Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 May 1931
YARDLEY GOBION WOMEN’S INSTITUTE At the monthly meeting held at Stone Bank on Thursday by permission of Mrs Leach the vice-president Miss Ward presided. The President, Miss Townsend, gave an interesting demonstration of glove making. A team of members of the Cosgrove Association under the superintendence of Mrs. Thacker, gave a delightful exhibition of folk dancing that was greatly enjoyed. The tea hostesses were Mrs. Brown and Miss Tandy. Miss Warr proposed votes of thanks to the president, Mrs. Thacker and her party, and to hostesses.
Wolverton Express December 16th 1932
Women's Insititue
The first monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday afternoon at the Priory, by kind invitation of Mrs Atkinson (President), who took the chair. Following the enrolling of members and other business Mr Hillyer, of Gayton, gave a most instructive demonstration on cake icing. The President, on behalf of the members, voiced thanks to Mr Hillyer. The iced cake was afterwards raffled and was won by Mrs Lord. Tea was later served by Mrs Atkinson and helpers.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 February 1933
COSGROVE Mrs. Atkinson, the president, took the chair at a meeting of the Women’s Institute, and was supported by Mrs. Whiting (vice-president) and Mrs. M. Jelley (hon. secretary). The Institute room at the Old School has recently been re-decorated and many appreciative remarks were passed on its appearance. Miss Clarke, a member, gave a demonstration on the making of cane trays, and was heartily thanked by Mrs. Atkinson. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. Gascoyne and helpers. Games followed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 March 1933
COSGROVE Mrs. Atkinson presided at a meeting of the Women's Institute, held in the Old Schoolroom. Mrs. Threadgold, of Great Brington, gave an address on the making of soft slippers, and Mrs. M. Jelley won the competition, guessing the names of villages. Mrs. A. F. Jelley and Mrs. Ford were the hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 April 1933
COSGROVE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. At the monthly meeting five new members were elected. Miss Lees, of Whittlebury, gave lecture on Scotland and shewed many beautiful pictures. There were 16 entrants in a slipper competition judged by Miss Lees, who had difficult task. The prize was awarded to Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. Ruff and Mrs. H. Smith were very highly commended.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 12 May 1933
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute this week and was supported by Mrs Whiting, vice-president; and Mrs. H. Jelley, hon. secretary. About 45 members and visitors were present. Mrs. Barker, of the County Federation, gave an address on “The working of Women’s Institute; and what an Institute can do.” Thanks were expressed by Mrs. Atkinson. A comedy sketch Funny Customers,” presented by 12 members of the Institute, caused great amusement. Mrs. Beasley and Mrs. G. Brown were the tea hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 September 1933
ln the absence of the president, Mrs. Whiting, the vice-president took the chair. An informative talk on dressmaking was given by Mrs. Birdsall. Mrs. Eglesfield and Mrs. Evans were the tea hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 October 1933
COSGROVE The Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting in the Old Schoolroom, Mrs. Atkinson presiding. In the absence of a demonstrator members exhibited home-made rugs. The main points noticed were the extreme durability of hand-made woollen rugs, and the small outlay necessary when the rugs are made of the cheap wools. Delightfully warm rugs were shown made from cast-off woollen garments and old silk stockings.
An advertisement competition was won by Mrs. Loughrey and Miss Marlow, who tied for first place. Mrs. Lovesey and Mrs. Herbert were the hostesses.
Wolverton Express 17th November, 1933
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting was held in the Old Schoolroom on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Atkinson presided, supported by Mrs. Whiting (vice president) and Mrs Malcolm Jelley (Hon Secretary). After the business discussion Mrs. Whiting very ably demonstrated sweet making. Homemade sweets proved to be very simple to make and most inexpensive. Mrs. Atkinson proposed thanks to Mrs. Whiting. For the social part of the programme the committee organized a jumble sale, which realized the splendid sum of £4.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 November 1933
COSGROVE The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Old Schoolroom. Mrs. Atkinson presided, supported by Mrs. Whiting (vice-president), and Mrs. Malcolm Jelley (hon. secretary). Mrs. Whiting gave an interesting demonstration of sweet-making, and Mrs. Atkinson proposed thanks. The committee organised a jumble sale which realised £4.
Wolverton Express 15th December, 1933
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson took the chair at the annual meeting of the Women’s Institute. The ballot for next year’s Committee took place, with the following results: Mrs Atkinson (President), Mrs. Whiting (Vice president and Treasurer), Mrs M E Jelley (Secretary), Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. Gascoigne, Miss J. Higgins, Mrs. A F Jelley, Mrs Lord, and Miss Marlow. Mrs. Spencer, of Whittlebury, acted as teller. The reports of the year’s work presented by the Secretary and Treasurer were very satisfactory. Miss Wakefield, of Stony Stratford, gave a very interesting lecture on “Home nursing”, with practical demonstrations on the making of a bed for a sick patient, fomentations, and poultices. Mrs. Atkinson thanked Miss Wakefield and Mrs. Spencer. Miss E. Nicholls won a competition for the ten most useful things for a medicine chest, judged by Miss Wakefield. Refreshments were served by Miss J. Higgins and Miss E. Nicholls.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 12 January 1934
COSGROVE In the absence of the President, Mrs. Whiting took the chair at the January meeting of the Women’s Institute. After business had been transacted, Mrs. Threadgold, of Great Brington, demonstrated the making of soft toys, for which she was thanked by Mrs. Whiting. Tea was served by Mrs. H. Castle and Mrs. R. Brown.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 February 1934
WI COSGROVE There was a very good attendance at the February meeting held in the old schoolroom. Mrs. Atkinson (president) took the chair, supported by Mrs. Whiting (vice-president) and Mrs, M. E. Jelley (hon. secretary). Four new members were welcomed. After the business meeting Mrs. R. M. Raynsford, of Milton, gave an interesting lecture on “Mime,” and her examples of the ancient art caused much amusement. Refreshments were served Mrs. W. Clarke and Mrs. Gascoyne.
Wolverton Express 16th February, 1934
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
There was a good attendance of members at the February meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute, held in the Old Schoolroom on Tuesday. Mrs. Atkinson (President) took the chair, supported by Mrs. Whiting (Vice president) and Mrs. M E Jelley (Hon Secretary). Four new members were welcomed. After the business meeting Mrs Raynsford, of Milton, gave an interesting lecture on “Mime”, and her examples of the ancient art caused much amusement. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. Clarke and Mrs. Gascoyne.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 March 1934
COSGROVE the monthly meeting held in the Old Schoolroom, on Tuesday, Miss Marlow gave an instructive demonstration on sponge cakes. Mrs. Whiting presided. Mrs. M. Jelley was appointed delegate to the National Federation meeting in London.
Wolverton Express 16th March, 1934
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting was held in the Old Schoolroom on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Whiting presiding over the business meeting. There was a fairly good attendance. Mrs M Jelley was appointed delegate to the National Federation meeting to be held in London in May. Miss Marlow gave an instructive demonstration on the making of sponge cakes. Misses Hillyer and Marlow were the hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 April 1934
SOCIAL. The Women’s Institute arranged a very successful social evening held in the school. About 100 members and friends attended. A sketch, “Seeing the world,” was presented by Mrs. Davies, the Misses J. Higgins, Ray, Tack, and I. Williams. Songs followed, and a competition was won by Mrs. Eglesfleld. Refreshments were served by the committee. Mr. Smith, of Deanshanger, supplied the music.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 May 1934
THE AGENDA for the meeting of the National Federation was discussed at the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute and instructions as to voting were given to the delegate. Mrs. Whiting presided and Miss Thompson, of the Northamptonshire County Council Farm Institute, Moulton, gave a demonstration on poultry trussing. Mrs. Atkinson moved thanks. Tea was served by Mrs. Hillyer and Miss Tack.
Wolverton Express 8th June, 1934
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson presided over a very good attendance at the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute. Mrs. Jelley gave her report on the annual meeting held in the Albert Hall. A demonstration on the making of a hassock with empty tins as a foundation, was given by a member. Many and varied were the entries in the competition “The best supper for 6d”, kindly judged by Mrs Heap, and won by Mrs. Loughrey. Mrs. A F Jelley and Mrs Lord served refreshments. Games followed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 June 1934
MRS. ATKINSON presided over a good attendance at the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute. Mrs. Jelley reported on the annual meeting at the Albert Hall and demonstration on the making of a hassock, with empty tins as a foundation, was given by a member. Entries were many and varied in the competition, “The best supper for 6d,” judged by Mrs. Heap and was won by Mrs. Loughrey. Mrs. A. F. Jelley and Mrs. Lord served refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 September 1934
At the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute, Mrs. Whiting presiding, Mrs. Mackerness, of Old Stratford, gave a demonstration of fruit bottling, and was thanked on the proposition of the chairman. It was decided to organise jumble sale for the Institute funds. Mrs. J. Clarke and Mrs. Parkinson were responsible for the refreshments.
Wolverton Express 14th September, 1934
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
In the absence of the president, Mrs. Whiting took the chair at the monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Fruit bottling was ably demonstrated by Mrs. Mackerness, of Old Stratford, who was thanked on the proposition of Mrs. Whiting. It was decided to hold a jumble sale during the month to augment the Institute’s funds. Mrs. J. Clarke and Mrs. Parkinson were responsible for the refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 12 October 1934
Mrs. Whiting presided at the monthly meeting the Cosgrove Women’s Institute. A practical cookery demonstration was given by Miss Lawry. A jumble sale held the previous week realised £3 5s. A piano has been purchased for use at meetings. Tea was served by Mrs. Whiting and helpers.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 November 1934
Mrs Atkinson took the chair at the monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute The certificates awarded at the handicraft exhibition were presented. Washing clothes by means of a machine was convincingly demonstrated by Mr. Williams, who was thanked on the motion of Mrs Atkinson. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Beasley and Mrs. G. Brown.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 December 1934
Mrs. Atkinson presided over a good attendance at the annual meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs. Jelley, the hon. secretary, and Mrs. Whiting, the treasurer, presented their reports, which were adopted. Mrs. Atkinson reviewed the year’s work and thanked all who had helped and Miss Atkinson, of Paulerspury, was teller in the ballot for the committee and officers for 1935. The following were elected: President, Mrs. Atkinson; vicepresident and hon. treasurer, Mrs. Whiting; hon. secretary, Mrs M Jelley; committee. Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. W, Clarke, Mrs. Heap, Mrs. Hillyer, Miss Higgins, Miss. Lord, Miss Marlow and Miss Nicholls. It was decided to enter the county potato competition. Miss Higgins and Miss Nicholls were the hostesses.
Wolverton Express 11th January, 1935
An address on local history
There was a good attendance at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Womens’ Institute. Mrs. Atkinson was in the chair. Mr. Pemberton, of Whittlebury, gave a very interesting address on local history. Special mention was made of Towcester, Passenham, and Grafton Regis. A competition on the number of articles which could be got in a matchbox was won by Mrs J. Clarke, with 126. Misses Marlowe and Hillyer were hostesses.
Wolverton Express 11th January, 1935
Children’s party
Almost 60 children of Cosgrove spent an enjoyable time at a party given by the members of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. After tea, which was served by the Committee, Miss Joan Higgins as Santa Claus presented to each child a present from the Christmas tree. On leaving each child also received an orange.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 18 January 1935
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute, Mrs. Atkinson in the chair, Mr. Pemberton, of Whittlebury, gave an address on local history. Special mention was made of Towcester, Passenham and Grafton Regis. A competition on the number of articles which could be got in a matchbox was won by Mrs. J. Clarke with 126. The Misses Marlow and Hillyer were hostesses. About 60 children of Cosgrove spent an enjoyable time at a party given by the members of the Women’s Institute. After tea, served by the committee, Miss Joan Higgins, as Santa Claus, presented to each child a present from the Christmas tree.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 February 1935
COSGROVE At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute, in the Old School, Mrs, Beeslsy, of Northampton, gave demonstration on “Bits and pieces.” Numerous useful and expensive-looking articles were exhibited, but the cast of materials for each proved to be very trifling. A darning competition, judged by Mrs. Beasley, was won by Mrs. Hillyer. Tea was served by Mrs. W. Clarke and Mrs, Hillyer.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 March 1935
COSGROVE Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute, when 56 members were present. Mrs. M. Jelley was elected delegate to the National Federation meeting to be held in London in May. Mrs. Horley, of Gayton, gave a talk on the Personal Service League and explained how, through the League, poverty in the distressed areas was relieved.
There were 21 entries the cake competition. Mrs. M. Jelley gained first prize, Mrs. Hurst second and Miss Payne third, Mr, R. Benbow, ol Stony Stratford, judged the cakes. A rollcall on “My birthplace and something interesting about it” brought forth interesting and amusing facts. Mrs. Andrew was the pianist for the social half hour. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Gascoyne, Mrs. Jelley and helpers.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 May 1935
COSGROVE The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women's Institute, held at the Old School, was presided over by Mrs. Whiting. Mr. Vickers, of Cambridge, gave a practical demonstration on home-dyeing, and was thanked on the motion of Mrs. Whiting. The competition was won by Miss Marlow. Tea was served by Mrs Andrew and Mrs. Lord.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 June 1935
There was a good attendance at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women's Institute, at which Mrs. Atkinson presided. A report on the N.F.W.I. conference was read by Mrs. M. Jelley, who attended as delegate. A parcel of garments made by members has been despatched to the headquarters of the Personal Service League. A demonstration on crepe paper work was given by Miss Nicholls (a member). Mrs. Heap and Mrs. Whiting were hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 03 January 1936
COSGROVE THE WOMENS INSTITUTE held their Christmas party on New Year’s Eve. Eighty members and friends were present. Miss Nichols was M.C. The programme included a song by Mrs. W. Clarke, recitations by Mrs. Hillyer, dances by Miss Ivy Tyrell, and a Christmas carol sung by Mrs. Hillyer, Mrs. Gascoigne, and Mrs. Noble. Old-time and modern dances, games and competitions went with a swing. 12 o’clock the company joined hands and sang the old year out with Auld Lang Svne. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano. The refreshment arrangements were in the charge of Miss Marlow, assisted by the committee.
Wolverton Express 17th January, 1936
Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute, when the election of Committee resulted as follows: Mrs. Atkinson (president), Mrs. Whiting (vice president and treasurer), Mr. Higgins (hon Secretary), Mesdames. G Brown, J. Clarke, W. Clarke, Heap, F Hillyer, Misses Hillyer, Marlow, and Nichols. Three new members were enrolled. A vote of thanks to the committee for their work at the Christmas party was proposed by Mrs M Jelley. A most interesting talk on invalid cookery was given by Mrs. Leach, whilst in a mince pie competition the winner was Miss Marlow. The social half hour was devoted to games and dancing and the tea hostesses were Mrs. W. Clarke and Mrs. F Hillyer.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 February 1936
Mrs. G. Brown gave a demonstration at a meeting of Cosgrove W.I. on the making of white oils, and the social half hour consisted of charades and dancing. Mrs Atkinson presided and Miss Marlow and Miss Hillyer were the hostesses. Cosgrove W.I. held a social in the Old School, when about 90 were present, including visitors from Castlethorpe W.I. A sketch was performed by Miss Payne, Miss O. Eglesfield, Miss Nicholls, and Joan Higgins. Mrs. Hillyer recited and Mrs. C R. Whiting and Mrs. Gascoigne sang. Highland dances were performed by Mrs. G. Brown and Mrs. W. Clarke. Miss Nicholls was M.C. and Mrs. Andrews was at the piano. Refreshments were served by the committee. Proceeds were in aid of funds for the electric light for the Old School.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 March 1936
COSGROVE The monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women's Institute was held in the Old School, Mrs. Atkinson presiding. Mrs. Rudd, of Stony Stratford, gave a demonstration on Smocking, and judged the hyacinth bulb competition, which was won by Miss M. Hillyer. The hostesses were Mrs. G. Brown and Mrs. Beasley. Members received seed potatoes for the competition to be held in October.
Wolverton Express 17th April, 1936
Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held at the Old School on Tuesday 7th April, Mrs. Atkinson, the president, being in the chair. Mrs. Eglesfield was elected delegate to the Federation meeting in London, and Mrs. Nicholls kindly gave a demonstration on Passe Partout. Mrs. G Brown won the prize for disguise which created a lot of amusement. The social half hour took the form of games and dancing. Mrs Lord and Mrs. Andrews were the hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 May 1936
THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE held a social in the old school. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano. Miss Nicholls was M.C., and Mrs. J. Clark at the door. Mrs. G. Brown had charge of the refreshments, assisted the committee. A programme of old and new dancing was enjoyed. Proceeds to the electric light fund. At the monthly meeting in the old school, Mrs. Atkinson in the chair. Miss C. Clarke, of Northampton, gave a demonstration on cane seating. Mrs. Loughrey won the competition for the best-dressed clothes peg. Hostesses were Mrs. Childs and Mrs. J. Clark.
Wolverton Express 5th June, 1936
The Women’s Institute held its monthly meeting on Tuesday and was well attended. Mrs. Atkinson presided. An excellent report of the Albert Hall meeting was read by Miss Eglesfield, the delegate. Sweet making was demonstrated by Mrs. Whiting, the sweets being sampled and enjoyed by the members. [The competition] For the best workman’s dinner not costing more than sixpence went to Mrs J. Clarke. Mrs. Loughrey and Mrs. Williams were the tea hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 03 July 1936
COSGROVE The summer W.I. garden meeting was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Priory by permission of Captain and Mrs. Atkinson. Two hundred members from the eight Institutes in the group were present. Mrs. Watson gave a talk on “The home and its influence on the children.” Potterspury Institute gave an amusing sketch, and members from Old Stratford demonstrated the art of pipeplaying with pipes made by themselves. Cosgrove Institute was responsible for the tea. The evening programme consisted of musical items given by Towcester Institute.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 03 July 1936
The summer W.I. garden meeting was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Priory by permission of Captain and Mrs. Atkinson. Two hundred members from the eight Institutes in the group were present. Mrs. Watson gave a talk on “The home and its influence on the children.” Potterspury Institute gave an amusing sketch, and members from Old Stratford demonstrated the art of pipeplaying with pipes made by themselves. Cosgrove Institute was responsible for the tea. The evening programme consisted of musical items given by Towcester Institute.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 July 1936
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their July meeting in the Old School. Mrs. Atkinson presided, and expressed her regret that the meeting could not be held in the Priory garden, as previously arranged, owing to the heavy rain. Mrs. Knight gave a lecture on the care of the feet. Miss M. Hillyer won the competition for the best bunch of wild flowers. Mrs Atkinson and Miss Payne were the hostesses.
Wolverton Express 4th September 1936
The Women’s Institute meeting was held in the Old School, Cosgrove, on Tuesday evening last. The President being absent, Mrs M Jelley took the chair. Bottling fruit and jam making was demonstrated by Mrs. Downing, which proved very interesting. The prize for the best pot of jam went to Mrs G Hickford. Mrs. B Brown and Mrs. H Castle were the tea hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 October 1936
The monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, Mrs. Whiting presiding. Mr. H. J. Wyles gave a most interesting lecture on Gardening, and also judged the potato competition, of which Miss Payne was the winner with 331bs grown from three seed potatoes. For the best quality Mrs. Atkinson secured a prize, and Mrs. Tuck won the prize for the heaviest potato, which weighed well over 1lb. The social half-hour consisted of games and dancing. The hostesses were Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. and Miss Heap.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 October 1936
Cosgrove Women's Institute held a successful social in the Old School. The company enjoyed games, and old and modern dances. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano, and Miss Nicholls was M.C. The committee were in charge of refreshments, and Mrs. J. Clarke was at the door. The proceeds were for the County Federation of the Women’s Institutes.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 November 1936
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women's Institute. Mrs. Atkinson presided. The monthly letter w as read and discussed. Mrs. Clement Jones, of Crick, gave talk on institutes and their work. She also gave some good ideas for the 1937 programme. The competition, “Peeling a potato blindfolded.” proved very amusing, and was won by Mrs. H. Barby. The social half-hour was spent in dancing. The hostesses were Mrs. Bushell and Mrs. Gascoigne.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 November 1936
COSGROVE A SOCIAL given by the Cosgrove Womens Institute was attended by a good company, including 24 guests from Hanslope W.I. The programme consisted of games, old and modern dances, a sketch “The Lady Magistrate,” given by Mrs. Hillyer, Mrs. J. Clarke, Miss Nicholls, Miss O. Eglesfield, Mrs. W. Clarke, Miss Joan Higgins, and Louis Hill, and duologue. Washing Day,” was performed by Mrs. Lovesey and Miss O. Eglesfield.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 November 1936
A whist drive, arranged by the Women’s Institute, was held in the Old School on Friday. The prize-winners were Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. G. Brown, Mr. G. Horne, Mr. A Castle, and Mr. J. Castle. Miss Marlow and Miss Hillyer had charge of the refreshments, assisted by members of the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 18 December 1936
THE ANNUAL MEETING of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held in the old school. The ballot for the 1937 committee resulted: Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. Heap. Miss Nicholls, Miss Payne, and Miss Joan Higgins. Mrs. Atkinson (president) thanked the committee for their work during 1936, and Mrs. Whiting (vice-president and treasurer), who had given a satisfactory report. The social half-hour was spent in games and dancing. The competition for the best article made for 6d was won by Miss Nicholls. The hostesses were Miss Nicholls and Miss Joan Higgins.
Northampton Mercury - Wednesday 23 December 1936
Prize-winners at a whist drive organised by the Women’s Institute were Miss Nicholls, Miss G. Ford, Mrs. H. Smith. Mr. W. Swain, Mr. C. Hill and Mr. D. Hillyer. Mr. R. Toombs was M.C. Miss Marlow and Miss Hillyer served refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 January 1937
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their party on New Year’s Eve. About 100 were present, and a most enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano, and Miss Nicholls was M.C. Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Foddy, members the Old Stratford Institute, gave a humorous sketch, and Mrs. Barr’s sing- ing was much appreciated. There was a fancy dress parade, in which the prize-winners were Miss Payne and Mrs. Loughrey. At midnight the company joined hands and sang “ Auld Lang Syne.” Refreshments served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 22 January 1937
Cosgrove Women’s Institute was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson. Madame Knight gave a lecture and demonstration on “Care of the Hair.” The exhibition of old photographs of members caused amusement. Mrs. Atkinson distributed material from the Personal Service League, which is to be made into garments by members and sent to the distressed areas. Mrs. W. Clarke was hostess.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 January 1937
The Women’s Institute held a whist drive in the Old School. The prizewinners were: Mrs. F. Williams, Miss Payne, and Miss Joan Higgins; Mr . C. Hill. Mr. H. Cummings, and Mr. G. Horne. Miss Marlow and Miss Hillyer served refreshments.
Wolverton Express 5th February, 1937
Women’s Institute
A pleasant evening was spent in the Old Schools, on Tuesday, by members of the Women’s Institute and friends when a film taken by the exhibitor, Captain McDonald, of scenes in the African jungle and sheep farming in Australia, was shown. An amusing competition was that of sketching their President. There was some good sketching displayed by members. That he hostesses were Miss Hillyer and Miss Marlow.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 February 1937
The Cosgrove Women’s Institute held a social in the old school. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano. A sketch, “The Leg of Mutton” was given the following members: Mrs. Hillyer, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. Lovesey, Miss Payne, Miss Nicholls, Miss D. Eglesfield, Miss A. Noble, Miss Joan Whittaker, Miss Joan Higgins, and Louis Hill. Refreshments were served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 March 1937
At Cosgrove Women’s Institute’s monthly meeting Miss Lees gave a demonstration on knitting. The competition for four lines of verse about the Women’s Institute was won by Mrs. Hillyer. Mrs. Evans and Miss O. Eglesfield were the hostesses. The social half hour was spent in community singing. Three new members were enrolled.
Wolverton Express 5th March, 1937
Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting of the women’s institute was held in the old schools on Tuesday, Mrs. Atkinson presiding. The monthly letter was discussed. Miss Higgins Secretary was elected delegates to the NFWI meeting on 2 June. Anything demonstration was given by Mr. Li’s, of Leicester. Mrs. Hillyer at one 1st prize for the best for line verse about the women’s institute and her contribution was as follows:
“It’s a tonic to tired to mothers,
Teaches us to use up the scraps and bits,
To help them to think of others,
Educates, brightens, uplifts.”
During the social half hour community singing was enjoyed. The refreshment hostesses were Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Eglesfield.
Wolverton Express 9th April, 1937
Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Old Schools, Mrs. Atkinson presiding. An interesting demonstration on Stamen Jewellery was given by Mrs. Nicholls. Prizewinners for bulbs were Mrs J. Clarke for best Hyacinth and Mrs. G Brown for best Narcissi. Community singing and dancing where enjoyed during the social half hour, Mrs Andrews being accompanist. Refreshments hostesses were Mrs.Cummings and Mrs. Noble.
Wolverton Express 7th May, 1937
Women’s Institute Plant Coronation Tree
The monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson and a demonstration was given on “Milk cookery” by Miss Haslam. A competition for the best baked custard was won by Miss Payne. During the social half hour members planted a Coronation tree in the grounds of Captain and Mrs. Atkinson. The tree was given by Mrs. Whiting. Each member made a short speech while planting the tree, and finally the National Anthem was sung. Refreshments hostesses were Mrs. R Brown and Mrs. H Castle.
Wolverton Express May 21st 1937

Cosgrove’s Happy Celebrations
The Coronation celebration was prefaced on 4th May by the planting of a sycamore tree in the Priory Park, the residence of Captain and Mrs P Y Atkinson, by the members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs R Whiting presented the tree and each member of the Institute deposited a spadeful of soil during the planting ceremony.
Wolverton Express May 21st 1937

Members of Cosgrove Women's Institute planting Coronation tree.
Cosgrove’s Happy Celebrations
The Coronation celebration was prefaced on 4th May by the planting of a sycamore tree in the Priory Park, the residence of Captain and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, by the members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs. R. Whiting presented the tree and each member of the Institute deposited a spadeful of soil during the planting ceremony.
The cost of the celebrations in this village were met by voluntary contributions, and the £75 raised included £25 received from Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, which was the result of two successful concerts she organised on behalf of the fund.
In the morning the judging for the best decorated houses in the village took place by Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, Mrs. R. Whiting, Mrs. Heap, Miss Wells and Miss Balfour, whose awards were :
1. Mrs. Noble, Bridge Row, 2. Mrs. Brown, 3. Mrs. Eglesfield, 4. Mrs. H. Barby, 5. Mrs. F. Williams, 6. Mrs. Herbert, 7. Mrs. Gallop.
