Wolverton Express 9th January 1970

All the children at the Cosgrove Primary School 47 of them took part in a Christmas concert at the school on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The concert was to have been held before Christmas, but had to be postponed because so many children were away from school suffering from flu.
The juniors presented “Aladdin” a musical pantomime, and the infants a short play, “The Spell of the Wicked Witch,” and a nativity play. Last night (Thursday), the concert was followed by the Christmas party which should also have been held before the Christmas holiday. Proceeds from the concert will go to a charity, and a quarter to school funds.
Wolverton Express 8th May 1970

Wolverton Express 5th June 1970

STAGE AND television actress Margaret Rawlings will open the Cosgrove Church fete at Cosgrove Hall on Saturday. Miss Rawlings began her acting career in the time-honoured tradition by running away to go on the stage. In her case she ran from Lady Margaret Hall Oxford, and since that inauspicious beginning her starring roles have included many successes. She has also made a number of television dramas including two of the first ever screened in the UK, and has just completed two more presentations which are awaiting screening. The object of the fete this year is to raise £300 to pay for repairs to the beautiful parish church. A wide variety of attractions has been organised, including an open clay pigeon shoot and an inter-village tug-of-war contest. Traditional items for the children have not been neglected and include a fancy dress competition, children's sports, miniature train rides and donkey rides. This photograph of Miss Rawlings is taken from a portrait by Annigoni.
Wolverton Express 12th June 1970
Putting on a bold front at Cosgrove

A young "witch", Juliette Bidgood, in the forefront during the parade of the children's fancy dress.
When Canon S. C. Woodward. Rector of Cosgrove, was a child and living in Japan one of his friends was a girl named Margaret Rawlings. Both his father and her father were missionaries serving in that country. On Saturday, childhood memories were revived when Miss Rawlings, the actress of stage and television fame, was at Cosgrove to open the annual garden party held in aid of the village church. The garden party was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackenzie Hill and was visited by many people on a beautiful summer day. It was an occasion when the long-established residents and the newcomers to the village, busy serving, were able to co-operate. After declaring the event open Miss Rawlings was presented by Rebecca Runacres with a hand-made lace handkerchief that was made by an elderly local woman. The model railway and the pony rides were a great attraction for the children. There were also stalls and sideshows, children's sports, and fancy dress, judged by Miss Rawlings and Mrs. Mackenzie Hill and a clay pigeon shoot. A tug o' war was won by the local team from the Barley Mow, Cosgrove. A band from Stowe School provided music and the lady helpers were kept extremely busy serving teas and ice cream. Gross takings were in the region of £200 and the church repair fund should benefit by about £150.
Miss Rawlings began her acting career in the time-honoured tradition - by running away to go on the stage. In her case, she "ran" from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, and since that inauspicious beginning her starring roles have included many successes. She has also made a number of television dramas including two of the first ever screened in the UK, and has just completed two more presentations which are awaiting screening.
Wolverton Express 20th June 1970
Cosgrove Playgroup comes to re end of its very successful first term and is already over subscribed for next term.
In April a very active evening followed a demonstration by the Greens Norton Folk Group. The next day many villagers were heard to complain of aching limbs and feet, though agreeing that these were small payment for a most enjoyable and friendly evening.
A whist drive is now a regular monthly event, organised most ably by Mrs Phyllis Holman.
After the village school Carnival on Saturday next there will be a carnival dance at the Victory Hall, when there will be dancing to Carnival Orange, a new experience for Cosgrove.
A local model soldier enthusiast has hired the hall for a war-gaming meeting the following day, Sunday, to which the whole village is invited.
There are also plans to hold an exhibition of local Arts and Crafts some time in the Autumn to cover the whole range of talents of the village.
Wolverton Express 3rd July 1970
A discotheque group, Carnival Orange, introduced a new sound to Cosgrove on Saturday evening at the dance which followed the School Carnival. Both events were well supported and the disco dancing was especially appreciated by the younger people of the village.
The amount of interest and enthusiasm generated by both new and old hands made a sparsely attended Wargaming meeting held on Sunday a friendly and intimate gathering. The rudiments of wargaming were demonstrated using a naval encounter, and then two members of the British Model Soldier Society. Oxon. Bucks and Berks branch fought a "Romans versus Barbarians" battle. As always time was the deciding factor, and although the Romans seemed to have the situation well in control the game was declared drawn after two hours.
Wolverton Express 9th October 1970

