Northampton Mercury - Saturday 01 April 1843
On Tuesday the 4th day of April, 1843, on the premises of the late John C. Mansel, Esq. at Cosgrove Hall, the following lots, viz.,
Lot |
SIX Southdown ewes and two tegs, one barren ewe, and one Leicester teg. |
Ten in-lamb Leicester ewes. |
Ditto. |
Ditto. |
Five ditto. |
Ten Leicester tegs |
Ten Leicester theaves |
Five tegs and four theaves. |
Five fat ewes. |
Ten shearhogs. |
Six ditto. |
Six sheep. |
The sheep will be penned by Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, may be viewed, and the sale will commence at 12
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 26 February 1870
WANTED, a GARDENER, who thoroughly understands his work, and can have a good character from his last place.Apply at Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 13 August 1870
WANTED, in the Country, a HOUSEMAID who thoroughly understands her work and is a good Needlewoman. Apply (by letter) at Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 31 May 1873
A HOUSE and BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, with which a good trade is connected, situate at Cosgrove, near Stony Stratford.
To view, apply to Mr. James Reed, Cosgrove Hall; and for further particulars, to Messrs. Fisher & Son, Land Agents, Market Harborough.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 05 August 1882
COSGROVE HALL FARM, near Stony Stratford.
40 Acres of capital GROWING CROPS of WHEAT, BARLEY, and BEANS, with the Wheat Straw, to go off; 10 Acres of CLOVER, to go off ; a rick of well-secured CLOVER HAY, about 20 tons, to go off
On Tuesday, August 8th, 1882, by direction of Mr. James Reed, who is giving up the occupation of the Hall Farm at Michaelmas.
The crops are good, and the Wheat Straw and the Clover may be taken off. Two months' credit will be given on the usual conditions.
The company will oblige meeting the Auctioneer at the “Barley Mow” Inn at Four for Five o'clock. Catalogues may be had the offices of the Auctioneer, Winslow, and the Town Hall Offices, Fenny Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 09 February 1889
INVITATION BALL. On Tuesday last the Cosgrove Conservative Association gave an invitation ball, in a barn kindly lent for the purpose by Mr. A. Grant Thorold. About 100 persons were present. Messrs. F. Brawn and Jelley had been engaged in decorating the interior of the structure with evergreens, banners, &c., and the effect produced was very pleasing. Mr. J. Rickett's band supplied the music, and the movements commenced at eight o'clock.
Among those present were Mr. G. Roberts and party (Deanshanger), Mr. Webb and party, Mr. Vench (Wicken), Mr. and Mrs. Whales, and Mr. Anchor. At intervals Messrs McIsacks, F. Brawn, Robinson, and Sibthorp entertained the company with songs. Mr. Whales made an efficient M.C.
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 20 July 1889
The members of the Deanshanger and District Conservative together at Cosgrove on Tuesday evening. A marquee was erected in a field, and this, decorated very prettily with bunting, and set off with flowers and plants arranged by Mr J Brown, gardener to the Hon. Mrs. Isted, Cosgrove Hall, looked very charming.
About 200 sat down to the dinner over which Lord Penrhyn presided. After the loyal toast had been honoured, the health of the "Army, Navy and Auxiliary Forces" and " The Church" were duly drunk. The Rev P McDouall, acknowledging the toast of the Church made use of a wonderfully sage remark: “If you dissolve the Union between Church and State," he cried, ”I say good-bye to the State! The Church first of all established the state, and then the state established the Church."
[various other speeches by the leading men are described in the article]
The complimentary toasts of “The Visitors”, “The Ladies”, and “The Cosgrove Committee” concluded the toast list.
See other comments below!
Northampton Mercury - Saturday 20 July 1889
You generally expect a good amount of brag and bluster at a Tory dinner, and there was even more than usual at Cosgrove on Tuesday evening. One orator told the poor Tories that within three weeks after Home Rule is given to Ireland, the "Unionists" there will be at Civil War. He could answer for it the 44 Unionists" would rather die than be governed by an Administration headed by Mr. Parnell. I dare say Mr. Parnell will not object to their dying, only they can do it more peaceably than fighting. A little rat poison will be less expensive and quite as patriotic.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 31 May 1895
Mr. John Christopher Mansel, late of Cosgrove Hall, died at the advanced age of 81, at Cosgrove, on Monday. The deceased gentleman was a son of the late Rear Admiral Robert Mansel (who died in 1843), by Frances Charlotte, daughter of the late Rev. William Thorold, of Weelsby House, Lincolnshire. He was educated at Harrow, and married in 1853 his cousin, Katherine Margaret, daughter of the late Rev. Henry Longueville Mansel. The deceased was a magistrate for the Counties of Northampton and Buckingham, being High Sheriff for the latter county in 1858, and was Lord of the Manor of Cosgrove.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 20 October 1899
The funeral of Mrs. Grant-Thorold took place on Wednesday at Cosgrove and the manifestations of mourning at the funeral showed how deeply her death lamented by the village, which has good reason to be grateful to her for her many deeds of kindness to the inhabitants.
The funeral took place at Cosgrove on Tuesday of Mrs Anna Hamilton Grant-Thorold. Wife of Mr Alexander Grant-Thorold, J.P. DL., and daughter of the late Admiral Sir Stirling, who died at Cosgrove Hall last Friday. The deceased lady will be greatly missed by the villagers, to whom she was a kind and sincere friend. At St. Giles Church. Stony Stratford, where the family of late worshipped, the Dead March in Saul ' was played the organ by Miss Bird the close of the evening service on Sunday. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. J. H. Light, Vicar of Stony Stratford. The Rev. H. C. Izard, curate Stony Stratford, and the churchwardens (Messrs Rogers and Elmes) were present as representing the congregation of St. Giles' Church. The choir of St. Giles' Church, Stony Stratford, sang three hymns viz.. in the church " Just as I am, without one plea" and “Rock of Ages," and at the grave side “Now the labourer's task is o'er." Miss Bird, organist at Stony Stratford, played Chopin's March" and the "Dead March" in Saul on the organ.
The mourners were:Mr Alexander Grant-Thorold (husband), Mr. Richard Grant-Thorold, Mr. Harry Grant-Thorold, Mr Thorold’s sons), Mrs. Spencer and Miss Grant-Thorold (daughters). Colonel Spencer, Lady Stewart, Lady Newtown Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Arbuthnot, Mr and Mrs. Elliott, Miss Stirling. Dr W. H. Bull Mr. Wingfield, Mr. J. J. Atkinson, and amongst others present were the Rev. J. B. Harrison (rector of Paulerspury). the Rev. G. M. Capel (rector of Passenham), Mr. F. D. Bull, Mr. Seymour, etc.
In addition to floral tributes from members of the family, others were received from the Duke of Grafton, K.G., Sir Herewald Wake, Lady Wake, and Miss Wake, Colonel and Mrs. Spencer, Mr and Mrs Arbuthnot, Lady Fitzgerald (Burfield Old Windsor), Captain and Mrs. Ringham. Miss Ethel Mangles (21, Thurlow-place). Mr. and Mrs. Penson and others. The coffin was of polished oak with massive brass furniture, and the name plate bore the inscription “Anna Grant-Thorold: died Oct. 13, 1899: Cosgrove Hall." The grave was lined with ivy and white flowers by the gardener at Cosgrove Hall.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 January 1903
WANTED a Thoroughly Good Man as CARTER; must have good character and be an early riser. Wages 16s. extra for hay and harvest, and good House and Garden.
Apply. R. Penson. Cosgrove Hall
Wolverton Express June 23rd 1911
The celebrations at this quiet little village were of a hearty character. The service at church at 2 o’clock was taken by the Rev M.R. Graham. Afterwards the rest of the day was spent in the Home Close lent by Mr. H. Grant-Thorold J.P. where sports and other amusements were provided. The children were presented with mugs by the Committee who were as follows:
Mr. Grant-Thorold (Chairman), Messrs S. Williams, W. Clarke, F. Jelley, H. Smith, R. Morgan and E. Irons.
A meat tea was given to all the inhabitants, the ladies presiding being:
Mesdames V/Y/J? Jelley, T. Jelley, W. Hurst, W. Lambert, Wilson, Mayes, W. Wise and Miss Clarke, with a large body of other helpers.
At dusk there was a pyrotechnic display, the fireworks being given by Colonel and Mrs Broadwood, who are staying at Cosgrove Hall.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Monday 12 August 1912
No flower show committee could have suffered more from the interfering presence of continued heavy showers during the past week or so than that which governs the fortunes of the Cosgrove show. This was held on Saturday on the rich, sloping, tree-flanked lawn which borders Cosgrove Hall, the stately residence of General and Mrs. Broadwood, but which, despite its natural beauties only presented a forlorn and dripping appearance, when seen after the depressing downpours. Theses cost the society “a tidy penny,” for the attendance of visitors was down by hundreds. There were practically no visitors from any of the outlying districts, those who did attend being chiefly from Cosgrove, with perhaps a few from Yardley Gobion.
Northampton Chronicle and Echo Tuesday 13 August 1912
Visitors to the Cosgrove flower show on Saturday had a dismal time. Rain came down practically the whole afternoon and evening, and there was very little of the happy revelry of a village fete about the rich sloping lawns of Cosgrove Hallthe home of General [Arthur] and Mrs. [Mary Frances nee Meade] Broadwood, which was the venue of the show. Even the trees were in tears, and hung their branches low, as though in sympathy with the promotors, who could be forgiven under the circumstances for bemoaning the smallness of the attendance. The only notes of gladness that were to be heard were in the exhibition tents. Here carefully screened from the drenching showers, were wonderful collections of richly coloured plants and flowers, for in all varieties some fine specimens, of every shade and hue, lent glowing hues of colour to a scene that was painfully drab. The quantity of the exhibits as well as the quality was a improvement on last year. Particularly was in the ease with vegetables, both is the classes devoted to cottage and amateurs. Peas and potatoes were predominant, and the splendid size and shape of certain exhibits in these classes reflected great credit on the producers.
There was also a show of Bucks babies, the prizes for which attracted some sturdy little "pieces of humanity." Competition amongst these infants was very keen indeed, and the Judge (Dr. Moore) had a very stiff task.
It will be remembered that recently Captain Grant-Thorold was married and to celebrate the happy event with the villagers the genial Captain gave a tea, which was partaken in a large tent by all who visited the show.
During the afternoon and evening the members of the Stony Stratford Amateur Athletic Club, a group of straight, clean limbed gymnasts, gave very agile gymnastic displays on the vaulting horse, horizontal bars, the mat, and in well-grouped pyramids. The Yardley Gobion Prize Band discoursed sweet selections of music on the lawn and accompanied a merry group of revellers, who defied the rain, and under a huge tent well on towards midnight.
Captain Grant-Thorold is the president; and the vice-presidents include Mr. J. J. Atkinson, C.C., the Rev. Malcolm R. Graham, Mr. W. M. Atkinson, M.A., LL.B and Henry Patman. The committee responsible for the arrangements were Mr. S. Williams, Mr. T. Lord, Mr. A. Swain, Mr. William Clark, Mr. G. Williams, Mr. R. Penson, Mr. H. Willison, Mr. H. Hurst, Mr. A. Childs, Mr. E. Lord, and Mr. Joseph Clark.
Mr. T. Seymour was the hon. secretary. The judges were: Horticulture. Mr. W. Batchelor. F.R.H.S., Stoke Bruerne Park. and Mr. W. Cameron, Shenley Rectory; . babies. Dr. Moore; honey, eggs, and wild flowers. Miss J. Wake, Mrs. Broadwood, and Mrs. Atkinson; needlework. Miss Neville and Mrs. G. Brown.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 April 1918
At Stony Stratford Sessions on Friday the Marchioness Ely, who is in residence at Cosgrove Hall, was fined 10s for keeping a dog without a licence. It appears that after the first visit of the police sergeant a licence was taken out Ireland Lord Ely's gamekeeper, but the Bench insisted that English licence was necessary. Irish dog licences run from March 31 instead of January 1.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 07 November 1919
By order of Major Grant Thorold.
(On the Borders of Bucks).
1½miles from Castlethorpe Station. 4½ miles from Wolverton Station.
Hampton and Sons
On WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th NEXT, at 2 o'clock precisely.
In 24 Lots (if not Sold Privately)
Including a Charming OLD GEORGIAN HOUSE in Park, with capital FARM and 368 ACRES, with possession:
1000 ACRES.
Tithe Free. Vendors Solicitors; Messrs. MARKHAM, Northampton. Estate Agent; F. Higgins. Esq. Alford. Lincolnshire. Auctioneers; Hampton and Sons. 3, Cockspur-street. London S.W.I.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 November 1919
Cosgrove Hall estate, a freehold, residential, and agricultural property of over 1,200 acres, the property Major H. Grant-Thorold, was sold by auction at the Cock Hotel, Stony Stratford, Wednesday. The estate was disposed in 24 lots by Mr. H. 11. Robertson, of Hampton and Sons, auctioneers, 3, Cockspur - street, London.
Lot 1, Cosgrove Hall, an attractive old country residence, with a bungalow lodge, carriage drive, stabling, etc., was withdrawn at £1,500.
Lot 2, an accommodation holding, known as Oxhouse, comprising an area of 75a. 3r. 30p., was bought by Mr. Adams for £2.300.
Lot 3, an area of land, with sand and gravel pit, 27a. 0r. 4p., sold to Mr. Burrows for £950.
Lot 4, Elms Farm, corn-growing holding, with farm buildings, 233a. 2r. 33p., sold to Mr. George for £7,100.
Lot 5, a small farm, known Cobb's Bush, with farm buildings, 56a. 0r. 3p., bought by Mr. J. Franklin, Stony Stratford, for £2,270.
Lot 6, Isworth Farm and farm buildings, 190 a. 0r. 37p., was sold to Mr. W. Dickens, of Old Stratford, for £3.000.
Lot 7, a grass holding and two cottages, was withdrawn.
Lot 8, allotment gardens. 9a. 3r. 22p., bought by Mr. Jelley, of Cosgrove, for £340.
Lot 9, allotment gardens, 2a. 0r. 14p., sold to Mr. Holden for £125.
Lot 10, the Plough Inn, 1a. 2r. 38p., was sold to Mr. Gamage for £675.
Lot 11, an enclosure of grass land, 5a. 1r. 31p., bought by Mr. J. J. Atkinson for £290
Lot 12, the Barley Mow Inn, 3a. 1r. 0p., sold Mr. Phipps for £900.
Lot 13, a block of property comprising a blacksmith's shop and four cottages, 1r. 11p., bought by Mr. Phipps for £520.
Lot 14, a small property containing two stone-built cottages, 3r. 7p., sold to Mr. Gosling for £195.
Lot 15, An enclosure of grass land, 1a. 2r. 15p., sold for £75.
Lot 16, a piece grass land, 3r. 6p., sold for £65.
Lot 17, a pair of stone-built and slated cottages, with 15p. of land, was purchased by Mr. Clarke for £130.
Lot 18, Three cottages, 1r. 10p., sold to Mr. Oldham for £150.
Lot 19, An enclosure of grass land, 2a. 0r. 25p sold for £125.
Lot 20, piece garden ground, 11p, was withdrawn.
Lot 21, piece garden ground, 11p., bought by Mrs. Pyle for £15.
Lot 22, modern stone-built and gabled cottage, 24 perches, sold to Mr. Wentworth for £560.
Lot 23, A corner site used as garden ground, was also purchased Mr. Wentworth for £57.
Lot 24, A small country residence known as The Cottage, with stabling, outbuildings, garden, and a four-roomed cottage, was sold to Mr. Jackson Stops for £950.
Wolverton Express 16th January 1920
Messrs Hampton and Son report the sale privately [to Captain A. A. Fergusson] of Cosgrove Hall, near Stony Stratford, with the Manor Farm adjoining, extending to about 370 acres. The Hall is an old Georgian house, occupying an attractive position in a well timbered park sloping to the canal. This was the only lot which remained unsold at the recent auction.
Bucks Standard 6th March 1920
Close to Stony Stratford, 1½miles from Castlethorpe Station and 4 miles from Wolverton Station.
Are instructed by Major H Grant Thorold
To sell by Auction on the Premises
On TUESDAY March 16th, 1920, at 10.30 am exact time
The Valuable Antiques and Modern FURNITURE comprising a finely carved gilt console table with marble top, a pair of semi-circular inlaid Sheraton tables, a massive elegantly carved black oak cabinet, dated 1621, antique inlaid and decorated mahogany card table, antique mahogany tables on club legs, inlaid mahogany hexagonal table with four drawers, antique 8-day grandfather clock in oak case, antique Queen Anne chest of drawers on stand with cabriole legs, Adams’s settee, upholstered settees, couches and armchairs, mahogany frame dining chairs, set of 6 elm Chippendale pattern chairs, black oak dinner waggon, a grand pianoforte in rosewood case by John Broadwood & Sons, large six-fold screen, brass rail fenders, fire implements, skin rugs, carved oak kneehole writing table, Empire writing table, mahogany Pembroke tables, ornamental brass vases, a fine old mahogany chest with engraved brass escutcheon and handles, oak chest, gilt and white and gilt frame mirrors, oak corner cupboard.
Bedroom Appointments, including brass mounted and iron bedsteads, mahogany bedsteads and hangings, hair, wool, box and spring mattresses, feather beds, bolsters and pillows, mahogany, walnut and oak antique chest of drawers, mahogany Duchesse dressing tables, washstands, mahogany inlaid corner washstands, antique oak and mahogany pedestal cupboards, antique mahogany commode, mahogany and birch frame swing mirrors, cheval glass in maple frame, chamber ware, underfelt.
Valuable China and Glass including part Derby dessert service, part Dresden tea and coffee service, Spode dessert service, Sunderland tea and coffee service, part Worcester dessert service, Spode, Imari and Wedgwood dishes, pair of cut glass candelabra with lustres, Empire 8-day striking clocks, a very fine cut glass chandelier, breakfast, tea and dinner ware, decanters, cut glass dessert dishes.
Valuable oil paintings and engravings, A Valuable collection of books. Kitchen and outdoor effects, including copper pans and moulds, kitchen tables, large painted cupboard, refrigerator, cook’s utensils, a pair of 12-bore double barrelled guns, in leather case, by Messrs E M Reilly & Co, London, a similar pair (pin fire) in wooden case by E Dodson, Louth, 2 garden seats, 2 galvanised water barrows, garden lights, a large quantity of plants in pots, 12 inch lawnmower by Ransome, 26 inch lawnmower by Shanks etc, etc.