A service in the Parish Church was preceded by the parishioners assembling in the school grounds where the Union Jack was hoisted by Mr. F. Tustain.
The service was conducted by the Rev H. N. C. Hewson (Rector) and was well attended.
The afternoon’s proceedings opened with a fancy dress and cycle parade which was under the charge of Mr. J. Clarke, and the judges of the house decorations undertook the judging of the parade. Their awards were :
Cycles, girls under fourteen, 1. Miss Prisley, 2. Miss Evans; under sevens, 1. Miss Noble, 2. Miss Stewart, 3. Miss Castle; ladies, 1. Miss D. Eglesfield, 2. M. Brown; men, 1. J. Lambert, 2. P. Whiting. Fancy Dress, girls under fourteen, 1. Miss M. Brown, 2. Miss Stewart, 3. Miss B. Hillyer; boys under fourteen, 1. Master Holman, 2. Master Bob Gallop; ladies, 1. Mrs. J. Clarke, 2. Mrs. F. Barby; men. 1. Mr. Brown, 2. Mr. N. Goodridge.
Children’s sports were carried through during the afternoon in a field kindly lent by Captain P Y Atkinson, and these were under the direction of Mr G Hickford, who had the assistance of many male helpers.
Results: Flat Events, girls under eight, 1. M Castle, 2. B Tompkins, 3. M Stewart; skipping race, 1. M. Brown, 2. E. Prisley, 3. E. Evans; three legged race, 1. M. Brown and E. Evans, 2. E. Prisley and H. Brown; boys under eight, 1. R. Williams, 2. J. Gayton, 3. J. Hill; three legged race, 1. J. Herbert and E. Meakins, 2. G. Hill and R. Meakins; sack race, 1. Bill Castle, 2. D. Brown, 3. J. Gayton; obstacle race, 1. D. Brown, 2. E. Meakins, 3. R. King; novelty race, 1. B. Hillyer, 2. S. Gallop, 3. E. Clarke; children’s race, under eight, 1. J. Loughrey, 2. D. Hillyer, 3. R. Williams.
In an “endless chain” race for children under eight there were twenty nine starters and each one received a sixpence.
Men’s races: slow bicycle, 1. M. Whiting, 2. G. Beasley; running backwards, 1. M. Whiting, 2. S. Welch; blindfold race, 1. A. Loughrey, 2. H. Smith; obstacle, 1. L. S. Welch, 2. H. Smith; 100 yards over forty, 1. Prisley, 2. Capt P.Y. Atkinson; mixed events, adults, three legged race, 1. H. Cummings and F. Ince, 2. Margaret Brown and E. Noble; wheelbarrow race, 1. Sheila _____ and H. Pay, 2. O. Eglesfield and C. Hill; 80 yards men over sixty, 1. Gascoyne, 2. W Castle.
In a tug of war married ladies beat single ladies.
Thread the needle race (single ladies), 1. F. Ince, 2. D. Eglesfield; egg and spoon race, 1. O. Eglesfield, 2. D. Eglesfield; novelty race, 1. F. ince, 2. J. Whittaker; Thread the needle race (married ladies), 1. Mrs. Harmston, 2. Mrs. Tompkins; egg and spoon, 1. Mrs. Noble, 2. Mrs. Tompkins; novelty race, 1. Mrs. Ealey, 2. Mrs. H Smith.
Sixty children of the village were entertained to tea at the Priory by Captain P Y and Mrs Atkinson, who also provided each child with a Coronation souvenir mug, which Captain Atkinson distributed. A very enjoyable time was spent by the young people.
Tea for adults was partaken in a large marquee and over two hundred sat down to well catered tables.
After tea the children each received a bag of sweets, a bar of chocolate and an orange, these gifts being purchased with surplus cash that had been allotted to the sports.
Dancing took place for a short while in the marquee, music being provided by Mr. F. Anstee, wireless and electrical engineer, of Church Street, Wolverton, but owing to the heavy rain this was brought to an early closure. A bonfire and firework display also had to be postponed through the same reason.
During the day beer and other refreshments was generously provided by Mr. R. Whiting and Mr. R. H. Winterbottom.
Miss Marlow was convenor for tea and was assisted by members of the Women’s Institute whilst the joint secretaries of the celebrations were Mr. J. Clarke and Mr. A. Noble.
The committee comprised Mr. C. R. Whiting (Chairman), Captain P. Y. Atkinson (Treasurer), Mesdames P. Y. Atkinson, R. Whiting, Heap, Misses Balfour, Wells, Marlow, Messrs G. Hickford, H. Ratcliffe, T. Eglesfield, E. Hillyer, A. Kightley, B. Stewart, H. Herbert, T. Payne, F. Hall, P. Swain, B. Brown and F. Tustain.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 June 1937
At Cosgrove Women’s Institute meeting Mrs. Atkinson presided over a good company. Mr. Dean, from Ovaltine, Ltd., gave a lecture and showed a talking film to members and visitors. The competition for “the best patch on cotton” was won by Mrs. Prisley, The hostesses were Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Loughrey.
Wolverton Express 11th June, 1937

Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 May 1937
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of the Womens Institute. After a demonstration on “Milk Cookery” by Miss Herriott, of the Milk Publicity Council the members adjourned to Captain Atkinson’s field, where they planted a tree to commemorate the Coronation. The tree was the gift of Mrs. Whiting. Each member present took an active part in the planting and made a brief speech. The singing of the National Anthem brought the pleasant ceremony a close. On Coronation Day, W.I. members undertook responsibility for the catering part of the programme. The whole village sat down to a meat tea arranged and served by members of the W.I.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 June 1937
At Cosgrove Women’s Institute meeting Mrs. Atkinson presided over a good company. Mr. Dean, from Ovaltine, Ltd., gave a lecture and showed a talking film to members and visitors. The competition for “the best patch on cotton” was won by Mrs. Prisley, The hostesses were Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Loughrey.
Wolverton Express 30th July, 1937
Women’s Institute
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their July meeting in the pleasant grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, of Cosgrove Priory, almost every member being present. Miss Higgins (Secretary) read the monthly letter, after which she gave her report on the Federation meeting at the Albert Hall. An outing to Bedford was discussed for those who were unable to go to the Ideal Home Exhibition. The monthly competition for the best pot plant was won by Mrs W. Clarke. Two amusing sketches were given by the following friends: Mrs Foddy, Miss Hurst, and Miss Wildman, of Stony Stratford. Games were also enjoyed by the members. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Atkinson and Miss Payne.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 September 1937
In the absence of Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs- Whiting took the chair at the monthly meeting, and 25 members were present. After the business Mr. Rawlinson, secretary of the Northamptonshire Association for the Blind, gave a lecture, and. he was thanked by Mrs. Whiting. Mrs. J. Clarke and Mrs. B. Kightley were the hostesses. The skipping competition was won by Mrs. Loughrey.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 October 1937
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women's Institute was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson, and about 30 members were present. Mr. C. F. Lawrence gave a lecture on gardening, and afterwards judged the potato competition, the results being: 1 Mrs. Prisley (25 lbs from three seed potatoes), 2 Mrs J Clarke. Mrs. Hillyer won a prize for the biggest freak potato. Mrs. Whiting and Mrs. Heap were hostesses.
Wolverton Express 5th November, 1937
Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute took place on Tuesday in the Old Schools, when a good company of members was presided over by Mrs. P Y Atkinson. An interesting demonstration on soup making was given by Mrs. Jackson, of Courteenhall, who was thanked by Mrs. C R Whiting. A competition for the best arranged bowl of autumn leaves and berries was judged by Lady Wake, of Courteenhall, who awarded the first place to Miss E. Barby. The social half hour was occupied in dancing. The tea hostesses were Mrs. G Brown and Mrs. Hill. In connection with the Institute a social was held during the previous week in the same building, the proceeds being on behalf of the Personal Service League, which works for Distressed Areas and for which the institute members make garments. There was a large company presents and an enjoyable time was spent. Miss J. Higgins was the MC. A humorous sketch was given by Mrs. F Hillyer, Mrs Lovesey, and Mrs. Priestley. A competition for an iced cake given by Mrs Atkinson was won by Mrs. Eglesfield. The pianist was Mrs A. Andrews. Refreshments were served by Miss Marlow, Miss Hillyer, and Mrs J. Clarke.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 December 1937
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their annual general meeting, and Mrs. Atkinson presided. The ballot for the 1938 committee resulted as follows: President. Mrs. Atkinson; vice-president, Mrs. Whiting; Miss Marlow, Miss M. Hillyer, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. Hillyer, Mrs. Lovcsey, Mrs. Prisley, Miss O. Eglesfield, and Miss J. Higgins. The Hon. Treasurer (Mrs. Whiting) read her report, which was very satisfactory. Twenty-six dolls which were to be forwarded to poor children were beautifully dressed by the members. A bale of material and wool was distributed to the members to be made into garments for the Personal Service League. The competition for the best hand-made bag, not costing more than one shilling, was won by Mrs. Prisley. The hostesses were Mrs. Gascoigne and Mrs B. Kightley. Mrs M. Jelley was elected delegate the annual general meeting Northampton. Miss Higgins proposed a vote of thanks to Miss Atkinson, of Paulerspury, for telling the votes.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 January 1938
About 150 people were present at the Cosgrove W.I. party held on New Year’s Eve. A programme of dances, old and new, and games was much enjoyed. ‘‘Auld Lang Syne” was sung by the company at midnight. Miss Eglesfield and Miss Higgins were in charge of the programme. Refreshments were served by the committee under the supervision of Miss Marlow. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano. The monthly meeting, Mrs. Atkinson presiding, included an exhibition of films entitled “Life in Australia.” The mince-pie competition was won by Mrs. Prisley. The hostesses were Mrs. Prisley and Miss Higgins.
Wolverton Express 14th January, 1938
Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Old Schools on Tuesday. Mrs. P Y Atkinson presided and a talking film entertainment on “Life in Australia” was given under the auspices of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and proved most interesting. Thanks to the lecturer were voiced by the chairman. A mince pie competition was won by Mrs Prisley. The tea hostesses were Miss Higgins (Secretary) and Mrs. Prisley. Dancing and games formed the programme for the social half hour.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 February 1938
The Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting, with Mrs. Atkinson presiding. Mrs. Brown, of Sulgrave, gave a lesson in community singing and she was thanked by Mrs. Atkinson. A competition was won by Mrs. B. Kightley, and Mrs. Hillyer and Mrs. W. Clarke were tea hostesses.
Wolverton Express 25th February, 1938
A party was given by members of the Women’s Institute who celebrate their birthdays between January and 30 June next to other members and friends, and this function was held in the Old School on Tuesday and was attended by sixty persons. A happy evening was spent in games and dancing with misses Andrews at the pianoforte and Mrs. M Jelley as MC. A handsome birthday cake was given by Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. G Brown, and Miss Childs. Mrs G. Williams was the recipient of a flowering plant given by Mrs. Whiting. The proceedings of the evening were brought to a close with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 March 1938
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held a successful whist drive on March 17. Mrs. Lovesy was M.C. The winners were Mrs. Hill, Mrs. J. Prisley and Mrs. G. Brown: Mr. J. Prisley. Mr. W. Swain and Mr. C. Whitehead. Proceeds were in aid the County Federation. The prize-winners are eligible to play in the whist drive to be held in Northampton October.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 22 April 1938
In the absence of Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Whiting presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Thirty members were present. Mrs. Lovesey was elected delegate to the annual meeting in London. Mrs. Ben Kightley reported on the Spring Council meeting held in Northampton. Mrs. Kay gave a clever demonstration on patchwork, and she was thanked by Miss Higgins. A competition, “Something new from something old," was won by Mrs. Hurst. The hostesses were Mrs. Beasley and Miss Barby.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 September 1938
At the monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women's Institute, Mrs. Atkinson presiding, Miss Agnes Stops gave a lecture on “Our Members Overseas,” and exhibited some fine things they had made. Miss Stops was thanked by Mrs. Atkinson. A competition for the best dinner for sixpence was judged by Miss Stops and won by Mrs. W. Clarke. The hostesses were Miss Marlow and Miss Hillyer. The social half hour was spent in community singing and dancing.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 March 1938
The Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting, and Mrs. Atkinson presided. Miss Wake, of the Green Farm. Cosgrove, gave a lecture on the History of Cosgrove, and was thanked by Mrs. Whiting. A hyacinth bulb competition was won by Miss Higgins. Mrs. and Miss Bushell were the hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 March 1938
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held a successful whist drive on March 17. Mrs. Lovesy was M.C. The winners were Mrs. Hill, Mrs. J. Prisley and Mrs. G. Brown: Mr. J. Prisley. Mr. W. Swain and Mr. C. Whitehead. Proceeds were in aid the County Federation. The prize-winners are eligible to play in the whist drive to be held in Northampton October.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 22 April 1938
COSGROVE In the absence of Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Whiting presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Thirty members were present. Mrs. Lovesey was elected delegate to the annual meeting in London. Mrs. Ben Kightley reported on the Spring Council meeting held in Northampton. Mrs. Kay gave a clever demonstration on patchwork, and she was thanked by Miss Higgins. A competition, “Something new from something old," was won by Mrs. Hurst. The hostesses were Mrs. Beasley and Miss Barby.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 May 1938
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Atkinson presided, and 40 members were present. Mrs. Kelsall gave instruction to members in percussion music and ably conducted the band. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano. The competition for four lines of verse about Spring was judged by Miss Wake and won by Miss Joan Higgins. Mrs. F. Williams and Mrs. Loughrey were the hostesses.
Wolverton Express 10th June, 1938
Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the meeting of the Women’s Institute on Tuesday in the Old Schools. And interesting lecture on the history of pillow lace was given by Miss Plumb, of Stony Stratford. A report on the annual general meeting of the NFWI was ably given by Mrs Lovesey, the delegate. A sandwich cake competition was judged by Miss Plumb and was won by Mrs J. Clarke. A visit to the Ovaltine Works was decided upon for the summer outing. Games were enjoyed for the social half hour. Refreshments hostesses were Mrs. Gascoigne and Mrs. Kightley.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 22 July 1938
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their July meeting on Tuesday in the beautiful grounds of The Priory, by permission of Captain and Mrs. Atkinson. Forty members were present. Miss Goulston, of Northampton Education Committee, gave a splendid Keep fit lesson, and 20 members took part. Ah ankle competition was judged by Miss Goulston and Captain Atkinson, and the winners were Miss E. Barby and Mrs. J. Brown. After splendid tea kindly provided by Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Hebson. A Beetle drive took place. The winners were Mrs. Ruff, Mrs. Hillyer, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Gascoigne.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 September 1938
COSGROVE At the monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women's Institute, Mrs. Atkinson presiding, Miss Agnes Stops gave a lecture on “Our Members Overseas,” and exhibited some fine things they had made. Miss Stops was thanked by Mrs. Atkinson. A competition for the best dinner for sixpence was judged by Miss Stops and won by Mrs. W. Clarke. The hostesses were Miss Marlow and Miss Hillyer. The social half hour was spent in community singing and dancing.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 October 1938
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Atkinson presiding over about 40 members. There were several visitors. Mr. C. F. Lawrence gave an interesting gardening lecture and also judged a Potato, [grown by] Mrs. Childs. Mr. Lawrence was largest quantity, Mrs. Atkinson with 25 lbs.; best quality, Miss Barby; freak potato, Mrs. Childs. Mr. Laurence was thanked by Mrs: Atkinson. The hostesses were Mrs. J. Clark and Miss Rosie Hooton. The social half hour was spent in dancing.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 October 1938
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held a social in the Old School on Friday. The programme consisted of games and dancing. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano, assisted by Miss Elsie Prisley. Mrs. Davess rendered two songs, and a musical sketch was given by Mrs. H. Castle, Mrs. Prisley. Mrs. Lovesey, Mrs. Hebson. Mrs. Loughrey Mrs. Johnson, Miss J. Higgins, Miss R. Hooton. and Masters Terry and Vincent Lovescy. Miss M. Hillyer was doorkeeper.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 November 1938
The Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, Mrs. Whiting presiding. Thirty members were present. Next year’s programme was discussed. The social half hour was spent in playing beetle and dominoes. A competition for the best arranged vase of autumn leaves was won by Mrs. J. Clarke. The hostesses were Mrs. Whiting and Mrs. Heap.
Wolverton Express 18th November, 1938
Women’s Institute Birthday Party
A birthday party by members of the Women’s Institute whose birthdays fall between August and December was given to the other members in the Old School on 10 November. A company numbering about fifty was present and the evening began with a supper which was a lavish spread. The chief interest was a large birthday cake given by Mrs. P Y Atkinson (president), the cake bearing six candles representing the number of years the Institute had been in being. In cutting the cake, the President hoped that the past six happy years would be followed by an equally enjoyable time in the future. Each person received a portion of the cake, as did also several members who were prevented attending through illness. A bouquet was presented to Mrs Atkinson, being handed to her by the eldest birthday member, Mrs. A. Childs, the gift having been subscribed to by the birthday members in appreciation of the President’s generous help towards the party. Games and dancing constituted the programme for the remainder of the evening with Mrs W Castle as NC and Mrs Andrews kindly giving her services at the piano. An amusing sketch entitled “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was performed by Mesdames P Y Atkinson, F Hillyer, J. Clarke, Gallop, Johnson, A Loughrey, J. Hobson, and Miss Sheila Knibbs. A most enjoyable party was experienced, and thanks to those responsible for the arrangements were voiced by Miss J. Higgins, the Institute Secretary.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 December 1938
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their annual meeting, Mrs. Atkinson presiding. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Atkinson; vice-president, Mrs. Whiting; committee, Mrs. Lovesey, Mrs. Prisley, Mrs. Hebson, Mrs. Gallop, Miss Wake, Miss Marlow, Miss Hillyer, and Miss Higgins. A competition for the best dressed doll was won by Mrs. Prisley. There were 36 dolls for dressing given by Mrs. Atkinson. The Misses Atkinson, of Paulerspury, judged the competition. The hostesses were Mrs. Lord and Mrs. Knibb.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 January 1939
COSGROVE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE New Year party was attended by about 150. The programme consisted of dances old and new, games and competitions. Two sketches were performed by members. “Our At Home Day” was given by Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. Johnson, and Miss R. Hooton, and “The Interfering Husband” by Mrs. Hillyer, Mrs. Lovesey and Mrs. Kelson. Much amusement was caused by the entrance of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, presented by members. Mrs. Andrews was at the piano, assisted by Miss Elsie Prisby. Mrs. Helson and Mrs. Gallop were the M.C.s, and refreshments were served by Miss Marlow and the committee. Miss Hiliyer and Mrs. Prisby were in charge at the door.
ABOUT 40 MEMBERS attended the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs. Atkinson presided. Miss Prisby won the mince-pie competition and also guessed the correct number of pearls in necklace. Mrs. Johnson won second prize for mince pies. The hostesses were Mrs. and Miss Higgins.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 January 1939
Thirty villagers of 60 years of age and over sat down to a meat supper provided by Cosgrove Women’s Institute. The Rev. Henson attended. Songs and dances were accompanied by Mrs. Andrew. Mrs. C. R. Whiting sang and Mrs. M. Whiting gave an exhibition of conjuring tricks. Those taking part in two sketches were: Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. J. Johnson; Mrs. Lovesey and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Hobson was M.C. Captain and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson were present.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 February 1939
COSGROVE At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute, Mrs. Atkinson presided and an interesting talk on A.R.P. was given by Mrs. Lievesley. Northampton. The winners of a competition for a household hint were Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Andrew. The tea hostesses were Mrs. Hebson and Mrs. Gallop, and the social half-hour was spent in playing darts.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 March 1939
COSGROVE The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women s Institute was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson. A demonstration on how to make a hassock from treacle tins was given by a member, Mrs. M. Jelly. A hyacinth competition was won by Miss Higgins, second prize going to Miss M. Hillyer. Mrs. Hillyer and Mrs. W. Clarke were hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 31 March 1939
AT COSGROVE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PARTY Hanslope and Castlethorpe visitors were welcomed by Mrs. Atkinson at a party held by Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Those contributing entertainment were Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Gascoigne, Mrs. Prisley (songs), Mrs. P. Hillyer (monologue). Mrs. Hebson, Mrs. Lovesey (sketch). Much amusement was caused the entry of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. A competition arranged by Mrs. J. Clarke was won by Mrs. F. Busby (Hanslope). The rest of the evening was spent in dancing and musical games, for which there were prizes. Mrs. Andrew was at the piano, assisted by Miss Elsie Prisley. Mrs. Hebson was M.C., and the door stewards were Miss Hillyer and Mrs Gallop. Refreshments were served by the social committee, under the supervision of Miss Marlow.
Wolverton Express 5th May 1939
Women’s Institute
An interesting demonstration on sweet making was given by Mrs Bartlett at the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute, when Mrs. P Y Atkinson (President) presided. Following the demonstration by sweets were handed round. A report on the conference held at Northampton on Saturday was given by Miss Higgins (Hon Secretary) for Mrs Kightley, who attended as delegate. A visit to London was chosen as the summer outing. A cake competition judged by Messrs. Norman, senior and junior, result: 1 Mrs. P Y Atkinson, 2 Mrs. R Whiting, 3 Mrs. Davies. The social half an hour was spent in dancing, and refreshments were served by Miss Hooton and Mrs. Johnson.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 June 1939
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held its monthly meeting on Tuesday. Mrs. Atkinson presided over about 20 members. After the business. Miss Stops gave a helpful talk. The whistling competition was won by Mrs Prisley and Miss Marlow. Tea hostesses were Mrs. and Miss Knibb.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 July 1939
Cosgrove Women’s Institute’s monthly meeting was held in the beautiful grounds of The Priory, lent by Captain and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson. The meeting was well attended, and afterwards members were the guests of Mrs. Atkinson at tea. The rest of the time was spent in sports and games. Mrs. Prisley arranged a spelling bee and acted as spelling mistress. The competition for the best arranged flowers on a soup plate was won by Mrs. J. Clarke, with Mrs. Herbert second.
Wolverton Express 13th November 1939
Women’s Institute
The monthly meeting was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson and after the transaction of routine business, Mr. Wilds, of the Agricultural College, Moulton, gave an interesting lecture on gardening and sorting fruit and vegetables. Mrs. Atkinson proposed thanks to the lecturer. A potato competition - the result of the three seed potatoes given out to each member earlier in the year - was held. The heaviest roots were entered by Mrs. Prisley (28lb) and Mrs. Smith (24lb), whilst the award for the best quality potatoes went to Mrs Childs. The social half hour were spent in dancing and competitions. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Gascoigne and Mrs. Kightley.
Wolverton Express 17th November 1939
Women’s Institute
At the monthly meeting, presided over by Mrs Atkinson president, an interesting demonstrations on “Blotters” was given by Mrs Downing, of Old Stratford, who was thanked by Mrs. R Whiting. Games and dancing occupied the social half hour and Mrs. R Whiting was hostess.
Wolverton Express 8th December 1939
Forty players attended a whist drive held by the Women’s Institute in the old schools for the purpose of raising funds for the sending of cigarettes to soldiers in France. Mr. C Crowder undertook duties of M C and prizewinners were; ladies, 1 Mrs H Whitehead, 2 Mrs. Gallop, highest half, Mrs. Hill, booby prize Miss Denyer; men 1 Master William Wright, 2 Mr. Tack, highest half Mr. King, booby prize Dennis Gould.
Wolverton Express 8th December 1939
Women’s Institute
On Tuesday Mrs. Atkinson (President) presided over a well represented meeting of the Women’s Institute. The new committee, selected by ballot, is as follows: Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs W Castle, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs Hebson, Mrs. Hill, Miss Higgins, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs Prisley, and Mrs. Whiting. Mrs. P Y Atkinson was re-elected President, Mrs. Whiting Treasurer, and Miss Higgins Secretary. The Misses Atkinson, of Paulerspury, were Tellers. Satisfactory reports on the year’s work were read by the President, Treasurer, and Acting Secretary Mrs. Prisley. Mrs. Atkinson expressed thanks to all members for their support during the year. A New Year’s party was arranged for 4th January for members only. A competition “Give a present and get a present, value not more than 6d” created much enthusiasm. Community singing was led by Miss Atkinson with Mrs Andrews at the pianoforte. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W Castle and Mrs Tack.
Wolverton Express 12th January 1940
Women’s Institute
On 2nd January Mrs. P Y Atkinson presided over an attendance of about 30 members of the Women’s Institute, held in the old school. An instructive film was shown on the products of a well-known firm. A mince pie competition was won by Mrs. Prisley, with Mrs. Johnson’s second. The tea hostesses were Mrs. Hillyer and Mrs. W. Clarke.
Christmas party
Members of the women’s institute help their Christmas party on Thursday week, when they spent the happy time in the old schools and. Being evening’s programme comprised games and dancing. Mrs Andrews was pianist and Mrs. Hebson M C. Songs were rendered by Mrs. R Whiting and Mrs. Prisley. Refreshments were served by members of the Committee.
Wolverton Express 16th February 1940
Women’s Institute. Mrs. Atkinson presided at the Cosgrove Women’s Institute at their meeting held in the Old Schools. Following the singing of “Jerusalem” and the transaction of business Miss Wake of Green Farm, gave an interesting talk on the History of Cosgrove and striking events which have occurred over the last two years. Thanks to the speaker were voiced by Mrs. Whiting. Competitions and games were enjoyed during the social half hour. Refreshment hostesses were Mrs. Loughrey and Mrs. S. Williams.
Wolverton Express 8th March 1940
Cosgrove hold Impromptu Concert
Mrs. Atkinson presided over the meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute held in the old schools. There was a good attendance of members.
Following the business there came a puzzle corner arranged by Miss Higgins and all members took part. There was also an impromptu concert in which items comprised songs, recitations, whistling, and mouth organ solos and funny jokes. Contributing to the concert were Mrs. Hillier (recitations), Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. Davess, Mrs. Lovesey, and Mrs. Prisley (songs), Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Feil, Miss Higgins, and Miss Marlow (other items). Mrs. Andrews was the pianist.
In an exhibition of work Mrs. G Brown was awarded first prize for some excellent pillow lace and Mrs. Andrews was seconds for an embroidered tea cloth. A competition, “Old proverbs and sayings”, was judged by Miss Wake and the winners were Mrs. Hillyer and Mrs. J. Clarke. Refreshments hostesses were Mrs. Gascoigne and Mrs. B Kightley.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 March 1940
COSGROVE Since November, Cosgrove Work Party has made 235 garments which have been dispatched to the Navy, Army, Air Force, minesweepers and Red Cross. This was made possible through the help of the Women’s Institute Social Committee, which organised various events to raise money for wool.