About 50 senior citizens were taken for a 30 mile tour of the district by the Cosgrove Conservative Association on Saturday. They visited Gayhurst, Weston Underwood, Olney, Yardley Hastings, Castle Ashby, Horton, Hartwell, and on return had tea in the Victory Hall. From comments overheard, both drivers and passengers found the outing enjoyable.
After tea, ably organised by Mrs. 0. Johnson with several willing helpers, everyone was given a draw ticket. Mr. Clark won first prize of a bottle of whisky, other prizes wore won by Mr. Gayton, Mrs. Benjamin, Mrs. Harris, Mr. Tack, Mr Hill, Mrs Hill, Mr. Colton, Mrs. Lyman, Mrs Lovesy, Mr. Tompkins and Mr. Holman. Mr. Gayton was found to be sitting on the lucky chair and was given a box of chocolates.
Miss E. Hemelryk gave a fascinating talk about Persia illustrated by slides she had taken. Thanks were proposed by Mrs. Brockway and Mr. Lovesy and the association thanked New City Taxis of Wolverton who donated a taxi and petrol, and Mr. S. Eglesfield of Cosgrove who donated drinks.
Wolverton Express 13th November 1970
A grand Village Bonfire held at the Victory Hall Cosgrove on Guy Fawkes' Night marked the beginning of the winter's programme for the village. Coffee, hot dogs etc were served in the hall, and committee members lit fireworks, which were handed to them by villagers, in a roped off area of safety.
The £4 profit will go to help provide a Christmas party on December 12 when Deanshanger School choir and an amateur folk group from Stony Stratford will entertain Cosgrove pensioners. Another entertainment for pensioners is to be provided by the "regulars" of the Barley Mow on December 5, when a film show will be lubricated with beer!
After a most successful nine months' work the Cosgrove Playgroup is to hold an Open Morning on November 19, combined with a Christmas Bazaar to raise funds for equipment. etc.
Another opportunity for present buying will be the customary Church Bazaar on November 27.
Two teenaged girls. Julie Holman and Jackie Hall, with the support of parents, have begun a Youth Club in the Victory Halt The members play table-tennis, snooker, listen to records. etc., on alternate Tuesday evenings, and the club is entirely self-supporting.
Wolverton Express 7th May 1971
Cosgrove concert
A number of villagers joined an invited audience of senior citizens in the Victory Hall, Cosgrove to listen to the Orphean Singers of Hanslope. Under their conductor. Mr. Ron Faulkner and with Mrs. Curtis pianist, the programme included “The way you look tonight'. `Rock a my Soul", “The Mexican Hat Dance" and ended with "Goodnight, Goodnight, Beloved”. Solo performances were given by Mrs. Jacqueline Hardy, Mr. John Osborn. Mr David Marshall and Mr Frank Williams, accompanied by Mr George Webb. Presenting the singers with a donation for their funds, Mr Bill Castle thanked them on behalf of the Victory Hall committee and the audience. Refreshments were provided by the Victory Hall Committee.
Wolverton Express 7th May 1971
500 visitors see gardens
MR AND Mrs Charles Mackenzie Hill opened their lour acres of gardens and wood lands to the public for the first time on Sunday. Over 500 visitors took advantage of this special opening on Gardeners' Sunday and as a result £71 will be sent to the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society. The model railway proved a crowd-puller and there was no shortage of people wanting teas. Mr. Mackenzie Hill plans to hold another open day next year but he tells me the grounds will be open when Cosgrove Church holds its annual fete there on June 19.
Wolverton Express 11th June 1971
A challenge from Cosgrove
COSGROVE village stalwarts have thrown out an open tug-O-war challenge to other local teams. The contest will be held during the village fete on June 19 and the prize is a pipkin of beer donated by Mr Mackenzie Hill. Challengers should contact Mr. Gerry Runacres at Stony Stratford 3685 for details.
The fete is to be held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Hill. Miss Cosgrove will be chosen during the afternoon and there will be a children's fancy dress show, a knobbly knees contest and a judo display.
Wolverton Express 11th June 1971
A challenge from Cosgrove
COSGROVE village stalwarts have thrown out an open tug-O-war challenge to other local teams. The contest will be held during the village fete on June 19 and the prize is a pipkin of beer donated by Mr Mackenzie Hill. Challengers should contact Mr. Gerry Runacres at Stony Stratford 3685 for details.
The fete is to be held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Hill. Miss Cosgrove will be chosen during the afternoon and there will be a children's fancy dress show, a knobbly knees contest and a judo display.
Wolverton Express 25th June 1971

Two pence to test the steadiness of your hand with 4p as the prize.
A beauty contest, knobbly knees competition, fancy dress, tug 'o war Cosgrove Church Fete had all these ingredients and many more to make the event a great moneymaking success. The fete, held on Saturday at Cosgrove Hall. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackenne Hill, raised more than £160 for church funds.
Mrs. Bryan Organ, wife of the Castlethorpe artist, opened the fete. She said how happy she was to see the old traditions in the village were being encouraged, particularly with a modern city like Milton Keynes being built close by. Hilary Groom presented a bouquet to Mrs. Organ also was introduced by the Rector. Canon Woodward.
Mrs. Organ later judged the fancy dress competition which was won by Rebecca Runacres who was dressed as a Red Dragon with Hilary Groom (Nell Gwynn) second and Dawn Rosser third. There were 15 competitors under eleven for the fancy dress. For the first time a Miss Cosgrove competition was organised but although the contest was open to married as well, entries were rather disappointing. Only a dozen people took part. The winner was Moira Stables of Rivercrest Road, Old Stratford with Isabel Cook second and Mandy Gordon third. The contest was judged by Jerry Runacres who donated a silver cup to the winner. The Rector presented the cup which will be competed for each year.
The menfolk were not quite so shy and there was a good entry for the knobbly knees competition with John Cattermole being the winner. Verdun Parker brought along a team of young judo experts who gave a demonstration of their skill. Seven teams took part in the tug 'o war contest which was won by Pianoforte Supplies of Roade with the Cosgrove village team second. Towcester Studio Band played during the afternoon.
Wolverton Express 2nd July 1971