On View day preceding the Sale.
Catalogues may be obtained of the Auctioneers, Newport Pagnell and Olney.
Wolverton Express 19th March 1920
Mr P. C. Gambell, of the firm of Messrs Wigley, Son and Gambell, Auctioneers, Newport Pagnell conducted a sale of valuable antique and modern furniture at Cosgrove Hall, on Tuesday last, by the direction of Major H. Grant-Thorold. There was a large company present and some brisk bidding produced some good prices. Some of the prices realized are as follows:
An antique oak and walnut Queen Anne chest of 8 draws with brass handles, on stand, with cabriole lags and 2 drawers, £58. Antique mahogany Sheraton semi-circular tables fetched £30. A richly carved and gilt console table with white marble top, frieze decorated foliage and cherubs, four figure supports having scroll and enrichments £41. A pair of antique bronze pillar candlesticks with bronze figures supporting sconces, on circular marble bases £21. A carved oak kneehole writing table with 9 drawers £20. An antique walnut chest of 5 drawers with brass handles £22. A valuable empire burr walnut writing table, inlaid tulip wood and richly decorated ormolu, having 6 drawers on shaped legs £19. A black oak cabinet dated 1621, carved panels and figures £17. An antique oak base 8 day grandfather clock £16. An antique mahogany chest with engraved brass escutcheon and handles £13/10/-. An Adam settee on scroll legs and castors, upholstered silk tapestry with loose cretonne cover £9. Antique mahogany oval folding card-table inlaid satinwood and decorated festoons of flowers, with baize top and six legs £11. Antique mahogany oval folding card-table with 4 drawers and leather top on pillar with 4 feet £10. A carved and gilt console table on cabriole legs with shaped marble top £10. An 8 day striking clock with enamelled panels by Thomas Martin £6. Antique elm armchair and 5 chairs in American leather en suite £14. A set of mahogany dining tables (3ft 6in by 8 ft) £6. An antique inlaid walnut chest of drawers £8/10/-. Grained chests of 4 drawers £4/15/- and £5. An antique mahogany bedside cupboard £4. An antique commode as chest of drawers with brass handles £8. An antique oak chest of 5 drawers £4. An antique mahogany frame couch with loose cuchion and cover £4. White and gilt oval mirror with bevelled plate (3ft by 2ft 3in) £7. Antique inlaid circular front oak corners cupboard £9/10/-. An antique mahogany dressing table with drawer £4/10/-. Grained as oak dressing table with mirror £5/10/-. Antique couch on 7 tapered legs with loose cretonne cover £4. A mahogany half-tester bedstead, hangings and spring mattress £7. A 3ft stained as oak chest of 4 drawers £5/5/-. A gilt and white overmantle with 3 bevelled panels £6/5/-. Hair and wool mattresses £3 and £4/5/-. A 3ft stained as oak chest of 4 drawers £5/15/-. Stained dressing table with mirror £3/10/-. A painted and grained chest of 4 drawers £4. A 6ft 9in empire couch in ebonised frame with ormolu mounts, upholstered in tapestry £7. Antique mahogany frame Chippendale winged chair with loose cover £8. A 19½in blue and white circular Delph dish £7/10/-. A Chamberlain’s Worcester dessert service, 22 pieces, £5/5/-. A part Crown Derby dessert service, 16 pieces, £2/10/-. A Sunderland transfer tea and coffee service 33 pieces £6. A 15½in Oriental bowl £6/5/-. An 8 day Dresden striking clock £8. A Dresden tea and coffee service £6/10/-. A pair of cut glass 2 branch candelabra 20in high £8. A cut glass candelabra with 15 candle sconces £6/10/-. Two old cut glass dishes and cut glass jar £3/10/-. A pair of 12 bore double barrelled guns in leather case by E M Riley and Co., London £19. A pair pin-fire in wooden case by E Dodson Leith £5.
Among the oil paintings sold were a large oil-painting “Woodland Scene” in gilt frame £30; “Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour,” copy of a Vandyck, in gilt frame £6/10/-; “Still Life, Fruit,” £24; a portrait of “Admiral Sir Clondesley Shovel” £20; portrait of “Admiral Sir George Roche”; a “Lady with Fruit” in antique oval gilt frame £7; portrait copy of a Murillo £8; “Cattle and Figures” £27; “Sporting Scenes” £10; portrait of a lady £5/10/-; “Still Life Game and Fruit” £9/10/-; “Two Figures” £4/10/-.
Bucks Standard 21st February 1920
Close to Stony Stratford, 1½miles from Castlethorpe Station and 4 miles from Wolverton Station.
Are instructed by Major H. Grant Thorold (who has sold the estate)
To sell by Auction on the Premises
On THURSDAY and FRIDAY March 18 and 19, 1920, at Eleven o’clock exact time each day
The whole of the Valuable Live and Dead
FARMING STOCK, comprising
150 Pedigree LINCOLN REDS viz: 34 young cows in milk and in calf, 12 down calving heifers, 6 barren cows, 8 barren heifers, 27 heifers and steers (2 to 3 years old), 10 18-months-old steers and sturks, 33 yearling steers and sturks, 20 calves, 6-months-old bull, and 2-years-old bull “Saleby Crown” No. 14813.
1000 SHEEP and LAMBS viz: 296 double and single Oxford-Down couples, 233 Oxford-Down tegs, 6 pedigree Oxford-Down rams.
33 highly valuable HORSES viz: 8 mares 5 to 7 years old, in foal to “Eastern Conqueror”, one 4 year old mare and a 4 year old gelding (unbroken), by “Eastern Conqueror”, five 3 year old mares and a 3 year old gelding by “Eastern Conqueror”, two 2 year old fillies and a 2 year old colt by “Eastern Conqueror”, yearling colt and a yearling filly by “Conqueror King”, roan pony (aged).
7 in-pig Berkshire SOWS, 1 Berkshire BOAR, 300 head of Poultry, viz: Light Sussex, Black leghorns and Buffs. The Valuable IMPLEMENTS and MACHINERY, all in good order, such as would be found on a Holding of 900 acres.
The Auctioneers beg to call special attention to the Pedigree Lincoln Cattle; the cows are all young, the heifers in splendid condition, and the young stock full of bloom. The Oxford Downs are a splendid flock. Pedigree rams have always been used, last year’s rams coming from the flocks of Messrs Brassey, Stilgoe, Adams and Bryant. The HORSES are an excellent lot, in good working condition, the whole having been bred on the Estate, and with one exception sired by “Eastern Conqueror”, by “Gaer Conqueror”.
Luncheon will be provided on the usual conditions.
Catalogues may be obtained of Major H Grant Thorold and Mr R Penson, Cosgrove, Stony Stratford, or of the Auctioneers, Newport Pagnell and Olney.
Bucks Standard 27th March 1920
One of the most important dispersal sales of live and dead farming stock held in this district for a long time took place at Cosgrove on Thursday and Friday, March 18 and 19 on instructions from Major H. Grant Thorold, who recently sold the Cosgrove Hall Estate. Messrs Wigley, Sons & Gambell, the well-known Newport Pagnell firm of Auctioneers, were entrusted with the sale, and on both days there was a large attendance of buyers from a very wide area. The valuable collection of implements and machinery was offered on the first day and in many instances excellent prices were paid, including the following:
Cake Breaker £4 12s 6d; bouting plough £10; cultivator by Martin £18 10s; set of 4 horse drag harrows £7 15s; 3-horse ditto £9; 2-horse ditto £9 10s; Cambridge roll £19; iron roll £9; a Coultas 7ft 6in steerage drill £40; manure drill £19; 6ft Massey-Harris binder £69; a 5 ft ditto £30; nearly new grass mower £18; McCormick Hay Loader £33 10s; elevator complete with horse gear £114 10s; farm wagon, complete with raves and hay loader fittings £46; a similar lot £51; farm carts £31 10s to £41; a 5 hp Petter oil engine £40; a power chaff cutter by Bamford, £35; thiller harness made to £8 15s a set, the dairy utensils sold well and the 300 head of poultry realised good prices.
On Friday the herd of Pedigree Lincoln Red cattle, the flock of 1000 Oxford Down sheep and the horses and pigs were sold. The sheep met a keen demand. Tegs made up to £8 and averaged £7 per head. Couples made to £8. An Oxford Down shearling ram sold for 27 guineas.
The Lincoln Red shorthorn cattle, in the breeding of which Major Grant Thorold has taken a keen interest for many years, were shown in fresh condition, and the cows and young stock sold readily at satisfactory prices, an 8 year old cow making the top figure of 56 guineas. Other prices for the cows were: Cosgrove 145th calved April 1914, 50 guineas, Cosgrove 174th calved January 1915, 51 guineas, Cosgrove 188th calved April 1915, 50 guineas, Cosgrove 126th and Cosgrove 128th both calved November 1913, 41 guineas each, Cosgrove 162nd calved September 1914, 49 guineas, Cosgrove 164th calved October 1914, 40½ guineas, Cosgrove 95th calved March 1920, 39 guineas, Cosgrove 208th and 218th both calved January 1916, made 46 and 41 guineas, respectively. A barren Lincoln Red Heifer, calved December 1916, sold for 41 guineas, and other heifers calved in 1917 made 42 guineas, 46 guineas, 52 guineas, 48 guineas, 41 guineas, and 36 guineas. Barren cows made from £47 to £50 per head and steers from £34 10s to £31.
The cart horses were a handsome lot, chief prices paid being: 145 guineas for a six-year-old cart mare; 120 guineas for a four year old cart mare; 110 guineas for a four year old cart gelding; 105 guineas for a five year old cart mare; 100 guineas for a four year old cart mare; 86 guineas for an eight year old cart mare; 80 guineas for an unbroken four year old cart gelding; and other animals made from 43 guineas to 60 guineas.
Prices for pigs ranged from £27 10s to £34 10s for in-pig sows, an in-pig yelt made £20 and a Berkshire board sold for £22 10s.
Wolverton Express 22nd April 1921
Are instructed by Mr A H Fergusson, to Sell by Auction on MONDAY APRIL 25th, 1921 at FIVE O’clock exact time about
Lot |
Catalogue |
1. |
Brownsmore |
2. |
Dipping Tub (subject to right of access for owner over this Lot to Dip Pump) |
3. |
Meadow |
4. |
Meadow |
33 |
2 |
31 |
May be mown and hay taken off. |
A man will be provided to attend to stock and fences.
Credit on the usual conditions.
The Company will oblige by meeting the Auctioneer at the Canal Bridge Road entrance to Lot 1.
Catalogues may be obtained of the Auctioneers, Newport Pagnell and Stony Stratford.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 August 1921
The grounds of the Hall, the residence of Mr. A. A. Fergusson, was on Saturday the scene of a garden fete arranged by the Mothers’ Union of the village in aid of their funds. The opening ceremony was performed by Mrs. Agar, who was afterwards presented with a bouquet of choice roses and jessamine by Nellie Wilcox. As a means of money raising several work stalls and competitions were arranged around the grounds, and these were generously patronised. A fruit and provision stall was under the charge of Mrs. Fergusson; sweets and flowers and needlework were sold by Mrs. and Miss Waydedline and Miss Hibbert; the hidden treasure competition was managed by Mr. W. Lovesey; cake guessing, Mrs. Johnson and Nurse Savage; brantub, Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Bushell.
A baby show, one of the attractions, was rather poorly entered. Nurse Patching, the district nurse, was the judge, and she gave her awards as follows: Babies under six months, 1 Mrs. Barton (Cosgrove), 2 Mrs. Taylor (Stony Stratford). Over six months, 1 Mrs. Hillyer (Wolverton).
A concert was given by the Cosgrove schoolchildren, who had been ably trained by Mrs. J. Wilcox. They gave a charming interpretation of that old nursery rhyme, “The old woman who lived in a shoe.” Mona Clarke took the principal part of the old woman. Songs and other items were given by Miss G. Atkinson and Alisa Nancy Edwards (character comedienne), Northampton. Mr. A. F. Brook’s (Wolverton) band played selections during the fete programme and for dancing in the evening.
The Cosgrove Mother’s Union is under the presidency of Mrs. J. J, Atkinson, of Cosgrove Priory, with Miss. Butler as Hon. secretary.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 July 1924
A successful fete and flower show on behalf of the Northampton General Hospital were held Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, kindly lent by Mrs. Richard Agar, who performed the opening ceremony, and was presented with bouquet of pink carnations by Miss Mary Whiting. The flowers were afterwards sold by auction for the funds. An address on the work, cost of maintenance, and projected improvements to the Hospital was given by Sir James Crocket J.P. with an appeal for assistance. He was warmly thanked at the close.
A programme of sports was gone through, under the superintendence of Mr. H. Tooley. whilst there was an excellent entry for the flower show, the exhibits in which, together with goods obtained from a house-to-house collection, were subsequently sold at good prices, Mr. Hedges being the hon. auctioneer. Theatrical performances were given, in the afternoon and evening, by a London party. Other attractions were a fishing competition, Mr. A. Jelley acting hon. secretary; a tennis tournament, arranged by Miss Kingsley Johnson, and on the courts at the Hall and Cosgrove Rectory, and the following side shows: Football. Mr. F. Johnson and Mr. T. Cummings; skittles, Mr. C. Knight and Mr. C. Evans; coconuts. Mr. Willow and Mr. T. Haynes; Wembley Bill, Mr. P. Horn; fancy stall, Mrs. Andrews.
The Stony Stratford Band played during the afternoon and for dancing in the evening.
The arrangements were carried out by the following:
President, Capt. A. Ferguson; chairman, Mr. S. Williams; secretary, Mr. E. Jelley; treasurer, Mr. A. Andrews, committee, Messrs. Dillow Payne, E. J. Lord, T. Lord, H. Gascoyne, F. Hall, A. Childs, G. Williams. J. G. Knight, A. Jelley, T. Cummings, H. Tooley, P. Horn, M. Carter, C. Evans; ladies’ committee, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. T. Lord, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. R. Lenson, Mrs. M. E. Jelley, Mrs. F. A. Jelley, and the Misses Knight and Jelley.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 18 July 1924
At Leighton Buzzard Police Court on Tuesday, Alec Smith, chauffeur, employed by Mrs Ferguson, of Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford was summoned for driving at an excessive speed.
P.S. Wilshire said the defendant's speed was 34½ miles per hour, and he did not decelerate when near the Sheep-lane cross-roads.
Defendant denied the speed alleged, and said he began to decelerate 200 yards before he reached the cross-roads.
Mrs Ferguson, defendant's employer, said she could strongly deny that her chauffeur was driving at a dangerous speed.
A fine of £3 was imposed.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 July 1925
Cosgrove Hospital Fete was held on Saturday last in the picturesque grounds of Cosgrove Hall by kind permission of Capt. A. A. Fergusson. The opening ceremony was performed by Mrs. Atkinson who was presented with a bouquet of white carnations and roses by Miss Mary Whiting. An apology was received for the absence of the Manfield Choir, Northampton, owing to the death of Mr. James Manfield. Their place was taken by Northampton Concert Party. Stalls and amusements were under the charge of Messrs. P. Horne (Wembley Hell), B. Noble (Spinning Jenny), E. Kingston (Darts). E. Hillyer and H. Tooley (skittles), T. Cummings (ground skittles for pig). B. Gascoyne (bowling for a pig), T. Dillon and F. Hall (coconuts), P. Childs (hidden treasure), T. Payne (houp-la), Mesdames T. Lord and Andrews (provisions). Mrs. M. Jelley and helpers (teas and refreshments). The 1st Stony Stratford Boy Scouts under Scoutmaster T. G. Dicks, gave a clever gymnastic display. Selections were played by the Yardley Gobion Britannia Band.
In connection with the fete a horticultural show was held, the exhibits being sold for the fete funds. The winners were: Carrots, S. Williams; white cabbage, O. J. Child; cauliflower, T. Webster ; beetroot, 1 T. Payne, 2 T. Stewart; peas, 1 T. Lord, 2 K. Barby, 3 W. Stewart; shallots. 1 A. Keightley, 2 H. Gascoyne; Spring-sown onions, 1 R. Ince; autumn sown onions, 1 W. Stewart, 2 K. Barby; tomatoes. S. Williams: potatoes, round, A. Bushel, 2 S. Williams; kidney, 1 S Williams, Mrs. A. Jelley; fruit, Mrs. Childs; gooseberries, 1 T. Lord, 2 A. J. Childs; black currants. 1 Mrs. Carter, S. Williams; red currants, 1 Mrs. Carter, 2 S. raspberries, 1 A. J. Childs. 2 G.; sweet peas, 1 N. Overton (New Bradwell), J. Webster; bunches of flowers, 1 T. Payne. 2 N. Overton; bouquet of flowers, 1 Mrs. S. Williams, 2 Mrs. Childs; roses, W. Stewart; carnations, F. Childs. A. J. Childs; collection of vegetables. S. Williams; window or flowering plant (prizes by Capt. A. A. Fergusson), 1 G. Taylor, 2 T. Payne, 3 T. Williams; 12 roses (by Mrs. Agar). 1 Mrs. C. Ashley, 2W. Stewart; bunch of cut flowers (by Mrs. C. R. Whiting), 1 G. Williams, 2 N. Overton; bouquet of wild flowers, children (by Miss Williamson), 1 Hilda Castle, 2 Ivy Williams, 3 Florrie Swain; eggs (prizes Mrs. Andrew), 1 C. B. Whiting.
The secretarial arrangements for the fete were carried out Mr. B. Evans, and for the Horticultural Show Mr. S. Williams.
FISHING COMPETITION. . In connection with the fete a fishing competition was held on the previous Saturday, the winners being; 1 S. Illing, Wolverton, 1lb. 5½oz.; 2 H. Wright, Northampton, 1lb. 3oz.; 3 W. Brocklehurst, Wolverton, 11½oz.; 4 S. Tite, Deanshanger. 11oz.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 July 1926
The third fete by Cosgrove inhabitants on behalf of the Northampton General Hospital was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, lent by Mrs. Agar. Mrs. Atkinson, Cosgrove Priory, who performed the opening, was presented with a bouquet of carnations. During the afternoon there were many attractions, including the usual stalls and side shows; displays by the Wolverton, 2nd Stony Stratford and Potterspury Troops of Boy Scouts; a concert programme provided by the Belton Quartet Party (Wolverton) Mr. Tom Wright, and Mr. F. Nichols (Stony Stratford), and dancing on the lawn to the music rendered by the Yardley Gobion Britannia Band, under the conductorship Mr. F. Horton.
