Cosgrove Church Clock Chamber

Every week the clock is wound by hand by a team of winders. It takes over 150 turns of the handles to wind up the weights.
It is adjusted by a mechanical ratchet and cog system to keep time for the village. It chimes the hour by a hammer striking the great bell.
Clock face on the West end of the Tower
Mechanism of the clock
Drawing by George Clarke April 1st 1845
(no clock)

Clock Hammer
Winding the clock - 150 turns twice a week
Carol is the first female clock winder since its installation

13th OCT 1899

The plaque beneath the clock

The clock is housed in the wooden box in the Clock Chamber
Bell ropes passing through the Chamber

Clock supports

Clock pendulum
Weights to clock going down

Preston Deanery Monthly Magazine      May 1953

Cosgrove Annual Church Meeting

On April 13th, at the Rectory

We are very grateful to Mrs and Miss Feil for the very clear and efficient statement of last year’s accounts, and for the great amount of painstaking work that this always involves, also to the kindness of Mr Ratcliffe (AACCA) who acted as auditor.

Mrs Feil (People’s) and Mr Higgins (Rector’s) are again installed as Wardens, Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Beasley as Ruri-decanal representatives, and Captain Purser to represent the Parish at Diocesan Conferences. We are very grateful to all the above and to other members of the Council for their help and co-operation during the past year, which has apparently been the most successful one financially in the memory of anyone.

Already some £10 has been spent on the Church gutters and drains; the organ is now dismantled and in process of repair and restoration (this will cost over £50); fifty new Prayer Books were in use on Easter Day, and twenty-five new Hymn Books are coming shortly.

The other major item is, of course, the repair of the Church Clock. As far as can be ascertained at present the clock mechanism is not at fault, but the whole face has slipped downwards, which causes the hands to jam. A local firm has given an estimate for approximately £50, to erect scaffolding, refix the clock in its proper position, paint the face with three coats and re-gild it with best gold leaf.

We are awaiting an inspection and an estimate by an expert firm (Smiths’ of Derby) before putting any work in hand. As all Cosgrove people will, we fell, be interested and concerned in having the clock going once more, and hearing its familiar chimes again, the Church Council have decided to make an envelope collection throughout the village to appeal for donations, as we cannot afford to pay for this out of Church funds. This will be launched immediately we have decided to put the work in hand and know what the cost is likely to be. We appeal to all in the village to contribute as generously as they can. It will be a fitting memento of the Coronation and it will be very nice if the repairs can be completed before that great event takes place. We hope to have a new flagpole erected for June 2nd, if not too expensive.