Although rain delayed the start of the Cosgrove County Primary School Fete on Saturday, visitors were able to enjoy the sound of Roade School Band before watching "Nursery Medley", entertainment sung and performed by the primary children, pictured above.
Competition prizewinners were:
Decoration on wheels: Under 7, Robert Ford: 7-9. 1 Hilary Groom; 9-11. Alison Groom.
Garden on a plate: Under 7, Angela Alderman, 2 Timothy Hudson. 3 Rebecca Runacres; 7.9, 1 Rosemary Groom, 2 Jessica Clark, 3 Andrew Gordon; 9-11, 1 Russell Bailey, 2 Deborah Clark, 3 Adrian Moseley.
Buttonhole: Under 7. 1 Robert Ford, 2 Timothy Hudson, 3 Angela Alderman; 7-9, 1 Jessica Clark. 2 Geraldine Hardy. 3 Hilary Groom: 9-11, 1 Shelley Hudson, 2 Russell Bailey, 3 Amanda Gordon.
Madeira cake: Under 7. 1 Adrian Hickford. 2 Annette Bailey, 3 Robert Ford; 7-9, 1. Stuart Forrester, 2 Geraldine Hardy, 3 David Moore; 9-11. 1 Virginia Hardy. 2 Russell Bailey. 3 Deborah Clark.
Mrs. Hudson won the basket of fruit and Mrs. Woodward the Humpty Dumpty in raffles. The treasure hunt was won by Mrs. Hillier. The cake competition was judged by Mrs. W. Harris and the other competitions by Mr. and Mrs. J. Garner of Old Stratford School. Refreshments were provided by the parents who earned the grateful thanks of the headmistress for their help.
Wolverton Express 12th November 1971
Children turn entertainers....

The picture shows the children at rehearsal.
It was standing room -only at the Victory Hall, Cosgrove, on Tuesday night when children from the village primary school entertained parents and friends with their first music night. The children performed items of choral speech and percussion accompanied by Wolverton and District Orchestral Society.
The picture shows the children at rehearsal.
Wolverton Express 12th November 1971
Despite of the unpleasant weather, many people watched the fireworks around the bonfire, built by the Youth Club, at the Victory Hall, Cosgrove last Friday. Hot soup, rolls and other refreshments provided by members of the committee were on sale and £6 was raised for Victory Hall funds.
Wolverton Express 3rd December 1971

Just under £40 was raised at the Cosgrove Playgroup's coffee morning and Christmas bazaar on Tuesday. There were stalls for the sale of handwork produce and second-hand goods. The raffles were won by Mrs. Ford, Mrs. Eynstone and Mrs. Gloria Hickford: Mrs. Prosser guessed the weight of a large jar of sugar which was also the prize. The playgroup children closed the morning by singing “We wish you a merry Christmas". The proceeds bring the fund for an outside play area to £54 towards the £100 needed by Easter 1972.
Wolverton Express 17th December 1971
Sherry and WI carols [possibly wrongly titled]
Although the. Conservative and Unionist Association's coffee morning at the Cosgrove home of Mrs A. Rickaby was well supported by members, organisers were disappointed that local and younger support was lacking. The bring and buy stall was quickly sold out and raffle for a pork luncheon and a bottle of champagne was won by Mrs. P. Holman and Mr. J. Baines, chairman. Miss E. Hemelryk announced a profit of £32.75 for the morning.
Cosgrove church bazaar
A Christmas bazaar held on Friday in the Victory Hall Cosgrove was opened by Miss Mary Wrangham-Hardy, sister of the Rural Dean. Mrs Bushell won the cake, Mrs. Prosser the doll and Mrs. Scott guessed the number of Sweets in a jar. £106 was taken during the evening. Profits are for Church funds.
Wolverton Express 17th December 1971
Keystone Cops at Cosgrove
Vintage comedy films were shown to 35 senior citizens in Cosgrove Victory Hall last week. Funds for the evening were raised by the Horticultural Society and the Hall committee provided refreshments. Donations for raffles were made by Mr S Eglesfield and Mr A Tustain and were won by Mrs. A Smith, Mrs Hooton, Mr. Tooley. Mrs. H Smith, Mrs. Holman, Mr. Lovesey, Mr. Freestone, Mr. Whittaker, Mrs. Lovesey. Mr. Colton, Mr. Chown, Mrs. Colton, Mr. Lyman, Mr. Holman, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Spokes, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Spokes, Mr. Tomkins, Mrs. Jelly, Mrs. Gayton, Mrs. Hillyer and Mr. Jelley.
Wolverton Express 17th December 1971
Come and Join the Carols

Parents, friends, brothers and sisters crowded into the Cosgrove Primary School hall on Thursday afternoon last week for the Christmas concert. The programme was linked by the singing of verses from a carol, and began with the Infant department's play, "The lost toys". A recorder group and xylophone item formed an interval before the school's Nativity Play, "The little angel", which was punctuated with carols. A collection was taken by the children and the concert was repeated on Friday evening.
Wolverton Express 23rd June 1972
'Shy girls shun a beauty contest’
“WHERE have all the young girls gone?” that was the cry at Cosgrove village fete on Saturday when not one girl stepped forward to enter the Miss Cosgrove competition. The village girls were too shy to enter the competition which last year was won by Moira Stables, this year's Wolverton Carnival Queen. So the organisers had to take the trophy home again.
The fete raised £120 which was divided between the school and the church funds. Village school children paraded through the village and then opened the fete with an entertainment entitled "Time". Roade Secondary School Band provided a musical background to the exhibition of children's competitions sideshows and stalls.
Winners of the DESIGN OR COLLAGE competition were class 1, 1 Mervyn Alderman. 2 David Cattermole. 3 Richard Clark: class 2, 1 Jessica Clark, 2 Angela Alderman. 3 Annette Bailey. Class 3, 1 Deborah Clark. 2 Martyn Collins. 3 Hilary Groom.
In the FLOWER BUTTONHOLE competition winners were class 1, 1 Alison Collins. 2 Claudia Bastian, 3 David Cattermole, class 2. 1 Adrian Hickford. 2 Jessica Clark. 3 Timothy Hudson, class 3, 1 Karen Freestone, 2 Juliet Bidgood. 3 Keith Bastian.
Cake competition, class 2, 1 Timothy Hudson. 2, Angela Alderman. 3 Robert Ford: class 3. 1 Andrew Gordon. 2 Mandy Hitchcock. 3 Tony Robinson.
Wolverton Express 15th December 1972