The flower show, under the charge of Mr. A. Andrews, was judged by Messrs. Bavington (Newport Pagnell) and Ince (Cosgrove), and the exhibits, together with gifts, were sold by the Rev. J. R. Stockton. The side show s were under the charge of Messrs. E. Hillyer (skittles for pair of shoes). F. Hillyer (skittles for cigarettes), E. Kingston (darts), F. Hall, C. Meakins (coconuts), Gascoigne (bowling for sack of barley), T. Cummings (ground skittles). Bert Nobles (hidden treasure), Mesdames George Brown, S. Williams A. Childs, G. Williams, F. Hall, and Gascoigne (teas and refreshments), Mesdames T. Lord, and P. Horne (ices). Miss (toy stall), and clock golf. There were several competitions. Messrs. G. Williams and A. Childs were in charge of the gate. A tennis tournament behalf of the fete fund was held on the previous Monday at Cosgrove Priory and Cosgrove Hall, arranged by Miss Atkinson. This produced about £6. Last year the Cosgrove Hospital Fete Committee raised £112.
Wolverton Express 10th June 1927
PC Gambell
In conjunction with
John D Wood & Co
Are instructed by Mrs. Agar to sell by auction as a whole or in lots (unless previously disposed of by private treaty), on Friday, July 15, 1927, at the Cock hotel, Stony Stratford, the valuable freehold
Residential & agricultural property, known as the Cosgrove Hall Estate, near Stony Stratford, the whole comprising an area of about 350 acres, and including the comfortable Georgian residence, having central heating and electric lighting, stabling, garage, lodge, and four cottages, old world gardens and grounds.
The Manor Farm, Cosgrove, with good house, buildings, cottages, and about 300 acres of good grass and arable land.
Particulars, conditions, and plans may be obtained in due course of the auctioneers, Mr. P C Gambell, Newport Pagnell and Olney; Messrs. John D Wood & Co, 6 Mount Street, London, W1; or of the solicitors, Messrs. Wrenstead, Hind & Roberts, Ormond House, 63 Queen Victoria street, London, EC 4
Wolverton Express 24th June, 1927
PC Gambell
In conjunction with
John D Wood & Co
Auction offices, Newport Pagnell and Olney
By direction of Mrs. B Agar.
As a whole or in three lots.
Freehold. Bucks and Northants borders.
Castlethorpe station 1¾ miles; Wolverton 4 miles, Bletchley 9 miles; about 52 miles from London.
The exceedingly attractive
Residential & Agricultural property, known as
“Cosgrove Hall”
Near Stony Stratford, of about
350 acres
Comprising the comfortable Georgian residence, about 250 feet above sea level, with good views. Hall, suite of three Reception rooms, facing south east, 14 bed & dressing rooms, several fitted with lavatory basins, five bath rooms. Central heating; electric light; modern drainage; capital water supply.
Stabling, garage, lodge, and 4 cottages.
Richly timbered old world gardens and grounds - 35 acres.
The well-known Manor Farm, Cosgrove with old Manor House, ample Farm Buildings, three cottages, and about 307 acres of good grass and easy working Arable land;
The Little Manor, a newly erected Tudor style house with 3 reception, 5 bed and 2 bath rooms, and Paddock, extending to about 7 acres.
For Sale by Auction, as a whole or in three lots (unless previously disposed of) by
P C Gambell
John D Wood & Co
(Acting in conjunction)
At the Cock Hotel Stony Stratford on Friday, July 15, 1927 at 3.00 PM exact time
Solicitors: Messrs. Wrenstead, Hind & Roberts, Ormond House, 63 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4
Auctioneers: Messrs. John D Wood & Co, 6 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London W1; Mr. P C Gambell, Newport Pagnell and Olney.
Wolverton Express 22nd July, 1927
The Property Market
Cosgrove Hall property withdrawn
At the Cock Hotel, Stony Stratford, on Friday afternoon, Mr. P C Gambell auctioneer, Newport Pagnell and Olney, in conjunction with Messrs. John D Wood & Co London, offered at auction valuable residential and farm property, Cosgrove Hall, by direction of Mrs. B Agar, who is leaving the district. There was a good attendance. The whole of the property, about 358 acres, was first offered in one lot, and starting at £7000 bidding rose to £12,000, when the auctioneer announced that it was withdrawn at £16,000.
In the first lot was Cosgrove Hall, a Georgian residence, with a suite of three reception rooms and 14 bed and dressing rooms and fitted with electric light and all modern conveniences together with stabling, garage, and lodge, and four cottages, gardens and grounds, extending over 35 acres. No offer was made and the lot was withdrawn.
Manor Farm. 307a 0r 18p, was the next lot. It comprised Old Manor House, farm buildings, three cottages, etc., Bidding was started at £5000 and at £8000 the lot was withdrawn.
The third lot, the Little Manor, 7a. 0r. 3p, comprised a newly erected residence of old stone, with gardens. Bidding began at £1000 and after three bids of £100 this lot was also withdrawn.
Mr. Roberts, of Messrs. Wrenstead, Hind and Roberts, London, represented the solicitors for the vendors.
Wolverton Express 2nd November, 1928
Cosgrove Hall sold
In the latest list of residences disposed of privately by Messrs. Hampton & Sons St. James’s Square are included several houses of distinctive character. One of for instance, is Cosgrove Hall, Stony Stratford, which has been sold for Mrs Agar. This is one of the best-known houses in the Grafton country and is one of the Georgian period of architecture. Messrs. Duncan B Gray and Partners (Mount Street), acted for the purchaser. The surrounding estate of some 1000 acres was broken up in 1919, it may be recalled, by the St. James’s Square agents, for Major Grant-Thorold.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 30 August 1929
Cosgrove Hospital Fete was held on Saturday, in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom. For the opening ceremony, Mr. Winterbottom presided, supported by Miss Bouverie, J.P., Mr. C. H. Battle, and members of the Cosgrove Hospital Pete Committee. Miss Gwen Jelley presented Miss Bouverie with a bouquet of roses. Mr. C. H. Battle said that in five years Cosgrove had raised close upon £400 for the Hospital Committee.
There were races for the young people under the charge of Mrs. Freestone, and also a conjuring entertainment, whilst a whist drive for the adults was managed by Mr. A. Clifton. The winners of the latter were: Ladies’ prizes, Mrs. Frater and Mrs. E. R. Side; gents, Mr. Fred Cox and Mr. Faux. A bridge tournament was under the charge of Mrs Winterbottom.
PONY RACING. Pony racing took place under the charge of Capt. Ashley, and the following were the winners: Boat race, 1 Adams, 2 Turnell. Musical chairs, 1 Turnell, 2 Miss Husbands. Trotting race, 1 Sawbridge, 2 Miss Courtman.
Messrs. J. Buckingham (Wicken Park) and Pitson were the judges of a flower and vegetable show staged in a marquee. The first prize winners were: A. J. Childs (2), W. Sanders (2), Gascogne, Master P. Whiting (2), H. Johnson (4), S. Williams (4), L. Rainbow, E. Owen, G. Williams (4), Mrs. Clarke
The special prizes were given by Mrs. I Winterbottom, Miss Wells, Miss Balfour, Mrs. C. R. Whiting, Mr. A. Andrews, Mrs. Atkinson, Misses Atkinson, and Miss Wilkinson. An exhibition of flowers and vegetables by Mr. G H. Winterbottom, was sold for the funds. Mr. E. Kingstone had charge of the show. Side-shows and amusements were under the charge of: Messrs. S. Eglesfield and A. Tompkins (skittles); F. Johnson and E. Eglesfield (football); L. Andrews and C. Hills (beauty spots): R. Brown and E. King (ground skittles); Mrs. Horn (sweets and toys); Mrs. Lord (ice cream and fruit); Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Cummings (bran tub); Mrs. Norman (lemonade); Mrs. Bushell (jumble stall); Mrs. Brown, Mrs. G. Williams, and Miss Slaymaker (refreshments) ; Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Gascoyne (Spinning wheel); Mr. C. Evans and Mr. J. Higgins (coconuts); Mr. Clifton (cake competition); Madame Maud (fortune telling). Mrs. H. Tebbutt, of Billing-road, Northampton, gave a nightdress case for competition, and this realised just over £4. The arrangements were made by Messrs, S. Williams (chairman), E. Norman (hon. secretary), Payne, H. Gascoyne, J. Hall, | A Andrews, E. King, T. Cummings, A. Childs, W. Sanders, and W. Swain (committee). The bridge tournament realised £16, the winners being Miss Buzzard and Lady J Briscow. The winners of the tennis tournament were Mr. Hurry and Miss Weston. Mr, G. H. Winterbottom of Horton, gave a pedigree calf which realised 7gns.
Wolverton Express 18th April, 1930
Mr. P C Gambell, auctioneer of Newport Pagnell and Olney, completed a successful sale of 180 acres of keeping and mowing grass at the Manor Farm, Cosgrove on Thursday, by the instructions of Mrs Agar. There was a good company and the prices realised showed a slight advance on present sales in the neighbourhood, viz, 30/- to 56/- per acre.
Wolverton Express 25th July, 1930
P C Gambell
Is instructed by Mrs. B E Agar to Sell by Auction on Tuesday, July 29, 1930, at 5.30 o’clock exact time,
40 Acres of Wheat, Oats & Barley, with the Straw to go off, as now standing on the Manor Farm, Cosgrove.
Lot |
No on Ord. |
Catalogue |
Survey Map |
1 |
Part 132 |
Wheat |
2 |
126 |
Barley |
3 |
115 |
Oats |
4 |
116 |
Oats |
The company will please meet the Auctioneer at the entrance gate to the field known as “Thickthorn” on the Cosgrove to Stony Stratford Road at 5.30 o’clock exact time.
Credit on the usual conditions.
Auction offices Newport Pagnell & Olney.
Wolverton Express 15 August, 1930

Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 August 1930
A Successful Fete at Cosgrove.
The annual fete of the Cosgrove Hospital Committee, Saturday, was an enjoyable function, although the attendance was much affected by the rain in the morning and early afternoon. Fortunately the weather held fine later and at intervals the sun shone brilliantly. The fete took place in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, by permission of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, and a more pleasant and suitable venue would have been hard to find. Earyl in the afternoon, the Bradwell United Prize Band, under the conductorship of Mr. J. E. Johnson, assembled near the Green and marched to the Hall, where the opening ceremony was performed by Sir Thomas Fermor-Hesketh, Bart., who spoke of the excellent work of the Northampton Hospital, and his remarks were endorsed by Mr. C. H. Battle, secretary to the Hospital Week Fund. Thanks were expressed Mr. S. Williams and Mr. T. C. Payne. There was an attractive display of flower and vegetable produce, and in the evening these exhibits were sold by Mr. H. Tebbutt, Messrs. Woods and Co., Northampton, and the proceeds devoted to the hospital effort funds. A pony gymkhana was held under the direction Captain Ashley, whilst a comic dog show was superintended by Mr. C. R. Whiting. Displays of country dancing were given the lawn by Cosgrove children, directed by Mrs. Thacker, headmistress of the village school, with Mrs. Andrews at the pianoforte. Prizes won at the flower show were distributed in the evening by Mrs. Winterbottom.
Sideshows included a spinning jenny, hidden treasure, skittle board, coconuts. These were superintended by Mr. T. Cummings, who had the assistance of Messrs. Higgins, Kingston, E. King, R. Brown, C. Evans, and Ivan Dunkley. A Fruit and ices stall was under the care of Mrs. T. Lord and Mr.s Norman, whilst teas were served by Mrs Winterbottom assisted by Mesdames Brown, Gascoyne, Bushell, Noble and S. Williams.
The Bradwell United Band played selections during the afternoon and provided dance music in the evening. The organisation of the fete was carried out by a hard working committee which had Mr. S. Williams as its secretary and Mr. T. C. Payne its hon secretary. A Bridge party was held at the Hall in aid of the funds.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 29 August 1930
Cosgrove Horticultural Show was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, in connection with the annual hospital fete. The show proved the most successful yet held both in the numbers exhibits and the quality. The arrangements were made by the following committee: Messrs. T. Lord, A. J. Childs, R. Ince, J. Hall, H. Gascoyne, G. Hooton, and G. Williams. The judges were Mr. W. Buckingham (Wicken Park) and Mr. J. Pitson (Wicken Rectory), whose awards were;
Vegetables.Collection, 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams; Beans 1 G. Hooton 2 J. Ibell; Carrots A. J. Childs 2 G. Church. Cauliflower 1 J. Brown. Beet 1 H. Tapp 2 G. Ray. Peas 1 J. Swain 2 G. Church. Marrow 1 A. J. Childs 2 G. Hooton. Pickling Shallots 1 M. Whiting 2 G. Church. Spring sown Onions 1 J. Swain 2 H. Johnson. Autumn sown Onions 1 J. Swain 2 W. Stewart. Tomatoes 1 Mrs. Clark 2 Nash. Round potatoes 1 A. J. Childs 2 A. Ashby. Kidney potatoes 1 A. Ashby 2 A. Grace.
Fruit- Plums 1 J. Brown 2 H. Meakins. Cooking Apples 1 S. Williams 2 H. Johnson. Dessert Apples 1 S. Williams 2 A. J. Childs. Collection 1 - Townsend 2 J. Ibell. Gooseberries 1 A. J. Childs. Raspberries 1 J. Ibell.
Flowers Sweet Peas 1 A. Overton (New Bradwell) 2 L. Rainbow. Bunches 1 T. Payne 2 S. Williams. Gladioli 1 T. Payne 2 C Evans. Carnations 1 G. Hooton 2 R. Webster.
Special Prizes Collection of Vegetables 1 S. Williams, G. Hooton. Collection of Fruit 1 J. Ibell. Window Plant 1 H. Meakins 2 Mrs. Hooton. Bouquet of Flowers 1 G. Williams 2 S. Williams 3 J. Ibell. Roses 1 Nash 2 R. Webster. Potatoes 3 varieties from Cosgrove allotments 1 G. Williams 2 A. Childs. Hens’ eggs 1 H. Johnson. Bunch of cut flowers 1 T. Payne 2 E. Owen. Largest marrow 1 H. Herbert. Bouquet of wild flowers (children under 9) 1 Flora Ince 2 Margaret Brown. Over 9 1 Mary Whiting 2 Jim Holman. Heaviest potato 1 Phil Whiting.
The prizes in the special classes were given by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom (Cosgrove Hall), the Misses Atkinson Cosgrove Priory), Miss Balfour, Mrs A. F. Jelley, Mr. C. R. Whiting, Miss Wilkinson and Mr. S. Williams.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 August 1931
Show and Sports at
Cosgrove Hall
The annual fete at Cosgrove on behalf of the Northampton General Hospital, was held on Saturday, when Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom lent the grounds of Cosgrove Hall for the event which took place in fine weather. There was no formal opening but Afr. P. L. Battle, assistant secretary to the Northamptonshire Hospital Week Committee, visited the fete and thanked Cosgrove people for the work they are doing. He mentioned that in 1929 they raised £160, whilst last year, a wet day, the amount was £80 10s. In connection with the fete a flower show was held.
The exhibits were judged by Mr. J. Buckingham (Wicken Park) and Mr. J. Pitson (Wicken Rectory).
VEGETABLES. Collection, 1 T. Kightley. Old Stratford, 2 J. J. Longhurst, Yardley Gobion; runner beans, 1 J. Longhurst, 2 J. lbell, Stony Stratford; carrots, 1 G. Church, Yardley Gobion, 2 A. J. Childs; beet, T. Kightley, 2 Miss Whiting, Cosgrove; peas, 1 Church, 2 A. Kightley; marrows, 1 A. Tack, 2 E. Hall; eschalots, 1 A. Ashby, 2 F. Hall; spring onions, T. Kightley, 2 J. Longhurst; autumn onions, 1 J. Longhurst, 2 A. Owen; tomatoes, 1 J. F. Nash, Yardley Gobion, J. Clark; round potatoes, 1 T. Kightley, A. Kightley. kidney potatoes, 1 T. Kightley, 2 A. Pettifer, Potterspury; plums, 1 J. Ibell; cooking apples, 1 J. Longhurst; dessert apples, l .1, Longhurst.
FLOWERS.Collection, 1 J. Clark, 2 Slaymaker. Old Stratford - cut flowers, 1 S. Williams, 2 A. Twistleton, Stony Stratford; gladioli, 1 A. Pettifer, 2 John Payne; carnations, 1 Williams, 2 J. Longhurst. Special prizes. Vegetables (by Mr. Winterbottom), 1 G. Church, 2 S. Williams, fruit (by Mr. Winterbottom), J. Ibell; bouquet (by Capt. P. Y. Atkinson), 1 G. Williams, 2 S. Williams. A. Pettifer; bowl sweet peas (by Miss Wills), 1 Longhurst, 2 S. Williams; cut flowers (by Mrs. C, K. Whiting), 1 G. Williams, 2 S Williams; potatoes, three varieties (by Miss Wills), I G. Williams, 2 S. Williams; potatoes, two varieties (by Mrs. A. F. Jelley), 1 S. Williams, 2 A. J. Childs; eggs (by Mr. C. R. Whiting), 1 A. E. Higgs, Stony Strafford ; wild flowers, Cosgrove children under 9 years (by Miss Wilkinson). 1 Irene Evans, 2 Margaret Brown; over 9 years, 1 Rosie Hooton, 2 Mary Whiting.
Collections of fruit and vegetables not for competition were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, Cosgrove Hall, and Afr. and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, of Horton Hall. All the exhibits were sold for the funds by Mr. H. Tebbutt, of Messrs. Woods and Co., auctioneers, Northampton.
SPORTS. Sports were arranged in the park under the direction of Messrs. A. Kightley (handicapper), Loughery (starter), A. Bushell and A. Noble (judges).
Results: Girls’ race (under 8), 1 Mary Brown, 2 Irene Evans; under 14, 1 Rosie Hooton, 2 Flora Ince; boys (under 10), 1 Norman Wright, 2 Phil Whiting; under 14. 1 Ronald Beasley, 2 Norman Castle; boys’ sack race, 1 Harry Cummings, 2 Eric Noble; youths’ sack race, 1 Alfred Crouch, 2 Arthur Noble; slow bicycle, 1 Victor Meakins, 2 Stanley Kightley; potato race, 1 Archie Bushell, 2 M. Whiting. Mrs. Winterbottom distributed the prizes.
