Wolverton Express 12th September 1980
THINGS went with a splash at the Water Land Spectacular at Cosgrove Park at the weekend. Organised by the Stony Stratford Lions, the two-day event was highlighted by a death-defying car jump into one of the park's lakes by the Black Devil. Now in its fifth year, the show was a great success with about 7,000 people turning up for the excitement of, water ski-ing, hot air balloons, model aircraft, a funfair, sideshows and charity stalls. But the event they all wanted to see was the Black Devil - real name Dishon Star - dicing with death as his car ploughed into the murky waters. In two leaps - one on each day - the black daredevil from Northampton drove his car up a ramp and dived headfirst into the lake. A plan to jump the River Ouse on Sunday was scrapped at the last minute when the event organisers decided it would be too dangerous.

All money raised from the spectacular will be donated by the Lions Club to local charities. The total amount raised is still being calculated. One of the show's organisers, Mr John Jessup, said: "We were very pleased with the way things went. The crowd turnout was disappointing on Saturday, but we were quite pleased with the number of people who came on Sunday." He added: "A good time was had by all, and the weather was lovely. We were very pleased with the whole event." Another person pleased with the weekend's proceedings was the holder of the winning raffle ticket, which won him a brand new Ford Fiesta. The winner, from Northampton, will be presented with his price at Wolverton Motors on Monday evening.
Wolverton Express 23rd July 1981

These two youngsters are word perfect at least when it comes to raising money for charity. For five year olds Natalie Tugg and Ian Doubell are among the 32 pupils at Cosgrove Primary School who raised £212.50 for the Blind by a sponsored spell. Last week a cheque was handed to Harvey the Rabbit the National Association for the Blind’s cuddly rabbit.