COSGROVE Playgroup presented its Christmas tableau - above - to mothers in the Victory Hall on Tuesday last week. The 20 children, all under five, were dressed as shepherds, the three wise men, and Mary and Joseph, with children watching the scene, to represent the Christmas story. They sang the first verse of “Away in a Manger” and were joined by mothers for the next two verses.
Wolverton Express 22nd December 1972
CHILDREN who went carol singing in Cosgrove last week had two aims - to raise money for charity and to advertise the production of the Christmas story at the Primary School. Money raised at the school will go towards funds for a trip to Wembley and £10.40 from carol singing will be sent to charity.
Wolverton Express 9th March 1973

COSGROVE'S Variety Show on Friday was voted a great success by the audience who called for several' encores during the performance, and whose obvious enjoyment was reflected by the £31 raised for Victory Hall funds.
The show began with a lively dance by the Diddy men, Julie Holman, Debbie Moore Trudi Higgs and Denise Taylor. David Smith, as "Doddy" also made an excellent compere. Eight-year-old Tanya Moseley followed with a tap dance, a polished performance on a pocket handkerchief sized stage. Mrs. Phyllis Holman turned the audience's thoughts to holidays with a Seaside Monologue, and the WI group of Gloria Alderman, Susan Richards, Kath Gordon, Pat Fowlds, Molly Kightley and Marianne Markham echoed the theme with a Victorian costume sketch of songs, recitation and a sand-dance to "The Sheik of Araby."
The Osmond Brothers, Peter Moreton, Andrew Gordon, Neil and Martin Stephenson sang "You're my long-haired lover from Liverpool", and then four ladies from the Keep Fit group, Gloria Hickford, Margaret Wilkins, Cynthia Smith and Mavis Hudson demonstrated how graceful exercise can be. Phyllis Holman and Rose Ridge sang Bud Flanagan songs, and then five boys from the Primary School, Stuart Forrester, Martin Stephenson, David Moore, Andrew Gordon and Adrian Moseley gave a hilarious performance of Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Little Swans." complete with football boots and mothers' wigs. The first half ended with the singing of "Amazing Grace" by Julie Holman, Debbie Moore and Denise Taylor accompanied by Trudi Higgs playing the recorder.
During the interval refreshments were served by the Playgroup mothers and a basket of fruit was raffled. The winner was Mrs. Hillyer. The audience then settled down to watch "The Star Dusters", a comedy about six cleaning ladies, played by Clive Lambert, Elsie Chown, Rose Ridge, Molly Kightley, Pat Shervington and Phyllis Holman. Susan Richards, Kath Gordon, Gloria Alderman and Molly Kightley then appeared in costume and sang a trio of Elizabethan songs. They were disappointed that Mrs. Dora Clarke, who normally accompanies them on the spinet was prevented by family illness from appearing. After a song by "Hairy Mopkins" (Phyllis Holman), the audience was invited to join the whole cast in singing old and new favourites. Mr. Jim Barnes was the pianist.
Julie Holman closed the show with a realistic “Janet Webb” type ending.
Wolverton Express 29th June 1973
Cosgrove fete
VISITORS to Cosgrove Church Fete spent over £700 on Saturday. They enjoyed the music of Stowe School Band, played skittles and darts, saw the view from the Church Tower and watched the children's races. The fete was opened by Miss Mary Atkinson of Paulerspury, late of Cosgrove Priory, who was thanked by the Rector's wife. Mrs. Helga Beatty.
Wolverton Express 23rd November 1973
Few listen to Folk
There were only 20 people present to enjoy a pleasant evening in Cosgrove recently when Rod and Tish Hall and Len Holden entertained with folk songs and music. Derek and Ann Oakley gave the singers a rest by reading a variety of poems. Coffee and refreshments provided by the ladies were available in the interval.
Thanking the singers for their entertainment, Mr Ted Lambert commented that he was only sorry that more people had not come along to enjoy it. Although the singers waived their fees for the evening in favour of the Church Tower Fund the evening was a financial loss.
Wolverton Express 8th March 1974
Enthusiastic train fans look on admiringly as the working model loco
chugs round the track carrying its two passengers.
Mick Kingston, busy firing up while Bryan Grimmett inspects the track.
Getting All Steamed Up
Not many steam train enthusiasts can boast of a loco track in their back garden. One of the few is Cosgrove property developers Charles Mackenzie Hill. But on Sunday members of the New City Model Club had the chance to let off steam at Mr Mackenzie Hill’s home.
The 250 foot working model steam track was handed over to the steam fans who brought along two locos. Armed with 7lb of coal, the club members, headed by president Charles Coleman, of Galley Hill, prepared to get up steam.
Members are building a portable track which they will take around with them to various fetes in the district. The track should make its first appearance at Weston Underwood at Easter.
Wolverton Express 19th April 1974
Walk on for 12 miles
A 12 mile walk is to be developed between Cosgrove and Greens Norton. Work will go ahead on the walk during the summer and a booklet describing the walk in detail will be published later in the year.
Named The Grafton Way the walk will follow existing footpaths and bridle ways from Cosgrove through Yardley Gobion, Potterspury, Whittlebury, Paulerspury, Pury End, Towcester and Greens Norton. It will be waymarked with special circular metal discs. Loop routes are to be incorporated, diverging from the main path into the villages to provide shorter walks.
Wolverton Express 12th July 1974