Side-shows in the grounds were under the supervision of Mr. T. Cummings. They were: Silver mine. Miss E. Barby and Miss O. Eglesfield; ices, minerals and sweets, Mrs. A. Norman and Mrs. T. Lord; spinning wheel, Mr. I. Dunkley and Miss E. Nicholls; three arrows, Mr. E. Hillyer; bowling. Mr. C. Evans; dice bowling, Mr. H. Noble: table skittles. Mr. E. King; ground skittles, Mr. R. Brown; cheese skittles. Mr. G. Hickford; darts. Mr. M. Knight; coconuts, Messrs. S. Kightley and A. Bushell. Teas were served by Mesdames A. Smith, D. Andrews. G. Brown, A, Childs, G. Noble, A. Bushell, T. Cummings, F. Stewart, H. Gascoyne, and Miss Slaymaker (Old Stratford). A whist drive was held and a tennis tournament was under the charge of Miss Gune Atkinson. The Hanslope Excelsior Band rendered selections. The fete committee had as chairman Mr. S. Williams, and Mr. A. Tack as hon. secretary
Northampton Mercury - Friday 26 August 1932
A flower show, fete and sports, in aid of the Northampton General Hospital, were held at Cosgrove on Saturday, in the delightful grounds of Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr. G. H. Winterbottom, jun.
The fete was declared open by Mrs. W. Holden, of Bromson Hall, Leamington, to whom thanks were expressed by Mr. S. Williams, chairman of the committee. It was stated during the speeches that since 1924 the village had raised £674 for the Hospital an average each year of £84. During that period there had been 30 in-patients and 95 out-patients.
Several stalls and side-shows were well patronised and were in the charge of the following helpers: Jumble stall, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Bushell; sweets, Mrs. Norman; ices, Mrs. Lord; bran tub, Mrs. G. Noble and Master Arthur Noble; teas, Mesdames G. Brown, H. Gascoyne, G. Noble, T. Cummings, H. Herbert, and Mr. C. Mills; shooting gallery, Mr. A. Teagle; bowling, Mr. R. Brown; bottle fishing, Miss Childs; darts and candlelighting, Mr. C. Knight; ground skittles, Mr. C. E. King; bowling rings, Mr. E Kingston; coconuts, Mr. A. Loughrey; table skittles, Mr. S. Eglesfield; racehorse, Mr. W. Holden, jun.; fortune telling, Mrs. B. Sharpe, Towcester; motor car rides, Mr. W. J. Peabody; hidden treasure, Mrs. A. Andrews; and competition for cake, Miss Ivy Hopcraft and Miss Ada Humphries.
Mr. T. Cummings superintended the side-shows organisation, and Mr. A. Loughrey and Mr. A. Tompkins had charge of the children’s sports. The committee responsible for the general arrangements comprised Messrs. G. H. Winterbottom (president), S. Williams (chairman), A. Tack (hon. sec.), F. Hall, T. Cummings. R. Brown, E. King, W. Swain, Ince Higgins, H. Gascoyne, Mesdames G. Brown, G. Noble, T. Cummings, H. Herbert, A. E. Norman, F. Holman, A. Bushell, T. Lord, and Gascoigne.
The Northampton Independent Friday August 30th 1935:
A boy hero of Northamptonshire was honoured at a garden fete opened by Princess Galitzine at Cosgrove Hall. He was Arthur Noble, of Cosgrove, who rescued a five year old child from the Grand Union Canal, the Princess is seen handing Noble a presentation watch and chain. Also in the group are (left to right): Mrs G H Winterbottom, who organised the fete to raise funds for the purchase of a Jubilee Bell, Mr Winterbottom, Mrs J Daubeny, and the Rev H N C Hewson

Prince Galitzine is seen displaying his skills at darts.
Miss Bouverie (right) and Mrs C Alexander with Monica Clifton
and Mabel Castle who presented bouquets.

The “Zulus” are Stony Stratford Scouts giving a war dance
Big attraction at a successful garden party held by Cosgrove Church last Saturday was the model railway in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, kindly loaned by Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackenzie Hill.
The model railway was staffed by members of the church and the model engineering club and they were kept. fully employed for over three and a half hours providing rides for people of all ages.
The opening of the garden party was by Mrs. S. Gee, of Paulerspury. There was a children’s fancy dress parade, women’s and children’s flower arranging competition, games and competitions staffed by members of the congregation and visitors staying at Cosgrove Hall.
Another popular feature was the pony which patiently gave rides to the children throughout the afternoon.
Stalls, teas and ice cream were staffed by members of the FCC, Sewing Guild and Mothers’ Union.
Proceeds amounted to £103.
Wolverton Express 3rd January, 1936
Children entertained
Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, with her unfailing generosity, gave the village children a very happy time on Christmas Eve when she entertained no fewer than 120 young people at the Hall. The children were served with tea by members of the Hall Staff, and afterwards they were delighted with the entertainment provided by a London conjurer, and cabaret by the Stony Stratford Boy Scouts, some members of whom also gave a sketch “Taming a Lion”. There were games and dances for the children, crackers were distributed, and party hats worn added to the merriment. The centre of attraction for the children was a large Christmas tree laden with presents, one for each child. The presents were taken from the tree by Mrs Winterbottom, who handed them to Mr. George Barker, who in the role of Santa Claus, made the distribution. Assisting Mrs Winterbottom was her husband and the members of the house party included Baron Strebel (an Austrian General), Miss McGown, Mrs A H Habgood, Mrs. E D Lawrence, and Captain Grant Ives (Braddon). The parents of the children deeply appreciate the kind thought Mrs. Winterbottom has shown for the wellbeing of the young people of the village.
Wolverton Express 4th September, 1936
Monster fete at Cosgrove Hall
On behalf of the funds of the Women’s Section, Stony Stratford branch, British Legion, a monster fete is being held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall tomorrow (Saturday), through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom. The Legion officials, led by Mrs A H Habgood (Hon Secretary), with the ever ready help of Mrs Winterbottom, have arranged a host of attractive amusements which include a ladies’ football match between Stony Stratford and Wolverton; a two hour performance by Volpres world famous pony and dog circus; a concert by the Keynotes Concert Party, which includes the following artists: Olive Starmer, LRAM, (soprano), Vera Pettit (danseuse), Norton Wilward (BBC entertainer), Marion Brown (soubrette), Stewart Norman (baritone), John Cockle (solo pianist and accompanist), and Sidney Burdett (magician and ventriloquist); also an entertainment by a well-known London comedian.
A display will be given by Lady Penrhyn’s Scouts. The lawn will be fully illuminated by electric lights from dusk until midnight for dancing to the Frivolities Dance Orchestra. The United Counties Omnibus Company will run a special service of buses to Cosgrove, times of which can be found in our advertisement columns. All visitors to Cosgrove Hall can be assured of a very pleasurable time, especially if the weather continues as kind as it has been of recent weeks.
Wolverton Express 11th September 1936
British Legion Fete at Cosgrove Hall
Marred by Rain
Reina, although welcomed by many people last week, came as a great disappointment to those workers who had prepared for a monster fete on Saturday last at Cosgrove. Had the weather continued to be as it had been for the few weeks previous, one of the most successful fetes in the neighbourhood this year would certainly have resulted, for a very ambitious programme had been arranged to provide for an enjoyable afternoon and evening.
The extensive and well-appointed grounds of Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, had been generously placed at the disposal of the Women’s Section of the Stony Stratford branch of the British Legion, and both Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom gave wholehearted work to the effort that was to have benefited the Women’s Section funds. In spite of the showers of rain which fell at intervals, the programme was carried through and no fewer than 500 people attended, a number which it is anticipated would have been more than doubled had the weather been more favourable for outdoor functions. Those who did attend found much pleasure in the round of the entertainment that had been provided for them.
The opening ceremony
The opening ceremony, in the early afternoon, was performed from the entrance to the Conservatory. On the platform weere Mrs. D Knibbe, chairman of the Women’s Section of the Legion, who welcomed the gathering, Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, Mrs. A H Habgood (hon Secretary), Mrs S F Markham (section president), Captain Logan and Major Van Der Bye, of Wappenham. The latter, in declaring the fete opened paid tribute to the wonderful work carried out by the Legion.
A comprehensive vote of thanks to Major Van Der Bye, and to the host and hostess, was voiced by Mrs. Habgood, who after expressing thanks for the kind use of the beautiful grounds, referred to the activities of the Stony Stratford Women’s Section, which sent several donations last year to deserving objects. A posy of pink carnations was handed to Mrs Winterbottom by Madeleine Lawrence, the little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E D Lawrence, of Stony Stratford.
Ladies’ Football Match
Mrs SF Markham was in charge of the Stony Stratford lady footballers, who were given the name of “Canaries” by Mr. Winterbottom by reason of the coloured jerseys they wore. A Stony Stratford team was opposed to a Wolverton team and registered their first win. The result was the odd goal of five in their favour and their goals were scored by Eileen Evans, Doris Pacey, and Marion Freestone.
Those responsible for the football arrangements were: Mr. and Mrs. P Gammage, Messrs. R Brown, F Browning, G Hickford, A Tite, G Rollings. Mrs. A Smith and Mrs. G Freestone acted as trainers. After the match the girls of both teams were entertained to tea by Mrs Winterbottom, who was presented with two dolls dressed in the Legion colours of blue and gold by Peggy Pallett and Flora Atkins. The dolls were given by Mrs Bushell, of Cosgrove.
Pony and dog circus
A pony and dog circus of international repute gave a very entertaining two hours performance. The wonderful intelligence displayed by the animals amazed the audience. One member of the audience when asked to call the number gave 13, one of the ponies struck a board with its forelegs the correct number of times. The tricks performed by the animals were exceedingly clever but they were cute enough not to do too many tricks and less they received their full quota of nobs of sugar.
Sideshows and stalls
Between the showers the sideshows and stalls were well patronised and those in charge were: Mrs. Winterbottom (useful articles), Mr. A Tite and Mr. W Mackerness (spinning Jenny), Mrs. A Gamble and Mrs. R. Holden (fancy articles), Mr A. Nicholls and Mr. A Kightley (ringing the beer bottle), Mrs. E Downing and Mrs. P Russel (dice bowling), Mr. H D G Butler and Mr. P N D Butler (hoop la), Mrs. H. Parker and Mr. W R V Russell (race game), Mr A. Jackson and Mr. H J Clarke (darts). Ices were sold by Messrs. Clarke’s Stores, of Stony Stratford, who gave a donation towards the fund, Mrs. W Mackerness and Mr. G W Mackerness (cakes and sweets).
A Cake making Competition
A cake making competition was well supported, there being no fewer than 50 cakes entered, which were all given for sale after having been judged. Mrs. W Mackerness superintended this section and the judges were Mr T. Hazeltine, Stony Stratford, and Mr. Norman, Cosgrove, and made the following awards:
1 Mrs W Goodman (King Street), 2 Mrs. H C Kentish (Wolverton Road), 3 Mrs. F Smith (King Street). Ample provision was made so that no shortage would be experienced in catering for teas and the following ladies were responsible: Mesdames D Knibbs, F Young, and Phillips (convenors), A R Castle, E Downing, H. Parker, and Miss Maguire (Stony Stratford), Mesdames Williams, T. Cummings, Evans and Gascoyne (Cosgrove). In charge of the copper were Messrs. A Gamble, H Smith, and P Swain. Buttonholes, flowers for which were given by Mrs Bushell, were sold by Miss Rose Hooton and Miss Kath Bushell.
Fancy dress
A fancy dress competition was held, those in costume being judged by the popular vote of the audience. The cash prizes were generously given by Mrs Winterbottom.
Awards: young children, 1 Sam Rudd (Red Indian), 2 Shirley Oldham (Soldier), consolation Tony Bryant (Abyssinian).
Elder children 1 Sylvia Noble (Lavender girl), 2 Kathleen Parker (Legion poppy), consolation prizes were given to Mrs. Clarke (news vendor) and Mrs. Brown (Charlie Chaplin).
Scouts display and concert
Members of the Wicken (Lady Penrhyn’s own) Boy Scouts gave a gymnastic display on the lawn under the direction of the Rev. H P Hoskin. A programme by the Keynotes Concert party which included BBC artists was given from the platform erected near the Conservatory and the items were most enjoyable. A special number in the programme was the singing by Mrs Winterbottom of “Smiling Through” and who upon being heartily cheered gave “For you alone”. A performance was also given by a well-known London comedian.
Unfortunately the rain soaked and did not allow of dancing on the lawn in the evening hours. For this part of the programme the lawn had been floodlit by four large arc lamps. This work was carried out under the supervision of Mr. C G Durrant, of Messrs. Caves and Co, Stony Stratford, who was also responsible for floodlighting the drive. A number of young people did, however, dance in the field adjoining the lawn, the music being provided by the Frivolities Dance Orchestra.
The workers
The workers were many and were ably and enthusiastically led by Mrs A H Habgood, who was determined to make the best of the weather conditions. They were indeed grateful that they were able to carry on with the fete but it was somewhat disheartening that a full return was not possible after the many hours of work putting in preparation for the function. Mrs Winterbottom was very active in her help and was also responsible for the attendance of a number of visitors from a distance who were generous in their support. Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom were also responsible for the presence of the concert party and for the floodlighting of the grounds a dusk.
The majority of the workers have already been named in this report, but there were also Messrs. G J Turner (Stony Stratford), A Tack, G. Williams, F Hall, A. Childs, and T Jelley whose duties at gatekeepers were none the less responsible. Other helpers whose names may have inadvertently been omitted can be assured that their services were equally appreciated by the organizers.
Mrs. P Gammage realized 28s in an individual effort in connection with the football match. Mrs. Joan Davis and Betsy Young managed the sale of a basket of fruit.
Mr. W H Haslam of the Westminster Bank, Stony Stratford branch, was Treasurer for the day.
Mrs. Habgood wishes to thank all who gave assistance, with special thanks to the Cosgrove helpers.
Gross takings
The gross takings of the fete amounted to approximately £260 and some of the individual items of income were: takings on the gate and tickets sold before the day, 13/9/10; Mrs Winterbottom’s stall £71/11; teas £5; hoop la £1/0/7; circus £3/11/2½; collection at scout display 16/11; Fancy stall £2/1/10; darts £1/5/6; race game 19/-; ringing the beer bottles £1/19/6; cake stall £1/17/7½; sweets £1 2/11½; concert collection £1/8/5½; donations £310/0.
After expenses have been met it is anticipated that a sum in the vicinity of £25 will be the net proceeds.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 11 September 1936
Heavy showers interfered with enjoyment of a garden fete held at Cosgrove Hall on Saturday by the women’s branch of the Stony Stratford British Legion. Besides lending the beautiful grounds, which were illuminated at dusk, Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom presided at one of the chief stalls and also contributed to the concert programme.
The opening ceremony was performed by Major Van Der Byl. of Wappenham, and thanks to Mrs. Winterbottom were expressed by Mrs. A. H. Habgood of Calverton House, Stony Stratford, and a posy was presented to her by little Madeline Lawrence.
A women’s football match between Stony Stratford and Wolverton gave the former their first victory by three goals to two, the scorers being Eileen Evans, Doris Pacey and Marion Freestone. Mrs. S. F. Markham was in charge, assisted by Mr. G. Hickford.
A fancy dress competition for prizes given by Mrs. Winterbottom resulted:
Children, 1 Sam Ruff (Hanslope), 2 Shirley Oldham, consolation Tony Rudd (Stony Stratford): adults. 1 Sylvia Noble. 2 Kathleen Barker, consolation Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Brown
A cake competition, organised by Mrs. W. Mackerness and judged by Mr. T. Haseldine (Stony Stratford) and Mr. Norman (Cosgrove), attracted 50 entries, and resulted: 1 Mrs. W. Goodman, 2 Mrs. H. Kentish, 3 Mrs. F. Smith.
Wolverton Express 18th September, 1936
Legion Fete at Cosgrove Hall
Grants to Local Organisations
In spite of the rain, which interfered with the British Legion fete held on Saturday, 5th September, at Cosgrove Hall, the Stony Stratford Women’s Section are in the happy position of being able to report a profit therefrom of £28. At a meeting held last week at which the balance sheet was presented it was decided to make the following grants from this amount: £5.00 to the Men’s Section Stony Stratford British Legion; £4/4/0 to Mrs Winterbottom, in whose grounds the fete was held, towards entertaining the Cosgrove children to a Christmas party; 25s to the Stony Stratford Boy Scouts for the loan of tents etc; 5s to Mr. A Tack for the Cosgrove Hospital fund, and 10/6 to Wicken (Lady Penrhyn’s Own) Scouts. There remains a balance of about £18 for the funds of Stony Stratford Women’s Section. Since the donations were made £2/2/0 has generously been returned from Mrs Winterbottom to whom the section is very grateful.
Wolverton Express 1st January, 1937
Children’s Treat
On Saturday, 9 January, Mrs Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, is again to give the children of the village a treat, which will this year take the form of a visit to Bertram Mills’s famous circus at Olympia.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 08 January 1937
A ball, at Cosgrove Hall, was attended by 120, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom. A cabaret show was provided by artists from Northampton. Among the party were their Highnesses Prince and Princess Galitzine, Lord Lucas M. le Chat, Captain Sykes, Dr. and Mrs. Habgood, Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Lawrence, Captain Hutton Captain and Mrs. Loftus.
Dancing was kept up from 8.30 until 2.30 a.m. During an interval, Mrs. Winterbottom sang.
Wolverton Express 15th January, 1937
Visit to Olympia Circus
On Saturday last the first choir outing in connection with the SS Peter and Paul Church, Cosgrove, took place, when a party numbering twenty visited Bertram Mills’s Circus at Olympia. Leaving Cosgrove by Eglesfield’s Radio luxury coach at about 11.15 the party was in good time for the commencement of the afternoon performance, which lasted nearly two and a half hours and was thoroughly enjoyed. Tea was partaken in the Olympia grounds and among those present then was Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, who had generously made the outing possible. Mr C. Compton, the church organist, of Wolverton, had the supervision of the outing. The return journey to Cosgrove was made in the evening.
