SACRED to the Memory of
The Rev .d and Worfhipful
Rector of Cofgrove and
Paffenham, Juftice of Peace
for this COUNTY,
Arch-deacon of Bucks,
Chancellor of the Diocefe of
LINCOLN, and Chaplain in
Ordinary to the KING;
the laft perfon, in whom were
united the Names of the two
Families of Broadfield and
Cottered in the COUNTY of
HERTFORD. He was poffeffed of
every amiable Virtue of the
focial and Chriftian Life.
The eftablifhed Church (whofe
Temples, efpeeially This and
others near him, he was ever
folicitous to improve and adorn)
loft in him a conftant, and fteady
Friend; his two Parifhes an able,
and vigilant Paftor;
his Country a merciful, active,
and upright Magiftrate;
his Acquaintance a generous,
hofpitable, and fincere Friend;
The Poor a munificent
and his Wife a tender,
and indulgent Hufband.
He fupported a long, and painful
Sicknefs with true Chriftian
Fortitude; founded on a perfect
Submiffion to the Will of GOD;
and died at Cofgrove July the 26th
1778, aged 57 years.
He married MARY Daughter of the Honourable, and Rev.d
HENRY MOORE D.D, fecond Son
She had the Regret to furvive
her truly affectionate Hufband;
and caufed this Monument
to be erected.