Geraldine Hardy, Carnival Queen, has a quiet chat with a few well known individuals at Cosgrove carnival and fete.
Wolverton Express July 12th 1974
The wombles wobble into Cosgrove
The Wombles strayed from Wimbledon Common on Saturday and made their way to Cosgrove to meet 10 year old Carnival queen Geraldine Hardy.
Geraldine was queen at the village school fete held in the school grounds.
Earlier Geraldine, her attendants Petrina Waller, Jaimie Colin, Lucy Richards, Rachel Clarke, Valerie Ford and Mark Dando drove around the village by tractor.
Following behind on another farm vehicle were the wandering Wombles, Adrian Hickford, David Slaymaker, Seth Thompson, Robert Ford, Martin Stephenson, Mark Robinson and Timothy Hudson.
More than £130 was taken at the fete.
After the crooning the court was entertained by Maypole dancing. Folk dancing continued with Kalinka. a Russian dance and then Tanya Moseley performed a French national dance. Traditional American square dancing set the mood for a spirited Cowboy and Indian episode complete with Cavalry officer (Mervyn Alderman) and his lady (Angela Alderman) and an lndian brave and his squaw (Andrew and Claire Sansome) on horseback.
A complete change of mood was accomplished by the dancing of "My Mother said I Never Should Play with the Gypsies in the Wood', by Tanya Moseley, and the performance ended with the reappearance of the Wombles.
Wolverton Express 17th July 1974
Helicopter Pad tea room
THE RAMBLING four-acre grounds of picturesque Cosgrove Hall, the home of local property tycoon, Charles Mackenzie Hill, are being thrown open to the public on Sunday July 21st to raise funds for gardening charities. Visitors will be able to admire the flowers and shrubs; stroll in the woodlands and play with Mr. Mackenzie Hill's lavish model railway which will be on display. Tea will be available on the Hall's spacious lawn, which is used as a helicopter pad during less leisurely moments. Proceeds from the open day will be going to the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society and the Royal Gardeners' Orphan Fund. Mr. Mackenzie Hill is not a great gardening enthusiast himself. “He doesn't really have the time.” said a member of his staff.
Wolverton Express 26th July 1974


THERE was, as a member of the staff was quick to point out, none of that "Woburn Abbey stuff" when stately Cosgrove Hall opened its gates to the public on Sunday. Entertainment consisted largely of gazing at exotic shrubs and sipping tea on the lawns. But the 500-plus people who attended the Gardeners Sunday all enjoyed themselves in a discreet kind of way and helped to raise £110 for gardening charities. Owner of the hall, property tycoon and village celebrity, Mr. Charles Mackenzie Hill, did not play an over prominent role in the festivities But delighted children queued up all afternoon for rides on his lavish model railway which runs a circuit through the hall grounds. Members of Milton Keynes Model Society were organising the rail trips "Mr. Mackenzie Hill has always been interested in model engines but he is too busy to use his own very much now," it was explained. The hall itself was out of bounds for the afternoon. But staff members served teas from the garage from which Mr. Mackenzie Hill's vintage Bentley and Mercedes saloon had been removed for the occasion. Another spot of unscheduled entertainment came when the property magnate's private helicopter whirred onto the lawn bearing a weekend guest. Visitors were all extremely well behaved, it was reported. Some did peer through the windows of the hall in an obvious attempt to see how the other half lived but nobody trampled shrubs or helped themselves to souvenir bunches of flowers.

"It was an extremely pleasant gathering," said the spokesman. "People used the grounds freely but there was no abuse.
A tremendous amount of work of has been put into the gardens in the last two years and they looked most attractive".
Rector of Cosgrove, the Rev. R. H. Beatty, with his daughter Monica - he told our photographer that he was trying to obtain the secrets of the gardeners who
managed to stave off blight on the greens and fruit in the garden.
Admiring the red-hot pokers is
Angela Dytham and daughter Annabelle
Casting a critical eye over the blooms in the greenhouses.
Good shot sir... croquet on the lawn -a traditional pastime in English country houses.
Seven kids an adult is some big load for the railway, run by Milton Keynes Model Society.
Wolverton Express 27th June 1975
South Northants MP Mr Arthur Jones opened Cosgrove Church fete, which was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall. Mr Jones was then presented with a geranium plant by four year old Caedmon Oakley.
Money raised at the fete, totalling £150, will go to the church restoration fund. The usual stalls, sideshows and competitions were supplemented by the music of Roade School Band and rides on the model railway, supplemented by the Milton Keynes Model Railway Society. The high spot of the afternoon was a display of the martial art by the British Aikido Association.
The afternoon finished with the awarding of the competition prizes, and children’s games.
Wolverton Express 16th May 1975
Cosgrove Concert
Pupils of Cosgrove School joined with Wolverton and District Orchestral Society to perform a concert in Cosgrove Hall last week. The society presented a programme of classical and light music, while the children sang a wide variety of songs and a small group of them played a short selection of violin pieces. The evening raised £19 for the recently formed Cosgrove School Association.
Wolverton Express 27th June 1975
South Northants MP Mr Arthur Jones opened Cosgrove Church fete, which was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall. Mr Jones was then presented with a geranium plant by four year old Caedmon Oakley.
Money raised at the fete, totalling £150, will go to the church restoration fund. The usual stalls, sideshows and competitions were supplemented by the music of Roade School Band and rides on the model railway, supplemented by the Milton Keynes Model Railway Society. The high spot of the afternoon was a display of the martial art by the British Aikido Association.
The afternoon finished with the awarding of the competition prizes, and children’s games.
Wolverton Express 23rd July 1975
The recent fete at Cosgrove Primary School organised by the Cosgrove School Association brought in over £100. The slightly chilly weather made sure the hot dog stand did a roaring trade. School children followed their procession round the village with displays of maypole, country and morris dancing.
Winners of the decorated cycle completion were: 1 Simon Harwood 2 Joanna Lumb 3 Dorothy Lumb. Funny face contest winners were : 1 Tania Moseley 2 Adrian Moseley 3 Andrew Gee.
The £50 profit, made at the recent Cosgrove fete, will go towards church repairs. Mrs A Oakley, a member of the Parochial Church Council, who organised the fete, said that they were pleased with the outcome.
“We were not primarily organising the fete to make money, but to revive an old Cosgrove tradition of a two day festival in July. Considering the weather was so bad we were happy with the way things went, and hope to hold a similar function next year,” she said.
Wolverton Express 2nd July 1976

