.
The Wolverton Express [unknown date]
The Church of “Lost” Village May Go
The ancient church of the “lost” village of Furtho, which thousands of people in the district have never even seen may soon disappear completely. If Northamptonshire County Council agree, the building will be completely demolished, with no trace of what was once the central part of a village community.
The mystery of what happened to Furtho village has for long intrigued the local historians. It was ‘Forho’ in the Domesday Book, and although there are traces of a sizeable village I the earthworks and banks, it was almost depopulated by the enclosures in the reign of James I.
Then the road from Northampton to Stony Stratford, which ran through the village, was diverted and the village faded away. In the 1801Census there were two houses and nine inhabitants.
Regular services
But the church continued to draw congregations from the neighbouring villages of Cosgrove, Potterspury and Yardley Gobion, and there are still residents who recall walking across the fields to the church for services each Sunday afternoon.
The last divine service held there is believed to have been a harvest festival just before the last war, when the service was conducted by the Rev. R. Beesley.
During the war the church was used as a store for national archives and a rent paid to the trustees.
The church of St. Bartholomew has a quaint picturesque exterior, but dates only from 1620, when it was rebuilt by Edward Furtho.
Rectors for 700 years
It was a squat embattled tower, a nave measuring only 25 feet by 18 feet, and a chancel 24 feet by 14 feet. Only one monument inside, taken from the older church (Anthony Furtho) from which the brasses have been stripped.
There is no description of the original building, but the list of rectors (which is kept in Potterspury church) goes back to the year 1226.
“Aubrey of Pury” was the first and later, in 1329, William Gobioun, of Jerdele (Yardley) occurs and interesting link with the name of the village. One of the late rectors, Nicholas Dobree, had, besides the living of Furtho, a benefice in the Isle of Guernsey. One wonders how he managed!
It is understood that the late Bishop of Peterborough was very concerned that the building should not fall into ruin and requested that the County Council should accept it as a gift, so that they could demolish it at their convenience.
(We are indebted to Mr. C. H. Green, of Wolverton, for the historical data concerning the church.)