Wolverton Express 12th April 1940
Cosgrove’s Garments for the Forces
Over 200 knitted garments had been made by the members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute and sent to the Forces. At the monthly meeting of this Institute in the Old Schools, Mrs. Atkinson presiding, there was a fairly lengthy business agenda and afterwards a puzzle corner arranged by Miss Higgins, Hon Secretary, was enjoyed. The monthly competition for the best supper dish costing not more than sixpence was won by Mrs. Goodridge with Mrs. Field second. Games were indulged in during the social half hour. The tea hostesses were Mrs. Hillier and Miss Marlow.
Wolverton Express 10th May 1940
Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson presided over the monthly meeting in the Old Schools on Tuesday when the programme included interesting talks on wartime cookery by Mrs. Gimson and the Land Army for Girls by Mrs. Howley. A competition for the best snapshot taken by a member resulted: 1 Mrs. Lovesey 2 Mrs. W. Clarke. The tea hostesses were Mrs. Castle and Mrs. Gallop.
Wolverton Express 7th June 1940
Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson presided over the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute on Tuesday in the Old School, when the speaker was Mr. Wiles of the Moulton Agricultural College, who spoke on gardening subjects. He was thanked for an interesting talk, has also was Mrs. Perry Walker, who spoke on National Savings Groups. A competition for the quickest knitter on matchsticks
Wolverton Express 5th July 1940
A Garden Party at Cosgrove
By the invitation of Mrs. Atkinson, a garden meeting was held by the Cosgrove Women’s Institute in the Priory Grounds on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lees spoke of the work of the Red Cross and St John Ambulance Brigade and during the afternoon funds were raised for Red Cross work. The speaker was thanked by the President Mrs. Atkinson. A gift stall was arranged and sideshows, which produced the splendid sum of £4 5s 9d. The monthly competition was for vegetable headdress, which resulted in Mrs. Loughrey being first and Mrs. W. Clarke second. A large number of members and friends were entertained to tea by Mrs. Atkinson, the hostess.
Wolverton Express 4th October 1940
Women’s Institute
The Cosgrove Women’s Institute held its monthly meeting in the Old Schools on Tuesday afternoon, presided over by Mrs. Atkinson. After the transaction of business, community singing was arranged and conducted by Miss G. Atkinson of Paulerspury. The potato competition was judged by Miss Atkinson, the awards being: 1 Miss Wake with 14lb potatoes; and 2 Miss Higgins (Secretary), with 13lb 14oz.
Wolverton Express 15th November 1940
Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting held in the old schools. During the evening an impromptu concert was arranged, those taking part being Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. Gascoigne, Mrs. Hillyer, and Mrs. Prisley (songs), Mrs. Atkinson and Miss Penn (pianoforte solos), and Mrs. Hillyer (recitations). A puzzle corner was arranged by Miss Higgins. A competition for “something new from something old” was won by Mrs. Hillyer. Mrs. Whiting was the hostess.
Wolverton Express 13th December 1940
Cosgrove WI Annual Meeting
Mrs. PY Atkinson of the Priory, presided at the annual meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute when satisfactory reports were given by the Secretary and Treasurer.
The officers and committee for 1941 were elected as follows: Mrs. P Y Atkinson (president), Mrs. CR Whiting (vice president and treasurer), Mesdames Brockway, F Castle, Gallop, Gascoigne, Lovesey, Loughrey, B Kightley, and Miss Marlow (committee). The tellers were Miss Day and Miss E Turner. Thanks to the members and committee for their cooperation were voiced by the president. An advertisement competition was won by Mrs. Feil. Refreshments were served by Miss Higgins and Mrs. Prisley.
Wolverton Express 17th January 1941
Cosgrove WI Parties
New Year parties for members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute and children of the village were held on successive days in the Old Schools.
On the first day the members’ party took place when an enjoyable time was spent. A competition for the best disguise was judged by Mrs. G Brown, whose placings were: 1 Mrs. P Y Atkinson (parachutist), 2 Mrs. Lord (Victorian lady). A prize for the same was generously given by Mrs. J. Clarke.
Tea was partaken, followed by games and dancing, with misses Andrews as accompanist. About 50 children were entertained the next day, when prizes were presented four winners of games, etc., the donors of prizes being Mrs. A Bushell, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. Brockway, and Mrs. B Kightley.
Responsible for arranging an enjoyable programme of singing, dancing, and games were Mrs. Lovesey, Mrs. Loughrey, and Mrs. Gallop. Recitations were given by Mrs. Hillyer and her little granddaughter.
After five years as Hon Secretary, Miss Higgins has resigned, during which time she has performed a valuable work for the Institute, and the vacancy has been filled by Mrs. B Kightley.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 January 1941
Bennett Kightley, chauffeur, Cosgrove, pleaded guilty to failing to immobilise motor-car and leaving it stationary with headlights showing, P.C. Pointer gave evidence. Kightley said that he was away only two minutes. Announcing the fine of 10s, the chairman (Mr. S. P. Jones) told Kightley to be more careful.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 February 1941
Mrs. Atkinson (president) took the chair at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs. B. Klghtley (secretary) read the minutes of the last meeting and Miss Penn gave three prizes for tongue twisters which were won by Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. M. Jelley, and Mrs. Prisley. A beetle drive was held, and the prizes were won Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Prisley. The tea hostesses were Mrs. B. Kightley and Mrs. Gascoine.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 March 1941
Mrs Atkinson (president) presided at the Cosgrove W-l monthly meeting. It was decided to form a fruit preservation centre. A market stall was held by Mrs J. Clarke, the proceeds being given for the Institute. Miss Penn organised a spelling bee competition which was won by Mrs. J. Clarke. Mrs. W. Clarke, and Mrs. Andrews. Miss Penn also conducted community singing. Tea hostesses were Mrs. F. Barby and Mrs. Castle.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 April 1941
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute, Mrs. Atkinson in the chair, a number of evacuees were present. A competition, “Sing, say or pay,” was won by Mrs. Jelley and Mrs. Gascoyne. A market stall was held by Mrs. J. Clarke, proceeds for WI. funds. The social hour was spent dancing, Mrs. Andrews accompanying.
Wolverton Express 25th April 1941
Women’s Institute
A successful social was held in the Old School, Cosgrove, in aid of the nursing association fund, by the Cosgrove Women’s Institute members, and an enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. B Kightley was MC of the programme and Mrs. Andrews was the pianist. Mrs. Hillyer and her tiny granddaughter both gave recitations which were appreciated. One dozen eggs given by Mrs. P Y Atkinson was the prize for a competition, which realized £1 10s 6d. Other prizes were given by Mrs. Prisley. Miss Darlow provided the refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 May 1941
Mrs Atkinson presided at the Cosgrove W.I. monthly meeting supported by Mrs. Kightley. Arrangements for fruit preservation was discussed, and a market stall was held by Mrs. J. Clarke. A darts competition was won by Mrs. Hillyer sen. The social hour was spent in dancing and community singing. Mrs. Davess and Mrs. Lovesey were hostesses.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 June 1941
The Monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held in the Old School. Gifts of seeds from the women of America were distributed. A market stall was held by Mrs. J. Clarke. Two competitions, A memory test and “What the birds said,” were won by Mrs. F. Castle and Mrs. Jelley.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 July 1941
The July meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held in the Priory Garden. A market stall was held by Mrs. J. Clarke. A beetle drive was won by Mrs. Jelley and Mrs. G. Brown. A competition for a bunch of wild flowers was won by Mrs. J. Clarke.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 12 September 1941
Mrs Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs. B. Kightley the secretary, read the annual report of the Cosgrove War Savings Group which was started on July 3, 1940 with eight members. Stamps were sold at the rate of 10s. per week, and at the end of the first three months £9 had been raised After six months members numbered 21 and stamps worth £1 10s were selling each week. The end of the first year sees the group selling stamps worth £2 10s per week. The year's total is £74 3s. In addition thus 67 certificates were bought outright. A beetle drive was held, won by Mrs Loughrey and a competition for six different kinds of vegetables won by Mrs. Childs.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 October 1941
The monthly meeting Cosgrove WI was held In the Old School. Mrs. Atkinson presided and gave a talk on the Red Cross. It was decided to have 10 voluntary collectors for the Red Cross, and to ask each member to contribute a penny per week. Miss Penn gave a musical memory test. A competition for the heaviest weight of potatoes was won by Mrs. Childs. Mrs B. Kightley won a competition for the biggest freak potato.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 November 1941
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove W.I. was held in the Old School. Mrs. Atkinson presided. Mrs. Hugh Williams gave a demonstration with marionettes of period dress from Saxon to Victorian days. A competition was won by Miss E. Turner.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 December 1941
COSGROVE Mrs. Atkinson presided at the annual meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Mrs. Jelley, secretary for the fruit preservation scheme, reported that 554 lbs. of jam had been made. Mrs. Prlsley. secretary for War Savings stamps and certificates reported sales totalling £230 13s during the year. Mrs Andrews was the accompanist for dancing during social hour.
Wolverton Express 12th December 1941
A successful social was organized by the Women’s Institute, and held in the Old Schools. A feature of the evening was excellent impersonations by Mr. Ivor Tack of Yardley Gobion, of the prime minister, and also of George Formby. Mrs. B Kightley gave a silk tea cosy, which was used as a prize in a competition and realized £1 4s 8d. The winner was Mrs. Lord. For dancing, the music was provided by Mrs. Andrews at the pianoforte, and Mr. Frank Hughes with his accordion. Miss Marlow was MC. The proceeds of evening were for the Christmas Gifts Fund for Cosgrove men in H M Forces.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 January 1942
The members of Cosgrove Women’s Institute Held a New Year Eve party in the Old School. Mrs. Davies sang, Mrs. Hillyer recited. Mr. Maurice Whiting gave a conjuring entertainment and told humorous stones, and Miss Ruth Whiting and Mrs. Atkins presented a sketch. Mrs. Andrews played for dancing and games, and Miss Marlow was M.C.
On New Year’s Day, the Women’s Institute entertained over 50 Cosgrove children. Tea was served by the members and games and a musical programme were greatly enjoyed. Miss Fenn was the accompanist.
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s institute was held in the Old School, Mrs. Whiting presiding. Mrs. B. Kightley read the monthly letter and the report of the meeting of the Northamptonshire Federation at Northampton, at which she was the delegate. A competition in which members peeled a potato while blindfolded was won by Mrs. W Clarke, with Mrs. Lovesey second, and in a whist drive Mrs. J. Clarke was first and Miss E. Tanner second.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 February 1942
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Womens Institute. Letters of thanks had been received from Cosgrove serving men for 10s sent at Christmas by the W.I.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 27 February 1942
A social was held In the Old School by the Cosgrove Women’s institute, in aid of the Nursing Association. Mr. Ron Williams (songs). Mr. Tapp (Impersonator), Mrs. Davers (songs) were the entertainers, and Mrs. Andrews played for dancing. Miss Marlow was M.C. and the sum of £3 was raised.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 March 1942
Mrs. Whiting took the chair at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Miss Joan Wake gave a lecture on the history of Northamptonshire. Mrs. George Brown gave the refreshments to celebrate her 70th birthday.
Wolverton Express 3rd April 1942
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
A whist drive on behalf of the village Comforts Fund was organized by the Cosgrove Women’s Institute, and held on 12 March in the Old School. 40 persons took part, with Mrs. A Loughrey as M C and she had the good luck to win both gents first prize and lucky score card prize. Other winners were: gents 2 Mr. Brockway, highest half Joan Whittaker; ladies 1 Miss Marlow, 2 Mrs. Whittaker, highest half Miss Anne. A competition for a cake generously given by Mrs. A Smith was won by Mrs. Sid Bushell. Tickets were sold by Mrs. Loughrey. As a result of the effort the sum of £1 4s was realized.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 April 1942
W.I. The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women's Institute was held In the Old School. Mrs. Atkinson, presiding, read the monthly letter. A competition organised by Mrs. Atkinson was held and was won by Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. Chown, and Miss Marlow. Mrs. Andrews was the accompanist for community singing. Mrs. Whiting provided the refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 May 1942
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove WI which was held in the Old school. Miss Joan Wake gave a talk on the salvage exhibition which is being held in the Northampton Town Hall. Mr. Overton, of the Northamptonshire County Garden Produce Association, explained its objects and details of membership. It was decided to send a message of sympathy to Mrs. G. Brown, of The Barge, Cosgrove, one of the oldest members, on the death of her husband. A competition was won Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. B. Kightley. Mrs. Whiting provided the refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 June 1942
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute. Miss Pratt, of Potterspury gave a demonstration on Bazaar Novelties. A competition was won by Mrs. J. Clarke and Mrs. Castle. Refreshments were served by the members of the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 31 July 1942
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held in the grounds of the Priory, by permission of Captain and Mrs. Atkinson. An effort for the Red Cross was held and realised £10. A market stall was a great success. A cake given by. Mrs. Whiting was won by Mrs. Eglesfield and one given by Mrs. Smith was won by Mr. Herbert. Tea was given by Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. J. Clarke gave a doll for a competition, which was won by Mrs. Whiting. A competition for a buttonhole was won by Mrs. Hillyer and Mrs. Whiting.
£2 12s was raised by a whist drive In aid of the Comforts Fund which was held in the grounds of the Barge Inn, Cosgrove, by permission of Mrs. E. Brown. Mrs. Brown with Mrs. Hill also gave the refreshments and prizes for a competition. Miss Joan Whittaker and Mrs. J. Brown won these. Whist winners were Mrs. H. Castle, Miss Brooks. Mrs. Williams. Mr. Crowder, Mr. Hill, and Miss J. Whittaker. Mrs Gallop was M.C.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 September 1942
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Womens Institute was held the old school. Mrs. Atlnson, president, read the monthly letter in which the chief item of interest was the appeal from the Ministry of Health for toys for refugees in London from Malta and Gibraltar. Mr. Jones, headmaster of Yardley Oobion School', gave a talk. Mrs. Whiting provided refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 October 1942
Mrs. Atkinson, president, presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute, held In the Old School. Mrs. Capel (Old Stratford) gave a demonstration on poultry trussing. The competition for the heaviest weight of potatoes was won by Mrs. Atkinson: for best quality, by Mrs. J. Clarke: and for the biggest freak, by Mrs. Hill. Tea was served by members of the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 October 1942
A successful whist drive was held by Cosgrove W.I. in the old school in aid of the comforts fund. Winners were Mrs. W. Castle. Mrs, J. Brown, Mr. Goodridge, Mrs. T. Kightlev, and Miss J. Whittaker and Mr. G. Hill. Special prizes. Mr. O. Horn, Mrs. M. Castle, Miss J. Higgins. A competition for a pair of silk hose, given by Mrs. Hill, was won by Miss Joan Whittaker. Mrs. Loughrey was M.C.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 13 November 1942
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Womens Institute held in the Old School. Mrs. Christie, of Stoke Bruerne. gave an interesting talk on Russia and its people, and exhibited charming Russian costumes. Refreshments were served by the members of the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 December 1942
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the 10th annual meeting of Cosgrove Women's institute. She recalled that in the past year members had raised £64 lor the Red Cross and for the village comforts fund. Reports from the officials were adopted including that of Mrs. Prlsley. War savings secretary, who said £263 12s. 6d had been saved during the year. Since the start of the scheme members had saved £495 18s. The committee elected for next year were; Mrs. Atkinson, president; Mrs. Whiting, vice-president; Mrs. M. Kightley. Miss Marlow. Miss Hillyer, Mrs. Brockway, Mrs. Gascoine, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. R. Brown, and Mrs. Tack.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 January 1943
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women Institute held in the old School. It was decided to arrange for a weekly visit of a mobile canteen for the sale of meat pies. Mrs. M. Jelley to be in charge. Competitions were won by Mrs Duress and Mm Gallop, and Mrs. Hlllyer and Mrs. Chown The committee served refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 February 1943
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women's institute was held In the Old School. Mrs. Atkinson presided. A competition for "Something new from something old," was won by Mrs. Tack. A spelling competition was won by Mrs. O. Brown, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. Wittaker, Mrs. Castle, Mrs. J. Clarke. Mrs. M. Jelley, and Mrs. W. Clarke, A darts competition was won Mrs. Wittaker. Refreshments were served by the committee. A whist drive was held the Old School, Cosgrove, in aid of the village comforts fund. Mr. O. Horn, Mrs. J. Brown. Miss D. Brown. Mrs. T. Mrs. M. Clarke, and Mrs. Wittaker won prizes. A parcel of groceries was won by Mrs. W. Stewart in a competition.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 March 1943
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women's Institute in the Old School. A competition for the best darned garment was won by Mrs. Davess, and competition for knitting on match-sticks won by Mrs. P. Castle and Mrs. Gallop. Refreshments were served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 April 1943
The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Old School. Mrs. B. Kightley gave a report on the Northampton annual meeting. Mrs. Whiting read a letter of thanks from the Naval War Libraries Fund for the 1,333 ship Halfpennies she had collected .and sent from Cosgrove. Competitions were won by Mrs. Wittaker. Mrs. Brockway, Mrs. Tack, and Mrs. O. Williams. Tea was served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 5th May 1943
Women’s Institute
Mrs. Atkinson presided over the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute held in the Old School. A competition, “something new from something old”, was won by Mrs. Tack, whilst in a spelling bee the competition winners were Mrs. G Brown, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Castle, Mrs. J. Clarke, Mrs. M Jelley and Mrs. W. Clarke. A dance competition was won by Mrs. Whittaker. Refreshments were served by the Committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 May 1943
Cosgrove Women’s Institute meeting in the Old School was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson. Competition winners were Mrs. Gallop and Mrs. Davies, and Mrs. P. Castle (prize given by Mrs. Longman). Refreshments were served by committee members.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 June 1943
Following protests by Cosgrove Women's Institute, a mobile bus arrived in the village yesterday to distribute ration books and identity cards. Previously villagers had faced a 22 miles journey via Northampton, the double journey taking 3½ hours, although Cosgrove is only nine miles from Towcester. Cosgrove Women’s Institute passed a resolution urging Towcester Rural District Council to arrange for a sub-station in the village, or adopt some other means of distributing the remaining ration books. Copies of the resolution were sent to Lord Woolton and to Major Manningham-Buller MP for Daventry. Most of the villagers had already obtained their books and identity cards during the main issue from Towcester Food Office, and the mobile van was sent to help those who had not collected their books.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 02 July 1943
In connection, with Cosgrove Wings Week, a social and whist drive was arranged in the Old School by the Women’s Institute committee. Winners were: Mrs Brown. Mrs. Lord. Mrs. Clarke. Miss Marlow, Miss J. Whitaker. Mr. G. Horne, Mrs. Gallop. Miss G. Tompkins and Mrs. Valentine. A Ministry of Information film show was also held in the Old School. The proceeds from these efforts and competitions run by Mrs. Gascoigne and Mr. Chown were £18 15s. Another competition organised Mrs. Whitaker and Miss J. Whitaker, resulted in the sale of 6d. savings stamps to the value of £10 16s and the raising of £2 4s for Wings Week funds.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 July 1943
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held at the Priory. Mrs. Capel gave a report of the general meeting, and Mrs. Archdale gave a talk on Rhodesia. A bring and buy stall in aid of the Nursing Association realised £8. Competitions were won by Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. W Clarke, Mrs Chown and Mrs. Gascoigne. Mrs. Atkinson was hostess.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 10 September 1943
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held in the Old School. A letter of thanks from the Naval War Libraries Fund for the Ship halfpennies was read.
A potato competition judged by Mr Brockway was won by Mrs Whlting (heaviest and best Quality) and Mrs. J. Clarke (freak potato).
Buckingham Advertiser and Free Press - Saturday 10 July 1943
Mrs. Gratton Holt kindly placed Potterspury House at the disposal of the Northamptonshire Women’s Institutes for the annual outing of the group. Members attending included those from Deanshanger, Wicken, Cosgrove, Old Stratford, Potterspury, Stoke Bruerne and Yardley Gobion. Potterspury members supervised the arrangements for the grounds. Stalls and sideshows, competitions and a shawl parade, made a very pleasant time for the members of the group. Refreshments were served.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 October 1943
A whist drive organised by Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held in the Old School. Cosgrove, in aid of the Forces Fund. Winners were Mrs. P. Castle, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. Chown, Mr, Benmore, Mr. P. Swain Mr. Loughrey. and Miss Marjorie Brown. A competition was won by Miss Marlow. Mrs. Loughrey was M.C.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 October 1943
Mrs. Atkinson presided at the monthly meeting ol Cosgrove WI. She also presented certificates won at a group exhibition recently at Old Stratford. Cosgrove were very successful, gaining 21 flrst-class certificates, nine seconds, eight thirds, out of a total of 45 exhibits. Mrs J. Clarke gained 100 per cent points with tomatoes and Mrs. Jelley 100 per cent for bottled fruit. Mrs. Capel, Old Stratford, gave a skin dressing demonstration. Winners of a spelling bee were Miss Marlow, Mrs. Brockway, Mrs. Whittaker Mrs. Hickford and Mrs, W. Clarke. Refreshments were served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 12 November 1943
COSGROVE The monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held In the Old School. Mrs. Thornton, of Brockhall gave a talk on prisoners-of-war and gave details of parcels that are sent to them through the Red Cross. A competition for a vase of autumn leaves was won by Mrs B. Kightley and Mrs Atkinson. Refreshments were served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 12th December 1943
Women’s Institute
A whist drive was held by members of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute in aid of the village Forces Fund and prizes were won by: ladies - Mrs. Brown, 2 Mrs. W. Clarke, high half Miss Marlow; men - 1 Mrs. Loughrey, 2 Mr. Valentine, high half Mr. Horn. Score card Mrs. H Castle. A doll (dressed) given by Mrs. Eves, was won by Mrs. M Jelley.
The Women’s Institute Cosgrove, held its annual meeting on 7 December, Mrs. Atkinson presiding. The ballot for next year’s officers and committee resulted as follows: Mrs. Atkinson (president): Mrs. Whiting (vice president): Mrs. W. Brockway, Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. R Brown, Mrs. F W Castle, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. Gascoyne, Miss Marlow, and Mrs. Whittaker (committee).
Reports were given by the president; Mrs. Kightley (Secretary), and Mrs. Whiting (treasurer). A letter from Northampton General Hospital thanked Mrs. G Brown and the Women’s Institute members for 15 cwt of potatoes in November. It was reported that the Cosgrove WI savings group had sold £263 15s 6d worth of stamps in the past year, the financial statement being given by Mrs. Chown, the Savings Group Secretary.
A gift stall was held with Mrs. J. Clarke in charge, and this realised over £3. Mrs. Whiting provided refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 December 1943
Mrs. Atkinson presided at Cosgrove Women's institute annual meeting. Election of officers and committee resulted; Mrs. Atkinson, president; Mrs. Whiting, vice-president; and committee, Mrs. W. Brockway. Mrs. C. Brockway. Mrs. R. Brown, Mrs. F. W. Castle, Mrs Davies. Mrs. Gascoyne, Mrs. Gallop. Miss Marlow, and Mrs. Whittaker. A letter from Northampton General Hospital was read thanking Mrs. G. Brown and the members for 15 cwt. of potatoes. The savings group had sold £64 15s 6d worth of stamps in the past year. A gift stall, with Mrs. J. Clarke in charge, realised over £3 . Mrs. Whiting provided refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 January 1944
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove W.I. was held on Tuesday. Mrs. Atkinson presided, and 25 members were present. Mrs. Downing, voluntary county organiser, gave a helpful talk on “Runnlng the Institute in war-time.” A mince-pie competition was won by Mrs. B Kightley and Mrs. Whittaker.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 04 February 1944
Mrs. Atkinson presided at Cosgrove Women’s Institute monthly meeting. Mrs. Hugh Williams gave a lecture on “Old Customs.” Tea was served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 May 1944
COSGROVE Women’s Institute monthly meeting was held on Tuesday. Mrs. Atkinson presiding. Miss Law from the County Office, gave a “make and mend '* demonstration. “Something new from something old” contest was won Mrs. Hillyer, sen., with Mrs. W. Brockway second. A total of 3.200 ship halfpennies have been collected by Mrs. Whiting from the members and friends of the Institute for the Navy’s War Libraries Fund.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 June 1944
COSGROVE Women’s Institute monthly meeting was presided over by Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Dickens gave a cookery demonstration of war-time dishes.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 July 1944
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held its July meeting at The Priory, by permission of Colonel and Mrs. P Y. Atkinson. A bring and buy stall and a spinning jenny realised £5 for the District Nursing Association and the Red Cross. Miss Joan Wake gave a talk on photography and an exhibition of old photographs drawn from the county. A competition for the best bunch of wild flowers was won by Miss Whitaker. Mrs. Atkinson provided tea, helped by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 September 1944
At Cosgrove Women’s Institute meeting on Tuesday, when Mrs. Atkinson presided, members were presented with certificates won in the handicrafts and produce exhibition at Old Stratford. Forty three . exhibits were sent in and the following certificates were awarded: 14 first class, 13 second-class, and12 third-class. Mrs. J Prisley gave a “trimmings ’’ demonstration and a Jumbled words competition was won by Mrs. Whitaker.
Wolverton Express 15th December 1944
Women’s Institute
The annual meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held on 5th December, Mrs. Atkinson presiding. A ballot to elect officers and committee for 1945 resulted: President, Mrs. Atkinson; Vice President, Mrs. Whiting; Committee, Mrs. F W Castle, Mrs. W. Brockway, Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Kightley, Mrs. Gascoigne, Mrs. Gallop, Miss Marlow, and Mrs. Whittaker. The Tellers were Mrs. Elder and Mrs. Brooks, and were thanked by Mrs. Atkinson. A competition for the best handmade toy was won by: 1 and 2 Miss J. Whitaker, 3 Miss Marlow. These toys were given for the sick children of Great Ormond Street Hospital, and a collection was also made, which realized 6s 8d for the same cause. Four thousand six hundred and sixteen “ship” halfpennies have now been collected by the Institute and not one thousand as stated in our previous report.
Wolverton Express 12th January 1945
Cosgrove Women’s Institute
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held a party in the Old School on New Year’s Day. About 80 members and friends assembled. Music was provided by Mrs. Owen, Mrs. E. Hillyer Miss Cynthia Tompkins, Miss June Gallop, and Miss Peggy Ruff. Songs were rendered by Mrs. Hillyer senior, Mrs. Gascoigne, Mrs. Davess, Mrs. Lovesey, and Mrs. Hebson.