BECOMING a carnival queen was a love story for blonde-haired Karen Tweedale. After the crowning, 18 year old Karen rushed to the arms of her ex-fiance. "We're back together again - the carnival queen competition has 'brought us together," she explained.
Karen, of Stratford, Road. Cosgrove, topped the line-up of six finalists at the Saturday night dance after Bletchley Carnival. Her engagement to 21 year-old Chrysler worker, Graham Payne, who lives on the new city estate of Primrose, was broken off recently. Bachelor Graham's terraced house was the closest home to a nearby factory development, which had him and other Primrose residents protesting for weeks.
"We had been going out together for three years," said Karen. "The business over the factories was upsetting." A former pupil of Deanshanger Secondary School and Bletchley College of Education, Karen is the daughter of Mr Terence and Mrs Jean Tweedale. Mr Tweedale is a civil engineering inspector with the water authority.
Wolverton Express 9th July 1976

These “buttercups and daisies” entertained with country dances at Cosgrove School fete last Saturday an event which raised £110 for school funds. There was the customary procession round the village led by the fete queen, Tanya Moseley, and her attendants Robert Ford, Alan Hickford, Christopher Gee, Andrew Morton, Rebecca Luke and Lorraine Beechey.
Valerie Ford was “the girl in the garden picking daisies” in the country dancing, with Robert Ford as the sun. The programme included the traditional maypole dance.
The New City Model Club organised train rides. There were donkey and pony rides on animals supplied by Mrs Alderman and Mrs Snelson.
One way children and their parents found to keep cool was to visit one of the classrooms where Mr Chris Covington of Yardley Gobion gave a marionette show, his last performance in the area before dashing off to Blackpool for the summer season there.
There was a dance in the Victory Hall in the evening.
Wolverton Express 10th September 1976
IT WAS a roaring success that's the verdict on the two day water and land carnival organised by Stony Stratford Lions Club, last weekend.
The carnival at Cosgrove lodge Park was a success on two scores financially and on an entertainment front. There's no doubt that the 32 strong Stony Stratford Lions Club can look back on the spectacular with pride and already plans are being made to make the carnival an annual event. A 'mane’ event in their calendar, you might say.
Although profits from the carnival will not he announced for another week there's no doubt it was a big money spinner. All of the Lions Club profits will go to charity, including the Blind, British Red Cross Society, St. John Ambulance, Leukaemia Research, the Samaritans and Willen Hospice. Although the Lions Club Is only a year old members have already raised £1300 and last weekend's carnival could well double that.
Eight hours of entertainment had been lined up on both Saturday and Sunday and more than 20,000 people turned up to enjoy the fun. Saturday was very much a rehearsal for the crowds who flocked to the park for the second day of the carnival. Only 600 cars went through the gates on the first day but on Sunday more than 2500 vehicles streamed into the park. The carnival was the brain child of Lions Club member Peter Starr who saw the show as replacing the cancelled New City Show. Willen Lake was looked on as an original venue but the club changed its mind and seized on David Steele's offer of Cosgrove Lodge Park. It was lucky members had a change of mind as the Witten Lake has since dried up and many of the evnts would have had to be shelved. The organisers certainly made full use of the space, land, air and water at Cosgrove. The land was covered with stalls, sideshows, static displays and demonstrations on land, in the water it was the turn of the water skiers, canoeists, raft racers, model boat enthusiasts, sub aqua club members, speed boat fans, and shark surfer Roy Weatherley. and in the air were helicopter rides, parachutists and hot air balloonists.
Climax of the show on both days was the death defying stunt by lorry driver Tom Williams. Tom aimed to drive his souped up car from an 8 ft ramp and over a row of parked cars. Hr cleared nine the first day and seven the next. And already he has plans to go for a world record at next year's Lions Club carnival.
The only snag at the event war the planned Formula Ford car display. Unfortunately the car engine blew up during the weekend as it was due to race at Silverstone within a few days the mechanics were busy at the weekend making last minute repairs.