Wolverton Express 15th January, 1937
Staff Ball
A Jolly Evening at Cosgrove Hall
Social functions, in the organization of which Mrs Mr. and Mrs. GH Winterbottom are associated, can always be relied upon to be of an enjoyable nature, and the Cosgrove Hall Staff Ball held on Wednesday, 6th January, was no exception. There was not a dull moment during the whole of the six hours’ entertainment. Each year an immediately after Christmas, Mrs Winterbottom allows her staff had the privilege of inviting friends to the Ball, and together with members of the house party a large gathering is always present. On his last occasion the company numbered about one hundred and Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom’s guests included Lord Lucas, Prince L Galitzine, Prince Nicholas, Prince Yurka, Monsieur Le Chat (a Belgian artist), Dr. and Mrs. A H Habgood, and Dr. and Mrs. E D Lawrence, Stony Stratford, Captain B Hudson, and Captain Sykes.
The spacious room at the hall, in which dancing and entertainment was enjoyed, presented a pleasing appearance with its gay streamer declarations that converged from the walls to a brilliantly illuminated chandelier.
Dancing formed the major portion of the entertainment, music being rendered in a happy manner by Billy Hames’s Band from Northampton, and interspersing were cleverly executed exhibitions of tap dancing by a 13 year old Northampton girl, June Lowden, whilst that well-known Northampton magician, Archie Tear, kept his audience interested in his sleight of hand manipulation of a pack of cards and also many other remarkable tricks. Mr. F G Bavey, of Wolverton, contributed monologues.
By the request of numerous visitors Mrs Winterbottom rendered the several vocal solos, and these were given in a most pleasing manner. Midway through the proceedings the company had yearned for refreshment. Provided for the visitors were a variety of delicacies and sweets, many having been prepared by the house staff, he also waited upon their guests. Reassembling for dancing, several old time favourites, including the Roger de Coverley, the Valeta, and the Lancers sent the programme away again with a merry swing.
The time for dispersal - it had turned 2 am - came all too soon for the visitors, but not before thanks had been voiced to Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom for their most generous hospitality. Cheers endorsed these sentiments.
Two circles were formed for the finale, “Auld Lang Syne”. Mr. F G Bavey took several photographs of the company.
Wolverton Express 15th January, 1937
Coursing at Cosgrove
Lord Lucas’s Pack of Sealyhams
A packet of train Sealyhams, the first of its kind, was brought to Cosgrove hall on Thursday by lord Lucass. In all, there were about 40 couples, and a large field turned out with the master. Cosgrove Spinney was first drawn, and the pack quickly found. In all six rabbits were accounted for. The hare at was also put up, but evaded its pursuers. The Master and whippers-in were in uniform, and a Basset hound, the father of the pack, was prominent in the lead.
Amongst those out, many of whom brought parties, were Mr. and Mrs. GH Winterbottom, Lord Hillingdon, Dr. and Mrs. Habgood, Dr. and Mrs. E D Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. R D Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. J E Whiting, Captain and the hon. Mrs. Close Smith, Mrs. Paton, Mr. Philpott, Mr J. Weston, Captain Grant Ives, Miss Van der Byl, Mr. Robert Ashley, and Mrs. Loftus.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 16 April 1937
In her costume as a woman of the early Victorian era. Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, was the central figure at what was described as a super-concert at the Regent Hall, Stony Stratford. She had arranged a programme full of colour and pleasing music which delighted a large audience. She also took part in a number of the items. The musical sketches were very popular. Included in them was a number of the latest songs and dances. Mrs. Winterbottom was supported in these by Mr. Ray Jones (Wolverton), Mr. Eric D. Kitchener (Olney), also in Victorian dress; Mr. L. Bushell, Mr. Glyn Ellis, Mr. C. Harmstone, Mr. E. Lambert and others. Bunny Rowlands appeared twice in song and dance, accompanied by his father, Mr. R. G. Austin (Newport Pagnell); dances were given by little Isobelle Beattie, and Mr. Kitchener also gave songs at the piano and with Mr. C. R. Mann, of Olney, entertained with character sketches. A local dance band supplied music. Prince Galitzine, in his role as compere, told some racy anecdotes between the turns, and presented Mrs. Winterbottom with a bouquet of red carnations. A bouquet of daffodils was also handed to her by a niece of the Rev. H. N. C. Hewson, rector of Cosgrove. Assistance was given Mrs. D. Freestone and Mrs. A. Smith as curtain attendants, and the stewards were Messrs. E. Hillyer, P. Tustain and B. Kightley. Chocolates were sold by Mrs. A. H. Habgood (Calverton House) and Mrs. E. D. Lawrence. The whole of the proceeds were for Cosgrove Coronation fund.
Wolverton Express 7th May, 1937
As a result of two variety concerts organized by Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, on behalf of the village Coronation celebration fund, the excellent sum of £25 has been received by the committee. The total cash at their disposal is £68, which sum will enable the residents to be given an enjoyable time.
Wolverton Express 20th August, 1937
Miniature “White City” at Cosgrove
Forthcoming Hospital Effort
Hospital day at Cosgrove on Saturday, 11th September, is to have a special and novel attraction in the presence of a miniature “White City”. Mrs. GH Winterbottom, of Cosgrove hall, is organising the effort on behalf of the Northampton General Hospital and the events are to be held in her grounds.
Amongst the paraphernalia of a pleasure fair, as at the White City, will be the helter-skelter, trapeze, horses, boats, etc., all of which will be electrically driven.
There are also to be fire brigade competitions.
An olde country village will transform the lawn, around which is to be erected shops with entrances from which useful articles can be purchased. There will be an entrance to the “village” and the whole setting, given a fine day, will be well worth the while of a visit. Those superintending the shops will be attired in costumes of the “old London cries” days.
In the afternoon music is to be rendered by the Rhythm Aces Band from Wolverton, and in the evening the lawn will be illuminated for dancing until midnight. A special service of the early and late buses will be arranged. A nominal admission charge of sixpence to the grounds is to be made.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 17 September 1937
The large lawn of Cosgrove Hall was transformed into a representation of an old English village for the annual fete in aid of funds of Northampton Hospital, on Saturday. A street entrance had been constructed, together with shops, where attendants were attired in costumes of the London cries days. A fully-licensed old village inn at the end of the street, was soon discovered, and largely patronised. The whole effort was a triumph of organisation for Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom, who had spared neither time nor expense in providing attractions, and also manned the stalls with her house party and helpers. They included Captain Hyde Upwood, of Sherington, who declared the fete open. Captain and Mrs. Oscar Winterbottom, Miss Noel Winterbottom (Tarporley. Cheshire), Mr. E. Williams (Manchester), Colonel and Mrs. Alistair Bruce, Mr. R. Bewloe (London). Mr. Ashby Fisher (Roehampton), Captain and Mrs. Grey Sykes (Heston), assisted by Mrs. Ashby (Eastcote). Miss Heap (Cosgrove), Miss Barbara Farmiloe. Colonel and Mrs. Ferrers Loftus, Miss Ferrers Loftus, Miss Heather Loftus (Brackley), Mrs. A H. Habgood, and Mrs. E. D. Lawrence (Stony Stratford), Members of the local branch of the British Legion also rendered assistance.
Wolverton Express 17th September, 1937
An Old World Village
Novel Hospital effort at Cosgrove
A cold winter kept many people at home on Saturday last who had otherwise contemplated spending the afternoon and evening in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall where there was staged a Hospital effort of more than usual interest to residents of South Northants and North Bucks.
The effort was sponsored by Mrs. G H Winterbottom, who spared neither time nor effort, nor expense to make the event one of much originality and attraction. She had titled the effort “An old world village” and from what visitors to her picturesque grounds saw the name was very appropriately bestowed.
Bordering the large lawn fronting the house, “shops” were erected in old world design and from these, people attired in costumes of years long past, sold useful fancy and attractive wares. Close upon one thousand people visited the “shops” and before closing time the shelves were cleared.
The “village” was complete with Town Crier (Mr A. Jackson of Great Linfor)d in traditional costume, and on the previous day and on that same morning he had made his appearance in the streets of Wolverton, New Bradwell, and Stony Stratford, where he attracted much attention.
Other parts of the grounds were freely decorated, the approaches being gaily festooned with flags.
An old village cross occupied a prominent position in the centre of the “village” and from the steps of this the opening ceremony was performed by Captain Hyde Upward of Sherington, who instanced the excellent cause for which the effort was being made - the Northampton General Hospital. He said that that institution covered a wide range of activity in caring for the sick and suffering and to carry out its work it always required money. There was no better institution deserving of their support. In appreciation of the work of Mrs Winterbottom under whose leadership the fete was being held, and her band of loyal helpers and friends, he appealed for all to make it a huge success.
Many attractions
Many of the visitors took an early opportunity, following the opening, of visiting the shops. They obtained many bargains in toilet requisites, fancy ware, children’s clothing, market produce, confectionery, poultry, and cakes. The “shops” were superintendent by members of Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom as house party Captain and Mrs. Oscar Winterbottom, Mr. Noel Winterbottom (Tarpauley Cheshire), Captain Hyde Upward (Sherington), Mr E. Williams (Manchester), Colonel and Mrs. Alastair Bruce, Mr. Alistair Bruce, Mr. R Bewloe, Mr. Antony Fisher (London), Captain and Mrs. Grey Sykes (Heston), Mrs. A H Habgood and Mrs. E D Lawrence (Stony Stratford).
The “village” was replete with an inn which had its sign “The Ox and Gate”, this sign being several hundred years old. The inn was provided by Mr. J B Knight, of the Bull Hotel, Stony Stratford.
Teas were served in a large marquee by Medames T. Dicks, D Knibbs, P. Edwards, W Crossman (Stony Stratford), E. Lambert, A Bushell, C Harmstone, R Ealey, and G Freestone (Cosgrove), with Mr. E Lambert and Mr G Hooton providing a constant supply of hot water.
Scouts A Caudle and S. Berridge acted as tea cashiers.
In a field adjoining the grounds there were numerous attractions which gave much pleasure. Many new games were introduced and well patronised. There was a helter-skelter, boats, revolving horse, Bustem, pin balls, coconuts, rolling pennies, etc.. In addition to members of the house party there were assisting in the superintending of some of these amusements Messrs. R Ealey, Glynn Ellis, Master E Lambert, and Miss K Bushell.
During the afternoon and evening orchestra selections were rendered by the Rhythm Aces of Wolverton, and distributed through loudspeakers.
There was also a graceful dancing display by young people from Northampton.
Fire Brigade Competitions
Members of the Stony Stratford Group of Boy Scouts under GSM T. Dicks gave a display of physical exercises and gymnastics.
Fire brigade competitions took place in the adjoining field and seven brigades took part, these being Stony Stratford, Berkhamstead, Wendover, Market Harborough, Bushey, Winslow, and S Smit’sh (Cricklewood).
The judges were Chief Officers S. Culname (Acton) and H T Smith (Bicester), with Messrs. J Knight (Stony Stratford) and B Tapp (Wolverton), timekeepers.
The Stony Stratford Brigade had a field day by winning the Winterbottom Silver Cup for the motor pump dry drill and the Crowther Cup for the best aggregate of three drills. This Brigade was under the charge of Captain A Yates and members of the team were Fireman A Goodridge, W. James, G. Glenn, G. Crow, R Roberts, and F Whitehead. Their successors testified to the efficiency of the brigade and their training under their Captain, and also to the keenness of the individual members in the voluntary work they have undertaken.
Each first prize was of £1 cash and diploma, and second prize 10s and a diploma. These prizes were provided by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom.
Clay Pigeon Shoot
Clay pigeon shooting was keenly contested, continuing throughout the afternoon and evening and no fewer than 174 attempts were made. At the conclusion, five persons qualified for the final with maximum points. A shoot off took place, resulting: 1 Major Doyne Ditmas, Kempston, who was awarded a large silver cup given by Mrs Winterbottom, 2 Mr. G Clarke, Stony Stratford, who received a set of carvers given by Messrs. Odell, of Stony Stratford, 3 Mr. J W Vellacott, Wicken, whose prize was a case of tea knives.
A sweepstake shoot resulted: 1 Mr. J Smith (Deanshanger), 2 Mr J. Clarke (Stony Stratford).
This clay pigeon shoot was one of the most successful efforts of the day and was managed by Messrs. W Starsmore, J Smith, J Vellacott, S Pryke, P F Ridgway, W Ward, and Miss P. Capel (all of Deanshanger and Wicken).
Dancing on the Lawn
With the day’s programme drawing to a close, with dusk setting in, the grounds were prettily illuminated by between 300 and 400 electric fairy lights, together with many arc lamps, which gave a very pleasing effect when a large number of young people danced on the lawn until close upon midnight. Dance music was provided by Mr. H H Lampitt, of Wolverton, who was also responsible for the illuminations. The National Anthem was sung through a microphone by Mrs Winterbottom at the close of the day.
The stalls and amusements were supplied and erected by the well-known London arm of Messrs. Gammage’s Hire Department, Coles Green Road, Cricklewood, under the personal supervision of Mr A. Merrill, Hire Department foreman. The equipment was that supplied by this firm for society and charitable fetes in various parts of England.
In spite of the unseasonable cold weather, all who attended the fete spent a happy day and were generous in their praise of the self-sacrificing work of Mrs Winterbottom for helping worthy institutions. The staff of Cosgrove Hall, which was augmented for the occasion, gave many hours of their time in helping in the preparations to ensure the smooth working of the day’s programme.
In charge of admission to the grounds were Messrs E. Williams (Manchester), J. Clarke, F. Tustain, and J. Higgins. Between £19 and £20 was taken at the gate.
Wolverton Express 4th February, 1938
Visit to Circus
Through the kindness and generosity of Mrs. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, the junior members of the Cosgrove Parish Church Choir, together with a few friends, visited Bertram Mills’s Circus, Olympia, for the second year in succession. The journey to London was made by one of Mr. Eglesfield’s Motor Coaches, Mr C. Compton, organist, being in charge of the party. They were met at the circus by Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, and the afternoon performance was greatly enjoyed. Tea was afterwards partaken in the Pillar Hall Restaurant, and a round was also made of the Funfair and Wonder Zoo. The return journey from Olympia was commenced at 7.30, the thanks of the party going to Mrs Winterbottom for making such an enjoyable day possible.
Wolverton Express 22nd July, 1938
Cosgrove Hall Cricket Match
A friendly match took place at Cosgrove hall grounds on Wednesday by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. GH Winterbottom, when the Cosgrove called team opposed a team from the village. Teams were 12 aside and the whole team gave their opponents are heavy defeat. Scores;
Cosgrove: A Noble 10, E Noble 5, J Eglesfield 13, A Lavington 0, A Castle 18, W. Ratcliffe 1, A Bushell 0, H Smith 2, F. Lambert 11, S Kightley 2, T Lovesey not out 2, Priestley 1, extras 1, total 66.
Cosgrove Hall: J Prisley 11, H Ray 0, G. Ellis 6, R Ealey 0, G Beasley 2, W Crowder 0, A. Tompkins 53, C Harmston 1, E J Lambert 12, H Cummings 5, E R Lambert 1, E C Lambert not out 3, extras 7, total 121.
Wolverton Express 30th December, 1938
Cosgrove Hall Staff Ball
Happy Gathering at Regent Hall, Stony Stratford
A company numbering of 130 people of varying ages were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom of Cosgrove Hall, on the occasion of the annual staff ball on Wednesday evening in the Regent Hall, Stony Stratford.
From 8.30 until nearly 2.30 am on Thursday a programme of dancing interspersed with a cabaret was entered into with a seasonal jollity and those privileged had to be present could not but have enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Dances by the Rhythm Aces Band included the now popular “Chestnut Tree”, “Lambeth Walk”, and the “Palais Glide”. A number of old time waltzes were also included.
A cabaret took the form of items from the programmes of Mrs Winterbottom’s concert party and the eastern dances by Mr. Eric D. Kitchener of Olney, and Mr C Dytham of Wolverton, proved the most amusing burlesque. There were also some scenes by Mrs. G H Winterbottom attired in picturesque Crinoline dress, and Mr. Eric Kitchener, which brought forth warm applause. Master Bernard Appleton also delighted with the song “Smiling through” and the high spot of the evening was the performances on the drums of Carl Nichols, a small boy with his father at the piano.
Captain Hyde Upward expressed regret at the absence of Mr. G H Winterbottom who is recovering in health and had asked him to convey wishes to all for the happiest of New Years.
Cheers were given for the host ana host and a popular refrain sung.
Mrs Winterbottom was handed a choice bouquet of pink carnations by Master Nicholls, the gift being from a few friends, whilst Miss Sybil Hughes made to Mrs Winterbottom the gift of a case of growing bulbs as a token of the esteem from members of Cosgrove Hall staff. A concluding presentation was that of a box of chocolates from members of the Rhythm Aces Band in appreciation of Mrs Winterbottom’s kindness to them.
During an interval of the programme refreshments were served at a buffet in a most able manner by Mrs. Knight and staff of the Bull Hotel. These refreshments were provided by the host and hostess.
The ball concluded with the singing of Auld Lang Syne followed by the National Anthem.
The Regent Hall was gaily decorated and special lighting was added by Mr. E W Butler of Wolverton.
Wolverton Express 24th March 1939
Fire at Cosgrove Hall
Brigade Averts Serious Fire
A smart turn out and good work by the Stony Stratford Fire Brigade to a fire at Cosgrove Hall, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, prevented on Tuesday evening what might have been a serious outbreak. A beam in the chimney leading from the door drawing-room caught fire and flames were seen to issue to a good height.
Upon the arrival of the Brigade, under Chief Officer A Yates, the firemen used their first-aid Equipment and were able to reduce damage by water to a minimum. They were engaged for nearly two hours.
Wolverton Express 10th January 1941
Mrs. Winterbottom’s Concert Party Entertains Troops
A variety entertainment was presented to troops on Thursday, 2nd of January by Mrs. G H Winterbottom of Cosgrove Hall, and her talented concert party, in the Science and Art institute, Wolverton. There were also a number of members of the general public present. The artists were: the Rhythm Aces band, under the conductorship of Mr. Douglas Dytham, which gave selections and accompanied the performers; Miss Eileen Brickwood (songs and dances); Captain S L Trevor (songs); “The Three Geners”, Mr F. Nicholls, Mr L. Nichols, and Master Carl Nicholls (instrumentalists); Mrs. Winterbottom and Mr. Eric Kitchener ARCO in song scenes. Mr. E W Butler, of Wolverton, compered the show. Judging by the applause of “Tommy Atkins” an enjoyable evening was spent. Thanks to Mrs. Winterbottom and artists were voiced by the Officer Commanding.