A fancy dress parade was won by Mrs. Barby as “Little Old Lady” and Miss J. Whittaker as “South of the Border”. The judges were Flying Officer and Mrs. Davies.
A birthday cake was given by Mrs. P Y Atkinson to celebrate the Institute’s twelfth year.
The January meeting of the Institute was held on Tuesday, when Miss Joan Wake gave an interesting talk on “The Poets of Northamptonshire”. Six lines of verse about Cosgrove was won by Mrs. W. Brockway, and Mrs. M Jelley. The social half hour consisted of a “Sing, Say or Pay” competition.
Wolverton Express 27th April 1945
Women’s Institute
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute on Tuesday, Mrs. Atkinson presided and Mrs. M Jelley gave the report of the spring Council meeting held at Northampton. Mrs. Gordon Renton, VCO, discussed and explained the agenda for the annual meeting of the national federation to be held in London on 6th June. Mrs. Whiting read and acknowledgement for the 10s worth of ship halfpennies sent to the War Libraries Fund. Mrs. M Jelley and Mrs. Andrews were responsible for the social half hour.
Wolverton Express 15th June 1945
The Cosgrove Women’s Institute enjoyed a musical evening at the monthly meeting, the programme being devised by Miss Singleton, the Northants County Musical Organiser. Mrs. Atkinson presided, and 25 members were present. A market stall was under the charge of Mrs. J. Clarke. Tea was served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 18th January 1946
WI Lecture
An interesting lecture on Elizabeth Woodville and had connections with Grafton Regis and Northamptonshire was given by Miss Joan Wake, Secretary to Northamptonshire Record Society, to members of Cosgrove Women’s Institute at their January meeting on Wednesday. Mrs. P Y Atkinson presided. A competition for a poem on “Victory” was won by Mrs. C. Brockway and Mrs. Whittaker, whilst winners of a mince pie competition were Mrs. J. Clarke and Mrs. Whittaker. Both competitions were judged by Miss Wake.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 February 1947
Mrs. Atkinson, who retired as president after 14 years, was presented with a shopping bag by the new president (Mrs. Malcolm Jelley) on behalf of past and present members at a meeting of Cosgrove W.I. Mrs. Mackerness, of Old Stratford, gave a demonstration on netting She was thanked by Mrs. P. Castle. A competition for the prettiest 'Christmas card was won Mrs. F W. Castle and Mrs Whiting. A gift of honey from Australia was won by Mrs. S. Eglesfleld, The social half-hour was in the charge of Mrs. and Mrs. G. Beasley. Tea was served the committee, who provided refreshments.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 14 March 1947
The monthly meeting of Cosgrove W.I. was held in the Old School with Mrs. Jelley, president, in the chair. A talk on Australia, illustrated by a film, was given by the Rev. J. Benson. A competition for a hat made out of a sheet of newspaper and Pins was won by Miss J. Whitaker and Mrs W. Clarke. The social half-hour was taken by Mrs.W Castle and Mrs. Whitaker, and a beetle drive was enjoyed. Tea was served by the committee. An outing to see “Rose Marie” at Northampton was arranged.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 April 1947
Mrs. M. Jellev presided at a meeting of Cosgrove W.I. In the Old School. A report on the W.I. meeting at Northampton was read by the delegate, Mrs. G. Beasley. Mrs. A. Capel (Old Stratford) gave a demonstration of soft toy-making. She was thanked by Mrs. Davess. A social half-hour was arranged by Mrs. Tompkins and Mrs. T. Kightley. A competition judged by Mrs. Capel was won by Miss Marlow and Mrs. T. Kightley Tea was served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 09 May 1947
The Agenda for the London meeting was discussed at a meeting of Cosgrove WI and Mrs G. Beasley was elected as delegate and Mrs. Whitaker as visitor. A report of the Spring Produce show, in which Cosgrove came fourth in the number of points gained, was given, and certificates were presented to winners. A competition for the best decorated new laid egg was judged by Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Whiting, and won by Mrs. Gallop. Mrs. G Beasley, and Mrs B. Smith. Miss Jelley is taking the 24 eggs entered and 12 undecorated ones to the children’s ward Northampton General Hospital.The second half-hour was occupied by a sketch, in which Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Lovesy. Mrs. Kightley. Mrs. C Brockway. Mrs. G Beasley Miss C. Tompkins. Mrs. Whitaker, and Miss J. Whitaker took part. Tea was served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 16th May 1947
Cosgrove WI
The agenda for the London meeting of the NFWI at the Albert Hall on 20th and 21st May was the chief topic at the meeting on the 6th of May. Mrs. G. Beasley was chosen as delegate and Mrs. Whittaker as visitor. Much interest was shown in the monthly letter, especially the “Bus Service to Rural Districts”. A report of the Spring produce show was read and members were pleased to hear Cosgrove was fourth in number of points gained. Certificates were handed to the winners. A novel competition, the “best decorated and new laid egg” brought in a record entry of 24 eggs which were judged by Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Whiting, and won by Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. G. Beasley and Mrs. H Smith. The eggs with 12 undecorated gifts, Mrs. Jelley is taking to the children’s ward at Northampton General Hospital. The social half hour consisted of a sketch, in which Mrs. Harris, Mrs. J Lovesey, Mrs. T Kightley, Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. G. Beasley, Miss C. Tompkins, Mrs. Whittaker, and Miss J. Whitaker took part. Owing to a clash of dates the Birthday party was postponed from the 9th to 15th May. Tea was served by the committee and 24 members and four visitors were present.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 June 1947
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove WI Mrs G Beasley (delegate) gave an account of the London Annual meeting. It was decided to hold a members’ outing to Malvern. Mrs Barnes gave humerous and dramatic monologues. She was thanked by Mrs Gallop. Mrs Beasley thanked “birthday” hostesses for the party on May 16. A competition “something new from something old” was judged by Mrs Barnes and won by Mrs H Williams, Mrs H Smith and Mrs W Clarke. Five new members were welcomed. A whist drive in aid of the Nursing Association, realised £4. Mrs Loughrey was MC. Refreshments were served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 13th June 1947
Cosgrove WI
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held its monthly meeting on 3rd June and Mrs G Beasley gave the members a vivid account of the Albert Hall annual meeting, which she attended as delegate with Mrs Whitaker as visitor. After the business was concluded, and outing for members was arranged for a trip to Malvern in late August or early September. Members were entertained by Mrs Barnes, who gave amusing and dramatic monologues. She was warmly thanked on behalf of the members by Mrs Gallop. Mrs G Beasley thanked the “Birthday” hostesses (January to June) for the party they gave on 16th May.
A homely competition “Something new from Something old” brought a good entry and was judged by Mrs Barnes. Mrs H Williams, Mrs H Smith and Mrs W Clarke were the winners.
In spite of the heat the attendance was good and five new members were welcomed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 July 1947
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove W.I. Mrs. Jelley announced that a cheque for £10 was to be sent the Northamptonshire Blind Association, proceeds of a recent whist drive. A Safety First film was shown. An outing to Malvern was arranged for August 19. Mrs F. Hillyer won a competition for a bowl of roses. Tea was served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 August 1947
Cosgrove W.l. met In the Old School, 30 members attending. Mrs. Moore, of Billing, gave a demonstration on flower wiring. The competition was for the best tune played on a comb and paper, and was won by Mrs. Castle, with Mrs. Davis second. There was a bring-and-buy stall. The outing will be to Malvern. A group meeting is to be held at Cosgrove in October.
Wolverton Express 29th August 1947
WI Outing
The weather was perfect for the Cosgrove Women’s Institute outing to Malvern on Tuesday 19th August. Starting at 9am, the route was via Buckingham, Brackley, Chipping Norton, and the party arrived at Cheltenham at about noon. During a two hour stay, lunch was partaken and the journey was resumed to Malvern. Reaching British Camp Hill, a wonderful view was obtained, 14 counties being embraced by this grand panorama. Leaving Malvern, the return journey was made, via Worcester, Stratford on Avon and Leamington, Cosgrove being reached at about 9pm.
Wolverton Express 24th October 1947
Cosgrove WI
Cosgrove WI met in the Old School on Tuesday 7th October at 7 pm. The President introduced Mr Armstrong from Moulton Agricultural Institute, who gave a talk on soft fruits and their various diseases and treatment, and he afterwards judged the potato competition, Mrs Brockway receiving a prize for quality and Mrs Whiting for quantity. Miss Joan Wake won the prize for the funniest freak potato.
The business of the evening was taken last and after that was over community singing was enjoyed. Tea was served by the committee and the meeting was well attended. Several members’ husbands attended the first part of the meeting. The Group meeting takes place at Cosgrove on Tuesday 15th October at 2.30 pm.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 November 1947
GIFTS DEMONSTRATION A demonstration of inexpensive gifts was given at Cosgrove Women’s institute by Mrs. Daniells and Mrs. Swain (Stony Stratford). Mrs G beasley (vice-president) presided and Mrs. Fell gave her report, as delegate, on the half yearly meeting held at Kettering. The competition “autumn leaves and berries’’ waswon by Mrs J Clarke. A beetle drive was won by Mrs. F. Barby and Mrs. Gascoigne. Tea was served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 14th November 1947
Cosgrove WI
Cosgrove WI met in the Old School on Tuesday 4th November, when owing to a previous engagement Mrs Jelley (president) was unable to open the meeting and Mrs G Beasley (vice president) took her place, and ably conducted the business. Mrs Feil, who was the delegate for the half yearly meeting held at Kettering recently, gave her report.
A whist drive in aid of St Dunstan’s was arranged for 13th November. Mrs Daniells, Mrs Swain, Stony Stratford, showed some inexpensive gifts and were thanked by Mrs Davess.
A bring and buy stall was arranged for the December meeting, proceeds for the Children’s Hospital, Great Ormond Street, London. It is hoed this will be supported, and members are asked to price their gifts.
The competition for the best arranged vase of autumn leaves and berries was won by Mrs J Clarke with Mrs Whitaker second. A beetle drive took place during the social half hour and was won by Mrs F Barby and Mrs Gascoyne, Mrs Beasley taking highest half. Tea was served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 December 1947
Result of the ballot for officers at the December meeting of Cosgrove W.I. was; Mrs. Jelley. president: Mrs. G. Beasley, vice-nresident: committee. Mrs. Tomkins (treasurer). Mrs. T. Kightley (secretary). Mrs. W. Castle. Mw. Hibson. Mrs Gallop Mrs. Davess. Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. Whittaker (Press correspondent). In a report of the year's activities it was stated that a whist drive last month had raised just over £4 for St. Dunstan’s. and a beetle drive and a bring-and-buy stall, Mrs. Gallop Mrs. G. Beasley, and Mrs. Hibson in charge, raised £10 for the Children’s Hospital, Great London. An inexpensive gift competition was won Mrs Langton, Mrs. Clarke being second. Mrs. Hubert. Stony Stratford, gave a demonstration on Christmas paper decorations. Tea was served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 January 1948
Eight new members were enrolled at the New Year meeting of Cosgrove W.I,.held in the Old School, Mrs. Jelley presiding. Competition winners were Mrs. C. Brockway. Mrs. T. Kightley and Miss E. Barby. Miss Wake gave description of her recent visit to South Africa.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 06 February 1948
Cosgrove W.I. met the Old School, Mrs. Jelley presiding. Several new members were enrolled, and this small village now has nearly 60 W.I. members. A delegate and visitors were chosen for the N.F.W.I. annual meeting at Northampton, In March. Mrs. Butlin (Stony Stratford) gave a demonstration on raffia baskets. A competition for the prettiest jug was won by Mrs. C. Buckway, with Mrs. J. Johnstone second. Tea was served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 12 March 1948
Cosgrove W.I. met the Old School, and 43 members were present. Arrangements were made for an "Over 70” tea and entertainment on March 19. Mrs. Capel (Old Stratford) gave a demonstration on “Cotton printing’.’ A competition “Word-making.” was won by Mrs. Lavington. Tea was served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 2nd April 1948
Cosgrove WI entertain the over 70s
On Friday 19th March, at the Old School, Cosgrove, the over 70s who accepted the WI’s invitation, sat down to a meat tea, points for which were given by Institute members. The guests were waited on by the President (Mrs M Jelley) and the Committee members. Mrs P Y Atkinson (former President) was present by special invitation. Mrs Whiting kindly played incidental music while the guests were at tea and afterwards took part in the entertaining. She also contributed generously towards the good things provided to eat, and also gave three prizes for a competition, which were won by Mr R Pettifer, Mrs Childs and Mrs Castle. The President and Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Whiting for her kindness. As the entertainer engaged failed to arrive, songs were sung by Mrs Whiting, Mrs W Castle, and Mrs Davess and a sketch by Mrs C Buckway and Mrs Lovesey caused much amusement. Mr Jack Brown and Mr Bob Pettifer each sang a song, and Mrs F Hillyer told of the trials of “An Inventor’s Wife” in an amusing monologue, and the rest of the programme included games and dancing. Before the tables were cleared away Mrs Jelley and Mrs Whiting each spoke of the pleasure it had given to provide what they had just enjoyed, to which Mrs F Hillyer replied on behalf of the company present, and thanked all who had contributed towards the meal.
Afterwards all members were welcomed to the social, and the singing of Auld Lang Syne, and cheers for the Cosgrove WI terminated a very pleasant evening.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 May 1948
Cosgrove W.l. met in the Old School, yesterday, Mrs. Jelley presiding. After the monthly letter, Mrs. Smith (Old Stratford) read her report as delegate to the annual meeting. Mrs. Beasley gave demonstration on making old felt hats into modern berets and hand bags. A competition for the best raffia basket was won Mrs. Lavington.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 June 1948
At the meeting of Cosgrove WI Mrs. Jelley (president) gave details of the Delapre fete on July 3, Mr. W. Mackey, chiropodist and masseur, gave a talk on “The care of the feet." A competition for the prettiest saucer of flowers was won by Mrs. Whiting and Mrs Harris.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 July 1948
Cosgrove W.I, met with Mrs. Jelley presiding. Four members took part in the group effort at Delapre .Park, and sold articles given by Cosgrove W.I members, Mr. Bowles spoke on “Witchcraft,” and was thanked by Mrs. O. Buckway. He also spoke on National Savings. The competition was for the best-dressed clothes-peg and was won by Mrs. Harris with Mrs. W. Clarke second. Tea was served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 15th October 1948
Potato Prizes at Cosgrove WI
Cosgrove WI (President Mrs M Jelley) met in the Old School on 5th October when a talk was given by Mr Egerton of Holbrook’s Ltd, which members found most interesting. He was cordially thanked by Mrs Jackson.
After the monthly letter was read, members were reminded that the first Produce Guild meeting is arranged for 2.30 pm on 26th October and is is hoped to welcome several of the Group members of the Produce Guild.
Mrs C Brockway won the prize for the most potatoes with 25lb, and Mrs W Castle was 2nd with 22½lb. Mrs W Castle was chosen as delegate for the half yearly meeting at Wicksteed on 14th October, with Mrs Whitaker as visitor. Tea was served by the Committee. A bring and buy stall is arranged for 2nd November for the Village Hall.
Wolverton Express 19th November 1948
Cosgrove raises £5 5s for Village Hall
When Cosgrove Women’s Institute met in the Old School on 2nd November they held a bring and buy stall which produced a sum of £5 5s for the Village Hall which was a good effort from the WI.
Mrs M E Jelley presided over the business part of the proceedings. The monthly letter was read and discussed and Mrs W Castle gave an account of the half yearly meeting held recently at Wicksteed Park. Mr Bowles spoke on the history of an English Garden and was warmly thanked for an interesting talk.
The Group meeting on 26th October was well attended, about 70 members hearing a talk on poultry and Mr Armstrong spoke on the care of pot plants. Both speakers came from the Moulton Institute of Agriculture.
The competition at the meeting on 2nd November was for the prettiest handkerchief and was won by Miss R Kitson with Mrs Lavington second. Tea was served by the committee.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 December 1948
Cosgrove W.I. held their monthly meeting with Mrs. Jelley presiding. The election result was; President, Mrs. Jelley; vice-president, Mrs. G. Beasley; committee, Mrs. Brockway. Mrs, C. Castle. Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Hebrom. Mrs. T. Kightley, Mrs. R. Lavlngton, Mrs. A. Tompkins and Mrs Whittaker. Mrs. Kightley (secretary) gave a report on the year’s activities, and Mrs. Beasley read the treasurer’s report. Tea was served by the committee, and carol singing brought the evening to a close.
Wolverton Express 14th January 1949
Cosgrove’s Change of Secretary
Cosgrove’s Women’s Institute met on Tuesday, 4 January, Mrs. Jelley, who presided, regretting the resignation of the Secretary, Mrs. T Kightley, and announcing that Mrs. Brockway, senior, would take over the work.
Following the consideration of the monthly letter, Mrs. Jelley kindly gave an interesting demonstration of hassock making.
The competition was for the prettiest Christmas card, and Mrs. A Noble was asked to judge. Mrs. W. Clarke was adjudged the winner. Owing to the bad weather, the attendance was smaller than usual.
Cosgrove’s Annual Party
The annual party of Cosgrove WI took place in the New School on New Year’s Eve, and each member took a guest. Some were in fancy dress, and these were judged for awards by Miss Wake. First prize went to Mrs. Allen as a Crinoline lady, and other prize winners were Mrs. W. Clarke and Mrs. Castle (bride and bridegroom), second; Mrs. Burrows (Spanish lady), third; Mrs. Beasley (gypsy) and Miss Kitson (highland lassie), equal fourth.
Dancing and games were enjoy it, also a song by Mrs. Whiting and Mrs. F W Castle, and a monologue from Mrs. Hillyer, senior, one of the oldest members, whose recitations are always so enjoyed by all.
Refreshments were served by the committee, and Auld Lang Syne was sung at midnight, all joining hands. The singing of the National Anthem brought a pleasant evening to a close.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 February 1949
At Cosgrove W.I. meeting Nurse Wakefield spoke on “Taking care of yourself”. Mrs. Jackson played for dancing for the social half-hour, and a competition for "the oldest photo of yourself” brought In 18 entries. The prize was won by Mrs. N Castle who guessed correctly the identity of all the pictures. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. Daness and Mrs. Lavington.
Wolverton Express 11th February 1949
Guess Who? Cosgrove’s Novel Competition
A novel competition was held by the Cosgrove Womens’ Institute at its monthly meeting in the Old School on 1 February. Members were asked to bring “the oldest photograph of yourself” and when exhibited members were invited to guess and name the person depicted. Out of 18 photographs displayed Mrs. N Castle named all correctly.
Nurse Wakefield gave an interesting and instructive talk on “Taking care of yourself” and was thanked by Mrs. Feil.
The monthly letter was read and the delegate and visitor were chosen for the annual meeting of the Federation at Northampton on 23 March. Delegate and visitor were also chosen for the annual meeting at the Albert Hall on 14th and 15 June.
For the social half hour, Mrs. Jackson played for dancing. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Whiting, Davess, W. Clarke and Lavington.
Wolverton Express 11th March 1949
Cosgrove to Entertain Over Seventies
Cosgrove Women’s Institute met at the old school on 1 March, Mrs. Jelley presiding. The monthly letter was read and business arising was discussed, also arrangements for the village “over seventies” party to take place in early April.
An invitation to visit the workshops for the blind in Northampton was accepted, and it is hoped to get a special bus for this on 16 March. Further details will be put on the noticeboard. Mrs. Daniells, of Stony Stratford, gave a demonstration on making lampshades. She showed several lovely specimens. She was thanked by Mrs. Lavington.
The competition was “the greatest number of pins stuck into a potato using a pair of scissors to pick up the pin” in a given time, and was won by Mrs. T Kightley. Tea hostesses were Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. R Fielding, and Miss Kitson.
Northampton Mercury - Thursday 14 April 1949
Mrs. Harris gave an interesting report on the Annual meeting at Cosgrove W.l. meeting. Miss Stops gave a short talk on the agenda for the Albert Hall meeting. She afterwards spoke on “Arts and crafts of many lands.” She was thanked by Mrs. Whitaker. Tea hostesses were Mrs. F. W. Castle. Mrs. Whitaker, Mrs. Fitzgibbon and Mrs. W. Ratcliff.
A meat tea given to the over 70’s of Cosgrove by the W.I. was followed by entertainment which included a song from Mr. Bob Pettlfer and monologues from Mrs. F. Hillyer sen. two of the over 70s. Mrs Whiting entertained at the piano, and also sang. Songs were sung by Mrs. F. W. Castle and Mrs. Gascoigne. Mr. S. Williams thanked Mrs. Jelley, the committee and all who had helped make the party a success.
Wolverton Express 15th April 1949
Cosgrove Entertains Over Seventies
On Friday, 8 April, Cosgrove Women’s Institute provided a meat tea in the Old School to the over seventies in the village. After tea a conjurer entertained the guests for about an hour, and then followed songs and other items. One song that was contributed by one of the old people, Mr. Bob Pettifer. Mrs. Frank Hillyer gave two of her monologues, and songs were sung by Mrs. F W Castle, Mrs. Gascoigne, Mrs. Whiting, and Mrs. G. Davess.
The committee received the gift of a small barrel of beer from Mr. Sid Eglesfield, at the Barge inn, which allowed the over seventies to have their glasses filled during the evening. The gift was appreciated by the old folk, and on behalf of the guests, Mr S. Williams thanked Mrs. M E Jelley, president, the committee, and all who had helped to make the party a success. The singing of Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem terminated the proceedings at about 10 o’clock.
Wolverton Express 13th May 1949
Cookery Demonstration at Cosgrove
Cosgrove WI met on 3 May, Mrs. Jelley presiding. After the monthly letter was read and business discussed, the annual outing was arranged for the second Tuesday in August and was to be a tour on the lines of the last outing, which all enjoyed.
Miss Swingler gave a cooking demonstration, using oil stoves and oven, and made two sweet and two savoury dishes. She was thanked by Mrs. Whiting. Miss Swingler judged the best household hints in a competition, Mrs. C. Brockway being the winner.
Mrs. P Y Atkinson has kindly invited members to the Priory for the June meeting. Tea hostesses were Mrs. H Smith, Mrs S. Ratledge, Mrs Tompkins, and Miss Tompkins. Mrs. Whiting kindly played for the singing of “Jerusalem” and for community singing.
Wolverton Express 24th June 1949
Cosgrove Members Entertained at Priory
At the invitation of Mrs. P Y Atkinson, the June meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held at the Priory, where a pleasant afternoon was spent. Mrs M E Jelley (president) read the monthly letter and Mrs. C. Brockway deputised for the Secretary who was on holiday. Names were taken for the WI outing to Hindhead on 9 August.
At the conclusion of business Miss Wake gave an interesting talk on Palestine, and she was thanked by Mrs. Feil. Tea was provided by Mrs. Atkinson who was thanked by Mrs. Jelley on behalf of all present.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 June 1949
At the invitation of Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson the June meeting of Cosgrove WI was held at the Priory. Names were taken for the W.I. outing, taking place on August 9. Miss J. Wake gave a very interesting talk on Palestine. She was thanked by Mrs. Feil. Tea was provided by Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Jelley thanked Mrs. Atkinson.
Wolverton Express 15th July 1949
Cosgrove Discuss Odd Jobs in a Home
Cosgrove WI met in the Old School on 5 July, Mrs. Jelley presiding. After the monthly letter was read and business arising discussed, Mrs. F W Castle gave her a report on the Albert Hall annual meeting. Mr. Nicholls spoke on jobs one can do in a home and gave several useful tips in an interesting and amusing talk. He was thanked by Mrs. J. Beasley.
Mrs. Brockway, Secretary, wants all money for the outing on 9 August to be paid at the August meeting. Any member wishing to go who has not already given their names in to Mrs. Brockway, will they please do so as soon as possible.
The competition was for the prettiest posy of flowers arranged in an egg cup and was won by Mrs Hebson. Tea hostesses were Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. Chown, Mrs. Lyman, and Mrs. W. Brockway. The winner of last month competition was Mrs. Feil.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 July 1949
Cosgrove W.I. met in the old school, Mrs. Jelley presiding. Mrs. F. W. Castle gave her report on the Albert Hall annual meeting. Mr. Nichols spoke on "Jobs one can do in a home" and was thanked by Mrs. G. Beasley. The competition for the prettiest flowers arranged in an eggcup was won Mrs. Hibson. The winner of last month’s competition was Mrs. Feil. Tea hostesses were Mrs. C. Brockway. Mrs. Chown. Mrs. Lyman and Mrs. W. Brockway.
Wolverton Express 12th August 1949
Felt Demonstration at Cosgrove
Cosgrove WI met in the Old School on 2 August, Mrs. Jelley presiding. There was not much business to discuss, and arrangements were told members for the outing. Members were asked if they would contribute towards the tea at the handicraft show at Old Stratford on 31 August, and several promised to give something.
Mrs. Clarke, Stony Stratford, gave a talk on articles made from felt, and brought a lovely show of articles, many of which would be very suitable for presents or bazaars. She was thanked by Mrs. Whittaker. The only entrant for the competition for the prettiest shawl was Mrs. Whiting, whose lovely hand worked shawl was much admired. Tea hostesses were Mrs. F W Castle, Mrs. Gallop, Mrs. Hebson and Mrs. Proudfoot.
Wolverton Express 19th August 1949
Cosgrove Visit Devil’s Punchbowl
On Tuesday, 9 August members of Cosgrove Women’s Institute left the village at 8.30 am by luxury coach on their annual outing, the Devil’s Punchbowl, Hindhead, being the objective, which was reached by a pleasant and easy journey through Aylesbury and High Wycombe to Slough, where the party stopped for lunch. Afterwards they travelled through Eton, Windsor, Ascot, Bagshot, Guildford and Godalming.
The scenery on route was glorious, the driver halting and pointing out places of interest. The destination was reached soon after 3 pm, and after tea at Hindhead the party returned via Aldershot, Reading, Oxford, and Buckingham, which brought them home again at about 8.30 pm, having travelled over 200 miles in perfect weather amidst lovely scenery.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 September 1949
Mrs. Jelley presided at Cosgrove W. I. meeting. Mrs. Brockway and Mrs. Hebson were chosen delegate and visitor to the half yearly meeting, to be held at Towcester in October. Future meetings of the W.l. are to be held in the new Victory Hall. Mrs. Thacker gave a talk on Nigeria. A competition for six home-grown tomatoes was won by Mrs. Lovesey. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Jones, Mrs. H. Lavington, Mrs. Whitaker and Miss I. Williams.