JUST look who dropped into the carnival on Sunday - two cuddly bunnies from London’s Playboy Club. Sisters Leah and Penny were a big attraction on Buckingham Lions Club pick a lucky card stall and certainly boosted takings. Leah and Penny, who arrived by helicopter, are pictured with John Down.
Picked up their raft and walked
The raft race around the big lake proved an entertaining sight, although at one point the water was so shallow one team picked up their raft and ran part of the route! Wolverton Motor Company won the race on the first day with the Carrington Arms, 1st Wolverton Venture Scouts and Perrys of Bletchley in second, third and fourth places. On Sunday the more professional looking raft from the Northampton Drapery Branch of Natwest streaked home into first place. And raft race organiser Terry Jones of the Spire Garage, Hanslope, had to look on helplessly at his garage's entry drifted away out of sight while the raft entered by E. Wilder and Associates, consulting engineers from Bletchley, sank. Wolverton Motors took second place on Sunday, with Venture Scouts third and Perry's in fourth place.

This bazooka gun was a sure fire success. Lions Club member Eric Coles managed to pick up the compressed air cannon while on a business trip up north.
The gun was made for a Walt Disney film and these are just a few of the children and adults who tried their hand at shooting tennis balls at tin targets. But the cannons had to be “doctored”. When Eric first tried out the bazooka he could fire tennis balls straight through a sheet of plywood at 30 yards.

“With a queue this size I shouldn’t have any problem getting on the next ride”. Unfortunately the passenger was queuing a little early.

How about taking this cuddly Lion to bed? Joanne Millard and Fenella Laird of Hanslope certainly would not mind. But the lucky winner of the Lion, which was the Stony Stratford Club’s mascot, came from Northampton.

Fantastic fun on land, water, in the air…..
Amateur stuntman Tom Williams said an attempt was made to sabotage his car during the two day carnival at Cosgrove Lodge Park. The 30 year old lorry driver from Deanshanger hurtled up a ramp on Saturday and cleared a line of nine wrecked cars in an old Hillman Super Minx. But on Saturday the stunt went wrong and he crashed down on the seventh.
“I knew the car was sick when I started the run up, but I didn’t want to disappoint the crowd,” said Tom afterwards. “We looked at the engine later and found the distributor case had been cracked and that the spark plug leads were all crossed. It was obvious somebody had done something to it.”
Collections among the crowd before the car leaps raised a total of £80 for leukaemia research.

More than 200 anglers tested their skill at the fishing casting competition. Because of the overhanging trees around the lakes fly casting had to be ruled out and competitors tried their hand at casting their rod onto a target.
The £5 cash prize on Saturday went to M Smith of Newport Pagnell and the £5 on Sunday was won by T Green of Stony Stratford.
Wolverton Express 20th October 1977
BECAUSE of the kindness of one man, handicapped children from all over the county have experienced every child's dream ... candy floss, lemonade, and the run of a fairground - all completely free. The man who opened his fair last Friday and this Friday, is Mr Keith Emmett, owner of Cosgrove's residential fair and also a travelling fair. With the help of the Bucks Association of Youth Clubs and Aylesbury Youth Action Group, special schools in Bucks were invited to take their pupils along during the day to the Aylesbury fairground for as many "rides" as they wanted.
"I know it's expensive - each day has cost about £600, but it is worth it to see the children having such fun," said Mr Emmett, 42, who lives in Whitchurch. His fairground friends have travelled from all over the country with their rides to help him out. In 1960 Mr Emmett had tubercular meningitis, and was left paralysed in the face, and could not walk for some time. "I see children who have had this disease, and others and are in a far worse state. That is why I have determined to do all I can for them," he explained. Schools in Milton Keynes who visited the fair last Friday are: Slated Row School, Wolverton, Unit Three for Impaired Hearing at Knowles School, Bletchley, Romansfield School, Queens School and White Spires, from Bletchley.
Mercury and Herald 7th September 1978

Two pythons were a big attraction at Stony Stratford Lions Club Fete at Cosgrove Park. There were hovercraft demonstrations, model boats, clay pigeon shooting, parachuting, sideshows and a fair.
Wolverton Express 24th August 1979