Wolverton Express 10th November 1944
Prince Galitzine Dies of Wounds
Captain Prince Dimitri Galitzine, son of Countess Marie Kleinmichel and stepson of Count Kleinmichel, has died of wounds on the Western Front aged 26. He was unmarried. His father, an Imperial Russian Hussar, was killed in the last war.
Prince Galitzine was well known in South Northamptonshire, and resided in his younger days at Cosgrove Hall, the home of Mrs. G H Winterbottom. He opened several charitable functions in that locality, and also in North Buckinghamshire.
Wolverton Express 17th November 1944
At her birthday party held at Cosgrove Hall on Monday last, Mrs. G H Winterbottom made a collection amongst her guests, and the large sum of £15 10s was generously subscribed, the money being on behalf of the Red Cross Fund.
Wolverton Express 8th June 1945
Over £300 Profit from Cosgrove Garden Fete
An estimated balance of £303 is reported as a result of the garden fete and dance held on Whit Monday at Cosgrove Hall, by kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, and it is interesting to record that of a total income of £343 15s a sum of no less than £142 10s was raised by Mrs. Winterbottom.
The proceeds of the fete were in aid of the Cosgrove Victory Hall, which fund now stands at £783, representing an average of over £100 per month raised since the inception of the fund.
Mrs. Winterbottom thanks to all who generously mad gifts and helped in connection with the fete; HM Queen Geraldine of Albania, Princess Royal of Albania, Princesses Teri and Danush, Mrs. Habgood, Mrs. Woollard, Mrs. Gowland, Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. Sweeney, Captain Parratt, Mr. Davies, Mrs. Hepworth, Squadron Leader Davies, Major Davies, Mr. J Knight, Mr. E H Littledale, Mr. S Ratledge, Mr L. Markham, Lt. Col. P Y Atkinson and Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. R Whiting, Mrs. Brockway, Mr. Crowder and members of the Women’s Institute.
Wolverton Express 21st December 1945
Cosgrove Victory Club and Hall Fund reaches £1000: Bazaar and Auction
“We shall make our “thousand runs” tonight,” said Mr. G H Winterbottom at Cosgrove Hall on Friday last, when a bazaar and auction was held there for the funds to erect a Victory Club and Hall in the village.
Mrs. Winterbottom is well known over a wide area of North Bucks and South Northants for her willingness at all times to open functions in connection with charitable, religious bodies, and most especially the Northampton General Hospital; but when she opened this bazaar it was a unique ceremony, being the first occasion she had done so in her own home.
Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom’s kind gesture is to be commended, as they threw open the spacious drawing room and billiards room to all comers, and by 7.30 pm, the opening ceremony time, the rooms were packed, visitors coming from Stony Stratford, Wolverton, Hanslope, and many of the surrounding villages.
Already Raised £898 First Anniversary of Fund
The opening ceremony was performed in the drawing room. Mr. Jack Hebson, hon. Secretary of the Victory Club and Hall committee, told the audience that this Christmas was the first anniversary of the commencement to raise funds for a proposed village hall in Cosgrove. On behalf of the committee he wished to thank the following generous donors:
Lieutenant Colonel P Y Atkinson, JP, for his gift of £100 and also the land on which to build the hall;
Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, £50 each;
Miss Wells £50
Miss Balfour £50;
Mrs. Heap £20;
Squadron Leader and Mrs. Davies $10;
Mr. and Mrs. C R Whiting, 20 guineas.
Their thanks were also due to the people of Cosgrove who had worked hard for all their efforts and given generously.
He wished to give special thanks to Mrs. Winterbottom for her outstanding effort in her grounds on Whit Monday, when Her Majesty the Queen of Albania opened the garden fete, from which the magnificent sum of £308 resulted. They wished to thank Mrs. Winterbottom for her hard work, kindness, and generosity as well as personal discomfort in making the bazaar possible. There total so far raised amounted to the large sum of £898. The Secretary concluded with thanks to that evening’s stall holders, and Colonel L. Parratt, who was to conduct an auction of useful gifts.
Town Hall Idea Might Spread
Mr. F S Woollard, in welcoming the gathering, said that’s the idea to provide a village hall might spread, as neither Wolverton nor Stony Stratford had a town hall. It looked as if Cosgrove was going to realise its ambition before its neighbouring towns; the idea might encourage those in the urban area.
Village Life Very Important
Mrs. Winterbottom, in declaring the bazaar open, said it was a great pleasure to have the unique honour of opening the function in her own house, and more pleasure because it was to raise funds for their village hall, which was a sadly needed want - a building where the people of Cosgrove could dance, hold concerts and wedding receptions, without having to make the long journey toStony Stratford and Wolverton. “Village life is very important, and anything to bring the residents together should be encouraged and helped, and that is why I ask for your generous help tonight. Make it your thanksgiving for all our blessings and a great victory,” appealed Mrs. Winterbottom.
Continuing, she said Xmas was near; it was the first Christmas so many children had really known, and there were many gifts on the stores which would make the children happy. Mr. Hebson, the committee’s hard working Secretary, had told them of the large amount already raised, and she (Mrs. Winterbottom) hoped everyone presents that evening would be present when the hall was opened, when she promised them the best show in this neighbourhood for years. She wished to thank her very kind friends for all the lovely gifts sent along, and the committee who had worked hard in order to make the bazar a success.
A gift from the committee, a flowering plant in basket, was handed Mrs Winterbottom by Master Robin Winterbottom.
In addition to the income previously given, the following psalms had been raised: Jumble sale by Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. H Harris, Mrs. J Hebson and Mrs. J Lovesey £36; Christmas draw run by the committee £20; village dances by the committee £34; bicycle draw £30; whist drives organized by Mrs. J. Johnson £42 16s 3d; Guides efforts Miss Luker and youth movement efforts (Mrs. M E Jelley) £24 9s; concert by the committee £13 10s; Women’s Institute £4 16s.
Brisk business was transacted at the stalls, the good things on the homemade sweet stall being quickly sold out, also the ice cream served by Master Robin Winterbottom. In the drawing room there was stalls containing made issues and gifts of all kinds, those superintending being: Mrs. H C Clarke Stony Stratford, Mrs. I. Reiner, Miss Pamela Haig, a member of that well-known family of that name, Mrs. G H Winterbottom, Mrs. F S Woollard, and Mrs. G. Davis, wife of Squadron Leader Davis. In the billiards room or the articles were made by Cosgrove residents and friends, and comprised a wide variety of children’s gifts and useful presents. In charge were Mrs. G. Beasley, Mrs. H. Cummings, Miss Luker, Mrs. A Loughrey, Mrs. T Kightley, Mrs. Brockway, Mrs. L. Giles, Mrs. R. Davis, Mrs. J Hebson, and Mrs. J Lovesey.
Refreshments were served from the conservatory by Mrs. A. Whittaker, Mrs. W Castle, and Mrs. W. Clarke. General assistance was given by Messrs. L. Giles (hon treasurer), P Lyman, A Cummings, A Loughrey, P Whiting, R Williams, F. Tustain, and Mr. S Bushell (chairman). Colonel L Parratt, of Beachampton, conducted a sale of gifts in humorous manner and good prizes were made for poultry, eggs, cakes, and other articles and over £30 was realized. The whole effort brought in about £115.
Wolverton Express 25th January 1946
Gala Dance at Cosgrove Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, have for many years devoted their energies to raising money for charitable objects, particularly in Northampton General Hospital, and although their thoughts are still for the caring of the sick and suffering they are devoting a large amount of their enthusiasm towards the project of raising money for the erection of a village hall for the use of all Cosgrove residents.
In addition to a generous donation to the funds of £100, Mrs. Winterbottom has, by means of a garden fete at Whitsuntide in 1945, when the queen of Albania perform the opening ceremony, and a Christmas they are at her home, raised a further £500 towards the fund’s total of over £1000.
On Wednesday, 16 January Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom held a gala dance at their residence, when parties came from a wide area, and among those present were Lord and Lady Denham, Squadron Leader Hamilton Smith, Mr. Peter Fraser and Lady Fraser (Cambridgeshire), Captain J C Grant Ives (Greens Norton), Mr. and Mrs. Gowland (Wolverton Park), Dr. Douglas Bull JP and Mrs. Bull, Dr. and Mrs. A H Habgood, Dr. and Mrs. E D Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. F S Woollard, Mr. and Mrs. P. Philpotts, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Philpotts, Mr. and Mrs. C Arman, Captain and Mrs. Ferris Loftus (Tingewick), Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Case Tingewick, Lieutenant Colonel L. Parratt, Mrs. Cartwright, Captain Oscar Winterbottom, JP (Cheshire), Major and Mrs. Watts Tingewick, Dr. Orr Northampton Hospital, Captain Cresy, Colonel and Mrs. Byam Grounds, Captain Stephen Trevor, Mrs. B Grattan Holt (Potterspury), Mr. and Mrs. T H C Terry (Hanslope), Mr. Bernard Law (Brackley), Mr. and Mrs. H. Clarke, Mrs. Beveridge Smith, Captain R D Bolton (Chief Constable of Northamptonshire), and Lord Brassington.
Douglas J Dytham’s Rhythm Aces Band, always favourites at Cosgrove Hall, rendered a programme of dance music. Mr. Peter Fraser expressed appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom for providing a delightful evening. The sum of £30 was raised which was exceedingly good.
Wolverton Express 26th April 1946
The Late Major Grant Thorold
Major Harry Grant Thorold of Cranford Hall near Kettering, has passed away at the age of 75 years. He had been a magistrate in Northamptonshire for 45 years, and whilst resident at Cosgrove sat on the Stony Stratford bench, which at that time adjudicated on both Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire places. He also represented the parish of Cosgrove on the old Potterspury Board of Guardians, when that authority held its meetings in the boardroom of the Workhouse Institution at Yardley Gobion.
Major Grant-Thorold left Cosgrove to live at Cranford Hall in 1922. A keen sportsman, he hunted with the Grafton and Woodland Pytchley. During World War I and the South African war he served with the Northamptonshire regiment. A member of an old Lincolnshire family, he was educated at Eton and Corpus Christi College Oxford. The funeral service took place at St Andrew’s church Cranford, and cremation followed at Kettering.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 June 1946
GUESTS at the Northamptonshire County Cricket Club Ball at Cosgrove Hall.
In the top picture are (left to right),
Seated: Mrs. A. MacConnac, Mrs. W. S. Johnson, and Lady Cadman.
Standing: Mr. W. S. Johnson, Mr. A. MacCormac and Lora Cadman.
Mrs. V. Bascombe, Mr. V. Bascombe. Lord Denham, Lady Denham, and the Hon. Peggy Bowyer.
Below, seated:
Miss Lavinia Jones. Captain R. Sanders (Royal Indian Artillery) and the Hon. Marygold Mills.
Standing: Mr. D. Y. Evans, and Major Tony Rawlings.

Northampton Mercury - Friday 28 June 1946
Competitions and auction sales raised £170 at a ball in aid of Northamptonshire County Cricket Club's £10,000 appeal, organised by Mrs G. H. Winterbottom and held in a marquee at her home, Cosgrove Hall, last Friday. A bottle of champagne and two bottles of whisky presented by Captain R. H. D. Bolton, Chief Constable of Northamptonshire, and chairman the Cricket Club’s Appeal Committee, realised 11 gns. and £25 11s respectively, while birds of paradise, which were among items given by Mrs. Winterbottom were sold for £34 and a silver fox fur for £50. The marquee in which the dancing took place, was flood-lit and decorated with flags and more than 200 couples danced to the Rhythm Aces Band. Two of the guests, Captain R. Grumpston and Mr. D. Grumpston had flown from Canada to attend the ball. Another guest had flown from Germany.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 23 August 1946
Mrs. G. H. Winterbotton, of Cosgrove Hall, writes that the ball held at her home for the Northamptonshire County Cricket Club realised £300 which has been forwarded. Reminding me of the great success the effort achieved, she tells me that two of the guests were brothers who flew to Britain from Canada.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 15 November 1946
Mrs O. H. Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, celebrated her birthday by inviting guests at a party on Wednesday to purchase one guinea tickets. Proceeds will to the Northampton General Hospital Appeal Fund and Cosgrove Village Hall Fund.
Guests Included Lord and Lady Cadman, Sir Charles Buckridge. R.N., General C. Haigh, Mr. Jan Rabl Masaryk, Air Commodore and Mrs. Athey, Mrs lan Winterbottom, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lee. Miss Annette Day, Dr and Mrs. D. Bull, Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Dr. and Mrs A Hapgood, Mr. Beveridge Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. Terry. Mr. and Mrs. S. Woollard. Colonel and Mrs. Rutherford. Major J. T. Tilley. Captain D. Crampton. Captain Ribton Crampton, Mr. A. Parsons. Miss A. Persons, Mr. and Mrs. S. Brierly, Captain and Mrs. Ferrers Loftus, Captain H. D. Bolton, Mrs. Celia Holt, and Mr. and Mrs. Spier.
Mrs. Winterbottom wore a striking gown of black marocain with a fringed cape effect.
Wolverton Express 21st January 1949
Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom leave Cosgrove Hall for Sunningdale
Tremendous loss to village
Expressions of regret, but thanks for their valued interest in the village of Cosgrove, have been made to Mr. and Mrs. G H Winterbottom, of Cosgrove Hall, and their departure from the village after 19 years residence there. During that time, and especially during the past four years, Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom took a personal share in the village activities, and the raising by them of £600 for a village hall is one practical and tangible landmark that will stand foremost in the remembrance of Cosgrove residents.
The new owners of Cosgrove Hall are the Hon major John Fermor-Hesketh and Mrs. Hesketh of Towcester.
Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom will also be remembered for their charitable work over a wide area of the countryside. For several years Mrs. Winterbottom lead a concert party that toured Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, and Bedfordshire, giving enjoyment too large and small communities, and at the same time raised money for deserving causes, of which the Northampton General Hospital was the largest beneficiary. The residents of Cosgrove Hall frequently entertained members of foreign royal families.
Raised Several Thousands of Pounds - Village Hall their “Baby”
It is well known that Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom have raised by dances, concerts, and garden fetes, several thousand pounds, the exact figure is probably unknown.
For some years Cosgrove residents have lacked the building wearing to hold their social functions on a scale in keeping with an active community. And since the inception of the Village Hall project Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom have taken a leading part in the raising of funds.
The Hall Fund now stands at £1400, and through the active interest of the Northamptonshire Rural Community Council of which Mr. Kenneth Macwhirter BA is the general Secretary, a temporary building is shortly to be erected on land in Bridge Row, generously set at their disposal by Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. P Y Atkinson. The trustees will only have to pay 5s per week for the loan of the building, as through the National Council of Social Service they receive 100% grant towards the erection of the building. The shell of the building is delivered free of charge to the village and Messrs. Betts and Faulkner, builders and contractors, of Stony Stratford are entrusted with the work of erection.
Gift of Silver Salver from Cosgrove
On Saturday last a large assembly of residents met in the village schoolroom to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom and to show their appreciation in tangible form. The Hall committee had met to present a handsome silver salver to them, which was suitably inscribed.
Mr F. Hillyer, chairman of the Village Hall committee, expressed the thanks of the whole village to Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom what they had done during their time at Cosgrove.

They had with dances, concerts, garden fetes etc. raised, themselves, the sum of £600 during the last four years. He further stated that their departure from Cosgrove would not only be a grievous loss to the village, but would be a personal loss to him.
Done Many Good Works in County
He then paid tribute to the assistance which had been given to the committee by the Northamptonshire Rural Community Council, through their general Secretary, Mr. Kenneth Macwhirter, and he asked Mr. Macwhirter to make the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom on behalf of the village.
Mr. Kenneth Macwhirter stated that he knew not only of the work of Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom but of the many good works they had done in the county as a whole. He knew that their going to Sunningdale would be a tremendous loss to Cosgrove, but he could assure them that they at least stayed in Cosgrove long enough to know that the Village Hall was assured and would be built in the course of the next few months. In making the presentation of the silver salver Mr. Macwhirter expressed the best which in the whole village for the future happiness of both Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom and expressed the hope that they would not lose touch with Cosgrove and Northamptonshire.
Mrs. Winterbottom, in replying, thanked the village for such a really lovely gift, and stated that they certainly would not lose touch with Cosgrove and the people of Cosgrove, and that they would certainly come back for the opening of the [Village] Hall. She stated that Major and Mrs. John Hesketh would shortly be taking up residence at the [Cosgrove] Hall and she felt sure that they would take a keen interest in the life and welfare of the village.
Dig First Sod on Hall Site
On Sunday afternoon the whole site at Cosgrove was the scene of enthusiastic activity, with male members of the community busily engaged on preliminary arrangements for the erection of the hall. In the presence of many villagers and friends Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom removed the first sod on the Hall site. The company included the Hon Major Fermor-Hesketh and Mrs. Hesketh, Lord Hesketh of Easton Neston, Towcester, Mr. Kenneth Macwhirter, Captain Hyde Upward, Mr. F S Woollard JP and Mrs. Woollard, and Mr. and Mrs. E D Lawrence, of Stony Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom left for their future home at Sunningdale, Berkshire on Monday last.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 21 January 1949
The future site of Cosgrove Church Hall was the scene on Sunday of a last good-bye from Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom of Cosgrove Hall, who left on Monday for Sunningdale. For 19 years Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom have lived at the Hall. A presentation was made on Saturday to Mrs. Wlnterbottom of a silver salver, from the villagers. Mr. Winterbottom has been president of the Village Hall Committee and at the presentation the secretary. Mr Jack Hebson, gave a resume of the 19 years Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom had been at the Hall. He said they alone had raised over £600 for the Village Hall fund by garden fetes, dances and bazaars. The presentation was made by Mr. Kenneth McWhirter, secretary of Northamptonshire Rural Community Council. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom together turned over the first sod of turf in the field given by Captain P. Y. Atkinson for the village hall. Also present were Lord Hesketh, Major the Hon John and Mrs Hesketh, new owners of Cosgrove Hall, Master Robin Winterbottom, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Woollard and Miss Pam Woollard of Stony Stratford, Captain Hyde Upward, Mr K. McWhirter, Mr Jack Hebson and Mr. F Hillyer (chairman of the Village Hall Committee).