Wolverton Express 21st October 1949
Cosgrove Meet in New Victory Hall
Cosgrove Women’s Institute held the monthly meeting in the new Victory Hall on 4 October, Mrs. Jelley presiding. The after the monthly letter was read and business arising discussed, Mrs. Jelley introduced Mrs. Miller, of Blisworth, who gave a demonstration of candlewick work, showing a lovely bedspread which she had worked. This craft is very old and was supposed to have been taken to America by the Pilgrim Fathers, and is still very popular over there. Several members tried to make the stitches, and Mrs. Miller was warmly thanked by Mrs. G. Beasley.
A competition for a tin of meat was won by Mrs. Holdom. Mr G. Williams was asked to judge the potato competition, and Mrs. J. Jones was the winner with 30lb of potatoes. Tea hostesses were Mrs. F W Castle, Mrs. Proudfoot, Mrs. Feil and Mrs. Hebson.
Wolverton Express 11th November 1949
Cosgrove Poppy Collection
Cosgrove Village raised £7 15s by Poppy Day collection, which included 25s from the purchase of a wreath. Mrs. P Y Atkinson again organise the Sellers, who were the following school children: Peggy Hillyer, Diane Tustain, Brenda Goodridge, and Sylvia Wickham.
Wolverton Express 23rd December 1949
Cosgrove WI met in the Victory Hall on 6 December, and balloting took place for officials for 1950. Reports were read by the Secretary on the current year’s activities and the treasurer’s financial statements, each being most satisfactory. Mrs. Jelley thanked her committee for their support and teamwork during the year.
Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Dickens (Old Stratford) were Tellers for the voting, the results being; president, Mrs. Brockway, senior; vice-presidents, Mrs. C. Brockway; Secretary, Mrs. Jelley; treasurer, Mrs. J. Jones; committee Mrs. E W Castle, Mrs. Lavington, Mrs. Proudfoot, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Whittaker, Miss I. Williams, and Miss C. Tompkins.
After business was concluded a sketch “False Alarms” was given by Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Dickens, Mrs. Proudfoot, and Mrs. Lucas all members of Old Stratford WI. This was enjoyed and Mrs. Beasley thanked the artists. A competition for six mince pies was won by Mrs. Harris and judged by Mrs. Whiting. Mrs. Jelley very kindly gave members tea and refreshments.
The annual party is to be held in the Victory Hall on 31 December and each member can bring a friend, and is also us to provide enough refreshments for herself and her friend. It was decided to charge each member 1s to cover herself and friend and omission is by ticket only.
Wolverton Express 25th November 1949
Travel Talk at Cosgrove
Cosgrove W I met in the Victory Hall on 1 November, Mrs. Jelley presiding. After the monthly letter was read and business arising discussed, Mrs. Brockway senior gave an account of her visit as delegate to the meeting at Towcester on 24 October.
Miss Olney gave a talk on Sweden and a vivid description of the holiday she spent there. She was thanked by Mrs. Feil. The competition was for six rock cakes and was won by Mrs M. Clarke. Mrs. Hebson have to the winner of another competition.
There were over thirty members and a visitor present. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Brockway senior, and Mrs. Johnstone. Nominations were taken for the ballot which takes place at the next meeting.
Wolverton Express 24th February 1950
Cake Icing Demonstrated at Cosgrove
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove women’s institute held in the village hall on 7 February, Mrs. W. Brockway presided, supported by Mrs. M Jelley, Secretary. A delegate and to visitors were chosen for the meeting in Northampton Town hall next month, and it was announced that a concert is to be held in aid of the Northampton Blind, given by Mr. Jackson, Secretary, Northamptonshire Blind, and friends. Further details will be announced.
After the conclusion of the business, Mr. Eric Norman demonstrated on cake icing and quickly iced two cakes, showing what a mere man could do - when a confectioner too. He was thanked by Mrs. Jones. The competition, judged by Mr. Norman, was for six jam tarts and was won by Mrs. W. Brockway and Mrs. Beasley. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Harris, Mrs. A Noble and Miss Kitson.
Wolverton Express 24th March 1950
Cosgrove Arrange “Over Seventies” Party
Cosgrove Women’s Institute met on 7 March in the Village Hall, with Mrs. W. Brockway presiding. The monthly letter was read, and after business arising had been dealt with, the Over Seventies party was discussed, and members with spare points were asked to let either Mrs. Brockway or Mrs Jelley have them, so they could be lodged in the same manner as last year. The party was arranged for 18 April.
Miss Makepeace was asked to give a talk on the County Library, of which she is librarian, and she gave an interesting account on how the Library is run. She was thanked by Mrs. Proudfoot. Miss Makepeace then judged the competition for not less than four lines of original verses on Cosgrove WI. There were six entries, and each were awarded an equal number of points.
A beetle drive, run by Mrs. F W Castle, for the social half hour, at the following winners: Miss C. Tompkins and Mrs. N Crowder. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Johnson, and Miss Williams.
Wolverton Express 28th April 1950
Blind Workers at Cosgrove
Mr. Jackson, Secretary of Northamptonshire Blind, visited Cosgrove Women’s Institute at the April meeting in the Village Hall, and introduced Mr. Barrett, who demonstrated cane seating a chair. Several members had ago with varying results.
Arrangements were discussed for the old folks’ party. The report of the half yearly meeting was rendered by the Secretary, Mrs Jelley. Members were asked who required cans for the coming season, these to be paid for on ordering. Tea hostesses were Mesdames F W Castle, Proudfoot, and Hebson.
Wolverton Express 30th June 1950
New Stitches Shown Cosgrove Members
Cosgrove Women’s Institute met in the Village Hall on 3 June. Mrs. Brockway, who presided, read the monthly letter, and business arising was discussed, after which the annual outing was mentioned, but as no decision was arrived at this was left to the July meeting, which is to be held at the Priory, by Mrs. Atkinson’s kind invitation.
Mrs York gave a demonstration on needlework rugs and showed members new ways of rug making and new stitches both on hessian and canvas. She was thanked by Miss C. Tompkins. Mrs. C. Brockway was in charge of the social half hour, which consisted of a general knowledge quiz. Tea was served by Mrs. Whiting, Mrs Davess and Mrs. Lavington.
Wolverton Express 21st July 1950
Cosgrove WI Meet at Priory
Cosgrove Women’s Institute met for its monthly meeting at the Priory by kind invitation of Mrs. P Y Atkinson. 24 members and one visitor were present. Mrs. Brockway presided. The monthly letter was read, and business arising discussed.
The date of the Women’s Institute outing was fixed for 22 August, and the venue, Cheddar Caves; starting from Cosgrove at 8.30am. Members wishing to take part in the outing are asked to give names and deposit to Mrs Jelley as soon as possible.
As the Institute link to the annual meeting was unable to be present, Mrs. Jelley read her report; and Mrs. Downing spoke of her visit to Denman College, and was thanked by Mrs. Whittaker. The competition was for a floral buttonhole, and there were 10 entries. Winners were Mrs. Proudfoot, Mrs. Feil, and Mrs. F W Castle.
A heavy shower prevented the social half hour. Mrs. Atkinson provided a splendid tea, and she was thanked on behalf of all by Mrs. Brockway.
Wolverton Express 11th August 1950
Back row: Mrs Noble, Mrs Brockway, sn, Mrs Lovesey, Mrs Whittaker, Mrs Dunkley, Mrs Whiting, Miss Williams, ? , ?
Front Row: Mrs Tompkins, Mrs Clark, Mrs Beasley, Mrs Gascoyne, Mrs Alderton, Mrs Fitzgibbon, ?
Cosgrove to Send Photographs to New Zealand Link
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute on 1 August, in the Victory Hall, Mrs. Lavington took photographs of members present to send out to the Institute’s “Link” in New Zealand, for which Mrs. C. Brockway is correspondent.
Mrs. Brockway presided over the meeting, and in the absence of Mrs. Jelley, on holiday, the minutes were read by Mrs. C. Brockway, and the monthly letter by the president. Final details for the outing to the Cheddar Caves was announced, the party leaving Cosgrove at 7.15am on 22 August. A few seats are still available, names and deposits to be given to Mrs. Jones, treasurer.
The social half hour was extended in the absence of a speaker, and comprised a beetle drive, advertisement game, and dancing, the beetle drive winner taking points for competition. Tea hostesses were Mrs. and Miss Tompkins and Mrs. N Castle.
Wolverton Express 13th October 1950
Cosgrove WI Enjoy Visit to Cheddar
A member of Cosgrove Women’s Institute writes:
Members of Cosgrove WI recently left Cosgrove at 7.30 AM on their annual outing, travelling by motor coach. They journeyed by easy stages, and seeing places of interest en route, chief of which was the Clifton Suspension Bridge at Bristol. Most of us thought this marvellous bridge a wonderful sight. Leaving this, we went on to cheddar caves, the scenery being magnificent and the weather perfect. Reaching Cheddar in time for lunch, we visited the world famous Caves, which have to be seen to be believed. The stalactites and stalagmites form some remarkable objects.
Leaving cheddar about 345, we returned by way of Bath and Wells where we stopped for tea. We touched several places of interest on the homeward journey, reaching home in good time, and not too tired after a long and most enjoyable day out.
Nurse Wakefield Speaks on Food
At the September meeting of Cosgrove WI, Mrs. Brockway, president, in the chair, Mrs. Jelley read the minutes. Mrs. Brockway read the monthly letter, after which Nurse Wakefield spoke on “Food”, and impressed on cleanliness in preparation and serving. She was thanked by Mrs. Harris.
The competition was for a buttonhole, oversewing and seam and fell, and was won by Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Lavington and Mrs. Brockway.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 24 November 1950
A concert by the Master Players was held at Cosgrove Women’s Institute In aid of the Blind Association. Cyril Shrives was the accompanist and the show was produced and compered by R. F. Manning. Mr. S. Jackson thanked the artists on behalf of the Blind Association.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 19 June 1953
Photographs of the Women's Institute's annual conference at the Royal Albert Hall, London. The top picture shows some of the Northamptonshire delegates having snack-lunch on the steps of the Albert Memorial. In the centre of this group in Mrs. Joyce Griffiths, and on her left, Mrs. V. V. Adkins, both of Greatworth. The three delegates nearest the camera in the centre picture are (left to right): Mrs. T. Bamford (Old), Mrs. E. I. M. Fairey (Holcot) and Mrs, A. Ellis (president of Holcoi W. 1.), On the left of the bottom picture is Mrs, L. A. Clark, of Cosgrove, who took her “tatting” to the Royal Albert Hall, where she “did Quite a lot the lunch interval."

Wolverton Express 14th January 1955
Talk About Own Village
Cosgrove WI’s first meeting in 1955 took place in the Victory Hall, when Mrs. Brockway, the new president, took the chair. The attendance was poor, the weather and illness being to blame. At very short notice Miss Wake gave a talk about Cosgrove, taking the place of the speaker who could not be present because of family illness. Miss Wake recalled her first settling in the village with her usual amusing comments. She was thanked by Mrs. Whittaker.
The competition was for a list of household articles, not clothing, beginning with the letter S. Mrs. Johnson was first with 109 articles, Mrs Hebson second with 104, and Mrs. Langton third with 97. The social was a beetle drive, the winner being Mrs. Johnson. A competition for a box at of toffees was won by Mrs. Whittaker.
Tea hostesses were Mrs. Mackerness, Mrs. Mapley, and Miss Marlow. Christmas cards were given out to those who had not previously received them from the Link Institute in New Zealand. Mrs. Hebson suggested a visit to the Repertory Pantomime at Northampton, and further details will be announced as soon as possible.
Wolverton Express 11th February 1955
Cosgrove WI Help the Playing Field
About 30 members attended the monthly meeting of Cosgrove WI, when Mrs. Brockway presided. Miss Meadows, of Stony Stratford, gave an interesting talk on her work in Zanzibar. She showed samples of the native work, the baskets and wood carvings being most attractive. The speaker was thanked by Mrs. W. Brockway.
A bring and buys stall was held in aid of the Cosgrove playing fields, and resulted in the sum of £1 18s being raised. The competition, “Your prettiest calendar”, brought a good entry, and was won by Mrs. Hebson, with Mrs. Ratledge and Mrs. Betts second and third. T were served by Mrs. Ratledge, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Tompkins.
Wolverton Express 11th March 1955
Furniture Talk at Cosgrove WI
An interesting talk on English furniture through the ages was given by Mr. Nicholls, of Northampton, at Cosgrove WI meeting. He showed a number of miniature models of some very ancient pieces of furniture, and the talk was much enjoyed. Mr. Nicholls was thanked by Mrs. Johnson.
Mrs. C. Brockway, president, presided, with about 30 members present. Mrs. Feil was selected as delegate from both Old Stratford and Cosgrove to the annual meeting in June at the Albert Hall. The competition was for a cake made to a given recipe. Winners were Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. W. Brockway, and Mrs. Tack. Mr. Eric Norman judged the entries.
Tea hostesses were Miss Barby, Mrs. F W Castle, and Mrs. L. Clarke. Next month’s meeting will be at the Priory, by kind permission of Mrs. Atkinson at 2.30 pm. Mrs. James Fisher, of Aston, will speak about the village scrapbook, and the competition will be for a posy in an eggshell.
Wolverton Express 15th April 1955
A good number of members were present at Cosgrove WI meeting when plans were made for the party for the old folk. It was agreed to include persons aged 65 years and over and members had agreed to help provide the meal.
After the business, the Rev. Laurie Toseland gave several character sketches from Dickens’s works, which were very much enjoyed. He was thanked by Mrs. Whittaker. The competition was for four lines of original verse about the Institute. Several entries were received, and Mrs. Feil, Mrs. Jelley and Mrs. J. Johnson were winners. Tea was served by Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. W. Brockway, and Mrs. Betts. The two blankets made by Mrs. L Clarke from knitted squares were shown and admired and a number of additional knitted squares were given.
Wolverton Express 3rd July 1955
Cosgrove WI Met at the Priory
Members of Cosgrove WI held their June meeting at the Priory, where they are entertained annually by Mrs. P Y Atkinson. Mrs. Mackerness expressed the thanks of members to the hostess. Mrs. C. Brockway, president, presided and Mrs. Feil deputised as speaker, giving an interesting description of a recent visit to Woburn Abbey. A competition for a box of chocolates given by Mrs. Feil was won by Mrs S Ratledge.
After a lovely tea, a beetle drive was held, winners being Mrs S Ratledge, Mrs Hebson, Mrs. Castle, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Mapley. The competition for a posy in an eggshell was won by Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. C. Brockway, and Mrs. Ratledge. Next month competition is for the best salad arrangements. A letter from the County Blind Association thanked the Institute for all their assistance in the flag day.
Wolverton Express 9th September 1955
High Standard in South Northants WI Exhibition
One of the many interesting exhibits on show at the South Northants Group XI WI exhibition at Yardley Gobion was a table lamp made by Mrs M E Jelley. The deeds of her home, the Old Brewery, Cosgrove, dates back to the year 1791 and Mrs. Jelley had used this old parchment for the lampshade.
[She won first prize in her class]
Wolverton Express 23rd September 1955
Musical Talk at Cosgrove
Cosgrove WI met in the Victory Hall, when 30 or more members were present, and two visitors. The monthly letter was read and a delegate chosen for the half yearly meeting, taking place in October at Wicksteed Park.
Before the business Mr Thorne, County Musical Adviser, gave a talk with musical illustrations on Handel and his works. He was thanked by Mrs. Feil. The choir then sang three songs, accompanied by Mrs. W Mackerness, choir mistress.
Certificates were presented to the members who were winners in the recent Group show at Yardley Gobion, who won the Group shield from Wicken, Cosgrove being placed second.
The competition was for a hat trimmed to represent a song title, winners being Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Fielding, and Mrs. Jelley. Tea was served by Mrs. Chown, senior, Mrs. Chown, Jr., and Mrs. Fitzgibbon. Next month the potato competition takes place. Tea hostesses for next month, Mrs Hebson, Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. F. Hillyer.
Wolverton Express 21st October 1955
Cosgrove WI Shown Makeup Art
Over 40 members and visitors attended the Cosgrove WI meeting, when a demonstration in the art of make-up was given by a representative of a firm of beauty specialists. The demonstrator was thanked by Mrs. Beasley.
Mrs. C. Brockway presided, and Mrs. Jelley gave an account of her visit as delegate to the half yearly Council meeting. There were several entries for the potato competition, this being won by Mrs. Jones, with Mrs. Tack and Mrs. Hebson equal second. The name of the competition potato was “Ballydoone”. Tea was served by Mrs. Fielding, Mrs. Gascoyne, and Mrs. Harris.
Wolverton Express 16th December 1955
A stall of members’ varied and interesting work was an attraction at the December meeting of Cosgrove WI. Mrs. G. Brockway presided and reports were given by Mrs. Castle, Secretary, and Mrs. Jones, treasurer. The officers and committee were thanked by the president for making the year both happy and successful for the Institute.
The competition for a Christmas decoration was won by Mrs. Chown, Mrs. Whittaker and Mrs. Mapley. Prizes for the most points in competitions during the year were won by Mrs Hebson, Mrs. Whittaker, and Mrs. Jelley. After tea, served by the committee, the choir sang carols, accompanied by the choir mistress, Mrs. Mackerness. Next month’s competition is for four mince pies.
Wolverton Express 13th January 1956
About thirty members attended the January meeting of Cosgrove W.I. when British Railways films of English and Scottish beauty spots and of the 'Queen Elizabeth' on her journey were shown by Mr. Blood and Mr. Webb. They were thanked by Mrs. Whitaker. Mrs. C. Brockway presided. Tea was served by Mrs. Hefford, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Jones. The competition for four mince pies was judged by Mrs. Jelly, and resulted, 1. Mrs. Chown (jun), 2 Mrs. Whitaker, 3 (equal) Mrs. Betts, Mrs. Mapley. There were thirteen entries. Next month's competition is for a carrot top grown in water.
Wolverton Express 27th April 1956
There were ten entries for the best-decorated egg competition at Cosgrove W.I., but upwards of 100 other eggs were left to be taken to either a hospital or old people's home. Mrs. Lavington won the competition, with Mrs. Clarke second, and Mrs. D. Chown third. Mrs. C. Brockway presided and Mrs. W. Brockway reported on the annual county meeting. Names were taken for an outing to the Queen's gardens at Frogmore on May 2nd. Mrs. Jelley gave interesting hints on the showing of preserves and was thanked by Mrs. Fielding. Potatoes were distributed for the competition in October. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Mackerness, Mrs. Mapley and Mrs. Ratledge.
Wolverton Express 20th July 1956
Canon, Guy Marshall, of Grafton Regis, talked about Argentine, where he lived for a number of years, when Cosgrove W.I. met at The Priory at the kind invitation of Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Beasley expressed thanks to the visitor. Mrs. Feil reported on the W.I. annual meeting, where she was delegate from the Institute and ''link" for Old Stratford. The competition for the arrangement of flowers in a wine-glass was won by Mrs. Whitaker, Mrs. Betts and Mrs, Hickford out of twelve entries. Mrs. Atkinson provided tea, and was thanked on behalf of the members by Mrs. Betts. There will be no meeting during August.
Wolverton Express 19th October 1956
The dainty dishes prepared at a demonstration of an electric cooker at Cosgrove W.I. were later sold and brought in 7s. 3d. for the British Cancer Campaign. The demonstrators were Miss Logan and Miss Davies, who were thanked by Mrs. W. Brockway. The competition for the prettiest vase was won by Mrs. Whitaker. Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Ratcliffe from 13 entries. Next month's competition will be for a Christmas present costing not more than 1s. Tea hostesses were Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. W. Brockway, and Mrs. Beasley.
Wolverton Express 16th November 1956
At the November meeting of Cosgrove WI., when Mrs. C. Brockway presided, Mrs. F. Castle gave an account of the half-yearly Council meeting at Oundle, which she attended as delegate. Mrs. F. Dunleavy gave a demonstration of corsetry with the aid of a model and was thanked by Mrs. Harris. The competition for a novelty costing not more than one shilling attracted nine entries and was won by Mrs. D. Chown, Mrs. Jelley and Mrs. Mackerness. Nominations were taken for the annual meeting next month, when the committee will be tea hostesses. Members are asked to bring handicraft for a show stall. A letter from the County Blind Association asking the Institute to sponsor a concert on their behalf is being left over until after Christmas.
Wolverton Express 21st December 1956
Several members of Cosgrove W.I. volunteered to undertake a house-to-house collection for Hungarian Relief at the annual meeting. Mrs. C. Brockway was elected president, Mrs. Hebson vice-president Mrs. Jones, treasurer, and Mrs. W. Brockway, secretary, in place of Mrs. F. Castle, who resigned. Other committee members are Mrs. Beasley, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. D. Chown. Mrs. Hefford, Mrs. Mackerness and Mrs. Whitaker. Mrs. Castle was appointed sick visitor and Mrs. Whitaker continues as press correspondent. Tellers were Mrs,. Pollard and Mrs. Horton, who were thanked by Mrs. Jelley. Satisfactory reports were given and the president thanked the committee. A stall of various arts and crafts was on view. A competition for a home-made calendar was won by Mrs. Ratledge. Mrs. D. Chown and Mrs. Lavington. Mrs. Ratledge, Mrs. Chown and Mrs. Whitaker won prizes for highest points during the year. Carols by the choir concluded the meeting.
Wolverton Express 11th January 1957
Cosgrove WI meeting was held on New Year's Day. Mrs Brockway read the monthly letter and a letter of thanks from the British Empire Cancer Campaign. Mrs Je!ley announced that £7 14s was collected by members for the Hungarian Relief Fund. Mrs. L. Clarke gave a demonstration on her knitting machine, showing several garments she had made. The competition was for mince pies, and of six entries Mrs Whitaker was first, Mrs. Chown second, and Mrs. Johnstone third. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Chown, sen, Mrs Chown, jun., and Mrs Elder. Members were asked to take over the social half hour, which had lapsed considerably, in alphabetical order, starting at the end of the alphabet and working up to A. Mrs. F. Castle has been appointed sick visitor and will be grateful if members or neighbours will let her know if a member is ill.
Wolverton Express 15th February 1957
Mrs. C. Brockway read the monthly letter and correspondence at Cosgrove W.I. meeting. A delegate and visitor were chosen for the annual meeting at Northampton on March 27. Mrs. W. Brockway (secretary) stated she had been approached by the Hall Committee, regarding help for a bazaar to be held later. The recent Cancer Campaign effort run by the W.I. realised more than £14. This included the competition which was won by Mrs. Howard Smith, and the prize was given by Mrs. Feil. Mr. Cramer gave an interesting talk on poultry keeping and egg production and was thanked by Mrs. Beasley. The competition drew eleven entries for the best snapshot and was won by Mrs. Lavington, Mrs. Mackerness, and Mrs. Clarke. Tea hostesses were Mrs. F. Hillyer, Miss Hillyer, and Miss Marlow. Mrs. Whitaker and Mrs. Castle organised a small beetle drive for the social half-hour. Winners were Mrs. Castle, lowest score Mrs. F. Hillyer. Mr. Beasley has kindly made a blessing-box.
Wolverton Express 19th April 1957
Embroidery for the Competition Cosgrove W.I. members paid tribute to a foundation member, the late Mrs. D. Gascoyne, at their meeting. Mrs Brockway gave an interesting report on the county meeting. The party for the old people in the village was arranged for April 16. Mrs. Roberts, who is a native of Australia, was the speaker, telling of her home country and the different customs there compared to this country. She showed examples of her embroidered linen and judged the nine entries for an embroidered pillowcase. Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Mackerness were the winners. Mrs. Whitaker expressed thanks. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Harris, Hebson and Hickford.
Wolverton Express 27th May 1957
Cosgrove arrange their outing
Members of Cosgrove WI voted on the resolutions for the Albert Hall meeting, where they will be represented by an Old Stratford delegate. A tour to the Malvern Hills and Cheltenham on June 18 was arranged for the annual outing. Mrs York gave a demonstration of soft slipper making and was thanked by Mrs Whitaker. There were none entries for the competition for the most attractive tea caddy, which was won by Mrs L Clarke, Mrs Whitaker and Mrs Jelley. Tea hostesses were Mrs Hickford, Mrs Jelley and Mrs Johnson.
The June meeting is to be held at the Priory at the invitation of Mrs Atkinson. The competition will be for a floral buttonhole.
Wolverton Express 14th June 1957
Cosgrove W.I. held their June meeting at The Priory, by kind invitation of Mrs. Atkinson, when a number of the villagers were also present. Mrs. Brockway (president) invited friends to join the annual outing to Cheltenham and Malvern on June 18. Mrs. Raynsford gave an interesting and amusing talk about her Victorian childhood and was thanked by Mrs. Jelley. The competition for a floral buttonhole was won by Mrs. Whitaker, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hefford from 13 entries. A splendid tea was provided by Mrs. Atkinson, who was thanked by Mrs. Rickaby. It was decided to make the July meeting an open one when Dr. Donaldson, of Ox-ford, will speak on the subject of cancer. The flag day for the Red Cross realised just over £4 and for the Northants Blind just over £5.
Wolverton Express 7th July 1957
Cosgrove W.I. July meeting took place on July 2, and after the usual business Dr. Donaldson, of Oxford, gave a most interesting talk on cancer, emphasising an early visit to one's doctor at the slightest sign that ail was not well. He answered several questions and was thanked by Mrs. Feil. The competition, "A medical or first-aid hint", drew six entries, and resulted I Mrs. C. Brockway, 2 Mrs. Fielding, 3 Mrs. Whitaker. Schedules for the handicraft and produce exhibition were available, and it is hoped members will enter in the various classes. The exhibition is held at Deanshanger on September On June 18, Cosgrove W.I. and friends went to Malvern Hills, via Cheltenham, where lunch was obtained, and returned via Stratford-on-Avon for tea. Home was reached soon after 9 p.m. There is no meeting in August.
Wolverton Express 13th September 1957
WI Cosgrove
Members agreed to again sponsor a collection for the British Empire Cancer Campaign. A talk and film by a firm of food manufacturers was enjoyed and thanks were expressed by Mrs Harris. There were five entries for the competition for a cheese dish, winners being Mrs Hebson, Mrs Harris and Mrs Brockway. Tea was served by Mrs Lavington and Mrs Mapley.
Wolverton Express 22nd November 1957
Cosgrove WI
Only 18 members attended the Cosgrove meeting, when Mr. Thorne (County Music Director) gave a talk on Elizabethan music, which he demonstrated with records. He was thanked by Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Brockway (president) reported on the half-yearly Council meeting at Northampton. The competition for the prettiest button was won by Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Mackerness and Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Castle won a cake in a competition. Teas were served by Mesdames Whittaker. Scott, and Fielding.
