Mrs May Thacker, the first female head teacher at Cosgrove School, moved to Canal House, now 1 Main Street, in 1926. Today’s residents remember her well, with her assistant teacher, Miss Polly Keveren.
“Mrs Thacker was the teacher for the older children. She was quite strict but she helped people she did Saturday morning classes for children who wanted to try for the Grammar school at Towcester.”
Inside Canal House May prepared her school work and kept up her correspondence. She believed in giving students skills and pride in themselves, forming a country dance team that appeared across the area at public functions, and encouraging out each child’s talents and passions.


Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 December 1929
ON FRIDAY, December 13, an excellent programme of country dances, choruses, and recitations was given at the Council Schools in aid of their Games Fund. There was a capital attendance of parents and friends, and the performance reflects the highest credit upon the painstaking work of Mrs. Thacker and Miss Keveren.
May Thacker organised outings and socials for students and her school leavers which broadened the aspirations of many of Cosgrove’s current residents. She moved to Potterspury in 1939, but taught at Cosgrove until she retired in 1946. She died in 1958 at Potterspury aged 71. She had by that time been an RDC representative, a county councillor, and president of Potterspury Women’s Institute and was also a staunch supporter of the Labour Party. Her grandchildren continue to support Cosgrove events.