On the site of the future Cosgrove Church Hall, Mr and Mrs G. H. Winterbottom turn the first sod before their departure to live at Sunningdale. Behind them are seen the new owners of Cosgrove Hall, Major the Hon John and Mrs Fermor Hesketh and Lord Hesketh.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 25 March 1949
AMERICAN business interests are taking up more and more of the time of Major the Hon. J. B. Fermor-Hesketh. I understand that he and Mrs. Fermor-Hesketh have gone to the United States for three months. No letters will be forwarded. This is Major Hesketh’s second trip recently to the States, where the Heskeths have substantial properties. The Major and his wife recently moved into Cosgrove Hall, formerly the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom.
Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 August 1949
MEMBERS of the former household staff and the villagers mingled with the many personal friends from over a wide area round the family grave in Horton churchyard for the funeral of Mr. George Harold Winterbottom, yesterday.
The service was conducted by the vicar, the Rev. A. S. Dainton.
Mr. Winterbottom, who died at Kingswood, Sunningdale, was 59. Mr. and Mrs Winterbottom, who sold Cosgrove Hall, where they had lived for 19 years, to the Hon. John and Mrs. Fermor Hesketh in January, were well known in the county and North Bucks for their interest in efforts for charity.
Mr. Winterbottom, whose family home was Horton Hall, was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where he won cups for running. He was keen cricketer and an enthusiastic supporter of Northants C.C.C., particularly during their lean years.
Both he and his wife had also worked for the Northampton General Hospital. Mrs. Winterbottom a talented singer, organised many concerts for charity before and during the war. They raised £600 for Cosgrove village hall, which was opened last Saturday.
The principal mourners were: Mrs. G H. Winterbottom (widow), Mr. Robin Winterbottom (son). Captain and Mrs. Oscar Winterbottom, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Winterbottom, Mr. and Mrs. Alastair Winterbottom (brothers and sisters-in-law). Mr. and Mrs. Ferrers Loftus (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs. G. H. Winterbottom (step-mother), Miss Heather Loftus (niece), Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Case (nephew and niece).
A floral cricket bat from the members of the former staff were; Mrs. T. N. Cave. Mrs P. D. Harrison. Mr. J. Page-Blair, Major Hyde-Upward, Captain T. O. Llewelyn (Life Guards). Captain C. H. Piff (Royal Horse Guards). Mr. H. C. Hepworth. Colonel Bruce Logan, Mr. Malcolm Wombwell, Captain E. Crane. Mr. R. O. and Mrs. Lee. Mr. J. Whitmore Jeffery. Lieut.-Col. L. Parratt. Bunt A. J. Norris (representing the Chief Constable for Northamptonshire Constabulary. Captain R H. D. Bolton). Mr E. M. Witham (representing Northamptonshire County Cricket Club). Mr. D. C. Lucas. Mr. A. Sansome and Mr. C. Longland (representing Horton Cricket Club) Mrs. J Johnson (representing Cosgrove Victory Hall Committee), Mr D Miles (representing Jeffery and Sons Ltd.). Mr. F. Elliott. Miss G. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Woollard. Mrs Houghton Mrs. Cummings Mrs Heap. Mr. E. C. Lambert. Mr. G Hooton Mr, R. H. Maycock, Mrs. Kightley. Mr. F. Roberts. Mr. W Clifton. Mr J. H. Berry. Mr G. Whymant. Mr. R Bennett. Mr. R. Samples, Mr. P. Kightley. Mrs. A Elliott. Miss Slade. Mrs Stretch Miss Everatt and many others. Major E. H. Allday and Mr. B. Kightley, the churchwardens, preceded the cortege. Mrs. Berrill officiated at the organ during the service. A replica of a cricket bat midst a diffusion of flowers from the members of Horton House Cricket Club in memory of ‘‘a very generous and kind president.” was one of the many tributes. Others included those from his old staff at Cosgrove Hall and the Cosgrove Victory Hall committee. Remaining tenants of the late Horton estate, members of the Northamptonshire County Cricket Club, Newburgh Priory Staff, the staff of the Kingswood House. Sunningdale; Chairman and directors of Nosmos Photographies Ltd., and the director of Winterbottom Book Cloth Co. Ltd.
Wolverton Express 6th January 1956
Cosgrove Legion Fete Raised £100
COSGROVE Hall grounds were an ideal venue for the fete last Saturday organised by the village branch of the British Legion. The residents gave their full support with many visitors enjoying the amenities of the well-appointed grounds. There were numerous attractions and the day proved most enjoyable and financially successful, the sum of £100 being raised.
Commander D. Lawson of Passenham Manor was introduced by an American visitor to Cosgrove Hall. and also present were the Hon. Mrs D. Lawson, the Hon Major John Fermor Hesketh, Capt P. Y. Atkinson (Branch President), and vice-presidents Capt. F G. Purser and Major-General W. A Scott. CB. CBE. Commander Lawson in declaring the fete open said one felt very proud to be in the British Legion because it existed to foster fellowship and comradeship. Those who had been in battle knew just what those works meant, but most of them could not define the words other than to say that it drew people together. The Legion was doing a great work and all members of the community recognised that it was a great service to ex-Service men and their dependants.
Many Crack Shots
Many Crack shots competed for the cash prize of £7 7s in the clay pigeon contest and this eventually went to game-keeper Mr. C J. Spademan of Wicken. In charge were Mr. A Tompkins and Mr. D. Tompkins.
There were many competitors for the beauty contest for which a Silver cup valued at £25 became the proud possession of 15 year old Margaret Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Tom Smith of 11 Warren Road, Yardley Gobion. Mrs Steel was reputed to have the best shapely ankles for which the prize was a pair of nylons. Other prize-winners were: skittles Mr. D. Cannings (pin of beer): darts. Mr. R Hickford (bottle of port); stepping the chain, Mr. J. Martin (10s): treasure hunt, Mrs D. Hillyer (£1); bowling for pig (given by Mr. Maycock), winner Miss B Cummings Cosgrove: ladder contest. Mrs Hillyer (basket of fruit).
Mr W. Coles and Mr. P. Lyman (bowling for pig); Miss J Hefford (pony rides). A competition for giving the name to a doll was run by Mrs Horton on behalf of the Cosgrove Parent-Teachers' Association. A licensed bar was run by Mr. Den Horne of the Watts Inn, Hanslope, who was assisted by Mr. H Smith, Mr. Jones and Mr. J. Pollard. Music during the proceedings was arranged by Mr. J Boss of Hanslope Park. Gate stewards were Mr. F. W. Castle and Mr. O. Smith. The secretarial duties were ably discharged by Mr. E R Brown, with Mr. P. Long (chairman), Mr P. Lyman (vice-chairman), Mr. J. Pollard (treasurer) and Mr. R. Longman (Welfare Officer), assisted by the committee previously named, also Mr. A. T. Noble. Thanks of the committee are extended to all who generously supported the effort, the result of which will enable the Legion work to be carried silently in the village.
Wolverton Express Spring 1956
Spring Fayre at Cosgrove for Hall Funds
Cosgrove resident rallied round the trustees and officers of the Victory Hall in an effort to raise funds to provide new curtains and the cost of decorating the hall when a Spring Fayre was held last Saturday. The helpful sum of £65 was raised.
Mrs P. Y. Atkinson of the Priory introduced and welcomed Lady Hesketh, who performed the opening ceremony. Lady Hesketh said as it was a good thing for a village to possess a nice hall like that at Cosgrove where the residents could meet for sociaI occasions. She was sure many villages would like to have such a hall. A bouquet was handed to Lady Hesketh by Wendy Markham and thanks were voiced by Mr. J. Hebson (Hall chairman)
The Helpers
Stalls and workers: Mr. J. Hefford (skittles). Mr. L Lynham and Mr. D. Cannings (darts). Mr. and Mrs A. Rickaby (Tombola). Mrs. M Jelley, Mrs. N. Castle. Mrs Longman, Mrs J. Brockway and Mrs. Beasley (Womens Institute stall), Mrs. K. Jones, Mrs. J. Hebson and Mrs. J. Hefford (Jumble). Mrs. Lavington. Mrs. G. Hickford andd Mrs Chown (refreshments), Julia Longman and Bridget Cummings (soaps and handkerchiefs). Hazel Lavington and Sue Tustain (spinning Jenny), Mrs. T. Kightley and Mrs. J. Hebson (produce) Mr. L. Priestley and Mr. Gallop (ground skittles). Mrs Whittaker and Mrs. W. Castle (boots and clothing). Mr. Hebson and Mrs. Beasley (hidden treasure). Mr. A Noble was door steward. There were competitions for champagne given by Mr Wheatley, Stony Stratford and Chocolates by Mrs. Jelley and port and sherry by Major Hesketh. Mrs. B. J Rudd, Stony Stratford gave the bouquet.
A whist drive was held in the evening. Mrs. J. Johnson took a large share in organising the effort. The Hall officers are Mr. J. Hebson (chairman). Mr. J. Hefford (secretary) and Mr Rickaby (treasurer).
Wolverton Express 10th November 1961
ONE of the largest landowners in North Bucks and South Northants, Major the Hon. John Breckinridge Fermor-Hesketh, of Cosgrove Hall died at his home on Wednesday, aged 44. He was the third son of the first Baron Hesketh, and was educated at Eton and Oxford University, where he gained his M.A. degree. In 1937 he became a 2nd. Lieut. in the 50th (Northamptonshire) Regiment A.A. Bn. R.E. (T.A.) rising the rank of Major in 1941. In 1946 he married Mrs. Patricia Macaskie Cole, of Knotty Green, Bucks, but obtained a divorce in 1957. His widow was formerly Miss Joan Isabel Edridge, whom he mar tied in 1958. Major Fermor-Hesketh had not enjoyed good health for some years but had continued to run his own 8,000 acre estates in Buckinghamshire and the 9,000 acre estate owned by his nephews, Ernest Hesketh (aged 10), Robert, and John, the sons of his late brother. He also looked after the family's extensive interests in America. He was chairman of the Abington Brewery Company and his directorships include those of Druse Ltd., Stratford Towcester Race course, and the Towcester Trading Company. The funeral service will be at Easton Neston Parish Church at 12 noon tomorrow (Saturday).
Wolverton Express 17th November 1961
THE small church of St. Mary's, Easton Neston, was packed on Saturday for the funeral service for Major the Hon. John B. Fermor-Hesketh who died at his home Cosgrove Hall the previous Wednesday aged 44.
Every seat was taken and the aisles were crowded with friends, tenants, workers and business associates. Major Fermor-Hesketh was the third son of the first Lord Hesketh and earlier this year was present at a special service when his work of restoring the fast decaying interior and exterior of the church was dedicated by the Bishop of Peterborough. The work cost £20,000.
Half-muffled bells
Mourners made their way to the church up a pathway lined with over 130 wreaths and bunches of flowers, while members of the Towcester branch of the Peterborough Guild of Bellringers rang Plain Bob Minor of the half-muffled bells. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. D. H. Curtis (Vicar and Rural Dean of Towcester with Easton Neston) and the Rev. A. E. Bransby (Rector of Cosgrove and Rural Dean of Preston) who were assisted by the Ven. R. C. 0. Goodchild (Arch-deacon of Northampton) and the Rev. J. M. Warwick, of Towcester. Mrs. B. M. Scanes was the organist for the hymns "He who would valiant be," "Abide with me," the 23rd psalm and the Nunc Dimittis. During the singing of the last hymn eight bearers representing the various departments of the estates carried the coffin down the church for interment in the family vault. These bearers were: Messrs. E. J. Francis, J. C. Barton, W. A. Denny, W. C. Coleman, J. Stubbs, D. Stimson, G. E. Warren, W. T. Robinson.
Vicar's tribute
In a tribute to "Major John", the Rev. D. H. Curtis described him as a brave and very courageous man of indomitable spirita gallant spirit challenging superhuman odds as his health declined over the past two years. "And so there passes a many-sided character of many colours and variety of moods," said the Vicar. "His unresting, active intelligence enjoyed most the tussles and manoeuvres of business, for his very wide business activities were his paramount interest always. "When Major John was around, things moved. Things had to be done and done well. He demanded, and through his great wealth was able to command always the best in quality and workmanship." No one could pull a "fast one" over Major John. Yet for all his wealth, rank, and position he had a remarkable knack of getting on with ordinary folk. He loved Easton Neston and had expended so much money, time, thought, and affection on the Church because it was a little corner of Easton Neston that as churchwarden he felt to be his own. "I believe two of the happiest days of his life were those two occasions when the Bishop came to dedicate his restoration of this church," said Mr. Curtis. That crowned an achievement he had set his heart on.
The mourners
The family mourners were: the Hon. Mrs. J. I. Fermor-Hesketh (widow). Sir Edmund and Lady Stockdale, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. A. Lawson (brothers-in-law and sisters), Lady Hesketh (sister-in-law), the Hon. James Baring, Mr. T. Stockdale (nephews) Among others in church were: Mrs. Reveley (mother-in-law), Sir Richard and Lady Gambier-Parry (and representing the Viscount Ednam, Capt. and Mrs. Maurice Jordan, Mr. T. C. Frost), Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Budge, Col. A. J. S. Featherstonhaugh; Lord Spencer. Dr. H. C. Percival, Capt. and Mrs. P. Y. Atkinson, Miss M. Atkinson. Mr. A. E. Humphries, Lady Elizabeth Rendlesham, Mrs. P. Soskin, Miss Monica Lawson, Dr. and Mil. E. D. Lawrence, Major and Mrs. Barnes. Dr. and Mrs. R. Murray-Laing, Mr. J. S. Weyman (and representing Brake Shoe International of Geneva, and America Brake Shoe of New York), Mr. Sutherland, Mr. Kitchen, Mr. Scott Prendergast, Mr. Bachelor, Miss Kate Day, Dr. W. M. Douglass (and representing Dr. D. H. G. MacQuaide), Col. and Stockdale, Mr. John Gott (Chief Constable, Northamptonshire), Commander and Mrs. P. Tyler, Mr. Forsyth Lawson, Mr. John Morris, Mr. H. Stockdale, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Warlaw..Mr: and Mrs. R. K. Knyaston Studd, Mrs. D. Curtis,Col. and Mrs. Maltby, Major and Mrs. R. S. Edridge. Lieut., Col. V. G. Toler-Aylward (and representing the Grafton Hunt), Capt. and Mrs. M. I. V. BoWater, Capt. G. W. M. Lees, Mr. F. Coles, Capt. and Mrs. J. Brittain-Jones, Mr. R. 0. Lee, Mr. S. G. Hill (representing Northampton Hospital Management Committee), Mr. R. A. Palmer, Supt. H. B. Copping. Towcester Rural District Council was represented by: Coun. E. G. Nicholls (chair-man), Mr. F. J. Hulbert (Clerk) and Coun. W. H. Mar-low (also representing Towcester Parish Council). Mr. Eric Robinson (representing chairman and directors of Worthington and Co. Ltd.), Mr. S. E. Clayson (E. W. Clayson and Co.Northampton), Mr. R. F. Mayo (G. and T. A. Mayo, Silverstone), Mr. D. J. Schofield, Mr. G. H. Jones (representing Midland Bank, Towcester), Mr. Donald P. Humphery, Mr. Norman C. Woodcock (and representing Arthur Mulliner Ltd. and Mr. W. H. Orbell), Mr. Bruce W. Sutherland, Mr. Stanley Kitchen (Foster and Stephens, Birmingham), Mr. J. W. McCullagh (Towcester Mill and Trading Co. Ltd.), Mr. J. H. Allibone (Greens Norton Park), Mr. H. Bell (and representing Mr. J. A. Webb, Lodge of Fidelity), Miss Maria De Jesus, Mrs. J. W. McCullagh. Mr. E. S. Fleming, Mr. J. Trace (Castlethorpe British Legion), Capt. G. C. K. Watson (and representing Sir Reginald and Lady Mary Manningham-Buller), Mr. W. Darby (Darby and Co., Towcester), Mr. C. H. Watts (and representing A. A. Lamont), Mr. R. Wilson, Mrs. W. J. Mold (and representing Mrs. A. E. Crow), Mr. M. J. Smith (representing J. W. Smith and Son), Mr. D. Tarry (representing Derek Tarry Catering Organisation, Roade), the Rev. P. Rowson (St. Saviour's Church, Northampton), Mr. J. G. B. Whiting (and representing Mr. J. H. Whiting), Mr. T. Burrenstone (Vie Electries). Mr. R. Skey (representing Towcester Fire Brigade), Mr. J. Evanson (Postmaster, Towcester), Mr. J. S. Goss (chairman, Newport Pagnell Rural District Council). Mr. T. J. Gilbert, Mr. A. Carter, Mr. R. Leyser (Druse Ltd., Old Stratford), Mr. and Mrs. A. Rickaby (and representing Mr. and Mrs. Elder), Mr. G. Whitlock, Mr. W. Whitlock (and representing Towcester Angling Club), Mr. W Beesley (Buckingham Conservative Association), Mr. Francis Whiting (and representing Mrs. H. M. Whiting and Mrs. F. C. Whiting) Mr. J. K. Soper (and representing Mrs. Soper and Mrs. W. Cross), Mr. A. Turner, Mr. H. Jones., Mr. I. Weekley, Mr. C. Wakelin (representing Old Towcestrians Rugby Football Club), Mr. J. E. Adams (and representing Lady Carlile), Mr. R. H. Maycock (and representing Mr. M. Maycock). Mr. V. Burt (and representing Towcester Conservative Association). Mr. N. C. Moore (and representing the Plessey Co. Ltd.). Mr. K. Jones. Mr. R Grendon. Mr. R. Garlick Mr. C. Master (Towcester Construction Ltd.), Mr. J. D. Hart (and representing Mr. G Brown and Mr. Peter Fleetwood Hesketh of the Rufford Hall Trustees), Mr. W. N. Breach (National Provincial Bank, Towcester and the Towcester Studio Band), Mr. R. Paybody (representing R. Paybody and Son, Hartwell), Mr. E. A. Swannell (and representing Wolverton Toc H) Mr. K. Petherick, Mr. H. Alibone, Mr. G. W. Warren, Mr. H. Coates, Mr. W. H. Coales. Mr. V. E. Loake, Mr. K. Travis, Miss June Barnes, Miss H. L. Harry. Mr. E. G. Watson. Mr. B. Carr. Mr. A. P. Cooling. Mr. J. J. Munden. Mrs. E. J. Bell, Miss V. Walmsley. Mr. W. Coles, Mr. Tustain, Mr. F. A. Coles Mr. J. McNeil. Mr. R. Swanston, Mr. P. Horrad, Sister M. Hart, Mr. K. Stubbs, Mr. H. T. Geary, Mr. L. T. Geary, Mrs. M. Cashmore, Mr. A. E. Humphreys. Mr. N. Lloyd, Mrs. J. Stimson, Mr. G. Warren, Mr. W. P. B. Phillpotts, Mr. W. E. Easter, Mr. J. Aitken, Mr. E. W. Tarry, :Mr. S. W. Jones, Mr. R. Saunders, Mr. F. E. B. Haynes. Mr. J. G. Dunkley, Mr. T. Beach. Mr. J. R. Fountaine, Mr. T. Davies, Mr. W. J. Ridgway. Mr. J. Forman, Mr. W. T. Hawtin, Mr. W. A. Lee, Mr. R. Neale, Mr. J. W. Cook, Mr. J. Johnston, Mr. F. West. Mr T. W. Bushell, Mrs. H. B. Copping, Mrs. F. J. Hulbert. Mr. G. Fountaine, Mr. G. H. Francis. Mr. W. Needham, Mrs. E. Todd, Miss G. Atkin. Miss L. Moye, Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis. Mr. A. C. Spencer, Mr. S. Tuckey, Mr. J. Hebson, Mrs. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Smith, Mr. R. F. Reeve. Mr. L. Wood, Mr. E. F. Joyce. Mr. F. G. Williams, Mr. A. G. Kingston, Mrs. D. Paradine, Mrs. M. E. Groom, Mrs. J. Jenkinson, Mr. D. Groom, Mrs. Allibone, Mr. J. T. Wheeler. Mr. A. A. Jackson-Stops. Mr. J. Matterface, Mr. H. H. Shrives, Mr. F. Lane, Mr. G. Nicholls, Mr. V. J. Loughran, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Franks. Mr. H. A. Higginson, Mr. N. W. Haywood, Mr. F. Read, Mr. J. R. Bowden, Mr. K. P. Jeffs, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stubbs. Miss P. Causebrook, Mr. J. C. Barton. Sister McDonald, Mr. H. Case, Capt J. Lees, Mr. A. Tapp. Mr. W. Brockway, Mr. J. H. Davy. M A. Buckland, Mr. G. Buckland, Mr. D. Holding. Mr. W. Bignell, Mr. D. Miles. Mr H. Thomas, Mr. G. E. Tarry. Mr. C. Cockram, Mr. C. Pierce, Mr. J. T. Bradley. Mr. George Payne, Mr. F. J. Cook, Mr. W. W. Humphrey. Mr. R. W. Humphrey. Mr. W. H. Butcher, Mr. A. Wootton. Mr. J. F. Smith. Mr. P. Mold. Mr. Watts. Mr. D. Hatton. Mr. F. G. Slaughter. Mr. H. C. Smith. Mr. W. D. Powell, Mr. A. J. H Maycock. Mr. R. F. Davy. Mr. T L. Gullyar. Mr. E. C. M. Palmer, Mr. A. D. Course. Mrs. L. R. Course, Mr. J. H. Harrison.