Wolverton Express 13th December 1957
Cosgrove Woman’s Institute December meeting was poorly attended and the ballot for the new committee and president had to be held over. It was decided to hold a party on January 3.
There were only four entries for the competition for a Christmas decoration, won by Mrs Jelley, with Mrs Whitaker second and Mrs Clarke third.
Mrs Whitaker gained the highest number of points (23) in competitions during the year. Mrs Clarke had 19 points and Mrs C Brockway 15 points. Refreshments were served by the committee.
Wolverton Express 17th January 1958
Cosgrove WI
Two new members were welcomed at the annual meeting at Cosgrove, when reports were given by the president, Mrs. C. Brockway, secretary Mrs. W. Brockway, and the treasurer. Mrs. W. Brockway resigned as secretary and her place was taken by Mrs. Beasley. The remainder of the committee were re-elected. A social evening held on January 3 was both enjoyable and successful. Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Mackerness displayed some of their linen embroidery work. The competition for the prettiest Christmas card attracted 14 entries and was won by Mrs. Jelley, Mrs. Whitaker, and Mrs. Hebson. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Beasley and C. and W. Brockway.
Wolverton Express 21st February 1958
At the monthly meeting of Cosgrove W.I. on February 4, 23 members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the new secretary, Mrs. G. Beasley. The monthly letter was read and business arising discussed. Nurse Wakefield gave a talk on "Diet" which was both interesting and instructional. She was thanked by Mrs. Whitaker. Nurse Wakefield also judged the competition for which there were 12 entries for the subject, "A medical hin ". Mrs. C. Brockway was first, Mrs. Beasley second, and Mrs. Clarke third. Mrs. W. Mackerness gave a glass jug for a competition and this was won by Mrs. Whitaker. Tea was served by Mrs. Chown, senior, and Mrs Clarke.
Wolverton Express 21st March 1958
County Librarian at Cosgrove
Miss Makepeace, the Northamptonshire County Librarian, described her work and the Library service to members of the Cosgrove WI. Mrs W Brockway, who is joint librarian of the local branch, thanked the visitor.
Members judged the competition for the best apron made from a man’s shirt by placing pennies in the pockets, the winner being Mrs L Clarke, with Mrs Harris second and Mrs Beasley and Mrs Lavington equal third. There were eight entries.
Tea hostesses were Mrs Castle, Mrs Feil and Mrs Fielding. Mrs Brockway presided.
Wolverton Express 23rd May 1958
On behalf of members, Mrs. Brockway (president) handed Mrs. Mackerness a vase of spring flowers at the May meeting of Cosgrove W.I. Mrs. Mackerness, who has been a very useful member of the Institute and is now living at Leighton Buzzard, said how much pleasure it had given her to help the WI.
Mrs. Jelley gave an interesting talk on the agenda for the Albert Hall meeting, at which Mrs. L. Clarke will be delegate, and was thanked by Mrs. Beasley. Fifteen members will be going to Cottesbrooke on June 10. A bring and buy stall was held and 8s raised for the old people's treat. The competition for home-made jam was won by Mrs. Harris, 2 Mrs. Whitaker, 3 (equal) Mrs. Hebson and Mrs. Beasley. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Hebson, Hefford and Hillyer. Next month's meeting will be held at The Priory, by kind invitation of Mrs. Atkinson, when the speaker will be Lady Hesketh.
Wolverton Express 20th June 1958
Lady Hesketh gave an interesting talk on life in America at the meeting of Cosgrove WI., held at Cosgrove Priory by kind invitation of Mrs. Atkinson. The speaker was thanked by Mrs. L. Clark. Mrs. Atkinson welcomed members and a few friends. Final arrangements were made for the old people's outing, which will be an afternoon bus ride, with tea at Bedford. Several members will also go on this trip. Tea was provided by Mrs. Atkinson, who was thanked by Mrs. Whiting. The competition for a posy in a thimble was won by Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. Elder and Mrs. Harris.
Wolverton Express 24th October 1958
COSGROVE Members of Cosgrove WI watched a demonstration of a washing machine and other electrical appliances at their monthly meeting, when Mrs C. Brockway presided. Slides were also shown on how to modernise an old kitchen.
Mrs. Beasley was elected delegate to the half-yearly Council meeting at Wicksteed Park. The W.I. outing took place on October 14.
The competition for autumn leaves and berries attracted six entries, and equal first were Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Beasley, with Mrs. Johnson third.
Tea hostesses were Mesdames Mapley, Ratledge, and Smith. A Jumble sale is to be held in the hall on October 31.
Wolverton Express 21st November 1958
COSGROVE A talk on the excavation of Roman remains at Cosgrove was given to members of the Women's Institute by Mr. C. W. Green, secretary of the Wolverton Archaeological Society. Twenty-one members were present and were delighted to hear that the amount collected for the Cancer Campaign was over £10 and that the collection of soap and handkerchiefs for the Group stall at Northampton later this month was still growing. Mr Green was thanked by Mrs. Harris. The outing to a factory at Hilton was voted a great success. A competition for the best Victoria sponge was won by Mrs. Tack and Mrs. Harris. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Tack, Scott, and Whitaker.
Wolverton Express 19th December 1958
Mrs. C. Brockway, president of Cosgrove Women's Institute, did not seek re-election this year, and at the December meeting she was presented with a handbag by the vice-president. Mrs. J. Hebson. The new president is Mrs. L. Clarke. The committee was elected as nominated. Mrs. Beasley resigned as secretary and her report was read and adopted, as was the financial report submitted by Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Brockway thanked all who had assisted during her term as president. Mrs. Clarke showed the members Christmas cards and a small present each for two little boys in a displaced persons' camp. Mrs. Johnson was the winner of a beetle drive. Teas were given and served by the committee. Prizes for competitions throughout the year were won by Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Hebson and Mrs. L. Clarke. The competition for a home-made cracker was won by Mrs. Beasley and Mrs. Hebson.
Wolverton Express 16th January 1959
Mrs L Clarke, Cosgrove WI’s new president, opened the meeting at the Victory Hall. In spite of very bad weather a good number of members were there. Mrs Jelley read the minutes of the December meeting as a new secretary had not been appointed. Mrs Clarke appealed for a secretary and Mrs Johnson very kindly agreed to take it on. A party was arranged for February 13, details to follow later. Mr C Elliott gave a very interesting talk about Ceylon, where he was stationed for four years during the war. He was thanked by Mrs C Brockway. The competition was for the prettiest calendar and was won by Mrs Hebson, Mrs Beasley and Mrs Hickford. There were eleven entries. The group stall at the November fair raised over £8.
Mr Elliott recorded the singing of “Jerusalem” on his tape recorder and played it back to members. The carol “Silent Night” was sung by members and recorded, also a quotation from Shakespeare by Mrs Jelley and a version of Gray’s “Elegy” by Mrs Whitaker.
Mr Elliott had on display a sari and many other interesting souvenirs of his stay in Ceylon.
Tea Hostesses were Mrs C and Mrs W Brockway and Mrs Beasley. Three January birthday members received a buttonhole and “Happy Birthday” was sung.
Wolverton Express 20th February 1959
COSGROVE Mrs,.B. J. Rudd, of Stony Stratford, gave an interesting floral demonstration, and many useful tips at the meeting of Cosgrove W.I. She was thanked by Mrs. Whitaker. Mrs. L. Clarke presided. The competition was for the greatest number of articles in a match-box and was won by Mrs. Hebson, Mrs. Mabley, and Mrs. Hickson. A new member was welcomed and given a birthday buttonhole, and Happy Birthday was sung. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Chown, and Mrs. Castle. Next month's meeting is to be an open one with a talk on bees and flowers. The Institute held a party on Friday last to which friends were invited.
Wolverton Express 20th March 1959
COSGROVE Mr. Sumpter gave a talk on flowers and bees at the Cosgrove W.I. meeting. He illustrated his most interesting talk with colour slides, Mrs. M. Jelley expressed thanks. The competition, which was for a supper dish costing not more than a shilling, was won by Miss Hickford, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Hebson. The president welcomed three new members and presented buttonholes to the members with birthdays in March. A concert provided by Mr. Clarke and three friends. The social half-hour was much appreciated. Hostesses were Mrs. Castle, Mrs. Feil, and Mrs. Fielding.
Wolverton Express 24th April 1959
COSGROVE A demonstration of "make do and mend" was given to members of the Cosgrove WI by Mrs. Lycett, of Emberton. She demonstrated many unusual ways of repairing such things as men's frayed trouser bottoms and coat sleeves. She was thanked by Mrs. Mapley. A letter was received from Lady Scott, who was leaving Cosgrove the following day, expressing her regret at not being able to attend the meeting and wishing members farewell. The competition, judged by Mrs. Lycett, was won by Mrs. Hebson, Mrs. Lavington, and Mrs. Clarke. A beetle drive followed, and was won by Mrs. Lavington and Mrs. C. Brockway. Tea was served by Mesdames Hibson, Rickaby and Elder.
Wolverton Express 27th May 1959
At the Cosgrove meeting the annual outing was arranged for a visit to Cheddar Gorge on June 23. Mrs. Johnson (secretary) reported on the Northampton Council meeting. Mr. Nichols, of Northampton gave an interesting talk on home decorating, and also judged the competition for the best home hint. This was won by Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Clarke, and Mrs. Hebson. The rose bowl won at the Produce Exhibition was on view to the members and was filled with flowers. The June meeting is to be held at The Priory, by kind invitation of Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson.
Wolverton Express 19th June 1959
The Cosgrove W.I. meeting took place at the Priory when members and guests were welcomed by Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, and entertained with a talk on the work of the displaced persons' camps by the Hon. Mrs. Capron. Photographs of the camp and also of the families who had moved into better surroundings were shown. Mrs. Capron was thanked by Mrs. Jelley. Details for an outing to Cheddar, which takes place on June 23, were arranged. The competition was won by Mrs. Longman, Mrs. Hickford, and Mrs. Jones. Members collected 15s for the Red Cross.
Wolverton Express 4th September 1959
Tuesday afternoon was quite an event for those who took advantage of Cosgrove WI’s offer to the older people of the village of a two hour bus ride through Woburn Park and Ampthill which gave the opportunity of seeing parts of the new motorway. The weather was ideal and a lovely tea was awaiting them at the Village Hall, after which entertainment was provided by a film show and a tape recorder for community singing, which was enjoyed.
Before leaving a guest called for three cheers for Mrs Johnson and the committee and members who helped to provide and serve the meal.
Wolverton Express 18th September 1959
Mrs Lyman, of Cosgrove WI, who was third in the Northants WI garden competition, was congratulated at the September meeting. Members of Old Stratford WI attended.
A talk on advertising was given by a member of an agency. There were 22 entries for a cake competition which was won by Mrs Rickaby, Mrs Harris and Mrs Beasley. Mrs C Brockway and Mrs Whitaker were highly commended.
The Institute is again undertaking collecting for the Cancer Campaign.
Wolverton Express 23rd October 1959
Mrs. Corfield spoke about miniature gardens and exhibited several specimens as well as making up a tiny garden while referring to miniature plants and trees. She was thanked by Mrs. Beasley. The competition for a miniature floral arrangement drew 12 entries and was won by Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Jelley, and Mrs. Harris. A harvest bring-and-buy stall raised £1 7s 10d. Teas were served by Mrs. Longman, Mrs. Lyman, and Mrs. Lavington.
Wolverton Express 30th October 1959
Mrs. D. Clark, of Stony Stratford, who has been convenor of the South Northants Group XI W.I. for the past six years has now resigned from this office. At the autumn group meeting at Cosgrove, Mrs. M. Jelley thanked Mrs. Clark for her work as convenor. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. D. Hebson, vice-president of Cosgrove W.I. Miss Daphne Eales, of Stony Stratford, spoke about her work with blind children in Malaya, and showed slides. She was thanked by Mrs. Sharpe, of Deanshanger. An amusing play, entitled "Maids in Waiting", was given by members of Deanshanger W.I. who were thanked by Mrs. Tompkins, of Potterspury. Mrs. Blundell, of Old Stratford, thanked the hostess institute for the refreshments. The meeting was attended by over 80 members from Deanshanger, Old Stratford, Cosgrove, Potterspury, Yardley Gobion and Wicken.
Wolverton Express 11th December 1959
Cosgrove report on happy year
Cosgrove WI's December meeting was also the annual meeting and the secretary (Mrs. Johnson) read the yearly report and remarked on several of the activities taken part in during the year. Among these were the outing given to the over-60s and the tea which followed, also a group exhibition at Cosgrove in May.
The Institute also won a rose bowl at the "operation store cupboard" exhibition which took place at Northampton. Collections were organised for the Cancer Campaign and the Red Cross.
After the secretary's report, the president (Mrs. D, Clarke) gave her address, thanking the secretary for her help, and the vice-president (Mrs. Hebson) for the use of her home for committee meetings, and the committee in general, Mrs. Jones (treasurer) gave the financial statement, which showed a favourable condition. The Institute had a most enjoyable year.
Officers and committee were re-elected with one exception on the committee. Mrs. Hebson reported the winners of the highest points awarded for the year's competitions, results being : Mrs. Hebson, 21 points; Mrs. Clarke, 19; and Mrs. Hickford, 16.
The competition was for mince-pies, and was won by Mrs. Hobson, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs, Hickford. Tea was provided by the committee, and was a festive affair, complete with Christmas cake (made by Mrs. Johnson and iced by Mrs. Clarke), tables decorated by Mrs. Jolley, candlelit, and loaded with Christmas fare, during which indoor fireworks were displayed. After the exchange of gifts the meeting finished with carol singing and "Auld Lang Syne"
Wolverton Express 22nd January 1960
The speaker at the January meeting of Cosgrove WI was Mr A J Pitman, Stony Stratford, who gave the most interesting and helpful talk on the care of pets, including dogs, cats, budgerigars, rabbits and tortoises. He answered many questions from members and was thanked by Mrs. Mapley. The competition for an animal made from pipe cleaners, judged by Mr. Pitman, was won by Mrs. Clarke, with Mrs. Lavington second and Mrs. Jelley third. During the social time colour slides of places of interest was shown by Mrs. Clarke. Tea was served by Mesdames Mapley, Tack and Whittaker.
Wolverton Express 19th February 1960
Sample bags of flour and recipe books were given to members of Cosgrove WI after they had been is shown a film by a representative of a flour manufacturing firm at the February meeting. The speaker was thanked by Mrs. Whittaker. A competition for the best scrapbook was won by Mrs Johnson, with Mrs. Clarke second and Mrs. Hebson third. These books will go to the children’s ward in Northampton General Hospital. Teas were served by Mesdames Beasley, C. Brockway and W. Brockway. There were amusing items in the social time which was entitled “Sing, Say or Pay”.
Wolverton Express 22nd April 1960
A social evening was arranged by the Cosgrove Women’s Institute recently as the effort for the World Refugee Year appeal. About 70 people were present and an enjoyable evening games and dancing was spent, with Mr. J Durdin as MC. Entertainment was also provided by a group of Institute members consisting of Mesdames Johnson, Beasley, Hefford, Kightley, Lambert, Clarke, Chown, Longman and Jelley. This caused great amusement and was most successful.
Refreshments, which were all given by members, were served by the committee. The competition for half a bottle of whiskey was won by Mrs. Whittaker. Door stewards were Mrs. Jelley and Mrs. Jones. This very successful evening resulted in more than £10 being raised for the fund.
The speaker at the April meeting of Cosgrove WI was Mrs. Tompkins, of Potterspury, the subject was Florentine stitch rugs. She demonstrated how the stitch was done and showed some interesting specimens of her work. Her talk was greatly enjoyed and she was thanked by Mrs. M Jelley. The social time took the form of a whistling contest and was won by Mrs. C. Brockway. The competition for a covert coat hanger was judged by Mrs. Tompkins awarded: 1 Mrs. Mapley, 2 Mrs. Clarke, 3 Mrs. Johnson. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Eglesfield, Mrs. Castle, and Mrs. Clarke, who were thanked by Mrs. Lambert.
Wolverton Express 13th May 1960
Cosgrove WI
Superb examples of the art of cake icing were shown at the May meeting of Cosgrove Women’s Institute by Mrs. Briggs, of Weston Favell. She was thanked for her talk by Mrs. O. Johnson. A competition for six biscuits was won by Mrs. Mapley, with Mrs. C. Brockway second and Mrs. Hickford third. The social time was taken up by a beetle drive and tea was served by Miss Marlow, Miss Hillyer, and Mrs. L Castle.
The Secretary reported that a collection for the World Refugee Year fund, organized by Mrs. O. Johnson, had brought in £10. This with the proceeds from the recent social evening, organized by the Institute, brings the total raised for the cause to £24 10s.
Wolverton Express 17th June 1960
Flowers Admired at Cosgrove
The June meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute was held at the Priory, by kind invitation of Captain and Mrs. P Y Atkinson. The speaker was Mrs. B Batten of Northampton, who gave a delightful demonstration of floral arrangement. Among her exhibits was one consisting entirely of green foliage and another made up of wild irises from the canal bank. She also showed what surprising results could be achieved with only a few flowers. Mrs. J Mapley expressed thanks to the speaker.
A home made tea was generously provided by Mrs. Atkinson and served by herself and helpers. The competition for “The best bloom in my garden” was won by Mrs. K. Jones. After tea members had enjoyed walking round the garden where the display of irises was particularly admired.
Wolverton Express 22nd July 1960
Pottery Talk at Cosgrove WI
The speaker at the July meeting of the Cosgrove Women’s Institute was Mr. Church of Northampton, who gave a talk on the history and manufacture of all kinds of pottery. He brought with him many examples of china ware, some of which were valuable, to illustrate his talk, which was greatly enjoyed by the members, who asked numerous questions afterwards. He was thanked by Mrs. M Jelley.
Mr Church also judged the competition for the oldest piece of china which was won by Mrs. O. Johnson, with Mrs M Ratledge second and Mrs. M Jelley third. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Hefford, Hickford and Harris. The social time consisted of community singing.
Wolverton Express 21st October 1960
The speaker at the October meeting of the Cosgrove WI was Miss Hemelryke whose subject was Rhodesia. A very interesting talk was illustrated with colour slides and provided a helpful background to some of the current problems of that area. She was thanked by Mrs. M. Beasley.
The social time consisted of a spelling bee conducted by the president, Mrs. D. Clarke. The competition for a display of autumn foliage and berries was won by Mrs. O. Johnson. Mrs J Mapley were second and Mrs. M Hickford was third. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Jones, Kightley and Longman.
The Institute had received a letter from a newly “adopted” aged couple from a German refugees’ camp. Members are knitting a patchwork blanket to be sent to them at Christmas.
Wolverton Express 20th January 1961
Rector Visits the Cosgrove WI
Members of Cosgrove Women’s Institute held their first meeting of the New Year in the Victory Hall, under the chairmanship of Mrs. L. Clarke. Buttonholes were presented to members who have birthdays during January. One new member was welcomed by the president. The Rev. A E Bransby, rector of Cosgrove, gave an interesting talk, augmented with slides, about his work in a London parish.
The competition for the prettiest Christmas card was judged by Mrs. Bransby and prizes awarded to Mrs. J Hebson, Mrs. E Lavington and Mrs. J. Johnson. Refreshments were provided and served by Mrs. N Castle, Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. J Hebson.
Wolverton Express 24th February 1961
At the February meeting, members of Cosgrove WI were taken on an imaginary trip to the Holy Land by Mr. and Mrs. A Rickaby, who showed slides of their recent visit to Palestine.
A letter had been received from the elderly couple in a German refugee camp who were adopted by the Institute, thanking members for the blankets which had been sent at Christmas.
Mrs. Clarke presided and reported that the proceeds of a jumble sale held last month totalled £22. A competition for a scrapbook was judged by Mrs. Rickaby and won by Mrs. C. Elliott, Mrs. E Lavington, and Mrs. J. Johnson. 19 entries were received and these will be sent to a children’s hospital. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Rickaby, Mrs. Ratledge and Mrs. Tack.
Wolverton Express 17th March 1961
Cosgrove WI
Birthday buttonholes were distributed by Mrs. C. Brockway at the Cosgrove meeting when Mrs. L. Clarke presided over a good attendance. Mrs. H. Clarke gave a demonstration of Dorset feather stitchery and many specimens of this craft were shown. She was thanked by Mrs. Mapley.
The competition for the best arrangement of spring flowers in a saucer was won by Mrs. Hickford, 2 Mrs. Ratledge, 3 Mrs. Elliott. An enjoyable concert followed, those taking part being Mr. Clarke, pianist, who also accompanied songs by Mrs. Elliott, Old Stratford and Mr J. Osborn, Stony Stratford. Mrs. Clarke read three short poems which had been written by Mrs. Elliott. The artists were thanked for a very pleasant entertainment.
Wolverton Express 21st April 1961
A cookery demonstration was given by a representative of a well-known margarine firm to members of Cosgrove WI at their monthly meeting, when Mrs. L. Clarke presided. The competition was won by Mrs M Ratledge, Mrs. E Lavington, and Mrs. Barnes.
The social half hour was organized by Mrs. N Castle and refreshments were provided and served by Mrs. W. Brockway, Mrs. C. Brockway, and Mrs. J. Beasley.
Wolverton Express 2nd June 1961
Winemaking was the subject of a talk given by Miss Olney of Pattishall at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove WI. Members were given many useful hints and the speaker was thanked by Mrs. A. Whittaker. Mrs. L. Clarke presided.
Certificates were presented to members successful in the Northamptonshire handicraft exhibition and a letter was received from the Northampton General Hospital thanking those who sent eggs for the children’s ward.
The monthly competition for a baked egg custard, was won by Mrs M Ratledge, Mrs. A Eglesfield, and Mrs. Barnes.
Wolverton Express 4th January 1963
30th Anniversary at Cosgrove
Three of the founder members of the Cosgrove WI 30 years ago were present at the December meeting when the anniversary was celebrated. They are Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. A Tack, and Mrs. M Jelley.
Mrs. Clarke presided and after the business of the committee entertained members to supper. The tables were tastefully decorated by Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Jelley proposed a toast to the Institute and recalled the first meeting in December 1932.
The monthly competition for the best table decoration was won by Mrs. Lavington with Mrs. Clarke runner up. Prizes for the highest marks gained in competitions during the year were won by Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Barnes, and Mrs. Lavington. Mrs. Jelley thanked the committee for their generosity in providing the meal and for the hard work entailed. Games and carol singing followed and “Auld Lang Syne” brought a very pleasant evening to a close.
Wolverton Express 29th March 1963
There was a display of hyacinths in various stages of growth when a bulb competition was held at Cosgrove WI monthly meeting. Mrs. L. Clarke presided and Mrs. Smith’s flower was judged the best, with Mrs. M Jelley’s and Mrs. L Longman’s blooms as runners up.
A talk on drama was given by Mrs. Grocott, of Towcester. She explained how to produce a play and gave hints on choosing the cast. She was thanked by Mrs. Johnson. Final details of the entries and the collection of exhibits for the group exhibition at Wicken were discussed. Refreshments were served by Mesdames D Hebson, K. Jones, and M Jelley.
Wolverton Express 10th May 1963
“First Aid in the Home” was the subject of a talk and demonstration by Mr. R G Alderson, of Wolverton, at Cosgrove WI’s April meeting. A new method of artificial respiration was demonstrated and members felt much had been learned from the lecture. Mr. Alderson, who was thanked by Mrs. A Noble, also judged the competition for the best first aid hint. This was won by Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. Eglesfield.
Mrs. L. Clarke, who presided, gave a comprehensive report on the Council meeting held at Northampton. Award cards, won at the group exhibition at Wickham, were also presented. The Easter card received from the Institute’s refugee couple in Germany, was on view. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lavington, Mrs. Longman, and Mrs. Lyman.
Wolverton Express 24th May 1963
Members of the Cosgrove WI delved into the past and learned the history of the village in the first Queen Elizabeth’s time at their May meeting. The speaker was Mr. King, the Northamptonshire county archivist, who was thanked by Mrs. M Jelley.
Mrs. L. Clarke presided and presented certificates won at the County Handicrafts exhibition held at Northampton to Mrs. C. Elliott. Mrs. Clarke also won certificates at the same exhibition. Resolutions for the annual meeting to be held in London were discussed and instructions on how to vote will be sent to Old Stratford WI, who will represent Cosgrove at the meeting.
The monthly competition for the oldest piece of jewellery was judged by Mr. King. Highest marks were gained by Mrs. P. Lyman, with Mrs. C. Brockway and Mrs. A Noble second and third respectively. Refreshments were provided and served by Mesdames E. Lambert, E Mapley and A Noble.
Wolverton Express 14th June 1963
Cosgrove WI Meet at the Priory
Cosgrove WI held their June meeting at the Priory by kind invitation of Captain and Mrs. P Y Atkinson. An interesting and amusing talk on the origin of surnames was given by Major C H Roberts, MC, of Slapton, who was thanked by Mrs. Barnes. Reference was made to the recent silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson and flowers and good wishes were sent to Mrs. Johnson who is the Secretary of the Institute. She was unable to be present at the meeting.
Mrs. Atkinson entertained the members to tea and in thanking her for her kindness and hospitality Mrs. Jelley presented her with a lace handkerchief made by the president, Mrs. Clarke. Highest marks in the monthly competition “garden in a saucer” were awarded to Mrs. Barnes. Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Hickford were runners up. An iced cake made and given by Mrs. Johnson realised the magnificent sum of £8 8s 6d for the Freedom from Hunger Campaign.
Wolverton Express 13th September 1963
Prize Shared at Cosgrove
There were free ice creams all round for members of Cosgrove WI at the September meeting. The ice cream was part of a prize awarded to members. Mrs. P Mapley was the winner of the competition organized by a well-known firm of ice cream manufacturers. Mrs. Mapley entered as a WI member and also won £5 for the Institute.
The speaker was Miss Billings of Moulton, who gave a talk on inexpensive gifts and showed a large number of other articles made for very little money. She was thanked by Mrs. E. Lambert. The competition was for a homemade article costing not more than 1s 6d. It was judged by Miss Billings who awarded first prize to Mrs. Clarke, second to Mrs. Barnes, and third to Mrs. C. Brockway. Hostesses were Mesdames Rickaby, Smith and Tack.
Wolverton Express 1st November 1963
“The Police Force Past and Present” was the subject of a talk given to members of Cosgrove WI at their recent meeting by PC Underwood, of Deanshanger. It was the annual general meeting of the Institute and Mrs. Clarke, who presided, thanked all those who had helped to make the past year so successful. Mrs. Johnson, the retiring Secretary, reviewed the past year’s activities and Mrs. Jones, treasurer, presented a satisfactory financial report.