Wolverton Express 31st August 1979
Lions Spectacular
Weekend of fun
For the fourth year at Cosgrove running Stony Stratford Lions will be staging a mammoth fund-raising event at Cosgrove Park. Saturday, September 1 and Sunday, September 2 is when it will all be happening and they've called it their Spectacular Weekend, an appropriate title if ever there was one. There'll be nine action-packed hours spread over the two days, with events coming thick and fast - on land, in the air, and on the water. In fact, it's on the water where most of the thrilling activities will be held. On both days there'll be hovercraft races on the main lake, on Saturday there'll be a water ski display, and on Sunday powerboats and raft race. You'll be able to go for a row, or see canoe and model boat displays, and the really adventurous have been invited by the Milton Keynes Sub-Aqua group to bring along their costumes for a dip into the pool. Up in the air there'll be thrills as well.
On Saturday and Sunday you'll see Parakite displays as well as thrilling manoeuvres by the Avon Cosmetics Aerobatic team. The Avon planes were used in the BBC TV series Wings, set in the days of World War I. In spite of the fact that they looked just like 'the real thing' - they are actually remote-controlled models!
Meanwhile, on the land there's plenty happening too. Spanning the years there will be vintage cars and there will be 'V' registration cars. There'll be a recovery display by men of REME, and a careers exhibition by the Green Jackets, and, of course, there'll be all the usual attractions you've come to associate with the Lions Spectacular Weekend. Stalls and sideshows; swings, roundabouts and the fun of the fair; and local charities raising money for good causes. Every year the Lions hold a draw with first prize that's worth thousands of pounds - this year the prize is a Ford Fiesta, and the winning ticket will be drawn on Sunday at 5.30 pm. Hopefully the lucky ticket-holder will be present, ready to drive the car away!
As usual, there will be first-aiders standing by, in case of emergency, and there'll also be a creche where the younger children can be left to play - and where the ones who lose their mums can be looked after until they are claimed. Another highlight of the Weekend will be the finals of the Beauty Queen Competition on Saturday afternoon. The top prize is a weekend for two at the Leomont Terrace Hotel, Edinburgh, as well as £60 spending money and £25 worth of jewellery. The second prize is worth £60 - hair dos at Howard Hair Fashions. One of the judges will be Anglia Television announcer Michael Speake. Entries can be taken on the field. Girls should contact the organising secretary by 2.30 pm.
The proceeds from the Weekend will be used to fit out the kitchen at Willen Hospice, and if there are any funds left over they will be donated to other local charities. Admission to the event will be £1 per car, or 25p for those on foot. The gates open at 12 noon on Saturday and Sunday and Lions' events end around 6 pm. The funfair, however, will re-main open into the evening.
Wolverton Express 7th September 1979
Cosgrove’s Spectacular Success
OVER 12,000 people enjoyed Stony Stratford Lions' Weekend Spectacular at Cosgrove Park on Satur-day and Sunday. Organisers estimate £2,000 was made, an agreeable improvement on last year when they made no profit. It was the fourth spectacular to be organised by the Stony Stratford group, who made the most of the venue, with water sports being a feature of the entertainment. There was a hovercraft grand prix, water skiing, parakite and canoe displays, rowing boats and model boats, a raft race and powerboat rides. Lion's treasurer Mr Chris Deer thinks concentrating on water events was: the secret behind this year's success. "Last year we committed ourselves too heavily on land events. We could only just recover our outlay," he said. "This year we had twice as many people, probably as the entrance fee was lower than last year".
Special buses were running every 25 minutes from Stony Stratford. This year's commitment was to fit out the kitchens at Willen Hospice. "The proceeds from the weekend, with the money from a car which was raffled, made nearly £6,000. We made £5,500 for the kitchens," said Mr Deer. "We sold £1,200 worth of raffle tickets for the car over the weekend."
1.00 pm Hovercraft Race
1.15 pm Parakites Display
1.30 pm Hovercraft Race
2.00 pm Hot Air Balloon
2.15 pm Hovercraft Race Avon Cosmetics Aerobatic Display
2.30 pm Water Ski Display
3.00 pm Carnival Queen Competition
4.00 pm Band Biggleswade and Sandy Scouts and Guides
4.15 pm Hovercraft Race
4.30 pm Five Star Security Dog Team.
Water Ski Display
5.00 pm Hovercraft Race
5.15 pm Parakites Display
5.30 pm Avon Cosmetics Aerobatic Display
1.00 pm Hovercraft Race
1.15 pm Parakites Display
1.30 pm Hovercraft Race
2.00 pm Avon Cosmetics Aerobatic Display
2.15 pm Powerboat
2.30 pm Hovercraft Race
3.00 pm Hot Air Balloons
3.30 pm Raft Race
4.00 pm Band
4.15 pm Hovercraft Race
4.30 pm Five Star Security Dog Team
5.00 pm Hovercraft Race
5.15 pm Parakites Display
5.30 pm Grand Draw for Fiesta Trophy Presentations
All events or times are subject to alteration without notice. |
There were many land events - several local charities had a stall. "They pay us a nominal fee, and then keep their own profits", said Mr Mike Ward, one of the organisers. |
The beauty competition attracted five contestants. Katy Harte, 16, from Swift Close, Newport Pagnell came first, Teresa Shepherd, 16, Priory Crescent, Roade, second and eighteen-year-old Stephanie Snead from Simpson was third. Katy conducted her first duty by drawing the raffle for the car. During the year she will appear at Lions Club functions. Beauty competition judges included Michael Speak of Anglia TV, and a member of the famous Barron Knights. Top prize of a holiday weekend for two was donated by Yorks Travel of Weston Favell Centre, Northampton. Other prizes came from British Rail, jewellers Sarah Coventry and Howard Hair Fashions. |
For those who were not so keen on the water there was the chance to take a pony ride, or a "cat" ride. Terence Freshwater, 31, from Woodchurch, was giving rides in his pony cart. The "cat" rides were in an amphibious vehicle with eight wheels used for spraying and spreading on farms. Tony Parsons of Wolverton Mill took the farm equipment off and was giving rides across land and through water.
The afternoon proved a little too exciting for balloon pilot Fred Willmer. His hot air balloon ended up stuck in a tree. "There was a sudden change in wind direction, and it got blown into the side of a tree," explained Mr Willmer. "It did little damage, and no one was hurt."
Saturday's raft race was won by an East Midlands Electricity Board team, with the Northampton A team Plus Club second and Mann Egerton and the Venture Scouts tying for third place. On Sunday Animal Aid were first. EMEB second and the Broomwade Apprentice Association third. Dunlop and Rankin won the most unusual raft section. In the hovercraft races, Philip Alderman won the Haycock and Johnson Trophy, Barry Oakley the Howard Hair Fashion trophy, and Graham Nutt the Wicken Country Hotel trophy.