Wolverton Express 19th July 1962
MAJOR the Hon. John Breckinridge Fermor-Hesketh, of Cosgrove Hall, third son of 1st Baron Hesketh. who died on November 8 last, aged 44 years, left estate in Great Britain valued at £754,685 18s. 7d. gross £623,266 0s. 11d. net value. (Duty paid £571,112).
By his Will dated October 20, 1960 with six codicils, which does not apply to his property in Kenya, he left any right, title, estate or interest in the Easton Neston property to which he be entitled at the time of his death to his nephew Alexander Baron Hesketh on attaining the age of 30 years,
£10,000 to his Trustees for distribution in their discretion to persons who have worked for him and his family and not otherwise provided for, and to include those in USA, and Africa,
£1,000 upon trust for "my friend" Alfred E. Humphreys and the use of The Green, Cosgrove to him for life,
"the Predella dated approximately 1500 at present on loan to St. Mary's Church. Easton Neston, and being on the reredos to the Altar in the Chancel if the same shall still be used in the Church at the date of my death" and any lace or other ornaments on loan at his death to the said Church to the Parochial Church Council of Easton Neston, and to the Parochial Church Council of St. Mary's, Easton Neston, the tapestry forming part of the reredos, the candlesticks and ornaments on the Altar and all the chairs in the Chancel on condition that they remain in the said Church, otherwise to form part of his residuary estate,
£250 to the Parochial Church Council of Cosgrove. for the maintenance and upkeep of Cosgrove Church,
£250 to the Parochial Church Council of Gayhurst, for the maintenance and up-keep of Gayhurst Church,
£50 to the Cosgrove Branch of the British Legion,
£250 to Northampton General Hospital,
£2,500 to his former wife Patricia, other specific bequests and legacies to godchildren, £5,000 and an insurance policy to his wife and the residue upon trust for her for life, and then to his children, whom failing to his nephews Hon. Robert Fermor-Hesketh and Hon, John Fermor-Hesketh, or to their children, whom failing with other remainders. Probate has been granted to his widow Mrs. Joan I. Fermor-Hesketh, of the same address. John S. Budge, solicitor, of Towcester, Northants., and Joseph S. Weyman, chartered accountant, of 35 Old Jewry, E.C.
SINCE 1955, the liability of the Fermor-Hesketh family for estate duty has reached about £2 million, reports the Estates Correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. A further £571,112 has resulted following the death last November of Major the Hon. John B. Fermor-Hesketh, of Cosgrove Hall, the third son of the first Baron Hesketh, at the age of 44. His elder brother, the second Baron, died in 1955 aged 39. The duty charged was £1,093,616 on assets of £1,073,204 net in England and on other funds abroad.
Wolverton Express 6th June 1969
Big attraction at a successful garden party held by Cosgrove Church last Saturday was the model railway in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall, kindly loaned by Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackenzie Hill.
The model railway was staffed by members of the church and the model engineering club and they were kept. fully employed for over three and a half hours providing rides for people of all ages.
The opening of the garden party was by Mrs. S. Gee, of Paulerspury. There was a children’s fancy dress parade, women’s and children’s flower arranging competition, games and competitions staffed by members of the congregation and visitors staying at Cosgrove Hall.
Another popular feature was the pony which patiently gave rides to the children throughout the afternoon.
Stalls, teas and ice cream were staffed by members of the FCC, Sewing Guild and Mothers’ Union.
Proceeds amounted to £103.
Wolverton Express 5th June 1970

STAGE AND television actress Margaret Rawlings will open the Cosgrove Church fete at Cosgrove Hall on Saturday. Miss Rawlings began her acting career in the time-honoured tradition by running away to go on the stage. In her case she ran from Lady Margaret Hall Oxford, and since that inauspicious beginning her starring roles have included many successes. She has also made a number of television dramas including two of the first ever screened in the UK, and has just completed two more presentations which are awaiting screening. The object of the fete this year is to raise £300 to pay for repairs to the beautiful parish church. A wide variety of attractions has been organised, including an open clay pigeon shoot and an inter-village tug-of-war contest. Traditional items for the children have not been neglected and include a fancy dress competition, children's sports, miniature train rides and donkey rides. This photograph of Miss Rawlings is taken from a portrait by Annigoni.
Wolverton Express 12th June 1970
Putting on a bold front at Cosgrove

A young "witch", Juliette Bidgood, in the forefront during the parade of the children's fancy dress.
When Canon S. C. Woodward. Rector of Cosgrove, was a child and living in Japan one of his friends was a girl named Margaret Rawlings. Both his father and her father were missionaries serving in that country. On Saturday, childhood memories were revived when Miss Rawlings, the actress of stage and television fame, was at Cosgrove to open the annual garden party held in aid of the village church. The garden party was held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackenzie Hill and was visited by many people on a beautiful summer day. It was an occasion when the long-established residents and the newcomers to the village, busy serving, were able to co-operate. After declaring the event open Miss Rawlings was presented by Rebecca Runacres with a hand-made lace handkerchief that was made by an elderly local woman. The model railway and the pony rides were a great attraction for the children. There were also stalls and sideshows, children's sports, and fancy dress, judged by Miss Rawlings and Mrs. Mackenzie Hill and a clay pigeon shoot. A tug o' war was won by the local team from the Barley Mow, Cosgrove. A band from Stowe School provided music and the lady helpers were kept extremely busy serving teas and ice cream. Gross takings were in the region of £200 and the church repair fund should benefit by about £150.
Miss Rawlings began her acting career in the time-honoured tradition - by running away to go on the stage. In her case, she "ran" from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, and since that inauspicious beginning her starring roles have included many successes. She has also made a number of television dramas including two of the first ever screened in the UK, and has just completed two more presentations which are awaiting screening.
Wolverton Express 7th May 1971
500 visitors see gardens
MR AND Mrs Charles Mackenzie Hill opened their lour acres of gardens and wood lands to the public for the first time on Sunday. Over 500 visitors took advantage of this special opening on Gardeners' Sunday and as a result £71 will be sent to the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society. The model railway proved a crowd-puller and there was no shortage of people wanting teas. Mr. Mackenzie Hill plans to hold another open day next year but he tells me the grounds will be open when Cosgrove Church holds its annual fete there on June 19.
Wolverton Express 11th June 1971
A challenge from Cosgrove
COSGROVE village stalwarts have thrown out an open tug-O-war challenge to other local teams. The contest will be held during the village fete on June 19 and the prize is a pipkin of beer donated by Mr Mackenzie Hill. Challengers should contact Mr. Gerry Runacres at Stony Stratford 3685 for details.
The fete is to be held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Hill. Miss Cosgrove will be chosen during the afternoon and there will be a children's fancy dress show, a knobbly knees contest and a judo display.
Wolverton Express 11th June 1971
A challenge from Cosgrove
COSGROVE village stalwarts have thrown out an open tug-O-war challenge to other local teams. The contest will be held during the village fete on June 19 and the prize is a pipkin of beer donated by Mr Mackenzie Hill. Challengers should contact Mr. Gerry Runacres at Stony Stratford 3685 for details.
The fete is to be held in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall by kind permission of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Hill. Miss Cosgrove will be chosen during the afternoon and there will be a children's fancy dress show, a knobbly knees contest and a judo display.
Wolverton Express 25th June 1971

Two pence to test the steadiness of your hand with 4p as the prize.
A beauty contest, knobbly knees competition, fancy dress, tug 'o war Cosgrove Church Fete had all these ingredients and many more to make the event a great moneymaking success. The fete, held on Saturday at Cosgrove Hall. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackenne Hill, raised more than £160 for church funds.
Mrs. Bryan Organ, wife of the Castlethorpe artist, opened the fete. She said how happy she was to see the old traditions in the village were being encouraged, particularly with a modern city like Milton Keynes being built close by. Hilary Groom presented a bouquet to Mrs. Organ also was introduced by the Rector. Canon Woodward.
Mrs. Organ later judged the fancy dress competition which was won by Rebecca Runacres who was dressed as a Red Dragon with Hilary Groom (Nell Gwynn) second and Dawn Rosser third. There were 15 competitors under eleven for the fancy dress. For the first time a Miss Cosgrove competition was organised but although the contest was open to married as well, entries were rather disappointing. Only a dozen people took part. The winner was Moira Stables of Rivercrest Road, Old Stratford with Isabel Cook second and Mandy Gordon third. The contest was judged by Jerry Runacres who donated a silver cup to the winner. The Rector presented the cup which will be competed for each year.
The menfolk were not quite so shy and there was a good entry for the knobbly knees competition with John Cattermole being the winner. Verdun Parker brought along a team of young judo experts who gave a demonstration of their skill. Seven teams took part in the tug 'o war contest which was won by Pianoforte Supplies of Roade with the Cosgrove village team second. Towcester Studio Band played during the afternoon.
Wolverton Express 8th March 1974
Getting All Steamed Up
Not many steam train enthusiasts can boast of a loco track in their back garden. One of the few is Cosgrove property developers Charles Mackenzie Hill. But on Sunday members of the New City Model Club had the chance to let off steam at Mr Mackenzie Hill’s home.
The 250 foot working model steam track was handed over to the steam fans who brought along two locos. Armed with 7lb of coal, the club members, headed by president Charles Coleman, of Galley Hill, prepared to get up steam.
Members are building a portable track which they will take around with them to various fetes in the district. The track

Enthusiastic train fans look on admiringly as the working model loco
chugs round the track carrying its two passengers.

Mick Kingston, busy firing up while Bryan Grimmett inspects the track.
Wolverton Express 17th July 1974
Helicopter Pad tea room
THE RAMBLING four-acre grounds of picturesque Cosgrove Hall, the home of local property tycoon, Charles Mackenzie Hill, are being thrown open to the public on Sunday July 21st to raise funds for gardening charities. Visitors will be able to admire the flowers and shrubs; stroll in the woodlands and play with Mr. Mackenzie Hill's lavish model railway which will be on display. Tea will be available on the Hall's spacious lawn, which is used as a helicopter pad during less leisurely moments. Proceeds from the open day will be going to the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Society and the Royal Gardeners' Orphan Fund. Mr. Mackenzie Hill is not a great gardening enthusiast himself. “He doesn't really have the time.” said a member of his staff.
Wolverton Express 26th July 1974


THERE was, as a member of the staff was quick to point out, none of that "Woburn Abbey stuff" when stately Cosgrove Hall opened its gates to the public on Sunday. Entertainment consisted largely of gazing at exotic shrubs and sipping tea on the lawns. But the 500-plus people who attended the Gardeners Sunday all enjoyed themselves in a discreet kind of way and helped to raise £110 for gardening charities. Owner of the hall, property tycoon and village celebrity, Mr. Charles Mackenzie Hill, did not play an over prominent role in the festivities But delighted children queued up all afternoon for rides on his lavish model railway which runs a circuit through the hall grounds. Members of Milton Keynes Model Society were organising the rail trips "Mr. Mackenzie Hill has always been interested in model engines but he is too busy to use his own very much now," it was explained. The hall itself was out of bounds for the afternoon. But staff members served teas from the garage from which Mr. Mackenzie Hill's vintage Bentley and Mercedes saloon had been removed for the occasion. Another spot of unscheduled entertainment came when the property magnate's private helicopter whirred onto the lawn bearing a weekend guest. Visitors were all extremely well behaved, it was reported. Some did peer through the windows of the hall in an obvious attempt to see how the other half lived but nobody trampled shrubs or helped themselves to souvenir bunches of flowers.

"It was an extremely pleasant gathering," said the spokesman. "People used the grounds freely but there was no abuse.
A tremendous amount of work of has been put into the gardens in the last two years and they looked most attractive".
Rector of Cosgrove, the Rev. R. H. Beatty, with his daughter Monica - he told our photographer that he was trying to obtain the secrets of the gardeners who
managed to stave off blight on the greens and fruit in the garden.
Admiring the red-hot pokers is
Angela Dytham and daughter Annabelle
Casting a critical eye over the blooms in the greenhouses.
Good shot sir... croquet on the lawn -a traditional pastime in English country houses.
Seven kids an adult is some big load for the railway, run by Milton Keynes Model Society.
Wolverton Express 6th June 1975
Cosgrove Hall, the country home of property king Mr Charles Mackenzie Hill, is up for sale. The millionaire tycoon is quitting the rural life completely to live at his London residence in Belgravia.

Mr. C. Mackenzie Hill
And his decision comes soon after the failure of a scheme to transform Cosgrove Lodge Park, which he also owns, into a luxurious “millionaire’s row” housing estate. The plan raised a strong clash of opinion in Cosgrove. Some villagers were for it, but others opposed it hotly and local councils fought the scheme at every turn.
Wolverton Express 27th June 1975
South Northants MP Mr Arthur Jones opened Cosgrove Church fete, which was held on Saturday in the grounds of Cosgrove Hall. Mr Jones was then presented with a geranium plant by four year old Caedmon Oakley.
Money raised at the fete, totalling £150, will go to the church restoration fund. The usual stalls, sideshows and competitions were supplemented by the music of Roade School Band and rides on the model railway, supplemented by the Milton Keynes Model Railway Society. The high spot of the afternoon was a display of the martial art by the British Aikido Association.
The afternoon finished with the awarding of the competition prizes, and children’s games.
Wolverton Express 11th July 1975
Wolverton Express 1st August 1975
By direction of Charles Mackenzie Hill, Esq.
The Valuable Antique
A 19th century satinwood Library. Bookcase, a pair demi-lune Side Tables, and pair of Corner Display Cabinets, 17th century oak Refectory Tables, Dressers, Coffers, Armchairs, Cricket, Gate-leg and Side Tables, Chests and Wardrobes. Georgian mahogany breakfront Library Bookcase, Card, Pembroke and Silver tables, Chests of Drawers, pair of Table Globes, also a pair of red lacquer Display Cabinets, pair of Side Tables and a Chest on Stand, an Italian marquetry Centre Table, a Bureau Plat and Regency Bird Cage, Armada Chest, Long Case and Bracket Clocks. Andirons, Bluthner Pianoforte, expensive upholstery, Chippendale design Wall Mirror, Oriental Porcelain Lamps and Cisterns, Pewter, Silver and Plate, Linen, Carpets and Curtains, Garden Vases and outdoor model Railway Engines, Silk and fine Wool Persian Carpets and Rugs, important Sporting and other Oil Paintings, which
PHILLIPS will sell by Public Auction on the premises on WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY August 13 and 14, 1975 at 11 a.m. each day
On view Saturday and Monday prior (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day)
Illustrated Catalogues (Price 50p by post) from the Auctioneers
Blenstock House, 7 Blenheim Street, New Bond Street London W1Y OAS
Telephone: 01-629 6602
Wolverton Express 7th May 1976
COSGROVE Hall, the Northants home of property developer Charles Mackenzie Hill, is on the point of being sold after many months on the open market. The buyer, an established firm of London antique dealers, is expected to clinch the deal for the handsome country mansion as soon as South Northants District Council agrees to a change of use for the hall.
Its proposal is to set up a centre for the wholesale sale of antiques. Cosgrove Hall is seen as an apt setting for the business move - when Mr Mackenzie Hill was in residence the mansion was furnished with valuable period pieces which realised many thousands of pounds at a subsequent auction. A spokesman for the Mackenzie Hill organisation said this week that the sale of the property was still speculative, pending the planning consent. It could be up to two months before the sale is confirmed. Mr Mackenzie Hill, who once had high hopes for turning Cosgrove Park into something of a “Millionaire’s Row”, had his development dreams thwarted by planners and now lives most of the year abroad.