Nominations were such that no ballot was necessary. Mrs. Clarke remains as president, and Mrs. Mapley as vice president. Committee members are Mesdames Barnes, C. Brockway, Elliott, Hefford, Jones, Lambert, Lyman, and Noble.
A competition for a cake given by Mrs. Whittaker was won by Mrs. F Castle. Another competition for the best arrangement of autumn leaves was won by Mrs. Mapley, with Mrs. Barnes second and Mrs. Noble third. Refreshments were served by Mesdames Barnes, Beasley, and Whittaker.
Wolverton Express 13th September 1963
Prize shared at
There were free ice-creams all round for members of Cosgrove WI at their September meeting. The ice-cream was part of a prize awarded to members. Mrs. P. Manley was the winner of a competition organised by a well-known firm of ice-cream manufacturers. Mrs. Mapley entered as a WI member and also won for the Institute. The speaker was Miss Billings, of Moulton, who gave a talk on inexpensive gifts and showed. a large number of articles made for very little money. She was thanked by Mrs. E. Lambert. The competition was for a home-made article costing not more than 1s. 6d. It was judged by Miss Billings who awarded first prize to Mrs. Clark, second to Mrs. Barnes, and third to Mrs. C. Brockway. Hostesses were Mesdames, Rickaby, Smith, and Tack, who provided and served refreshments.
Wolverton Express 29th November 1963
Mrs. Clarke presided at the annual meeting of Cosgrove WI supported by Mrs. Barnes, the newly elected Secretary. It was reported that with the help of the Youth Club, who donated the proceeds of the dance, the sum of £15 had been sent to the Freedom from Hunger Campaign.
A house to house collection by Mesdames C. Brockway, N Castle, W Hefford, and L. Longman for the Cancer Campaign amounted to £11 10s.
The speaker was Mrs. Nobles, of Duston, a keen naturalist who played her own recordings of bird songs, many made in her own garden. She was thanked by Mrs. Noble. The monthly competition was for homemade biscuits and was won by Mrs. Hickford, Mrs. Mapley, and Mrs. Noble. Hostesses for the evening were Mesdames C. Brockway, W. Brockway, and W Castle.
Wolverton Express 13th December 1963
Christmas Party at Cosgrove WI
The December meeting of the Cosgrove WI as in past years took the form of a Christmas party. An excellent supper was provided and served by the committee and thoroughly enjoyed by all members. The toast to the Institute was proposed by Mrs. C. Brockway, a founder member, and games followed.
The competition for a Christmas decoration was won by Mrs. Elliott, with Mrs. Clarke second and Mrs. Eglesfield third. Marks gained for competitions during the year resulted in first prize to Mrs. Barnes, with Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Noble equal second. Thanks to the committee were expressed by Mrs. Henson, and carols brought a very pleasant evening to a close.
Wolverton Express 21st February 1964
Members of Cosgrove WI agreed at the February meeting to support an appeal from the County Handicraft Committee to make lavender bags to be sold at the Royal Show. The bags will be sold from the WI tent at the show.
The preliminary round of the home safety quiz organized by Northants Deputy Medical Officer of Health proved informative and interesting. The winners, who will take part in the second round of the quiz at the group meeting in April, were Mrs. C. Brockway and Mrs. Hefford.
The Rev. A E Bransby gave an interesting talk and showed some magnificent slides of his visit to Switzerland. He described the visit has a working holiday, pointing out that during his stay he took services at an English church. The speaker was thanked by Mrs. W Barnes, Secretary. A competition for an article made from two ounces of wool was won by Mrs. C. Brockway, Mrs. J. Holman and Mrs. Barnes. Hostesses were Mesdames Eglesfield, Hefford and Hickford.
Wolverton Express 22nd May 1964
How to be Beautiful
Mrs. Clarke presided at the May meeting of Cosgrove WI when a talk and demonstration on the care of the skin and make up was given by a representative of a London cosmetics firm. Mrs. J. Holman acted as the model. Mrs. Lambert proposed the vote of thanks.
The monthly competition for the best scrapbook was won by Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Lavington, and Mrs. Lambert. An extra large book, several inches thick, which had taken Mrs. Whittaker two winters to make, was not entered in the contest, but will be sent with others to a children’s home at Northampton. Hostesses were Mesdames Kightley, Longman and Lyman.
Wolverton Express 14th October 1964
At the annual meeting of the Cosgrove WI, after the election of officers, an interesting talk was given by Mrs. Battle from County Headquarters on the organisation and activities of the Women's Institute. Mrs. Elliot thanked the speaker, who afterwards judged the competition, won by Mrs. J. Holman. 2 Mrs. Barnes. 3 Mrs. E. Lambert. A second competition was won by Mrs. Tack. Tea hostesses were Mrs.. Tack. Mrs. Ratledge, and Mrs. I H. Smith.
Wolverton Express 12th February 1965
Cosgrove WI February meeting was held in the Village Hall, with Mrs. L. Clarke presiding. A letter of thanks was read from refugees, thanking members for their Christmas parcel. Mrs. Mapley will attended the garden party at Buckingham Palace, and Mrs. J Hefford and Mrs. C. Elliott will meet the Duchess of Gloucester in Northampton.
Mr. A Rickaby gave an interesting talk on his holiday in America and illustrated this with coloured slides. The competition for mince pies was won by Mrs. E. Lambert 2 Mrs. G. Beasley, and equal 3 Mrs. Mapley and Mrs. Legge. A second competition was won by Mrs. R Longman. Tea hostesses were Mrs. D Chown, Mrs. S. Eglesfield, and Mrs. C. Elliott.
Wolverton Express 26th March 1965
A demonstration of flower arranging was given to members of the Cosgrove WI at their March meeting by Mrs. Holland. Mrs. C. Brockway, vice president, presided and with Mrs. W. Barnes was elected delegate and visitor to the Annual County Meeting on March 31.
The competition for a flower arrangement in a wine glass was won by Mrs. Mapley. Second was Mrs. G. Beasley and third Mrs. J Hefford. Tea hostesses were Mrs. G. Hickford, Mrs. J. Hebson and Mrs. J Hefford.
Wolverton Express 30th April 1965
Their Paintings of Spring
After hearing a talk on the art of painting at their April meeting, members of Cosgrove WI sat down and tried their own hands a painting “Spring”. The talk was given by Mrs. M. Campbell, of Whaddon. Mrs. Clarke presided, and it was agreed to send Easter greetings and a gift to the Institute’s adopted refugee family.
Members were asked if they would like to go to the Pageant and Exhibition to be held at Grendon Hall in May. Mrs. C. Brockway gave an interesting account of the annual Council meeting, and final arrangements for the Group meeting were made.
The competition for a decorated egg was won and by Mrs. G. Beasley, with Mrs. E. Lambert and Mrs. Legge second and third. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Jelley, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. J. Holman.
Wolverton Express 21st May 1965
Mrs. Clarke presided at the Cosgrove WI, when a thank you letter from the Institute’s adopted refugees was read. Final arrangements were made to attend Grendon Hall for the Jubilee pageant, and members had a chance to see the Institute’s own exhibits before the day. Certificates won at the recent Group meeting were handed to the members by Mrs. Clarke.
Mr. Black gave a most interesting cookery demonstration under difficulty, as a cooker was not available. She also judged the competition for a quarter of homemade sweets, won by 1 Mrs. Legge, 2 Mrs. E. Lambert, 3 Mrs. J. Holman.
Wolverton Express 2nd July 1965
Cosgrove Meet at the Priory
Cosgrove WI’s June meeting was held at the Priory at the kind invitation of Mrs. P Y Atkinson, who welcomed members and was the hostess. A letter from Mrs. Battle revealed what a wonderful success the Pageant at Grendon had been and she thanked members who helped and attended. Mrs Chance, the link member from Old Stratford, gave an account of the Albert Hall meeting on Thursday, and Mrs. Brockway her account of the second day. Mrs. Jelley gave an interesting report of her attendance at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet at the Guildhall, and Mrs. Mapley spoke about her visit to the garden party at Buckingham Palace.
Mr. Rodgers, of Northampton, gave an interesting talk on gold and silver and the making of jewellery, expensive and inexpensive. The competition for an edible necklace was won by Mrs. J. Holman, 2 Mrs. A Noble, 3 Mrs. E. Lambert. Mrs. Jelly thanked Mrs. Atkinson for a lovely afternoon and presented her with a plant.
Wolverton Express 17th September 1965
The August meeting of the Cosgrove WI it was held in the Village Hall, with Mrs. L. Clarke presiding. That’s the next meeting, at the annual general, there will be no speaker, and a buffet and social evening will be arranged. Members were sorry to hear that Mrs. C. Brockway and Mrs. Mapley were leaving the village and could no longer serve on the committee. Both hoped however to still be members and attend the meetings.
Mrs. Clarke introduced Mrs. S. Thorne, who gave an interesting talk and played some Victorian music. The competition for a musical verse was won by Mrs. C. Elliott with Mrs. E. Lambert second and Mrs. J. Holman third. Another competition for a bunch of flowers given by Mrs. Legge, was won by Mrs. Clarke. Tea hostesses were Mrs. A noble, Mrs. Mapley, and Mrs. S. Ratledge.
Wolverton Express 12th November 1965
The November meeting of Cosgrove WI was held in the village hall, with Mrs. Clarke presided. A few of the members hope to go to the music festival to be held at Towcester in December.
After the business, Miss Robertson from the Flour Advisory Bureau gave an interesting talk about breads and spreads to go with them. Members enjoyed tasting some of the food. A competition for a Victoria sandwich was won by Mrs. C. Elliott, 2 Mrs. G Elliott, 3 Mrs. R. Longman. Tea hostesses were Mrs. H Smith, Mrs. A Rickaby, and Mrs. A Tack.
Wolverton Express 31st December 1965
The December meeting of Cosgrove WI was the Christmas party, when the committee provided the meal for members. The roses to commemorate golden jubilee year had arrived and Mr. Legge and Mr. A E. Lambert kindly planted them in the church walk. It was good to welcome four new members, who as there was no speaker, judged the competition for a handmade Christmas present, which was won by Mrs. McLean, 2 Mrs. Mapley, 3 Mrs. Legge.
Prizes for highest points in competition for the year were won by: 1 Mrs. E. Lambert, 2 Mrs. G. Beasley, 3 Mrs. J. Holman. An enjoyable evening ended with carol singing.
Wolverton Express 3rd June 1966
At the May meeting of Cosgrove WI Mrs. D. Clarke presided and Mrs. Watford gave an interesting talk about curtains and how to make and hang them. Resolutions for the National Federation annual meeting were discussed so that the link member could be instructed about voting.
The competition for a homemade cushion cover was won by 1 Mrs. D. Clark, 2 Mrs. M Lake, 3 Mrs. M Kightley. Tea hostesses were Mrs. O. Lambert, Mrs. M Kightley and Mrs. P. Holman.
Wolverton Express 7th October 1966
Mr. G. Barber of Newport Pagnell, spoke about the work of the ministry of social security at the September meeting of Cosgrove WI. Arrangements were made for the group meeting at Yardley Gobion later in the month.
It was announced that £6 4s had been raised for the local Blind Association following a recent collection in the village. The competition for the prettiest tea pot was won by Mrs. Lyman with Mrs. Slaymaker second, and Mrs. Eglesfield third. Tea hostesses were Mrs. E Lavington, Mrs. Lyman and Mrs. McLean.
Wolverton Express 17th March 1967
Cosgrove WI’s February meeting was held in the Village Hall and two new members were welcomed by Mrs. Clarke, president. Mrs. Rose gave an interesting talk on her trip to Paris and illustrated this with films. She also showed films about Africa. The competition for a garment from 2 ounces of wool was won by Mrs. P. Holman, 2 Mrs. Slaymaker, 3 Mrs. Tack. Tea hostesses were Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Barnes, and Mrs. Tack.
Wolverton Express 2nd June 1967
Cosgrove WI won the shield for the first time at the Handicraft Exhibition held recently at Yardley Gobion. The president thanked all those who entered and worked so hard to make it a success. It was decided to hold a jumble sale later in the month for funds and the NFWI appeal.
Mrs. Hull, the guest speaker, spoke about diamonds and other precious gems and illustrated this with colour slides. The competition for shortbread was won by Mrs. M. Beasley, Mrs. M Kightley, and Mrs. P. Holman.
Wolverton Express 30th June 1967
Cosgrove WI at the Priory
Once again Mrs. P Y Atkinson was hostess when she kindly invited Cosgrove WI members to the Priory. Mrs. Atkinson was thanked by Mrs. Jelley for her hospitality and presented with a pot plant.
A recent jumble sale raised £16, some of this will be sent for the National Appeal. The collection in the village raised £11 10s for the Red Cross. Members who collected were Mrs. Beasley, Mrs. Longman, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Lyman.
Canon Woodward gave an interesting talk on the Japanese way of life and customs and was thanked by Mrs. McLean. The competition for a single bloom was won by Mrs. M Hickford, 2 Mrs. P Shervington, 3 Mrs. C. Brockway.
Wolverton Express 1st December 1967
The annual meeting of Cosgrove WI was held in the village hall, Mrs. Clark presiding. The committee for the corning year was elected and four new members were welcomed. At the recent handicraft exhibition in Northampton, which attracted over 800 exhibits from all over the county, five Cosgrove members were successful, Mrs. R. Elliot getting a gold star. Final arrangements for the trip to the Repertory Theatre were made. After the business Mr. Howard Willis gave a hairdressing demonstration and was thanked by Mrs. McLean. The competition for six jam tarts was won by Mrs. P. Shervington, 2 Mrs. P Holman 3 Mrs. M. Kightley. Tea hostesses were - Mrs. G. Alderman, Mrs. S. Richards, Mrs. R. Noble.
Wolverton Express 6th December 1968

Mrs. L. Clarke (right) presents the Institute's gift to the former president, Mrs. D. Clark
At the Cosgrove Women’s Institute Christmas party on Tuesday, about 70 members, husbands and guests enjoyed a buffet supper. A toast to the Institute was proposed by Mrs. M Jelley, who recalled the Cosgrove WI being founded 36 years ago at the Priory, the home of Mrs. Atkinson. On behalf of the committee and members a presentation of a crystal bowl and red carnations was made to Mrs. D. Clark, as a token of appreciation for her services as president during the last 12 years.
Mesdames E Chown, K Gordon, A Forrester, P. Holman, M Kightley, P Shervington, C Smith and G Alderman entertained members with an hour’s cabaret introduced by Mrs. G Hickford, including “The Charleston Ladies”, a hilarious play called “Stardusters”, a mime to Petula Clarke’s “Colour my world”, “Folk singers”, and Mrs. J Hardy who sang three stirring solos. To end a highly successful evening there was seasonal songs and carols.
Results of the competition for a Christmas table decoration were: 1 Mrs. M. Brett 2 Mrs. L. Clarke, 3 Mrs. D Clark. Gift sets of towels etc. were presented to Mrs. K Gordon, Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. M Kightley as overall winners of the year’s competitions.
Wolverton Express 18th April 1969
Folk Dancers at Cosgrove WI
12 members of the Greens Norton folk group gave Cosgrove WI members a most enjoyable evening at the April meeting. After a very impressive demonstration of the more complicated folk dances, members were invited to have a go themselves. The competition for a decorated Easter cake was won by Mrs. K. Gordon; 2 Mrs. M Kightley; 3 Mrs. S. Richards. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Chown, Clarke and Elliott.
The Institute’s annual dinner was held at the Spencer Arms, Chapel Brampton and about 34 members, relations and friends attended. A social followed and was voted a huge success. On April 24 the group meeting will be held in the Victory Hall. The speaker will be Mr. Holland on flower arranging.
Wolverton Express 2nd May 1969
Floral night at WI group
Members from Deanshanger, Old Stratford, Potterspury and Yardley Gobion attended the WI group meeting held at Cosgrove on Thursday last week. The guest speaker was Mr. Bert Holland, of Stony Stratford, who demonstrated floral arrangements. Members were given a chance to win the six beautiful arrangements in a raffle.
Old Stratford Afternoon Institute provided the social half hour with an amusing charade entitled “The Customs”. Members were again encouraged to work towards the handicraft exhibition to be held at Deanshanger in October. Refreshments were provided by Cosgrove WI.
Wolverton Express 9th May 1969
Members from Deanshanger, Old Stratford, Potterspury and Yardley Gobion attended the WI Group meeting held at Cosgrove on Thursday last week. The guest speaker was Mr. Bert Holland, of Stony Stratford, who demonstrated floral arrangements. Members were given a chance to win the six beautiful arrangements in a raffle. Old Stratford Afternoon Institute provided the social half hour with an amusing charade entitled "The Customs". Members were again encouraged to work towards the handicraft exhibition to be held at Deanshanger in October. Refreshments were provided by Cosgrove WI.
Wolverton Express 11th July 1969
The chairman of the County WI Handicrafts committee, Mrs. Lever, of Ashton, gave a demonstration of dressmaking hints to Cosgrove WI. She was thanked by Mrs. K Gordon. Mrs. P. Holman, president, gave a very interesting account of her visit to the Albert Hall for the annual meeting. Arrangements were made for a country walk to Potterspury and a visit to Yardley Gobion WI.
The competition was to make an article from a yard of gingham, and this was won by Mrs. L. Clarke, 2 Mrs. M Kightley, 3 Mrs. D Clark. Another competition, for which the prize was a basket of homegrown tomatoes given by Mrs. K. Jones, was won by Mrs. C Smith. Tea hostesses were Mrs. L. Longman and Mrs. Hickford.
The village collection in aid of the Red Cross realised £13 10s; collectors were Mesdames Forrester, M Hickford, Hardy, Holman, Hudson, Kightley and Longman.
Wolverton Express 19th September 1969
Fingers crossed, they walked to ‘Pury
Mr. Arthur Snaith, of Loughton, gave a most interesting and humorous lecture on superstitions to members of Cosgrove WI at their September meeting held in the Victory Hall. Members from the Old Stratford WI were welcomed to the meeting, and the competition for the most unusual potato was won by Mrs. Noble, with Mrs. Kightley second and Mrs. Longman third. Tea hostesses for the evening were Mesdames Shervington, Hudson and Fletcher.
On the following evening, 40 members walked from Cosgrove to Potterspury as their contribution towards keeping rural footpaths open. The walk, favoured with perfect weather, was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and the evening concluded with members joining Potterspury WI for their meeting.
Wolverton Express 24th October 1969
An interesting collection of movie films were shown to Cosgrove WI by Mr. Crouch of Northampton. The competition for a holiday snap shot was won by Mrs. Gordon 2 Mrs. Alderman 3Mrs. Smith. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Jones, Greaves and Lavington.
Wolverton Express 19th December 1969
Cosgrove women’s institute Christmas party in the victory hall was attended by about 16 members husbands and guests. They enjoyed a fish or chicken and chips supper. The toast to the WI was proposed by Mrs. J. Brockway. Mesdames E Chown, K. Gordon, A Forrester, M Kightley, P Shervington, C Smith, G Hickford and G Alderman entertained members with a cabaret, finishing with community singing.
Gift sets of cosmetics were presented to Mrs. Kate Gordon, Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. M Kightley as overall winners of the years competitions and a bouquet was presented to Mrs. P. Holman in appreciation of her work as president from 1968 to 69. Results of the competitions for a Christmas cracker were: 1 Mrs. Kate Gordon, 2 Mrs. L. Clarke, 3 Mrs. M Kightley.
A coffee morning and bring and buy stall held at the home of Mrs. L. Clarke, Little Orchard, Cosgrove, in aid of WI funds realized £13.
Wolverton Express 16th January 1970
Cosgrove WI
At the first meeting in 1970 of the Cosgrove WI, members enjoyed some beautiful film slides of Great Britain shown by Mr. Fountain, of Alderton. The year promises to have many varied and interesting speakers and there will be a whist drive on February 17 and the annual dinner on March 18. A competition for a hairstyle on a dishmop was won by Mrs. K. Gordon. 2 Mr. L. Clarke, 3 Mrs. P. Holman. The evening ended with a hillarious guessing game of members, drawings won by Mrs. Kightley.
Wolverton Express 27th February 1970
700 years of furniture
Visiting the Cosgrove WI Mr. Nichols spoke with considerable knowledge about furniture and captivated his audience with superb miniature models to illustrate his talk in the change of styles from 1250 up to the present time. Mr. Nichols also judged the competition for a piece of furniture made from matchboxes, which resulted: 1 Mrs. Clark. 2 Mrs. MapIey. 3 Mrs. K. Gordon. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Smith. Taylor and Watkins. The social time was won by Mrs. M. Hickford. An enjoyable evening was spent by 50 members and friends recently when they visited a Coventry pantomime.
Wolverton Express 13th March 1970 ?
At the Cosgrove WI March meeting a demonstration on the art of paper sculpture was given by Mr. Piggott. He was thanked by Mrs. Gordon. The competition for three paper flowers was won by Mrs. L. Clarke. 2 Mrs. Gordon. 3 Mrs. Holman. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Alderman, Brockway and Barrel, and the social time was won by Mrs. Gordon. The annual dinner will be at Cosgrove Lodge Hotel on March 18.
Wolverton Express 5th June 1970
In the running at knitting
Cosgrove W.I. had a busy April. Members visited the Northampton Repertory Theatre and had an enjoyable folk dance evening in the Victory Hall. Mrs: Paton made a return visit to Cosgrove to give a demonstration of summer sweets. She gave two of the desserts as raffle prizes, a chocolate meringue was won by Mrs. P. Holman and a Norwegian cream by Mrs. B. Taylor. Hostesses were Mesdames. D. Clark, L. Clarke and E. Chown. Five members recently went to Paulerspury for a cookery demonstration and on the following day three members entered a knitting race at the Young Farmers' Rally at Banbury. Out of a total of 43 teams the Cosgrove trio were in the final.
Wolverton Express 10th October 1970
Cosgrove W.I. met in the Victory Hall in a get-together to discuss the 1971 programme. A "knit a square in the quickest time" contest was won by Mrs. K. Gordon. About 12 members attended the W.I. group meeting at Old Stratford and thanks were given to Mrs. Gordon for all her efforts in making Cosgrove entry in the Belgium exhibit contest. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Jone, Mapley and Lavington. The annual meeting will be on November 3, followed by a talk on house plants by Mr. Hool.
Wolverton Express 21st December 1970
Cosgrove party
At the Cosgrove WI Christmas party, an excellent spread was provided by the committee. Entertainment was by Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Alderman, Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Shervington and Mrs. Kightley, with Mrs. Chown as compere. The competition for the prettiest parcel was won by Mrs. L. Clarke and the raffle prizes by Mrs. King, Mrs. Beasley and Mrs. Tustain. Thanks were expressed to those who made the party such a success.
Wolverton Express 12th February 1971
Cosgrove WI
Mrs I. Pakes, matron of Renny Lodge Hospital, visited the Cosgrove W.I. and spoke about the hospital. She was thanked by Mrs. Alderman. The social time was spent looking at sides of London, shown by Mrs Dora Clark. Mrs Gloria Hickford was the winner of the raffle, and the competition for the most unusual button was won by Mrs Foulds. A visit to the Northampton Rep was arranged to see “The Farmer's Wife.”
Wolverton Express 12th March 1971
Gifted display
March meeting of Cosgrove WI was 'Open" and attended by 47 members and friends. Mrs. Westley of Paulerspury demonstrated cake icings and novelties and gave these as raffle prizes. She was thanked by Mrs. Dora Clark. Final arrangements were made for a dinner to be held at Chapel Brampton. A competition for a hyacinth was won by Mrs. D Clark, 2 Mrs G. Alderman, 3 Mrs O. Lambert. Tea hostesses were Mesdames C Smith, D. Smith, G Alderman, B Taylor and Slaymaker.
Wolverton Express 16th April 1971
Cosgrove WI
A demonstration on make-up was given by Mrs. Osborne who selected Mrs. Castle as her model, at the Cosgrove W.I. She was thanked by Mrs. Lambert. The competition for the most things in a matchbox was won by Mrs. Alderman. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Barnes, Chown and Brockway. The raffle was won by Mrs. Brockway.
Wolverton Express 28th May 1971
Mr V. Parker of Old Stratford and his team gave a dispIay of judo at Cogrove WI. They were thanked by Mrs. Barnes. The competition for something from two logs of wood was won by Mrs. Slaymaker. 2 Mrs O Lambert. 3 Mrs. Runacres. The profit from the trading stall went to the WI funds. Entries were taken for the group meeting at Old Stratford. Hostesses were Mrs R Gordon. Mrs. D. Clarke and Mrs. L. Clarke.
Wolverton Express 16th July 1971
Going Down?
Mr R. Luck from Northampton Aqua Club was guest speaker at Cosgrove W.I. July meeting. His interesting talk was on diving and he showed equipment used in the sport. It was reported that a record sum was collected by Institute members in the village for the Red Cross. The competition for a flower arrangement in a shell was won by Mrs. D. Clarke, with Mrs. B. Taylor second and Mrs. G. Alderman third. Tea hostesses were Mesdames P. Holman, Groom, and Fowlds.
Wolverton Express 31st December 1971
Cosgrove’s W I party went with a swing when members and their guests enjoyed games, dancing and carols. A competition for a self-designed hat was won by Mrs. Olive Lambert and Mrs. Gloria Hickford, while another competition for table decorations made from cotton wool was won by Mrs. Lesley Clarke, Mrs. Dora Clarke and Mrs. Beryl Taylor. Raffle winners were Mrs. Tack, Mrs. Weldon and Mrs. Webster.

Cosgrove Priory 1971
Wolverton Express 21st January 1972
Corsets and colour
A demonstration of foundation garments was given by Mrs. F. Dunleavy with Mrs. Holman modelling dresses and a trouser suit at the Cosgrove W.I. They were thanked by Mrs. Barnes. A competition for a flower made from pipe cleaners was won by Mrs. K. Gordon and Mrs. L Clarke and tea hostess were Mesdames Loughrey. Lambert and Lavendon [Lavington]. Raffle winner was Mrs. F. Barnes. Mrs. Lavendon showed slides local views and of Austria during the social time.
Wolverton Express 18th February 1972
COSGROVE W.I members made a tour of a Northampton cosmetics firm for their February meeting. The meeting was attended by fewer people than normal due to the bad weather. A competition for the nicest piece of brass or copper was won by Mrs. M Groom with Mrs. Runacre second. Tea hostesses were Mrs. S. Richards. Mrs. 1. Runacre and Mrs. R. Noble. Mrs. E. Lavendon [Lavington] showed slides of her travels abroad.
Wolverton Express 23rd March 1972
AN INTERESTING talk and slide show on canals and waterways was given by Mr. Hutchings the curator of the Blisworth Museum at the monthly meeting of Cosgrove W.I. He was thanked by Mrs. Lambert. Birthday buttonholes were given out. The competition for the best scrapbook was won by Mrs. Gordon with Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. G. Hickford equal second. The books are to be given to the John Shippman Home at Northampton. Tea hostesses were Mrs. S. Richards, Mrs. D. Smith, and Mrs. Slaymaker. Mrs. K. Jones won the competition.
Wolverton Express 28th April 1972
Miss Zillah Full, of Stony Stratford, spoke about art at the Spring W.I. Group Meeting at Cosgrove. She was thanked by Mrs. L. Wood, president of Yardley Gobion W.I. Mrs. Alderman, the Cosgrove president, presided and thanked Mrs. Shorter, the retiring group convener for her hard work while in office. Her successor, Mrs. K. Chance, was welcomed. Cosgrove members served refreshments and were thanked by Mrs. Pascoe of Deanshanger. Old Stratford Evening W.I. presented an amusing sketch.
Wolverton Express 19th May 1972
IT was more a case of putting your foot into lather rather than leather at Cosgrove WI meeting last week. The competition was for the prettiest shoe from soap and the winners were Mrs. Lesley Clarke and Mrs. Kathleen Gordon. Instead of a speaker, Mr and Mrs. K. Saunders from Wolverton demonstrated Old Time dancing and afterwards, members joined in. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Weldon and Mrs Webster. The raffle was won by Mrs. Horton and proceeds were given to the newly formed Golden Hour club in the village.
Wolverton Express 21st July 1972
MEMBERS of Cosgrove WI tried their skill at making corn dollies at their monthly meeting. Mrs. Dora Clarke gave an account of the Albert Hall AGM and then demonstrated the making of corn dollies and explained their origin. The coffee morning at Mrs. Lesley Clarke's was a success and made £19.50. Tea hostesses were Mrs. L Clarke, Mrs. P. Fowlds and Mrs. C. Alderman. The competition for a flower buttonhole was won by Mrs. M. Hickford, 2nd Mrs. G. Alderman. The raffle was won by Mrs. Slaymaker.
Wolverton Express 6th October 1972
Storm in a tea cup
A MOTION to have tea and biscuits instead of sandwiches and sausage rolls at Cosgrove WI meeting was heavily defeated at its October meeting. A film showing the dangers of deep sea fishing was shown to members by Mr. Norton of the Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen. He was thanked by Mrs. D. Clarke. Arrangements were made to see "A Girl in My Soup" at the Repertory Theatre and members were able to see a five minute rehearsal of the stunning musical performed at the Potterspury group meeting. Members of the group now go into a competition at Towcester. A competition for a home-made fish was won by Mrs. D. Clarke and Mrs. G. Alderman. Tea hostesses were Mrs. E. Lavington. Mrs. L. Longman and Mrs. M. Hickford.
Wolverton Express 24th November 1972
Cosgrove [WI] held their annual meeting at the Victory Hall. The committee was the same as last year with Mrs. Barnes, the secretary, returning after eight years. Treasurer Mrs. Jones reported a good cash balance and £10 was given towards the hall repairs. Mrs. Ayres, VCO, gave a talk on the art of thanking speakers and demonstrators without being nervous. Collectors for the Cancer Fund were asked for. Tea hostesses were. Mrs. O. Lambert, Mrs. Lees and Mrs. M. King. Competition winners were Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. P. Fowlds, with a homemade calendar for 1973.
Wolverton Express 5th January 1973
COSGROVE WI had a Christmas party in the Victory Hall. Each member brought a guest and about 70 people sat down for a cold spread arranged by the committee. A competition for the best Christmas hat was judged by Mrs. Harris and Mrs Beasley and won by Mrs Mayne and Mr. Alderman. The iced cake was made by Mrs. Mapley and given by Mrs. D. Clarke. Each person received a small prize. It was decided to hold the annual dinner at the Pickwick Cafe. Pianist for the evening was Mr. L. Clarke with Mr. E Lambert as MC.
Wolverton Express 19th January 1973
COSGROVE WI listened to a talk on various educational tours by Mrs. Boskett of the Old Bakery, illustrated with slides. Mrs Boskett judged a competition for a holiday souvenir and Mrs F. Chown was first, Mrs Hickford second and Mrs. Longman third. Members decided to hold their annual dinner at The Pickwick, Towcester. Members were asked to think of a suitable site in the village to plant a tree. The raffle was won by Mr. P. Holman and tea hostesses were Mrs R Noble, Mrs. Loughrey, and Mrs. Sue Richards.
Wolverton Express 23rd February 1973
Cosgrove WI
Mr Barker of Bedford told Cosgrove members how handicapped children can be helped by a relationship with horses. The Institute thanked him by donating £2, raised from a raffle, to his voluntary organisation.
Competition for six fancy cakes was won by Mrs Sue Richard, with Mrs Cynthia Smith and Mrs Molly Kightley, and raffle winners were Mrs B. Taylor and Mrs Lees.
Tea hostesses were Mrs C. Smith, Mrs B. Taylor and Mrs P. Shervington.
Wolverton Express 2nd March 1973
MRS. FONGE of Sulgrave gave a wonderful talk on herbs at the Cosgrove meeting. She described their uses in olden days for cures and the countries they come from. Due to repairs to the Victory Hall the meeting was held at Bridge House, the home of Mrs. P. Holman, who was thanked by Mrs Alderman. Birthday button holes were given out and a letter of thanks from Mr Barker for the donation to handicapped children was read. Competition winners for handmade flower pictures were Mrs. D. Clarke, Mrs O. Lambert and Mrs S. Richards. Raffle winner was Mrs. Lumb. Tea hostesses were Mrs. L. Watkins, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs Weldon.
Wolverton Express 20th April 1973
At Cosgrove’s April meeting various sites were suggested for tree planting. Members have given £10 towards this.
Mrs Fenwick of Wappenham gave a talk on treasures she had picked up in various parts of the world for moderate prices. Some of them were now worth a lot more, she said. The competition, a treasure from the attic, was won by Mrs Dora Clarke, followed by Mrs Sue Richards and Mrs Olive Lambert. The raffle was won by Mrs Pat Shervington.
Wolverton Express 18th May 1973
At Cosgrove’s May meeting resolutions for the Albert Hall were read out and Mrs Sue Richards is to vote on them as she thinks.
Mrs J Taylor of Belper, who has been blind from the age of two, told of the wonderful help of her guide dog, Dina, and how she overcame her disability.
The competition, a home-made toy, was won by Mrs Lumb, followed by Mrs Markham and Mrs D Clarke. Raffle winners were Mrs . Lavington and Mrs l Longman.
Wolverton Express 21st September 1973
THE SEPTEMBER meeting at Cosgrove was held in the Victory Hall. Mrs. P. Holman was thanked for the coffee evening held at her home. Part of the £33 raised is to be given to the Golden Hour Club. It is hoped to arrange a weekly evening class for general handicraft at the local school. Members received invitations to fashion shows at Brackley and Yardley. The speaker, Mr Murray of Buckingham, judged the competition for an arrangement in half a grapefruit. The winners were Mrs D. Clarke. Mrs B. Taylor and Mrs L. Clarke. Tea was served by Mrs. M. Kightley, Mrs. K. Jones and Mrs. E. Lavington.
Wolverton Express 19th October 1973
CHRISTMAS decorations were shown to Cosgrove members by Mrs. Edmonds, of Castlethorpe. She was thanked by Mrs. Gordon. Birthday buttonholes were handed out, and nominations taken for next year's committee. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Lumb, and Mrs. O. Lambert. The competition. "Your funniest potato", was won by Mrs. Shervington with Mrs. C. Smith and Mrs. E. Chown runners up. Mrs. Webster won the raffle.
Wolverton Express 23rd November 1973
Light-hearted games of Beetle and Bingo were enjoyed by Cosgrove members following their AGM last week. Officers and committee were re-elected with the exception of Mrs P. Shervington who did not wish to stand again. Members were later informed that Mrs Shervington had suffered serious burns and was in hospital. Members sent her a bouquet of flowers.
The Christmas party was discussed and members agreed to send £10 to the fund for famine relief in Ethiopia. The raffle was won by Mrs P Holman and a competition was won by Mrs B Taylor.
Wolverton Express 21st December 1973
COSGROVE group celebrated its 10th birthday last week with an old time dancing session, and combined it with the Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs. D. Saunders acted as MCs. Members each provided pats of the buffet, and the Christmas cum birthday cake was given by Mrs. D Clarke. The competition for a decoration on the top of a Christmas tree was won by Mrs. K. Gordon with Mrs. S. Richards second. Raffle winners were Mrs. M. Knightly, Mrs. F. Chown, and Mrs. Lee, and winners of most competition points during the year were Mrs. D. Clarke first, with Mrs. S. Richards second and Mrs. K. Gordon third.
Wolverton Express 18th January 1974
COSGROVE members met at the home of Mrs. Lesley Clarke because of the power crisis. Mr Odell of Stony Stratford gave a talk on ironmongery. Birthday buttonholes were given out.
A competition for a hat made from a kitchen utensil was won by Mrs. Sue Richard, with Mrs. G Alderman second and Mrs. R. Taylor third. If the power crisis is still on in February members will meet at the home of Mr. E. Lavington.
Wolverton Express 8th March 1974
MRS K. JONES, who has been treasurer or Cosgrove WI for the past 25 years, was presented with a commemorative brooch at the monthly meeting. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. Lavingto following a decision not to use the Victory Hall until the fuel crisis is over. Instead of the usual talk, members enjoyed the visit of a folk group. Arrangements were made for the annual dinner, on March 12 at The Pickwick. Towcester. A competition for a home-made musical instrument was won by Mrs Alderman with Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. Lavington second and third. Unless the fuel situation changes, the March meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. P. Holman.
Wolverton Express 7th May 1974
The end of the power crisis not only enabled Cosgrove members to meet in the village hall for the first time since before Christmas, but also let them provide an electric cooker for their speaker Mrs Bishop. This was a vital piece of equipment for her talk on “Sweet and Savoury Flans”. Members were given several new ideas for fillings and Mrs Bishop donated the flans she had prepared and cooked as raffle prizes.
The vote of thanks was given by Mrs O Lambert. Raffle winners were Mrs Smith, Mrs L Clarke, Mrs G Alderman, Mrs Lee and Mrs P Fowlds.
Members discussed and voted on resolutions for the County AGM. A “Pennies for Friendship” collection was taken for the Association of Country Women of the World. The competition for a plate of mince pies was won by Mrs S Richards with Mrs E Lavington second and Mrs E Chown third.
Wolverton Express 7th June 1974
COSGROVE members were given a demonstration of artificial flower making by Mrs Gordon at their meeting. The flowers, made from polystyrene apple trays and paper, will be used in their fete in August. Resolutions for the forthcoming annual meeting in London were voted on by members. They had been fully explained by Northampton VCO Mrs P. Kutas, who was thanked by Mrs. D. Clark. Members were told that the recent visit of the Greens Norton dancers had raised £10 for cancer research and the Pennies for Friendship collection amounted to £1.20. A competition for a collage was won by Mrs. Gordon. Second was Mrs. Clarke and third Mrs D. Clark. The raffle was won by Mrs. C. Smith. Hostesses were Mrs. L. Clarke, Mrs. E. Crewe and Mrs. P. Fowlds.
Wolverton Express 28th June 1974
A talk on soft toy making, with teddy bears dolls and animals of all shapes and sizes brought along as examples, was the feature at Cosgrove’s WI meeting. Mrs Crissel, the speaker, was thanked by Mrs Richards.
A competition for a dressed peg doll was won by Mrs K Gordon with Mrs D Clark and Mrs E Lavington second and third. The draw was won by Mrs P Fowlds.
Wolverton Express 2nd August 1974
MANY of the final details of the August garden fete were discussed at the July meeting of Cosgrove W.I. The fete on August 14, will be at the home of Mrs. Lesley Clarke. During the business part of the meeting members also discussed with anger recent vandalism that has been directed at young trees planted in the village by the W.I. and Parish Council. One tree has been "lost" and others have needed special attention to save them. The evening's speaker was Mr. R. Hoot, lecturer in horticulture at Moulton Agricultural College, who gave an interesting talk on shrubs and roses. The competition for a rose arrangement was won by Mrs. B. Taylor, with Mrs. G. Alderman second and Mrs. L. Clarke third. A report of the annual meeting in London was given by Mrs. Wood from Yardley Gobion W.I. Tea hostesses were Mrs. M. Hickford. Mrs. L. Longman and Mrs. M. Kightley.
Wolverton Express 30th August 1974
More than £120 was raised for Cosgrove Golden Hour Club and the local branch of the WI at a fete organised by institute members in the village recently. Mrs D Cockram, the County president of the WI, was welcomed by Mrs Gloria Alderman, president of Cosgrove WI to the fete which was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Peter Clarke.
Prize winners were as follows: fancy dress five years old and under Christopher Gee (Noddy); Neil Clarke and Caedmon Oakley (Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men); Dietrich Beatty (Robin Hood); six ten years Valerie Ford (Miss Muffett); Matthew Crewe (Bird Boy); Robert Ford (a gladiator). Alan Hickford as a spider took the prize for the most original costume and Beverley Tustain, the most amusing.
Children’s games were organised by Mr P Clarke and Mr B Richards; the most successful competitor being Shaun Bushell. Mrs Ann Saunders and Colin Kightley won the pin pong competition and Mrs Saunders also won the skittles game. Draw prizes were won by Mrs Berrill, Mr Donaldson, Miss Coe and Mrs Hickford.
Wolverton Express 11th October 1974
Cosgrove’s recent garden fete was a good success. Members agreed to donate £20 to charity and spilt the remaining £100 profit between the institute and the village Golden Hour Club.
The Institute rounders team reached the semi-finals at the WI “Fun for the Family” day at Grendon Hall last month. Local journalist, Mr David Crewe, gave a talk on newspapers at September’s meeting. The competition for the prettiest seashell was won by Mrs U. Gordon.
Wolverton Express 17th January 1975
A 1920’s fashion show provided amusement for members of the Cosgrove WI recently. To follow the show there was a Spot the Baby competition which was won by Mrs P Holman, Mrs B Taylor, Mrs P Rodgers, Mrs C Smith and Mrs M Hickford.
All the members contributed to a mouth-watering buffet.
Mrs Barnes was presented with a stainless steel dish in recognition of 11 years as secretary by the president Mrs S Richards. Mrs Richards also presented a dish to Mrs G Alderman who had been president for the last four years.
Competition winners for the year were Mrs K Gordon, Mrs E Lavington, and Mrs S Richards. The raffle was won by Mrs J Leigh, Mrs P Rogers and Mrs M Kightley.
Wolverton Express 24th January 1975
Chairman of Stony Stratford Bench, Mrs Nancy Odell, gave a fascinating account of her work as a magistrate when she spoke to Cosgrove members. Mrs Odell explained what goes on behind the scenes at local courts. She was thanked by Mrs G Alderman.
Members discussed their annual dinner and agreed on the date, place and menu. Schedules were handed out for the spring handicraft and produce exhibition at Cosgrove on May 21st. The new “Bloom of the Month” competition was won by Miss Denise Taylor with Mrs K Jones second and Mrs L Clarke third. The raffle was won by Mrs L Clarke.
Wolverton Express 25th April 1975
Members of Cosgrove WI were holed on crochet at their April meeting. Speaker Mrs D F Allen not only described how to crochet but persuaded members to have a go. She was thanked by Mrs O Lambert.
Tea Hostesses were Mrs S Barnes, Mrs C Bushell and Mrs E Chown. Bloom of the Month winners were Mrs C Smith, Mrs E Lavington, Mrs G Alderman, Raffle winner was Mrs Goodridge.
Wolverton Express 14th May 1975
A talk on the work of the Samaritans was given to members of Cosgrove WI. It was give anonymously by Ian 1 and Christine 4. They explained anonymity is an important part of the Samaritans work. It applies to both them and those they help. Mrs K Gordon gave the vote of thanks.
Members were told arrangements had been completed for the annual dinner next month. The Bloom of the Month competition was won by Mrs G Alderman with Mrs M Hickford second and Mrs M Sadler third. The raffle was won by Mrs Brown.
Wolverton Express 23rd May 1975
From ballet and bedpans to the world of books was the fascinating title of a talk given by Mrs Christine Fagg to WI members attending a group meeting at Cosgrove. Mrs Fagg described how she finally realised a life-long ambition to have a book published. She trained as a ballet dancer and a nurse and decided to write a book based on her experiences, hence the title.
Old Stratford evening institute filled the social time with some exciting games of bingo. Raffle winners were Mrs M Armer, Mrs E Benbow and Mrs Ketch.
Wolverton Express 6th June 1975
Cosgrove WI came out top in a handicraft competition for South Northants. It was only the second time Cosgrove had won the shield since the contest started in the 1940’s. The event is held every other year. Joint runners up were Old Stratford afternoon and evening institutes. Six clubs took part.
More than 500 homemade items from all clubs were displayed in the Cosgrove Hall. They included paintings, pottery, other art work, knitting, cuddly toys, dresses, flower arranging, pots of jam, fruit cakes and small cakes.
The competition was organised by Mrs Dorothy Jackson of Old Stratford. She said that although entries were down this year the standard of the goods was high. The paintings and sketches were judged by Mr Arthur Clark of Stony Stratford.
Wolverton Express 1st August 1975
The WIs
The dangers and excitement of service life in wartime fascinated members of Cosgrove at their July meeting when Miss Olney spoke of her seven years in the WAAF. She was thanked by Mrs S Richards.
It is hoped to arrange a charity cricket match against husbands and sons in September with the men playing under some handicap possibly long skirts.
A report of the AGM was given by Mrs Madsen and bloom of the month winners were: Mrs C Smith, Mrs M Hickford and Mrs M Sadler. Tea hostesses were Mrs M Hickford, Mrs Longman and Mrs J Hart.
Wolverton Express 15th April 1977

Smiling Cosgrove WI members behind their entry which won first prize at Northampton Novices Craft Exhibition. They are: Mrs Susan Richards, Mrs Lesley Clarke, Mrs Kathleen Gordon and Mrs Dora Clark.
Wolverton Express 5th May 1978
Members of Cosgrove Women’s Institute were breathalysed and clapped in handcuffs all in the interests of science! It was during a talk given by a policewoman from Towcester station, at the March meeting of the Institute.
The competition and the raffle were won by Mrs L Clarke, the president. Tea hostesses for the evening were Mrs S Richards and Mrs M Sadler.
Wolverton Express 20th October 1978
Members of Cosgrove WI downed a couple of bottles of sherry at their meeting last week but they really had cause to celebrate! For at the WI Diamond Jubilee recently the group, one of the smallest in this area with around 30 members, won first and second prizes in the craft competitions.
They won the Doris Hart Memorial Cup for a bridal scene, complete with a dressed bride doll, carved lectern, embroidered kneeler with even a tiny embroidered bookmark in the bible. And in the cookery section the group won second prize for a harvest spread of a loaf, preserves, cake, meat pie and fruit cordial.
“We were delighted. We have had a bash at lots of activities like rounders, tennis and even darts, but this is the first time we have been really successful as a group,” declared secretary Mrs Elizabeth Crewe.
Wolverton Express 29th December 1978
At the annual meeting of the Cosgrove WI, the president Mrs L Clarke, who was re-elected, spoke of the Institute’s most successful year. Members won the Craft Cup and Group Shield, and had dome well in various other activities.
The treasurer, Mrs K Jones, presented her report and two new members, Mrs Nunn and Mrs Platten, were welcomed to the committee. The speaker was Mr Ralph, of Cosgrove, whose hobby is woodcarving. He showed examples of his work, and was thanked by Mrs Gordon.
Tea was served by Mrs Clarke and Mrs Crewe. Competition winners were Mrs Alderman, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Lavington.
Wolverton Express 28th March 1980
Cosgrove WI had an early taste of spring when Mr. R Ferrari showed cine films of Cosgrove Hall and gardens at daffodil time. He also showed two of his cartoon films and explained how these were made. Thanks were by Mrs. C. Smith.
President, Mrs. E Crewe presented pot plants to two members, Mrs. P. Shervington and Mrs. C. Smith who recently celebrated their silver weddings. Members aired their views on a consultative document about the future of the WI movement. The Annual Dinner was provisionally arranged for May 13. The competition for 'My Favourite Antique' was won by Mrs. Barnes and the raffle by Mrs Mackaness. Teas were served by Mrs E Chown and Mrs. D. Clark.
Wolverton Express 21st July 1980
Cosgrove’s WI meeting last month was a social evening, with a bring and buy stall and a beetle drive. Prizewinners were Mrs Lamont, Mrs Nunn and Mrs Crewe.
The speaker, Mrs Bishop, from Moulton College of Agriculture, gave a talk about deep freezing, and was thanked by Mrs J Nunn. Mrs Smith of Old Stratford reported on the London AGM and the raffle was won by Mrs C Smith.
Birthday buttonholes were presented to Mrs Crewe and Mrs Madsen. The competition for a freezer recipe was won by Mrs S Richards and Mrs G Alderman.
Wolverton Express 12th September 1980
PRESIDENT Mrs E. Crewe welcomed Cosgrove WI members back after the summer break and told them how a plant gift had been sent to committee member Mrs R. Noble. who had been ill. Birthday buttonholes were presented to Mrs Alderman. Mrs Noble (in her absence) and Mrs Platten.
Mrs Stevenson demonstrated the art of Yoga and members watched in admiration as she did many exercises without any great exertion. They tried their hands at some easier movements without getting themselves tied up in knots!
Teas were served by Mrs Madsen and Mrs Nunn and the raffle was won by Mrs H. Beatty. Competition winners were Mrs Chown, Mrs Alderman and Miss Carter. The WI are undertaking a village collection for the Northants Blind. Mrs Crewe and Mrs Richards are to go forward to the county Scrabble final on October 3.
Wolverton Express 31st October 1980
AT the October meeting of Cosgrove W.I. President Mrs Elaine Crewe reported that £41.83 had been collected for the blind. She thanked all the collectors. The speaker was Mr Gould who gave an interesting talk on Salcey Forest. The competition for the best arranged leaves and berries was won by Mrs Alderman. The raffle was won by Mrs Clements.
Wolverton Express 29th January 1981
COSGROVE members were given a peep into the past when their speaker, Mr Ayres showed slides of local places as they were many years ago Many members remembered the scenes of old Cosgrove. The president, Mrs Crewe, announced with regret the death of Mrs. Mackeness our oldest member. Several members expressed interest in the train trip to Cardiff arranged by the county federation and in the county table tennis tournament.
Wolverton Express 13th February 1981
The resignation of Cosgrove’s WI secretary Mrs Platten was the main talking point at the February meeting. Mrs Platten is leaving the district and will be replaced by Mrs Sue Richards. After reading the resignation letter the president, Mrs E Crewe, introduced the speaker, Mr Wood.
Mr Wood talked about his hobby of rose growing, and after showing some beautiful slides he gave advice on planting and pruning. Some members expressed interest in dancing lessons and others are starting knitting for the May exhibition. A birthday buttonhole was presented to Miss Carter and Mrs Sadler and Mrs Alderman served the teas.
The competition for a rose drawing was won by Mrs Lavington, Mrs Richards and Mrs L Clarke. Mrs Clarke also won the raffle.
Wolverton Express 15th May 1981
Wls hold successful exhibition
COSGROVE WI emerged as the winners of the WI Group handicraft and produce exhibition at Deanshanger Village Hall last Wednesday. The team scored 4.48 points and were presented with a shield by Mrs M. Wreschner. The exhibition consisted of displays of craftwork and home made items, including sewing, knitting, embroidery, soft toys, baking and sweets. The centrepiece was a co-operative effort entitled 'May Day Picnic' with contributions from all five competing WIs. Potterspury. Yardley Gobion, Deanshanger. Old Stratford and Cosgrove took part and the event attracted a large number of visitors. Deanshanger scored the highest points for the May Day Picnic section, with a woodland setting complete with maypole and delicious food. The exhibition is staged every three years and the Wls take it in turns to act as hostesses.
Wolverton Express 11th June 1981
COSGROVE WI held an open evening - and the speaker, Mr. Eric Roberts gave an amusing and informative talk on "Making Noises at the BBC”.
Resolutions for the AGM were discussed and voted on. The WI Is to attend the cake stall at the Church Fete on June 13. A ramble to Potterspury with refreshments at the Talbot were arranged for the next meeting.
Wolverton Express 30th July 1981
A ROYAL wedding souvenir plate was the raffle prize won by Mrs Lavington at the Cosgrove WI July meeting. The president Mrs E. Crewe conducted the business and secretary Mrs Richards reported on the annual meeting at the Albert Hall. Winners’ certificates were handed to members who entered the Group Craft corn petition. After a whist drive a 'name the postcard' competition was held.
Wolverton Express 1st October 1981
MEMBERS of Cosgrove WI picked up tips on flower arranging when Mrs Webb visited their meeting. Colour harmony was the theme and the six who were lucky enough to win the arrangements were Mrs Chown, Mrs Fairfax, Mrs Richards, Mrs Lambert, Mrs Crewe and Mrs Hickford. Mrs Webb judged the wildflower buttonhole competition, which Mrs Hickford won, with Mrs C Smith and Mrs Noble second and third.
Wolverton Express 14th November 1981
MEMBERS of Cosgrove WI held a sponsored knit-in at their meeting last week, to raise funds for the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research. The meeting was also the annual general one and the committee remains unchanged with the exception of Mrs L. Clarke and Mrs S Barnes who both decided against re-election. They will be missed, as together they served for many years and in gratitude for their services, members presented each lady with a pot plant.
Mrs M Sadler was welcomed as a new committee member and a birthday buttonhole was presented to Mrs M. Fairfax, who also won the raffle. Baking will be keeping members busy this month and the branch is providing a cake stall at Cosgrove Church Bazaar and also supplying cakes for the WI sale of 1,000 cakes. Mrs Hickford won the competition for the funniest potato, with Mrs Smith and Mrs Alderman second and third.
Wolverton Express 19th November 1981
MEMBERS of Cosgrove Women' Institute were treated to a show of some very special clothes at their last meeting. They were brought along by Mrs Paton, who explained that some dated back to 1840 and had been owned by her grandmother. Mrs L. Clarke won the competition for the best four line verse on Cosgrove and second and third places went to Mrs Fairfax and Mrs Noble. Mrs Noble also won the raffle and the birthday buttonhole was presented to Mrs D. Clark.